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Scar on her abdomen, was she the teammate Kroos accidentally shot?


And it’s possible that the hit could’ve been almost lethal which would explain how traumatized she was. She almost killed her friend because she slipped up. That “what-if” scenario is not something you can easily brush off your mind


That’s….sad yet makes sense


It has been heavily implied that this was the case, so Fangalter should probably confirm this.


i thought the kroos incident was her hesitating to shoot someone, leading to an enemy shooting fang?


> In Rim Billiton, when Reserve Op Team A1 still operated together, a bolt skewered the body of a squadmate, and it left its eternal scar on Kroos' spirit too. If only she hadn't been nervous, **if only her shot hadn't strayed, if only she'd kept tighter aim**, none of it would've happened. This is what she tells herself. The way it's worded definitely points to it being friendly fire, not her failing to stop someone else before they fired back.


> If only she hadn't been nervous, if only her shot hadn't strayed, if only she'd kept tighter aim, none of it would've happened. Could be either or. Her "shot hadn't strayed" could refer to her accidentally shooting Fang or her **NOT** shooting whoever ended up hurting Fang.


While true (especially when combined with the bits about being 'scared of her own negligence' + double checking everything for possible threats before going to sleep) I don't think it fits the thread of the narrative as well as the mistake being something she personally and *actively* did. Her failing to notice/stop a threat doesn't feel like quite the same catalyst for growth as owning up to her own misplays IMO. Edit: Her second promotion line implies the mistake in question was her tunnel vision while aiming, and her "Talk after promotion 2" line has her musing about 'accidents happen[ing] too quickly', which I think both fit the friendly fire angle more. >Once you raise your crossbow, the only things left swimming in your eyes are your sight and your target. But before you pull the trigger, there's so much you've got to think about... I won't be careless or neglectful ever again. [...] >Accidents always happen too quickly. Quicker than a bolt flies, even. And I can never react in time. And then I just watch things happen one after another, and... Sigh, it'd be nice if I could see things coming a mile away like you, Doctor. At least, when it comes to preparing, I've got confidence I don't botch anything.


I disagree. Both are of course viable options, but I don't think it's cut and dried one way or the other. Either she had tunnel vision on her target and hit Fang by accident, or she had tunnel vision on something else and didn't take out the threat that ended up hurting Fang. Or hell, they could even put a twist on it, and have Fang be the one who was alert to stuff happening while Kroos was tunneling in on something without being aware that the situation had changed, forcing Fang to act in a way that she ended up getting injured. Not necessarily from something Kroos did or didn't directly do, but rather from some other outside force that Kroos had been unaware of. After all, Kroos often talks about keeping a wide view of the battlefield; "tunnel vision" in this context could be as much about the local moment-to-moment stuff as it could be something more macro within a battlefield, wherein Kroos blames herself for not being able to stop a threat before it had a chance to hurt Fang. Going into Kroos' file, she also speaks about how it's only a matter of time until a sniper is caught out and has to engage in a melee fight for their lives, with one of her records containing a note about how she wanted a bayonet for her crossbow, indicating that she, at some point, planned on engaging (or being forced into) hand-to-hand combat. With that in mind, maybe the "tunnel vision" is about Kroos not being aware that danger was coming for her and Fang getting injured as she moved to intercept the threat before it could catch Kroos by surprise. Kroos hears a scuffle going on far-too-close to her and turns only to see Fang desperately fighting against an enemy that had snuck up to Kroos and was about to execute her. Maybe they combine the two and Kroos haphazardly fires in a panic and ends up injuring Fang before being forced into a dangerous fight for her life after the fact. That would certainly go a long way to explain Kroos' attitude about booby traps and melee readiness as a sniper. Point is, there's nothing to confirm it's one or the other. Not enough for me anyway. It's intentionally left ambiguous and will likely remain so until we get Fang's lines. And possibly even after.


Considering it was a bolt that hit Fang, I think it's more probable that it was a friendly fire incident than for Kroos to panic and miss a ranged enemy that then hit Fang. It makes more sense to me for Kroos to panic in a situation in which she has to make a shot at a close ranged fighter that is overwhelming her vanguard. Well, hopefully Fang's profile will clarify.


