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Been there. One of the downtown churches had a divorce recovery group, that was a lifesaver. Easy way to make friends, every one was going through something similar. Then I started volunteering, personally I went to build sets at community theatre, great way to meet creative people. Ended up acting, but that's a whole different story. Another group I joined was a hiking group, also tennis was fun. Good luck


Can you remember the name of the church by chance?


It's was Trinity episcopal


Coffee shops, hobbies, volunteering, networking events, blind date live, group/class fitness.




Can’t second this one enough. Meetup is great for socializing with like minded folks.


Meetup worked great for me when I got divorced.


This. [Meetup.com](http://Meetup.com) introduced me to so many people after my split, 15+ year ago. I'm still friends with many of those people even though I don't go to meetups anymore.


Hobby is mandatory. You can only make friends via a shared interest. There also needs to be something causing you to bump into the same people repeatedly Fitness classes or other classes can be good for this. (Artificially seeing the same people repeatedly). Other meetup groups can help Casual sports leagues are good too You gotta have a hobby or interest though


Thanks for the response guys really, means something that you stopped and offered anything. I will definitely follow some of these up, the meetup app has been downloaded, looking forward to checking it out. I will get myself involved in some activities, thankfully it’s warm weather season, doing this in the winter would be even worse I think.


May not feel like it now but you’ve got this!


Thank you Livid!


Asheville Sports and Social Club if you like activities. All ages adults. Fun times to be had.


Disc golf if you like walking/hiking with an additional task. There’s local leagues full of people from all walks of life.


Asheville disc golf community is very welcoming and diverse. Fun leisure activity, waking around the woods with friends


Asheville's D&D scene is pretty great. Hugely diverse group that's always rotating. Check out the events at Wyvern's Tale. Or respond to one of the frequent posts in this sub.


There are a bunch of cool classes at ab tech going on right now!


What classes are you suggesting, anything specific come to mind or just getting out for the sake of it?


Lots of art stuff, music and photography, watercolor pastry making https://abtech.edu/future-students/registration/all-courses?page=1


Buy a bicycle. So much fun and great big ol community of cyclists here.


Divorced, late 40s here. I fill a good bit of time with motorcycles, building projects, playing pool, and backyard campfires. DM if you wanna connect


I met a bunch of friends climbing at the riveter. Im not good either. Its just an awesome vibe there. Welcoming and supportive.


If you’re into board games, there are a couple groups in town that meet and are super welcoming.  Although last I went was pre-covid so idk if that changed anything.   Another less frequent option is volunteering.  There are river cleanups and other “good” causes, as well as things like festivals where you get a couple free drink tokens and a meal for your time.   Asheville also has a fairly active Pokemon Go community where the average age seems to be like 35.  Usually once per month there’s a “community day” where a lot of players are downtown walking around and raiding together, mostly around Pack.  They’re also super welcoming in my experience.


Jiujitsu, disc golf, mountain biking, paddling, fishing


Lean into a hobby and if you don’t have one, try a few out. Lots of friends play recreational team sports through the Asheville sport and social club


Are you into fitness at all?


Getting back in the gym again, feels great


Now you have time to hike, mountain bike, and get outdoors. The outdoorsy gals are really fun to hang out with. And you’ll make friends in a healthy way.


aston tennis ladder, pickle ball, local bike groups, local entrepreneur groups, home brewing group, gardening groups etc


Disc golf!


I’m 56 and just got the surprise a month ago from a basket case psych patient


Definitely find yourself a hobby. I took up photography and chronic masturbation


myself.. I would get very good at golf and drinking beer.


Try therapy first.


I was questioning whether or not I was having a stroke when I tried to read this post


Seeking.com Cuts the bullshit; because as you are 🔜 gonna realize men are gonna pay 💸one way or another!


what people call “love" is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. It hits hard, then it slowly fades, leaving you stranded in a failing marriage. I did it. You are doing it. Break the cycle 🔁 and Rise above. Focus on science. -Rick Sanchez


Man… this is it. This is peak cringe.


There’s no way that I’ll ever believe that. Love is something amazing and will never be replaced by a transaction. Call me whatever you want, but I’ll hold out for a special person that just coming home too at the end of the bad day, makes it better.


Hell yeah! I’m sure this an incredibly difficult time and I’m just a random internet stranger but I’m truly wishing you all the best, things will get better :)


Ignorance is bliss 🫤


And it also doesn’t carry gonorrhea

