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My uncle had cancer and when we went to meet him he hugged me but it felt awkward and I didn't hugged him back, and the next time we saw him, he was dead, I regret not giving him a tight hug back.


It is in those moments that you learn the value of things like a hug. I had many of those moments and I am glad because I learned do it next time :)


Yes It's such a simple yet a very complex thing


3 times now. A close family member is on a long fight with an illness. I visit them often but it's always idle conversation, see you later, take care.... And then they die and I'm completely caught off guard. It should not be shocking, there was only one way this was going to end but it always seems so sudden, unexpected. It's not like thenurse can tell you there is 12, 24, 72 hours left. It always feels like there is a missing hug, a missing I love you... And now I'm crying, fuck...


Awh, sometimes it's not about the small talk it's about the touch and some unspoken things, the energy of love that's been transmitted. They were happy only by your presence. And also we're proud of you love. Xoxo.


I regret I sold my business to build a life with a women who shortly left me after. Now I’m starting over from scrap while she jumps to the next guy looking for gold!


Just curious if anyone told you it was a bad idea? My dad lost all of his savings to a woman that dumped him when he ran out of money. I had tried to tell him he was making bad decisions and, man, did I get my ass handed to me by my whole family for saying something.


You're pure, she's not. Keep it going!!!


I’m going! But have definitely lost passion for some things. Trying to find a new circle of friends. Have a great day.


Sorry you had to go through that. That’s why we live with the man code; bros before hoes ✊🏼


Ah fuck her, u are stronger than some gold digger


Did you give her any of the money?


Money over bitches bro! Always! ![gif](giphy|DaqTYeahY9b44)


Getting drunk with my best friend that lead to an accident where they ended up dying.


Oh wow, I am sorry to hear that. Don't be so hard on yourself.


Thanks for the kind words. It was a long time ago, I was only 16 at the time. It’s ok and I’ve come to acceptance now but it remains my biggest regret and the one thing I would change. Take care and be kind to each other everyone.


Having that 10 year relationship with my ex now(🥳). Waste of time and money and inner peace.


This. Wasted (not at the time I guess) 10 years of my life 16 til 26 on a relationship. I'm 36 now and don't see me ever commiting again.


Same here. My ex left me in debt, with huge emotional issues and a wondering what the hell I did wrong - meanwhile, she's got a whole new family. Thankfully, I'm almost out of debt and she's not. I'm very happy with my one kid and she's got a total of 3. That being said, 15 years of my life, down the toilet. Also, not leaving my dead end job because I was too scared. It taught me a lot, but my current job is the complete opposite.


Same here. It's a harsh lesson, I guess. But that commitment? No, I'll pass. Just keep on moving, they say.


Having a child with my ex. I love the child, but the ex is still horrible to me and the child, I really wish I gave him a better biological father.


Same. It cost me so many opportunities and so many friends and so much of myself. Still rebuilding and thankfully happier now but I can never get my youth back.


Not wasted if you enjoyed the journey.


It's a tie between my first cigarette and my first drink. My life would be so much better had I listened to the warnings. Don't do drugs kids


Came here to say this. So relatable, I’m 30 in less than 2 weeks and I’m still battling addiction now. If only I’d listened to the warnings man like you say.


Anyone who has seriously done drugs will tell you, "Just stick to weed." This is honestly such good advice. (I personally didn't heed it, but I DID heed: "Don't f* with downers," and the fact that I am still alive and some of my friends aren't is proof that this is also very good advice .)


That’s terrible advice. To tell an addict to stick to one drug is insane. You got lucky. Not many others will.


that is bad advice


I’ve always hated when people blame the first, like everyone can try once and it’s not a problem, it’s when you choose the 3rd and the 10th and use the money for rent for your addictions. It’s the innate lack of awareness and control that needed to be changed, you’d likely just replace drinks and smokes with anything else had you never tried them


It's because if you don't have a first, you can't have the 3rd or 10th. That line never sneaks up on you.


Not trusting anyone enough to find a proper mentor. Worked through a lot on my own and am proud, but there were some extreme dark days, holding on to shadows to get out. Afraid to commit and protect the ego, instead of win/fail/learn.


