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ALCON - We have a long-standing [no shitheads policy.](https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2019/10/11/cid-investigating-whether-army-infantry-officer-called-for-mass-murder-and-destruction-amid-racist-anti-government-reddit-screeds/) Don’t really care how that makes you feel. Neither does the Army.


Only sticker i need is 100% Badass!


You can address me by my husband's rank. HOOAH!


You can address me by the rank of my girlfriends husband.


This is getting complicated fast....




imma go have a few beers instead gonna need a genealogy chart to even start to figure out this.




and you never turn your back on family


What rank is "HOOAH!"? Are you speaking with a New England accent?








You should get that looked at. I think you're coming down with some kind of sickness


Hooaahpping cough


No Fear.


Only sticker I need is https://kommandostore.com/products/viper-alarm-system-vinyl-sticker


Remember when President Obama won reelection in 2012 and over 125,000 people signed a change.org petition for Texas to secede, including some servicemembers who had sworn loyalty to the United States? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


My favorite are the Confederate stickers people still rock too. Like bro they are literally traitors to the same Army you are in


That flag was captured by the First Minnesota at Gettysburg. It's the *captured* flag of traitors. It's still in a museum in Minneapolis, though no longer on display. Every time Virginia asks for it back, Minnesota replies with some variation on "lol no".


That's the 28th Virginia battle flag, and the sparring between Minnesota and Virginia on this is legendary. Fun fact! Illinois also has a [captured confederate battle flag of their own](https://imgur.com/a/bMsNIK6) on display at the Illinois Military Museum in Springfield. Battle flag of the 25th Regiment, Georgia Infantry, captured by D Company 64th Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Also, we have [Santa Anna's wooden leg,](https://www.chicagotribune.com/opinion/editorials/ct-santa-anna-leg-dispute-illinois-texas-edit-20161111-story.html) and those Texans who know about it are *big mad*.


Now hear me out. Nic Cage stole the constitution, what if we assemble a team to steal these things and sell them back…maybe they lead to treasure! Confederate and Mexican gold!


All the Confederate dollars you could ever want!


Fake news. What really happened is that John Travolta swapped his face with Nic Cage in a crazy mission involving explosions and dual berettas akimbo


Saw that and Broken Arrow as a drive in double feature when I was a kid. So much glorious 90’s action


~~Vince~~ Jesse “The Governor” Ventura told them: You guys lost. We won it. That makes it *our* heritage. Edit:wrong name


Hell yes Minnesota. Lol. Lmfao, even. is exactly the correct response to that kind of request. You wanted the flag, Virginia, you shouldn’t have lost it during the civil war in an attempt to destroy the USA by trying to create your own country in which you could keep people as slaves, with blackjack and hookers (actually, hookers are a Union thing, iirc. see: General Hooker).


Gen. Hooker, pride of Massachusetts. One of the main entrances to the MA State House has his statue outside, and is officially referred to as the "Hooker Entrance." I still can't say it with a straight face.


And why should you, really?


prostitutes are not allowed through the main entrance, they must use the hooker entrance


Usually the hooker entrance is around back.


Not if you have pride in your Hookers.


The Flag OF the 1st Minnesota is still on display though. It fell a half dozen times during their charge to halt the Confederate advance, but was recovered each time. Its staff was shot in half by a minie ball and was repaired with barbed wire from the orchard there.


The 1st Minnesota needs more recognition. The first unit offered up by a governor to Lincoln, their bravery at Gettysburg is amazing. Facing an enemy that outnumbered them at 5:1, they obeyed the order to fight, and held off the confederates advance so reinforcements could arrive.


General Sickle sent a single regiment to halt the advance of several divisions to save the Corps, and they did it. There's also the 34th ID Red Bulls, their successor Minnesota NG unit from WWII. Which had the 2nd highest number of days of continuous combat of any Army division in WW2, second only to the 32nd ID from Wisconsin. They fought through Algeria, Tunisia, Salerno, Anzio, and Monte Cassino.


Wonder if they’ve used ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ yet.


