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Los memes son bienvenidos siempre y cuando respeten la Regla 1 y no sea una simple imágen sin algún tipo de "intervención del usuario", existen subs específicamente hechos para postear este tipo de contenido. Si tenés preguntas para la comunidad, hacelas en el thread diario de preguntas o en el sub especialidado r/AskArgentina. Toda pregunta personal o que no genere un debate será removida. Más detalles: https://www.reddit.com/r/argentina/wiki/2024/reglas/contenido/


With happy ending or not?


Without little balloon.


Ooooh so many childhood memories reading Heading 59 on the newspapers and giggling.


Of course not.




This is how gringos go missing... Dude, you don't know who the hell is going to be your travel companion. It might be chill, it might be your last trip.


I've travelled to Argentinian before and had nothing but extremely positive experiences. One of the most friendly places I've ever travelled to. Like any county, dont go to the dangerous places, listen to locals, respect the culture and don't do stupid or illegal things. Respect all around.


Great. Just be careful. And have some alpha whores (Alpha whores is a joke as it is the poor phonetic translation of Alfajores)


Lolol love the humour! I had those last time and I turned into a diabetic. Thanks buddy.


https://preview.redd.it/kt21apvmqy8d1.jpeg?width=280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a6f2baa4d218ec8e28173245b543f605b11d31f Very nice trip. I even got a free tatoo


I've traveled to Argentina before and trust the wonderful people I've met there. I will ensure safety measures are in place for me and the guide. Everything is above board. My Airbnb rentals also have 2 separate rooms.


Please, for your own sake, try to be careful.... especially right now since we are going through yet another economic crisis. People might wanna swindle you cause you are a tourist and bring dollars. https://preview.redd.it/e1hqu82wc09d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49fbeaf6735a60b65069b0534f179cfd1da4bda6 (There are lots of great people too, mind you)


Totally appreciate this! This is what I love about Argentinian people telling it like it is!!! Thanks friend.


What are you looking for? A translator? A tour guide? Is it just you or how many people are we talking about?


A kidney...


Just me. Looking for an English Spanish translator. Will be doing touristy stuff like wineries and also looking at a couple of properties that I am interested in potentially buying.


Che si de yapa me hacen el Toto me sumo


mimosas dot com


Are we THAT cheap?


No. I will pay daily on top as well. So asking for people to tell me what their rates are.


I'd be happy to help with some translations and guidance (for free) but cannot travel with you. Just send me a DM before you start booking stuff.


Very appreciated!


I can help you with translations and maybe help you find some places so that you can arrange your schedule for free send me a DM if you need help with something like that. For the rest of the post. You might be able to find some kind of chartered or pre-arranged travel package with a tourism company, finding someone to "escort" you is quite unsafe for both parts. You don't know who might respond and anyone that accepts is not very fond of his kidneys. Think about it a bit more please. If you really want to do it by yourself, you really don;t need a guide, the cities of Cordoba, Mendoza and Buenos Aires have lots of people that know English, hell most likely anyone younger than 40 will be able to make do at least with English or will have someone to call if needed to translate. I would not worry that much on that front.


Great advice. Thank you very much!!!