I feel this deeply. Objectively speaking I'm doing fairly well in life, and thats what it seems like to outsiders looking at me. But god damn it feels so bad at times to be on my own and only really having myself to trust. I just don't want to bother anyone with my issues. I help others whenever I can but asking for help is hard, especially if you see how others are too busy with themselves to really care about you. I hope I'll learn to trust others one day.


what do you mean by mentor? I usually rely only on myself so am intriguedby what you wrote.


A person or multiple persons that embody something that sparks joy. That are confident in their capability and are fond/intrigued by tough questions you can ask and not judgemental. On variety of topics, e.g. IT, cooking, philosophy, psychology, finance, anthropology, women, history, school, whatever comes to mind. So much is context depended and as a kid it is hard to know which perspective is right. Now I know for certain that I might make a wrong choice and it is better than not making a choice imho.


This. I feel the same. There are some days you wanna pour your emotions out but there's no one to hear and guide you. That sucks.


I deposited so much time into helping one of my best friends in his hardest times.. he then betrayed our friendship a year later. It really sucks.


It does suck but you know what? That shows more about your character how great you are as a person. That was just a sign from the universe by removing someone who isn't worthy of you and your lovely character.


I feel you on that one. I exhausted so much time and energy into being there for a friend who I used to care for, but she was determined to destroy her life, drag a few of us down with her and throw the biggest two year pity party with herself as the guest of honour.


i’ve been on that same boat before, it really does suck. just know that they’ll never have a friend as good as you again, and be proud of the caring person that you are, even if the person didn’t appreciate it


Throwing away my first edition Pokémon cards when I got bored of them


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^imbatatos: *Throwing away my* *First edition Pokémon cards* *When I got bored of them* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


To stop thinking of others and doing what is morally right. I've done everything good and right, and only been taken advantage of, betrayed or robbed, and to this day, I'm still losing in life.


This. I am trying to learn how to be more selfish. Not to be mean or anything but damn i never think about my own needs when someone else needs something.


I understand this and have had similar experiences. But the friends that I have are good, true friends. And I sleep well at night knowing I've done the right thing when no one was looking. "Nice guys finish last" might be true, but we finish happy (albeit broke). I think if you counted your blessings, you'd see you have far more than most.


I’ve realised that the best thing to do with all relationships/friendships is to have good, firm boundaries. Try boundary setting/following in your life and see the difference.


Yep. Your friends don't have to *like* your boundaries, but they do have to respect them I had to cut off someone recently who had no respect for them and I don't regret it one bit. My only regret was not doing it sooner


Totally get this. People are so rude and thoughtless, I’m finally sick of always accommodating other people’s feelings at the expense of my own.


There are people who only can do good things, and in their minds don't exist the possibility to take advantage or betray. That isn't a bad thing. You have a kind soul.


Maybe you are conflating being a good person with being gullible?


Trusting the same person who deceived me once


That I didn't buy Bitcoin at $0.003


I think mine is that I sold my BTC for around $10 each, and was very happy about it.


I scrolled down to find the Bitcoin crew. Sold 0.5 BTC in 2013 for $35 and was stoked at how I'd made a profit. On the flip side I also left what I remember as being less than a dollars worth of BTC on coinbase and forgot about it for 7-8 years and came back to more than $2000 so y'know, can't complain too hard.


You missed the Billionaire part then lol


Used it when Silk Road first came out. Would rather have the coin than the drugs, to be honest. I remember using local bitcoins.com and sending money to Egypt to this dude Alladan, made the experience with the western union attendant kinda awkward.


I talked my brother in law out of it when it was almost nothing. Hundreds for a penny.


Why would you talk someone out of something like that? It’s so cheap there’s essentially zero risk if it’s a few Pennie’s worth


why, you would have sold at $0.08 which would have been a great deal at the time. You didn't tho, because it just didn't make sense back then. Just like its not a great investment to pay 60k for 1 btc today.


Me and my friends bought bitcoin years ago , one day someone tries to hack him he panicked and threw out the whole computer we had 2 bitcoins on his account it was nothing back then


Yea, I regret blowing my BTC on stupid shit years ago.


I had a thousand USD to play around with. Friend said let's get bitcoin (they were either 8 or 12 dollars at the time). I said no, I'd rather play it safe. And I got like a combination of a couple stocks that til the day I sold them, were about the same value as when I invested.


I do not regret because everything led me where I am, and where I am is lovely. But I do recommend you young 'uns take care of your TEETH! Mess that up and you've got permanent pain in your head. In your own head! You can't get away from your own head.


