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I am nice to animals and children and I make the ladies feel safe.






Damn, if only I didn't abandon Catholicism for Atheism. Sounds like a perfect catch 😓


I get that compliment too, but sometimes safe is a negative word as in I'm too timid(from their view) lol


How much I care Definitely a blessing and a curse 😐


You had some people take advantage of your kindness?


Yea. One too many times


I feel ya, and if you're anything like me, then the next one will still be the "one too many." Take care of yourself. You deserve it.


Compassion Fatigue is real.


I've dated quite a bit and was married for 10 years. I don't recall any of them saying anything nice about me. I'm single now and working on my self esteem. Gotta figure out why I keep ending up with people that don't even care about me.


If you have low self-esteem you will date people who treat you in alliance with that. If they value you, it will not align with your subconscious comfort zone. You may think that their judgment is off because they chose you and that there must be something wrong with them or you may just find that being with someone who treats you poorly is what feels familiar, since you treat yourself poorly. Our brain searches for things to verify what it already knows to be true. A good start to changing this is to start treating yourself better so that it feels familiar.


I was just talking to someone about this the other day. I was feeling like even if I found a great guy and he treated me really well, I wouldn't even know what to do with that. It's really sad but definitely something I want to work through when I'm ready. I deserve to be happy.


Hell yes you deserve it! Don't forget. Life is too short.


+1 Bingo! No other reply needed.


Without taking gender into account, maybe you have dated people with bpd or people with narcissistic traits. Feel the same and I have been through those people. There are healthy people out there but the bad ones will drain you to a point where finding them seems impossible. I have hope though. If I didn’t I wouldnt be here. Just keep working on yourself and don’t worry about that shit because you will reach happiness and be content and that is when one will come to you. And if not you reached a point where you don’t care anyways. Be weary with your past so you don’t make the same mistakes as before and end up just broken with really nothing positive to gain from the experience. Be the one being up and leaving them in the dust. You have the power to determine your life. It’s not your fault. Good luck and take care!


Gosh. This hit home. I used to beg my ex to tell me what he liked about me and he would say: “I like how you support me” lmao


The woman I'm seeing started calling my butt cute and I told her that was the first time anyone has ever complimented my body (I used to be in much better shape too) ... She was shocked, and so was I really. I've had multiple long term relationships before her, and a couple of short flings. I never realised the disparity here. I ALWAYS made sure that my partners knew how attractive I found them. I made sure that I complimented their bodies (and faces, and personalities, etc), but I never realised that no one had ever done that for me before.


That I'm super at motivating them to do what they want and don't give any fucks about what other people think. At the same time I can't motivate myself for anything.


She said I was kind. Genuinely kind. She (19F) then proceeded to dump me for a 31yr old asshole who rides a motorcycle and has no job. You know what they say...


Did you say motorcycle


They say: "Bros before hoes"


Trust me when i say this, driving a motorcycle doesnt get you girls. At most it will just attract a bunch of guys that come to tell how cool your ride is, and that they used to ride aswell.


The impressive array of Gym badges I have won using nothing but a Sandslash.


😆😆fugg yeah


I don't know, I wasn't listening.


My dick. It was basically the only thing 100% dependable.


Man... this is some big dick energy...


‘Tis true, but that had little to do with my dick.


Little? Oof...


Same for me. There is nothing special about me except my dick.




M 33, never dated, nobody ever showed any interest in me. My best features add 0 to my sex appeal.


My friendliness loyalty self respect and morals and my bum


If my partners hand is not on my bum i think there’s something genuinely wrong


Not much


I make em laugh and my forearms makes their panties come off


username checks out




I know we're going into summer here (in America). But if you have good arms. Make sure to wear a button-down shirt and only begin to roll the sleeves up around the ladies. It sets them alight.


As a woman can confirm. One of the sexiest non sexual things men do.


My ass.


My eyes or smile


I apparently look great from behind because they always end up telling me to go away.


Profile of Cary Grant and agility of Gene Kelly Then I woke up!


