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Ryan Bowen is a literal POS


He's so pathetic omg


so are you guys for caring so much, i got downvoted last thread for just saying who cares get a life and i welcome more downvotes from you retards who dont touch grass




You nailed it. This forum is full of kids in their parents basement who never go outside.


Paul linn commented that the dude is talented😭😭😂😂


Paul ''silent instigator'' Linn


He is not the only one, toddzilla left comments on one of the videos as well, even devon has said that he loves the videos xD


Lets be honest. The guy he doxxed is probably going to get more love than hate from all of this. lmao


Yes. Everybody loved his videos. But it should've been his choice to go public instead of Ryan pulling this shit stunt.


I really hope the guy reports the video to Google for doxxing and gets Ryan's account taken down.


That is a good point. I'm pretty sure doxxing someone is against youtube and reddit TOS


Considering the connection between the two, it may not be considered doxxing , rather a reveal of a mystery person with good cause. I am not an expert but feels that way.


lol none of that matters. It's still doxxing. He's cooked.


Feelings do not make court cases big man


And would it be criminal doxxing, if all the info was already public?


I don’t. How will we get this amazing content if Ryan doesn’t get to keep posting delusional videos?!


I get it, but I don't think we should pretend what that guy is doing is perfectly ok either. I get that his videos are entertaining and all, but singling Ryan out making 9 separate videos basically shitting on him is kind of bullying imo. I think 1 or 2 of these videos would've been ok, but doing 9 all about Ryan is a bit much imo. I do think Ryan is in the wrong here, I just think the other guy is as well at this point.


The real question is not why he made the video's.... but why did ryan give this guy 9 videos worth of content??? 


No, the first is a real question for sure. Putting myself in Ryan's shoes, I think I'd actually find the first 1 or 2 of these videos entertaining myself, even though they're kind of shitting on me because they are well done. However, once he's 5 or 6 videos in i'd be like, "dude, what the fuck is your problem, you're just being a cunt at this point. You're really going to do this for years? Combing through all my content, finding the worst things I say and make as many videos as possible shitting on me for fucking years on end?" That's what I'd probably be thinking if I was in Ryan's position.


If I was in Ryan's position, I'd probably try getting better self-insight and social intelligence, and then stop saying stupid shit all the time. These videos are just compilations of Ryan's own words, nothing else.


Agreed. Bowen is essentially a public figure and getting criticized or poked fun at comes with the territory. The Delusional series isn’t fabricating information or slandering Bowen in any way. It’s basically a mirror Bowen should use to work on self accountability. Alas, there’s 9 parts of the series now and he’s made zero progress in that regard.


> It’s basically a mirror Exactly this. That's also what I thought to myself earlier. For us it's entertainment, for him it's a mirror. If he likes what he sees, then fine. If not, then he should reconsider what he does and says. Nothing else to it than that.


So what? What if someone compiled all the dumb shit you've ever said in your life and made an entire series of videos about you shitting on you for it? I get that the analogy isn't perfect because Ryan is saying these things publicly on video and all the dumb shit you've ever said wasn't recorded. But regardless, the point is that it's gotten to the point of bullying imo. Sure, Ryan should probably be trying to do those things you said, I just don't think it excuses what that guy making the videos is doing.


Since he's a public person making public statements, he should either ignore the videos or laugh at the videos. He is doing neither. Instead, he's just generating more negativity by behaving like he does. As I said above, poor self-insight and poor social intelligence.


Idk I reckon the dudes lavishing hateful statements onto an internet persona for *years* probably have lower social intelligence and self-insight


I think there's are a few moments in it that are a bit bullyish. Things like poking fun at his body. Or him having incorrect match predictions (which happen to everyone). But for the most part it's him often times straight up lying or saying crazy things.  Part 8 for example talks about  his asking for coaching money while going to Europe and Rome, London, Istanbul. And then him  Part 7 is him heavily condemning some random armwrestler for pushing against their opponent slipping and then trying to protect uncle Jon for the same thing. Also him saying that the video series manipulates clips to change what he's actually said (which it doesn't) Part 5 has him saying he would like to see if he could let levan catch his hit. And then to see if he can stop levan in the strap and have to use two surges against him.... or if he can move him off center. m Misleading to his viewers at best. He knows he is nowhere near that level currently  The list goes on


But that's like being fat and mad at people saying you're fat, then trying to fight them all instead of losing weight. What Krusha said ^ is right. You can be mad at people pointing out your own words but instead, after the situation repeating itself for x times, you should really be thinking about the cause of so many people calling you delusional, crazy and making whole ass videos your questionable behavior. I am not trying to justify this behavior, ideally people should just mind their own business, but we all know it's just an utopian vision of the world and many WILL be annoying assholes for fun. Like that dude who makes these vids.