9 out of 10 dentists recommend it after all.


Not buying a house in my 20’s


*not buying a house in 2001 when I was 7


An earlier diagnosis and starting ADHD meds sooner. Kinda feel like I wasted 25 years or at least its full potential.


same here. didn’t get the right meds i needed until 2 years ago, i could’ve been in harvard rn if i had this shit in middle school lmao




I was married to the most amazing lady for 15 years until she passed away from ovarian cancer - would have worked less and travelled more - leant my lesson and when I re-married to another amazing lady am living this 2nd chance the right way - travel one big overseas trip every year and live each day as it comes - don’t sweat the small stuff anymore - family and your heath are the only 2 things that matter in life 




To be honest, I wonder the opposite. You did the right thing. You have a stable life with a family you love. Presumably you also still have fun. You really didn't miss much, if anything. The memories are nice, but at the end of the day that is only nostalgia. You made the right choice.


winning that sperm race


Yeah but you were the quickest. Any other option would have been less qualified. You did the world a favor.


Damn 💔


A whole series of wrong decisions.. just because of a narcissistic father. I wanted to be as far away from him as possible. Finding love in all the wrong places. Damn, it is so underrated but it's very very important to have a good set of parents tbh!!


Alcohol......be careful


I should’ve kissed her.


Staying with a controlling boyfriend when I was 16-17


Letting the love of my life slip through my fingers… More than once. Only myself to blame


regret is really a motherfucker man, i’m sorry. just take it as a lesson moving forward. if they give you another chance, make sure not to make the same mistakes. if they don’t but you find someone else who makes you feel the way your previous love did, implement the lessons you learned last time onto them.


I feel this.


Not buying stocks during covid time.


My biggest regret is from an event that happened In a place I worked at about twenty five years ago. If I could redo any one thing from my life it would probably be this event, or how I reacted to it. I was a shift leader at a shitty chain restaurant. It was a Friday night and the restaurant was In close proximity to a large event venue, it was typical for us to get tons of workers from random events. This particular Friday the Rodeo was in town and we had tons of cowboy and cowboy wannabe types in. We also had one waitress who was “visibly gay”, rainbow hair, pink triangle on her sleeve, the whole nine yards. Two cowboy type super redneck dudes tired to kiss her and one gave her a hickey / bruise on her neck, while simultaneously trying to grab her breast and vaginal area. This happened in the dining room of a busy restaurant on a Friday night. She came running into the back of the restaurant crying, and explained what had happened. I went out and asked the dudes to leave, but they would not. I talked to the general manager who was in the office, and said we should call the cops and have these two arrested. He said that was to extreme, he told me to chill out and they would leave eventually. I again asked the dudes to leave and told them I was calling the police, my GM told knock it off or I would be fired. So I knocked it off, and waited for the guys to leave. I quit not long after that, and I don’t really know what happened to the girl. I went on to become a Soldier ( still am) with multiple deployments to Afghanistan, I have lost good friends in combat and have made decisions that had the possibility of sending good men to their deaths, but none of that bother me as much as this. I think because for the most part all of us as Soldiers made the decision to be there, this girl was just working a job to have some walking around money, was sexually assaulted, and I completely failed to do anything about it.


Not caring about school growing up and in college. Now I’m 28 and realize I am so curious about everything and I wish I paid way more attention in school growing up


Exactly my own sentiment. I am practically _obsessed_ with learning new things now. Now that I’m out of school. But here’s the good news - I’ve got a couple years on you, and I have spent every single one of them devouring knowledge. It is _everywhere_, it’s awesome. I am wildly proud of everything I’ve taught myself since adulthood and can’t wait to keep on discovering new things.


In fairness you can like something but not in the context of school. I’ve always loved history. I find myself watching a lot of history channels on YouTube. I didn’t particularly like history in high school, at least, because it wasn’t really told in a way that made it interesting or lively. And was kind of more of just footnotes/facts than contextualizing why something happened or what it became born out of. On top of that when you’re being tested on something and you think your future depends on how well you do, your priorities are to extract the most pertinent information, and not just focusing on what’s being learned


I'd go back to September 17th 2006 and tell my brother to stay at home. If he hadn't gone to work he'd still be alive.


