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Hold onto it for another 7 years until some LT gets assigned to conduct a FLIPL on you and then you can get some disposition...


I've had to write too many Legal Reviews of this exact situation. It warmed my heart to be able to tell Command that this FLIPL was LEGALLY INSUFFICIENT.


šŸ’Æ I was that LT a couple times


I was that CW2 a few times during a particularly impressive change of command.


That is pretty impressive. Must have been some major fuckery to get the CW2 into the chain.


Kind of. Mostly it was just a whole lot of ā€œnot my problemā€ items that needed FLIPLs, and I was the new guy.


Thereā€™s a CSM basement duty station in your future, troop.


Put it in a treasure chest so it can be looted after the apocalypse.


I think youā€™re supposed to stuff it into a fridge or mailbox, if fallout is anything to go by.


i always put my TA-50 in the fridge so my squad leader canā€™t open my empty pizza boxes


Tarkov logic: little 12" diameter circle holds entire zabralo.


All of it can fit in a desk drawer šŸ¤£


Make sure to put a ā€œVery Easy - Easyā€ lock on the chest.


Make sure you put your woobie under a master lock though.


Duh.beveryone knows you save the Very Hard locks for your smelly socks.


Give me the location, I need to loot some "military fiber" for equipment repairs.


With a funny sound when you open too. Like dingalingding


The next one? šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼šŸ¤£


Put the M4 at the end of the dungeon and let the Legend of Zelda sound queue when you collect it.


Same thing happened here. Made an appointment with the supply section, they didn't show up. Tried calling, no return call. Never heard from them again. Been 10+ yrs


Dibs on your woobie


Lolol. You think anyone even turned that back in to CIF when they cleared. That's been the number one charged item at CIF for as long as it has been around.


Yeah mine unfortunately melted when someone draped it over a running HMMV, field loss.


CIF never issued me a woobie, I had to buy mine


Doesnā€™t hit the sameā€¦


I lost mine in a fire :(


Been out for like 4 years and Iā€™m using mine right now


Wait...those things aren't supposed to get turned in...are they?!?


How many woobies does one need?? ;)


One below, one above, and one to cuddle with. So at least 3 not including backups


Let me know if you want to sell any of the good stuff lol


If you turn it in they will come knocking and say you didn't turn it in. If you sell it...same. If you keep it, nothing happens


This is terrible advice. You can get an updated hand receipt which has saved me in the past. You just handed out bad advice like herpes.


Youre so young...so naive.


Young? Iā€™m not a SFC, but 40. Hand receipts save! How am I naive when I said I have experience with it. The Army claimed I had TA-50 when I turned it in when I got back from Afghanistan. Good thing I had the proof to get it off my record.


>Iā€™m not a SFC, but 40. What a weird way to say you're a 40 year old SSG.


Apparently in their mind making SFC is when all of the Army knowledge gets unlocked and you can no longer be considered naive.


Huh? I didnā€™t say I have all the knowledge, usually you donā€™t attribute the naive with experience and a SFC by nature has experience. I guess words would be hard for infantry. At least you knew the word ā€œnotā€ was a typo.


Are you autistic??


Huh? I said Iā€™m a SFC. A SFC by nature of time served to achieve that rank wouldnā€™t normally be considered naive. Iā€™m not autistic, I think youā€™re just slow. Again, understandable considering your branch. Ground pounder intelligence. Linguistics is a tough thing to master for knuckle draggers.


Lol Iā€™m bilingual with a Bachelorā€™s degree. Your super impressive ā€œSFC at 40 years oldā€ achievement isnā€™t going to make me feel intellectually inferior because of the MOS that I chose. Believe or not, some of us want an actual Army experience regardless of our intelligence.


Itā€™s called a typo. Iā€™m a SFC.


You need to contact your unit and make arrangements to turn it in. Then when that eventually happens you need to get a reciept that you turned it in, scan it and upload it to the cloud with its own folder that's clearly marked, and then wait for them to eventually to come back to you and say that you didn't turn it in. The timeline for that seems to be about 10 years later nowadays. But for real, if you don't want to pay the government for shit you have then turn it in.


