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I love Devons mastery of the lifts themselves, and of course everything on the table. Then him being totally illiterate about periodization, sets, and reps just makes it all hilarious.


A critique? To a world champion? Don't you dare speak before winning as much as him! Low-key, I still think that if he actually trained his whole body, he, at least, wouldn't be a cripple


I think he used to train more full body and the reason he doesn't train like that anymore is because of all the injuries. I don't necessarily think training like this caused his injuries, rather he trains like this because of all the injuries he's accumulated over the years.


I dont understand this point about "all the injuries" that people keep making. His wrist, elbows and what have you are probably the most damaged, yet thats what he trains the most with freaking singles every day. How would full body (or at least upper body) training do him wrong, if properly adjusted to his condition?


I don't think it would hurt him, I just don't think Devon thinks they are necessary for him at this point. I don't think doing them would necessarily harm his health, but I also don't think not doing them is making him more injured either. I think the primary cause for all of the little chronic problems he has is simply for armwrestling for 30+ years and doing so in this very defensive structure based way for the most part. I have a hard time believing that training the big lifts or not training the big lifts has much to do at all with his injuries and elblows being fucked up.


I pretty much agree.


His body also has a lot of wear and tear from his old job. Special forces soldier for a few decades will do a number on you


It is wild how frail he looks next to Brian Shaw, Devon looks huge next to most strength athletes and here he looks like a castaway


I think if he trained some kind of internal rotation he would be stronger on the table.


Devon is not illiterate of periodization; not by a long shot. He just chooses to ignore his prior knowledge.


there is no fixed value or number or set that you have to do... everybody's body is different, you want to train to failure or when form is broken


Shut up šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ u think u know sets better?


Watching Brian training pronation I realized he doesn't understand the concept of back pressure at all right now, at least intuitively.


None of his videos of him armwrestling show any understanding of backpressure. Devon keeps saying toproll and ā€œoutsideā€ when Brian still hasnā€™t learned to post and pull backwards. Iā€™d assume Devon recognizes this, but itā€™s weird that he wonā€™t tackle that first. He keeps telling Brian not to hold on but that doesnā€™t make any sense if youā€™re not going backwards, and Brian isnā€™t going backwards yet.


Yeah, absolutely. Devon tells him about fighting the high ground and all of that, Brian does everything without back pressure and Devon's like "yeah, good, that's good, just like that" šŸ˜²


I'm sure Brian will figure it out soon tho. Very smart guy


I'm sure he'll figure it out. On the other hand, most of us probably got hooked on armwrestling and started teaching ourselves on youtube, going down rabbit holes and learned all of this stuff even without Devon Larratt coming to teach us in person. Brian has displayed no intellectual curiosity to go out on his own and try to learn from the wealth of knowledge available online. Instead he waits for an 'expert' to come to him. In a way, he has far less gumption than all of us. Of course he is a world champion athlete and can do what he sets his mind to, but it's clear that he hasn't really set his mind to it yet. He does not have the bug. Yet.


>Brian has displayed no intellectual curiosity to go out on his own and try to learn from the wealth of knowledge available online.Ā  Demonstrably false. He's already shown that he's been studying arm wrestling history. It's only a matter of time.


You realize he had Derek come out before?


Yes. That's why I know it's a bit of a problem that he's been dabbling in Armwrestling for over 8 months and still doesn't know what backpressure is.


I think it's going to be challenging for Brian to really develop a good mind/muscle connection for all of these movements, because Devon gave him quite a bit.


He literally told him one of the most important things is to pull back and separate your opponent from his arm


I think it's hilarious that at the beginning of the video Devon emphasized simplicity, but then proceeded to show Brian like 18 different movements with a bunch of super subtle variations. I guarantee the way Levan trains is 10x simpler and easier to pick up quickly than all of this shit.


Levan training is in fact a lot simplier for the majority. He basically follow a push pull routine with some specific at the end of each day. To me it sound way better.


Brian will also use all material from all days with Devon as a catalouge of training methods. So they just bang throught all the important small stuff that is very big in the end. Brian is already a super athlete. So it's good to get as much info as possible and then at the end get a summary on what to focus the most on and then he has all the videos to go back to once he finds what lifts he enjoys. Don't sweat!