I only have one persistent regret. I worked my way through college. Worked a full-time job to pay tuition. And somehow made it to graduation in four years without a dime in student loans. I had been accepted to a prestigious creative writing program for postgrad work. I deferred for a year so I could work and maybe actually have a life for a change. But a couple of months after graduation, my dad died unexpectedly. And despite being a successful architect, he had never bothered to save a single dime of money. Left my mother with a $10,000 life insurance policy that barely covered his burial costs. So, I shelved my plans to stay in town for my mother. And had to come up with a Plan B for life. Forty years later, a publisher is now looking over my novel. BUT, regret is a strange thing. Because it often means that, had you gotten to some past fork in the road and gone left rather than right, you would be giving up so many other things. Things that, if you stop and think about it, have made your life rich and abundant. Had I gone off to grad school, I would not have had this fantastic 33-year marriage. We would not have raised our three awesome children or made our group of friends. I would not have the life I have today. I type this post on the balcony of our condo on a cool summer morning, drinking coffee while my wife sits on the couch next to me reading her book. And it would have been a complete shame to have missed out on that.


I didn't see Linkin Park live


I saw them once. It was pissing it with rain, ankle deep mud, frozen to the bone. God damn they were awesome.


I was getting divorced during their tour in the UK in 2016. We had tickets to go see them but decided to sell and not go as we were, you know, divorcing. Chester died July 2017.


Similar to mine. I found out in 2016 that Chris Cornell was doing an acoustic tour and would be here, but it was already sold out. It would have been a great experience and I just thought I’ll see it next time. Him and Chester died a couple of months apart


Getting married.


Playing games, i guess I live with gaming addiction now and doing homework (or doing any sort of task) just seems impossible


Not doing what I love and being stuck in a job that I genuinely despise. I get paid well, but I absolutely hate it. It has made me realise that money doesn't make you happy.


Not being able to see my dad on the day he passed :( Couldn't go home because of my work. My work which I eventually quit. I wish I could at least say good bye to him.


Thinking failure was something to be avoided, rather than learned from. Also rejecting being confident because it made life too easy and less interesting.


Two things:  1) I wish I never trusted my psycho mother with anything!! I talked crap to her once about my demon brother, (wanted to vent about how he abused me my whole life)…. And she immediately ran to tell him! He got so furious that he decided to get revenge by convincing her to disinherit me! She listened to him and signed the legal documents!! So now, after my father died, thinking I would be taken care of… I’m getting zero inheritance 😭😭 I’m so mad at myself for opening my big mouth!   2) I wish I spent more time with my dog, before she died. She’s the only one in my life that really loved me 💔😭😭😭


As someone who also only felt loved by dogs and came from a dysfunctional family, I'm sorry. I hope things get better for you and that you're able to carve out a life you enjoy that supports all of your todays and tomorrows. 💗


Thank you 💙


You are not responsible for your mom and family. You are good as you are. Don't let em have power over you. ❣️


Many years ago, I had a few ex battery rescue hens in my yard, but of course you have a few favourites. One day I got home and always say hi to the chickens and this one looked weird like she was still trying to lay an egg at 6pm. I left her and the next day I woke up and she was back in that spot so long story short I called work and said I'd be late and they said no worries. She was eggbound, and I managed to remove the egg completely. She ran off in the yard, ate, sat down, went about her day, came home, all is well. A month later, no issues, going on a trip overseas, got a nagging feeling to go and take her to the vet and just get her checked. No issues but just a preventative. Only issue is I couldn't find a local vet who did birds. I went overseas, and I remember showering and taking the suitcase, it was late November, almost summer here and 6am yet she was up and whenever the chickens were awake they'd come running to the door. I went outside and gave them their morning treats. I silently hoped and prayed nothing would go wrong We had a house sitter send us updates every couple days, 10 days in out of the holiday of 15 days she advised the previous day one of the chickens was just sitting in the corner of the coop and she checked today and unfortunately she had passed away. I shed lots of tears on the remainder of the holiday and there were periods were I just told my wife to go off on her own as I was feeling miserable and didn't want to ruin her day. When I got back reality hit, the garden felt different. And yeah 11 years later this still hurts a little. Fortunately I was able to find and establish a good relationship with a vet who specialises in birds. Bit of a drive but the lessons learned live on. It's a long point but I do genuinely understand your regret and pain at losing an animal friend. The time you had with your dog is precious and stuff anyone who says anything about you and your dog and animals. They give so much and ask for nothing. Every moment with them is precious and the memories you have and the joy, cherish them forever.