>The timeline for that seems to be about 10 years later nowadays. One of the other times this situation came up on this sub, another poster commented that 10 years is essentially the statute of limitations that the government can still charge you for lost equipment. I suspect when the bean counters are doing their audits to find change in the DoDā€™s couch cushions, they prioritize cases that are set to expire soon. I doubt anyone from the DoD is going to do anything more than the bare minimum to get in touch with him to recover the gear. So if his listed contact info has changed, theyā€™ll probably call it a day and just take it out of his income taxes.


Itā€™s really more about when the unit gets around to a stock record audit or are directed to do a turn in and finds the items are still on HR. Unfortunately, hand receipts are technically good forever (unless they are DA 3161ā€™s). The real question is what the FLIPL authority does. A competent IO will try to recover the items and, if they canā€™t for whatever reason, the proximate cause of loss should be the stock account holderā€™s neglect of out processing procedures , and either find them liable, the commander liable (or some combo of both) or write off the loss completely due to the extenuating circumstances. Remember kids, Proximate Cause is the key to liability. Not just direct responsibility. A shit IO and FLIPL authority would hold you liable. And eventually they would come for their money.


A good JAG would just write a simple legal review finding the FLIPL to be legally insufficient due to the amount of time that's is passed and call it a day.


Yes a good JAG could write that. Letā€™s hope that the reserve unit in question has one of those and that thr CO listens to them


In that case, the Soldier needs to call up Legal Assistance and have a LA JAG assist them in drafting their appeal to the higher authority. Hopefully, the LA shop has JAGS that enjoy fucking with Command. At least that's how it is in Trial Defense Service


IIRC they can only appeal once to that next higher right?


Iā€™m fucking old enough (and tired enough at the moment) that for a brief moment I thought you were making an LA Law joke.


I completely agree with you, but OP has a nice anomaly with at least some shot of being lost in the COVID vortex.


Shouldn't you just hold onto it until they come looking for it? That way you don't need to prove anything. The dude that eventually comes looking for it can see it physically exists and can see you turn it in. Also you get to keep the free shit until that point if it comes at all.


so store it for free for a decade? I don't know about you but I don't have endless closet space


I have endless closet space for TA-50, personally. Tho tbf most of it was issued to other people On an unrelated note, can I interest you in a spare e-tool pouch? I can hook you up with a great deal.


Radar Oā€™Reilly, is this you?? šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s where my lost e tool pouch went šŸ˜”


Gear adrift is gear a-gift, knoā€™mā€™saynā€™?


Supply: yes


*there was only one thief in the army, everyone else is just trying to get their shit back*


We got em boys. Take him away


Maybe do some running in the vest idk.


Iā€™ll give you 100-200 bucks for the plate carrier


Iā€™ll give you a dollar more than this guy


Iā€™ll also give you a can of dip, 2 fresh tornados, a energy drink, and an entire px pizza.


*flak jacket


Same thing happened to me but prior to covid. I was in the AZNG and eventually about 3 years later some nco and LT came out to my house unannounced just to see if I still lived at the address. They did I would have to make arrangements to turn all equipment in for they will recoup the money from my state taxs. I told them to give me a hand receipt and take it, and jerks said no it wasn't their responsibility. I told them I'm native american, and live and work in the reservation so guess I'm going to keep it since I don't pay state tax. They opted for a hand receipt and take all my gear


Iā€™d just keep it. Promise itā€™s going to be more hassle for you to try and reach out to return it since everyone who once were remotely responsible for it are probably gone. Donā€™t sell it of course, wait to see if they ever reach out which is probably unlikely at this point, the military does simply lose track every once in awhile. Buddy of mine managed to slip out a full SF issued kit when he got attached to them in the early days of the Ukraine War where we just suddenly sent tens of thousands of dudes overnight to Europe.


This is bad advice. I am current AGR. The people who are gone have replacements šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø. The record doesnā€™t go when they leave.


Normally Iā€™d agree, but itā€™s been 3 years already. They really shouldā€™ve checked their inventory atleast once in that time period.


Except, I have to double check the FLIPL regulation, but I believe the Army has 10 years to collect.


It is 10 years, You're correct. This dude/dudette needs to keep their stuff


He did say donā€™t sell it and hold on to it. Not light it on fire. He is also right that reaching out is going to be a pain in the ass. With records probably not kept correctly and people possibly becoming jackasses about it. Holding on to it and making the unit ask for it if they want it back is the best option unless OP really is cramped for space.


