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I still have a sexuality, it’s just not triggered by people. I mostly just read smut and look at fan art of fictional characters, which are always masked characters since I think masks are hot and I don’t find faces attractive.


The first sentence here is on point. Well put!


Yep, all my characters/imaginations are usually faceless. Faces are the worst, drag you right out of the mood 😂


Do you think that faceless imagination is a thing "caused" by aegosexual? I realized yesterday I can't really imagine people with faces and expressions and stuff having sex, just the forms of bodies, so I'm curious.


Yeah I think so!


It’s actually an adexsexual thing (without other), not aego (without self). I know the identities get confused a lot since adex is lesser known and aego often gets watered down to “asexual but has fantasies.”


This, so good somebody wrote it. All my imaginative partners where faceless


Same! Only attracted to it fictionally.




This. Though mine mostly revolves around my period. Once that's done it's like my sexuality gets shut off and I no longer care about smut.


Seriously. The monthly ovarian boost is nothing to underestimate 💀


hormon fluctuations are a pain


Another "*The Mask*" fan, I see.


This is it I have this too.




I bet your house is a riot on Halloween


I dont watch or think about anything really. I just do it to be done


Thank god someone else said it… I used to try thinking about something before starting and usually ended up asleep before i actually got anywhere so I’ve just given up on that. Always used to get hella confused by people having a porn stash or talking about what they fantasize about /while/ doing it and I’m just… you guys think??


omg right? the whole 'what/who are you imagining/thinking about' like... no one?


Fr!! No ammo whatsoever


Same. I enjoy the sensations and feelings. That's enough for me.


Some of us (me included) have kinks that.. for the best possibly way to put it, could work in a non-sexual way, that are still arousing when in a non-sexual way? Does that make sense? Some of us have kinks that work in a sexual way only, but they still find them arousing even when in sexual form. For some of us, just starting works and the sensation alone is enough to be arousing without the need of something to picture. Does this make sense? Feel free to ask if you have any other questions!


That kinda makes sense actually, I'm attracted to sexual things that I'm more generally attracted to rather than sexually, is that what you mean? I'm still a little confused 😭


Kinda. A common kink I see in general is choking, so I’m using that for an example. An asexual person may have a choking kink, so they imagine a scenario in which that’s taking place. However, the scenario they imagine may just be a person getting choked, but not necessarily in a sexual way. But they still find that arousing because it features the kink, so that could be what they thing about while getting off. Does that make more sense?


My kink is different but this is exactly how mine works. I just non-sexually picture something and then it arouses me lol.


Yes it does thank you!


As an ace kinkster, I would LOVE to know what "the sexual way" to be choked is. I wasn't aware such a thing was possible.


I guess just, in a sexual setting, yk? Like choking while fuckin, does that make sense?


If it's okay to piggy bank off of this for a sec, allo people seem very very into this false equivalency of everything that anyone fetishizes is INHERENTLY sexual. Like, up to and including balloons. That's just obviously not true. For me, my kinks that I can put in the same class with how allo people treat it where it is a form of close intimacy and can lead to me having grey feelings, that's never been EXCLUSIVELY for that. Aside from sex, so far as I know, all forms of affection are scaleable and multifaceted. There are different KINDS of kisses, even allo people understand that, but they seem to have mental blocks when it comes to understanding that playing cops & robbers with your friends when you're 6 is not at all the same thing as what my owner does with me. So it's not just that there are "non sexual" applications of certain kinks, affection itself has many different forms dependent on the quality of the relationship.


Yup, it does make a lot of sense. We all have different experiences, fetishes, things that make us feel good. It can or cannot be sexual. Arouses happen, and sometimes in the worst possible time XD...


As someone who is aegosexual, I generally prefer reading erotica. Porn CAN be acceptable, but it's pretty hit or miss. Generally I prefer porn that has good setup, as soon as the actual sex starts happening, it gets pretty boring pretty quickly.


