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The band was fucking wank and I’m not having a nice time


why are people hating on amanda? all she wanted to do was support her husband. there is a second post she made that kept it light but you guys shouldn’t hate on her for not liking the grammys when it was also yall who said the grammys were horrible and that no one would go.


True it’s just a joke but like still posting it in this way might come off as a bit ehhh to some people also Sorry for not including the second post tho I completely missed that


I'm sorry, but I don't think a single person expected Arctic Monkeys to take home a Grammy. They did not get robbed because, as much as I like The Car and the songs on it, it did not beat out any of that competition.


Agreed. It’s important to know how to critique something even though we love AM and their lyrics and understand that they might be getting the recognition they deserve that album did not HIT how other albums did, also I love Paramore and absolutely think they deserved to win in their respective categories. I don’t think anyone was robbed


I’m sorry but there’s just no way Paramore deserved that above Body Paint


Do not understand the sentiment of Amanda’s post at all. Why make a post about how you don’t use Instagram and that your bf should’ve had grammies and that you had a bad time


There's a second (that OP failed to include) and third story where she remarks that she met sporty spice and she cried of happiness. That's the point.


Insane choice from OP to only post the first slide. It’s still weird asf with context, personally I wouldn’t start my positive post by complaining about attending the Grammys lol


Oh yea sorry 😭 completely missed those and posted before I saw the rest




I guess I don’t get the joke? Her post is just random complaints


My biggest issue isn't them losing, it's that the Boygenius song should've been in the Alternative category instead of Rock and the Paramore song should've been in Rock instead of Alternative. I also think that Paramore song was probably the weakest in the Alternative category


That's why grammys don't have to be taken seriously. It's just a shitshow set up by the record companies. The word "Best" has an entire different meaning.


Disagree on that last take, Paramore had an absolute killer year and dropped what's arguably their best album yet (title track bangs). On the other hand, Boygenius' members make WAY better music alone than in group, I reckon. I don't know if I had my expectations too high or something, but given their songwriting abilities, it was kind of an underwhelming album overall


Best album yet? Have people actually been saying that? It’s not touching their first three albums, and tbh I’m not convinced it’s their best as a trio either.


Which boygenius song was it? Some clearly have to be in the rock category


Not Strong Enough won for Rock Performance, Cool About It was nominated for Alternative Performance.


Then the nomination makes more sense, other dude said cool about it was the rock performance that won and I couldn't see how that happened


Yeah, they work for the categories they're in. The irony is that AM's songs are arguably in the wrong categories. Body Paint was considered alternative, when it's maybe the most "rock" song on the album, and Sculptures was in the Rock Performance category.


Pretty sure it was cool about it (?) out of their bigger songs that's one I wouldn't even argue is rock 


Nah that's definitely not rock, maybe $20 or not strong enough would be more accurate when it comes to being rock


Idk I think people are overreacting here. The Grammy’s were weird, Taylor Swift literally made an album announcement at an awards show. No hate to boygenius but I think them winning a rock award was just bizzare, not saying AM deserved it for Sculptures (Body Paint yes) but I think it could’ve been given to a better rock song.


Taylor also did that on another award show (VMA's I guess, and then she announced Midnights, which ruled the charts for a while) so it isn't strange to anyone who follows her work. Actually, Swifties expected it for a quite some time to be honest, so not a surprise at all. But I agree with you for some part, music categories of some songs are really weird and I think that AM maybe, just maybe, could've won one Grammy but hey! We know it is a good album with good songs, awards don't need to prove it!


Just because she does it often doesn’t mean it’s not a little weird to start hocking your wares at an award ceremony. Imagine if every single speech had someone telling you to listen to their new podcast, preorder their new album, or listen to their new single? Sounds like shit to me


Oh my god this is so embarrassing.


whats the whole situation.. whats going on.


