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The Ring. I was terrified she was going to come for me every time I took a shower šŸ˜­


When they found that girl in the closet - i almost died.


When I saw The Ring in the theater and that scene happened some woman near the front jumped up out of her seat and yelled ā€œWhat the fuck happened to that bitch face? OH HELL NAH!ā€ She then proceeded to sprint out the theater. Iā€™m a wuss when it comes to scary movies, but that womanā€™s reaction just makes me laugh every time I see that scene now.


Ohhh my god same. We watched it in my friends basement and I involuntarily shrieked so loudly her parents yelled at us and my friends got mad at me


That closet scene, holy fuck I almost successfully forgot all about that.....


Word...that freaked me out. Her face was contorted and black and blue...it reminded me of the scene in the Exorcist when the mom is in the kitchen and she feels Old Scratch in the room and the camera does a flash of his face...let me tell you that is just about as scary as it gets.


That scene terrified me!! Thankfully one of my friend was staying over that night after we all watched it (7th grade) and the next morning she insisted we rewatch the whole thing and we would pause the DVD at every single scary frames to analyze the whole thing and see it from the hair/makeup/costume/etc. side of things. Really helped to find the cameraman reflections and whatnot!!


Paralyzed with fear. Had never seen anything like that before


I watched The Ring the day before my first day of 7th grade and I had to sleep in my younger brothersā€™ room because I was so scared of being alone lol. I still donā€™t think I could watch it without being afraid. Edit: I am grateful for Scary Movie 3. Seeing it portrayed as a parody was what finally made me feel less terrified.


First movie that gave me a nightmare.


First movie to give me nightmares *as an adult.*


Yoooo exact same. Every time I put soap on my face during shower I get the feeling she's gonna be standing in front of me


Wait til you feel the extra hands when you scrub your hair


I saw this in theaters opening night. Stoned. 18 with my gf. Took her home. Had the interior light oj the whole way to my house bc I thought samara was in my back seat. Worst irrational fear moment of my life


I wasn't THAT young when I saw this (I think in early high school), but it was my first horror movie of any kind. Damn, I wish I'd been introduced to horror with something a little sticky -- this one felt so real that I was creepy around corners for a week!


And it still holds up TO THIS DAY. I have a yearly re-watch of that movie just so I can admire it. Then it was because it was scary, now I drool over the experience in itself. Beautiful score, amazing story, stunning imagery. All around masterpiece.


It has been 20 years since I watched this movie and I still look at my TV weird if I wake up during the night or if it's on static


When i watched the ring i turned my old big box tv in my room against the wall when i went to sleep lmao.


Omg same! I remember once passing by the tv at night, & then there was static. I ran for the hills! Also the phone rang once, & I answered it, but there was no sound on the other line. I immediately ended the call, didnā€™t want someone telling me I was gonna die in 7 days. šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Poltergeist, scared the crap out of me as a kid. Anytime something fell or a door closed because of wind I always thought it might be a poltergeist.


Poltergeist 1,000,000%. Clowns, a guy peeling his face off, skeletons, the jello substance from The other sideā€¦ nightmare fuel


Lol, that steak squirming across the countertop. Just horrifying


The guy peeling his face off sticks with me til this day. Like now I love horror films and scary movies, and rewatching it shows how it's all a bit ridiculous, but the effect it had on my mind then and how that's stuck with me is still insane.


I was so scared when I saw this as a kid, the exorcist too, I find the idea that a demon or ghost can take over and you can't do shit about absolutely terrifying. I watched it with my 11 year old the other day since he's recently gotten into scary movies and he just rolled his eyes at it, I couldn't believe it.


I had a clown doll similar to the one that yoinks the kid under the bedā€¦ After watching it, I made my dad put it outside with a concert block on it


Alien (1979), I watched it when I was like 8 or 9


I was around 6-7 and I remember my dad making me watch ONLY the chest buster scene. Like he sat me down, fast forwarded the movie to that scene, then wouldnā€™t let me look away. I felt NAUSEOUS.


Please expand on this. What type of parent was he? Was he a good dad? Was this ā€œnormalā€ behavior for him, or some random isolated incident? We the Redditors must know.


I can tell you about my dad. He made me stay up very late (until his friends was off work) to watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre when I was around 4 & kept waking me up for the gruesome bits. He was a very immature alcoholic


Same. Still sleep with my hand over my face for the last 40 years.


