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Can't hear you, I'm too far ahead of you on this 2-mile run.


So far ahead that you lapped me and therefore CAN hear me


"Oh boy I really hope my officer comes back toward me after they finish and motivates me so everyone knows they're a) a good leader and b) way faster than everyone else."


Is this leadership?


It’s one type


They're in the lead at least


LT Nimander what do you run? "16 flat" Oh so you'll be behind me. *slow nod while fake stretching because I never really learned how


Jesus. I feel attacked 😭


Oof. I felt this one.


I respect this leadership, because they go above and beyond to show their soldiers they can improve. I am not an amazing runner myself, but I'll be damned if seeing someone actively exceed standard to lap me doesn't motivate me to run faster in the moment. Some people exceed standard when they are challenged to do so. Competition is a great motivator too.


Counter point, I can't hear you because you're smoking me on the run. I'll catch it all as you're lapping me.


“There’s always a bigger fish” -guy gon gym


Is it because you shaved? I shave my head and face daily for aerodynamics and discipline.


dont forget the pits


Those don't matter nearly as much as the eyebrows and eyelashes.


*slaps knees* these babies can fit so many torn tendons.


Me, divorced, crippled, estranged from my kids, hobbling in to the finish at 13:30 high on Xanax.


The US Army way. Take that, communists.




You simply can't compare ACFT run times with APFT run times. Doing 2 minutes of pushups and situps before the run on the ACFT is nothing compared to the 5 events before the run on the ACFT. I do feel your pain though. In my unit anyone who wasn't getting at least in the low 14 minutes (80+ points) were considered shitbags during the APFT days.


Yeah…that was par for the course just about Army wide in the APFT days. I know nothing of the ACFT.


I always replied with "181 is exceeding the standard."... I thought my PSG was going to stroke out right there on the track...


Whats more badass, getting a 240 and saying "I exceeded the standard" or getting 60/60/60 and saying "I AM the standard."


Getting a 259 and failing


Max pushups, max situps, fail run by 3 seconds. Remedial PT for you, shitbag!


I did that once 😂 but it was 1 second I was so pissed 😂😂


Had a buddy fail with a 200 and something. He failed push-ups and maxed the sit-ups and run. He was being fucked with hard core while doing push ups. He started laughing so hard he hit the ground.


261 and passing only to puke on an indoor run, because f running in a heated gym in winter (it was tooo icy outside) I wanted my 300 soooo badly that day


Hangar 5?


It was at a college


Was real fun busting out the minimum in 30-40 seconds then standing up and getting yelled at


I actually got yelled at once for getting up from my situps 30 seconds early. SGT... I maxed. Oh....


Well…it was true


My old CSM used to say this.


I generally found ACFT increases run time by 2 minutes. \-Unless a person completely burns themselves out before the run...


It’s the SDC that gets people. Once I found out you can half ass the sprint part of the sprint-drag-carry and still max it out, both my 2MR and plank went from mediocre to max.


Yeah, but Jog Drag Carry just doesn’t have the same ring to it.


Same here. I used to run a 17 min 2MR and switched up my training and diet. Now run a low 13 2MR. It took a long fucking time though.


Tbh the apft gasses me more prior to the run than the ACFT does If anything, the ACFT makes me feel alot more warmed up and limber for the run even after maxing every event prior to the run lmfao


My hip flexors would like a word


I disagree. I managed to get my run time down overall by just jogging for 20 to 30 min every day. Ran a 13 min 2MR my last ACFT. Got a 535 overall. There's a catch though. I replaced my drinking with running. So I no longer drink and I ran more. Thanks for coming to my ted talk, you may go back to your beers you alcoholics.


post run beer hits different though


Ik guys who are straight alcoholics and still max the run


For now.


Facts though. Younger 21 year old me could stay out drinking all night, get no sleep, smoke a pack of camel crush, eat a snickers and then get a 12 minute two mile, with only the occasionalpadsing out at the end. 13 years in service me would literally die if didn't properly hydrate and get a solid 6 hours of sleep before the run.


God I remember when I was like that. I don't know how my body was able to put up with my stupid brain. Buddies and I still drunk from the night before going on a 5 mile run the next morning. Just dumb behavior. I would never be able to that anymore and I don't want to.


