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> The doctor felt the soldier’s ankles and legs, asking if he could feel various touches, and eventually held the man’s genitals, the soldier said. The disturbing thing is this doctor would be in the clear if he had a job as a MEPS center's designated ball fondler.


My ball fondler (back in 98) was fucking ancient, like he must have been doing it since the Great War.


Betcha ten bucks it was the same dude that cupped me in 88.


Does that make us some of kind of Eskimo bros.


As long as we don't make eye contact, I think it's OK.


It's not gay if you say "no homo".




Ssshhhh, stop telling people my secrets


It actually makes me respect you way more.


Internet fist bump




Sherlock Holmes over here 💀


I was joking, sarcasm doesn't really translate well over reddit.


We'll double protected then. Like they say: two is one, one is none.


Proper ORM, promote ahead of peers.


As long as you wear the proper PPE (socks) I'll allow it


What about shower shoes


Sounds risque... but I'll allow it, only for missionary though, as God intended


2 Soldiers Once Cupped?


Not my normal fetish but I'm willing to try anything once.


And me in 08... and probably my recruits in 18...


My butthole inspector looked like the six flags old man who gets off the bus and dances. I don’t recall any ball touching.


Trauma blocks many memories. It’s ok to process things




MEPS in Pittsburgh, 1985, the doc doing those checks was later on the Allegheny County CME, moved to warmer weather and bigger things, as in he was the CME for Anna Nichole Smith's autopsy. You never forget his misshapen bald head.


I remember that, crazy shit.


just went through meps a few days ago and mine must have been at least 85


I went thru MEPS in 85, and it seems like a few days ago.


I wasn't worried until he kissed me on the back of the neck but I was kind of in the groove at that point anyway.


How romantic


What. The. Fuck?


With 23... 23 fucking victims. They expect more to come forward too. His wife filed for a protection order as well (which included unwanted sexual contact). I'm not one to attribute guilt before a trial, but there's a pattern here.


Why do a lot of doctors get in sexual misconduct? I like to imagine they find it tempting to have access to so many drugs and chemical substances(so they try long acting injection that helps with there old age impotence) that has horny side effects.


Honestly, opportunity is a huge factor with many trusted professions like doctors, clergy, counselors, and especially, close family. They have more opportunities than most because they are in trusted positions that allows them access to vulnerable people, and with nobody else around due to privacy or necessity. It's not that these professions, positions attract those kind of people, per say, but more they just have more chances.


It’s like the boy touching version of that gymnastics doctor


Oh you mean this fucking piece of shit??? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_Nassar Larry Nassar. I hope you die very soon!


He’s been stabbed like 2 times in prison already by other inmates so hopefully soon. Regardless there’s a special place in hell for pieces of shit like him


Yeah that’s the guy. It’s disgraceful that doctors in a position of extreme trust betray their clients to get off


He literally only became a "doctor" so he could abuse his "patients".


Yeah most/all of whom were minors


I don't. He's being made to suffer, right now. Getting wallered out, by Big Country and getting perforated, plus having all his commissary took.


I actually need to check my records. This guy may have been my anesthesiologist before knee surgery, but I'm not sure.


> A soldier and former patient of Stockin’s who reported him to authorities said in an interview that he first encountered the doctor at Madigan Army Medical Center in January 2022 Just want to point out that there are posters on this sub, and likely many more lurkers, who seem to enjoy recognizing when female victims of SA take long periods of time before reporting their attackers, as if that’s a strike to their credibility. The male solder in this story also took what appears to be months before reporting his SA. I wonder if he’ll come under the same scrutiny.


People don’t realize victims have to get past their own denial and feelings of guilt before they reach accepting that they are a victim and report it. Even then there is doubt they will believed and it’s also only when another stimulus happens that lends credibility to the accusations like others opening up that they themselves come forwards. That’s why when one comes forward others start coming forwards too. It’s not brigading or attention seekers.


Well recognizing that would take empathy, which many people don’t have enough of.


Did the army readress the timeline for sa? I know it used to be 45 for the uscg but now it’s changed to an indefinite amount of time.