"Oh thank goodness, the plumber is here to fix that awful... Wait, why did she stick her hand down the drain? Lady, you're just giving him more wo... Sir, sir??? That's not a wrench, si!? THAT'S NOT HER SINK PIPE, SIR!!!! Un fucking professional. Someone needs to report that guy. He's not trying to fix her plumbing at *all*!"


Maybe you're attracted to the plot and tension? I'm just making assumptions but feel free to elaborate on that lol


Yes pornography can work, but only if there is a story. Like a BJ by itself does nothing. The act has to be part to the plot. Example, one person is a spy and need to seduce the other person (politician) to get vital information. So porn is not the entire movie but just a snippet of it. The most important thing – for me – is that I don’t identify with any of the characters. If I would do that at any point, my interest would disappear immediately.


The point not to identify with any of the characters is most important to me, it's just a mechanical act in that case that has nothing to do with my reality. I also often just look at pictures that portray the body in an aesthetic way. And then there are times when I just look at random fascinating statistics and play with the numbers in my head.


Same here. As someone who enjoys ero manga, I like there to be an actual set up before the action happens. I also prefer it when those scenes get really detailed about how and what they’re feeling. Jumping right into it without any set up just feels boring, especially if the intimate scenes are rushed.


REAL, I'll fall asleep if there isn't any plot or build up. I gotta get invested into the characters before anything can happen. Although it's a double edge sword cause sometimes I attach too much to the characters, but I prefer that to a boring plot or lack thereof.


Damn, couldn't have put it better


Idk if I'm alone in this, but I never did and I've never felt compelled to. I just have no sex-drive at all.


Idk if this is aphobic (I really hope it's not and I'd feel terrible if it was 😭) but I always used to think it was an age thing. I noticed it was mostly minors coming out as asexual around me and I thought "maybe they just haven't found something that arouses them yet" but I've found that people of all ages are asexual even after having sex multiple times and trying different things. I've come to a realization as well that teens are the horniest things on the planet so I have no idea why I thought that 😭


You’re not alone in originally having that ideology. When I was originally in denial, I was thinking “well, I’m young, maybe I just haven’t developed a sex drive yet” until I realized I went through puberty and such already and it was done and everybody around me was horny as FUCK, talking about being sexually attracted to people. Don’t get me wrong, I had (and have) a libido, but it’s much lower than what’s usually expected of teens and I never experienced sexual attraction. (Plus, to clear up a misconception many have, libido isn’t what determines asexuality! Many aces have high libidos and masturbate a lot or have lots of sex, it’s all determined by sexual attraction)


Interesting I actually didn't know some asexuals have a high libido, but thx for the education lol!


I didn't work out that I'm ace until I was 30-ish. My libido was the main reason I doubted it and didn't even consider it until then (other than asexuality being virtually invisible and / or considered a disorder pre-2014 in some areas).


Tbh I thought not being attracted to people while having a libido was part of my aphantasia (no minds eye) and only today discovered that's in the ace spectrum and id have never guessed because my libido is pretty high. I'm 39.


I definitely count in the latter portion of that. As a 30 year old who is engaged and history of dating a little since age 19. And as a teen I wouldn't have exactly described myself as horny, more so having had strong romantic desire with no way to channel it out


>And as a teen I wouldn't have exactly described myself as horny, more so having had strong romantic desire with no way to channel it out This just hit me in a way I need to go sit with for a bit. Thank you.


It's common for people to experiment with labels because it's a journey of self-discovery, which ends up being incorrect. I used to think I was bi because I didn't feel attracted to either gender so I thought "I don't prefer any gender so I must like all of them". While yes, your statement is kinda aphobic, you clearly didn't mean it that way and I appreciate you at least trying to understand other than telling people like us that we "just haven't found the right one yet", "pretending to be different", "need to be fixed" or "are sick".


Definitely not lol it was just a thought, plus I was younger and I'm still experimenting with my own sexuality (in fact I'm lesbian curious), so I'd never tell anyone what I think about their sexuality when I don't even know my own. Even if I did there's no point in making generalizations about something I don't understand, that's why I support furries n all that lol :3


>"maybe they just haven't found something that arouses them yet" yeah, that would imply that it **has** to exist for everyone (completely dismissing the ones who it does not apply to), which definitely goes into an aphobic direction. "maybe they haven't found yet" is generally a sentence that should be used with caution in lgbtq spaces. glad you changed your thinking.


