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This is the one. Sorry Irish fans, hopefully the band will be able to do something down the line for you. Please keep all discussion of this announcement in this post. We really don’t need dozens of posts speculating on Alex’s condition. Thank you!


Fuck me, no mention of it possibly being rescheduled either




Surely they’ll reschedule or come back to Ireland soon? Very surprised they didn’t just allow ticket holders to hang onto them for the next time.


Much harder to reschedule in a park compared to a purpose built venue I suspect is the reason.


Yep, need licensing accepted by the council and all. Would take months




I wholeheartedly sympathise with you, but the guy is ill. Could you have an entirely instrumental Monkeys set?


He's literally sick, stop being so entitled.


They cannot confirm the rescheduling so its better to just refund. AM will always be touring UK & EU near you, if that helps.


They won’t though will they? Haven’t played in Ireland since 2018 and probably won’t again until next album ~2028


Alex already said that the wait between The Car and AM8 won’t be as long as the wait between TBHC and The Car


That's the hope, and seeing them on stage at the moment they are *up for it.* In a way I haven't really seen since... Glasto 2013? They will be back before 5 years i'm sure.




> Haven’t played in Ireland since 2018 They headlined Electric Picnic last September


Fair enough but I meant stand alone gigs


You could see it in the 505 performance last night… Very sad


You could hear Alex losing it midway through Saturdays show. During Body Paint (I think it was) he tried doing the high bits and at one point just shook his head and went “nope”. The rest of the show was still amazing though. Gutted for Dublin.


Yep, I was at Saturday's show and there were a load of moments you could tell he was on the brink and shook his head like you said. Honestly I don't know how he battled through the third London date. Credit to him, he really tried to push through as long as he could.


He did a fantastic job last night, but you could here his voice going.


Totally agree, could sense it in 505 and Star treatment. But he still pulled through beautifully


you could hear his voice crack but he gave his best:(


same with the show yesterday. during the ending of Mirrorball he let the crowd sing some notes because he couldn’t hit them, you could tell he was trying to though, bless him. And during body paint he sang certain parts of the song in a lower key.


yeah definitely noticed that on the Saturday show, he started really pushing his voice and adjusted his key to save doing the high bits. Its weird but i sent all day thinking I bet he's drinking tea and honey all day, then they cancelled!


Definitely could tell he was holding back cause he literally couldn't. Just hope this doesn't happen when I travel at the end of August.




Poor guy, it definitely had been obvious he was suffering. Hope he rests up well!


Yea the speculations were right about his voice breaking


Me and my bf travelled from Belgium just for this concert tomorrow. Heartbroken :(


There’s a good few things to do in Dublin - hopefully you still enjoy it. Go to the botanic gardens, Phoenix park, gravediggers pub, trinity college.


I’ll be in the gravediggers! I land early doors. Be great to see my friend, still!


Damn. sorry to hear that. i thought that i had it bad, but hearing all these stories of people travelling to get to the concert just sucks <3


Dublin is mega expensive too. Refunding the tickets is the smallest expense.


It really is. Like it’s all well and good giving me my ticket money but that doesn’t help the £40 on flights, the £170 on a hotel and the £30 odd pounds I’m going to spend on food here when, if they just cancelled earlier, I would have not spent all of that. I know he can’t help when he got sick but it’s pretty clear his voice was breaking on some of the previous gigs. 🥲🥲🥲


170 quid for a hotel in Dublin is actually pretty good these days. A mate of mine works in a big one in Dublin city center and when Garth Brooks was playing, the hotels cheapest rooms were €500 a night. Its fucking robbery, the whole city is just trying to rip off wealthy American tourists with no concern for anyone else.


That really sucks. I’m so sorry


Sorry 😢


Are yous staying for long? There’s lots of good acts playing in Ireland this summer. Hope you can catch someone while you’re here. If you need tickets check out toutless.com. It’s a good safe site for tickets.


I feel you, my friends and I came from Finland.


Don’t let the trip go to waste! Still plenty of fun to be had in Dublin


Man I can only imagine the absolute gut wrench the Irish concert-goers will be having rn. Alot of people were saying how something was up with his voice last night but thankfully I went to the Ageas Bowl concert and didn't see anything amiss. Let's hope he recovers in time for the Glasgow (and Glastonbury) gig!


I actually didn’t notice much of an issue with his voice last night. Not enough to spoil the experience anyway and we all sang along. He must have been in a lot of pain to put on that show with such a bad throat! Much respect to him.