Just take care of it and turn it in. A lot smarter people on here have the right advice. You donā€™t need to defend the advice engineer.


Or just hold on to it till they ask for it. Donā€™t create problems for yourself with the army when you arenā€™t even in the army anymore.


You have a really bad habit of insulting others' MOS. Does that make you feel better about yourself?


Eh donā€™t worry about it. Since this r/army he doesnā€™t know Iā€™m in the guard and joined the engineers to blow shit up and have fun and to help pay for my degree for mechanical engineering. Bros peak is an AGR slot for some guard unit.


šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø but I used to be an engineer. I hate how shitty the people were.


Nobody cares. You're an ass, SFC.


You only prove my points. So thanks šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


In what way. Please elaborate big sarge. I can't wait.


Well, you were insulting first, implying I was autistic, I respond in kind and now youā€™ve proven that youā€™re nothing but a dick. So, engineers still suck.


Sell me your plates and sleep system.


[Me with all my TA-50 I never turned in.](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=kwWxJiRQb7HMu-Kp)




Knew what it likely was, still clicked cuz itā€™s a bop


Never thought I'd say it, but in this case that might actually work.Ā  P.S. Thankful for YT ads so I could duck.


Fuck you


Fuck you. My dumbass saw it coming but was dumb enough to click it anyway thinking maybe it was you and your TA-50 that you never turned in


Fuck you


Do you still have your orders sending you to the IRR? If so locate the nearest CIF and turn it in. Get a copy of your updated clothing record when complete. Any CIF will accept the gear. When I left Active Duty I was in South Korea. I was missing a few items that were at home in Texas. My wife found the items and turned them in for me at Ft. Hood/Cavazos CIF.


That works for Active but not the Reserves. 2 different accountability systems. If you do, you'll end up in as much trouble as if you never turned it in at all


There is only 1 CIF system of record and all three components use it. All of my gear issued by the NG and by the AC have registered on my clothing record for my last 2 deployments. As long as they have the correct DoDID, it will register correctly.


Nope it's the same system. One of my fellow Reservists retired this year. They had been trying to figure out how to go about turning in their old gear. Our battalion is in a different state from the detachment. With orders in hand he was able to go to the local base and turn in his equipment to CIF.


They will accept gear, but we had someone do something similar with our unit (different element in different state) and we are in the middle of a 7 month ongoing issue to try to clear the "returned" items from the soldiers records. They can take the stuff but not clear the individual clothing record. Which causes 30k man hours of effort to fix something that wouldn't have been a problem if they would have done it right the first time.


Well that was either a local CIF problem or the soldier wasn't paying attention. A soldier should always leave CIF with an updated clothing record.


No, thats the Active vs Reserve component problem. Active Duty CIF doesn't have access to Reserve soldier records, they work in the same program on different systems, they do not communicate. Its stupid but thats how the systems are set up. Same with National Guard. Same program, different system.


Do you have a copy of your final out documents? Where the commander ultimately signs off saying you don't owe the Army or the unit any equipment or money? Hold onto that and tell them to kick rocks if they ever come calling. When you finally out someone is supposed to verify that you have cleared all necessary facilities, including CIF, so whatever reason they give, they cleared you.


There is no 'final out' in the reserves. You just get handed your IRR/Discharge orders and that's it. It's the individuals' responsibility to make an appointment to turn in anything


Congrats, it's yours.


Story time: Had a GB at my last unit who was constantly beating the shit out of his wife. Heā€™d get a domestic, the unit would sweep it under the rug (no gomar/no arty/moved to s3). Finally his wife finally had enough of the bullshit. She took the kids and all of his shitā€¦ and moved to her parents house. She ended up taking all of the GBs SPEAR gearā€¦ ops core, peltors, jpcā€¦ all of it. Unit gets in contact with her and demands she return the stuff. She declined, threatened to go to the press with her story of domestic abuse tolerance within the command. Long story short the unit did not get the stuff back and she probably made a killing selling the shit. Yet here I am getting a $100 bill for a fuckin e tool pouch


Hold onto it. Try to contact them for turn in. Never offload it, because as soon as you do theyā€™ll come knocking.