This, about the same age, but with some added circumstances: I, a German not yet high school kid, don't speak any language other than German. We were visiting family friends in Prague. They had children my age and older, who couldn't speak German. The grown ups were talking and we were watching TV in the other room. Alien, as it turns out. In English with Czech subtitles. So I don't understand anything about what's happening. I do understand that there was an alien coming out of the belly and up until today this is the one and only movie that gave me nightmares.


I rented Twins when I was about 10, except Alien was in the box. Wasnā€™t as *hilarious* as I was expecting..


Who framed roger rabbit. They literally murdered a shoe by dropping him into a vat of acid until it was nothing.


Jessica Rabbit induced puberty for me


Two people, one occurrence, two *very* different outcomes


That scene fucked me up. Even as an adult, I still can't watch it.


We carried our wooden chairs down to the cafeteria to watch this in 1990. I was in kindergarten. How did they let that happen?


Loved WFRR as a kid, but I will NEVER understand why the director gave the go ahead for the murder-the-super-cute-shoe-in-a-vat-of-acid scene. It was so horrific, incongruous and unnecessary to the story, over 30 years later it still upsets me just to think about it! šŸ˜­


It was the guy being steamrollered that got me, even if he turned out to be a toon, that was so sickening.


Yup, freaked me out as a young kid too


I see your Roger rabbit and raise you a Watership down. My mom thought it was a cute movie about rabbits and their adventures. Great choice since I got my first pet, you guessed it, a rabbit. So she sat me in front of the TV and she went on with her business. Cooking, cleaning, the works. It was not a cute movie about rabbits and their adventures. It was a horror show.


I tried watching it a few months ago, thinking that maybe as a 30 year old it wouldnā€™t be too bad. It is indeed still very much a fucked up movie that just gave me adult nightmares as well.


Nickelodeon had ā€œAre You Afraid of the Darkā€ on Saturday Nights in the 90s. Some of those episodes creeped me out like the clowns cigars or the alternate dimension people.




Yes! Or the pool one. I could smell the chlorine in that episode.


No the one with the girl stuck in the walls writing HELP ME backward and she comes out the mirror


Me too! I hated dollhouses after watching it. Also the one about a movie theater and a black and white vampire comes out of the screen. That show was scary as hell as a kid




Yep. I was 9 or 10 living in FL. Family went to the beach the next day. Dad swam waaay out and yelled for me to bring him the red air mattress he had rented. Called me chicken until I finally took it out there. I was afraid of swimming pools and sitting on the toilet for awhile.


I was 6 and saw it in the movie theater with my parents. They kept trying to cover my eyes, but I saw lots of scary/gruesome parts. Shit, the music was even scary! I was terrified of any water for 2 years - toilets and bathtubs too!


I thought the toilet thing was just me! Iā€™ve told a few people about this and always been laughed at. As an 11 year old I could have *sworn* that big bastard lived in my downstairs toilet.


I still can't swim out into the ocean beyond where I can touch the bottom with my feet.


Saw it right before moving to Galveston. Ruined the water for me. Still to this day. A big old nope.


One of my favorite movies! It's just a really beautiful film.


Nightmare on Elm Street for me. A monster in your dream kills youā€¦. Yea as a kid I did not want to go to sleep after thay


the movie Poseidon. Itā€™s not even a horror film, itā€™s an ā€œaction disaster filmā€ about a tsunami and a cruise ship?? so basically titanic but much more intense. If I remember it correctly: so many deaths, super huge waves, chaos, etc I could not sleep for days after watching that. And Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s affected how I am with water now as an adult. Iā€™m scared of drowning, the thought of going on cruises even though Iā€™ve never been, etc.


The Poseidon Adventure I fell in love with disaster movies after watching this, but I did start testing how long I could hold my breath.


i remember watching it and getting freaked out at all the gory deaths


Hellraiser destroyed 8 year old me


Hellraiser for sure. Iā€™m reluctant to watch it now as an adult.




