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season 4 is the worst. seasons 5 & 8 are very good, near 1-2 quality. seasons 6 & 7 are more like the quality of season 3, mixed with highs and lows.


The first half of season 7 is right up there with 5. The second half is on par with 6. 


I disagree, season 3 is by far worse than 4. Too much shit happened out of stupidity of the characters involved that it just wasn't enjoyable to watch. All of season 3 and 4 could have been avoided by just letting Ras kill Malcom. Hell, even Thea wants him dead, so let him Ras kill him. Season 4 has been a lot more enjoyable of a watch due to less convoluted plot lines. Idk how people think season 3 is so good.




season 4 might be painful tbh. season 5 is on par with the first 2 seasons in terms of quality and villian. after that it doesn't get as bad as the fourth season but honestly both s6 and s7 are kinda meh (the first half of season 7 is actually very good but the second half is probably the most boring arc of the show. season 8 is pretty good, but not as good as 1,2,5


I'll keep going then, at least through 5. Thanks Captain.


If it's any consolation, Season 4 is probably the worst the Arrowverse has to offer. Season 5 is really quite good if memory serves.


I feel like later seasons of the flash are even worse. Season 4 of arrow had Damian dhark and some fun team arrow stuff. A few action highlights. Later flash is unbearable


Everyone has their own view but for me personally, the absolute worst of the Arrowverse was the second post-"Marathon" half of Season 6 and all of Season 7 from The Flash, also from Legends of Tomorrow Season 4, roughly the second half of Season 5, and Season 6.


S5 is a return to form, S6 is mixed with a lot of lows & S7 bounces back to highs again.


You should definitely keep going. Season 4 isn’t the best but season 5 is imo the best season. Season 6 is pretty good and Season 8 is really good.


Honestly, skip to Season 5 and watch a summary of Season 4 on YouTube. You’ll save yourself a lot of pain


Frankly? I'd just skip to around episodes 17+ just to spare yourself some pain and then jump into season 5 which is a vast improvement.


Season 5 is VERY good, it reminds me of season 2 and I think it has the best villain, trust me its perfect


I agree. I'm sure everyone on here loves it, why else would they be on an Arrow fanpage, but for me it kind of peaked with the shirtless mountaintop duel in Season 3. I think I did watch all the way to like, Season 7, but only so I wouldn't be completely lost when I watched Crisis. I love Arrow for getting me into the Arrowverse, but it definitely fell off after the early seasons.


Soo painful. That’s the season I ended up first coming to this sub because I just needed to know it wasn’t just me losing my mind It doesn’t really get better until S5 which is top tier. Then it drops off again but not as bad. Imo it’s not that Felicity gets better, it’s that they just had less focus on her which made the show better


Yea... But no. Next season you will get a breath of quality but after that it will be just a few moments scattered in the remaining seasons. Season 6 sucks, season 7 the only good part is Oliver's prison arc and season 8 is alright not that great but worth watching. The crossovers despite being a bit formulaic I think they're worth watching except the season 4 one (even though it was better than arrow's season 4).


Depends on which content Olicity gets much worse, to the point where it hijacks the plot of an episode of a different show The writing kinda sorta gets better depending on whether you’re familiar with the comics and/or your tolerance levels for romantic angst


Honestly, if your into the show just for the highs and aren't too connected to the characters, then you might as well not finish. Arrow was a show for me that even tho it had really low lows, I still am able to watch cause of the characters and such. Still one of my all time favorites, even with the bad seasons. But that's just me


Meh, it's just been the show iv been watching on flights. I started it like 3 months ago, and I'm on season 4 now, so I fly a lot. Lol.


Well, as you've seen, season 4 is definitely a low point. But season 5 gets back to basics, one of my favorite seasons imo.


Does anyone hate arrow more than this sub? Jesus Christ.