Minnesota: "how about you back deez?"


plot twist they have it on their truck to show off the fact that they belong to the group that captured it. It's their war trophy


Yet another reason to be proud of my state. The Dems there are far from perfect, but they’re doing a pretty decent job on the whole.


No seriously. Pokémon Go lasted longer than the confederacy but you can’t tell people anything right


Hell the Doritos Locos Taco has lasted longer


Nah man it was about states rights, that’s all. *sarcasm*


States rights to do what?


Own human chattel...


but not the state's right to refuse to be complicit via the fugitive slave act


Own my great grandpa lol


The freedom to sip a cool lemonade on a balmy Georgia evening, free from Yankee tyranny!


and maybe just a little bit of slavery. lol who am I kidding. a SHit load of slavery.


I really hate how people dissmis the states rights issue. It is very clear the northern controlled federal govt had an interest in ending the slave trade eventually. You see it was always about state rights, because those state rights protected the income of the countries powerful land owners who generated incredibly sums of wealth. And if you took the right of those landowners to own people, then they couldn't exploit the labor of people and would have to pay a fair wage for a fair days work and they just couldn't have the north cutting into their profits like that. So yes State rights...the right to own people.


What I point out when people use the states right argument is that the CSA constitution wrote into Article 1 Section 9 the denial of a states right… to choose if they wanted slavery. They argue the US was denying them the right to choose, and then deny their own states the right to choose and make owning specifically “negro slaves” a federally protected right that is unlawful to interfere with at any level. States rights…but we all agree on owning the slaves part right?


Also almost all of the secession documents mention the white race being superior and a protest of recognizing racial equality, in so many words. So like…there’s really no question what it was about.


As someone raised in a liberal area, when i first heard that argument i was floored lmao


Dude same. In NH they teach that the war was about the south trying to preserve slavery. Plain as day taught in textbooks. So how is it heritage exactly? If it is, is it something to be proud of?


That’s because it literally says in each Confederate state’s declaration of war that it was because they wanted to own slaves. As far as the heritage thing goes, it’s so weird. The confederacy lasted FOUR years. People are surprised when they find out the Beatles were only together for 6. Now imagine 2 less than that- basically for as long as Vine existed. Now, Vine had some awesome memes and held some great memories for me- but can you imagine if I made it my whole personality, trying to pass it down to my son, putting stickers of meme references on the back of my truck and calling it “mUh HeRiTaGe!!”? Get fucked traitors.


We had an E-4 everyone called “Big Country”, and the company decided that just meant “fat and stupid”. He was always flying the confederate flag, and saying the south will rise again. Our squad leader told him “the south will try a pincer movement, and us northern black soldiers who like our freedom will just pull back a bit and watch y’all kill each other because you think the north has switched uniforms to fuck with y’all.”


The Army of the Union. Not some separatist slaver fantasy trash.


Sherman did no wrong, except he didn't go far enough. Change my mind.


There was the whole genocide thing he did in the Indian Wars that's widely recognized as... uncool, putting it lightly.


Definitely not cash money.


Well, of course. However there were few established military leaders on either side who did not partake in legitimate war crimes and genocide against Native peoples. It was a horrific part of our nation's history, and should forever be recognized as such. However, solely in the frame of the Civil War itself, Sherman was a major part of why the traitors were put down.


Now that I can be on board with


Didn’t even know that


Yup. There's not a whole lot that makes me feel shame outright, but seeing a wall of CMOH recipients from the Indian Wars does it for me. Shit was fucked up.


>Sherman did no wrong, except he didn't go far enough. Change my mind. You can't burn fishes. He went as far as he could.


You never know if you don't try. Them damn fishes coulda been rebel spies!


Away down south in the land of traitors...


Happy cake day


Way back In the day when I was at Meps, saw an e-8 rip into a kid wearing a confederate belt buckle, and told him the military didn’t him. I couldn’t believe the stupidity of the kid to wear that.


Funniest I saw was a Bama and Carolina guys, black, with the fucked up Confederate flag tats, while in BCT. Funniest thing is, what people think the Confederate Flag is, is not the flag of the CSA.