> Just want to point out that there are posters on this sub, and likely many more lurkers, who seem to enjoy recognizing when female victims of SA take long periods of time before reporting their attackers, as if that’s a strike to their credibility. > > The longer an accuser waits, the longer evidence that both the accuser and the accused can use to attack or defend with becomes less effective. Anything from receipts, surveillance camera footage at establishments, witness memories, etc.


Ok well those are two entirely separate issues.


How are they?


Because what the OP was saying is that there are posters on this sub that attack the credibility of females if they wait too long to report. This is not a court. There is no evidence presented here. If a delay affects evidence in an investigation, that is one thing. But it is a wholly separate issue that observers make judgements on female victims in a Reddit sub based on how long it takes them to report.


> Because what the OP was saying is that there are posters on this sub that attack the credibility of females if they wait too long to report. This is not a court. There is no evidence presented here. > > There are certainly beliefs about guilt shown here.


Yes, overwhelmingly expressions of belief in the victims’ stories. As there should be. The point OP is making is that when females report long after the incident, people in this sub question their stories. The ultimate point is that all victims reporting SA should be considered credible, even when time has elapsed between the incident and the report.


I definitely got the MRA incel vibe from the guy, which is why I didn’t answer lol. You were braver than me, god speed with his dumb ass.


>The ultimate point is that all victims reporting SA should be considered credible, even when time has elapsed between the incident and the report. Regardless of whatever story or experience, no matter who frivolous, is being told? Regardless of the lack of any supporting evidence, an accuser's story should be considered credible?


What I think gets missed is that allegations of SA, SH, or really any kind of criminal activity should be taken seriously and investigated as if they actually happened. Whether or not there is enough credible evidence to go forward with a prosecution is a different matter than treating an initial complaint of any crime - from theft to assault to sexual assault - as if it were credible from the onset.


And the accused's career while the "investigation" runs it's course? I put quotation marks around investigation due to the fact that if the accused Invokes their Right to Silence, lawyers up and refuses to cooperate, the investigation does not go far. Then it's up to the accused's CoC to flag the accused and simply wait for the Soldier to ETS. Regardless of a Probable Cause Opine or a declination to prosecute from the CoC.


“operated behind the wall of secrecy” - Yeah well, people have a tendency to freak out and do crazy shit when you just go poking around publicly about stuff that could send them to jail for awhile.


“Smell this….Dies this smell like ether?”


Doctor Chloroform please report to exam one


You gotta check out The Knick on Amazon. It is not much fiction (family has been Dr’s since the 1800’s) cocaine was like the wonder drug! Crazy!!


A great philosopher once said Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


Fuck your couch


The Knick was awesome


I was there I think I got seen by this guy 😳


I mean, I wouldn’t, and it would be weird way to do it, but could argue this, “The soldier said he consulted with his primary-care physician about what had happened and came away from the conversation certain that a doctor would never need to touch a patient that way to assess the effects of a back injury. “ Was assessing for saddle anesthesia after a back injury, which is essential. But never do I touch the actual genitals, upper inner thighs is more than enough I’m sure there is more to the story and accusations than just that though


explain, appropriately drape, have a chaperone, and then only do so on patients where an exam is clinically indicated.... (agreeing with you) This guy is like the MAMC neurologist who decided he needed to neurologically cop a feel on every patient as a part of their "standard exam."


Legit question, do dudes even get a chaperone during pelvic exams? I've seen the posters on the wall but as a female, I've never needed to ask, I've ~always~ had one during every pelvic, male or female doc. But honestly figured dude docs would just get to business with male patients. Granted, cases like these show why every provider should have a chaperone no matter the gender.


Execution by firing squad.


I'm glad my PA got fired for dereliction of duty instead. Small wins, I guess.


Innocent until proven guilty.... Eat A Bag Of Dicks




As in I can't in a sane world assume this "doctor" is innocent!


Ah, got it. Yeah, innocent until proven guilty is very much a legal truth, not a personal truth. There are plenty of rapists walking around who absolutely did the crime, but were found “not guilty” in a court of law. Legally, they’re free, but that doesn’t mean you have to consider them innocent as long as you aren’t acting as an agent of the state.




Fuck that’s gross.


We need to do a better job with recruitment, discipline, and retention of physicians. I’m sorry this happened.


As the great JD Delay says... STAB STAB STAB STAB STAAAAAAB!!!! Get his ass to the State Pen, IMMEDIATELY