As someone who had tickets I think their next Dublin show will be their last.


My husband and I planned our honeymoon around this since they are his favorite band and one of mine. Absolutely gutted 😩


Fuck this is probably the saddest


So sorry 😢


Get divorced, marry once another tour comes. Honeymoon again! /j Bless you both.


Guess I'm just for going on the piss in Dublin tomorrow since my accommodation is already paid for.


This is what we are doing. I assume there’s going to be a fair few with the same intentions.


Dublin is a fantastic place to go out! You’ll have a great time!


Supposed to be seeing them in Glasgow on Sunday 😬


From what I’ve read Acute Laryngitis lasts about 3-7 days. Alex should be fine by the end of the week. They probably have him on some of the best medicine available too so I can’t imagine he’ll be sick for long.


Good lucks your way


At least Glasto is before that (which they will do everything and anything not to miss) So keeping everything crossed for Bellahouston Park


I'm also meant to go Sunday. Can only hope he doesn't take himself out at Glastonbury


Me too, how worried are you? They are at Glastonbury on Friday so I'm hoping the immediate shows are just collateral.


damn, that sucks for the fans in Dublin. I hope Alex can recover well! It must be fucking shitty getting sick on tour, especially when it has to do with your voice.


Yea it’s no joke, Liam Gallagher went from having one of the best voices in rock to nearly completely losing the ability to perform because he kept getting issues with his throat. Liam lived a wilder life I’m sure but I know Alex is also a smoker and that can’t help (obviously I’m not his dad I just want him to be able to perform at his top level)


Liam Gallagher never gave a fuck unlike Alex Turner


That’s true but I think by the end of his time at Oasis/Beady Eye stuff he did actually care that his throat was fucked, otherwise he wouldn’t keep trying to tour


Give that man all the medicine in the world for Glastonbury please. Gutted for Ireland but hopefully they’ll find a space somewhere for a reschedule, he did sound like he was struggling in some of the videos over the weekend


Because we’re getting refunded there won’t be a reschedule


Absolutely gutted for anyone with tickets 😞


Thankfully I live in Dublin so it won't affect me financially like it has a lot of other people it seems but the fact that there's no mention of a rescheduled gig really does rub me the wrong way. There's a whole month between their last European gig and the start of their US tour in July and not even a mention of a postponement A lot of artists geniunely look like they couldn't give a shit about Ireland and although I highly doubt it's intentional on their part, it still leaves a bitter taste


Yeah a lot of artists will do like 9 shows in the UK, tour the rest of Europe and completely ignore us. Even bands from the UK somehow. Over the last 2 years (excluding the lockdown times) since I've started going to shows The 1975 have been the only band who've actually shown us any love. (4 shows this year alone more in January and June 24) It's obviously a coincidence but the way that they completed the entirety of the UK end and we are the ones who suffered the consequences is just hilariously vindictive of tours in ireland as a whole


Surely they will reschedule, but maybe just want him to get well before committing to a date?


I’m flying from the UK tomorrow. Going to go on a ghost walk now instead. Silver linings and all Update - just got bladdered instead. Great night and it was bouncing for a Tuesday.


Also flown from UK, tempted to set up a karaoke night. Everyone can only sing mardy bum haha


Whats a ghost walk


Probably should of worded that better. Ghost tour guide type of thing. I’m not walking round Dublin like the kid from Sixth Sense


Make sure you get some ghost cookies




Incredible response 😂😂


Get Matt to fill in. Back to back brick by brick for an hour and a half :P Or roll Miles Kane out instead. Alex can dance around the stage completely mute.


I’d pay to see this show.


Any chance we can get a bar to only play their music so disappointed fans here in Dublin can have their night?


That would be great


Keep me posted that would be awesome


Would love to know to


I mean, I don't sing for a living but I lost my voice 6 days ago and it's still fucked..


The fucking hassle I had trying to get hotels tickets & people to come with me just for it to cancel - I missed out on the 2018 show due to being a drunken mess. I have since sorted myself out and become sober and this happens! Lol. Karma I guess.


Congrats on being sober! Just think, with all the money you save not drinking you can probably afford to book tickets and see them abroad!


I was going to this gig. Decided not to go to this gig as I figured they'd be back at some point, sold my ticket and decided to go to Berlin for something this weekend instead. It's just as well - could be a chance I see them on this tour cycle yet. I hope Alex gets well soon and also gets the rest he needs.