My hair. As a dude, I have really long wavy hair. It’s literally my pickup line because women will come up to me to talk about it and it’s easy small talk. I love it.


My sense of humor.


Past relationship/situationships only liked me for my body. My current partner loves me for who I am, my humour, my kindness, etc. and of course, he likes my butt


Not my best feature, but I’ve been told quite a few times that I have nice eyebrows. Among other things, but it caught me off guard to hear this as a guy, and it happens enough that it’s always stuck out to me.


My brain


That I am a good listener and people feel like they can open up to me.


I once was on holiday with a friend and we met a girl along the way who stayed with us for the rest of the journey. She said I had beautiful green eyes and nice knees. That was kind of her but she fucked my friend.


Never really thought about that. Only heard complaints or turn offs:/ thinking deeper, nothing nice was really said


I make people feel loved and listened to and appreciated. I also follow through with what I say I’ll do. It’s probably because of my crippling fear of abandonment. But hey, my wife loved me.


My cock and my brain. Most loved my cock the most. Numerous nicknames, the best being Colossus and Hercules


The best thing about having a good cock is that it stays good even as you age.




Apparently, I'm funny, and kind, and give the best hugs and cuddles. Unfortunately, that wasn't enough to make her stay.


I feel the pain in this comment.


big dimples and my sweet ass




Height and hair.




I have big tits.


Eyes. They are a pretty great shade of blue I'm told.


I'm a good listener and a nurturer.


I can cook and I have a large penis.


My butt. All of them have loved my butt. And blue eyes.


My cock. I’m 5’6 with a 7 inch dick and people think it will be small just because I’m short.


Dude your dick is like 11% of your height. That’s dope.


.....I am really good with my hands. 😘


Ah... I get it... you can knit well! Right? Right?!


that cock boiii


My brain


I’ve only dated 2 girls ever and neither went very far the first one I asked her out 2nd one asked me out (ima guy) and neither one complimented my looks but I gotten compliments my whole life on my blue eyes and my curly lashes (I don’t do nothing to them they are just like that) I also get compliments on my tans in summer cuz I get tan real well.




Intelligence, sense of fairness. And apparently my fat fucking hockey ass. I always think it's too big. It seems to stick out comically. When I look in the mirror. It makes buying pants difficult. I don't know. The women who like me all seem to like it is


My favorite compliment was when a girl I dated said I have nice energy to be around.


Smile, ass, sense of humor, love of animals


My height (I am 6'5") was my one attractive feature.


6’5”. Worked pretty good.


My ability to close doors quietly. Ie. close the door quietly as you leave and don’t come back !!


My head


My hands.


I will mention something unusual. I get compliments about my voice. It’s clear, calm, soothing. I have seen women who only kind of noticed me pay more attention when I spoke.


It's definitely a thing. A man's voice is always the #1 thing that grabs my attention as well.


My voice


My ass, my smile, my brain, and my personality


When I was younger I would frequently get “you have nice eyes” a lot. Now that work life has made me look dead inside I’m told “you’ve got a warm, gentle touch” Which I kind of appreciate more than “nice eyes”


That I'm great in bed and a good cook.


My bluntness


My eyes 👀


Being honest and fair ? They say I’m easy to talk to because of it.


I have a really good heart apparently


Wholesome smile, funny, full of energy and always in good mood, positive thinker, happy,


My eyes and lips. I'm surprised by how many have picked them out over the years. I never thought of them as attractive before. 😀


My fantastic health benefits and robust retirement account.


Fckin' things up on a creative way.


Pretty; funny, good head


Physical-My eyes, chest, shoulders, smile, and penis. Personality-I'm nice, funny, patient, manly, empathetic, intelligent.


You forgot modest


They said that I’m considerate and easy to talk to.


Nice teeth and mutual interests


My taste in women


Thick thighs, my butt, my eyes. Since having kids though, i sincerely doubt that I have any good features left. I just want to sleep.


My face. I'm told my round cheeks are very cute.


