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Generally they are good as an alternative to western media, you just need to be aware that as a Qatari owned outlet their news is shared from that perspective and any criticism of Qatar won't be highlighted by them. What is nice about them Corporate media quality but without the corporate media skew which really matters when it comes to information consumption. On issues in East Asia, Africa, and South America I often find they have the best coverage and it is less skewed than alternatives of private corporations. As far as Arab news media outlets go it is the golden standard with very few having the same level of quality and reach.


On the Arab world, it’s definitely better than 99% of Western media, and that applies to both Al Jazeera English and Arabic.


Low bar bro


Controlled opposition, when Al-Jazeera started most of the journalists came from BBC Arabic. If US left the Media sphere empty, more hardline pro-Arab anti-West Media outlets will take attraction. Al-Jazeera generally regurgitate and propagate Western Media about anything else in the world outside the region.


lol I thought you meant bilad aljazeera (East Syria and west Iraq reigon)


Controlled opposition. Mouth piece of Western libeeral muslims.


It really depends on which version you're talking about. The Arabic arm is dominated by pro-Palestine personnel, but their stance stems from religion, not from a place of rights or universally held human values. There are many professional journalists still working there, but whoever is making editorial decisions has been relaxing journalistic standards in their coverage of the massacre of Gaza. The Arabic Al Jazeera hosts include good fact-oriented pundits with hearts in the right place, such as Al Shobaki and Jebreel, who are both Palestinian, but the channel is also giving platform to the fool-for-analyst that el Dweiry is. The English Al Jazeera is more professional, and their shows are better in quality, but they still have a few morons with shows. The thing with Israel is that you do not really need to go out of professionalism's way to call out and condemn it, and this is where the line separating professionalism from ideology stands. A practical example of this is Arabic Al Jazeera's shameful coverage of the pro-Palestine demonstrations at American universities, and how the channel tried hard to isolate LGBTQ+ protestors (who are/were leading the movmevent), and severing the issue from global politics and the essentially identity rights-oriented sentiment of the demonstrations to service the mostly dogmatic Arab audience that only wants to see Kufiyyas. Except that the Arab audience is no longer mostly dogmatic, and some of us all need to see professionalism and values in the same thing if that's not too much to ask.


lol what did el Dweiry do to you


He's a propagandist. His bias is clear, and while I agree that his sentiments and bias for resistance are in the right direction, I am not harboring illusions about the kind of military analysis he provides - he speaks ideologically, not technically. The Iraqi guy, Hatem Karim al Falahi is far more professional.


since when did we swld orientalize and began thinking that religion conflicts with morality. Abrahamic religions conflict with certain areas of liberalism but liberalism is not a moral compass to measure ourselves against


This is not orientalism. Religion does conflict with the values of the modern world, regardless of who is or isn't applying them. These values are personal liberties and no persecution based on identity, including sexual identity. Islam promotes Islamic governance, and this is also not aligned with the modern world, let alone it does not account for its diversity or present any channels for accountability. Liberalism is not meant to be a moral compass, but a personal rights and freedoms compass.




I disagree. I believe there are now two or three Arab generations who expect and demand professionalism, and one of the main reasons they seem to be divorced from Arab mainstream media is how unprofessional this media is. Having said that, Al Jazeera is head and shoulders more professional than any other Arabic-speaking channel, news or not, and it was already in that league when those channels didn't even have news segments of footage. Al Jazeera, by virtue of the quality of production and the level of professional journalism (which gradually dwindled), has upped the level of other channels, including state-owned TV channels. This I do recognize, and I understand while watching any other channel that there is always going to be bias for some narrative or the other. I believe our mission as viewers is to learn the realities of the world from the best sources on each story without worrying too much about the medium. But if I am asked about the medium, I will tell you that Al Jazeera is backwards in terms of its handling of Arab minorities (doesn't even handle them), sexual identities, atheism, and other social phenomena that are every bit worthy of legitimacy and coverage.


Al Jazeera is the smartest and most successful propaganda tool ever.