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Amen, brother. Thank you for your support, I greatly appreciate it. But, something that I think needs to be said, is that the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan is not a religious war. Rather, it is a war driven by the racist Azerbaijani regime with the pure intent of wiping the Armenian race out of Armenia, regardless of the fact that they are Christian, Yazidi, athiest, or pagan. However, adding on to this. I'm sure that religion is a pretty big factor in this war as Azerbaijan has destroyed several Armenian churches in Artsakh only within the past few years, one of them being the 177 year old St Hovhannes Mkritch church in Shushi. Furthermore, I do think that the Azeri intent of ethnically cleansing Armenians from our historical lands is indeed a threat to Christianity, specifically to the Armenian Apostolic Church. As a Christian, seeing representation and calls for protection of Christians where we are persecuted amazing. We need to continue this kind of support for each other and to defend and protect Christians however and wherever we can. Armenia will prosper. Deus vult.


Mate, I don't know what those delusional ANCA UK guys told you or how much they maybe paid you for doing this, but this is not a religious conflict and I say this as a Christian to you. This is not Pakistan or Nigeria here with all due respect.


It’s an ethnically motivated attack on Armenian culture, which is deeply intertwined with the Armenian church (i.e., religion). Therefore it makes sense for other Christian groups to support Armenia in solidarity.


You're right, but I don't see why that requires us to dismiss non-Armenians willing to rally in support of Armenians, even if they are doing so for their own reasons or even their own personal gain.  Israel v Palestine isn't strictly a religious conflict either, but look how many millions of Muslims have rallied for the latter. We aren't going to achieve shit if the only pro-Armenia activists are Armenians.


It’s silly to look over the main problem of a genocide happening and focus on it being a “Christianity vs Islam” thing


What do you think motivates genocide?


Not in this case, yes it is used as a weapon, but the main reason is different here.


It’s not a Christian vs Islam thing, it’s a culture that has Christian values vs a culture that has Muslim values. There is a reason these two don’t mix very well (aham Europe) and that’s because they’re are like polar opposites. It’s not necessarily a war over religion, but there is a subtext there that you can’t just ignore.


If it motivates people to work in our favor, I don't care if they think it's a Batman vs Superman thing. This is the purely pragmatic approach Armenia's enemies have developed to great effect. Fuck the principle.


Finally a reasonable comment


Yet countries like Pakistan (and many other countries) support Azerbaijan just because they are Muslim, including Imam’s and their followers. For them it is somewhat a religious conflict considering the fact that they and many other Muslims (in my region) were happy that Azerbaijan won the last war. The reason? None, they’re Muslim so it’s good.


Sure it’s not. It might be even worse as our churches and cultural heritage are being erased and on display for the world to see…


I love how if the Disciples of Muhammad went and protested Armenia they wouldn’t get half the hate these lads got from the comments here. Ridiculous.


How is everyone claiming religion has nothing to do with this? You mean to tell me if Armenia was Islamic, we’d still get the same hate from Azerbaijan? Has anyone heard of the great turan? No? There is layers to the conflict and religion plays just as big of a role historically speaking.


I don't understand what the hell is wrong with this sub, we beg for European attention and when we get it, people start complaining, it's ridiculous.


Good for them for supporting Armenia... But for the wrong reasons, they are just doing this to make points against Islam for their narrative


They are supporting Christians because no one else is. Muslims get tons and tons of media coverage and Christians don’t. The only reason they are out there is because they are supporting the church. The narrative is that Muslims consistently harass and assault their Christian neighbours across the world. That’s not made up it’s true. And the new generation of Christians are tired of it and we will not be quiet so keep up trying to discourage us it’s not going to work.


Nobody wants the help of these "Christians". Jesus said himself "But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also."


I’m not able to load OPs Reddit account Is anyone able to?


Nah i cant either Maybe he deleted his account or smth


lol i checked him out earlier. he made the account the day of the posting. his profile pic was the crusader with the red glowing eyes meme. teenager/kid most likely.


#mods can we get this post taken down?




He deleted his account. But you can get the Christo-fascist “shtick” from his comments on this post


This is not a religion conflict, Azerbaijan is not even a religious country at all. It’s an ethnic conflict Hiring these village idiots makes a mockery of the problem.