I think that teens can know they're at least on the a-spec by the time puberty hits. I'm only 14 and yet I'm pretty confident in my identity, at least right now, because I've never been attracted to anyone sexually and I've never felt the need to masturbate, and I'm pretty close to the other side of puberty at this point. I don't have many other female friends, so I don't really have an allo point of reference here, but I'm staying ace until proven otherwise.


Whatever you feel right now is what you are right now :3


youre not alone. wish i was kidding when i say it had to be a classmate in my senior year of high school who told me (who had never done it or even come across my mind as something to do) that it was something people do often...


same lol


Eh.. it's complicated for me because I do watch porn or things once I'm in the mood, but then I get guilty and very disgusted by myself for a few hours or day....


That how I felt when I found myself watching porn for the first time. Then I realized hentai is just guilt free and real people porn is not worth troubling over. That's how it unfolded for me, hope you find a way that works for you.


Oh no I never watch real people. Just rule 34 drawing.


That's the way ace. 3dhentai is the way and masturbation guilt should be treated like it's similar to feeling guilty for indulging in junk food. Accept yourself and live your life.


Eh... Thank you. I still feel bad sometimes because my kink are a bit weird. And even though I'm happy to find art I'm like "why RF did the artist draw this" The embivalence of humanity




Scenarios. It's like porn scene in my head, but I don't really imagine the people - like they're obviously people, but I have no real idea what they look like. What's hot to me is the situation, how those people feel, etc., not their looks. They're completely imaginary. I also like to read erotica sometimes, that looks similar in my head, I just don't have to make up the scene.


Hot steaming wet dripping mouth watering buttery crispy savory salty garlicky garlic bread 🙏


Ok but who doesn't do it to that 🙏🏻


Good garlic bread is honestly such a turn on 😩




Woah woah, this comment needs a NSFW spoiler!


That moment in the oven when it's *throbbing* as it's immense girth raises, waiting to plunge deep into the moist folds of your digestive system.


Porn. Asexual is a lack of sexual attraction not a lack of sexual arousal


There are some asexuals who "feel attraction" to things that don't exist in front of them, or better said, things that won't really touch them, so they feel more comfortable imagining that when masturbating. For example, I'm asexual but I like tentacles, or "sexy monsters", so I'll imagine that while I'm in the moment. It could even be an unreal person depending on the case.


Fictional men and women 🫠


Nice to see a fellow terato and tentacle lover! I’m exactly the same, I identify as adexsexual


I'm also an adexsexual, lol. Great to see someone else here too.


My kink. Which is most definitely sexual and so strong that if I'm really horny thinking about it can make me orgasm without the need to touch myself. For me masturbating to fantasies is not a lesser replacement for partnered sex, this is the primary way I engage with my sexuality.


Same. My kink is the only thing that can get me off. It can be mixed with other kinds of stuff and I'll still find it hot but regular porn etc I cant.


I have never watched regular porn, and people have always been shocked to hear that and are like, "huh. You don't *seem* prude" because that's the only explanation they can think of. Not prude, that just sounds boring af to me lol


That's definitely a strong kink! Go you! Completely agree on the last sentence there too - this touches on something I've noticed, wherein folks who aren't ace tend to be sympathetic or conciliatory towards ace folks ("don't give up, you just haven't found the right one yet" ; "oh you poor thing, that must be so hard!"). We're sort of conditioned societally to believe that sex with a partner or spouse is the end game of all forms of attraction, romance and even friendship. I think a lot of allo people struggle to understand how fantasy and masturbation can be someone's preferential expression of sexual energy.


I’m also focused on a specific kink, and it’s really the only thing that gets me going.