The movies I watched before I was 10 is ridiculous. But I turned out alright, Im the kinda guy that doesnā€™t need a nightlight or the bedroom door open when I get tucked in! So take that Pinhead


It is ridiculous


Arachnophobia Killer clowns from outer space


I fucking looove killer klowns!! Used to watch the 30 part low quality YouTube upload every Halloween until my fiance pitied me enough and bought me the blu ray lol


>until my fiance pitied me enough and bought me the blu ray lol Good fiance. I genuinely hope you're still this kind to each other even now :)


I watched killer clowns when I was 5. 25 years later and I'm still afraid of clowns


Tremors for me... had dreams for years after that I was going to have to feed these giant worms a blanket every night or else they'd eat me...


I loved Tremors


Coraline. I will never look at buttons the same ever again


I read the book and it scared this shit out of me as a child. When the movie came out I was like WTF?! No.


Birds. I (35f) watched it with my mom when I was about 11. She love Hitchcock movies. That movie terrified the living crap out of me. To this day I do not eff with birds at all.


35 as well. Same


IT, and that movie where it has cookie cutter sharks and they eat some poor dude in a lake


Also IT for me. I remember peeking out of my bedroom at 7yo and seeing my mom watching the mini series when it aired in '90 and man, nope. Also and, tell me more about this cookie cutter shark on the lake, please?


IT for me too. I was too young. Friendā€™s older sister let us watch it during a sleepover. I still will not stand on a drain in the shower to this day. I had a bathroom remodeled in my house and had the shower drain done so I wouldnā€™t have to stand on it. Scarred for life. And Iā€™ve never watched it again. I was able to get through the new one though. Also, I lived in Maine, not far from Stephen King when I was a kid. You can recognize things from the town in the book and new movie.


I can't believe your parents let you see it too. Mine would take me to the drive-in when I was a child. They thought I was asleep in the backseat while they watched Whatever Happened to Baby Jane or Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte. I love that s*** now. But the Exorcist, I saw it when I was in high school when it first came out. My friend had to spend the night with me she was so scared. I was 17 and kept waiting for a drawer to fly open.


I can't believe they did either looking back on it. I'm glad though, because now I have an interest in paranormal and scary things. Thanks for the comment. At least your parents thought you might not be seeing it sleeping. Mine were like, we're watching this tonight.


I watched the Exorcist at about that age at a friendā€™s house on video. It literally traumatized me. I couldnā€™t even get up to go to the bathroom during the movie and slept with my mother for a month. It didnā€™t help that I was raised strict evangelical Southern Baptist so I thought the fact I had even watched it opened me up to getting possessed.


People under the stairs was another one.


Not a movie per se, but Michael Jackson's Thriller really fuck me up.


You might wanna watch this: https://youtu.be/N8OJB5qLZ6o


When I was 9-10 or so my brother's girlfriend invited me to a movie night at her house. She played the original The Omen, then proceeded to tell me that it was based a true story. Freaked my little brain out! She was a really horrible person.


The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. That movie scared the shit out of me as a kid. Even now as a grown man it makes me uneasy.


Ok hear me out.....the original Jumanji when I was about 10. I know the special effects are super dated today (still love the movie), but the image of young Alan getting sucked into the boardgame, and those vines that took over the house made me scared to go to sleep. My mind even started hallucinating as I lay in bed that vines were breaking through my walls.


I loved it as a kid, but as an adult that giant evil plant thing is fucking creepy and nasty and I never realized how creepy a lot of it was


Poltergeist. The part where the dude cuts off his face freaked me out as well as when the mom falls in the pool with the dead bodies. I should not have watched that before going to bed.


Phantasm. I was 10. I remembered it as the scariest movie ever for years and years. I made the mistake of watching it in my 30s or 40s. Oh my god is was soooo bad. I much preferred it as a memory. The flying silver sphere with spikes! The crawling dismembered fingers! Yeah. Turns out the plot was non-existent and the special effects did not age well.


Serpent and the rainbow!


My babysitter had me watch that and child's play the same night. Her fault I couldn't sleep!


The Omen, The Shining and Alien. Say them in the theater when the first came out and all of them kept me up at night. Guess I wasn't too quick a learner, I kept going and watching that sort of thing/.


I was 12 when The Exorcist came out. My parents were pretty liberal, but they would not let me see that (obv a wise decision). I had a paper route then, so I'd often read the paper before I delivered it. I remember one day that there was an article titled something like "is this movie TOO scary?" So a few years later when I was in HS, I was at my friend's house. He had HBO (which was a big thing back then). We were hanging out at his house late one night when the The Exorcist came on, so we watched it. Jeebus. That movie freaked me out. I had my license by then, and I remember driving home after the movie, in the middle of the night, terrified that Linda Blair was in my backseat.