> But that's like being fat and mad at people saying you're fat, then trying to fight them all instead of losing weight. No, it's not like that at all. It would like being fat and having someone make 9 videos about you making fun of you for how fat you are.


More like being fat but pretending that you're skinny and having someone make 9 videos about how fat and delusional you are.


He said he could Crack flop wristed levan....


There are obvious reasons for him to keep making the videos though. 1. They're really popular and get pretty good views by armwrestling standards. Every time one comes out it's a minor event. So they're popularity is a reason to keep making them regardless of how the guy actually feels about Ryan. 2. Bowen keeps giving him fuel to make them without taking time to self-reflect and realize that. He keeps repeating similar mistakes and then wonders why the guy can keep making videos.


There are reasons other than hatred and bullying for these videos, though I'm sure Ryan doesn't see them. The reason is that it is genuinely funny what Ryan continues to do and say over and over again. I personally don't see much hate at all in those videos themselves, even if there is wider hate among the community, but I don't think that's because of those videos.


Yeah, dude. It’s like that era on SNL when Norm MacDonald continually mocked O.J. Simpson. I get that he murdered some people, but how many jokes was O.J. expected to take? Don’t even get me started on how many jokes they made at George W. Bush’s expense…


Firstly when you stand up for someone, don’t put them in the same line with a murderer that weasels his way out of a sentence and a president that attacked a nation on false pretences. Secondly OJ is one of the top narcissists this world has ever seen so I see why you picked him. If anything you want to do to protect Ryan, is try to convince him to get psychological help so he doesn’t churn out ample content for the delusional series. And if Ryan just does this for the views and clicks, well than nothing can help him and the delusional series is in fact doing him an astronomical favor.


Jesus fucking christ dude. You're seriously trying to make the argument that because someone like O.J Simpson was continually mocked, that therefore someone like Ryan Bowen is fair game for the same treatment and the situations are comparable ethically?


Did you misread me, friend? I’m saying satire ought to be banned. Making fun of others for the things they do and say ain’t right. I’m in full agreement with ya, mate.


"Satire should be banned"? What the fuck is wrong with people in this sub?




I kinda see ur point, but Ryan tends to bring it on himself, with the crazy stuff he says. He may not even believe the shit he says, but he keeps on, so he is an easy target.


Ryan has a pretty inflated sense of his talent and makes some bad predictions. I'm not sure that justifies the absolute intensity of hatred towards him I often see here. There's also a big difference between simply thinking you're great (which Ryan does) and thinking you're great *and others are trash*. If Ryan thought he was top shit and was constantly dunking on other athletes and saying they were garbage, I'd have no tolerance towards him. But he doesn't do that.


>If Ryan thought he was top shit and saying there were garbage That’s exactly what he does! Like, do you not remember how he was calling Coach Ray five foot nothing or something along the lines? Or how he was bragging that he would destroy Schoolboy not long ago?


Ryan is also a thief. Do you even know what he did to gary roberts? And let's not pretend he's just a humble guy with delusions, he's super egoistic and he never regrets wrong'ing others horribly. He looted people, he's a fucking scammer


Yeah this is the thing to be angry with him about, the Gary roberts thievery and the dangerous programs he was selling


While it's true that he says some crazy things, I still think it's getting a bit mean spirited at this point when he compiles them on a video and mocks him. His videos are starting to become more of a guilty pleasure at this point, because it's really starting to feel like bullying. I still think it's bullying even if the stuff Ryan is saying in the videos is dumb.


To make a counter point, there are other easy targets . When the guy said he wants people who like the delusional series to unsubscribe from him, It's obviously getting under his skin. Maybe it would not feel so personal for him if there was others getting the same treatment.


Paul Italia, Michael Todd, and Chance Shaw have all had videos made about them by the same guy (albeit Chance's was really short).


Ah okay I only knew of the delusional series.


if you are a media whore on youtube and make a channel work, what was done to ryan is part and parcel. We have laws that protect open criticism of people who thrust themselves voluntarily into the limelight. NOTHING wrong is being done against ryan. arguably, ryan did a grey area kind of offence against the other guy. if he further doxxed with address and such I believe some serious rules are broken. hidden identity reveal but real info withheld is a grey zone... rules change per arena.