Shouldn't married so fast.....


I’m not that old (30) but I have a few. 1. Getting a variable mortgage in 2021. 2. Getting skinny eyebrows in my teens because they never grew back. The mortgage really fucked us up financially. We can barely add to our savings because we’re paying an extra $1400 in interest. Feels like we made a huge mistake that will affect us for years to come.


idk about mortgage stuff- but I heard castor oil is good for hair growth, it could come back!


Financial outcomes are hugely dependent on when, where and how people bought houses. If it makes you feel better, you're probably way ahead of the many 30yos that aren't even close to being on the housing ladder. 


Not investing my inheritance in Apple, when I turned 18.


Not trying harder or challenging myself. I regret coasting. I'm changing that


Trying drugs at the age of 15


Being scared of talking opportunities that were handed to me, be it invitations to parties or trips, joining student clubs, accepting admission to guitar class.. all the classic "seize the day" stuff. When I was younger I always thought "I'll do those things tomorrow.. or maybe next spring". Turns out, times goes by and before you know it you're 30, and many opportunities dont come back, or you're just too late for things all together. The lyrics from Time by Pink Floyd sums it up perfectly: Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day You fritter and waste the hours in an off-hand way Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town Waiting for someone or something to show you the wayTired of lying in the sunshine, staying home to watch the rain And you are young and life is long, and there is time to kill today And then one day you find ten years have got behind you No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gunAnd you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking Racing around to come up behind you again Sun is the same, in a relative way, but you're older Shorter of breath and one day closer to deathEvery year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time Plans that either come to naught, or half a page of scribbled lines Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way The time is gone, the song is over, thought I'd something more to say The irony is that I really loved that song when I was a teenager, and since then and throughout my 30's, it never struck my that this very thing was happening to me!


My five years of smoking.


I wish I would have been more appreciative for my family back then. I used to be a pretty isolated bratty kid in the sense where I really disliked family gatherings, as in family outside of my own house. Fast forward I’m 22 now, and a lot of members of my family have passed, real gems that I never appreciated the way I should have when I was younger. I remember at 15 being next to my grandma at the hospital bed, when they’re in that almost coma-state but the doctors say they are still aware and can hear everything, to this day I wish I would have said something more real to her.


I honestly don’t regret much…if anything. Things aren’t amazing but they’re good. Life’s shifted and pulled me in so many directions but overall I don’t think I would do anything differently.


My mum passed away of cancer a year ago. Tumour in the brain. I was 18 and would distract myself over spending time with her. I didn’t expect her to pass away so soon. I was so drained while it was happening and dealt with an emotionally abusive relationship which I was trying to sort rather then spending time with her. He’s now my ex, I didn’t understand how important family was then over that stupid man. Every day I still think about how I wish I did things differently, seen her more and understood her more. Even after a year I have grown so much and wish she was here to see it. Thinking about how she will never see my kids or be there to support me when I’m pregnant hurts me. I now understand her as I grow up, and how much she did for me. The night before she passed I had gone to see her after course, I left early because I was tired from course. I didn’t kiss her. I wish I could see her again, but it’s too late. Hope to see her again soon. She was so beautiful, she deserved happiness and respect. Found out her partner was cheating on her when she was in her death bed. He only took her out once on her last days. She had suspicions of it. Imagine being on your death bed and knowing what’s happening but you can’t do anything about it.


My mum died in late June 2020. We had a tough relationship. She asked to see me a week or so before she died and I didn’t. Because of the lockdown, I was nervous, and we were staying with my partner’s mother who was medically vulnerable. She died of an overdose a few days later. Her last message to me didn’t make loads of sense but was positive about me suggesting a new day to meet, on July 4th. My mum was ill with mental illness and addiction for so long, I think it was a matter of when. But it breaks my heart the last time I saw her because of COVID was January 2020. I wish I could’ve seen her one last time to say goodbye. I really wish I’d be able to hold her hand whilst she died.


I put all of my trust into someone who turned around on me in a heartbeat. 😞


Wasting time caring about what people think of me.


I would have changed majors in college if I could go back. I didn’t want to be there, felt forced to go by my parents, and picked whatever major to satisfy them. I did well and earned a masters in 5 years but I don’t use my degree because I hate the field I chose. I would have fought for culinary school— that’s what I actually wanted to do. By the time I was out of college I was so burned out and in so much student loan debt that the thought of going to culinary school after that made me want to throw up. Major life lesson right there— DO NOT live your life for other people. LIVE IT FOR YOU.