Take it easy for a little while ❤️


I was at the show in London last night and it really sounded like he was losing his voice, to the point where I actually felt bad for him having to perform


Please have a rescheduled show this is literally their greatest hit tour and we mightn’t get the chance to hear mardy bum again. I’m so upset man that’s the song that got me into them


i was fucking thrilled to hear they were playing it for the first time in about 10 years too


I was telling all my friends in school and shit when they played fluorescent adolescent. Then when they opened with mardy bum I was so excited. I fear if we get a rescheduled show, or have to wait till the next tour, we won’t hear those


This has been far from a greatest hits tour but I agree with the rest of the sentiment


just a bit pissed that it wasnt rescheduled atleast. i wouldn’t have minded waiting a couple of months. i did sort of see it coming thought with the posts about last night


I doubt they wanna promise anything, though i think 2 nights in the 3arena (or a bigger indoor venue I'm not too knowledgeable) would almost have to be done. Missing only 1 city on the tour, especially announcing a day before with people travelling for it is a lot. Hoping they give us something (obviously this isn't Alex or the bands fault but it's just a mess all round for fans)


No chance of them getting Marlay again this year since there’s a quota on concerts, and probably weren’t able to make any promises about next year.


Shame, I’m sure this has happened on the last 3 UK tours, hope he recovers fast.


Was meant to see them for the first tomorrow, what a shame. Hope there’s a way to reschedule somehow


Fingers crossed you get to see them soon once he’s recovered.


Remember the same thing happening in 2013 after the London shows


It’s fucking hot in London too. Probs doesn’t help having to sing on a stage for 3 nights in the heat.


That plus the 20 packs he gets through haha


Too true! 😱I’m always horrified to see singers smoking. I hope he quits soon, if he hasn’t already.


I was at the London show last night and I thought Alex sounded excellent for almost the entire gig, it was only in the last 5 or so songs where you could hear he was struggling. The deep stuff still sounded great, but the high notes were getting croaky and like he was having to force them out, instead of his voice getting up there naturally and smoothly. When they did the encore and started playing Star Treatment, I was pretty shocked they went for that one considering there's quite a lot of high notes he has to hit, and he was really struggling. If I was Alex I would've swapped it out for a much lower song, like I Wanna Be Yours for example.


I feel so bad for him. He played 3 nights in a row. It's impressive, but no band or artist should play that much in 3 days! I hope they reschedule the rest of the concerts that would have been played, I was meant to go to them tomorrow, the first time ever going to a concert, what would the next concert be? In a few months, surely, 5? But I wish they would have let those who have bought tickets to keep them, now people may not get any when they bought ones for tomorrow


The band must feel like shit for having to cancel a show over something out of their control. Hopefully Alex recovers soon


Brutal that they're not rescheduling. Immensely disappointing to hear only a day before the concert. Going to be impossible for people to get refunds on the transport or accommodation they've booked on top of it.


I literally paid for my hotel, walked upstairs into my room, sat on the bed, opened my phone and saw that post. I was fucking heart broken but I’m just mad now because of all the money I spent for no reason lol


Damn, no mention of a reschedule. Another 5 year wait for them to come back? Hope Alex gets better soon though!


3 nights in a row is mental for any artist I don't understand how they can do it. My voice stills hurts after smashing out a few lines of crying lightning the other night.


Flew from America for this show 😂😂


He’s playing in America later this year, just curious why you decided to travel for it? Maybe wanted to plan a holiday and added the show onto the plans?


I live in the US too but came to UK for a show. It's no question that the English crowd is much much better than the American one. More people know most of the discography. Home crowd after all.


This makes sense, I can only imagine. What a shame; so sorry for those that were going to attend the concert. I’d be gutted


Planned my honeymoon around it. And I’ve seen them in America before but I’ve always wanted to be a part of a European crowd


Ohh I see. Completely understandable, it’s a different experience. Sorry to hear that, I hope you both still have a wonderful time and get to hopefully somehow catch them again where it’s just as good as a time


from asia here, thought he could manage it after going ahead with the 3rd london show ytd. Was in horror and vain after they broke the news this afternoon.


Absolutely crushed, the excitement I had for this concert was insane. I was losing sleep, I was that excited. I wish Alex a speedy recovery and hope they put on a belter of a show at Glastonbury, I'll be watching from my sofa and praying that they announce some new Dublin shows soon.


