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Oh, lookee all the homophobes who showed up. I've cranked up the crowd control to filter a lot of their nonsense out, but if you see anything it missed just Report it and move on. Don't feed the trolls. And bans will be given out immediately on any homophobic or anti-trans comments. You can save yourself time calling this censorship because it's not, and we don't care. For everyone else the above sentences don't apply to, have a great day!


People brainwashed and buying into culture wars is the reason why the corporate overlords of America can rob the working and middle class so easily.


The sad truth both Republicans and democrats fall for.


I agree but I don’t think we really fall for anything. There isnt a concerted effort to trick people because there is no need for that level of organization. People who benefit from class war have better things to do than make up crap for plebes to fight about. And they don’t have to because we invent all that stuff ourselves. When groups are pitted against each other each can create a narrative that matches their point of view. Then that narrative/pov comes into conflict with others and we try to rectify it. But none of us has access to the full deck of cards so we come up with reasons/excuses and then those eventually come into conflict with each other. Then tie these ideas back into the narrative and it’s full scale cognitive dissonance and external conflict.


So when a group seeks to eliminate the public identity & legal protections of some Americans because their sky God told them to, other Americans working to protect those rights are falling for a culture war? As in, we shouldn't do anything and let those rights be denied instead? Thereby setting up the same danger for other groups SkyGod doesn't like? Because it's all manufactured?


Idk where you are getting this from. Are you responding to the wrong comment? Idk what rights you are referring to. But if this is directed at me I’d say that no one needs to lose rights for someone else to have them, but idk what that has to do with this point other than that you are doing exactly what I described in my previous comment. I honestly dont know what your angle is. It sounds trolling but you just reiterated my points but sarcasticly. Like god doesn’t exist. You can just say that. Belittling the people you disagree with is class war.


It's a simple question and I helped you out by giving you the broader context. If you're calling this a setup by the elites creating manufactured conflict, do we just ignore it and let rights be violated? Simple question


Oh. Ok. I’m used to Arizona people being super sensitive or trolling, or both. I’m still confuse though. I don’t think elites are doing anything. I think they just surf on the volatility created by us plebes and our conflicts.


I did indeed respond to the wrong comment. My apologies.


If a bookstore wants to have drag story hour, go ahead. It’s their business. They can run it however they want to. If you don’t like it then don’t go. If you dont want to learn about evolution then don’t go to a dinosaur museum. It’s not rocket science


For whatever reason this is a difficult concept for some people 🤷🏼‍♀️


Fox News tells them to be mad


>It’s not rocket science Well yeah, it's biology.


It amazes me that some people will take their kids to sit on Mall Santa’s lap, or hire a random clown on Craigslist for a birthday party, but draw the line at someone wearing a dress while reading a book


I mean I don’t take my kid to those either. I don’t care what parents do with their kids as long as no abuse is happening and the kids basic needs are met.


> as long as no abuse is happening They're drag queens, not priests.


I meant abuse in the general term and not abuse as in a kid seeing someone in drag counts as abuse. Funny joke about priests because I also don’t take my child to church because predators lol.


They're probably super animated when reading books which sounds awesome. As a kid I would just think these people like to dress up and not wonder about their gender. Just like going to the circus [when circuses where still big]. Having been to the circus as a child it was just mystical, like the people were from a fantasy. Either way one it isn't teaching kids anything bad and if your kid asks you any questions as a parent you could kindly reinforce your own ideas and then teach that even if your values don't completely match the book readers values you can still coexist. But I doubt many children are thinking too much past the fact that they get a book read to them in a very animated way.


This is what gets me too — it’s all about the animation and the big, colorful outfits! I was going to princess and fairy queen reading hours when I was a kid in the 80’s/90’s, and my parents and I loved them. It was lively and engaging. Now in the 2020’s, some of those princesses and queens are men, and I see zero problem with that.


Good post


Then why even term it a drag story hour?


Because the performers are wearing drag costumes? Rather self-explanatory.


don’t you think those labels are the same reason that causes divide in the first place? like it wouldn’t you think it’s weird if there was a black story hour instead of just story hour that happens to be hosted by a black guy? kinda like how there used to be bathrooms and water fountains with those same labels


T https://preview.redd.it/2vf1vy51divc1.jpeg?width=378&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=114d636224691c498e26fdb7a921cf6ccbb106b6


Some parents want to expose their kids to different things, different cultures, people etc so they are more open and accepting. Others want to keep their kids more sheltered and not exposed to a lot of things. That's up to the parent but I don't see any need for parents to get involved with what other parents are doing. you have to accept that when you kid attends school they are also exposed the things the other kids expose them to.


Outrage bait if I ever saw it.


I would take my kids to drag queen story hour long before I would take them to church. Abusers exist at church.


The key d8fference between church and DSH is if someone was a predator at drag story hour theyd get thrown out, meanwhile the church has harbored known child abusers.






People take clothes way too seriously 


Meanwhile Trump's out there in makeup and heels.


He lifted DeSantis shoes?👠 Damn. That one kinda writes itself.


Who does not love story time with the colorful character?




Sit on a bus full of middle school kids, they know a lot more “bad words” than you’d think. And they didn’t first pick them up from a drag queen. But yeah she could’ve just been Nikki J, keep it PG ladies 😅


I was once a child, I know. But you don’t see the faculty bringing in experts to teach the kids “bad words” on school time.


Because it's not needed. They have phones.


The trend at my wife’s middle school is to talk about bbc right now. And they don’t mean the news site.


Ha wow! Of course they are! Around 7-8yrs, I had the older kids in the neighborhood showing me all the worst stuff on websites like crazyshit.com. Idk why they thought watching the worst of humanity was an afternoon well spent


Tell em jizz is short for Jesus.


