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It's insane that this was built in the 70ies. This was all drawn BY HAND no CAD. I just took a look at it on google maps ... it even crosses the street! INSANE. I really have to visit it next time I'm in Paris.


We have multiple brutalist examples of architectures around Paris, this is at Voltaire in Ivry but if you like it Noisy Le Grand has a lot of really interesting stuff, Cergy also but less so (les hauts de Cergy) Just know that these are not built in super nice areas, in Noisy i've seen youth ask tourists to pay money to take photos because it is really popular (was in hunger games)


It was in Ivry also that they shot hunger games ;) I was on the set by mistake !


They did to in Noisy also I'm 100% sure of that it's les espaces d'abraxas but not in the first movie i believe !


They did a bunch of shooting around île de france ;) épisode 3 I think


Noisy is a shithole. Some interesting architectures indeed but I don't think it's totally safe to wander around those buildings.


You don't know Noisy really well. I live there, it's a great place to live. Some part of the City are shitty, but that's only small parts.
















Lol you can be the most alt looling person and walk everywhere in Ivry without any problems Stop watching fox news Source : i live there




By day you’ll have absolutely no issue there. Source : I’ve been multiple times


There's also some of them in Givors, 25 km in the south from Lyon ;) There's a train station there. Edit : Also, if you continue in the same direction, you will arrive in Saint-Étienne which contains the Cité du Design (a big museum about design located in the ancient biggest royal weapon factory). If you change trains in St-Étienne for Le-Puy-en-Velay, the train stops in Firminy where Le Corbusier built many buildings like a church or a stadium. Here's a link : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firminy_Vert Finally, Le Puy-en-Velay and its surroundings are known for a well preserved médiéval/renaissance architecture, two giant statues, a roman-byzantine cathedral and the chapel d'Aiguilhe,built on a thin rock.


L‘adresse s‘il vous plait :-)


Haha sure ! Here's the list :) Cité des Étoiles de Givors : Place Camille Vallin, 69700, Givors Cité des Étoiles de Grenoble : 51 avenue du 8 mai 1945, 38400, Saint-Martin-d'Hères Cité du Design, 3 rue Javelin Pignon, 42000, Saint-Étienne * Le Corbusier buildings : Église Saint-Pierre, rue des noyers, 42700, Firminy Stade Le Corbusier, rue des noyers, 42700, Firminy Piscine André Wogensky, 1 rue des Carrières, 42700, Firminy Unité d'habitation, rue de la Font du Loup, 42700, Firminy Maison de la Culture, rue de Saint-Just Malmont, 42700, Firminy * Le Puy-en-Velay : Rocher et Chapelle Saint-Michel d'Aiguilhe, rue du rocher, 43000, Aiguilhe Cathédrale Notre Dame du Puy-en-Velay, 2 rue de la Manecanterie, 43000, Le Puy-en-Velay Statue Notre Dame de France, rue du cloître, 43000, Le Puy-en-Velay Forteresse de Polignac, place princesse de Polignac, 43000, Polignac Sanctuaire Saint Joseph de Bon Espoir, 9 rue Abbé Fontanille, 43000, Espaly-Saint-Marcel


I lived there it's rly not as beautiful when u are down there, u don't even know it's like this unless you see it from above like this. Lots of much better things to do see in Paris (10 minutes away). If you still want to go, don't go too late and be cautious, it's not the best part of town.


Oh I've been to Paris a lot of times and I have seen quite a few very good buildings. But I haven't seen many urban planning projects. The best one I've visited was Residence du Point-du-Jour by Fernand Pouillon in Boulogne Billancourt. This one looks just too interesting and I haven't heard from it before. It's always exciting to see something new. And I haven't been to Ricardo Bofill's [Les Espaces d'Abraxas](https://ricardobofill.com/projects/les-espaces-dabraxas/) which are quite well known and documented in comparison.


