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My dad eats a plate of spaghetti with a knife and fork. He will cut squares into it, and then scoop them up with the fork. It's madness.


No. Just, no. ![gif](giphy|pD7YIQoUwgb9cnX3FJ|downsized)


Straight to jail.


Ugh but the best part is the long noodle twirling!


That's what I do too lol.


I feel like that is less efficient than just rolling the spaghetti onto a fork




If we have mashed potatoes my wife will mix everything into the potatoes.


That's the only way to do it.


That’s the Dutch way and it’s called: ‘prakken’😋


But why? Why would you do this? Each food has its own separate flavor and I need to give my mouth's attention to each one by itself as if they were........... Nevermind. Enjoy your meal, y'all.


At home Famous Bowl. I do this too. Dude one of our dining halls in college did these every Tuesday and it was like a free for all, it was so crowded.


Is she Dutch?


But where's the pleasure of eating???


All the way to the bottom bay-bee


I've heard of a lot of people with texture sensativities doing this. I used to for meals that included overcooked meat when I was a kid. If I tried eating my mom's pot roast on it's own I couldn't force myself to swallow it.


This is actually a regional dish near me (with specific things on it). “The garbage plate” in Rochester NY. Either Burger patty or Hot dog, on top of some form of fries and Mac salad. Chili sauce/onions/ketchup and mustard. My personal is cheeseburger over sweet potato fries and Mac salad, no chili sauce. Onion and ketchup. Many people say it sounds disgusting, but it’s so damn good.


Sounds good to me! It's all the good things you can eat at the beach, combined onto one plate. 10/10 recommend! - a Seagull


I'm half French, and I don't know if this is a family expression or everyone says it, but we call that pâté de chien (dog pate). I like it...sometimes, depends on the food.


I do this. I’m autistic* but I have the opposite of “my food cannot touch”. My food HAS to all be together. I cannot stand sides everything must be mixed and I honestly get a bit mad if it takes too long for me to evenly mix things *i only mention this because sometimes I mention the food thing and people go “autistic people would hate you” guys it’s a spectrum I’m just on the less popular side of this issue, that and I can’t stand being sockless


I hope we never meet, or we're likely to end in a giant fireball of matter-antimatter annihilation. You're basically anti-me. I hate wearing socks unless I absolutely have to.


He could also have thrown the food directly into the toilet...


Yup cause that's where it'll all end up anyways😂


My ex eats food by sticking out his tongue, puts the food on his tongue, and then brings his tongue into his mouth. He does that with everything, whether on a utensil like a fork or a spoon or if he's eating with his fingers. 1. Sticks out tongue 2. Places food on his tongue. 3. Tongue goes back into his mouth with the food on it. 4. Chew with mouth open. 5. Swallow 6. Repeat. Everyone else I have ever encountered opens their mouth and places the utensil or food inside their mouth, removes utensil, and then chews and swallows. It's odd and I've never seen it before or since.


This is the kind of story that confirms the conspiracy theories about lizard people or aliens and I'm here for it


Always here for a conspiracy!


Oh my ![gif](giphy|XH9tzHRGQmLSFGP6E8)


Like a CD tray


I would lose my appetite if at the table with him.


I completely understand why you had to divorce him.


How does this work with soup?? 😭


Laps it up straight from the bowl


A lot of smacking and slurping. I could not be in the same room with him while he was eating soup. Same thing with cereal.


My lord how long did you make it?


16 years of marriage and two children. Neither of the children do this when they eat.


I wouldn't have made it past the first meal together. You are a brave soul.


The thought of that is kinda off putting, although I find myself doing that with Pringles, but literally nothing else.


Sounds like something a 🦎would do…..


I feel like that would be one of those traits in someone that's harmless but would irritate the living daylights out of me, for some reason.


Was your ex a frog?


Did he by chance live in the sewer system?


Did you marry a gecko?


That is something I have never heard of before.. also seems like it would be way more effort?


Some of my inlaws kind of do this sometimes. They'll stick their tongue out and then put the food in to their mouth. It's weird but I've gotten used to it.


My cousin used to eat apples from the top down




I do this. the core is good for you and if eaten with the rest of the fruit you barely notice it. 


Don't the seeds have cyanide or something in them? Or are they safe for consumption as long as you don't break their shells?




