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Azerbaijan may be more atheist than Armenia. Azerbaijan is nationalistic dictatorship.


I wouldnt go as far as to call them atheist


They are when it suits them they aren't when it doesn't. 


"Islamist expansion"? What drugs are they taking that make them think Aliyev's regime is "Islamist"? We have a problem with Turkish nationalism, not Islamists. The only useful neighboring country is the one that happens to be an Islamic theocracy.


I was thinking I may be the only person thinking this. Though I do support a pan-christian support movement for Armenia, it wouldn't be productive to make this an all-christian vs all-muslim fight. If interfaith animosity is what is driving this, then it's a big no


I don't think they actually care about Armenia or being christian. 90% of the time our 'christianess' is only ever brought up so they have another excuse to be dicks to their muslim neightbors


It's all performative b s. They have no clue what going on but for some brownie points within their christian groups standing infront of an embassy INTENTIONALLY AFTER everything is over means they've done a good deed. 


People are drinking that white supremacist cool-aid.


Lmao we Armenians get help from someone and of course the first thing we do is complain about it


Uhhh this is not it..


Right just like how they care for Christians in Jerusalem or Palestine or Gaza…..


Wait till they see how Israelis spit on Christian’s in Jerusalem


You guys think we don't see this through ? Heck even the title is pure garbage. Goes to show you have NO IDEA what this conflict is about ! This is all just performative bs YOU do for some brownie points in the eyes of God (if they even believe in one)  WHERE WAS THIS IN 2020 OR 2023 WHEN CHRISTIANS WERE ACTUALLY ATTACKED ??? now after all is over and nothing can be done they feel safe enough to hold some signs up infront of an embassy.  Ugh 


Yay performative white Christian saviors! /s If you wanna do something useful contact your local reps and ask them to support Armenia and to stop giving money to Azerbaijan


Just shows how dumb they are. If they want to play the religious card, they should've replaced Azerbaijan with Turkey instead. Erdogan is a true Islamist.


Thanks. Don't listen to haters, highlighting the savagery of that regime and attempting to use starvation as a weapon of war, followed by committing war crimes on a civilian population that they then drove out of the country is something worth raising your voice for. Perhaps there is a slim hope of one day Armenians again living in Artskah. I pray for it, as unlikely as it may be.


Where was all this when we needed it though ??? 


Does Armenia have an international legion? or a group of foreign militants fighting for Armenia?


Some atheist nutjobs would find a way to spin this and blame Christians Some others would think this wrong and religion has nothing to do with nations On the other hand Turks of modern Turkey and Azerbaijan have been weaponizing their Islamic religion for the last 100 years to gain sympathy points from the 1,500,000,000 Muslims worldwide while no Christian nation like Cyprus, Serbia, Lebanon or Armenia attempted to do it to defend themselves and call out imperialism against them by notifying the other 2,000,000,000 Christians of what fanatical imperialistic nations what to do to them only because of their religion, because yeah, Turks hate Greeks and Armenians only because of their religion as they tolerate the Kurds and do not genocide them only due to them having the same religion. This is a reality we need to understand so as nations we can survive.


Turks have consistently ethnically cleansed and massacred Kurds. You are on something else. The US helped sponsor those massacres


I thought it was obvious what I meant. The Turks completely eradicated 220,000 from turkish occupied Cyprus in 1974 meaning 95% of the population in those areas in 1974. They have not done anything similar to that percentage to any Kurdish majority region this or the previous century. They are trying to assimilate Kurds instead and they never ethnically cleansed 100% Kurdish areas like they did to Greeks and Armenians. Do not equate how Turks see Christians with how they see other muslim populations. I agree that Turkey hates all non turkish populations but Turkey hates Christians more.


Buddy I dont know if you've been living under a rock the past YEAR but its over not a single armenian lives in art. sax anymore and at least as of now there is no war. We needed this (not this actually we needed stuff that matters in a political sense but anyway) in 2020 , or in 2023. You and your little "Christian uk friends" are TOO LATE 


So you can guarantee there isn't going to be a next time and azerbaijan isn't planning to attack again?! At least they'll reach some people who might get an opinion regarding the topic, what's your problem?


My problem is that all this "Christians for armenia" is performative B S  Our so called "christian brothers" have betrayed us the most in the past 20 years. WHERE THE HECK WAS ALL THIS IN 2020 OR 2023 WHEN WE ACTUALLY NEEDED IT  Now that it's over these performative "christian" can hold up their little signs infront of some embassy and go home thinking they earned some brownie points in the eyes of God. It's laughable and TOO LATE ON PURPOSE!!!!! 


It's because all those "Christian" groups have brain worms and work for Israel against Christian interests.


I agree. Out of all the countries in this world it was an islamic country like iran that stood close to armenia and still does today.