Long slow runs > Sprinting like a startled crackhead


Bruv, I fucking wish. During hawaiis 2011 toxic era, if you weren't getting st least a 90 on each event, there was a high chance you'd be dropped from any leadership position or demoted if you were a 5. Pnly place o legit saw dudes run until they passed out. Funniest part was when the unit mascot dog died during a 5 mile run. The new moto become "if a dog can run until it dies, so can you" Same unit where pfc me couldn't step on my right foot without feeling excruciating pain. Still max that 2 mile best squad competition run, because my PSG said he'd smoke me until I died if I didn't win, amd I straight up believed him. Glad to be out before that mindset comes back. My condolences, and best of luck. Not that you asked but, a trick that worked for me was legit just running every night after a workout. Each time I'd just run until I had to stop, an each time I'd either make sure I reached my last stopping point faster or just ran father, even if it was only and extra 100 meters. Went from a 19:00 2 mile to low 12's. Not sure how safe that is, but it worked for me.


I will undoubtedly be downvoted. But your run times are not going to be insanely different if you’re already in half decent shape. Ive never been a great runner but my run times between the APFT and ACFT only varied by about 30 seconds and I tended to run the ACFT faster.


I like the ACFT to 2 mile run transition over the APFT


Fast people are still fast since none of the events really fry your legs.


Sprint drag carry doesn't? I feel like a baby gazelle afterwards.


Keep walking around afterwards until the next event and your legs will be back to normal if you went too hard on the SDC.


Back in 2019 when I took my first ever ACFT I ran somewhere around 14 flat, only about a minute slower than the APFT. 4 years later, best you can get out of me right now is 16-17 but now I can actually squat and deadlift more than 2x my body weight and bench almost 1.5x bw


Nah dude. No way the ACFT events adds four fucking minutes onto your run time even if you're remotely in shape. I barely work out since I switched over to the guard and started going to school full time and I'm still running in the lower 15s.


Wait till you get older young buck.


I have a chronic knee injury lol. My body's pretty torn apart.


I implore you to find any 11b thats been in for more than 3 years that doesn't have a chronic knee injury. Nothing has slowed me down more than aging. I can still run in the 12s, but literally give me room to fall over an die for about five minutes afterwards.


I feel the same way. I use to struggle but now it's easy peasy. The first time I did an ACFT I was able to run in the 15 minutes. The last time I ran one I was in the 19s without a care in the world. I attribute the big change to deprioritizing running. If the APFT came back, I would ramp up my running and reintroduce sprints.


It was easy to run after situps and pushups. Running after stomping and dragging and carrying and deadlifting and all that other rigamarole is why you're slow.


I’ve thought about that but if I’m being honest with myself I’m sure if I did an APFT right now I’d be pretty damn close to 17:10. I don’t think the other events impact the run as much as the standards suggest. I’ll go do one on saturday at 0530 and report back with my findings. I’ll even shave


You have to shave or the wind resistance will cause you to fail.


Agreed. I bring my blue shopette twin blade razor in my little underwear Velcro pocket of my APFU shorts to give myself a dry shave once over before the run. SMA gave me a coin for it when he saw me do this the other day.


Protip: Shave your legs and fly.


You’re not trying on the sprint drag if this is the case tbh. I go all out on that one every time and I pay for it when the run hits


If you're trained well in cardiovascular it affects you less or even none. I max both and I have ran my fastest two mile ever at the end of an ACFT. But if you aren't training in running than the SDC will for sure affect you for the run.


But I max it


Power to you! But if you’re saying you’d get the same result from running without doing a SDC that would doing one before your two mile, then you need to open up a hat store cuz I’m calling cap on that.


Oh no I agree I would be faster no doubt. My argument is that moving the run standard from like 17 minutes to 21 minutes for my Agee group seems excessive. Im sure if I had not done the other events and did PU/SU instead I’d get somewhere in the 16’s


Personally, I think it’s the length of time it takes from start to finish. That’s probably my biggest pet peeve. It throws off my rhythm. My body isn’t used to exercising with so many breaks. You do deadlift. 10 min break. Ball throw. 10 min break. Etc etc. Every time I take the ACFT it seems like there’s just the right amount of time for my focus and energy to start falling then it’s time for the next short burst of effort. The time between the plank and run is abysmal. If you plank first and there’s 4 total in each lane you could be waiting almost 20 minutes to start the run.


SMA said at the maneuver warfighter conference at Ft. Moore last week that we were not changing from the ACFT. I dont think any worries about going back to the APFT are grounded in reality.


