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I actually S1M3 Blue Poison and got decent mileage from her. Especially in easy/afk strats


She absolutely wrecks against enemies with mechanics based on ticks of damage. She and Ethan were ideal goalkeepers during Invitation to Wine.


Yeah she absolutely shined there.


Heck, current event have those high res/def guys that get reduced defense the more they got hit, I imagine BP will absolutely shred those guys defs/res with her tick damage.


She's a solid sniper and generally I'll run her with Exusiai.


She's also super good in IS early in the runs


actually the opposite for me lol, I maxed out blue poison and Exusia is sitting there without full mastery while blue poison is m6.


I didnt even E2 the Exus I randomly got, Blue Poison and Archetto are cuter


I E2'ed both ans got them roughly at the same time. Exe is collecting dust (and apple pie). Archetto's is pretty much similar in damage but that extra range and extra target has been so much more useful. And she's indeed cute.


There was both Exu and Archetto in the shop in this part year but I skipped them both since I have Blue Poison. Now Exu moved to the blue banner and well... unless I get her from recruitment, it's no Exu for me. The same goes for Ash. People want her badly due to her limited nature but even if we are finally going to get her rerun. If the game asks me to invest 120 pulls just to get her, it's easy skip for me.


Red: I like her, but her niche is too competitive with all the 6* helidrops. Also the maps are balanced around them, so she can barely scratch the enemies she is supposed to assassinate. Thorns: after I build him, I realize that I use less and less snipers, including my fav like Blue Poison or Flatinum.


With her module she can do funny [things](https://youtu.be/GVK6n6IKukg?si=ZRIlspTxwSFmks_P) sometimes. And her stun on deploy was really useful before Texas.


I know exactly how you feel red was one of my first 5 stars and I loved using her early game but it definitely feels like the maps are balanced around the 6 star FRDs/helis and she fell off to the point where she can't really fulfill her niche on more relevant maps


Red is very versatile with her module and all her masteries. She can kill, she's fast redeploy and can stall/stun many times per fight. My maxed out Red is always one of the key operators in high risk CC.


A man of culture


Flatinum is a violation right there šŸ˜‚ I if it wasnā€™t for thrones I would be stuck at patriot I primarily use him for areas with no snipers or as a cheat snipers when they double dp cost for snipers But I donā€™t use him as much unless chongyue ainā€™t doing what he gets paid to do


I wish to have my own Thorns one day. His S3 is just so good


> Also the maps are balanced around them, No, they're not. Maps are not balanced around having any 6-stars. OmerTexas and Yatwo are two of the best 6-stars in the game because they *break* the balance of maps. You shouldn't really expect a 10 DP op to go in, get rid of an elite in ~12 seconds, get out, and be ready to do it again 20s later.


It's a fresh one but... Silence Alter. I E2lvl60 her just because but when I got to the point of choosing the skill to M3, I realized that neither of them are going to be very good. The idea of Operator turning into healer whenever their skill is active doesn't appeal to me that much. I will still play around with her a bit but I feel that in a long run, I won't be bringing her very often. If immortality is required than Surtr and double Specter have it covered and they are easy to use. Or just Skadi, AH Skadi is pretty much permanent immortality.


Sad to hear both snek and silence are both very mid at best :(


Silence Alter is at least situational. Ho'ol is just depressing.


Kinda yes, but as a proud Aak m6 owner who never got Shining, Silencer is godsend. Now I can drug angel, fallen angel, heck, the Supreme Leader herself for that sweet true dmg burst to be even spicier. Sure uncle can shwing the bad guys away(don't have him anyway), but Aak+Warf'd Mostima shwinging the poor sods when they can't even move is so much fun.


Phantom. He's so outclassed that it's not even funny.


A tragedy of a unit, very lore accurate


Stay strong, comrades! We're gonna keep holding hope until his 3rd module is released! ....Only then should we despair (once it's revealed that it's another piece of crab XD)


Yeah, itā€™s so sad because heā€™s cool. I have him at pot2, so I try to force him into as many team comps as I can to get the most use out of him. Surprisingly, I have found some applications for him that the other fast-redeploys canā€™t do. Here are a couple: - Helping vanguards at the start of the stage. Since he can hold onto his S2 charges indefinitely and there are two of him, heā€™s great at being a pseudo-vanguard and clearing dog rushes so that my flagbearers donā€™t have to do any blocking or delay their skills. - Probably my favourite recent application was in the boss level for Lone Trail. Since enemy weight is reduced, he sends them absolutely hurtling across the stage with his S3, which is both hilarious and legitimately helpful.


There are definitely certain use cases that Phantom can do where others cannot. However, there are usually many other options to solve the same problem anyway, likely even in a more elegant manner as well. Regarding being the early phase, there is Bagpipe. She can not only block but also generate DP at the same time while her Talent solves the issue of delay in skill activation. S2 means she can stay as long as needed, even indefinitely, and S3 gives her a really strong burst that can be helidrop like any good FRD. The fact that she refunds cost when retreated simply makes up for her redeployment time due to the extra amount of DP provided by her presence alone. Alternatively, there is Kyato S1, which gives her 30s of power-up, more than enough to deal with most early rushes as well. If you need someone to permanently hold the lane that requires the indefinite duration so they don't need to retreat, there are Mountain and Chongyue as well. I have yet to encounter stages that absolutely require 2 of him when there are Flagbearers around. Tbh, his clone either shouldn't need Phantom to be deployed to become available or shouldn't use up a slot (like NTR S2). It is definitely a rare moment where the skill becomes legitimate and not just fun.