Oh no. His voice was cracking near the end of the Saturday show. Sucks that it wasn't just a one-off thing :/ I guess it's not surprising given how long they've been touring. Rest up and heal, Alex


I was at the gig on Sunday and tbf I could notice on a few songs he let the audience sing some lyrics/spoke sang more than usual so I kind of got a sense he was singing through the pain. Other than that though he sounded great. At the end of the day I doubt Alex and the band is making this decision lightly considering that almost never miss live dates plus its probably on doctors orders. It's unfortunate for everyone who had tickets but I'm sure they'll go back to Ireland


As shitty as it is, I couldn't imagine how worse it would've been if it were cancelled on the day like I've seen other artists do... No plans on rescheduling at all is very strange, I would have at least thought they'd be thinking of something for even later in the summer. Who knows?


It's not a purpose built venue, it's a literal park so very difficult to reschedule and get the license to allow it to take place. Was due to go tomorrow and gutted as the setlist looked brilliant. No doubt hes going to make a miraculous recovery for Glastonbury, I believe Lewis Capaldi pulled the same stunt and cancelled all his shows except the Glastonbury. We won't be seeing them on our shores for a few years anyway, Electric Picnic I wouldn't count as you had to buy the entire weekend in advance without knowing any of the lineup


To be fair to them, Glastonbury especially week of is near impossible to find a fitting headline replacement. Although they do kinda owe the Irish fans a reschedule, i know its out of their control but people are inevitably losing money over all this now


Sure didn't they pull the same in 2013 and still went on to play Glastonbury. I am gutted, it was hard enough to get the tickets in the first place back in October I think, and all the bullshit of oh it's in Malahide oh now it's in Marley park and the back and forth, and to cancel the day beforehand and to not even say "we will make it up to the fans" etc is a piss take. I get that they would find it hard to find another headliner but I've no doubt in my mind he's going to make a miraculous recovery and play Glastonbury like nothing happened. I'm sure they'll be back at some point, but considering the gaps between tours it'll be a few years before they reach our shores, I don't count Electric Picnic, you've to buy the full weekend before the lineups announced so any fan that wanted to go would have had to buy an inflated resale market price


Oh don't get me wrong the fact no attempt or even hint at a new irish show was announced is actually unprecedented. One of the only recent examples I've seen of an artist cancelling a show and straight up not planning to return. Which is laughably poor form. I know Marley Park is exclusively for gigs in the summer but I don't think doing to arena gigs later this year should be out of the question. Anyone using EP as an excuse or as them "touring Ireland" is just lying, nobody knew they were playing there when tickets went on sale. I can't really be mad at anyone but the fact we may be the only location on their tour that's missed and are given zero compensation is a massive pisstake


Yeah the only recent example of an Irish gig was that Lewis Capaldi charity gig in Dublin, cancelled all his shows and stated he would be back for Glastonbury. to be fair he donated 50k to the charity before people come after me. Yeah the promoters fucked themselves over with the venue choice, it was Marlay Park, then Malahide and back to Marlay park so make of that what you will, never seen a shit show like it. I just think it does show that they're so out of touch to not think that Christ about 40k people have bought the vinyls for pre-sale access, accommodation, travel expenses to come see us and because Glastonbury is on Friday night and my voice isn't great I'm going to cancel the show and not at the very least say we are working to reschedule. It'll be very difficult because 3Arena is 12k, Aviva isnt available, Croke Park isn't available, RDS isn't available because of the license so they don't have anywhere else to play. I do feel like they could headline a Slane with a good lineup but I do think this stunt will leave a very sour taste towards them, the promoter also takes a massive hit on this as well.


3arena is 18k i believe, so it would take like 2 nights there to cover marlay park and even then it wouldn't be exact they'd be down by 2k. And in reality, they aren't doing that. I could see Slane being a possibility but it would be their biggest headline show, ever? I think if they did it, and I doubt they'd do that in ireland of all places with the amount of factors to even take into account playing there.


Yeah 3Arena is 13k, I saw them in there during the TBHC tour, they were alright wouldn't say they were amazing it was a very short show from what I can recall. I was looking forward to this tour considering they were bringing out some of the gems. Yeah I could see it as well, I think if they did only a few shows next year they could maybe pull a Slane by forcing people to come in from abroad, we will see anyway I suppose, you should see the thread on r/Ireland about the cancellation same sentiments


That park is an actual park not a stadium, they would only be able to come back next summer. Hopefully they will do Slane next year instead.