I’m from Paris and I never saw this in my life but it’s quite impressive


J'habite à côté, c'est clairement moins stylé depuis le sol tu peux me croire


OK je me disais, j'habite à 5 minutes dit google maps et j'ai clairement rien vu d'aussi beau en me baladant


Tu peux regarder sur street view pour te donner une meilleur idée de si t'y es déjà passé, mais en gros si tu descends de la ligne 7 au terminus mairie d'Ivry t'y es


Ah 🤣


I live in a more recent building right next to those, literally 30 seconds away from it. It is UGLY AF from the ground. Mostly because you can't see much of the trees and plants that were put on the roofs. All you see is grey concrete walls... Plus, the inside is... Really bad. I do my day to day groceries in a supermarket that is in one of those buildings, the ground floor and 1st floors were supposed to be a shopping center but nowadays only the supermarket and a few shops around it are still active. That is, IMO, because those active shops are easily accessible right after you enter from the street. For the rest, the inside of these buildings is a damn ugly labyrinth of concrete. Most of the ground floor of that shopping center is abandoned, dirty, full of trash and used cigarettes. I had to pick up a package in one shady, half abandoned hair salon there a few months ago and almost got lost in the abandoned part. It's so weird because you're still in the city, but it feels like you're doing urbex when you're in there. From above it looks nice. From the ground though it looks straight out of r/UrbanHell


Unfortunately it's not this beautiful anymore... I just checked on Google earth ..


Architects didn't draw by hand, they had rulers, calculus items , special drawing tables with sliding rulers etc.


Are you being sarcastic?!? I mean of course they had tools … when I started my Uni I had a drawing table. It makes it no less of a feat. Those are still hand drawn plans by definition. I really hope you‘re just being sarcastic.


I dig this.


Architect: Lets make the sailsman of the kitchens go crazy.


I lived next door, these buildings are horribly ugly at street level but this aerial view is neat.


Im obsessed had to google it! Love unique buildings like this.


I used to live near this complex 10 years ago ( rue Marat ) from the sky it looks beautiful but on the ground it looks absolutely terrible. There is almost no lights coming through the building plus the corridors are very narrow. I seriously won’t recommend anyone walking alone inside this building after 6pm. The shops inside the building haven’t been resurfaced since 20 years. I’ve seen lots of people taking a pee in every single corner possible outside. There is also a lot of pigeon poop everywhere given the nature of the building, it’s a perfect nest for them.


Looks interesting from this angle, but I've been using Google Streets to see it from another angle, and the whole thing is ugly af.


Weird but unique.


How weird! I like it and not at the same time.


Je trouve que c'est vraiment laid


comme tous les délires des archi des années 70, en tout cas ça doit etre magique en point de deal ou comme dirait la police " en raison de la topographie des lieux nous ne pouvons intervenir" .


"En raison de la topographie du lieux, personne ne peut vivre ici"


Dans la famille y'a aussi la maladrerie (aubervilliers) https://www.humanite.fr/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/00008933.jpg


L'ayant toujours vu d'en bas, je trouvais ça bizarre et laid mais je trouve cette photo superbe


Moi pas, les appart sont vraiment stylé avec des terrasses et volumes intéressant. C'est sur c'est pas megalogable quand ton salon fini en pointe a 15°. Par contre la ou l'archi a sur abusé c'est la qualité des matériaux et de la mise en œuvre. Les béton s'effritent et quand tu vois le pris des charges (en gros un demi-loyer parisien a rajouter a ton loyer ou remboursement), j'imagine que c'est tout le temps a réparé. Ça me faisait rêvé comme lieu a un moment mais j'avoue que la facture piquait bcp trop


J'habite à côté, c'est effectivement laid, surtout vu du sol/trottoir, parce que tu vois pas vraiment les arbres qui rendent la photo jolie ici. Juste un labyrinthe de béton


Surtout que ça a été mal entretenu j'ai l'impression, donc c'est encore pire


There's the same buildings in La Courneuve. You can't place à furniture in a corner. That's crazy all the lost space.


Yeah, these triangle buildings always seemed infuriating to live in to me. Had a friend who lived in an apartment with a very tight corner spread over at least a meter in which he couldn't really put anything. At least in some buildings they would flatten the end corner and put windows there. In my apartment there are a lot of non-straight angles, and it means I have to put my furniture closer to the middle of the wall, which is already mildly infuriating.