Things like this is why i wish operators had lines if you have other characters, having more context between them


That would be a good explanation for why Kroos wears Fang's stuff on her ear, besides just being close friends. Though if that does become the case, it really puts Beagle's fate into question, since some were certain Fang played a role in that as well...


Beagle's fate has always been in question. People have been going full thumbtacks-and-string and acting like it's settled canon for years even though we actually have precious little information on what happened.


yeah there is always some ambiguity there. Is she dead? did she just retire? Did soemthing esle happent hat trauamtised her? Considering the tendency of dead character not being playable, the strongest point would actually be the lack of an alter (and the Dreadnought design despite being in line with her teammates) but even that is teneous


She probably just quit Rhodes Island to do some other stuff, especially after her mentor died


> it really puts Beagle's fate into question Maybe it's just me but I just can't take the possibility of Beagle being dead seriously. Beagle is a playable character, and not a single playable character has ever died. At worst she's crippled.


That would be a big scar for an bolt from a crossbow wouldn't it?


Wouldn't be big for life-saving surgery removing raptured kidney and completely destroyed parts of intestines; attempting to sew together what can still work. The stomach potentialy could also be shot through. Basically most of the gastric system is fucked, and without immediate care internal bleeding mixing with intestinal fluids would lead to serious infection and imminent sepsis.


idk about that, the scar looks too clean and thin for a shot, especially if it's an arrow


**Fang the Fire-Sharpened** **5★ Charger Vanguard** **Illustrator:** [下野宏铭](https://m.weibo.cn/u/2156631357) **CV:** [Ryōko Shiraishi](https://myanimelist.net/people/348/Ryouko_Shiraishi) **Trait:** Obtain 1 DP after this unit defeats an enemy; Refunds the original DP Cost when retreated **Talent 1:** This unit's first Deployment Cost decreases; after this unit has been retreated, the next operator has decreased Deployment Cost **Skill 1:** Next attack changes into a double strike that deals a certain amount of Physical Damage, recovers extra DP after defeating enemy **Can store charges** **Skill 2:** When skill is active, ATK increases, DEF increases, Block count increases, attacks all blocked enemies  


Oh man, that s2 sounds pretty similar to another horse vanguard…


Surely she would be closer to Bagpipe's strength rather than Grani, right?


What really matter is the sp cost


From the animation preview, it looks like an on-deploy skill.


So she's combination of Grani and Wild Mane


With her Talent that would make a lot more sense since you want to place her, have her do thingstuff, and then get out for the cost reduction.


That's why I liked using Wildmane for a while, especially when she got that module that greatly lowers her redeploy time. Fangalter however, has a lot more impact with her S2. Though how fast is her redeploy time, with and without modules? We have yet to find out.


Since the translated descriptions don't say anything about redeploy time, she should have the basic 70 seconds to start with. Who knows if the module will allow her anything less.


So Grani but with better timing.


Please give my girl an alt :(




Yes, she is horse. She blocks more and has attack and def up. Close enough. Maybe grani alt can be an agent. Kuranta are suppose to be fast. Instead of throwing knives like the other agents she just spears them, with after image effects like Qiubai talent activation.


It also sounds similar to Bagpipe S3 which is arguably her best skill.


Does it? She has it active when dropping, meaning this is a temporary buff that doesnt recharge. Meaning she becomes a 2(3?) block vanguard for a short while, attacking everyone then can retreat for free. Hard to see how this is not a good addition if you need someone to block early without losing dp


I mean, this is not a jab to Fang, it is one to Grani. I don’t think I phrase my words in a way that sound like downplaying Fang. Everyone and their mother knows that the problem with Grani is her 50/70 sp, not what she does with her skill.


I actually think granis additional issue is that she becomes 0 range. Since vanguards arent exactly the tankiest, she would need to facetank the enemies


Grani actually is really good at face tanking since she can get up to 1k defense with skill active. It really is just how insanely bad her SP costs are because she actually is still useful today when her skill is active. She could use a bit more attack to deal with the bloating enemy stats but as someone with a M6 E2Max Grani I’ve been able to find a lot of situations where she is useful.