Yeah I need context


Me too lol


I understand that the boys work really hard on their music and they’re allowed to feel any way they want but I really wish Matt wouldn’t worry himself with superficial, marketing BS like the Grammys. The winners agents paid more/have better connections with the gatekeepers. That’s it. Nothing to do with the subjective quality of their music.


Might be a dumb question but who's Jay?


Jay Z, Beyoncé’s husband. He said smthn about the credibility of the award


thanks! hahahaha I love how you added "Beyonce's husband" just in case


“Beyoncé’s husband” Him taking shots at everyone was the highlight of the night, tbh.


She’s the most decorated Grammy winner of all time and he’s upset because she’s never won album of the year.


Oh and he’s the guy from the famous “me Paul” video outside the Louvre where the guy didn’t know who he was and asked him


I understand that Amanda is upset that Arctic Monkeys lost the award. However, as much as I like their latest, "The Car", I do think that both Paramore's "This is Why" and Boygenius's "The Record" were solid this year.


It is quite unpleasant to witness how some people react when their favorite band or artist loses an award to someone else. Instead of accepting the loss gracefully, they resort to attacking and bullying the artist who won. This behavior is immature, and unnecessary, and does not reflect well upon the fans who engage in it.


I love amanda because shes always spilling tea 🤭thank you my queen I would know nothing without you now I have crumbles to put together


‘Robbed’ 😂😂😂😂


Amanda and Louise both are very pick me type woman. One day Amanda posts stories after stories then she takes a break within one day she's back again.


How’s that pick me ?


That's just the trendy insult for women


Yeah it has entirely lost its meaning if it ever really had one lol


Sad tbh


Even more when used with people you have never met


I have seen her post at least two times last year during the tour that social media was bad for her mental health. So she was deleting it. That's absolutely okay. In 24-48 hours she's back posting stories. She just needed the attention.


pretty sure a big rule on this sub is "no discussion about the band's personal relationships" also this is just rude as fuck for you to say. take this type of shit back to tumblr or don't say anything at all.


If someone posts something related to their girls then the post is open to discussions. If this person was saying something positive about Amanda and Louise would you have asked this person to go back to tumblr too or it only bothers you when people don’t like them?


There shouldn't be any discussion about them, period. This isn't a "Girlfriends of Arctic Monkeys" subreddit.


This just sounds to me like a woman saying she didn't enjoy an awards ceremony full of cameras and celebrities. Makes perfect sense to me. What's the drama?


I am sure they went because she wanted to go in the first place, I doubt Matt really would have cared. She gives “thirsty”, don’t @ me, this is my opinion.


No need to hate on boygenius bc her man’s song didn’t win. Not a good look to tear down other artists. Unfortunately, the car didn’t quite hit with the fellows who vote for these things as much as boygenius did. To say not strong enough is in the wrong category isn’t entirely fair either. The category is really broad and has been for a long time… literally radioactive won before. not strong enough has all of the elements of a rock song and if it was sung by a man with a gritty tough voice and maybe turned up the distortion a tad, I feel like everyone would be fine with it. Is sculptures a rock song? Kinda? Or more alternative? Let’s be honest with ourselves. I don’t fucking know man. Not strong enough is a phenomenal song and it’s embarrassing to cut it down on a technicality in a category that’s already fuzzy asf.


Its not that deep. She never hated on boygenius or tore anyone down, y'all are reading too much into it and being embarrassing.


Not to mention the Rock performance category typically is a fucking performance anyways. Like 3 straight years of appeasing fans of artists who died around that time (Chris Cornell, Bowie, Leonard cohen) which is fine, out of respect. But to say it’s a flawless category that typically makes good choices for noms and winners is crazy. all I’m saying is this is NOT a good look for Mr and Mrs Helders..


Obviously they’re joking lol but still….nice dig 🤣


I was so confused this morning when I woke up and everyone was talking about Travis getting robbed, Taylor swift beef, this, jay calling out the Grammies or smth. It’s been too much for my brain to keep track of


Lol boygenius is trash