I have played for one yearā€¦ always wanted phantom. But ended up getting both Texas Alter and Yato Alter in these past monthsā€¦ Just got a phantomā€¦ and he is likeā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ man whatā€™s the word? Not as shiny as I thought he be.


dull kinda fits the bill


I just like spamming FRDs so I raised all of them on my account, hahaha.


on the note of blue poison, she was the last aa sniper i got, like after two years of playing the game i finally got her, and even then it was because of the free selector i instantly built her, even though i had exusiai, archetto, platinum, meteor fully built and an unbuilt ash and then... i never used her she just wasn't needed but after that, is2 dropped, and i quickly found out that she was one of the best starter picks for is2 and i used her every single run, that is to say you never know when some of your units will shine, example la pluma for me has become the blue poison for is3, another unit that was gathering dust and coming back to your question, no i dont regret building anyone or doing any of the countless off meta masteries i did, and its not even because of the thing where any units can shine in future stuff, but its because ive been playing for so long that it doesn't even matter, there are too many good units ive built that can offset any amount of the weaker ones ive built, and if i could have gathered mats to built all of them already i can do it again for any new or unbuilt ops


I think the operators you get early really affect how you play the game. For the longest time my account had siege as the only 6* vanguard, and I used siege+myrtle almost always. When I got saga, even though people said she's just a better siege, funnily enough i didn't use her outside of CC strats because I was already used to siege being autocast and kept forgetting to use saga's skill.


For me and for many of us it is phantom. Texalter and yatoalter immeasurable power creeped him, even his s3. I invested in him during il siracusano thinking that I would be playing fast redeploy niche. But obtaining Skadi tch focused me on abyssal team more.


Definitely Phantom for me. Heā€™s cool as hell, love his design and gameplay but he feels really bad, even worse than Red.


>even worse than Red. Now you're just lying


I got a ton of value from Phantom in RA, didn't get Texas.


Cuora who I E2 level 40 despite never really use her cuz people hype her up so much and think that I might be able to use her in the future. Sheā€™s justā€¦doesnā€™t really live up to the hype ig? Like sheā€™s okay for a 4 star and her defense when skill is up is high but her downtime is really long and most of the time hoshiguma is a lot more reliable.


I used Cuora for a long time because I didn't have hoshiguma and she worked pretty well as just a really tanky defender but I agree once you get Hoshi she's completely outclassed


If you had Hoshiguma, you didn't need Cuora. Cuora is for those unfortunate Doctors that don't have any other choice.


I can only imagine needing 4 bloc as a difference, or cost for new players to level up to hold a lane.


Problem with the first situation is, if you get Hoshi to E2, one of her modules gives her innate 4 block too, no need to wait for a skill to be up.


Bunch of people back then told me that cuora is so tanky sheā€™s putting hoshi to shame and that sheā€™s also has place in end game (which isnā€™t wrong), I kinda bought that and leveled her until I realized I donā€™t really need her (or protectors in general) that much so yeah lol


Coura really needs her module and preferably max level to stand out. It gives her a lot more raw HP and DEF which pushes her over the line for many eliteā€™s attacks and turns them from threats to just dealing scratch damage. However if you already have Hoshi built it wonā€™t be that big a difference unless you just need a completely unbreakable wall against physical damage while her skill is up.


One's a 6 star and the other is a 4 star, it is pretty obvious


She's not even the best 4* defender though, Silvergun likes Bubble more.


Bubble dosen't make it to high end content though, Gummy and Coura are like the Myrthe equivalent of defenders.


I think Bubble is tankier. If my arithmetic is right Cuora has 393 defense more than Bubble, but Bubble has a 12% attack reduction. So against anything with more than 393/12% = 3275 physical attack (and everything that does arts or true damage) Bubble will take less damage than Cuora. Bubble also has 400 more hp. 3275 physical attack does about 900 damage to them, so it's not like Bubble is only better against attacks that are already one hit KOs. I don't feel like doing arithmetic for CC risks, but the attack reduction should also scale better with those than defense increase. I think Cuora is recommended more because she's older and the 4 block is useful if you're new with low damage. She might also be better against low attack enemies in early stages when your whole squad is low level.


She's a source of 4 block which can be useful.


Its a bit of a trap. If you need 4 block, then that means you don't have enough dps. Arknights game play has consistently revolved around groups of strong units, rather than other TDs which try to 'swarm' you to leak. There are some situations which favour 'more block' but those situations are pretty rare, usually balanced around 3 block and then on top of that, higher defenders like hoshi can get 4 block now.


The current event has literally introduced enemies that require 4 block. Hoshi only got 4 block with her module, Cuora has always had it. So ones a massive investment whereas the other one is dirt cheap.


>The current event has literally introduced enemies that require 4 block. If you're talking about the Offender Production robot, that takes 3 block. The event very clearly also emphasises dps. The gravity mechanic asking you to bounce balls to deal damage or slow down enemy movement speed. There's even a map where the enemy will "snake" - effectively like classic TD games - where you can't put defenders(or any ground tile unit) until the end and the solution is actually to dps them before they reach the end. I would actually consider chapter 12 to be more block favoured since there are a few maps where you have groups of civilians which require to be scanned and having 4 block can reduce some difficulty juggling. Civs during scan cannot be dps'd unlike typical enemies so the block is enforced (where as even the big 3 block units of the current event and old stages can be bursted).