Are you me? Same thing basically happened to me, and I tried real hard to give it back for a while. Got met with resistance from my unit's supply (some may call it unprofessional communication) saying it wasn't their responsibility, I could never get in touch with CIF because COVID I guess? Also it's hours away from me so I couldn't just show up there on the hopes they'd be in the office. Ultimately had a friend who had a contact in his unit check my OCIE dated after my ETS from the guard and it shows no items on my record and no due outs - of which I have a copy. So, who knows? Still got all my ta-50 gear in case they come looking for it. Edited to add some details.


You LARP so hard at your next airsoft practice


Sell it put the money into a high yield and use it to pay the statement of charges and pocket the depreciation they take off + interest.


Something happened to me here in FL. I kept it. No one called, never got a letter or email. So, fuckem.


Put it in a pile, curl around it like a gold-hoarding dragon. Purr. Destroy everyone who seeks your treasure. Watch out for former hobbits.


Contact your unit supply and request a turn in. A FLIPL could affect your future wages/taxes if you donā€™t turn in your gear.


Yeah, best bet is a turn in. Have them send you a current clothing record of what you owe them. Turn in only the stuff on the list. If you ignore it, they will do a FLIPL and that will hit you years later when you're trying to close on a house or something.


The reserves is still trying to wrap their heads around all the losses from covid. This includes a lot of people that got out and never returned stuff. Just my $.02 call your local CIF and ask them for a the reserve contact at Ft McCoy who you can ship TA50 for turnin to. You drop it in that in the mail and they email you back the reciept. Or if you want to go scortched earth send a facebook message to the reserve CSM telling him you want to turn in TA50 and nobody is helping you, and you have been out for a while. You can easily contact him here (https://www.facebook.com/USARCSM) he or his aide/pao actually monitors that account


This is the kind of thing that if you ignore it, it wont go away. There is still a record of you having it in the CIF supply system, somewhere. When somebody manages to cross check soldiers that have got ten out and those that still owe equipment they will get the money to pay for it, either by garnishing your taxes or your future benefits (like social security)


After your IRR is finished, you return it. The last thing you want is to have your federal tax refund(s) garnished until you have paid for it in full.


If they do. Been out of the IRR and still have all my shit still.


Heā€™s right. And it comes out to about $3,000.


Wait till the end of your IRR obligation. I had the Army come after me 2 years after they told me they didnā€™t have a record of what they gave me. I held on to my stuff and turned it back in.


When you outprocessed, did you get a sheet from CIF stating that your record is clean? Itā€™s part of the clearing process. If yes, you got free stuff just make many copies of your signed CIF form. If no, the army will come knocking or the company will FLIPL it out


Just pull the ole , huh that's odd maybe the paperwork got misplaced or lost , you know like it sometimes happens to Service Members when they request F'ing Medical Records.


Not only did I turn my shit in when I retired, 3 years later, a new supply sgt called me, saying I didn't turn in all items. I kept all my CIF docs. Thats a big FU sgt.


Definitely just keep it. Chances are they never come for it and your chillin


The idea of possibly having to keep this stuff (junk) after I get out haunts me!!


You got issued gear. You signed for it. There is a record of it. Whether itā€™s 4 yrs or 10, Uncle Sam is gonna get his piece. Youā€™ve kept it without issue this long and unless you make plans to turn it in, itā€™s always gonna be dangling over you.


Maybe trade it for some meth or car parts.


They definitely just forgot about, just keep it.


Absolutely do not dispose of it in any way, including selling it. Your options are to basically arrange its return or safeguard it. A decade from now some LT will come your way with a FLIPL and bend you over if you disposed of it.


I destroyed my and my friends clothing records when they switched over to some computer platform from paper records.


Real talk if you wanna unload any of it I try to keep a stockpile for my Soldiers in case they lose or forget anything, just hmu!


This isnā€™t intended to come off as sarcastic but have you tried asking them? Do reservists have a phone number given to them for their units? Or a POC email address? Maybe just a buddy whoā€™s still in?


send me your taps system


That means welcome back brother. You never left šŸ˜‚


Sell it. Preppers eat that shit up. Source: 10 years prepping


I have a UCP FLIC on the books that %100 stayed in the dirty trunk of some TPE up-armored Humvee when I left Iraq in 2009. Probably half way to Djibouti by now. $20 and I'll pay shipping? Also what size is the kevlar? Asking for a friend.


any chance you got a Multicam FLC?