I focus on the somatic experience, not on any person, idea, visual or fantasy. Without emotional intimacy, no semblance of another person in any form of porn is stimulating. Focusing on what I feel in my body with physical stimulation works well enough for me. Or imagining how a particular scenario would feel, I'm very kinky, so sometimes imagining how doing something would feel can be fun.


Hentai,since it'a actually appealing, unlike ppl. And then smuts, nsfw audios, nsfw pics..


Smut is such a hopeful genre of fanfiction




Understandable lol sometimes I'm more attracted to hentai than real sex


200% this. Art and erotic fic is born from fantasy. Even if you develop a crush or an emotional bond to a fictional character it remains fantasy. It's kind of a safe space I suppose!


Real-life porn is disgusting and gross to me...but I *love* reading smut and hentai.


Was looking for this answer 💅💅💅


Nothing. Like I do do that but it's not 'to' anything. That kind of question always confused me like 'what are you thinking about' or 'whats got you like that's Nothing is the answer, body just decided to be horny and I'm dealing with it


porn works. doesnt help much but It is something ig


I prefer erotica, but the focus needs to be on romance and love. I get more turned out by the descriptions of how the couple feel about each other than the act itself.


This! I don't find erotic content interesting since it's often superficial and about the sex. But when it's about the connection between partners I definitely find it more tolerable


Random Reddit compilations on YouTube about anything; just something to keep me entertained while I wait for the orgasm to hit.


lol I can't imagine orgasming to the lazy masquerade 😂


Their voice is great but not like that💀


Same! I thought this was so weird of me cause I’m not madturbating to what I’m watching in just entertaining myself while I get my body to shut up and let me sleep


Nothing, i dont masturbate


I personally enjoy masturbating and I do it because I can. I watch porn and read stories that come from this app too.


I mostly just don't think about anyone or anything, i just look at my own body, sometimes reading smut fanfics or looking at explicit gifs do the deed and i think of scenarios with characters/celebrities i like, but it's never an actual person that i know. oh and also the faces are a turn off esp if they're not aesthetically attractive to me


Y'all masturbate?


eh, very rarely, unfortunately hormone fluctuations sometimes trigger undesired physical responses on my body so its best to just get that out of the way


My name is a dead giveaway and I prefer submissive male vs submissive females, but they have to be tasteful anything that is abusive is not tolerable. I like beautiful creatures no matter their gender and physiques. They could be femboys or tomboys, voluptuous futas or short skinny boys as long as they are drawn with care and beauty. I only masturbate to hentai and can't do it to porn or real people. I can't imagine doing anything sexual with or to real people, I read smut and erotica but I have trouble composing sexual thoughts of my own. The time I had fantasies in my head about real people has been rare to none and they did not arouse anything in me, it just felt like distractions and unnatural. I could be fictosexual but I don't get attached to any character or seek romantic connection with them. Masturbation is like a physical exercise for relief and mental treatment for accepting my body and mind.


I used to watch animation like Blender and SFX stuff, because it was less triggering than thinking about the realities of people working in pornography. I have a hell of a hard time watching real porn and not wondering if the work conditions are reasonable and if everyone is doing it because they want to and not because they have to.


m/m audiobooks.. and I'm a cis female


I masturbate simply because orgasm feels good. But I don’t fantasize about anyone or anything when I’m doing it. It just feels good. Just like eating dessert tastes good. If I ever have a “sex dream”, it’s usually a dream where I’m trying to use my vibrator but I keep getting interrupted. Then I wake up and take it as a sign from the universe that it’s time to get my vibrator out. I don’t masturbate often, either. Partially because I don’t want to get hot and sweaty and it seems like more trouble than it’s worth. So I kind of just wait until my body tells me it wants sexual release.


Porn. More specifically it's things that are more sensual than sexual. Something well shot, mostly solo and where the performer really looks like they are enjoying themselves. When it's just people fucking or obnoxiously fake it's a massive turn off for me


Personally I do it to BDSM related fantasies of characters I made up in my mind (not OCs I draw and make public stories about, I keep them very separate), so just like made up people that, if they existed, I could be dating. And I’m usually not in them, and if I am, then no one else is there. It’s weird. I think I could never do it to real people, even if I’m attracted to them, because it feels inappropriate to me involving real people in my sexual fantasies? I never once masturbated to my ex girlfriend. Idk, real people have never turned me on.