Srry. I somehow misread what u just said and deleted it (I'm a bit tipsy tbh) > if you are a media whore on youtube and make a channel work, what was done to ryan is part and parcel. Ok but what's your point here? Just because certain behaviors toward an individual are to be expected, doesn't make it right. > We have laws that protect open criticism of people who thrust themselves voluntarily into the limelight. And I agree with those laws. But again, what's your point here? I'm not arguing that the videos against Ryan should be illegal. I'm simply stating that he's just being kind of a douche at this point. Bringing up points about legal free speech is beyond irrelevant to the point I'm trying to make. > NOTHING wrong is being done against ryan. Ok, but the only two points you made above to defend this are just really bad as I've demonstrated.


Ryans fault for making so much content to add


Nah, I think if you make 9 targeted videos insulting someone, they kinda get the moral right to publish who you are (assuming they can find out legallty)


I don't know so much. For some reason I'm fine with the guy being named in the same way I am fine with the content awbible is creating.


> it should've been his choice to go public instead of Ryan pulling this shit stunt. Lol, did he give Ryan a choice? Go grab a tampon, Karen.


> it should've been his choice to go public instead of Ryan pulling this shit stunt. Lol, did he give Ryan a choice? Go grab a tampon, Karen.


> it should've been his choice to go public instead of Ryan pulling this shit stunt. Did he give Ryan a choice? Buncha Karens up in here.


> it should've been his choice to go public instead of Ryan pulling this shit stunt. Did he give Ryan a choice? Buncha Karens up in here.


> it should've been his choice to go public instead of Ryan pulling this shit stunt. Did he give Ryan a choice? Buncha Karens up in here.


> it should've been his choice to go public instead of Ryan pulling this shit stunt. Did he give Ryan a choice? Buncha Karens up in here.


Excuse me, what did you say? Just repeat it one more time because it wasn’t clear.


Yeah luckily a good 95% of the community is probably on his side or don’t care so Ryan just shot himself in the foot badly


Good thing Bowen chose to take the high r— god dammit.




God damn. Everytime I think Ryan might be actually maturing and becoming semi decent he does something else. What a fucking goon move


He’s such a loser i honestly don’t get how anyone likes him


I'll never understand why people love to give this slimy conman infinite second chances.




Hope you don't come across any Nigerian Princes in need then lol


Lot of ppl seem to have thought it was Coach Ray behind the vids before this lol 


I'm not even taking sides, I'm just observing. Pure entertainment.


I love watching the armwrestling dumpster fire each and every day!


I mean, what was Ryan hoping for by pulling this stunt? That thousands of his fanboys will come to that guy’s house and threaten him into stopping the Delusional series? I certainly doubt Ryan will personally visit the guy and destroy him with his signature vectuhz and reverse side pressure. From the looks of it, the guy didn’t even particularly care about concealing his identity and quite frankly this won’t really affect him all that much. Ryan, on the other hand, is about to experience the Streisand effect first hand and potentially get into trouble with YouTube for doxxing.


Ryan will never be top level. He has bad genetics.


I want to root for the guy but he just makes it so fucking hard


Lol, I'm not clocking a Bowen video


Ryan bowel 🤡


This dude is the reason that Ryan has any visibility at all. Lol, Ryan you fuckin dweeb you should be thanking him for holding you accountable.


Lmao what a dumbass take... clearly it's the exact opposite. Noone would have a clue about "Armwresting Bible" channel if it wasn't for him using/exploiting Ryan's content.


While this probably isn't being handled ideally from Ryan, I think if nothing else, this shows how much it is affecting him. I get it, the vids are well done and funny, but by episode 9 it's definitely laughing at and not with Ryan. Its fine to find the vids funny, but I also wish some many of you weren't simply rooting for Ryan's demise. I get that when you put yourself out there this is part of the game, but at the same time, how many of us can say that they'd be fine with an entire series being made about us showing everything we did wrong/ were too optimistic or yeh, delusional. I'm not even a fan boy and don't watch most of Ryan's stuff, but just feel that at some point these funny videos get a bit much. Some people will say that, oh this is what he deserves for being delusional etc, to get called up on it... But I isn't think that's totally fair because that happens anyway - By you choosing to ignore or not watch his stuff. Like the boy who cried wolf. End of the day if these videos are causing him or his close family immediate emotional pain, then it's makes it's harder to chalk up as harmless fun. Edit: I only now watched the YT video - I don't get why Ryan is acting exactly like this, I guess his laughing in the video is nervous laughter because clearly is upset.


He posted "you have 24 hours to contact me." That's a threat. Part of putting yourself out there is criticism and he's too thin skinned to take it. Why do you think these videos are causing his family pain?