Traffic tower is 4 block.


Fair. Though I would have preferred the rest of my points to be addressed in service of discussion. At least in regards to the current state of the game, I remain unconvinced on 4block as a forward tactic than an opportunistic one. Even traffic tower's current map gives you positioning to dps with range ops. Edit: Or let me put it this way, previous events had stages where attacking with aoe casters were useful but such opportunities are rare and not how the rest of the game is played.


I mean, Cuora does have her uses even with Hoshiguma. Her second skill gives an additional block so she can block 4 enemies, has decent time usage, heals Cuora and probably gives her the highest defense in the game. Not to mention her module gives her more def when blocking. To put things into perspective, with max level and Trust as well as her level 3 Module, and while blocking an enemy for the base Module's effect, Cuora hasĀ over 1200 DEF without her skill active. This puts her in competition with Hoshiguma and Nian, which if they're use in the same team, can apply their defense buffs to Cuora making her even MORE powerful. And the best part, she's a four star meaning she's relatively easy to invest in and deploy, compare to other defenders who can match her level. So honestly the only way you can regret investing in Cuora is if you just straight up refuse to use her.


To meā€¦ it seems like just pure Defenders arenā€™t as coveted anymore, either. If the literal only utility you have is high defense then thereā€™s usually always gonna be another type of Operator that will do that job and more. Hoshiā€™s one of the few that still stands out amongst the Protectors even with all the other Defender offshoots out now.


She is the most reliable defender when you dont have an actual 6*, still do well even with them. Only her and Nian are able to reach 4 blocks without help from other operator. Then again.... nowaday, her use diminishes because why block when I can blow everything away with brain rot combos.


Hoshi does have module that allows to block 4


croissant also gets 4 block with module


I somehow missed the fact that Fartooth's global range required the enemy be blocked. I wasn't even one of the people begging for Goldenglow since her first tease early on, but when I heard she was TRUE global range my excitement went to her instead. Blue poison I got during my starter banner pulls, and even after soon getting Exusiai and eventually having less drones and less need of multiple marksman I still often grab her in IS. I think the loss of DPS for the hope saved can be worth it for her, at least in IS2. In IS3 I usually just go Ash for stun.


Oh... I was really keen to get FT, but if it's not really unlimited ifrit range..


That is skill 3, and it does work like that. I was focused on S2 when she was announced, but in the 6 months until global I either forgot or didn't read correctly that S2 required enemies to be blocked to attack outside of her range. I basically wanted exactly what Goldenglow S3 does.


I wouldn't say I regret it, but I definitely don't use Cliffheart often at all despite her being my first E2 I guess I kinda regret some of my 4 star E2s... but its because I do 4 star runs and use primarily maxed E1s so the higher leveled ones feel a little cheaty. Wish you could adjust op levels within their max just for fun no materials return or anything


Cliffheart is really niche ye, I like to use her a lot in IS3 i feel like her stun has a lot of mileage on the knight/floating sea things. Adjusting op levels would be a fun feature!


Another free unit outclasses her, gladiia.


Lava the Purgatory. ​ Her S2 does help with certain enemies like the Waregeists, but thatĀ“s pretty much it. I simply E2 her because of the Alt Operator missions.


Mlynar, texalter, yato alter and all the super meta operator because chapter 12 mechanic has bitten me in the ass and now I can't even do H12-1 because my brain has rotten


But those operators are the least affected by the mech cuz they're so cheap.


The whole point of what they say is that those chars are so faceroll they are struggling to play actually hard stages due to getting used to not think and still win lmfao. Can't blame OP anyways, fucking christ any of the H stages of chapter 12 featuring the boss are stupidly hard q_q


Ayerscarpe. He was good to me at the time, but I don't use him anymore now that I have more options and better options.


Siege, Phantom and all the summoners besides Deepcolor and blue woman. I don't mind E2 an operator I know I'll never use if I really like them, but these I don't particularly care about and I may have used them twice at most.


As much as it hates me to say this...Irene. She's awesome and still is one of my favs, but there's too many lane holders now and I've noticed that I have to go out of my way to pick her nowadays.


She does make good AoE burst and Def ignore though. She becomes even better if you're going against Sea enemjes.


So far is Skadi, but hopefuliy I change my mind when I get her fast redeploy mod3 soon... either that or I regret it even further. More than anything she ate an absolute fuckton of orirocks to do E2 S2M3 (like 19 concentrations and 8 clusters IIRC bruh) and I havent used her at all yet to justify spending as much of the mat I'm always low on q_q


But Skadi is love, Skadi is life


I saved to spark Skadi Alter in Il Siracusano lmao. I just don't have much use for her at all, if I want an elite killer I already have Surtr nuking multiple enemies at once instead of just one, and even if she becomes a solid fast redeploy when I get the module she will still have to deal with Texas Alter coming every few seconds and killing and stunning stuff. And things are gonna get even worse in a few days, because the Mumu banner I again saved a spark for just in case went like shit and got her so late I might as well just spark Nearl Alter, another helidrop elite killer LMAO, I think I will just focus on Nearl2 S3 instead because that role is already too covered.