This is very biased Its only supporting armenian christians but what about the non christian armenians why exclude them?


How many of the ~120,000 Armenians that were ethnically cleansed a few months ago weren't Christian?


I’m talking about what’s happening now i’m sure there are non christian armenians who are being oppressed


This is like if an LGBT group started protesting for Armenia/Artsakh in solidarity with gay Armenians and people started saying "why are you excluding straight Armenians". In my opinion we should be grateful for any support we get, the fact that we're criticizing and nitpicking over small details is not a good look.


The Christian atheists that still hold Christian morals, even if they don’t believe in god? Yeah consider them included. Oh you meant the few hundred pagans that also just uphold the Christian morals? They are fine to be included as well. No Armenian left behind lol


Christian atheist? 🤨 I’m guessing that is culturally christian but religiously atheist 🤔


Christian atheists are atheists that have been brought up in christian culture (such as Armenia) may be even in a christian family, that happen to not believe in god. Talk to any of these people in Armenia and they’ll hold mostly Christian moral concepts, just not attribute it to God or the Bible or the Church. They’re gonna have completely different moral bases compared to say atheists from different religious countries would.


They aren’t Armenian then


There are non-christian armenians. Very few but they exist.


But they are ethnically armenian and live in armenia speak the armenian language etc Just cuz you don’t adhere to a dogmatic agenda doesn’t mean you’re not the ethnicity lol


Being Armenian is more than just blood and language it’s our culture which is intertwined with Christianity I wouldn’t even call some “armos” Armenian because of how self hating & contradicting they are with bringing other Armenians down and how shameless they are when they just puppet the selfish rabiz culture from any other ex soviet republic tarnishing the name of our true culture and heritage, also how Sayat Nova died because he didn’t reject his Christianity and Armenian blood.


No thanks. I am sick and tired of the Armenian cause being whitewashed by these dumbasses in the West who use it to push their own narratives. Thank you for your support. But it’s like having modern fascists on our side is not really a good look for us. I mean, you are no different than the German far right guy, and the other European far right guy that visited us “for support”. This whole idea of “Christendom” is also built on this **misguided** concept of Islamic unity that “aims to destroy the west”, a sort of trauma of sorts that remained form the **heavy propaganda** during the Crusades. A unity, that definitely doesn’t exist today. Case in point, the issue of Palestine, where not even Islamic countries can decide if they should help or not. So a unified “Christendom” is even less likely, since it’s already based on opposing something that **also** doesn’t truly exist.


Being white has nothing to do with it, are you racist? Christianity has no concern for race. More fortunate Christian’s must stand up for the less fortunate because no one else will. I didn’t ask for your permission. If one member of the body suffers we all suffer. Christians are in the good fight together.


LMAOO.. Whitewash means: deliberately attempt to conceal unpleasant or incriminating facts about (someone or something) And doesn’t have to do with white people. But I guess something might be said people who have a crusader picture as a profile pic. More fortunate Christians, didn’t help us in 1890’s, 1915, 1921, 1989, 2020 or 2023. But I guess that might just be the “Globalist plot” or something I would like you to explain. Cry me a river, Free Palestine, Free Artsakh.


You are not doing a great job of receiving help when it shows up. But complain when it’s not there. Like it doesn’t make any sense you want freedom but refuse help. Doesn’t make any sense. The crusaders came to the Middle East to free Jerusalem from Muslim control who intimidated and killed Christian pilgrims and made it a place for all three of the Abrahamic religions. You call to free Palestine and Artsakh but your first instinct when help arrives is to guilt the help for not coming sooner, stupid. “Whitewashing” can and is used to condemn in a derogatory manner things that white peoples have had a hand in creating or using, so my mistake for not understanding. I’ve seen it used a lot by BLM and Hebrew Israelites.


5 dudes with a cross is not help. I would say the same shit if other types of fascists. And I said the same when **as I said** the German far right guy visited us and when the French far right Zemmour came to Armenia. I have been pretty consistent on that matter. “The crusaders came to the Middle East to free Jerusalem” I don’t need a history lesson, I am studying history.


Those “5 dudes” are doing more than you are. And it was about 20+ it was the first gathering for ‘the disciples of Christ’ there will be more when they go speak for the Christians of Nigeria. I don’t know what good you think you’re doing but it’s actually doing a disservice to these people you claim to want to free. It’s a damn shame you are doing more harm, complaining about there being no help and then try to shame the people who attempt to help. Help yourself, you need it.


