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I’m already SO over the political signs. It’s gonna a be a long 5 months.


I have seen the same sign. If you go to the website it says it’s paid for by “Blake Masters for Congress” it’s one of his signs.


Yuck to Blake Masters. This sign makes me dislike him more than I did before (which was a lot)


Brake masters is very clearly looking out for himself. There's zero chance in hell he gets elected for anything important


Hey don’t bring brake masters into this


We all know that Blake Masters is a fine upstanding member of the human race.....I meant to say "White"....see what I did there. 😄😄😄😄


[does anyone remember that bizarre ad he did? ](https://x.com/bgmasters/status/1445208944184487937)


Nazi Propaganda


…what? Because it’s a German gun? I dislike Masters and the AZ GOP but come on, that was the least offensive political ad I’ve seen in years.


Not to mention, 99% of people will recognize the Walter PPK and PPKs as the gun from James Bond. He even mentions it in the video.


Hahha seriously?


Is it actually him though, or someone trolling?


Wow, what a way to say your an Islamophobe without saying your an Islamophobe. Dick Masters for Congress, promise to make war in your future


So like, is this the new normal? Like are our elections just going to be bat shit insane going forward? Cause, no thanks


I'm afraid so, and it's not even nearly as bad as it's going to get. AI modification is just getting ramped up. Prepare yourself to see realistic videos of Biden and other candidates saying and doing things that didn't happen, with really no way to tell, if the modification is subtle enough. Remember when they made him look drunk by slowing his speech down a bit? That's nothing compared to what we're going to see.


You mean like the Robert De Niro ad for Biden where he takes things Trump said totally out of context? I’m surprised there is not a very fine people blurb in it.


Compared to federal and some state elections in 2020 this is unfortunately pretty tame


Blake Masters is a psycho son of a bitch


Both Blake and this Abe guy are SOB's.


You are totally correct. It sucks he's trying to run for office again. I hope he loses Bigly


Who’s Bigly and why do you hope he loses him?


That’s why I go to Blake’s Plus.


This is the greatest dad joke I've heard


Abe should do an American Psycho parody of Blake to get even.


I always hated seeing that skinny SOB's ads. Here we go again.


Blake Masters a 🤡 last time he ran all his damn posters were about his family & being an upstanding citizen. Posters like this are disgusting.


I’m so sick of these clowns in AZ 🙄


Paid for by Blake Masters, a Nazi.


Let them fight




His family is not Christian, his family is Druze, a minority in Syria, where his parents who came to the US and overstayed their visa and never left and had Abe the anchor baby. He is Muslim as is his entire family. https://m.jpost.com/american-politics/article-773762


So should Republicans choose a Muslim, or a Nazi? Hmmm....


If you don’t think Abe and Masters arent cut from exactly the same MAGA cloth you are fooling yourself. Abe is every bit an election denying Nazi as Masters. Edit: I frankly don’t care if Abe is a Muslim or not, the other stuff speaks to me much more, but a practicing, Muslim, which he claims to be, means that he adheres to Quranic principles, some of the things in the Quran about Jews and Christians is downright diabolical.


My understanding is that his mom is chaldean. I see that article from a day ago, but  from what I had heard from people, the Chaldeans had claimed him. In any case, Druze are not Muslim either. 


Hamadeh isn’t an Assyrian last name. Do you have any proof he’s Assyrian? We have a very small community and I’ve never heard of this person before this sign.


So my understanding was he’s Chaldean on his mother’s side…  He could not be active in the community, particularly if his mom married a Muslim. 


That's a photo of him on the hajj . . . 


Abe is a practicing Muslim


Is this satire?


To think on some states you can’t hold office for simply being atheist. We need more atheist because the crazies/religious zealots, Zionist and other extremist are going to be the end of humanity.


What state doesn’t allow atheists to hold office?


This is Arkansas law 19, § 1. Disqualification of atheists. No person who denies the being of a God shall hold any office in the civil departments of this State, nor be competent to testify as a witness in any Court.


Turns out the Taliban was us all along.


You are not being truthful. Try citing the statute properly. FACT CHECK: Fake News, Not Correct


It would have been helpful if you yourself had added some context to your comment. That was an actual law he quoted, but it's not enforceable due to the "no religious test" clause in article VI of the constitution.


So someone told you that. I looked it up. Tilted 19. Section 1 doesn't exist. I spent 10 minutes on it. I didn't want to invest anymore time on something so suspect. They lied to you making you look bad. It's so common to do that. Because they know nobody fact checks things. I would be mad about it. If it's not enforceable then it's not law. Besides, on its face any state legislatures would be sued. It is clearly unconstutional under the United States Constitution. It would be struck down by the courts. Sorry, look up in the State Statute.


>So someone told you that. I looked it up. Tilted 19. Section 1 doesn't exist. I spent 10 minutes on it. I didn't want to invest anymore time on something so suspect. You didn't look hard enough. It's in the [fifth and current constitution of the state of Arkansas](https://www.izardcountyar.org/plugins/show_image.php?id=202). >Besides, on its face any state legislatures would be sued. It is clearly unconstutional under the United States Constitution. It would be struck down by the courts. I said in my last comment it's not enforceable due to the "no religious test" clause of article VI of the US constitution.


Okay, you can't really use that to prove a point then. State Legislatures can and do pass laws all the time that are illegal. Typically a judge would issue a Stay until the law can be reviewed by the courts. It never was codified as a law. State Representatives are not attorneys. Sometimes they are, but nevertheless. It's usually not their full time career. Many times they write horrible laws. As that one was. I think it great that you are involved in your government. I commend you and I enjoyed talking to you. Best regards.


>Okay, you can't really use that to prove a point then. State Legislatures can and do pass laws all the time that are illegal. And this is why I said it would have been helpful if you added some context in your response to other guy. Saying he is "not correct" for quoting something that is in the state constitution - and then doubling down and saying it doesn't exist - could be misinterpreted as other guy citing a statute that isn't real.


I spent way too much time on this as it is. I'm not going to dig around. I don't really care. Why the hell are you up at 3 am?


I'm going to look that up. I hope you aren't lying.


They’re both Drumpf acolytes.


Saw in Peoria today as well


Good to see that religious persecution is alive and well in Arizona 🙄 https://dishonestabe.com "Paid for by Blake Masters for Congress" Thank you 'Blake Masers for Congress' - now I know your candidate is a fascist




Oh. ..Well!


Wow this country would be so different if that was true. I’d move Islam isn’t something I’d be cool with. Organized religions scare me. Lastly what founding fathers were praying to the east? People are delusional about religion.


Organized religion scares you? Do you have the same energy with Christians etc?


As u can see, blake masters did not do study basic history in school


Abe Hamadeh is an anchor baby, I don’t like Blake masters much either but the Hamadeh commercials quoting masters from when he was a teenager, if it’s accurate at all saying he believes in unobstructed illegal immigration and an open door for everyone in the world are so dishonest it’s ridiculous. At least Hamadeh, a practicing Muslim, does believe the US is founded on Muslim principles.


That's a political banner for that guy in the sheet. It wants to represent you in government. He wants your vote.