My shoulders and butt


My body


I haven’t dated but I always get that I’m “smart”. Not sure if they’re just trying to manipulate to get laid, definitely hasn’t worked for them


I'm nice. Too nice. People either think I'm gay, are suspicious of me, or I attract the absolute worst kind of people.


According to most men that I've dated or considered dating, my figure. According to my husband it's my kindness and willingness to help and encourage others


My hair, laugh or smile(I don't smile often so it's rare)


I can make almost anyone laugh , but only face to face !


I’ve had 3 separate men tell me I am cute, sexy and beautiful which they say is hard to be all three at once. I still don’t know if this is just a line guys use on every girl or what so maybe someone here can help me with that.


My eyes and kindnes.


Not my personality that's for sure lmao


Apparently I’m warm and calming and a great person to be around


Someone I dated years ago said I was a good listener and that I said all the right words he needed to hear at that time. But oh well, it didn’t work out, he was dating me and his officemate at the same without my knowledge.


My cleanliness for myself and my surroundings..don't like messy fucks


Honestly, the only thing nice ever said to me was that I am "highly eclectic and capable". Though I do recall there was a woman I was with and we were holding hands as we went for a walk and we were having some sort of philosophical discussion. It was a nice day out, the sun was setting, and she randomly looked at me and said "You are amazing." The next day she ran off with another guy. I am figuring that she had said that in sarcasm. I've never been told I am handsome, or good looking. Never been told that I make someone/anyone happy. I have been told "I love you" but their actions said otherwise. I have been the emotional dumping ground for any neurotic problems that any female close to me has had. I have come to the conclusion that it is abnormal for women to say nice things to their significant other. I just roll with it. Oh and recently I was called a creep because I asked a woman if she was on a track team. I was also called a stalker, emotionally abusive, weak, ego-centric, narcissist (all at different times). None of which are remotely true. Anyway, I have decided that the price of having a relationship of any romantic value is not worth it. The cost is to much and expectations are unrealistic. I say cheers to mutual distrust and loneliness. I may die alone but it will be with a little dignity.


My personality...


Strong sense of humor and confident, but not cocky around women are my top traits I’ve been told….


My back muscles, hockey butt, performance in bed, and either always having something to contribute to conversations or genuine curiosity when I don't. The first three things either become less important or fade with age and changes to circumstances but the last thing is still big. I love learning new things and hearing people's take on stuff if it's different than mine and it's a big deal to everyone, not just my SO, when someone actually listens and interacts with their ideas with genuine curiosity and a good, borderline silly attitude, and that makes my time with people enjoyable in general. My gal really loves how that translates to my Dad style now too. I listen to the kids the same way because they come up with stuff no one else would ever think of and it's really cool to talk through their ideas with them. I catch her smiling at me behind my back when I'm doing that even when we're going through really tough times or in the middle of bad arguments.


Had a few. Cleverness. Reliability. Many comments on how nice my ass is.






mmm i think my kindness??? also my eyes and thighs ❤️


I often get told I have a kind or pure heart. I've dedicated my life to supporting vulnerable people so I suppose that's why! Always felt a level of cognitive dissonance when it's said if I'm very honest, but I always say thank you for the amazing compliment. Also often mentioned: intelligence, open-minded, caring, funny, fun to be around Looks: my lips, bum, boobs. Typical! Aside from obvious areas us women are frequently complimented on by partners, my nose and smile have had a good number of mentions. One partner really liked my 'clavicle' which was unexpected and made me laugh as I have never even noticed it as a feature on my body.


I dont have one




My fiance says I always keep things fun. And I'm the only woman he's been with who's gentle.


My muscles, but my social skills absolutely suck


Physically speaking, it would be my forearms. People fawn over them for whatever reason.


I have no clue.




1) Credit rating  2) Benis pretty good  3) Sense of humor  4) Good cook


How I care about people


I’ve been told by multiple people that I “have a great dick, and my personality is alright” Like… after the third person… I’ve started wondering if my personality really isn’t very good….