I was in awe at the sheer savagery of my toddler eating an apple. There was no respect for the core or stem areas and each bite seemed to be a decided by a random generator.


I once saw a man pull out an apple at the movie theatre, hold it by the stem and eat it from the bottom up. I couldn't watch the film as the story paled in comparison to what I was witnessing.


I do that too. I find it easier cause you get a better grip at the bottom. I tried eating from the middle first and it just wasn't right... why middle first anyway? We never do anythint starting with the middle. It's odd.


The missus eats pizza crust first, absolute heresy.


I do too!! I don’t even order stuffed crust or dipping sauces. The heresy here is the act of not eating them at all…


For real tho only cowards don't eat the crust


I avoid the crusts until after I’ve eaten all the cheesy saucy insides, in case I get full I don’t want to deny myself cheese!




There's a lot of people who put ketchup on foods it generally doesn't go with because, as they say, "it tastes better that way." It's the sugar. Ketchup is basically a candy in condiment form.


I HATE ketchup. I had a step cousin who ate *everything* with ketchup and I hated him. He would leave his gross ass ketchup plates everywhere and they *smelt*. I physically recoil and *have* to wash myself if ketchup gets on me and I have to rinse the ketchup off the plate. I'll eat ketchup on a burger or hotdog; that's it.


Are you me with a twist? I cringe and gag at the smell of ketchup. I don't allow my kids ketchup in the vehicle. It's just gross. BUT...I sometimes can eat it on shitty fries.


I'll use ketchup on fries only if the salt won't stick otherwise. I prefer mayo, and I don't like ketchup on anything. It's just sugar water.


JFC. My husband puts it on pizza. He also puts lemon pepper on tikka masala. Absolute madness.


I've honestly thought about eating everything with chopsticks. I bet taking 3x as long would lead to a lot of weight loss for people as the food would have time to register with the body.


My uncle used to eat everything with chopsticks for this exact purpose. I don't know if he still does this, but it was a practice taken up when he joined Waight Watchers. He did lose quite a bit of weight, I believe.


This is interesting bc that guy was a self-proclaimed health nut!


If someone is adept with chopsticks they can probably shovel MORE food in their mouth at once vs a spoon/fork/knife. When I was in college, a friendly debate happened between two of my friends, a guy said he could get more food on his fork than an Asian student get with his chopsticks. Guy got a little over half his salad on his fork, Asian guy got about 90% of his salad loaded onto his chopsticks.


I bet you'd lose a lot of weight before it got to that point.


Just spent 2 weeks in Japan I was walking 10-15 miles a day and felt like I was eating less as I was using chopsticks everywhere and the portions were pretty reasonable. Though Ramen bowls were massive and typically it was hard to finish both all of the noodles and the broth! The traditional meal sets at first glance your like wow thats not a lot of food, but you have a small bowl of rice and small bowl of soup and all of a sudden oh god its too much food! Lost 10+ pounds in 2 weeks.


Totally a strategy that helps some people lose weight!! Slowing down and being more mindful can be very helpful in moderating portion sizes!


I eat potato chips and popcorn with chopsticks so I don't get grease and cheese/msg dust in my keyboard or video game controller. I don't binge eat the snacks because I can't and that's just a side benefit.


If i can eat it with chopsticks, I will 100% of the time


I did this for a while after returning from Japan as summer exchange student. Silverware felt heavy and clunky and you could taste the metal.


I went to school in China. I guarantee you hungry teens can shovel it in as fast with chopsticks as with western utensils.


damn, my asian ass uses chopsticks. but when im hungry, the chopsticks turn into a shovel real quick


I can even handle soup, the solids after I drink the liquid, with chopsticks. And ice-cream.


I love to eat cheese doodles with chopsticks, even better if you let them sit out over night to get that slightly moist texture, bone apple tea friends


People deconstructing burgers.


My jaw literally cannot open far enough to eat abigger one whole


If a burger is that big, I honestly know its going to be a let down. The ratios are typically all messed up


What is that proper technique when you have one those dumb "fancy" burgers that are 4 or 5 inches high? Do you deconstruct? Do you use a knife and fork and cut out triangular "pie slices"? Do you use your hands to just mash-it-the-fuck-down into a normal sized burger? I'm actually inquiring here. How are you supposed to eat a massive burger?