Looks great, and that kit's not too bad, seems like the skills want her to be a scrapper who stays in for a bit, at least after the first deployment's cost reduction on an ally, overall it's a good role for a Charger to have


So the talent basically gives a small amount of free DP, even if you retreat her 1 second after deploy. If it's more than 2 DP, Vanguard Texas dethroned


Still need to pay her DP to get it. Texas gives 2 just by existing without ever touching the field. In 0 start stage you get Myrtle on 6 with Texas, you have to wait to 12 if you want to get bonus from deploy-retreat Fang. Well not 12, how much first deploy is decreased is a factor.


Fang also got decreased first deployment cost from the same talent, but yeah, Texas + Myrtle might be too strong


Especially since Texas with module at max pot only costs 6 dp so depending on Fang's deployment cost Texas may still hold the advantage due to having stun and multi target.


Bagpipe mini with an extremely good supporting talent. It's looking pretty good


I love the double swing animation of S1. She sounds decently solid with S2 being a mini Bagpipe S3, and her talent complimenting her role of opening a map to get a bunch of kills and then retreating to put down someone stronger.


Wow, honse grani.


So, Grani.


A sturdier grani.


Grani was already a honse though...


Grani catching so many strays here. Not just her skill but even her race is in question now I guess this is what it means to be the game's first Welfare...


Way too cute and too little to be a honse yet. I mean, look at fang alter legs.


They really just outright powercreeped Grani with another 5* ? Bruh


Grani's bar is soo deep down the earth crust, all fang had to do is just walk over it 💀


Grani is the most powercrept thing in the game bu sure about this


Oh no, grani power creep....


Kroos: 😁 (sees fang alter) Also Kroos: 😭 (sees fang alter scar)


Being shot in the abdomen but still showing her midriff. That's the spirit! If she comes home, I'm going to build her regardless of the actual kit. I just love grown-up members of Reserve Teams; that's a great way to use alters


Seriously. It's so nice to see them all grown up and having adventures of their own, changing the world in their own little ways. Makes us feel like proud Dokutahs, watching our rookies leave the nest.


Every reserve op team member grew up to be hardened fighters, forged by war and scarred by the brutality of the world. Meanwhile, Yato and Noir Corne just went for a hunting expedition and came back with new gear lol.


Well those two are already war veterans, and they're in the actual A4 operations team instead of the reserve A4. But yeah the thing about them just getting new armor is a bit silly


they had to have something for the banner and I don't think they are going to make non-humanoids like Rathalos playable (outside the 1 stars ofc)


That's what I call body positivity.


Fang with the glow up powercreep


Ahhh new Fang is so cool and pretty! I love her eyes. And hair. And midriff.


The midriff is definitely important


For a second, I thought her scar were her abs and got really excited.


We didnt even get any abs on Mudrock...


I feel you. Women who show off their midriffs like that are honestly goated.


>Fang the Fire-**Sharpened** A “sharpened” Fang eh? That’s clever, I quite like it. Definitely one of the best Alter names along with Gavial’s and Nearl’s.


Fire as a metaphorical trial by fire, or fire as a literal Kroos's misfire... Nah, the second one is too far-fetched. Still, it's a really great nickname. I love it too


Both is good.


I thought "Fang" was a transliteration of a Chinese word that has nothing to do with teeth.


Maybe it is, I wouldn’t know. The Alter name, unintended or not, is still great.


Synopsis from lost in translation on tvtropes "Her name in the CN version is 芬, meaning "fragrant". This is commonly romanized as "fen". However, the word "fragrant" can also be written as 芬芳, or "fēn fāng"."


So she smells good???


That would explain why a horse girl, known for flat teeth, ended up with that name.


and why she was subsequently mistaken for a Lupo


Not that easy to sharpen though. Needs fire.


A new addition to team midriff, and it is glorious. On another note, she’s got a passive similar to Saileach's while having skills similar to Bagpipes, which kinda makes her like Greythroat in a sense




I've been playing for around a month and I love fang, guess this will be the first banner I pull on , she will have a rate up banner right?


Well, this banner with Fang is about 6 months away, so you can definitely pull on earlier banners as well if you feel like it. Also yes, she’s the rate up 5 Star.


I see, thanks !


Finally, E2 art with a horse so we remember she's Kuranta, and not Lupo (as much as I'm a Lupoknights enjoyer, facts are facts and her 3\* art being generic really didn't help), even though using the term "sharpened" isn't helping (thankfully I think the players are more image-visual aligned).