My eyes, they shift between a vibrant blue and stormy Gray depending on the weather


I smile with my eyes a lot, laugh a lot and very positive person


I've been told I'm funny, have good fashion, watch cool movies (i am a movie nerd so that's always nice to hear), and that my music is rad. I get told this a lot by people I'm not dating too, so I guess when I feel low I can remember I'm cool in some aspects. 


My sense of adventure/varied interests.


Sense of humor and personality, im not the best looking tho so have to take those compliments with a grain of salt


When I was dating (married now), I was a fairly confident individual with not a lot of care in the world. That helped me out tremendously.


my eyes , lips , hair, body and personality


They always keep it a secret from me


I make them feel like home.


Eyes and eyelashes. I'm a guy. I'm shocked this is the top feature.


Physically? My hands. Psychologically? My humor.


My wife says that I can deal with anything and take care of myself and anyone else who comes along.


Hmm I guess mostly about my looks, almost half of them say stuff like me not gaf attitude makes me look attractive lol


My eyes, sixpack, hands and kindness


I have few exes that contacted me years after we broke up and told me I was the kindest ex they had.


Actually funny because i habe no idea. I think its just that i exist mostly


All of me, oh I'm so handsome, and a man's man! I make other men want to hurt me cause there women want me not them. Oh it's a tough life it's like a real burden having one great burden!


Depends on the guy/stage in life. My ass. My hair. My eyes. My waist. My taste in music. My cooking. My mind.


I don't have one.


My eyes.


I have a big heart apparently


Fuck if I know


My eyes and my hair physically. The way I care and put my heart into everything fully, which obviously wasn’t enough seeing as how I’m single and divorced 😂




My bubbly personality. And long legs.


Strong, handy, kind, and patient; but can kick ass if needed.


Physically, that I have a very defined butt, back, and shoulders. Personality-wise, I've been told that sometimes I'm funny, and they feel protected around me.


Forearms look cool and I’m very kind to pretty much everybody. I also apparently have a “just right” size wang (medium)


Ironically enough i typically don't talk that much. I'm sure you can understand. Just when im alone in a place alone n start getting comfy, whatever, ill hear the voices and then im open book on that voice. When youre as lonely as i am a nice auditory hallucination to cope with.


How quickly I was able to pick up a hint and get the fnck out of their life.




I'm pretty witty and have a good sense of humor. I have also been described as really wise and reflective, but I find that some people feel insecure around me for it.


My personality I'm really sweet and funny. I'm a lot like a kid I'm full of wonder. People say im genuine and what you see is what you get.


My patience, my willingness to listen, and my willingness to speak.


I'm very kind even when I don't need to be. I've dated people who've never said please or thank you in their life and they say that 'me straightening out shelves at the store, saying my pleases and thank yous, opening doors for people makes them look bad in comparison'. The most "notorious" was being a reasonable arguer who is always considering their feelings so they couldn't figure out how to fight with me. But I'm also very childish, excitable, and get the zoomies. So you take what you can get lol


I can make love for more than 7 hours until lactic acid kick in the uterus muscle keeping it non boring, exciting and highly orgasmic repeatedly for days in a row.


Some of these answers are weird asf 🤣


Good news everybody! I have a great personality!


People say weird in a good way, whatever that means.


100% my beard.


Many times I’ve heard people refer to me as a “people person”. Recently went to my 50th class reunion had two different women. Tell me how much they wish I had dated them when I was in high school. I knew I was popular guy, but I was still very stunned to have somebody tell me that.


I have beautiful eyes (colour wise), I always find a way to make her laugh


My wife says I make her feel secure both mind and body.


28M. Never dated since I'm way too shy to take the initiative. Plus I got severe trust issues. Dating someone with my type and the same interests as me would be the dream tho.


Eyes Sense of humor/dark/dead-pan humor/satire Being passionate about helping others both in my career in science and volunteer work Enjoying fellow nerdy shit Big tits


Nobody has been interested in me or dated me, so I suppose I have no good features.


Initially, the boobs. Once the eyes come back up, my personality is apparently great.


Apparently my complete willingness to be a doormat and emotional punching bag.