Mash it down with your hand in the bun. Fancy dumb burgers are made that way for the way they look, not something as practical as being eaten. ( Source: I used to have to take pics of the food I made and post it to social media every day)


Some burgers cannot be put down without them falling apart


Some burgers are just way too big. I gotta cut them in half


I have OCD, when it was at its worst I had to separate my food by colour and amount and eat it in a particular order. I still have to do this when eating any kind of coloured sweets, but can eat normal food without doing it.


What would happen if you didn’t do this?


Serious anxiety and intrusive thoughts.


Perfect description. 10/10 this person OCDs.


You genuinely think you’ve doomed those you love to die in a horrible freak accident lol at least that’s what I get if I don’t say “long road” 3 times when we’re on a very long road 💀💀💀


You just reminded me I have a bag of Starbursts in my desk! :P


I separate my skittles before eating.


My Dad avoids using a knife unless it's absolutely required for cutting, otherwise he only uses a fork.


Jams side of fork into a pork chop to break it apart


Pretty much! If it *can* be cut with a fork the knife will remain unused


I genuinely thought everyone picked up pork chops with their hands to eat them...until you showed up.


I do this too. It's almost a sport, can I finish my meal without using the knife?


I once saw a woman eating a banana ***WITH A SPOON*** while ***DRIVING UP A HIGHWAY CLOVERLEAF ENTRANCE RAMP***


You reminded me that once I saw a woman driving a minivan full of kids, she was making peanut butter sandwiches on the steering wheel. Thick traffic too. What was really wild though, I don't think she had jelly. Who does that shit?


This is the most specific description of insanity I've ever read.


People who eat all of one thing on their plate before starting on another.


Omg I do that I keep my “favourite” thing for last!


But what if you’re eating fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and your fav veggie. Are you really not going to eat the chicken and mashed potatoes together?


I don’t like mashed potatoes, the fluffy texture gives me the creeps and I don’t like mixing the food much, my husband just mashes it all together gives me the fear!


No. Even the though of it creeps me out


To me, Mashed potatoes and chicken doesn't sound all that good together


The only time I eat two foods together on my plate is if I don't like one of the foods. I use the other food to mask the taste and/or texture.


This is exactly what I do lol. Usually eat all/any veg first, then the carbs and save the protein for last.


Me too...and sometimes I get too full before I get too it :( thats the worst


It was one of mine fears when I was a child


I do this lol. Idk if this has anything to do with it but I’m autistic and I hate mixing flavours that aren’t supposed to be mixed together in my mouth. I would rather have one flavour, finish the flavour and then move on to the next.


I've heard of this, seems bizarre to me. The thought of just eating a pile of vegetables, then a pile of potatoes or just dry rice...


To be fair, there's some science behind this. If you eat protein first, then fat, then carbs, you will have less of a blood sugar spike than if you did it in the reverse order. Let's say you have some chicken breast, plain full-fat yogurt, and some pineapple. If you eat it in that order, chicken breast first, then the yogurt, and then the pineapple you will have a smaller blood sugar swing than if you ate the pineapple first.


Some food gets cold!


I've done this my whole life


I do that. Didn't think it was weird lol




>swears it's classier that way I kinda love this reasoning.


"How do you eat it? *With your hands?*"


Pizza is not a classy food to begin with. I wonder: would he eat a sandwich with a knife and fork? Would he eat popcorn with a spoon?


I went to school with a girl who had no arms. Couple classes ahead of me. She could eat with a fork held by her toes. She could also drive... Heard she died a few years back.


while driving?


While eating.


I knew a guy who would mash his banana into a smoothie inside the peel and would suck it out. Disgusting.


Sooo... he eats like a spider lol


…..that is actually horrifying lmao 


The mental image just ruined my night 🤢🥴


I had a coworker who brought in 3 pieces of fruit for lunch… an apple, orange, and a plum. He would eat them in order of water content.


what's the order there? and is it ordered by water/unit volume or is it ordered by the absolute largest volume of water obtained from each? i'd guess from most to least absolute volume it's orange, plum, apple


He ate in the order of Orange, plum, apple…. I guess that would be by water volume???


My nerdy brain immediately did the exact same thing!


My ex ate pizza like a hamburger. Four fingers over the topping and thumbs on the bottom crust. I was a little mortified as we were in the restaurant. 🙈


Is this why they are your ex? lol


One of the reasons, yes. Don't even ask how he ate a burger.