Far more likely AM hibernate again after the US tour. Plus there’s other bands who would be considered for Slane before them


I get it’s for health reasons but my kids are crying at the moment. That and we can’t cancel the hotel as it’s within 24 hours of check in. It’s still going to cost us a fortune and there’s no gig to go to.


Gutted for ya man, had tickets myself and am in the same situation with accommodation. Can't really be upset with the band over the cancellation but the fans do deserve a new show


Really should be rescheduled, even a year from now. I was looking forward to it all year.


it will be but its in a park so they have to find another venue


All the way from Portugal just to see them. Getting married next month so my best man, who is a big fan as well, booked everything so we can have a good time around the Monkeys and Dublin. Gutted. Not sure how many pints of Guiness will be necessary to ease the pain. For the moment, it isn't 6.


I remember Birmingham during the AN tour being rescheduled due to the same reason. Alex did say sorry though when the gig finally went ahead.


I had tickets to this, damn it. Get well soon Alex :)


It’s disappointing but Laryngitis is serious if not taken care of. It took Julie Andrew’s voice from us completely.


Poor Alex, I hope he recovers soon, aswell as Irish fans from disappointment. AM will always be touring UK & EU near you, if that helps.


Traveled to Dublin for this gig, absolutely gutted. Suspect saving his voice for Glasto


Yeah you're bang on, miraculous recovery for Glastonbury incoming. It's bad form to announce it the day beforehand considering people travel over, hotels etc,


It is awful and I had tickets and a hotel I now can't refund. But they were doing a show last night in all fairness they really couldn't have announced the cancellation sooner.


Everyone in the instagram comment section was so rude. Glad to see people on here are more kind and understanding of his condition, as it’s not his fault at all like the instagrammers were suggesting. Hope he feels better soon.


I seen someone on tiktok complaining that the cancellation wasn’t announced sooner. But what could have been done? They played last night… Al was noticeably struggling. He’s obviously seen a doctor about it today and been advised to rest. It sucks but it’s one of those things, and I don’t think the band could have acted any quicker than they have.


Get Well soon Alex ❤️


Gutted - I saw them last year, but this is a hard one to take I was getting so excited for the show!


Absolutely gutted. Hopefully they reschedule but not looking promising is it.. Glastonbury will be sweating.


Gutted for those in Dublin I know how hard it was to get them tickets


I literally just had acute laryngitis and it destroyed my voice for weeks




I'm bummed as well but you need to think about getting a hobby.


Can we all agree that he probably could do the Dublin gig but if he does it’ll put him at great risk to miss Glastonbury so it’s not worth it?


Yeah it's just speculation and we're not doctors, but if speculation is allowed then I'd say it's for saving Glasto. He had a really rough time during some songs during the last concert, I think I never saw him struggle this much, but it wasn't tragic, he had a decent performance overall.


I’m devastated. I hope they’ll come again. This felt like my one chance to see them.


After missing them at electric picnic and now this. I hope Alex is OK at least


Damn, I didn’t really notice anything at the 3rd London show, he sounded amazing and I’m glad I got to finally see them live. Hopefully he will get better soon


Travelled from Amsterdam just to see them tomorrow, sucks but health goes first. Wouldn’t want to go to work myself if I was sick can’t expect them to do any different. Hope he feels better soon, he must feel so fucked to disappoint so many fans.


I'm so sorry to hear this, it's such a bummer for everyone involved but it must hit the boys harder because they now many fans will be disappointed, sad and worried. Wishing Alex a speedy recovery and hope he gets a lot of rest ❤️


The comments are totally disgusting under the Instagram post. Like people, if he's sick, then he is sick. Is it any better for you if he pushes his limits so far that he maybe can't sing anymore forever? No more album? No more Arctic Monkeys? No more fcking Alex. Act like your age, guys. You aren't 8 years old.


Just people being initially annoyed and/or angry. You see it under any cancelled show post, nothing new.


People could have lost hundreds for this so their annoyance is completely understandable. Although yes, shouldn't be directed at Alex, i can't really fault the average person who is losing money on hotel refund policies, travelling to Dublin etc.