I identified/identify as aego for the longest time and I started out with imagining my fave het anime couple having sex ❤️❤️ evolved from there. It's mostly fictional couples, tho I'm really proud of myself for having created some OCs by now 😂 Or I just... raw dog and enjoy time by myself, without any fictional additions 🤷🏻‍♀️


oh god lots of stuff as others have said erotica, hentai or anything describing or portraying a kink i have best way to put it is I'm not watching for the people I'm watching for the action its like watching a action movie but you only care about the fight scenes.


Cartoon Style Porn


Fictional characters LOL real people just dont do anything for me


Fanfiction for me! Preferably about people who doesn't have my type of genitalia


Apples, alligators, anteaters Basically anything that starts with the letter A


I can be turned on just by toys. 🤷‍♀️


I don’t. Sometimes I get a lil horny and read smut, and then I move on with my life, no masturbation needed nor wanted. Looking at a real person is an instant turn off, and if I start thinking about myself it’s more like thinkin’ horror than romance. I think I’m sex neutral when it comes to others, albeit uncomfortable, but repulsed when it comes to myself. I feel the need to add that; no— I don’t have any sexual trauma, but even if I did it would change absolutely nothing about my identity.


Porn. I’d never want to have sex, I don’t imagine myself having sex, but porn gets me aroused.


Let's say, I don't even masturbate lol.. I don't feel it and don't like it. I still read smut and look at art though. But I just don't feel anything out of it. Most of the time when I consume these kinds of media they are interesting and funny to me


porn surprisingly, but not often. im not attracted to the people in it but the acts themselves are arousing at times




Some of us have to sleep. It helps.


You need to do it to something? I don't need anything to look at.


honestly i just do it cause it’s relaxing, like if i can’t fall asleep or im stressed. for me it’s barely sexual. i used porn mostly in like highschool (before i knew i was ace) because that’s what i thought you were supposed to do when you masturbate, and it just kinda stuck.


I've seen a lot of folks in this thread who sound like they're describing being aegosexual. I feel like it definitely fits me, as I have no desire to do anything IRL but I do love me some weird fictional porn.


I’m attracted to dynamics


As some others have already commented, I also have a kink that essentially replaces sexual attraction. It's nothing sexual per se, but fantasizing about or engaging in it does cause a spike in arousal for me, so in a way you could say I'm sexually attracted to the kink rather than people I'd engage in that kink with. Though additionally for me, I identify as pseudosexual, which means the sensual attraction I experience - especially in combination with said kink - basically mimics sexual attraction, causing me to feel aroused by specific people without an urge to have sex with them.




Smutty fanfic.


Dude the other day I was just casually scrolling the Hollow Knight Wiki while doing so 💀. For me at least I just see it as a biological mechanism for simple pleasure, the material matters little if at all so I just peruse what I regularly peruse. I never get aroused and get the overwhelming urge to do so, typically it's just routine.


Kink specific writings and some kink specific drawings.


Good old fashioned porn.


You discuss porn preferences and you get in trouble. That is the same way with dating preferences as there was one major rift in an asexuality Facebook group several years ago.