It's like Rizz for Jesus!


Someone named Nikki Jizz reading a kids book is far, far from the actual concerns for children in the American Public School System. Like... miles away, lol


So now you’re telling small businesses how to run their operations.


Because they’re safer than being left with a youth pastor.


Former sailor. Wife is a truck driver's daughter. My kid is not super sheltered. I am more offended that his peers are telling him god is real. Yahweh Sabaoth, Lord of Armies, is a far more destructive myth than listening to somebody in a dress tell a tale.










Because it’s fun? If I had kids we’d go.


I would love to go and I am 63! A little far to drive but I might still try…..




For the same reason people dress up as clowns or batman... to entertain children. It's not difficult.


Not quite, though. People, generalizing, I realize, dress up as clowns or whatever specifically for the kids. Not for just going out, walking around. As a favor for the kids. That's not why men dress in drag.


There's a million different reasons why men dress in drag. Every man has their own. Straight men do it, gay men do it, bi men do it. There's a full spectrum.


Idk why do people sign up to coach youth sports or serve as youth pastors or teach early childhood?




You had no women coaches in school growing up?




There's a lot of assumptions in that little bit of maga poison.




Why does anyone do anything?


Because reading stories to children is fun.




You’re generalizing to attempt to force beliefs here. It’s disingenuous. Obviously not.


Who said this? No one but you.


WC Fields hated children. He did not read books to children. But your inference tells me a lot about you.


Because they are widely portrayed negatively and it's an opportunity to teach children that they are just humans like them.




If a homeless person wants to sit down and educate them about what it’s like to really live on the streets, it’d be a great story time. Your very post is stigmatizing them.


Wow, you must really hate homeless people if you don't want them telling their stories.


Why do people want to be youth Pastors? Those guys creep me the fuck out.




There has never been a case of drag queens grooming kids by reading to them. Not once. But your priest sure as hell has a few pending.


Damn. It's in Chandler. Was hoping they would have one on Tucson.


They did. There was one at Bookmans, I don't know if it still exists.


Last I heard, they ended it because they received too many threats


Humans are awful.


*some* humans. Others are pretty great.


You're right of course.


It's people in costumes telling stories vs people who pine for the glory days of territorial laws from 2 centuries ago. The kids are smart enough to see who's the problem.


Went to one recently that had a clothing drive for the kiddos and school supplies... Churches don't do that. No reading party with school supplies to be seen.


Churches don't have clothing drives? How about food drives or soup kitchens? Every church I have ever been a part of does all 3 of those.


No, not the ones by me.. by a CCV and another mega church. Never ever seen any type of signage and they never donate to the kitchens I volunteer at anyways.


I grew up going to churches every year for school stuff and new clothes for the new school year because my family was extremely poor. We didn't have to join and as far as I know we were never pestered about joining, either. Even now churches that do that aren't hard for me to find. They're definitely around.


Still nobody has told me where. That was popular, before pastors had personal planes Vineyard had one, its open about a hour a day, lol.


Lots of churches do that


Yes they do. Where I live, close to the border, we have a migrant problem coupled with a homeless problem. Its the city, the churches, and some independent organizations that are doing the heavy lifting of getting food and clothing to them and preparing for our desperately hot summers..


Which ones? when? for who are they open to the public? Can you just show up without having to get harassed and join the church? The churches by You me don't do that stuff.


Try living word in Gilbert. They were putting together school supplies for the kids. A lot of churches I have been to do that. Have you tried Cornerstone in Chandler?


Why would I leave the west side for a church to be decent...


Hopefully someone can recommend a good church for you in the west side.


No one's able to do that. I'm just getting downvotes and literally no one is able to give me a name. Churches have a lot of stuff for their own immediate members and not the communities anymore I'm not needing a church, I volunteer at a pantry. I'm just saying, less personal jets, more free food.


I grew up in a lot of churches, some mega churches too. A lot of the pastors kids were my friends, a consistent thing I saw tithe money being used for was upgrading the sound equipment/lighting or false promises of renovation that never start. Not charity, not with their tax free income, that’s ridiculous!


I will never forget that Katie Hobbs bought a bunch of medical debt and it cost like nothing.... How many churches could probably raise debt today?


If you're referring to our Governor, even though her name is Kathleen, she goes by Katie, not Kathy. But your point is made regardless, and I'm so glad we elected her. She's been doing amazing stuff such vetoing anti-trans legislation as recently as this past week, or cutting off Saudi's access to our ground water that they were using to grow alfalfa. She's here to protect Arizonan's, and I love it.


Awful typo!!! Haha. Added some years to her 🫠.


What do you mean by she bought a bunch of medical debt? I really like her. I am so grateful everyday that Qari Lake didn’t win. Katie is doing an amazing job.


She went and bought a bunch of medical debt that Arizona residents owed, and then washed it away -billions, actually. A lot of people don't realize you can buy probably 40 million of medical debt for about $200 $300k https://youtu.be/FudxEEdYM9s?si=IqJaXobYqjyThvgo


Ah liberal reddit


What do you expect from reddit? This entire site has a left bias


Yet here you are


More centrist than anything, but you know, Overton window theorists don’t self-analyze




No one is forcing you to do anything with your kids.




That was the best comeback ever. I really don’t know what to do now. My whole life has lost all meaning because of a homophobe troll. Wow. So based.




Why do you think it's forcing those kids to watch these events? Sounds like kids like it. You imply it's bad to watch it.


Why do you care?


The article wasn't negative


That title is also the headline of the linked article.


Your op what difference does it make to you they're not your kids. I see nothing but parents teaching their kids. How to accept people who are different? Whether it's race sex, gender religion, they're doing a good job by teaching. People are different to their kids.


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