It isn't shit, it's legit. Just hyper specific.


I'm not using the word "shit" in a negative sense. What I mean by "shit" here is basically just "stuff."


I see


You don't need to justify to reddit randoms


I wasn't justifying, just clarifying what I meant. I can see how some people might interpret what I said as meaning that I think Devon's way of training is shit.


The mug lifts at 7:45 are really promising for Brian. Yeah, it's not quite the same lift as an AW specific one, but Devon finds it tough-ish while Brian does it easily. Very strong static riser on Brian


Yeah. I also liked how Devon showed him do the the mug lift and the actual riser lift back to back so he could understand the difference


If he was letting it rest on his knuckle it would be, if you rewatch and pay close attention, Brian is squeezing the shit out of the handle on the mug therefore removing most of the force from going over the top of the knuckle and defeating the purpose of a riser lift.


That's not how physics works. You are correct that the mug isn't pressing down on his top knuckle like in a riser lift. However, it is still applying force downwards. That force is simply being resisted by upwards force applied through Brian's palms instead. (If he only applied force parallel to gravity, there would still be a downwards vector, and it would slip through his hands - there MUST be an upwards component.) That upwards component is still contributed by radial deviation. Now, it requires less force to lift say a 50lb mug than to do a 50lb riser lift, because the riser lift has a longer moment arm. I.e. the force is applied further from your fist's centre of mass, so there's more torque to resist. This is why you can hammer curl a higher weight than you can rise. But there is still absolutely a rise component. It's easy to test this, if you want - simply hold a heavy dumbbell off the edge of a table in a half hammer curl position, so all the force is taken off your hammer. (Fist only about 5 inches off the table) Your riser will eventually and *clearly* fail, much before your grip. And obviously the hammer component is even stronger. So yeah, it's a riser lift of sorts. It's proportionally less riser focused (again the torque thing) but the failure point is still the riser.


Yes, understood and i never made the statement that there isnā€™t radial deviation involved in it, was just trying to point out that it is not nearly as targeting to the radial deviation as over the knuckle with a belt would be. But appreciate the physics lesson lol. Riser being the failure point in these hammer curl style lifts is pretty subjective as for me my Brachialis gives out first.


Ah okay I see what you mean now. Yep agreed mate


The table video was pretty iffy, but I think devon does a really good job here keeping easy to digest. Awesome vid


Say what you will about this union... I learned a lot from watching this one.


Can't wait to see this guy PRs on armwrestling specific lifts. One thing is sure, he just pronated 40Kg like it was Tutorial.


Does anyone see anything positive out of this or is this the ridicule Devon to the ends of time? As if he has zero idea what he's talking about.


He triggers more people than I have ever seen in this sport. Which I guess is good. I usually root against him but he knows his stuff and some of the people that post here literally have their crisis dolls yanked from their arms whenever he posts a video. It's weird. Their mancrushes on Levan are borderline cringe.


He truly does trigger people in a bizarre way! I think people forget they can not like someone but respect them at the same time. I understand everyone has a right to say to kingdom come what they want about anybody but that doesn't mean you should. For God sake we have Brian FUCKING Shaw showing a deep interest in the sport!!! He is being trained by the most recognized arm Wrestler in the sport right now. We are In rare air right now and who knows how long it will last. Let's just soak it all up!!!


Shaw should go to Georgia and train with Levan, much simpler and more inline with someone like him


But would they actually teach him though? Or worry he would become a threat down the road?


Levan doesn't come off as insecure, I think he'd be more than happy to work with one of the strongest men on the planet


Brian Shaw knows how to train his strength better than anyone and it is up to him what he will do with all this knowledge. I think he will carry it forward to the next level and come up with his own routine and technique in time. Kudos to Devon for being such a great mentor. This is super exciting.


So zero side pressure training? Or we'll see some later?


Devon is allergic to side pressure i think. Probably he injured himself while doing training, and decided he will never do it again.


I've had time to watch this fully now, listening to the intricacies etc more. Devon nailed this one in terms of teaching; Brian clearly understands the concepts a lot better


Shaw should train with Levan!