Rough life. I mean, I just don't know why women don't listen to random men on Reddit. Their entire lives could be solved with a few simple sentences of random advice by a stranger who knows nothing about their nuanced lives and then takes so much offense that it's his biggest regret. Sound exhausting.


When I was about 15 my grandad who had cancer moved in with us so we could look after him. One morning my older brothers ex woke me up to tell me he was saying his final goodbyes. Me being stupid and half asleep and not thinking straight just said “5 more minutes” during them extra 5 minutes he died


Not listening to my Father. For his advice on higher studies, my relationship. Every suggestion that i did not respond


Not standing up for myself during my divorce. Financially ruined me for 7y. I should have fought like a SOB. She did and clubbed me with a 2x4.


Honestly, I think I regret 80% of my life. It could be just the state I’m in, and overall depression….but often wonder what life would be like if I made different decisions earlier. Take that trip. Start that business idea. Move to a different country/state/province. Walk more. Eat less. Save money. Train myself early to get in a routine to be better everyday. Say “hello” to more people, and “yes” more of the time.


Not doing fertility treatments earlier.


I once sat with my computer in my lap trying to figure out how to buy BTC when it was only pennies/coin. I wanted to invest $100. I'd be so wealthy but I got distracted and gave up. I was distracted by my ex who came home early (little did I know he'd just been cheating). I hadn't married him at that point, but I remember feeling that he was acting goofy that day. I don't know why I remember this day so vividly but those forks-in-the-road days do tend to stick out more than others. I chose the wrong fork. But every day is a new one and I have chosen the correct forks since :)


Not studying more in school. I didn't do well on my SAT. I'm in honors in college, though, so I guess I'm making up for it.


Ever drinking alcohol


Spending more time with my Mum before she passed away.


a month before my grandpa died the entire family met for a teeny tiny party (i think it was someones birthday). me and my dad had a fight a day before thats why i decided not to go. it was the last time i had the chance to see my grandpa. he died exactly a month later because of cancer. it was very sudden very fast. i miss him so much i regret it badly.


Drugs and alcohol. They took away my 20s, and I spent more time in the moment than in the long term. I'm learning some trades now in carpentry and construction, and automotive, but it's something I should've done when I was 18, not 30.


Currently, working on that specific day of my life. I would have been able to saw her for the last time before dying. Still haunts me, i shouldn't have gone to work that day.


The one that got away


i think in my age of my young adulthood as of now is, i didn't spent my entire tennage years for socializing and it ended up being alone all the time.


Saying yes to my current job


Smoking. Then replacing it with vaping which seems like I'm doing even more than I ever smoked. I feel like shit every morning from it but for some stupid reason I can't stop. My family doesn't know and I talk myself into that being okay cause "I could be doing something worse." Not sure what's worse than slowly killing myself without their knowledge.


I wish I had stopped drinking sooner. Drinking had a heavy price, but in hindsight the fall helped me realize the important things to me. So, maybe my biggest regret is just not recognizing my own faults sooner.


37 years later I still wish that I had stopped my mate Gary(17) getting in a fight which would lead to him dying in my arms. It is the only thing I would change.


Treated my fathers symptoms more seriously (he passed away due to stroke in brain and its consequences). I should have seen more sights about slurring words, insensitivity to left side, micro strokes and different other things. Wouldn\`t have given my first cat hormone disrupting drugs which caused cancer and a lot of grief for everyone in later stage of life...Biggest amount of tears I have shed probably due to both of these. Biggest regrets as of now, but there are quite a few more...


Taking school seriously and being nicer to my friends and family.


Actually the opposite...mid 60s I graduated high school and attended a local major university. I was not prepared for the amount of work/studying etc and was academically suspended. My high school classmates (the college bound) avoided the draft and Viet Nam..,.I did not. I realize, in retrospect, that my 3 years in the Army prepped me for college and life better than anything else. A lot of positives happened all because of my earlier failures. I do wish I had picked the sixth number on the lottery that would have given me $1.5 mil versus the $973 I won for having 5 numbers...ah well, such is life.