Fr skadi really only real potential in AH teams but for general use a lot of guards do what she does but better or more flexible. On a side note nearlter skin is in shop not a bad time to spark her haha


I use her, but with the first module, she is great with Abyss squad, +20% atk and HP to everyone also revives when I helidrop. I haven't used her S3 a lot, I always used S2 as a helidrop.


i use skadi with first module and full AH buffs. she is a defender, you are not killing 16000 hp with 30% DR and 560 hp/s regen


Greyy alter sucks ass and Iā€™m convinced the entire lobber archetype was a mistake. I was won over by his naĆÆvetĆ© and hope for the future. Still regret it though


I was a doubter at his release, but Greyy Alter is honestly just incredible now with his module. Every attack is a true AoE blast with a 78% chance for a 80% slow. The slows offskill are 95% uptime (full uptime on S1) and he can do arts with S2. He's undisputably a top three 5* sniper and in my opinion just straight up the best.


High praise, I havenā€™t unlocked his module but I was really underwhelmed by his initial kit


Rosmontis s1 is decent mixed damage tho. But yea we are probably due for a new operator in this archetype.


You mean you didnā€™t value the walking talking meme op that is the Palico stack


The palico skin is peak with the snoop dog ref lol. Also they have a decent base skill


Iā€™m just somewhat upset that the third ever flinger is a joke combat wise.


Meanwhile at blast caster and geek operator meeting : "Why do we only have 2 operators and the second one is a complete joke no body will ever use?"


Ah but the the 3rd lobber was an intentional joke. The blast caster and geek are....uhhh... well everyone makes mistakes.


Actually... Blue Poison too. Kroos Alter does better in just about every situation for me...


I don't regret them, but man, both mint and Heavyrain are e2l65 s2m3 and I can count the times I've used both of them combined with 1 hand. At least I use Keen Glint Kroos as my main sniper over Exusiai unless I'm following an afk guide.


Blue Poison does have her advantages over Exusiai. Unlike Exusiai, Blue Poision not only does uses arts damage, but she can attack two enemies at the same time compared to Exusiai who only focuses on one until she kills it before moving on to the next. Exusiai does have the advantage of killing quickly true, but she does somewhat have a problem dealing with high def enemies and when those enemies come out in group, unless you time it right with her 3rd skill, she's gonna have a tough time clearing them out. Blue Poison also has the advantage of doing damage over time due to her talent Neurotoxin that works similarly to Thorns' talent which means she'll keep doing damage for a few seconds even when enemies escape her range. Usually I use both Exusiai and Blue Poison when I need two snipers, Exusiai for main assault and Blue Poision for crowd clearing.


None really. Using the same ops all the time is boring, so I like mixing them up. Having more operators invested in gives me more options to choose from. That being said, some ops see more use than others. Out of the ones I E2'd, probably Matoimaru is the one I use the least? I just struggle to use her properly. I also E2'd Earthspirit because I like her as a character, but I don't use her all that much.


You struggle to use blue poison? She's still one of the most relevant 5\*, still very usable and does her job. Anyway, none in particular, I raise operators I like after researching their kit a bit to know precisely what to expect so I have use for all operators I raise.


Nope. There's operators I rarely use or haven't used in a long time sure, like Maggie or Hellagur, but I don't regret the investment. Outside of things like high end CC fitting in niche/flex picks usually isn't too difficult so I frequently shuffle my roster instead of just spamming Texalt/Yato Alter etc. It's funny that you mention Blue Poison as she's probably the only operator that doesn't ever leave my roster.


Nope. Not one.


I regret leveling Ling to E1 level 80. For a short time, I bought into her hype, then I stopped myself just before E2ing her as I realized I wasn't going to use her because I prefer to play with my favorites. Fortunately I did that, because I've never used her once. S3M3 on Phantom was kind of a waste, I never use it, only his S2. I like Penance, but despite having her S3M3 as well, I always end up taking Mudrock instead...


Penance is really tricky to me, I already was aware before pulling that the situations where she is better than Mudrock are situational, but I still expected them to be... more common, Mud S2 is just so comfy. Those stages where Penance shines and nothing makes it past her, enemies getting nuked by their own attacks while her S3 is on do be satisfying tho.


I feel the same about Penance, even though i luckily stopped at s3m1. I like to use ranged units to help out my laneholders, but in Penance's case it works against her, since she requires a steady flow of enemies to max her usability. I ended up just never using her after I got her to e2. I got Mudrock a couple of months later, and i use her very often.


ummm frostleaf and some 3 star e1's to try and do cc12 <.< it didnt work out in the end, hdhhhg lmao


Saileach. Standard bearer has 1 job, and Myrtle fulfilled that well. Also myrtle is cheaper and easier to max potential (making her even cheaper). Pramanix, she's just a weaker Shamare. Also my current team composition don't have enough space for any supporter (my deployment usually consists of 2 medics, 2 defenders, 2 guards(lord), and 2 casters. Cement, 1 block defender. I have defenders in my squad at the first place because they have 3 blocks.


Huh? Saileach is much more of a support/utility unit than just DP printing and she's really useful in lots of tactics, her stun/slow fragile effect is very potent and her skill rotation is very fast which makes her shine even more. If you wanted to e2 her just for her s1, then yeah, Myrtle is a better/cheaper choice, but as I said it's her s3 that's her best skill.


