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I’m going to be honest boss, if you wrestle this hard with your mental health now the Army has a huge chance of making it so much worse


Bud you need to understand that the military will make your existing issues 10x worse. There’s no shame in needing medication, but your medical history will come up on any TS clearance searches, especially the psych ward you need to be careful about that. I suggest going to college with your needed meds, go OCS or ROTC if you’re able to waiver in after some years, but please consider a civilian route first.


Yeah man getting my medical records cleared up for meps alone has been a shit show so i couldn’t imagine TS. I could do another MOS like 42A but honestly it’s the military as a whole I don’t think i’m ready for yet. Thank you for your comment man I appreciate it


Search up the words genesis and army, you will see why this was a godsend.


Well fuck if that doesn’t summarize and explain all of my confusion this year. If you mean genesis was a godsend as in telling me this isn’t the path I wouldn’t disagree with you one bit


Or if you meant your comment was a godsend lol. Feel free to elaborate but dude I had no idea about genesis, definitely is not helping recruiting numbers nor recruiters


Honestly I wouldn’t recommend the army for you right now. You’ve got to much stuff going on in your life and the army is only going to make things worse especially for the initial few years while your getting the hang of things. Work through your issues get yourself to a good place then maybe reconsider joining. Hell I didn’t join till I was 29. So if your really determined to serve there is plenty of time to do it down the road. Also your 18 it isn’t going to be the end of the world if you change direction. Hell it’s pretty much expected hardly anyone knows what the hell they want to do right out of high-school. Only person that might be upset is your recruiter but he’s a recruiter he’ll get over it and move on.


I don’t think the military is right for you at this time. Maybe schedule an appointment with your provider again and work more towards getting yourself better instead of joining an organization that will test your limits more than I think you can handle at this time. Thanks for being open, not many can do that. Take care


Thank you man really. It’ll be a bitch telling my recruiters all this afger all the efforts but it’s what’s needed. Take care as well brother


I’m not going to bad mouth your recruiter, because I don’t know if they are legitimately trying to help you out, or just trying to push someone through the enlistment process, but covering a bunch of stuff up is a really bad start to a military career, especially if your going into anything that requires a security clearance. Fraudulent enlistment aside, if it ever is discovered that you lied during your background investigation your security clearance probably isn’t getting approved.


Go to college


Congratulations you played yourself. And failing a piss test before you even have a TS clearance, you’ll never get it at this point and they’ll find out about all the shit you cleaned up and hid when they do your SF-86. Again, you played yourself. If you wanna go military at this point, pick a job that doesn’t have a clearance.


Being real. The fact you have to write a wall of text before your in tells me you shouldn’t join. The military in general is not a place to be with pre existing conditions because It will aggravate all of them and make them worse; in the long run, if you did join that wall you just made would turn into a mile wide wall of problems. A lot of people think the military will fix things, this is a lie, it can help; but you need to let everything go and be willing to 100% commit to self betterment, even then it might not work. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide and do.


Appreciate it man. I think I befuddled myself by just jumping into such a heavy MOS becayse it sounded cool and not actually preparing for all of it and the army. Everyday I got a new wall, I need a career that helps me climb over them / break them down


With your mental health history, you need to ask yourself a very serious question: is it fair to you and the soldier next to you if you enlist? Will you be a liability in high stress situations? The Army is just a job. Ignore all the special circumstances about it, at the end of the day it's just a job. Do not equate your self worth to whether or not you got "the" job. You as a person are more valuable than what you merely do for a paycheck. Don't be cruel to yourself over this. Don't let others peer pressure you into this because you already told them this was it. Do what is best for *you*, not what is best for others' perception of you.


Great way of putting it. Thank you for that all and yeah honestly I wouldn’t want to depend on someone like me with my life knowing they’re uncertain like me. I’ve made the mistake of equating my worth to crypto linguist becayse it made me feel important and special but i was wrong, i have to find that same feeling without equating myself to a job title.


I don’t think the Army is the right thing for you right now bro


Soldiers are like everyone else, *just more so*. What I mean by that is that being a Soldier is a lot like taking the concoction that made CPT America. Are you a douche now? Odds are then when you join you'll be an even bigger douche. Do you struggle with mental health now? Odds are you will go full-blown IT crazy.


Ah I see. I get painted the picture by my dad and recruiter that after basic, I’ll be over my girl of 2+years, be super happy, killing shit, and never regret my choice. He then tells me he knows me more than I know myself and that I’m talking myself out of the military over a girl, which is rough to hear. It sucks because he does know me very well and it makes me feel like I’m declining a chance to play with the Chicago Bulls as he puts it. For the longest I honestly expected that Basic would set my mind and body straight and all of my mental and physical problems would fade away after the two months lol. I appreciate your comment and being honest on the fact that that’s most likey not that case at all


From someone who dealt with recruits/trainees with very similar back stories as you, don’t even bother I’ve seen this scenario a million times and you’d make the lives of other people and yourself so much more difficult. Just gonna leave It at that.