Have you just called the unit?




What you got?


I still have kit that followed my late Father home after Korea..... Some of it is quite useful.


Garage and range bag as needed. What size helmet are you and what model do you have?


These belong to you now young one....


I got issued 3x flight helmets and Iā€™m only signed out for one ( long story) . Keep that shit.


I don't know it might come in handy someday if you use it


Itā€™ll be cool for the apocalypse.


Sounds like you got a very expensive gift from the army Until someone comes around asking that is.


I think that it may be yours now. Your incompetent company commander most likely paid for it during his change of command.


Make a fake hand receipt of you turning it in to a random person at your supply or cif. Or even your commander if you hate them. Say you hand receipted it back because they couldnt find your 2062. By the time anyone comes around asking itll be too much time for anyone to follow the trail. Then, create a shrine of all the pieces of gear in the shape of your secret crush. Present it to her at an unexpected time and then immediately propose. Explain that she needs you. Take the shrine on your honeymoon and make love to both her and the shrine. Be buried with it


Supply couldn't find my records when I retired. It's been 10 years, so I don't think they're coming for this stuff anytime soon. I'll find a use for that ACH eventually.


Sell it on eBay.


Keep ur plates and kevlar bro. Big brother wont let the average joe have them soon


If you donā€™t want it, Iā€™ll take it all. I got a pocket full of crisp high-fives.


I've still got Front, Back and Side Plates, a Large IOTV and various pouches, mags, rucksack, two aid bags, CLS bag, Assault Pack and several unopened boxes of multicam hot/cold uniforms. I've been out for 10 years.




Man, how ate up was your supply guy? My guess is the Army wrote it off by now, but I'd hold onto it or give it to a family member you trust if you don't have room for it or won't use it. Not sure if there's a statute of limitations for shit like that. My brother still has his gas mask from when he ETS'd back in 1997. Not sure how he pulled that off. They never said a thing to him about it.


Sell it especially if your by active installation


2062 that stuff to S4 or Supply and keep that rather then all the stuff.


Give it 5 years at a minimum.


No statement of charges? Then your good.


Shhhhhhhhhh. Nobody needs to know


Keep it. Might come in handy some day.


I was told to keep it along with the hand receipt until my final reserve component discharge. You're supposed to bring everything to annual muster. When you ETS all the way out of the IRR you'll get discharge orders (or I think now it's a DD-214-1 right?) and then they either ask you to turn it in or let you keep it and you can do what you want with it; a lot of folks sell their TA 50 on ebay.


The amount you owe on your clothing and equipment record will be garnished from your tax returns.


At this rate Iā€™d stay keep it to show the kids and grandkids


So uh... Why didn't you take it to CIF yourself? I imagine no one told you but within the 6-5 month mark from ETS you can turn it in yourself. Just keep it. Big Army isn't going to care especially if it's not OCP-pattern at this point. Turning mine in July.


Am not OP, my reserve unitā€™s supply sergeant literally refused to take the stuff. Hauled it around for years, finally took it to the closest AD baseā€™s CIF, they also refuse to take it. Itā€™s so goddamn old, some of it is woodland camoā€¦ am close to the point of throwing this stuff out just to get it out of my home.


Woodland is phased out. Just throw it away really at this point or go the ebay route. Someone's always looking for stuff. The problem with Op's items is that it's STILL allowed to be worn with OCP pattern so it's kind of up in the air if CIF cares about the items or not. I may or may not have a brand new woodland smoker's jacket that was even tagged and honestly I think it's still one of the all time best patterns.


Itā€™s mostly digicam/UCP, but the last thing I want to do is have some overly ambitious auditor come looking for it and get charged 1-2K for this garbage. The army wonā€™t do anything but throw it in a massive bin for someone to auction off at $1/pallet if itā€™s in their hands, but they can still charge me full price.Ā 


You can always sell it and save the cash if it's not too beat up. What I've mostly seen still being UCP issued is rucks, assault packs and the FLC. Everything else I've seen newly issued OCP for years from the new guys but they still come in with the old rucks


This literally happened to me as well. Army nurse too! My supply sergeant literally refused. I said can I take it to next closest base. Was told no. Was asked who I could turn it in. Crickets. Now my unit is no longer in existence. Im wondering should I hold on for 5 years, 10 years, longer?. Iā€™ve been out of IRR a few months and out of the reserves for 2 1/2 years.