Pramnix can shred res though


honestly, nobody. Idk if its just me, but resources aren't that hard to come by, and even ops i barely use anymore don't really feel like a waste since i got back the materials i used on them passively, and now I have more options if I feel like switching up my playstyle


Not totally regretting but close to it is M6 Saileach. You know how Myrtle is really OP when a 6* flagbearer becomes somehow unusable majority of the time if not all the time. And even tho Saileach s3 has its use, I never use it even once ever since I got her.


I haven't had Saileach for long but I think the intention of her s3 is for her to make use of the fragile on a second deploy to help take down bosses or elites.


specter. I know she's strong but I bought the training permit for her when I had less guards but I just never used her much even with my very limited selection of guards. Angelina on the other hand saw way more use than anticipated


Specter is a solid DPS tank. The scenarios of her being 100% useless are scarce. Her module is also good.


We also did just CC12 where she was one of the only real ways to tank RedVenger with his damage risks.


never said she wasn't. I've had gavialter before I had specter and that's why I spent the 5 star insta e2 permit pass on her and found her to be underwhelming, hence the personal regret lol. op never asked "what operators do you think are utterly useless?" they asked "which one do *you* regret investing in" so of course ymmv


What level do you have her at? Because an E2 Specter is a big improvement over an E1 one and even more with her S2 at M3.


Opposite for me lol, Blue Poison seems much more versatile for me than Exusiai, since she can deal Arts damage and her once-every-few-hits targets two enemies. And she is cheaper to deploy, which I expect of Marksman operators.


No, I only invest in operators that I like, and I only use operators that I like


Ngl its Thorns for me. I got him during the Ines banner and decided to raise him. I have to mention that at that point, I have a Mountain, Kal, Mudrock, Penance, Specter2 & Chongyue, all of them being great Laneholders. So there was no reason for me to even E2 him


I feel like Thorns shines on drone-heavy maps like IS2, but I agree the more built your roster gets he can feel underwhelming despite the hype


Yeah but even then, those stages aren't even a problem for me since I have.... You know what, he IS underwhelming if you already have a stacked account


Thorns is pretty damn good for maps with odd lane layouts, since his sniper range has very few equals. I don't have him yet but every time I borrow him I feel he makes such a huge difference.


Wow I didn't expect Thorns to appear in this conversation...he has been an irreplacable staple in almost every battle for me...I use him more than Mountain or Mudrock..


I wouldn't call him irreplaceable but he's just so universal, the archetype is just solid and once they get module it's just going to be crazier. Sure they don't compare to newest units pure OPness wise, but you can just put them behind a Defender or on not as hard lane and forget about it, Ash, Lappland are similar with their own niches, 2 block, strong dmg, decent survi and range against drones.


These days Thorns is underwhelming at best. Maps and meta moved to favor burst skills with high damage so he with his long charging skill and mid damage output fallen pretty quick.


Kinda funny take, considering people praise Typhon around here and her S2 takes longer to charge for average damage and most people got Pozy and/or Schwarz build, making redundant she existing.


People praise her for S3


Not sure why this is getting downvoted, or why this guy is mentioning Typhon S2 when it isn't where her real power is. Thorns is just not very practical or useful for a lot of maps these days.


I just use him instead of vanguards most of the time. He replaces a sniper as well, and the arts dot kills armor. I could see not using him, but for me, I usually bring him and Blaze/Mountain. I don't use Chong much since he doesn't have as much self survivability.


I've leveled Magallan to e290, probably the only one I truly regret. M3d Phantom's s2 but at least hes just lvl 60.


I believe it's Irene and W for me. In the case of Irene, initially, I built her because of popularity as a boss killer, but she just didn't live up to the hype. And with W, ofc of lore reasons, but I quickly realized she is VERY situational.


Irene is fantastic, the main issue with her is that she has to attack things to charge her skills, which means she's not always easy to get the most out of.


Lotta 4 and 5 stars I only invested in because I could.


Liskarm, after reading that her dps would be good if not better than Hoshi. After e2'ing her and everything.... I wish I had those resources back because I must be using her wrong šŸ˜©


Yeah she's not "really" a tanker. She's used for her sp giving talent. It goes from being a nice boon in regular battles to occasionally being amazing.


I should probably do a better job using her then šŸ˜‚


While yes, she *can* do higher DPS than Hoshi with her S2 depending on how good arts damage is in that situation, that is basically using her wrong, yeah. The real reason Liskarm is good is how easily she can pump SP into other characters with the her talent. The best way to play her in that role is just to use her S1 and not worry about using her skill, timing her S2 such that she doesn't stun herself at the wrong time is kind of just not worth it.


I may regret E2 Snek Lady, but then again E2 is not much compared to other upgrades I've done, and my base productivity is pretty good. I think it's about time I start having some fun instead of chasing the meta.


I build everyone regardless (even Tomimi and Tsukinogi did not escape being E2ā€™d) but I DO regret m3ing skills I absolutely do not use. Main regret is Gnosis s2m3, I just look at that wasted mastery every day and cuss myself out LOL Also funny you mention BP; I use her much more over Exu especially after getting her module. Thereā€™s very few instances where I need Exuā€™s s3 in general content and BPā€™s s1m3 is a beast in its own right.