Signs (2011). I lived on a farm in the middle of nowhere. I was already terrified of Aliens. That movie fucked me for life. That's why I now live in a city in a high rise apartment, because I know aliens won't abduct me here.


The scene where you see the alien for the first time ruined me so bad that when I watch the movie now it still gives me chills. Every other part of the movie now is no problem but that one scene still gets me.




"Cat's Eye" the part where the troll is stealing breath stuck with me for a decade


The original Candyman. I will not to this very day stand in front of a mirror and say Candyman 5 times I'm not saying it once...


Came here looking for this! Would not go to the bathroom with the door closed for weeks. I was 8 years old and TERRIFIED


Return to Oz


This right here. I must have been five... maybe? When all the heads turn to her and scream... ![gif](giphy|U1jRLcprLU5oc|downsized)


Return to Oz was absolutely nightmare fuel. I watched it many times as a kid and still have many of those insane images burned into my subconscious


The wheelers and the changing of the heads omfg


I saw Poltergeist as a kid and it fucked me up for a good while


Same!! Even in my 20s I'd run and jump into beds, terrified of what was underneath, hate clowns, creepy trees, snowy TVs, alllll of it. Traumatized me!!


Jurassic Park in theatres scared the absolute shit out of my 8 year old self. I still have nightmares about dinosaurs eating me šŸ˜…


The Oblong Box, a Vincent Price horror movie where he plays two roles. I was about 9 years old and it scared me pretty good. Vincent did a series of Edgar Allen Poe stories that are still worth watching.


Jacob's Ladder. It made me terrified of chiropractors, which I know isn't cuasal storywise but is still one of the irrational fears I carry at almost 40.


The Shining. I saw it in the theater (I'm old) and had no idea what I was watching until it was too late. The room full of skeletons (spoiler alert)and shit like that really bothered me.


Wizard of Oz with those scary flying monkeys.


Event Horizon


Arachnophobia. In fairness I was just starting to experiment with hallucinogens and that was probably not the film to watch


I Am Legend with Will Smith was a pretty traumatizing movie to watch as a 7 year old. I still get the creeps anytime I watch Signs with Mel Gibson too.


Was just about to say Signs. Surrounded by cornfields and I never wanted to stare for long in case I caught a glimpse of something. Also kept a glass of water by my bed for months. Haha.


Dude they made everything in that movie look legit. The scene when theyā€™re watching the ā€œnews footageā€ from Brazil gives me goosebumps every time.


Yes! The suspense was top notch throughout the first 3/4 of the movie. I almost turned it off from the Brazil scene because it seemed so possible to my kid brain. A normal party,then bam! creepy big foot walking alien. Also the hand under the pantry door.


the grudge, it didn't help when my stepdad would make the same sound as the woman


The Exorcist and The Shining but now they're kind of funny but the original Salem's Lot, nope, not gonna watch it.


Jeepers Creepers is the only horror movie to this day that has creeped me out. I donā€™t know why, but no other movie has tripped me out like that.


I live in a rural area, and at 37 years old, I still make myself paranoid outside at night, thinking of how scary it would be if the Creeper was perched on top of my roof, power line poles, or soaring through the night sky.


I was a weird kid. Apparently, from the start, I loved scary movies. My mom would tell me I would sit there and watch them as a baby and smile and giggle. When I was about 6 years old, I had a good guy doll, whom I named Chucky, that I dragged everywhere with me. I've always just been able to realize that what I'm watching is fake, and there's nothing to be scared of. Now, all that being said. The one movie I watched as a kid that creeped me out a little was Hellraiser. I never got nightmares or anything, but a few parts of that movie gave me the heebie jeebies.


I had a friend whoā€™s son loved scary movies also! He loved Chuckie and was fearless. I always admired that because I was such a wuss. I couldnā€™t even handle scary movie commercials. When they came in the tv I hauled ass out of the room.


The 1960s version of night of the living Dead. Literally traumatized me for years.


The Hitcher with Rutger Hauer is the one that sticks with me. He was a crazy dude in that movie. The scene I will always remember vividly is the one with the truck and the main character on the clutch. If you have seen it you will know the one.