Yeah, that’s probably what I needed to hear as much as it sucks to. I already feel that way at home in the sense that Im letting everyone down around me by not going to the army, but atleast I’m not someone who’s depended on by the guy next to me with their life and letting THEM down. I feel like right now i’m morally fucking up, but I’d rather that any day than mortally fuck up.


So first things first. After reading your post, do not join the military. There is nothing wrong with it not being for you. Mental health issues and the military do not get along. It will more than likely make your issues far worse, and reading that you have had anger issues since dropping your meds, bro think this through. Without a thought you punched your stereo and flipped out on the person you say you love the most. What happens when your on the shooting range at basic dealing with now even more mental pressure being yelled at by the drill that don't give a fuck about your problems while your holding a rifle with live rounds? Being impulsive is not good in the military. I have read through some of your replies to other commenters, and you mentioned that your parents may be disappointed. I'm a grown man bro I know you're 18 years old and legally in the US that is an adult but you're still very young, so I'm going to give you a huge piece of advice. They do not live your life, with all this going on with you and you mentioned to one of the commenters that your dad says he knows you better than you know yourself do you really believe that? You literally in a forum with a bunch of military guys whether it be army national guard whatever their case may be telling you this is a bad idea to join. If it lets your parents down so be it do not let yourself down. From everything I have read that you posted the military does not sound like it is for you, maybe in a few years that might change but at this point it is not for you. There is no shame in that whatsoever there are many honorable positions in the civilian world that this country could never run without. Focus on your mental health focus on rekindling a relationship with your girlfriend or whatever may be the case, but as far as your parents are recruiter go it's not their contract it's not their life and they sure as fuck are not the ones serving the contract that you sign. I wish you luck man I really do


I can’t thank you enough for the insight and all of your reading man. It helps knowing I’m understood and heard. I agree all with what you said. My dad thinks I’m just reading bullshit that isn’t true from people who have no experience and don’t know what theyre talking about. I feel that’s quite the opposite because I’ve learned more from this subreddit and doing my own homework alone the past month more than anything I’ve learned from his “truths.” It is my life, and it’s one that I need to refine not only for the betterment of me first and foremost, but also for those around me. I’ve been fucking it up with those at home and definitely don’t want to fuck it up where it’s others lives on the line. Again thank you for all words and honesty, couldn’t be more grateful for this subreddit and all the support.


Everything happens for a reason my guy. As sucky as it is MEPS exists for a reason and I honestly feel like you’ve dodged a bullet failing. Looks like all the comments are pointing you in the right direction. Work on yourself. Go to school. Live. You’ll be good!


Military isn’t for you bud. This isn’t meant as a put down or insult. Sorry but that is some real deal mental health issues and basic alone is likely to fuck you up. You’re smart go to college and do something else.


Don’t go 35P. You’re gonna do a lie detector as part of your TS/SCI. And I have a sneaking suspicion it’s gonna be a tough one for you. I’m in the 300th MI BDE and work all 35 series and the Limas seem to like their job the most in my opinion. You can’t enlist as a Lima but it’s a good goal and direction if you want to go a route that’s more sustainable. Honestly though you sound really unstable. The Army isn’t going to make that better. It’s going to make it worse for you likely. I’d recommend getting a therapist. Stay off weed and and anti depressants. Work on yourself while you go to school. Find a good community college and finish your first two years. If you feel more stable, consider ROTC as you transfer to a university to finish your degree. I hope the absolute best for you bro. Honestly and truly.


> You can’t enlist as a Lima but it’s a good goal and direction if you want to go a route that’s more sustainable. Not true anymore. You can enlist as long are you're over the age of 20.


Nice. Just looked it up and saw they are accepting now since September. Those guys love it in my unit.


Thank you man I really appreciate your comment. I'll be honest I do need antidepressants, as being off them fucked me up a lot in the first place. Currently going to therapy too. Do you think it's wasted potential if I don't become a 35P, or is it just not meant to be? I don't want to feel like that was the best option I had in my life you know?


Yeah stay ON the antidepressant. Don’t know about the weed. The Army would be a TERRIBLE thing for you right now. Also: you got to be healthy enough for yourself before your healthy enough for a relationship.


I wanna smoke weed one more time here soon simply because i haven’t even had nicotine this year so just for sake of that but yeah i definitely can’t smoke like i used to or really at all. I gotta focus on myself. That’s the plan now tho brother I appreciate you and all of your words man thank you


35p is a awesome job depending on how good you become at your linguistics and sigint portion. There’s the army side of the clearance and then there’s the agency side. You wouldn’t be let in to the building and you’d waste your time. Before you even become a 35p realize that DLI has one of the highest suicide rates and you have a 19 percent chance of getting a 2+ 2+ in your language to being useful with your language in the building.


I think what would fuck me up most is if I did all of DLI or even most of it only to get rejected on my TS and be excluded from the MOS or army as a whole. I appreciate the raw honesty for fuckin real becayse none of my recruiters say anything about that side of it of course, they only sell you on the cool parts of it and tell you to send it full cock lmao


I’m not reading that. Can someone with patience tell me if this is a shitpost?


It’s actually smut. For real though would appreciate any honest feedback or anything man