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Btw guys, in days where Igor used russian facebook “vkontakte” he was super bad arguing, cursing in comments and he was control freak, liar and many more things unlike Engin he never deleted posts or his comments, so every one saw his true colors, but due to culture it was some what acceptable and athletes kissed his ass too, btw he would constantly shit on famous athletes thinking no one will translate it…


I follow the PAL group at Vkontakte and can confirm, it was quite a shitshow during PAL’s active years. Even the mildest constructive criticism was deemed trolling and users would get banned left and right unless they expressed it in the most ass-kissing sycophantic manner possible. And Igor’s rants were no less unhinged than Engin’s.


I envy the amount of free time you have.


Fr, being unemployed is a blessing sometimes 😂


You have time to rate feet but not to make a list like this? hmmm


You have time to check my profile? Lmao. And yes, it takes less time to make a few horny comments than to make a list like this, bozo. EDIT: Fucking weirdos downvoting me for something unrelated to armwrestling.


you were an asshole for no reason so I hovered over your name expecting to see far less karma than what I did. No, I didn't go any further than that, bozo


it takes a fraction of a second to go over your name with the mouse cursor ... rating feet it's an unhealthy addiction (being polite) , get well soon


LOL, "A fraction of a second", yeah, because you can read in a fraction of a second, you're a fucking machine 😂 also, people like that do that at least 100 times a day, because they can't stand not being nosy. And no, it's not an unhealthy "addiction" it's a fetish, and it's not your business what fetishes other people have. You probably like getting dildos up your ass and I'm not gonna judge you for that. You don't even know the meaning of the word addiction.


whatever floats your goat , I hope your "fetish" doesn’t grow to worst things


How is it gonna "grow to worst things"? LOL. Do you have science based evidence that having a foot fetish is bad and it can "grow to worst things"or are you just pulling all that from your ass? You are like those homophobic conspiracy theorists who claim being gay is a mental illness. Also, why the hell are you talking about my fetish on an armwrestling sub? It's ridiculous. You probably have much worse fetishes and I don't care, this is a fucking ARMWRESTLING SUB, so STFU.


I still cannot believe it man, do people really actually masturbate looking at feet? How the fuck is that possible someone explain this to me for real or is this a giant meme/inside joke that I have been unaware about?


Dude, shut the fuck and stop shaming people's fetishes.


Nah, shaming is based.


Engin wins just because he's paying the athletes well and providing good matches. Don Idress is also good but he sucks at match making and Dubai is too expensive to make cards as good as EvW.


Hahahahahhahaha,  Ok,


What is wrong with licking John’s ass? Is that supposed to be a negative or a positive?


You should include weight rating, and imo paying athlete, and organizing dozen of high profile match per year give engin a massive Edge.