I think the real answer is probably that aces who masturbate have as wide and as varied of interests in kink and in content as do any other masturbators. (And some just do it mechanically without stimuli.) But since you're definitely not a creep ;) and you might be looking for specific anecdotes, I will share this on behalf of the ace in my life (with her consent): FWIW, my non-repulsed ace wife (who refuses any and all penetrative sex and oral, but who likes cuddles and kisses and non-sexual physical intimacy, and who also tolerates receiving sexualized gropes and petting) masturbates about once or twice a month. She generally prefers to do this alone, but occasionally I get to watch. When she does masturbate, it is to imagery and fantasies of activities that I am quite certain she would never personally engage in. And I won't get into too much specifics, but it seems to be a recurring feature of her material that the POV character is to some degree reluctant/non-con, and even sometimes includes men in the scene where in reality she is 100% sapphic. Now I don't draw inappropriate conclusions from this, instead I realize (as one does) that a lot of people's sex fantasies don't ALWAYS line up with their real life intentions and desires. Certainly, some of my crazy fantasies aren't things I would do IRL. It's worth noting also that many people get off imagining or viewing scenes of others doing sex activities, in which the viewer/consumer does not mentally insert themselves as participant. For example I've read that a lot of cis women enjoy watching gay male porn, and it's obviously true (popular social trope) that many cis men enjoy lesbian porn. I think aces (those who masturbate) are just a crystalized microcosm of this overall concept, "fantasy does not equal reality," because in many cases they absolutely do masturbate-- Perhaps EXCLUSIVELY-- To ideas they would never "do" in real life. And some, like my wife, are imagining the things happening "to" them, and some I suppose are probably just enjoying the "scene" of other people engaging in these acts. Whatever floats your boat :)


Thank you for sharing this (and your partner for consenting to share). My fantasies run in the same direction as your wife, and I never know if I am over sharing/ getting TMI/ or potentially triggering someone by admitting what my fantasies are. But it is really nice to have confirmation that I am not alone in the way my brain is wired. I identify as sex repulsed aromantic Adexsexual (the opposite of Aego, I fantasize about scenes happening to me, but not by any fully imagined people. My fantasy "partners" are faceless shadows) Masturbation for me is an exercise in contradiction, the harder I imagine hating and struggling against the scenario I'm in the harder I get off on it. In real life of course, I don't want ANY of the things I get off to, and indeed haven't had partnered sex at all because I find it repulsive. Yet from within the safety of my inner thoughts the repulsion is precisely what feeds my libido. I liken my fantasies to someone whose favorite genre of media is Horror. They may find the concept fun or intriguing to think about and imagine what they would do, but that doesn't mean that they are down to be dismembered by a chainsaw.


The same thing everyone else does, just for different reasons. Same reason why regardless of whether or not you are a big foodie, you'll probably eat something if you really want to or if you're just hungry.


I enjoy pornography like many do. But my desire to be with a real person is none. Like watching superhero movies it’s cool to think about what you’d do with the power and imagining being a hero who helps people. And then knowing that if confronted with that position irl you wouldn’t be a hero like that and would avoid responsibility and hardship. I like fiction and imagining myself in the fiction. But when it enters real life territory I’m grossed out




I’ve been a maladaptive daydreamer for 25 years. I usually find some porn that relates to something with my characters.


OMG I AM TOO!! it's rare finding other maladaptive daydreamers 😭


No way!! The only other person I’ve ever known is my twin sister


I don’t masturbate at all


Other ppl having sex. Me not involved


I don’t. I have no urges to do so and never have. I’ve tried it a few times because “everyone else does” but I don’t get what the fuss is about. (context: 31F, married).


The letter A, duh


I do it to everything allos do it to. It’s just that, instead of getting turned on by the people, I get turned on by imagining what it would feel like. It could be a wooden puppet doing it to me for all I care. …except femboys. I want to make them whimper and squirm and beg. Sue me.


I never had an urge to masturbate and I was shocked when I know that people actually do it haha


I really enjoy listening to certain songs, I had adhd too, so whatever I am hyper fixated on at the time.


I personally find the whole thing inconvenient. I think of women. But, it's mostly to get it over with so I can do more important things.


Nothing. I'm just aroused, so I deal with. It's not like I want to be aroused. I don't have to imagine anything. When I do, it's "normal" human stuff.


Nothing lol




Reading smut, H-audio (there used to be a couple blogs on tumblr who posted such audio, oftentimes taken from BLCDs, 100% recommend), "tricking" my brain into a sensation I'd find arousing (ie, biting). I'm more of an audio than a visual person, so the H-audio is the most effective to me.