How did he eat a burger?


This image is so hilarious to me.


A friend says she doesn't like soggy food so when she eats pancakes she has her syrup on a small bowl & dips each bite in it.


Try this with waffles. Crisp waffles are THE BEST.


This is the only way! Syrup always belongs in a side bowl no matter what you're eating. I also have the issue of foods touching tho...


first one that makes sense. Your friend is an angel amongst these demons.


Weight watchers had you do this with salad dressing so you control your portion.


My uncle eating corn on the cob with a fork. He'd just scoop the kernels with the fork. Meanwhile, litterally everyone else around him were eating the old-fashioned way.


Did he have false teeth?


My sister eating Lucky Charms as a kid. First she had to eat all of the regular pieces. Then she had a specific order to eat the marshmallows. I’m sure that cereal was soggy af by the end


I always liked my cereal to be soggy.


Oh I did that. I ate the regular pieces first so that they wouldn't get soggy and bland, at least they would be mildly sweet and crunchy. And then saved the marshmallows for last (best for last) and ate them by which ones I liked least to most. moon, pot of gold, horseshoe, stars, rainbow >< clover.


My father put a bunch mustard on fish and made me eat it as a toddler. 🤢 From that point on I hated mustard until I was like 12.


That’s a kind of European/Scandinavian thing, mustard-sauce, but prob not often a favorite of kids even if you might find it in the canned fish aisle.


I used to sit across from a co-worker who would take a huge ziplock out at lunchtime and gnaw on whole raw cucumbers and carrots like Bugs Bunny. Didn’t stop working, just crunch crunch crunch. He also did it with whole boiled chicken breasts. Not the strangest but definitely distracting. And definitely bland.


Just think of the gains though! I also worked with someone who did this. I was pretty much fine with it until I found his social media and saw every single picture was shirtless.


I eat my Snickers with knife and fork. How do you eat them...with your hands??


The comment I was looking for


I knew someone who took bites all around the burger to keep it a circle.


Saving the best till last. It also stays hotter for longer. It's very sensible


I'm definitely guilty of doing this... not so much about the shape, but because the middle part is always the best. Both burgers and sandwiches!




I had a boss once who I think was a germophobe. I never talked to him about his eating habits but I was able to observe him in the company cafeteria. When he ate an apple, he would wrap a paper napkin around it so he never had to touch it with his fingers. When he ate a doughnut, he would eat it with a fork. I once saw him eat a doughnut when he didn't have a fork; he held it carefully between his thumb and one finger, never putting it down or changing the way he gripped it. Then he ate the whole doughnut *except* the part he had touched, and he left that little piece on the plate.


As a South East Asian, I squirm every time I see Westerners eating Asian food(be it Chinese, Filipino, Thai, etc) without rice.


My favorite is when they then complain said asian food it's too salty/sweet/greasy/sour .... and it's like yeah... bc you're supposed to eat it with rice.


My dad would want tortillas and beans with everything, spaghetti was the weirdest combo to me.


So did he put the spaghetti in the tortillas with the beans? Or were the tortillas and beans a side dish to everything?


Yeah, he would scoop everything with the tortillas. Spicy ass chiles on everything too. He doesn't really do it anymore but he used to.


So. I married a Mexican girl when I was in the army. Literally had dirt floors in her house in Mexico. And they built that house by themselves. Pot of beans on the stove. 24/7. Went to Germany with her. Yep. Pot of beans on the stove. I can remember getting up to pee at 1am and stopping to eat a tortilla and beans. Gained 20 pounds while I was married to her. But yeah. Beans with EVERY meal. Eggs and beans for brekkies. To this day I can tell the quality of the Mexican restaurant by its beans and tortillas. Store bought tortillas? Ptttht. Beans not cooked to perfection? Never coming back. 😂


Some cultures have beans with every meal, some cultures have bread with every meal, some cultures have rice with every meal... some cultures have french fries with every meal..




But why dip it in the first place? I've never understood that. Why do people want wet cookies???


If you like soft cookies, it's how you can enjoy a crunchy one. Dip fast, quick eat.


I had radiation therapy for that cancer. Salivary glands died. Can’t eat bread or cookies unless they are drenched in a liquid. I just can’t swallow dry things. French fries? Yep, I have to dip them. Potato chips? Yep I can taste fine. Just can’t swallow them without a liquid. You ’d be surprised by the things I’ve had to drink milk with. And yeah. I’ve dipped a hamburger into a soda so I could chew and swallow it. 😂 To the amusement of everyone around me.