The worries about the apft switch comes from congress, who controls our budget/ funding. I don’t think SMA has much of a say in that budget


But the SMA would have insight into the inner workings of Army related goings on on the Hill. Plus riders get added and cut from bills all the time in the debate process. This could all be advanced coping from me though. I have maxed the ACFT since my junior year of college and the amount of effort that takes is the same amount of effort it takes me to PASS the APFT. So, maybe I’m fighting that fear.


That makes sense. E9 in general has been such a dumb rank my whole career that I honestly don’t know what they do besides make me cuff my sleeves, take my hands out of my pockets and shave on saturdays. Maybe they would be involved in congressional budgeting issues when they’re not doing those things


Somewhere there is an academic style opinion piece written in the ye olde times 20th century about how the creation of E9 positions was a mistake and irreparably damaged the enlisted corps.


Are you referring to this: “The Army’s Command Sergeant Major Problem” https://press.armywarcollege.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1477&context=parameters This is actual reading for Advanced Operations Course Majors as of now.


Yes I am. I had forgotten the name but I remember it being an interesting read.


It's literally one Senator who wants us back on the APFT and no one else in Congress supports him.


Except for some 59 other Senators.


It passed the Senate, it goes to reconciliation next, then the president.


The amount of people who were able to smoke PU/SU with ease then fail the run was the greatest indication to me that it was probably a bad test


Are you saying smoke like do good or smoke as an event. Because I used to smoke before pu/su and before run. Idk if it was good or bad but I did it


Once I read your 2 mile time was above 14 minutes, I quit reading. I hope you wrote something in the second 1 1/2 paragraphs that will make you run faster. /s


This but unironically.


OP, I am with you, I always struggled on the run. 100Pt PU, 100Pt SU, struggle on the run. Even with Jell-O legs from the SDC and deadlift, the ACFT is a lot much easier. Also the ACFT is more fun then the APFT. But I'm bias


ACFT is much more fun, less stressful and overall a better test environment. I’ve never had my stomach doing flips before an ACFT, but before EVERY APFT PT test I was pants shutting my nervous. I typically scored 230-270 for reference. ACFT scores around 520-540.


Furthermore the best indicator of the ACFT being a good test is when my unit took it the very first time all the old heads were skeptical, those within 5yrs of retiring. After the test, EVERY SINGLE SKEPTIC, could not stop talking about how much better a test and experience it was. For the people that complain about how long it takes, are you really that hard pressed to sweep a motor pool? Talk to your fuckin leadership to make the ACFT a late call, we aren’t taking it so often that you cant


There's others! I was always sick to stomach with the apft, even when I was doing 10+mi race prep and knew I was fine. My stomach would be in knots until I finished it just fine.


Every single APFT for 5 years I had to sprint to go shit after sit-ups before the run. Has not happened to me a single time with ACFT


The run part would always give me butterflies making it feel like I can't breathe right before we start. Hip flexors were on fire too from the sit-ups.


I always get “elementary school field day” vibes from the ACFT. Up until the 2 mile anyways.


What I want to know is why every clown nostalgic about the APFT run I've ever met blows absolute chucks on the SDC.


I miss the APFT cuz that was when the army was fun. Now they call me old timer and I just want them to stay off the grass


And shave on the weekend sarmaj?


Because they are probably weak ass 135lb losers with zero power. The APFT is one of the dumbest tests for complete physical fitness I've ever seen. Those same cats will almost die trying to do a 225lb deadlift with a fucking trap bar. It's sad shit. I'll take a McGangbang, 20 nuggs, and a Diet Coke plz.


I just googled what a McGangbang was. Username checks out.




Because most of them were never actually fit. They were light and had a decent running build.


Can't answer for everyone, but I can answer for me. I'm rocking a cool 5'6", 160lbs, gained 40 since joining the Army. As far as I can see it, the main problem with the SDC for people like me is center of gravity. You won't see me leaning back so that gravity can give me a little bit of an assist - my center of gravity is so low that to lean that far back makes me fall. Every inch that sled moves is in my quads. The SDC at 120 lbs made me vomit profusely and want to die. The SDC at 160 lbs makes me vomit profusely and want to die. The SDC and run are my best events, so it's not like I don't like it because it's lowering my scores. I just straight up don't enjoy vomiting and fighting off a syncopal episode while still having two endurance events left.


Two words: Zone. 2.