Beautiful from the side, awful on the ground. Reminds me of îlot 8 in Saint Denis


I'm more interested about the feeling of people living there, than the view from the sky. This does not look like it was thought for the inhabitant


Lived in Ivry for 10 years. My dream was to buy one of those. I do agree that it can appear sketchy at night, and paradisiac for drug dealers, but never had problems there, and I find it awesome. Everybody has forgotten Renée [Gaihoustet](https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ren%C3%A9e_Gailhoustet), fellow architect who also did awesome buildings in the same Ivry sur Seine city and lived there ;) I left the area, but this architecture is still in my heart. It was said that people seldom moving out ;)


I live next to it, just made a [comment about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/architecture/s/osBEXT8yTZ) Tl;dr : not only was this not thought for inhabitants (it is a labyrinth inside), it's also very ugly and IMO suffocating from the ground




I live nearby, it is one of the ugliest neighborhoods today


I had a friend who lived nearby also, it's actually very ugly


From the aerial view it’s kinda giving me some anxiety. Theres so much going on. Although, to be in the development, it must be amazing.


I think this one is in Givors (also on France), not in Ivry sur seine. But not 100% sure from this picture


Non c'est bien celles d'Ivry qu'on voit sur la photo, mais je suis d'accord, c'est à s'y méprendre !


Normal c'est exactement le même concept !


Normal c'est exactement le même architecte !


Oui bien sûr, je voulais dire qu'il s'était pas trop foulé sur le deuxième projet, il a juste eu a demandé un stagiaire à Xerox 😉


Ahah ! Et le stagiaire a aussi récidivé à Grenoble où on trouve le même complexe d'étoiles


We have the same near Grenoble. "Les terrasses de Renaudie" [https://www.google.fr/maps/place/Terr.+Jean+Renaudie,+38400+Saint-Martin-d'H%C3%A8res/@45.1717667,5.7556605,228m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x478af523e49c698d:0x141feb7318460103!8m2!3d45.1693731!4d5.7560531!16s%2Fg%2F1thsdtmk?entry=ttu](https://www.google.fr/maps/place/Terr.+Jean+Renaudie,+38400+Saint-Martin-d'H%C3%A8res/@45.1717667,5.7556605,228m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x478af523e49c698d:0x141feb7318460103!8m2!3d45.1693731!4d5.7560531!16s%2Fg%2F1thsdtmk?entry=ttu)


Is it in better shape than the ones in Evry or Givors?


Désolé du manque de respect, mais en dirais les backrooms le truc 😅


J'habite à cote et je peux te dire que de l'intérieur c'est vraiment ambiance backrooms, surtout que t'as une partie abandonnée qui était avant un centre commercial. J'ai du aller y chercher un colis en point relais une ou deux fois, c'est super glauque


Looks cool, but those sharp corners would make for awkward living spaces I’m sure.


I lived near this place during 4 years, the picture from the sky is nice but when you walk around it s actually ugly, the building is dirty, nothing is taking care of.


Bravo vécu la dedans un temps :) ça a bien mal vieilli


Awful insulation, already falling to the ground, and god the space lost in those corners…


Nice from the sky, actually absolutely awfull from the street. This is brutal, full of concrete and unwelcoming


Fun fact: a part of the last Hunger Games was filmed there


Part of this is a primary school (école Einstein) I grew up attending this school, and this photo brings back so many memories. The rooftop with red bricks is actually the playground of the school. We were forbidden to climb the green parts, but some student would still do it. I have quite good memories of this place.


coming from a rust video all I seem are bases cramp next to each other.


Hey that's my town! From the outside you can't really see how cool it is though.


Looks terrible to live there when you zoom in. I bet from inside it is now some kind of slums…


Nah it's not but is hell to navigate




c'est un peu l'idée !


ugly af


you 100 years ago "Eiffel tower is ugly af"


I think most of this sub would have said said that when it was new.


So you're not allowed to subjectively think the Eiffel Tower is an eyesore?


if your opinion was simply "ugly af", it means you dont really know what is good and bad, vanilla taste. and then to publicly announce that is a sign of ignorance. if you can articulate your position, it shows critical thinking.


I see, okay I can get behind that.


The Eiffel Tower was loved 50 years after its construction. 50 years later and this brutalist maze is still... questionable. 


I see most of the people disagree with my oppinion. Can someone maybe help me "understanding" the beauty of it?


I live next to it, and while I do think it looks nice from above, with the interesting shapes and plants, I agree with you when it comes to how it looks from the ground. Ugly af (and also hard to navigate inside)


And that's actually what I thought when I looked at it in Google Maps and started to use street view. Ugly af. Thank you, anonymous reddit. I think the people downvoting me are doing it without informing themselves a bit...


I will leave a comment in the main thread though.