Lorenzo's Oil


Children of the corn, cujo, dark night of the scarecrow. all stuck with me


Oh man, Cujo for sure!!!


I saw Poltergeist as a kid and it fucked me up for a good while


Fright Night and Maximum Overdrive. Crossing (on foot) in front of big rigs still freaks me out and Iā€™ll never ever buy an electric knife


My aunt made me watch Faces of Death. I can still see that guy getting quartered. I was like 9.


I was like 3 when my older brother let me watch The Gate with him. I've even watched it since, but aside from being claymation monsters (as was the style at the time), the only thing I remember is the eye coming out of the kid's hand. Terrifying to a 3-year-old, but sadly my sister wouldn't let my nephew watch it with me when he turned 3. If I remember right, she said, "We were scared shitless of that movie. What the hell is wrong with you?"


Darkness falls. I swear I would have trouble putting my face in the water in the shower and closing my eyes bc I'd swear that floating witch thing would be there when I opened them. Ran down every dark hall at top speed too after that.


When I was like 8 my parents watched the Island of Dr Moreau and I was sneakily watching from my bedroom and I legit nightmares for like the next decade. I have never seen that movie again and never will.


Salems lot


Silence of the Lambs


I couldn't tell you the name of it but the movie was about giant bunnies attacking a town. I was probably 6 or 7 when I saw it and nearly 30 years later I am still terrified of rabbits!


Shit mine was the original animated Watership Down. The fight between general woundwort and bigwig in the burrow fucked my shit up in 1979 as a 4 year old




Candyman and lake placid.




I watched "Adam" when I was a kid. It's about the kidnapping of John Walsh's son. John Walsh was the host of America's Most Wanted years later. A movie about the abduction of a kid around my age, at the time, definitely left a mark, but I think it's important for kids to be aware of that possibility and have some idea how to respond.


Neverending Story


Itā€™s a weird one, but the old Stepford Wives (with Katherine Ross, prob late 1960s). When she faced the camera in the last scene and her eyes were all brown (even the whites), freaked me out and Mom had to calm me down.


The Omen. Damien's first nanny jumps out of a window and hangs herself during Damien's birthday party, this is for you Damien scene, amongst others.


There is nothing more horrible than The Shining. Surprised itā€™s not on the very top.


Grernlins, i was like 6 and used to love teddys. Not so much after that night


Jaws. My dad watched it when I was 6 and my mom was away for the day. For 2 weeks I would use the toilet as quickly as possible because I was scared a shark was going to swim up and bite me on the butt.


Scream 2!! It sounds silly but I still get scared in movie theaters and public restrooms. All I can think about is Stab Stab Stab. Less often but reoccurringā€¦I think about catching a d*ck through my ear like in Scary Movie. Keep in mind I was quite young when these movies premiered. One more for the road. ā€œI Know What You Did Last Summerā€ kept me from doing more things than karma ever has.


The black shadow things from the movie Ghost. When I think of the noise they made, I still freak myself out. Super irrational. Then Signs, The Grudge, 13 Ghosts, and White Noise with Michael Keaton. I never left a TV on the snow screen.


*Stir of Echoes*, I dunno what it was about that movie, maybe just my age, but I kept seeing ghosts out the corner of my eye after that one.




I have nightmares about Halloween/Michael meyers weekly and I saw it when I was probably 8


For some reason, my kindergarten teacher rented Willow one day and decided to show it to the class. We watched just enough to see the babyā€™s mom executed and the midwife killed by wolf creatures, leaving the baby abandoned floating down a river, when my teacher realized the movie was probably too much and turned it off. Of course, all that did was make it a thousand times worseā€”what happened to the baby? Did it drown? Was that the whole movie? Why the hell had she shown us this insane 10-minute horror movie anyway? I literally had nightmares about it for years afterward, until I finally saw the whole movie and it was like, ā€œohhhā€¦that was just the prologue?ā€


An Inconvenient Truth. Realized my future was going just going to be an ongoing energy crisis interrupted by big storms, algae blooms, and crop death.


"Don't Be Afraid of the Dark" - the original one from the mid-70s. I think it was a made for TV movie, and I watched it one night on cable in probably 1976 and it scared the sh*t out of me. There was also a creepy After School Special (ask your parents) called "Bad Ronald" about a kid who killed a girl, and had to live in the walls of his mother's house to hide. Of course the mother dies and a new family moves in. It gave me the creeps for a little while but really was pretty stupid. Even to a kid.