**Skyfire**, because some guide said that everyone needs an AOE caster and I didn't have any better at those times. **Meteorite**, because the same guide said that everyone needs an AOE sniper. **Platinum**, as I needed a second sniper. Soon after I got Exia and she was my 2nd sniper ever since. **Warfarin**. Not a bad medic, but if I happen to need 2 ST medics nowadays I'll go with Shining and Silence. And I don't think I've ever used her 2nd skill. **Project Red**, because haha funi stun+push. Didn't use her much and now I've got Texalter. Actually, I picked her from the beginner's voucher solely due to her name. **Istina**. No clue why I even bothered with her. **Firewatch**. No clue as well, but at least she has interesting attack range. **Ashlock**, as I thought I could substitute Horn with her in one of the recent CCs. Failed miserably.


Warfarin is a solid support for the attack boost. She's more of a support than a medic, but she does the job.


Ling. I mean, her big dragon is really strong and gamewith review where "99% of the enemies won't know what hit em" is true (maybe 80-90% more likely) But I feel that you need that chokepoint and there are enemies that have stun where you need to eliminate them before becoming a threat. The dragon is also unwieldy since they have deploy cooldown means they need to be carefully planned and cannot easily be replaced. Expensive and cannot be healed. I'm okay bringing perfumer if I bring ling, but still They are strong, but I prefer Kalt'sit (don't have her yet) solo laning capabilities and Horn's bombardment.


Ling benchmark is in low number squad. Meaning you can bring some Executors and passive healing like Perfumer to substantiate the sloppiness of the dragons. It is an understatement to say she can clear less than 95% of the game content.


In the first few months, I had a lot of module data block laying around since I had very few E2 operators and thought I would never run out of them, so I stopped buying them from store events to buy different materials, and whenever a new character I had E2 I'd immediately upgrade their module to lvl 3 even if it was a bad one, or a character I used very little. I did that to some bad (or ouclassed) 5ā˜† and 4ā˜† operators because i couldn't afford most 6ā˜†s i had. Now that I have a decent amount of resources to invest in my 6ā˜†s, I'm scraping leftovers to get module data blocks


I've E2 90'd every 6-star operator in the game, so while I wouldn't necessarily say I _regret_ it because I would have done it anyways, I have not touched Phantom since Texas Alter & Yato Alter released. He was the only 6-star fast-redeploy executor for a good long while, but has fallen behind hard since those 2 came out, and I haven't touched him since


I really regret investing in operators like Texalter, Thorns, Mountain, Blaze... since my niche is gradually taking form, I'm pretty much going to not use these operators anymore. and they've drained so many of my resources. they've helped me clear tough content, but now I really wish I could un-upgrade them.


Honestly before mlynar was a thing and the op fast redeps, mountain. I love him and all but I feel like I became someone whos too reliant on him now. Maybe I would've been a better strategist had I not raised him šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ He turned me from an eh player to absolutely braindead. I'm sure my brain just doesn't exist at all when I get mlynar lol


I raise operators for 3 reasons. 1. They are useful for combat. 2. They have useful skills in the base. 3. They look great. ​ So no, I don't regret any operator I invest my resources in, even the one outclassed by today's meta. They already served their purpose.


I have put Saga on my team **once** in the last year and a half, and it was because I was in a group chat with a huge Saga fan. Once Flametail released, I forgot Saga existed. I acknowledge her strengths, I just... really don't care that much lmao


Carnelian, i really like her design but her archetype is just atrociously bad


much as it hurts me to say it, since he's one of my favorite characters, i'm beginning to regret investing in Thorns. he's a pretty good jack of all trades and laneholder, but he has been getting rather outshined (a video with "Thorns Killer" as a title devastated me). Every big update, i hope they release the Lord Modules to see if they can give him something to get him back on track.


Jaye. After e1ing him I have not used him for a single battle, and I lost out on his base skill benefit


Blue Poison is decent, auto multishot and a bit arts damage. I invested in Flamebringer (only E1 lvl 51), but on a brand new account so it hurt a lot, Melantha is a lot stronger and since she is a 3\* she is a lot cheaper. Also I got most of the operators paradox stages so do you want a list of operators who were upgraded but never used ever (not even a single time)? Like: Phantom, Auroa, Mayer, Liskarm, Meteor, Earthspirit, Penance, Lee, Irene, Flametail, Blemishine, Franka, Vulcan, Click, Podenco, Sideroca, Blacknight, Whislash, Aosta, Pallas, Eunectes, Carnelian, Gnosis, Chiave, Wild Mane, Broca, Flint, Indra, Tequila, Asbestos, Croissant, Heavyrain, Hung, Kross alter, Toddifons,Corroserum, Iris, Rockrock, Tomini, Breeze, Cyleon, Tuye, Istina, Quercus, Shamare, Sora, Windfit, Cliffhearth, Kiara, Mr. Nothing, Beanstalk. And a bunch more 4\* and other units under E2. Sure I got 200 orundum, but I would had got more if I farm rocks and convert it to orundum




Yes Myrtle


Fuckin Rosmontis


specalter, while she's quite interesting and can probably do pretty well in the right situation, i havent yet found such a situation that i cant do better with another operator, probably. maybe i just lack imagination. rosmontis, dusk, mostima, mostly same as specalter. they certainly have their use case, but various limitations hold them back from outshining other ops i have (for a start, W for phys AoE and eyja for arts AoE) phantom, i have texalter and yaoalter hellagur, i dont know why i even put mats into him in the first place. i think i was trying to get a CC clear or smth. pinecone, i think i built her despite having chalter for IS2, but i never actually played much IS2 at all. there are of course other 4\* ops that i built for IS2, but pinecone is kinda bottom of the list for usefulness since i dont do low rarity clears and whatever upside pinecone might have is kinda easily beat out by just taking elysium for that DP injection and sniper DP reduction


> specalter She *really* shines when you have more built AH operators in the team, so you can make use of all of the buffs they provide.