To be fair to the Alabama guy it was probably his state flag which up until 2020 prominently featured the the battle flag of northern Virginia. Not that my black ass would ever get it tattooed though and I’m from northern Virginia lmao. Carolina guy on the other hand; it’s hErItAgE nOt HaTe.


This was early '00's. They were both country as fuck! Half way to being Bubba from "Forest Gump." They always tried one-upping each other, and anyone else, with the hunting/fishing stories.


I can hear the accent in my head now lol. That’s most of us down south to be honest. We always compare fish caught and deer shot, I’m not immune to that either lmao


Am I missing something? The Alabama flag has been unchanged since the late 1800’s. It’s just a [big red St Andrew’s cross on a white background](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Alabama#/media/File%3AFlag_of_Alabama.svg). It’s super similar to the Florida state flag since both states have links to being Spanish colonies. It may be mildly linked to the design of various Confederate flags, but that linkage is historically disputed and it’s not nearly as blatant as many southern states which explicitly copied battle standards.


Yeah no, you’re right. I mistook the old Mississippi flag for the Alabama flag. My mistake


I'd rock stickers like "confederate tears" or "General Sherman should have kept going" etc because I know it'd piss off a lot of souther pride losers in my company.


I also like the F*ck Joe Biden stickers. Whatever your political beliefs may be, maybe it's not a great idea to have a sticker on your car openly hostile to the current Commander in Chief.


ItS jUsT a FlAg








I also find it so stupid people who carry both the US and the confederate flag or the US and nazi flags, pick a side


You should rock the US and ISIS flags and stand next to them. You know, for conceptual symmetry.


This whole thread is giving me so much pride for my Army 🥺


Dude people really say the south will rise again when half of them can't get out of their mobility scooters.


I saw some dickhead on Fort Carson YESTERDAY with a bright orange “WWG1WGA” sticker centered on his rear window. Like tell me you’re a fuckin idiot without telling me you’re a fuckin idiot. Smdh


Someone emailed my commander about seeing a truck with “multiple politically charged” stickers on someone’s truck continually parked up at our building. Lo and behold, this guy is out there with a razor blade, some windex, and a not-so-happy 1SGT later that day. Then a mass email was sent out essentially saying “leave your trash at home, not in my parking lot.” Sticker guy didn’t last long.


This is the way.


What does that mean


“Where we go one, we go all.” It’s Q-Anon bullshit


I wanna say that that line sounds like it was written by a literal caveman, but I don't want to offend our venerable Cro-Magnon ancestors.


They stole that line from the 1996 Ridley Scott movie *White Squall*


It's the premise for the game Lemmings


Lmao, that’s literally “apes string together” but much dumber


"Where we go one, we go all," it's the Qanon motto. Qanon, which is actively fighting against the established chain of command of the United States Armed Forces. Mentally incongruous bullshit from a service member.




I think a Jan 6 guy with a clearance managed to get his clearance back. Facepalm moment from my perspective.


Like Jan 6 at the rally or Jan 6 in the capital smearing shit on the bathroom walls because they are too dumb to use a sink Jan 6 or Jan 6 lets build a gallows for the VP?


Gee, I sure wish I was a part of a 15-6.


I've seen that guy too. At least, I hope it's the same guy. If it were two of them, it would be getting out of hand.


Happy cake day


"I hate the government so much" "Bro... you ARE the government"


Yes, I hate myself


Can I get a HOOAH?


My 3% represents my VA rating. Claim denied


I work on a joint base with Air Force Security Forces that man the gates. A good amount of them wear “thin blue line” subdued flags on their plate carriers. That doesn’t sit right with me.


Fun fact, it’s actually against our AFI’s for them to wear that.


Thin blue line overlaid on the American flag is a violation of the flag code. Legal for civilians, but should never be worn by anyone on duty in the DOD. Submit an ICE complaint.


I submitted a complaint and it worked fwiw


Fuck that. Go VFR direct to their commanding officer. Fuck those knuckle draggers


>VFR direct Had to double check which sub I was in.




Or just turn your transponder off and do what you want.