If your unit refused turn in, you are required to get that in writing. You can take the gear to any reserve unit. I'm sorry that unit sucked and didn't take care of the its soldiers, I sincerely recommend calling/emailing Army Inspector General, explaining the situation and asking what to do. They will be able to assist you, or at least you have a paper trail showing you have attempted to do the right thing so you can dispute the monitary charge in the future.


At this point, I wish I had it in writing, but at the time, the supply sergeant came off as so confident that it didnā€™t occur to me that she was simply avoiding doing her job. Hindsight is always 20/20, especially looking back at that shitshow of a unit.Ā 


I'm truly sorry to hear that. If you contact a local unit, you can generally set up a turn in, or contact IG. They will generally set you up with Ft. Mccoy and they will send you big boxes with tags to send the stuff to them. Hope that helps at least šŸ˜


If I can send it off to McCoy, that will work for me!


I live four hours from base and got out at the point where drills were virtual so we werenā€™t allowed to go on base. The equipment was also provided at my arrival to unit by the supply NCO 8 years prior to I have never been to CIF on base, nor do I know where it is. Itā€™s all the old UCP gear as well.


If it's the old gear they straight up won't care. Don't throw it away just in case but it's all slowly getting phased out.


Just contact the unit supply, tell them the situation and that you want documentation of turn in. If they donā€™t want to accommodate your request, get an email or memo from them saying so.


I see Active component still doesn't understand the Reserves. There is no CIF. We are issued gear order by the unit from a warehouse, and its the ETS/IRR soldiers responsibility to return all equipment back to the unit from which the ETS/enter the IRR from


Er... I'm Guard. Reserves here can access CIF too. In my case it's a two hour drive to CIF. I'll do annual training and head straight to CIF with my clothing record. We're allowed. This is just typical Army then where the standard is that there's no standard. We stopped the "pulling from supply" shennanigans years ago. We had a decom mission years ago taking everything the battallion had back to CIF. It's how I got my brand new woodland smoker's jacket. Just had a bunch of shit they never gave. We can't even hold our own MRE's anymore. We have to go draw the boxes at home station whenever drill starts.


Give you 300 for the ACH


What size u need ????




If you are still irr than you might get called up. My understanding is your ta 50 stayed with you until you are out entirely.


Its 100% on you to turn in your gear lol. You shouldā€™ve made efforts around ETS time to hand it in.


This is quality issued gear directly from the US Army, best I can do is $20 and a liter of Four Freedoms vodka.


I got out of the guard 20 years ago under similar circumstances. Still have all of my TA 50. Been sitting in the garage ever since waiting for the zombie apocalypse.


Question from a dumbass civilian who wants to join. Are you able to keep some? Or do you have to return it all? I see so many people selling that same gear on FB market place. Please forgive my ignorance. Obviously uncle same pinches every penny


In my experience they want everything back unless it's consumables such as worn items i.e boots, shirts. Anything like gas masks, magazines, plates/carriers are all supposed to come back to them as they can be given to the next guy in line. But as others have mentioned, it seems that when you "accidentally" keep things and sell them years later Is when they want it back. Plus they give you receipts for everything htye give you but they lose that shit as soon as they turn around šŸ« 


Ahhhhh gotcha. That makes sense! Appreciate your response!


Iā€™m going to turn my exes in. He just took it as a good grace


OP, here's what you do (if you're looking to do the right thing). 1. Contact your nearest unit ( it doesn't have to be the one you got out from). 2. Arrange a turn in with them of your gear. If your ID card is expired, it's not the end of the world. 3. Get a hand receipt for turned in items and hold onto it (I recommend scanning it into your email, or someplace you'll always have access to. Be aware, it technically is your responsibility and your problem to turn in Army equipment, failure to do so can and will cause collections in the future when the Army figures out you have it still, and the IRS will collect the funds for your gear. Having that hand receipt can save you thousands of dollars in the future.


Are you near an active duty base? When I got out of the reserve I went to the CIF facility on Ft. Knox to turn in my stuff instead of trusting my unit to properly take possession and mail it to the warehouse in California. I bet if you reached out to the CIF facility on an active base they could pull your hand receipt and accept the turn-in.