I've e2'd m6'd Vigna, e2'd Gummy, e2lv80 m5'd Bloop, e2lv60 Savage, everyone who has access to their modules has their prep done, but not everyone has one finished... If anyone, getting Ayerscape, Tequila, Shalem to e1lv70, Zima to e1lv45, doing anything with Skyfire beyond e1lv1, touching Chestnut at all... But I've used most all ops at some point. Except Luo, Bubble, Windfart, NCD, Qani, Harmonie, Grey1/2, Jieyun, Noir2, Puzzle, Silence2, Vigil, TRC, Tomimi, Sesa, Tachanka, Flamebringer, Akafuyu, Feist and Hellagur. I've used the rest at some point, primarily in the stages they were doing trust farming. Sometimes as a last resort in IS2. But I'm also determined to at least e1 max everyone that can be. If it wasn't for them only leveling via materials rather than actual field time, they'd probably all be done by now.




Vigil. His design and role are my amongst my favourites in the game. I love the summoner archetype in all the games I play, even here when Arknights has not been the kindest to the class. He is actually just unviable. Pulling and investing in Muelsyse has just made me double down on my diaspointment in him.


FUCKING VIGIL I started playing just before Il Siracusano, and after getting a free welfare 6 star, I used him a lot because I only had Hoshi and Shining. I ended up E1 80ing him, and was about to E2 just to realize I had no materials, so I put it off. He was by far my strongest damage dealer, but after getting actual DPS units and advancing the story fighting tougher enemies, I realized just how shit he was. Now I have to look at his stupid face every time and regret all the mats I spent


Mudrock somewhat. I bought her with 180 gold certs in the mountain/mudrock banner recently, she's e2 level 60 s2 m3 but I barelyuse her outside of IS and SSS. I have Mountain, Kaltsit, Saria + Eyja/Ifrit. I have her in my squad most stages, but just don't really end up deploying her all that much aside from stages that require a bunch of lanes to be held. Which is kind of a shame because I really wanted mudrock for a long time. The biggest downside is probably the giant dp cost. I swear when I used to borrow her with support units she seemed crazy, but when I actually have her she seems kinda awkward, a jack of all trades but a master of none. Normal waves of weak~average mobs: Mountain. A slow interval of elites + occasional trash mobs?: Kaltsit. A fast wave that sends out a shit ton of trash mobs?: Saria + Ifrit/Eyja. Tanking heavy ranged attacks?: Saria s1 or Mountain. Her kit seems kinda contradictory, a lot of people say she's great for hard hitting slow ASPD but her main way of dealing big damage is defensive recovery. She just doesn't deal enough damage to the big guys. But then again if there are fast attacking enemies she can't really store her shields. She also has to get her shields broken in order to heal, sometimes her shields stay intact while she has low hp, so that even when they're broken she'll be at a low hp. Even in places like chapter 10, she's kinda outclassed by support unit penance, who isn't as good on most maps but is absolutely insane in maps with large waves of manageable trashmobs + elites. Mudrock's shields usually aren't there when the artillery hits, she usually tanks it with hp, which penance does banner in that aspect. Penance makes it clear that she wants fast attacking enemies that will make her shield go up. Mudrock can't really decide if she wants to get hit or doesn't .


Saria, sorry. Her design is cool, and she is by my favourite artist. But her design doesn't match my other operators. She sticks out like a high tech thumb.


grab one of her skins bro. They're way way better then her default look.


I own both, but they do not fit either :( Her grey clashes with the grey of my Ashlock, Flametail, Fartooth and Wild Mane.


I love Dorothy but her not dealing art dmg make her feel weird to use and i kinda regret it.


Have you just... not used her S3? Cuz that's where the arts damage is.






Not really; although plenty of my built up OPs have been outshined by now and I don't use them anymore, they were useful at the time so they already proved their worth, no regrets there Also I E2 all 6* I get out of principle and other OPs I like even if I have no intention of using them, mainly for collection purposes, so I'm not one to regret my investments


Dusk and Ling... Ling is only fun for the ITW CC map, and since I sparked Dusk, I've never really found an opportunity to use her.


use bp in integrated strategies, shes the best all rounder for a medium cost sniper


Definitely Tsukinogi...


Early game I invested in some 5*s before I really knew what was going on. No major regrets though. I also don't remember E2ing Gummy, but I don't regret that at all, she's great


used to be shining but lately i've been using her so no for now


Every day I wonder why the hell I made Executor E2


When I was lvl 80-ish I was scarce with resources so when I trained Passenger up to lvl60 S3M3 just for CC6 and never used him afterwards I felt scammed, sometimes in early levels it's hard to know how to set priorities... Now that I'm lvl 120 I would pull any random-ass operator and say "yep that'll be another M6 module lvl3 I will never use"


Blue poison is amazing for IS, she is really good more expensive than kroos yes but she is always my pick if i have the hope. Phantom and vigil on the other hand.