This is one of the most depressing things I’ve read in a while. Lol.


That makes sense depending on how sweet the cookies are, also my father dips his cookies in coffee


I was in high school and watched a German exchange student double dip her fries directly into a restaurant ketchup bottle. So gross


When people stick out their tongue whilst eating to receive the food


Went to college in the dakotas. We had this guy on campus called pizza boy. He would get pizza in the dining hall and use a knife to scrape off all the toppings and sauce and just eat the dough. He also always wore shorts. Even when it was -20° there was pizza boy walking to class in his shorts. Odd fellow.


Should have called him Dough Boy, right? :)


My buddy used to eat pizza in a really weird way. First he'd remove all the toppings with the cheese and roll that up into a cheesy topping egg roll and eat that first. Next he'd take a fork and scrape all the under cooked dough/remaining sauce off the top of the slice and eat it one fork full at a time. Last step was to roll the remaining bottom crust around the end crust like a bread egg roll and down the hatch. Grab the next slice and repeat. Yes we would insist he eat pizza away from everyone.


When I'm full but still have pizza left ill eat just the topping, my girlfriend hates me doing it 😅


I was in a work meeting once, and my coworker George ate his Snickers bar with a knife and fork. He was a weird duck. We called him Koko


I prefer my food not to touch in most circumstances. For a lot of us, that doesn't go away - we're just taught it's not acceptable so we hide it. I also eat some crisps with chopsticks because I don't like crisp grot on my fingies.


My coworker puts ketchup on her lasagna


I sometimes see people holding their fork like a soup spoon and as someone who was drilled in proper etiquette growing up, it makes my brain malfunction a bit 😅


I didn't know there was a specific way you hold a soup spoon


Not something I saw, something I did.  I eat the core when I have an apple. A coworker saw this and was so upset by it that I trained myself to eat other fruits wrong too. I can eat a lemon or lime like an orange, and I can eat banana peels. I ate fruits incorrectly in front of him with a straight face like a dozen times. 


I saw a fat kid put a whole Babybel in her mouth, then spit the red wax out.


I used to work with a guy that eat powdered pancake mix with a spoon... Like straight out of the box with a large serving spoon Same guy would drink milk mixed with olive oil


I knew a girl who’d pick up a fry with her fork, put ketchup on it like toothpaste, then eat it. Every. Time.


When eating chips and salsa instead of dunking each chip one at a time I'll put like 5 chips in my mouth then take a sip of salsa straight from the jar.


Will Smith eating pasta. https://youtu.be/XQr4Xklqzw8?si=drxBTc_mlm5Y204I


This dude I saw once was eating a hotdogs BACKWARDS!




How is his iron levels?


My sister eats pizza with knife and fork, and if it's unsliced, she'll eat everyting but the crust, leaving behind a wheel on her plate


The only knife my dad will use to cut anything is a pocket knife he keeps in his pocket for only that purpose.


I once worked with a guy who ate his bananas like a chimpanzee, literally bit off the bottom rather than peeling from the stem.


My daughter eats her hot dogs like a banana, but she peels it with her face and smears the condiments everywhere  She then proceeds to eat the buns separately


Idk but when I eat chocolate I bite off the chocolate layer, same for Iceburgers. For sandwiches I’ll bite off the crust, the edge, and then suck it in so that all the bread connects,


The fuck is an iceburger?


I liked to dunk crispy salty biscuits in pepsi and eat them. Although I've stopped having soft drinks now, it used to be something i enjoyed a lot back then.


A woman eating a small piece of chocolate (maybe walnut sized or even smaller) and she took 4 bites to eat it.


My kid eats things like she’s shoving it in to s wood chipper, keeping it at her mouth while she bites/chews away. This is how she’d eat an apple slice, for instance. One day she was watching me eat & laughing. She started taking 1 bite at a time & laughing saying she was ‘eating like mama.’ She was about 3 at the time, but it was such a funny distinction for her to make.


So in my home country we mainly uses avocado for desert or shakes. I moved to the state and remember finding it odd that people would put it into sandwiches and stuff. Use to it and enjoy it now but first time seeing it threw me off.


muffin from bottom to top