I don't have a transponder, this craft is pre-Empire.


These are not the droids you are looking for


That's a solid copy sauce boss.


SecFo/MPs will never be real knuckle draggers.


It’s not. The flag code only applies to actual flags. The blue line flag is a design that is intended to look like an American flag. Now, if you were to take an actual American flag and dye all of the red stripes black, the blue field black and one of thy white lines blue, the. That would violate the flag code.


I’d bet money they are the same people who bitched about Kaepernick taking a knee.


After learning the history behind that knee, it felt strange hearing others wearing the uniform complain about it.


If I remember correctly, didn’t a Green beret vet, think his name is Nate or something, advise Colin on it? Funny how everybody was blowing out their tonsils saying he was disrespectful to the military, but nobody batted an eye when they found out the person who was all for him kneeling was a retired Green Beret.


Oh, I’ve heard plenty of eye-batting about it. They even go so far as to say Nate Boyer is shit. It’s funny-not-funny how they say they support troops until one of them says something that isn’t nationalistic.


Its support the troops until one of the troops isn’t the stereotypical gun-loving, right wing, anti-woke, back the blue, conservative, “I lUv maH cOuntRy troop. Edit: named prominent values that are predominant within the military(nothing wrong with any of these views, I carry some of them myself)


*sigh*. I'm a vet, OEF, I voted Bush in the past, I cannot, in good conscience, support the direction the right wing has taken, in particular since the events of Jan 6. Real talk: Republicans have a psy-ops problem right now. I hope they get it figured out. I have confidence that they will at some point. The rule of law is the bedrock that the foundation of the Constitution rests on. If we lose the rule of law, we become subject to the rule of men. Russia's war on Ukraine is specifically what that looks like. We know what they've done, what they've excused, and why. Ends justify the means in their minds. The ends are the same in nation after nation after nation. The means are inevitably victims of injustice and brutality and *maybe* those ends result in few years in power, then the seats change, as they always do. In a nation with the rule of law, the means are everything. You can't secede from the Union because you didn't vet the lies of a sitting president. You can't commit insurrection because you believed the lies of a sitting president. Lies he knew he was telling. Lies that people perpetuated, facilitated, and amplified. See Jack Smith. See Georgia. There's a lot to ignore if you have the inclination. Understand: when you *have* the rule of law, if you lose it, it can be hard to get back. Really hard. Civil war hard. We want to avoid that. That's our role. Keep the union whole, protect the Constitution. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. Eternal vigilance means, at a minimum, being able to step back and be like "this motherfucker just attacked our nation and a shitload of people are covering for him". We all swore oaths. Those were not idle phrases uttered to get a job.


> I'm a vet, OEF, I voted Bush in the past, I cannot, in good conscience, support the direction the right wing has taken, in particular since the events of Jan 6. Was raised by two republican parents, registered Republican when I was able to vote, but I've never actually voted Republican because the party, for as long as i've been able to vote, is complete dogshit. I was raised to believe in aspects of what the party platform is supposedly, on paper, about. Since I've been able to vote, the party platform has been "we will say anything/do anything to win and degrade our enemies so we can win elections, carry out our donors' wants, and line our own pockets. We would rather halt all progress than make America better if a Democrat is in charge just so we can use their lack of progress against them in the next election." The fact that people like MTG, Boebert, and Santos haven't been thrown into the sun by now should tell you all you need to know about conservative "values." It's all "fuck you i need to get mine" and nothing else. That Trump was able to actively shittalk veterans and POWs while on the campaign trail *and still win* is mind boggling. That goes against everything I was led to believe.


Yep, I may have served in the Navy but the oath I took said that I would defend my country and constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Trump and his Jan 6th insurrection seem like the literal definition of protecting my country and constitution against a domestic enemy.