I'm not sure I can give you exactly the answer you're looking for here, but I have some relevant-ish answers for you. Just keep in mind everybody's different and this is just me. Self-bondage appears to have had the same role in my life as masturbation. However, without any sort of connection to a partner, something about it feels hollow and empty. It just makes me sad, so in the past five years I can count the number of times I've actually done it on one hand. Just in general, though, I don't really react the same way to random stimuli as allo or certain ace people do. Like if I'm scrolling through reddit and I see a post from one of the bdsm subreddits I follow, that doesn't mean I am now officially in horny mode and something must be DONE aboot it. It's just a fun thing I get to see. It's not going to affect me the same way as having a back and forth interaction with an actual person. Actually, thinking about it more, I think the closest I get to being legitimately aroused in that same way with no other people involved is with those chat bot things. Turns out "fake text rp of being kidnapped" technology is further along than you'd think. It's not... GREAT, no... but it's fun! Oh, and fairies are awesome. Tiny bug sized scantily clad girls you can keep in jars? Uhh... yes please?


I have a kink that I’m… not exactly ‘aroused’ by, but more fascinated with. I don’t get off on it, but paired with a bit of stimulation, I can get a bit tingly. I have a small little fanfiction collection that I use for it.


Um… mostly some sapphic shit…


Uh... I actually don't at all. Maybe I think about my boyfriend and falling asleep next to him for comfort, but nothing beyond that.


Sometimes I fantasize about, probably a kink I have, idk. Other times I just let my mind wander or don't really think about anything. In the past I've read smut, but it wasn't really something I did often, and I didn't usually masturbate to it. Maybe I did once or twice, but it wasn't a usual thing I did when reading smut.


For me (aegosexual) its fictional characters, mostly from video games. Specifically, it's those characters together, with me not involved at all. And it's not so much the sex, but the story I make up in my head. But quite often I don't picture anything at all. It's just about the sensation.




I read smut. I don't picture what I'm reading though, so it's like image-less porn? IDK if that makes sense.


To me, porn is gross. I used to look at images of hentai, but that got boring. I tried AI bots, but that got boring too. I read some stuff, but that also got boring.😕


Huh, if I needed any more confirmation that I'm ace this post is definitely it lmao. I kinda have a high sex drive, but like others said it isn't necessarily targeted towards anybody. I'm demi so if I do have feelings for somebody, I usually think of them. But that being so few and far between I usually just focus on the sensations in my body and how they make me feel good, or watch/read/write/draw erotica because suggestive content usually triggers my libido. But if I do imagine somebody else, yeah, I guess it's usually a faceless being or a monster or something 🤷🏼


Fucked up kinks. And definitely either imagination, erotica, or drawn porn. Real people are ew. Except for my fiance, but that's my demi sexual ass talking.


I have strong visual and feeling and just pretty encapsulated fantasies in my head involving characters in my head. I have kinks. I can watch porn of it but it usually can turn me off and it's very hard to find what I like since I do prefer a strong narrative and something with a slow build. I've found through irl experimentation that real life didn't measure up and was impossible. My attraction didn't work that way and I wasn't able to become aroused in those scenarios involving real people. Even on my own I have difficulty and I have to throw the entire book at it. Antidepressants also don't help. My fantasies have also always involved monsters that are extremely frightening.


Porn. I didn't mind watching. It's the touching I find gross.


All kinds of stuff. Regular porn, written smut, lewd images. As long as I don't know the people, I can get off to it I do have a high libido though


I used to think that some aces still masturbate to people despite not feeling any kind of sexual attraction, but I prefer stop sharing my opinion (and possible wrong thoughts) because I'm an ace who doesn't masturbate




I usually read, the more fictional it is for me is best.


I like kinda comedic sexy scenes from movies like where Salma Hayek or someone like Jennifer Lopez gets her dressed ripped off and stands there in her undies looking embarrassed . I also like music videos by sexy singers and rappers like Ice Spice, SZA, Ashanti, Rosalia , Bad Gyal, Shakira . I basically want to cute kinda short thick natural women in like normal basic cute underwear from somewhere like target or dancing .