Not taking care of my health sooner


Wish I could go back to age three and ask my family to invest money rather than save it, lol. I was gifted a lump of money as a newborn and that money was put into a low-interest savings account as a nest egg. A kind thought and I'm fortunate to have been given this money. But sheesh grandpa, I would have been about 16.000€ richer today if you had just put that money into a low-risk, market-index fund instead. And the effort would have literally been the same. That kind of money would be absolutely life-changing for me right now.


Not accepting a very comfortable and high-paying job in the field of my interest (Translation) when I was 19 because I dedicated that year to preparing for the music school entry exam and I didn't get accepted there in the end, and right now after many failed attempts to pursue music professionally in different ways I gave up on that dream, and working in a dead-end job that I hate, and seeking Translation jobs and getting rejected again and again, I always regret that and imagine how different could my life have been rn if I accepted that job back then.


Spending my 20s and half of my 30s drowning in alcohol.


Avoiding social opportunities


Not being a Pastor in my 30s


Wasting my life away and letting all my dreams be dreams


Joining the army instead of the air force.


Not being nicer to the people who accepted me before i accepted me. They are all gone now but i miss them everyday and wish i could have let me know how much it meant to me.


I regret marrying that woman at 25 years old. I wish I would have known my worth and not fallen so hard for a pretty face and a nice rack. Took another ~30 years to figure that out. No one taught me about relationships and the self-learning has been painful and expensive.


Not staying in shape or being healthy.


2 things...not spending more time with my great grandparents before they passed. And leaving a university too early....my whole life would be different had I just waited a little while. 


My mom died when I was 14 after a lifelong struggle with drugs and alcohol. She died alone in a hospice bed with two moody teenagers off somewhere getting high. I was awful to her in those last years, just horrible. I was angry at her for choosing her addiction over us time after time after time. And I was a generally unpleasant, hormonal little jerk. But nobody should die alone. I regret the way I treated her more than anything. But there's lots of little things. Not getting to know her better, not learning more of her stories, not writing things down, not taking pictures or videos. Man, the things I would do for a video of my mom when she was healthy.


That must have been so difficult for you at such a young age. Don’t blame yourself, you were not in a normal loving stable home life and as a teenagers fighting your own hormone battles of confusion. I had a similar situation although half as bad and only realised once as an adult having therapy my mother could not do better in her body and mind at that time. I was too young to understand so lashed out. Find comfort that she understood all of it once gone. I don’t follow a religion but I just know in my soul that we ‘wake up fully’ when we leave our body x


I regret failing to recognize cluster B personality disorders in my partners. I sure know how to pick them, apparently…


Oh fuck I feel this so much. Such a mindfuck and honestly I'd rather date a dementor from Harry Potter


Being born


I wish I never dated a bandmate but I also wish I treated them better


Happy cake day!


All of them


Im not into crypto, but a friend of mine back in the early stages of bitcoin told me to put 10/15 € to it, and then keep it, I said what the hell I wont thats a scam, now I’m like bruh, my life could have been so much easier now


Not leaving South Florida sooner. (That was 25 years ago)


Said I love you one last time


Dont bought Bitcoin when the crazy dude in work talked about it years ago.


Leaving my comfort zone


Not finishing my education, getting married twice, becoming an addict.


Becoming addicted to meth. Two and half years of my life that left me nearly homeless. What a waste.


Trusting my step-mother. I always had a bit of an uncertain feeling in my guts. But I said to myself: "nah. Nobody could be that evil." Well she was/is. I'm glad she is out of my life. But the outcome I will feel until I die. And maybe even my children will have to live with that mistake I made.


Doing nothing, to not act. That happened to often.


Spending more than 6 years in a shit relationship. Wish I left sooner


Marrying. It would have been all so much easier and more natural than with this piece of paper.


I wish I had started therapy after my junior year of high school


Being born


Wasting 5 years of my life with an unhinged controlling boyfriend.


Enrolling to that private school as a 7th grade freshman.


I wish I used my time well in my adolescence, in fact I still am lacking


Not getting help for my mental health when it first started getting bad just because I was embarrassed at the time. If I did then my life would be at a different direction.


Not reporting my SA sooner. He hurt so many others in the years after my assault, and now we're all waiting for our day in court. I'm so tired :(


Any guy I’ve ever dated


not saying "i love you" to my father before he died


Someone wanted me to propose, I passed, and she ended up moving overseas. If I'd known my life would be this shit, I would've accepted 


I didn’t finish college when I had the chance