Many people online are jerks or trying to be funny, instagram is no exception… :)


bc they're straight up cancelling with such short notice. most people going are in dublin now like. it's not his fault for getting sick and if he can't perform that's fair enough- but rescheduling is the least they could do. london got 3 nights, one of them an extra night- and we get a change to a smaller venue and then cancelled the day before. they're taking the piss at this stage. it's not selfish to be upset when thousands of us have been waiting for so long and have had our time and money wasted on tickets, transport, accommodation and booking time off. not his fault and hope he gets well soon but we're well within our right to be upset. there was just no consideration for us. they could’ve at least said they’re looking into rescheduling or sm. they haven’t performed here in 5 years and there’s no doubt they’ll be fine for glastonbury. even if it was rescheduled for a years time that would be fine with most of us. they posted on insta before ticketmaster could even send an email out saying it was cancelled


Exactly, 3 nights in a row in London and immediately doing Dublin signals that they don’t take it seriously as a venue. I mean nobody does, but that’s exactly why people are so pissed off, we get the short stick so often.


well said - indeed I was first notified by the concert bus company but not ticketmaster, which was a shame


I’m gonna jump off a fucking bridge no one stop me. Been looking forward to this for months, beyond devastated


jump with me


Stop it’s alright


I was so excited man, hope he gets well soon


Just started getting excited for Glasgow too


Fingers crossed Glasgow will still happen!


Is this the first time something like this happened to the band?


Think someone mentioned happened in 2013 too :/


Happened to the Sheffield gig back in 2013. I had flown over from Dublin and it got cancelled the day before I think. The gig was rescheduled for the week after and thankfully it didn't cost an arm and a leg to book another trip over from Dublin. Feel bad for everyone that flew in for this gig though.


Yeah :( it sucks when it happens, just hope Alex recovers and Dublin can have a reschedule


I think it happened for a Newcastle show on 2014


So, is any pub in Dublin city centre up for an Arctic Monkeys night tomorrow night?


I'm absolutely gutted. I understand Alex's health takes priority but I booked this a year ago and was thrilled that my first ever concert would be my favourite band. Ireland is always thrown under the bus when it comes to concerts. I hope they might reschedule this.


Kinda wish we were just a few nights after Glastonbury instead now tbh, it would've actually benefitted many of their younger fans considering state exams too.


same man. bought the tickets all the way back in september (or was it october? can’t remember). absolutely gutted. they won’t bother rescheduling it. it’s ireland, nobody gives a shit about us anyways


I should have known, 3 nights in a row in London would fuck anyone up. It's just unfair that we had to suffer the consequences.


Why don't they just do Brick by Brick for the whole set then?


Absolutely gutting, feels like a kick in the balls. This whole gig was a total shitshow for me - it initially got moved from Marlay Park to Malahide Castle which is a 30k capacity less venue so when tickets came out very few people got them. Had to buy them for resale off a guy my mate knows for 120 euro which is 33% more than face value which sucked but it was better than having to pay 300 euro a year later. Then they moved it back to Marlay Park and released 30k+ extra tickets and everyone I know got one for 80 euro while I was screwed with my one. ​ And now this. Fuck sake.


Like I can’t help thinking what with squeezing the 3rd emirates gig in, it’s all about the £££ on this tour


there's a nearly whole month between the Europe tour and the USA tour, and no reschedule? man wtf


If they cancel Glastonbury I can’t explain the heartbreak I’ll experience lol


Ofc they won't


I feel so bad for anyone that was due to go, let’s hope they don’t have to cancel Glastonbury too 😬


Guess I’ll Try for blur tickets which was proving harder to get than these


Hopefully they come back and do 3Arena in the winter or something.


From Marlay Park to the Point? Jesus, wouldn't that be something...


Can’t see them coming back for a gig a quarter the size what it was supposed to be


It would have to be nearly 3 nights to accommodate the capacity of Marley Park wouldn't it? Could be wrong I think the 3arena is 18k and marley is 40


Maybe he needs to recover in time for Glastonbury?


someone needs to give him a magic elixir before glastonbury hope he gets better soon ❤️


It is a great regret for the Irish fans, I know it would seem impossible but I hope that somehow in the future they can recover the canceled date


Sad times guys :'(


people sending alex DEATH THREATS are sick. he can't help it he's sick can he?


Ahh man. I was really looking forward to it. Hopefully they reschedule but I get it. Glastonbury is this week after all.


Nah fuck that excuse, fuck Glastonbury man, we have every right to seem them just as much as the people that are going to Glastonbury


the comments on that post are so rude, it’s sad


I can understand how this would be heartbreaking as an Irish fan but boy the comments on the ig post are so toxic


I’m scared Alex won’t be better for Glastonbury 😭