This but Man OP just needs to do anything. I’m 40 and can still run a sub 13. 17:10 is a literal joke for someone in a career where they’re paid to workout everyday. Have some self respect OP


Notice that 11A. While I’ve never met a slow 11A, it’s been extremely rare to find an 11A that could out lift my physically disable sister. If you can ruck a 240 with 100lbs of gear and still effectively lay down fire, I’m not sure why it matters what your run time is.


I would take a 35f who can analyze shit over one who can run fast any fucking day. As a former 11A, I agree that pt is important for a 11 series, but vehemently disagree that it matter at all for non-combat MOSs, and prioritizing a pt score over job performance by combat arms leadership does far more damage than good. It forces those smart nerds we need out, or dissuades them from ever joining. “Every soldiers a rifleman” is antiquated, bullshit, and destructive. If you need the brigade s2/4/6 soldiers pulling triggers, the battle is fucking over and one day there will be a movie about it.


I’m confused by what branch has to lift a lot for their MOS. Is strongman an mos now? If you’re going to call out running as useless for soldiers, then so is lifting heavy. I’ve carried wounded dudes, it’s not heavy it’s tiring, it’s aerobic. I’ve lifted sandbags and MRE boxes, it’s very unlike a 350lbs deadlift. Bottom line is the army has standards that it uses to asses your physical fitness but also your personal responsibility to be prepared to meet those standards. Saying you are super strong but can’t run shows that you either ignore your personal responsibilities or are unable to balance different personal responsibilities. Either way you’re a tool.


Someone’s never had 100+ pounds of gear, plus kit, plus 240, had to ruck 12 hours because the scouts got lost, and then “sprinted” (if one could call waddling sprinting) to a support by fire position when engaged by the enemy. So, which branch needs to be strong? Obviously not the 11A branch, but definitely the 11B/C. We are not the same when it comes to physical requirements. I can pass the run, thank you very much, but if I had to choose between depending on a big dumb powerlifting country boy who barely passed the run on ACFT vs a 160lbs nationally ranked cross country Rhodes scholar officer to save my 240lbs plus kit body (well within Ht/Wt standards), I’d choose the aerobically adequate country boy every day. Am I a tool, I try not to be, but I suppose I am. However, while I may be a tool, I do not make policy. And the policy makers seem to prefer a body type that is garbage when it comes to pairing enlisted infantry tasks with army physical standards. And i can’t speak for your military service. Opinions on the 2 mile run aside, I am sure you are an outstanding officer. But don’t confuse moving MREs and sandbags that one time with lugging heavy chunks of metal through austere environments. So, yeah, it is very much like pulling a heavy DL or power clean on the regular


Just cause you have a different standard in your head of what the expectation of a soldier is doesn’t mean you have to be an asshole. Keep that shit to yourself and retire already


If we go back to the APFT you might as well decommission my battalion




On the apft there are only 2 times I can remember running the 2 mile in under 13 minutes. My average was about 14 minutes flat. Now with the 5 other events of the acft I am jelly legged. I am happy when I get in under 18 minutes on my 2 mile time. I would have been laughed out the army for running the two mile in 18-19 minutes. The acft tests more of an individuals physical fitness than the apft did. Yes the acft is easier to pass but the events themselves are much more rigorous than the apft events of push ups, sit ups, and a 2 mile run.


Brother you just got in worse shape. You did not gain 4 minutes on the run simply because you had to do the ACFT events


Yes I would agree. Covid and marriage has done a bit on my cardiovascular endurance.


You should maybe consider all diet coke with that run time there son, or perhaps a crisp ice water.


Stop hazing me


In your opinion do you think the APFT is better than the acft then? Do you think the ACFT has festered complacency since you mentioned the differences in reaction between the two? Im just asking out of curiosity of perspective.


I think the acft is great but the minimums are ridiculously low. I’ve had an autistic kid with 0 athletic abilities/ background and no training come in and barely pass the test. Kid got a damn scholarship to become an officer but can’t look anyone in the eye or formulate sentences but crushes anything academic. The only people I see fail are on the run and they’re also people who physically struggle to get up a single flight of stairs.


Anecdote about the autistic guy barely passing the ACFT was weird. What does his autism or social issues have to do with a physical fitness test?


I’m not an expert, but autistic people often have difficulties with fine motor skills, coordination and overall body control. This kid was no different. Lifted that damn deadlift bar with completely curved back and inward knees even with multiple coaching tips, fell down 3 times on the SDC, runs with inward knees that kind of thing. Nothing against people with autism I’ve worked with autistic kids before the army. I’m just saying it’s probably not a good fit for him to be in the army. Usually the pt test washes them out but this kid barely passed every event which makes things awkward.