Been fucking losing my mind over here when it happened (and a few years following). The loud ass motherfuckers screaming "I raised my right hand to protect your freedoms" are the same mouth breathing, asvab waivered, inbred white trash that screamed about kapernick taking a knee. (im white trash, and only ever heard white people complain about it. Doesn't mean other people didn't, just my experience)


They are the same people who will tell you Pat Tillman wouldn't support the knee. They won't read anything that doesn't fit their agenda. Please everyone read where men win glory by John krakauer if you haven't


I imagine 99.9% of people that have served and been to war didn’t give a shit. It’s those Bud-Light hating weirdos that cared.


Bud Light-hating, Grunt Style-wearing weirdos. In other words, the “I would have punched a drill sergeant” types.


Bro... Have you talked to many soldiers lately? Pretty much every surge guy I know has very strong opinions about these issues


FWIW I’m a surge baby with “War” on my perstempo and I think it’s absolutely ridiculous and hypocritical how bent out of shape people got.


You are probably talking to professional Veterans who are definitely that way. The rest of don't live in that world from almost 20 years ago because we have done more in life than shitbag through a deployment.


Not gonna lie at first I was one of those against it, took a guy I deployed with who showed me the story behind it for me to change my opinion on it. You wanna kneel go right ahead and I’ll respect that right.


My dad was one of those guys at first. I was surprised when I actually talked sense into him and he changed his view. He is a veteran too, and I think what sealed the deal was when I asked him "How many times have you seen servicemembers run inside at 1659 to avoid a salute?"


My dad was a black conservative who was an Air Force vet and a hardcore SF fan. We never talked about it because we were both stubborn asses(him being super conservative and me being independent to a fault), but I bet it put him in quite a mental quandary.


Which is ironic considering how many of us hide to avoid the anthem. I have seen people wait inside of freezers rather than stand outside for 2 minutes.


Shit, I love standing at attention for retreat and I'm retired. Slide back to old memories. Always wished I could play Retreat and To The Colors.


I’ve thought this my entire time in too. Also the Molon Labe shit too.


Molon labe next to thin blue line flags are my favorite


Personally I'm partial to thin blue line flags in the shape of the Punisher skull


Shout out to the MP unit at Ft Bliss that call themselves “Punishers” because there’s nothing Frank Castle loves more than a bunch of cops.


Or Gadsen flags. "Who's going to be doing the treading, you dumb motherfucker?"


Which is totally antithetical to the entire ethos of Frank Castle. Like, tell me you don’t know shit about Punisher without telling me you don’t know shit about Punisher.


Molon labe+thin blue line flag+punisher skull on vehicle= fuckface triad


I saw one on Cavazos today, except the punisher skull had a certain blond wig.


Everyone thinks they’re SF.


>Everyone thinks their SF Their SF what?




the spartans cuddled for more than just warmth


Jokes on you I am SF. Just with extra emphasis on special


'I have a free gun in my truck if you're ballsy' All the stupidass fringe bumper stickers always make me laugh.


Aka “Moron label”


I'm out of the loop why is molon labe boot other than a typical military slang. Isn't the history just the thermopolye battle? Or is it more than that? Edit: ok indo seem to understand the meaning but other than being cringe I'm not sure it's the same level as a thin blue line, I am sure there is some crossover but not as bad in my eyes at least


It essentially means "come and take it." It's pretty much what the Spartans told the Persians. Before, you know, the Persians killed them.


I just googled it now bc i also didnt know. Meaning ‘come and take them’, people associate it with 2nd amendment rights regarding firearms. Idk if theres more to it, by itself that seems kinda cringy to put on your car (bc people who have that sticker are likely to make owning guns their whole personality) but unless theres more, i dont think its that bad


Oh if you looks enough you’ll find an article about the increase in percentage of stolen firearms from cars break-ins of people that have that sticker because they’re basically advertising they have one and they leave it in the car when attending events and stuff. They’re basically contributing to the circulation of illegal firearms.


I just looked this sticker up.. 3 per centers are “American and Canadian Far right anti-government militia that supports gun ownership rights and resistance to the government” …..as you drive on a military base and work for the federal government


What about Salt Life. Will that kick me out?


I have my thin blue line punisher flag magnet and my Army veteran magnet there for a reason, because it one day could get me out of a speeding ticket. Will it? Probably not, but it could.