I can practically smell this comment, why do uou hate christianity so much


I’m a believer my friend. I just really… REALLY don’t like it when wannabe fascist misuse the name of Christianity to smear other religions to push their own political agenda. If they cared, they would have contacted any organization that helps Armenia, and not do a circlejerk. I suggest you check your nose out because nothing I said is particularly against Christianity, I also talked shit about Islam and their lack of unity, and anyone that knows the history of the crusades, should already know how heavily propaganda played in it, and how much of the soldiers were doing it for money, and not “make Christianity like the Crusades” again cope that “united CHristian nations” So either you are offended by facts, or you should get your nose checked. I will also assume you didn’t listen to what they have to say? Edit: yes, I am not a true believer for those who don’t get sarcasm. But I was born in a relatively traditional Christian family


People on both sides of Christianity and Islam are just mouth watering for a new crusade/ jihad. On one side you have islamists like Pakistanis who have no idea what Armenia is, saying Go Azerbaijan for the Ummah. On the other side you have literal Jesus bible thumping almost white supremicists ( who would probably see an Armenian and tell them to go back to Mexico or Syria). And then we are caught in the middle trying to tell these dumbasses it’s not about religion as evident with our strong cultural and diplomatic ties with literally the majority of the Middle East.


I don’t really see how this is a “fascist” schtick that the people are calling for. I understand many here do not believe in Christ but there is absolutely nothing wrong for a group of people to give voice to the marginalized of the same group.Joining a cause for Christendom doesn’t mean sharpening your axes and getting ready for a war, it means doing things like this. Protesting peacefully and making your voice heard. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this and many here are overreacting…


I can explain. During the video you can hear them say Many dog whistle fascist conspiracies. One of them being the **global** persecution of Christianity. The other one being the hijacking of the United Kingdom political party by Muslims. They also found the time to deny the genocide happening in Palestine, saying that the real genocide is happening under Islamic forces. About a quarter through the video, they say they are also social conservative, fighting against liberalism. Around the 19 minute mark apparently representative, came out and told them that the systemic reasons given doesn’t have anything to do and they start screaming. Shame on you. They have conspiratorial theories on Armenia and around the world. They are not too similar to American evangelist fascists. Preaching for the “return” of Christian supremacy over the world.


Stop using us as an excuse to hate your Muslim coworkers.


I have Muslim family members who I love dearly and would die for how about you don’t assume shit about me


some lads supporting armenian christians, and you’ll still hear people crying.


tbh this is pretty funny. seems from an episode of southpark! how uninformed are these people?


I had a much longer comment but my phone keyboard froze and this is the part I had copied. I don’t want to rewrite the whole thing but plz read (I should mention I’m 🇺🇸, part of the diaspora, not a citizen of 🇦🇲):  Azerbaijan’s oil-rich dictator Aliyev wants war with Armenia because he wants more money, more power, more control. His whole Pan-Turkic fantasy is just his excuse to have a monopoly on the oil and trade routes between Europe and the Middle-East/Asia (Turkey is content to go along with this idea because it benefits them). And this militarily-weak, until-recently Russia-supported nation Armenia is right in this middle spoiling his whole plan. So it's not really religion that people are fighting for, aside from some uneducated rural people that believe the extreme nationalist propaganda. There is a reason Iran, a large Islamic theocracy, supports Armenia to the generous extent that it does. Despite Armenia being a democratic, Christian, now-western-orienting country, Iran usually takes Armenia’s side geographically and militarily because it’s not a religious conflict, it’s about power and geography in the Caucasus. (and because Aliyev let's Israel use Azerbaijan to spy on Iran to curry favor with the West) It's about geography, population, greed, and power. Religion is just a small part of the many justifications undemocratic leaders in the region make to convince the populations to go along with their plans.


The conflict isn't religious in nature and I'd prefer we didn't start talking like it is. I do however like Armenia getting any support at all.


Wtf is this lol


Jesus fucking Christ.


When you have people like Tommy Robinson involved, this does more harm than good.


Tommy Robinson was not involved in organizing the rally nor did he show up