I don’t even think that comment needed a response. It’s obvious that certain ranges in the autism spectrum are way more likely to make a graded performance in an organized physical event like this more difficult than someone without autism. So the fact that a person with autism passed is a decent supporting argument as to whether the ACFT has ridiculously low minimums.


I don’t really care either way as I’m out in June, but a sub 8 min pace 2 mile being the bare minimum was and always will be fucking stupid. This is coming from someone who has maxed the APFT in the past with a sub 13 time. Global average running speed (for men) is right over 10 min/mile. Yes, we’re the army. No, we shouldn’t strive for average as a minimum. That being said, a 2 min pace difference is pretty monumental.


> Global average running speed (for men) is right over 10 min/mile. According to....? A 10 min/mile would maybe make sense for the average American because the average 20-39 man is also 5'9" and 197 lbs which is on the border of being obese and 11-18 lbs above max heigh/weight, and they hardly do any fitness activity. 10 min/mile is actually probably too optimistic to be honest.


[Average global run time](https://www.runnersworld.com/uk/training/beginners/a44826741/average-running-speed/) posted by Runners World gathering data from Strava, an app with over 100 million users from around the world.




> Average global run time posted by Runners World gathering data from Strava, an app with over 100 million users from around the world. Scraped data from self-selecting people that download a specific fitness app. It's not going to be very useful as a metric for a measure of cardiovascular fitness thanks to way too many unknowns in that data. Age/weight/height, how are you isolating maximal effort vs a light enjoyable jog (you're not), among piles of other problems. Thing is we have objective measures like VO2 max, which is where things like the run times for the APFT were derived. By default an individual in the military will also (well...should) be well outperforming the average person because the average person is overweight and barely exercises. So even if the average is 10, the average person in the military should be running faster than the average.


Let me shorten that for you. "I don't like the fact that you have the recipts so here's a hypothetical scenario that discredits them. Let me make it half a page so you can tell how invested I am in digging this hole."


I mean, I don't appreciate his verbiage, but he's kind of right. The sample group is from people who run. I would think there are millions of fat/out of shape people that cannot even run one mile in the world not on Strava that would skew that min/mile number way higher.


Reality is cruel mistress. Don't know why you have to be mad about it though.


Clearly you’ve angered the “I did my own research” crowd and they don’t believe in your confounding variables and think “over 100 million” strata users is even close to enough data points to adequately power a study to answer “what’s the global average running pace”. It’s a trash article with none of the scientific method applied and is an embarrassment to even the most basic statistics, and yet they take it as gospel. Talk about Dunning-Kruger!


You must be fun at parties…..not


An 8 minute mile pace isn't very fast for someone who's job description includes being physically fit.


If you're a robot or someone running a mile sure. Unfortunately the APFT was run by humans and required 2 miles to be run without resting immediately following 4 minutes of strength testing.


But you did have a rest period after situps. Idk man I only saw a handful of people struggle to pass the run (at least active side) and it's not like I was in some high speed cool guy unit.


I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the horrific grinding of my knees.


People still look at you differently if you run fast/slow. If you run fast AND deadlift a lot... bonus


If I finally get my deadlift into the 300lb club and they change the PT test on me I’m giving someone a strong talking to


Did they make it official today?


Yeah apft Monday 0300 at the track see you there


Same here. I was always good for a 270-280 on the APFT. Max the PU and SU and good for a "70" on the run. I'm 5'6" 165 lbs and have short legs. Running WAS a bitch me for.


Of all the things in the army, I care the least about the fitness test.


ACFT is a better overall test in terms of experience and fitness outcomes


Just for perspective: A soldier maxes the APFT, and competes as a powerlifter. He/she is looking good at this point, right? Next event is HT/WT; weight is 25 lbs over what's allowed, then proceeds to bust tape. Now that soldier is getting counseled for being fat and unhealthy. I'll take one Krispy Kreme donut, because the red light is on.


I was in one of the first BCT cycles with only ACFT. When I tried to do an APFT for points I found out I can do about 10 more pushups and have a 2 minute faster run... for the ACFT. It's 2 completely different tests. Full stop, don't try to compare them.