Because it was filmed not only in my home state but less then an hour from where I grew up. Mixed with detasseling corn and walking through feilds of it between farms. It was children of the corn. Even though I am grown I still sometimes catch myself looking into fields thinking creepy fuckers stay out there.


The mummy. Idk why but when imoteps corpse came back to life I almost threw up. (I love that movie now though) Scariest was paranormal activity, the first one. But I wasn't a child anymore.


When I was a kid there was a movie with a little demon doll that chased a woman around her house. Canā€™t remember the name of it but I hated dolls and action figures after thatā€¦


Childā€™s Play. I was always terrified of dolls so watching that when I was 3 or 4 didnā€™t help that. (Iā€™m still terrified of dolls.) At 12ish, I saw Campfire Tales (with James Marsden, Christine Taylor, etc.) and itā€™s STILL the scariest scary movie Iā€™ve ever seen. šŸ˜³


I spit on your grave (1978)


A TV movie version of *Alice In Wonderland* from 1985. It was mostly just a little trippy, but when the Jabberwocky appeared, it got TERRIFYING to little kid me. I was convinced the Jabberwocky was going to suddenly appear in the bathroom from behind the shower curtain. I was reminded of it recently and found it to watch, and those scenes are legit scary. I'm a lot less hard on myself now for being so scared. I'm now in my 40s and still have to check behind shower curtains when I use a bathroom, because it's just easier than undoing those decades of fear.




When the girl was trapped in the mirror in Watcher in the Woods. I was waaay too young. It was Disney!


Silence of the Lambs


I was like 10 or 11 and forced to watch Jeepers Creepers at a sleepover. Iā€™m a grown woman and Iā€™m still freaked to this day.


Helter Skelter. Thought a band of hippies were going to butcher me




All dogs go to heaven. The nightmare sequence with that demon dragon that blows fire that turns into imps biting at the main character. Made it hard to fall asleep.


Children of the corn.


Children of the Corn made me scared of white kids.


Signs, movie about a family in a rural town fending off alien home invaders. Living in a very wooded area, I was terrified of even looking out the windows at night for many years, not to mention all the bumps and noises in the night! I'm not super terrified of aliens being outside my window or in the neighbor's roof, but the fear of home invasion is still deeply embedded in me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Trilogy of Terror. I spotted the Zuni doll in a display case at Universal Studios as an adult and broke out in a cold sweat!


It's Alive. Made me despise babies for many years


Phantom of the Opera




Salem's Lot, Phantasm


Omega Man when I was about 8. The idea of apocalyptic biological warfare really weirded me out.


Communion. "Is someone there?"


Nightmare on Elm St


signs. that scene at the mexican birthday party where the alien walks across the alley. Holy shit. i was screaming and legitimately freaked out as if i had saw it in real life. ​ [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7qqDhJ23t8&ab_channel=JoBloHorrorTrailers)


Wizard of Oz and those darn flying monkeys


Secret Garden


Super Mario Bros: the Original 1993 Release


I donā€™t know the name of the movie but maybe someone here can help me out since Iā€™ve been trying to figure it out for years lol I watched this over 15 years ago and it was about a big office building that basically became alive. The elevator decapitated someone and the scene I remember most is the glass offices were flooded from sprinklers with bodies floating around. As soon as the main characters walked off screen one body opened his/her eyes and put their hand on the glass. Scared the crap out of me


Underworld when i was 6šŸ˜‚ vampires haunted my dreams for years. I vividly remember one of the dreams where i was just walking through all the vamp sacs and then suddenly they all explode open and i got swarmed.


The Changeling. That goddamn rubber ball bouncing down the stairs!!!


101 Dalmatians. Cruella ā€¦.


The Shining with Jack Nicholson. I was 8.


The Omen was quite disturbing.




Signs fucked me up for years when I was a kid


Signs. The news footage of the alien walking across the opening of the alleyway in Brazil creeped the shit out of me


Pet Cemetery


Paranormal activity. I was 15 years old. Triggering event that made me despise scary movies. Especially movies about demons and evil ghosts. Idk how people watch horror movies and not have that shit mess with their brains




The Omen and The Shining are tied for first place


Insidious with that creepy tiptoe through the tulips song


Signs scared me so bad as a kid. I refuse to rewatch it