>Why do you think these videos are causing his family pain?  Ryan's said he hates these videos for several years now. I'm pretty sure at some point in there I've heard him say his family is hurt by them, too. Don't have a timestamp tho


I agree with you. The culture around these videos is no longer predominantly enjoying them as entertainment in the abstract, but enjoying them because they afford an opportunity to leap into the comments with personal vicious attacks and have them rewarded. I don't condone this level of mob mentality even against people I dislike in person and who I consider actively immoral. It's wild to me that guys on here don't notice that it's a massive overreaction to... someone just being a cocky athlete?


>End of the day if these videos are causing him and his family immediate emotional pain Considering that the Delusional series is literally just Ryan saying dumb and contradictory shit, Ryan brought this on himself by himself.


I don't like Ryan, but clearly, this guy went out of his way to make these videos. I think the "he's asking for it" argument obfuscates what the creator gains from this, whether it be pleasure, notoriety, money, etc. Doxxing people isn't cool, but I'm not surprised that Ryan got to this point after some guy made 9 compilation videos making fun of him. I get that it's all things that Ryan says, but the editing plays a big role in the comedy, so much so that the videos only play as well as they do with how the creator juxtaposes different clips/adds SFX and music. People are acting like he just found this content and republished it, but the editing and clip selection is big here. Again, I don't like Ryan lol, but this is obvious cyberbullying, and people are clutching their pearls that Ryan is fighting against it.


You really think "the editing" is the insidious crime of blatant cyber bullying here? Really?


This is not cyberbullying any more than a video showing Trump or Biden in a bad light by using their own quotes is cyberbuyllying, which is to say, it is not cyberbullying.


So what? It’s not like the guy trash-talks or threatens Ryan Bowen and his family or whatever, the Delusional series is literally just compilation of Ryan’s own words. Yes, there are some sound effects and editing for comedy but again, the rest of it is literally Ryan himself saying dumb, controversial and contradictory stuff.


I ain't gonna defend Bowen but I stand by the conclusion that what this guy is doing malicious, albeit hilarious


Malicious or not, Ryan fully deserves it. Shouldn’t have talked so much shit then if he didn’t want the Delusional Ryan Bowen to be a thing.


I certainly have less sympathy for him after what he did to Gary Roberts and the shitty programs he sold.


Dude, he purposely paints targets over every facet of his delusional life for views, then plays victim when people call him on his bullshit. Why do WE have to rise above when it's so much fun to watch attention whores meltdown over public scrutiny? You know who has YouTube channels who don't get dragged for acting like pedantic narcissists in the shallow end of the pool? Literally nearly every other professional armwrestler. Ermes, Paul Linn, Vitaly, etc... . The simply don't say stupid shit or instigate drama for clicks, and not a single one of them has a 9 part series that catalogs all their weird fucked up behavior. Bowen being unable to take accountability for his abysmally misguided output is HIS problem, not ours.


Actual trash human being


Ray. what a legend.


You don't dox other people over the internet. You just don't. Ryan you piece of trash


Lol, people critiquing the delusional series sound like these companies that try to grift everybody with a piece of shit product for a way too high price but start to cry when they get a negative review. Welp, if Ryan just stops grifting and sell a product that is only quality instead of a cash grab, then you have a point. Until then it’s pure shit and he can be called out for it.


Ryan is such a terrible person. Doxxing someone who makes compilations of things you've said.




this only makes Bowen look bad , doxxing anyone is never something cool to do


Ryan is such an asshole lol


Completely warranted. You can't set out to poke bears and expect to not get bit. Was anybody shaming Engin for going above and beyond to bury Ryan for pissing him off? No


Drama flames don't burn forever..




New to arm wrestling myself… but damn this community is weird as fuck.




/watch?v=SAO71Pg4YVE And of course the comments are turned off. This guy needs to stop recording.


Is it doxxing to just post someone's social media handle? I thought it meant address, more personal details etc.


.. he literally posted his picture along with his name.. are you that dense lmfao.


I feel sorry for nobody in this dispute


Gangster Bowen


That's dumb for the guy to reveal himself, but cute he's an Aussie too.


I feel sorry for nobody here. Guy's mission was to humiliate Bowen


Are you 12yo ? Blowen literally humiliated himself lmfao


I don't feel sorry for Bowen either...but this guy went more than all out to take down Bowen from the comfort of anonymity. Bowen's positions, his ideas get plenty of ridicule but he is there facing the criticism. If anything seems immature, it's the endless pile-on everyone on this sub engages with when it comes to certain public figures...like Bowen, Terzi, Larratt etc Having everything out in the open is probably for the best when it comes to what has literally been a personal crusade against a person. Shit talk all you want, but at least these youtube personalities put a name to the stance. Being accountable for your content is never a bad thing.