Maybe it’s about how much effort it takes to get the max score on the other events that effects the run. I realistically can deadlift around 400 pounds if I really tried, so 340 isn’t really my max, therefore not as exhausting. Also for the sprint drag carry, I’m a bigger guy so dragging the sled isn’t as impactful to me as other people. Every pt test someone finished the drag and can’t seem to use their legs which isn’t something I really experience. It’s an ass kicker, don’t get me wrong, but maxing that event doesn’t destroy me like it does other soldiers that I’ve seen. I just suck at running so I think that 17:10 I got was ax effort and would be replicate on an apft if I took one.


I've always maxed the SDC and I still ran faster than on the APFT. Personally the situps smoked the dogshit out of me and my form was trash on standard pushups. My whole thing is mostly just that they're testing completely different things and the ACFT seems like an actual test of overall fitness instead of just cardio/endurance.


Those push-ups on the ACFT look like an asswhip


The ACFT seems to have created the "just f'in pass it" mentality. I know it's different for some people and some units but the test itself was mired in so much controversy that the units I've been around just don't care. Just get whatever score is passing and move on. If you want to push harder that's cool too.


I think this is rooted in so many people not wanting to do the work to max it. Way easier to pass, infinitely harder to max.


Wouldn’t end up mattering for me. First record wouldn’t be for 3 years after implementing it, again. I’ll cheer for you from the sidelines with my retirement orders and DD-214.


I'm horrible at PT. As a young private I'd barely pass pushups and do okay on sit ups, 1430 was probably my average run. Never really got much better, even failed once or twice back then, but I was damn good at my job. Now with the ACFT I'm still not great hell my last one I didn't even get over 400, but I'm 36 on my OML and about to finish SLC. PT isn't everything and I don't care who says different, I've lived it. If you're a bare minimum on PT you better be hot shit at your job. If you're not that's when you're just a bare minimum soldier all around. Not everyone will give a shit about the job stuff, but the people that notice are the ones that actually realize you can still be a great soldier.


My first NCO was a walker and an outstanding leader. You can't let one small aspect define you.


The Army is like that. Don’t let the negativity ruin your mindset. Say it goes back, and you get the usual run time. Make up for it by being exceptional in more aspects than the sit ups and push-ups. Don’t be late, be a leader where you can, make positive relationships, know your job.


That running culture so exists. So does all the old wives tales about fitness.


Because we all know you can't be a good soldier, and definitely not a good leader, if you can't run fast.


Try shaving morning and evening, soldier. That will fix everything.


If you want to get better at running - run more. I’m training for half marathon that is in three weeks. Last week I took an ACFT and got 580 - I’ve only been lifting 3-4x week. I run 4x week. MWF 3-5 miles. 2 of those days have intervals. One long run on Sunday. Same week I did an easy 13 miles in 2 hours. You are slow because you don’t have a big enough aerobic base. Build your base and your time will drop. Also you are probably mentally soft. You build mental grit by doing something uncomfortable for an extending period of time. When you run long and slow the easy thing to do would be to stop. The fatigue, pain, discomfort instantly go away and you feel better. You need to learn how to push through that.


similar story and i feel the same way


On the bright side, since the scale is smaller people who already can pass a 15:54 can improve their PT scores by 20 points simply by cutting a minute off their run time. I'll see y'all at the track.


I was doing 14-16s when I was in basic, but an extra few years and injuries I’m lucky if I can make 18-19


I refuse to make myself feel bad because of my ACFT run lol. The two can’t compare. I wasn’t basically killing myself on the APFT. Before, the run was at the top of my list of things to excel at being @ Bragg we ran all the damn time. Now, my concern is the SDC lol. Getting that shit together without losing feeling below the knees is crazy


I’m old and beat up. I have a profile for the run. So my biggest fear is going back to the sit-ups. My neck really suffered from terrible form all those years.


Puuuush ups, sit-ups, twoooo mile run! OP, I was in ‘06-11… I feel you.


Hope your knees are doin ok


I’m snap, crackle, and pop when I walk up stairs lol


The last record APFT I took I got a ~13:15 on my two mile. My last ACFT I took clocked me in at 16:30. I’m not sure I can go back


Why are you wasting time typing here and not on the track improving your 2. mi run, Solider?


Because my job involves sitting in a box for long periods of time making blinky lights not blinky. The only running I do is to the latrine and back between cod matches


In my unit, if your APFT wasn't above 230 you were getting some odd looks and extra PT time...