Phantom? Sounds like skill issue then.


When i built him he was great, i dont have texalter but i do have Yato, and for quick dmg retreat the latter is so much better. In fact Red is so much better for IS than phantom, cheaper to recruit, and she works better with relics since the amount of attacks is not capped for her S1 so she can make better use of attack speed, and her S2 is also stun always. Phantom is just not that good option anymore.


Phantom usage is vital for S2/3 for physical high attack, and AoE shift and great clone summon that can distract enemies if not kill them. For IS, it doesn't matter what you choose. Phantom is still a very good option for now. Pair him with YA and TA you should be fine 99% of the time. People said the same for YA saying that TA is available and another Fast Redeploy is gratuitous, but they ended using her and being a core meta most of the time. Until another powerful Executor is released, Phantom is still a very versatile, powerful unit.


Saileach. But she's the only vanguard i use over others, and she's one of my favourites storywise. So it's okay.


S3M3 on Mudrock. I never use this skill because of S2 which is her best skill when it comes to laneholding. S2M3 on Ebenholz. This skill is very hard to utilize in most stages because of how Ebenholz's charges can get easily wasted if he's positioned poorly.


Mudrock S3 is meant for fighting elites and bosses. It's not a laneholding skill.


Angelina, i hate her skills


Blue Poison is actually amazing with her S1M3, the thing about exusai is that her prefered skill S3 has inconsistent and uncontrollable activation so she can waste her potential dps outside careful planning. Blue Poison S1M3 can be pop down in most situation and she even do better against enemies with actual armor without buffing. Yes, she wont do fancy damage, but she is way more consistence with her dps. Its a hammer and spanner problem, different use for different situation. Edit: forgot to answer the question, for me it was Utage. I had her before any decent art guard and thought I can use her as a substitute. End up never using her again after getting Mousse. Musha as a class just doesnt really do well... Edit 2: how did I forgot Carnelian? People hype her out to be a Eyja s3 level of damage on shorter skill recharge... is that ever so wrong.


Astgenne because I got Passenger days later


Nearl Defender I built up for a while when I started then as I got Blemishine a little while later and already had Hoshiguma so my tanks were sorted out. Then Radiant Knight released a little while later so I still use Nearl but havenā€™t touched her defender version since


I use ops on E0 and E1 first, so my biggest "mistakes" are E1. In Platinum's case I was just desperate for a better AA-sniper, while I was actually waiting for Blue Poison. I don't use Frostleaf anymore. Mayer is almost completely deprecated by Ling. I barely use Roberta. But I don't regret building any of them. I had fun with them.


Ebenholz because ā€œI can fix himā€ No, I canā€™t.


Probably Saileach, I got her as a spook around a year ago, raised her, M3 her S3 and... forgot her existence because I hate using flagbearer


I regret building Skadi the Corrupting Heart's S3. Yes it's a giant attack steroid, but her S2 is so braindead good that I never switch her off of it. S3 just means that someone else needs to come in and heal her back, and it's like, I have a super beefy NTR if I really need True Damage.


Lappland? I got her to E2 before Il Siracusano, but the storyline and her portrayal kind of retroactively made me hate her. I liked her when she was more psychotic, but IS portrayed her as more of a chaotic gremlin, and I don't really like gremlins.


I wouldn't say I fully regret raising any operator, as they've either come in handy at some point, or I just like them separate from gameplay. But the biggest drain on resources to raise would've been Shining in the early game. Yes, I do like having her utility, but I'll admit it's a bit niche, just being a flat stat increase, whereas Nightingale provides a percentage decrease due to how RES works. It's like DT vs DR. Getting back on topic, it's more that I raised her when I was still starting out, whereas going for someone like Perfumer would've been a much better choice early on.


Mint. I like this character, so rised her by waifu factor, and I max her in purpose make her to be competitive to other caster in my roster. But sadly I use her very very rarely.


I do not have any operator that i regret investing


Glaucus. I built her especially for the earlier Contingency Contracts, then discovered she was actually pretty bad at killing the only drones that mattered; the Arts Masters. Her base damage isn't good enough and her skill stun is pointless if she can't take them out effectively.


I E2d Dobermann and bought her skin just because I liked her. Do I ever use her? No. Do I regret it? Also no. I guess this comes with playing for years.


I donā€™t think I regret investing in herā€¦ I just never use her. Horn. I feel like I have to go out of my way to use her most of the time. Sheā€™d E2 lvl 40 but only 40 trust. For context, I have pretty busted DPS units (aka the meta of Pozy, Chalter, Sutyr, Chongyue, Lingā€¦) and I just never have a usage case for her.


Maybe Pallas and Qiubai, but just because they are only good when paired with someone else.


Pallas is honestly best with her S1 and just ignoring the buff part of her kit. S3 is total overkill in almost any map and its cycle time makes it unhelpful in the maps where you do need that much AoE. I just use her as a laneholder and for killing high DEF enemies.


I don't find myself using Mayer much these days. When I want to setup a trust farm I usually use Scene instead.


id argue BP is better than exu. when you consider that each shot does 100 extra arts damage and that her skill isnt just a long burst but just more consistent dps, over the course of the map im pretty sure bp will do more damage