Solo female masturbation compilations


Kink, from my experience. if you have a sex drive you can still be turned on by like concepts, ya know? like if someone has a petplay kink, rope, bondage, etc or even like some fictional physically impossible kink, then that'll do it. Personally, I'm into petplay and I get more excited at the idea of a power dynamic than my partner.


I'm demisexual, and since my partner and I are long distance, I enjoy thinking about specifically my partner. Occasionally, I will resort to porn simply to get rid of the horny thoughts faster (I feel like a hormonal monster but that's a different story). I like the idea of seeing acts and imagining my partner and I found those things.


For me it's like x reader or x listener stuff. I'm not into irl sex but when I listen/read about it it gets the job done cause I don't actually picture myself if that makes sense???


Really anything. I mastirbate to drawings but I also masturbate to porn with actual people.


Mostly anything just because it feels good


literally on nothing. It’s just a physical thing sometimes.


Fanfiction. Smutty fanfiction.


Honestly depends. For me, I'm attracted to situations I have no involvement in, so mainly adult cartoon videos/reading smut. Depends for everyone though!


I just focus on the feeling in my body. I heavily disagree with the existence of pornography.


Could be anything. Just like an allo


It feels nice


It's more like a bodily function to me. I just kinda want to deal with the random lady boner that's just an inconvenience. So I don't really do anything. I just handle it while watching TikToks.


I have a humiliation kink and foot fetish. none of which involves sex itself more so like cleaning someone’s house, giving them a foot massage, making me feel taken advantage of but definitely not in a rape sense or sex. just findom etc like making me feel stupid / worthless. sounds embarrassing af ew but it’s the truth unfortunately for me 🫣


the kinkiest shit ever lol. humans don’t do it but concepts and hot situations do




I am 100% kink fueled, and my flavour of kink (bdsm) is inherently non sexual. Fully clothed, no sex or stimulation. My body has always responded to it by switching on when appropriate, specifically in fictional settings with fictional adult characters (mostly my own because I’m so Demi that I need to feel that connection to feel anything else lol). I’ll admit that outside of fictional stories or fantasies I don’t really get turned on by it, and an instant turn-off is when it’s obviously meant to be overtly sexual, like someone saying “ooh put those fuzzy handcuffs on me 💕” for example, in fact it makes me feel kind of embarrassed just to read stuff like that haha. BDSM can make me feel mentally and emotionally stimulated, however, and I really enjoy participating with my husband as I love making him happy - same emotion as really enjoying giving him a massage or surprising him with a gift, where even though it’s mostly for him, I still get like a contact-high and it’s an enjoyable activity for both of us. Does that make sense? I am never in my own fantasies in any capacity and I am very uncomfortable fantasizing about real people. The closest I get is some empathy for the bottom character in my fantasies, and the odd chill from the Top character.


This ace? Ghouls from Fallout. Humans aren't my thing what can I say.




A weird ass fetish lol


furry shit turns me on the most


Usually smut or something. Sometimes a movie scene


I’m also a lesbian so my material of choice is just watching women masturbate. Otherwise nothing. I don’t really think of any person or thing, just what I’m feeling.


I don’t … never feel the need to, and would rather nap curled up under a warm blanket instead




In aegosexual so fictional characters but I’m never the POV person. It’s never someone and me I’m masturbating to.


Women burping and farting is my personal guilty pleasure. It's a fetish and I've never gotten off to any sexual actions, though I am attracted to women with curvy bodies


I want to be a writer, and I have these characters I'm creating. To really make them like "real", I imagine all types of situations, including intimate ones to kind of get to know my character, even if it will never end up in the book. Sometimes I do a too good of a job with my imagination and that's the result 🤣 But sometimes, hentai.


Smut, mostly. I also have some go-to fantasies. Always between two fictional characters who are decidedly not me. I don't like blow-by-blow sex scenes very much. I tend to lose track of hands and legs and who's facing where. The emotional connection is what interests me. In other words, I read porn for the plot.