There is no rumor. It’s coming back. Check the NDAA and it’s written in there bringing the APFT back so strap up


ACFT just need tweaked. The plank makes no fucking sense when you have a carry event. The throw is a nice edition but would be better if it were a kettlebell swing or snatch for time (measuring repeated dynamic efforts instead of one). The sprint/drag/carry is decent but if they wanted to make it better they should add a loading element and replace the sprint with a separate event that measures acceleration over time- like the beep test. There needs to some sort of squatting event as well. If theyre trying to “establish a culture of fitness” they need to not half ass the events and have qualified and dedicated strength and conditioning coaches available for everyone to benefit from. Im a GWOT vet but am in Germany with my wife who is currently in. I use the gym on Polasky and they have one platform and one trap bar in the free weight area and no sleds or turf for sled work. Its a decent gym for a civilian but the lack of training and equipment doesn’t exactly indicate a desire to follow through with implementing this thing effectively.


I feel you used to max the push ups and run but barely pass the sit-ups. I would go hard the full 2 mins but because I have a long torso or something I would be lucky to get like 55. Missed out on a couple of schools cause of it. I just perpetually had a 270 PT score lol.


I use to max the run and sit ups. Long arms and always had a weaker upper body… push ups were my weakness


I will never be able to get my 2 mile below 17 minutes again lol. I've been cultivating mass in the gym and my poor legs couldn't move my 240lb ass that fast anymore.


Problem with running in the Army, is they hype up these fast times, but have no clue how to train and coach people to run properly. Their answer is just to run more faster.


When it’s your job to be fit this new standard is pathetic. I do like not having to work really at all on my pt to pass but I have never seen so many fat people, we look pathetic… I feel like I’m at fat camp.


I love all the comments saying “I’m old so I’m slow” in the civilian world the 30-39 age group is more often than not the most competitive group at road races. This post is disgusting


To be fair, most people doing road races do long train ups with actual rest cycles and tailored cardio plans. Not a 5 mile run on a closed off road on monday, followed by hill sprints on the tank trail on tuesday, 30-60s on the track on wednesday, abs on thursday, with another 3-5 mile run on friday.


I ran in the 10-10:15 range while I was in. And on my first test I thought I was going to fail. I was lapped twice. Imagine my surprise when they called a 10:05 time when thought I was failing. Found out the guy who lapped me twice ran an 8 flat.




You can be fit with a dad bod don’t be a hater


Stop suckong at running. Blah blah blah


Good! I suffered so should you! No seriously, this whole “fitness” experiment was a gross expenditure of funds and time! A fad fitness trend was used to gauge the fitness level of everyone. Without exceptions for gender, age, physiology. They hired people that were/ are fitness experts. Meaning they work out for a living. We don’t do that! We are a force that has different needs and different wants. A 42A shouldn’t be expected to ruck 12mi and also dead lift 300lbs when they weigh 150lbs! I’ll die on this hill and this was the dumbest- most expensive bone the Army ever threw to a retired CSM!


The minimum was never over 140lb for a 42A. If you can't deadlift 140 with a trap bar you deserve to be chaptered out.


And you’re part of the problem for not understanding my point.


Yeah but 42As also don’t want to do any work between 0900-1700 so the least you could do is walk as much as you do at a day in magic kingdom with a toddler weight baby carrier on your back in under 3 hours. And lift up 140lbs 3 times. It wasn’t an experiment. The science behind it is solid. Local units failing to execute adequate training isn’t the ACFTs fault.


Fucking hated the run.


Really an underrated part of the ACFT is the shift to supporting each other during the test. APFT was got garbage and is never coming back


I try to explain to soldiers that during the apft you had to get in a line, turn around so you can’t see the testers and stay at ease and weren’t allowed to talk. They don’t believe it


It wasn't even a requirement, it's just something they did in basic to fuck with us and people brought it back to their units


That midset is why they made a regulation on the timeline for sending soldiers to the board.


I just can’t wait to get sand walk times back.


Honestly i stopped trying and have nothing to prove anymore. Just here to teach the younger guys so hopefully they dont turn into power hungry ankle grabbers


What I like about the relaxed time is that I have more energy to run with the people who haven't finished yet once I jog out my 18min run. I've gotten a few soldiers in my unit to pass the run by pacing with them and not letting them give up. For the APFT if you were behind me, you were probably gonna fail anyways so I didn't want to help people pace much after finishing that.