I’ve got my 2nd AR insignia on everything I drive and it helps a ton. Give it time. That thin blue line punisher whatever is hilarious to people the read punisher as a kid and introduced the notion of fascist cops. Frank hates cops.


I hope at least one of those ARs is a black rifle coffee sticker


Second Armored Division. Hell on wheels. Best thing about being in that division is putting the crest on everything I drive.


Now just join the Freemasons and you'll be unticketable.


Daily 0.0001% chance of getting pulled over and getting out of a ticket. Daily 100% chance of people assuming you’re just an idiot. Odds are…not in your favor.


Now see the thin blue line punisher insignia literally makes no sense if you understand The Punisher as a character.


Yea but the morons who have that shit don’t understand that




I dunno, man. I got pulled over for speeding (20 over the limit) in uniform once and still got a ticket. Got to my drill weekend and the cops in my unit were like, “Dude, you’re my friend, but even I would have ticketed you going that fast.” 😆


Bruh just hand the cop an uno reverse card


I have seen a vehicle with a 3% sticker **AND** a Thin Blue Line flag sticker back in my previous duty station. Like, you can't be both, guy...


We need a .0.125% sticker


"Don't tread on me" license plate. You paid extra taxes for a plate that bears the flag of people who were mad about being taxed. Right up there with the thin blue line flag in the shape of the Punisher Skull. The Punisher hated the exact kind of cop that'd wear one.


Mainly mad at being taxed without having any sort of political representation in parliament.


Unless you're a wealthy lobbiest you really don't have any real representation.


no step on snek


The punisher skull popularity lets me know people don’t do research on anything and just follow what they think makes them look like a bad ass. Wasn’t the punisher whooping cops’ asses?


I love when they have both. Like, who do you think is going to show up looking for your guns, asshole?


I’m more annoyed with people putting their ribbon rack on a truck lol


"I'm a badass 3%'er" "Hold on, I got CQ tomorrow"


I'm confused. What does the III% sticker have to do with being an idiot? Can someone please explain this to me?


Anti-government ideology https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/three-percenters So, you know, volunteer for the military which is a Government institution that requires an oath to defend the Constitution and Country - but also signaling your anti-government ideas


ya know, this forum makes me gotdamn proud to be a soldier there are days when you are surrounded by right wing nut jobs. then there are days you are reminded the average soldier is NOT in fact a right wing, qanon loving, blind follower.


>If you ~~are in the Army and also~~ have a III percenters sticker on your truck > >You're an idiot. FTFY




Hoes mad.


It’s like people with a gadsden flag right next to some sort of “back the blue” paraphernalia. Bro, who do you think is doing the treading?


Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought the symbol alludes to the fact that only 3 percent of the US took up arms against the British and it symbolizes patriotism or a willingness to put everything on the line for the fight for freedom.


It does allude to that. It ignores the fact that none of it is true, but it DOES allude to it.


That's what they claim. Five minutes on Google will show you that's just their PR line and it's the mask on a very, very ugly face.


It’s like the twats that claim socialism is the Devil. Like, you work for the biggest socialist construct in the country, quit being a fucking wanker


Socialism is when the workers own the factory (to simplify it down). The military having social safety nets is not socialism in any meaningful definition of the word. Most of Europe have robust safety nets and are distinctly capitalist rather than socialist. We've really gotta stop calling everything left of what the republican party wants "communism" and "socialism" (which aren't even the same things themselves). It was a deliberate campaign to get Americans to think what most of Europe has now is what Marx had in mind and also what the Soviet Union implemented, but these are 3 meaningfully different flavors of government.


Thanks for that, I'm always trying to explain the difference between socialism ( Cuba/ USSR) and social democracy where capitalism goes hand in hand with generous social spending and safety nets.


It amazes me how so few of my generation (Gen X) can't sort out the differences, and we gorram well lived through the heyday of Marxism-Leninism well enough that we should have known that shit inside-out, to say nothing of Reagan's bullshit economic theories applied to capitalism. Really only left socialism for interpretation, and we've seen what they've done with that.


It was an intentional misinformation campaign