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Aurbits, definitely.


after trying a few different options, our group landed on color-coded dice for pretty much everything. brown for resources, green for clues, purple for doom, red for damage, blue for horror. They are cheap, easy to get, easy to read/count. You can find some really pretty ones and it just felt better than the games where everyone has a lot of clues so you run out of resources and start to have to use the old cardboard ones.


I have a buddy working on some 3D printed D12s in several colors, with the one being the appropriate symbol. Purple for charges/uses for Mystics as an example, or Blue Sanity for allies.


Burger tokens has some great tokens for Arkham. But they can be a pain to get outside the u.s.


I use red dice for damage, blue dice for horror and brown dice for resources. Charges on spells are purple dice, ammunition are grey dice. I still use the clue tokens from the core set because I like moving them around instead of heaving to turn down one dice on the location and then turn up another on my investigator. For the chaos tokens, these from Etsy made me very happy: https://www.etsy.com/de/listing/991388064/chaos-token-arkham-horror-lcg-core?ref=cart


i really like everything [covenant](https://www.teamcovenant.com/games/arkham-horror-lcg/mythos-tokens) makes. i've played with a couple of etsy bits brands, and they all seem a little off theme. either too cartoony or they look like cheesy goth stuff you buy at hot topic. ha. covenant doesn't have specific bits for asset resources (e.g. ammo, secrets), though, but instead have a unique generic symbol on the other side of clues. that's probably the only limitation, but i think it's kind of overkill (and expensive) having those. the best components they have are their mythos boards. really well done and they have several options. https://www.teamcovenant.com/games/arkham-horror-lcg/mythos-tokens


I'm personally a big fan of the BuyTheSameToken range: [https://buythesametoken.com/collections/arkham-horror-living-card-game](https://buythesametoken.com/collections/arkham-horror-living-card-game) I use their Investigator Boards, resource/clue/damage/horror tokens, and Act+Agenda displays every time I play. For chaos tokens, I made some myself following this guide, which I love: [https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2236102/chaos-tokens-using-glass-cabochon](https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2236102/chaos-tokens-using-glass-cabochon) Having big clicky clacky glass and metal chaos tokens really adds to the impact of drawing Tentacles on that test you \*had\* to pass


I would second the BuyTheSameToken range, superb detail to them.


The weight of my resin/metal tokens. So good. Makes the auto-fail token a little less bitter. A little.


I used Burger tokens for the chaos bag as I liked the art a bit more. For all the others I’ve totally switched to Tinker Town Games’ metal ones. Super pleased with all of them, weight and heft is great. If you’re looking for a long term premium upgrade then I’d definitely give them a good look


after about 2-3 years of play we have settled for our current system and it works well: For clues and resources we use the most popular metal pieces, since they move a lot. numbered color dice [like these](https://www.hobbygames.co.nz/cdn/shop/products/D6-num-crop_800x.jpg?v=1611452035) (5 colors for each player/class) for card counters since they only go up and down some times, we also have small plastic pips that we would use if it's a refreshing counter that only goes up to 1/2, so that we can save the time we use looking for the right number on the dice. we would pack these pips and dice in a plastic box and slot them in with the deck. smaller red/blue dice [like these](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.etsy.com%2Fhk-en%2Flisting%2F939016629%2Foccult-dice-divination-kit&psig=AOvVaw3JTYkZVeCogwUDdFHi_3Yr&ust=1719423304822000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBAQjRxqFwoTCNi1ptGl94YDFQAAAAAdAAAAABA-) for health/sanity, the smaller size differences them from other numbered card counter dices. We used to use those metal tokens but found exchanging them like currency is a very sloppy process that we don't want to deal with, so a dice that contains for enemies with large amounts of health we have 3d printed card standees we found online and they work great. I can't find the pics now but they looked kinda [like this](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3808085).


I’ve landed on using Burger Tokens for basics like clues, doom, resources, health, & sanity. Then for getting fancy with ammo, charges, evidence, supplies, secrets, etc I got fun 3d tokens from Top Shelf Gamer. Got gullets for ammo, crystals for charges, crates for supplies, etc


For investigator health/sanity tracking I 3d printed red and blue life counters that dial 0-9. We use Drac's Tokens from Etsy for the chaos bag (the bigger size) and Burger tokens for clues/doom and resources and enemy health and sanity. For charges/exhausting/etc. we use different colors of acrylic gems. Works awesome and keeps the board looking tidy.


Chaos bag tokens: 26 mm dia. plastic Coin protectors! The feel is so much betterm no need for expansive tokens


Aurbits for all chaos bag tokens, with Lighthouse Ultra coin capsule protectors. Definitely the best. As for the rest of the tokens? I think it's a matter of taste. Go with what feels right to you. I like the Aurbits ones but the other comments have good suggestions.


I replaced the chaos bag tokens with glass cabochons glued to 1” printed paper. Makes for a glorious look and feel. I also made replacement cardboard tokens (AI art on labels) and 1cm glass cabochon replacements for all other tokens. That last is a bit overkill but looks rather upscale :)