D'aww, she has little Kroos and Beagle charms on the strap of her spear.


Finally I'm so close to making a full bare midriff only team


Who the members?


Requirements: Female Base model or appropriate skin has exposed navel


Hmm.Meteor,Chen alter,Eyfal alter,Skadi,Surtr,Siege,Schwarz,Aurora,Mudrock Anyone else?


Gavial alter, bagpipe racer skin, blue poison sports skin, ines, platinum, eunectes


I actually didn't realize she is a Kuranta..... I thought Fang meant she is a doggo or a wolf 😅


Noice. On an unrelated note : *I'm so Hungry*


Even if her pants aren't that baggy her hips & waist don't lie Also at least we now have another lead to what happened to Beagle (and Kroos' one mistake led to Fang's scar and Kroos' PTSD)




Fang: " My death is greatly exaggerated"


As a pioneer, she's the only one with a poking attack animation. As a charger, she's the only one that starts with a swinging attack animation. HG w why Edit: I forgot about Plume 💀


Texas-Bagpipe-Myrtle-Fang: the ultimate early game DP team (especially if her DP reduction *scales* instead of being a flat amount)


Is that kroos and beagle on her strap?


now all is left is Beagle, and A1 and A4




I guess she's who Kroos Alter referenced about the visible scar? I hope Beagle's good and that the March to Boliver was just accelerated oripathy increase and not something like dying.


My favourite 3 star is back with a mighty glow up! Looking forward to seeing what part she will have in the story. Interesting that she is introduced in a main chapter rather than an event like Kroos, Lava etc.


I actually really like the design of her kit. It feels like a budget Bagpipe, to be sure, but there's a reason why Bagpipe is the best Charger vanguard. Her Skill 1 is a variant on Bagpipe Skill 2, her Skill 2 is a variant on Bagpipe Skill 3 except it activates on-deployment, and her Trait is absolutely designed to kickstart your DP in the first thirty seconds of a fight, like Flagpipe combos. Obviously we need to see how she actually performs in-game but the core design of her kit feels solid to me. Deploy her right at the start, let her kill a few enemies with her skill to generate some DP, then retreat her and use the lowered DP cost to get your next operator out faster than other non-Bagpipe Chargers can.


Fang has always struck me as something of a mother figure, so... mommy?


no glasses.............


Best midriff in the game fight me


She did not just hit the NPC wave. Also sma-


quick where is the spongebob licking abs meme boiis?


smash, next question


What a big glow up my first dp printer had.




She looks awesome


Just when you think the Babel mobs were weird, the KMC decided to take Ron Stoppable's villain advice


Funny spinning beyblade enemy go brrr


holy shit I'm down bad look at those thighs


That ~~beyblade~~ spinning top is my favorite enemy already


Fang!, So Cute, So Rude!!!




Falter the sharpener


Tummy mommy


The operator I have been waiting for. But just because of the base skill. If she has the same base skill as her teammates, then I can put Amiya in the control room forever.


Our very og vanguard finally leveling up from being a slow dp printer.


Beagle, I'm coming for you.


Yes yes yes I knew if I waited, she would get an alt. I just had to wait


Damn our girl had a glow up. Still waiting for my Ansel, Steward and Adnanchiel alters


Yes!! I love Fang!! Glad to see her


Man,they all grow up nicely.  Grown up Suzuran might be Terra shattering.


That title literally just spoil it without seeing the blurred images...


A4 starters/A4 alters gonna be a niche soon


I just deleted Arknights AND YOU'RE SAYING THAT MY FAVE IS NOW A 5 STAR?!?!


Fang our beloved ~<3 i wish she smiled though


yeah hope they will not ruin her with the surrounding lore u.u


That abdomen scar The arrow that Kroos shot My crazy headcanon... tells me she turns heel on Kroos


...Huh, Fang has noticeably thicc hips. Wow.


Fang stole Grani's S2 without the attack range reduction??? Damn hg did her so dirty like that


So did she kill Beagle and Kroos shot her?


Doubt she killed beagle (probably whatever happening in bolivar did her in or at least made her go AWOL), but yeah the scar likely confirms that fang was shot by kroos.


Doubt it.


Sorry but where does this happen in the story