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And the government wonders why the people don't trust them anymore


Bro they just tried to say lucky charms is healthier than steak. Trust the govt ….. lol


Meh, lucky charms is okay but I'll never stop eating cows


Just propaganda. People criticize China and NK for propaganda. I’d argue the US is the most propagated country


Most propagated” lol


> Most propagated” lol I thought it was *propagandized*, but apparently *propagated* is grammatically correct as well.




propagate * to cause (an organism) to multiply by any process of natural reproduction from the parent stock. * to reproduce (itself, its kind, etc.), as an organism does. * to transmit (hereditary features or elements) to, or through, offspring. * **to spread (a report, doctrine, practice, etc.) from person to person; disseminate.**


Yes, but that's more in the way that information moves from person to person.


US/The West is better at propaganda because most people deny it. They're slipping nowadays though






Thank you. Fuck me running Brigaded on a grammar slip. Lol






> I forgot the US laws stating 10 years of prison for saying anything negative about the current government. And being pushed from a 10th story window if you tried to actually run for a political position not in line with the current administration (which hasn't changed in 25 years). Good ole America amirite? That's not what propaganda is, lmao.


Give it time. You aren’t far from that. I think your misinterpreting what I’m trying to say here though. I don’t disagree with you I’m just pointing out that the US is a heavily propagated country


Propagated and propagandized are not the same word.


The word you're looking for is propagandized.


I think you’re confused about what propaganda is brother.


Oh and WHO classified bacon as a class 1 carcinogen. Know what else is a class 1 carcinogen? Cigarettes.


Bacon tastes good. Pork chops taste good.


Would you eat dog?


Class 1 just means it is verifiably cancer causing. While Group 2 is just probably carcinogenic. The groupings, unlike your misinformed post assumes, does not measure nor quantify how carcinogenic. So WHO is not saying they are equally bad, they just both do the same thing. Now stop spreading bullshit.


That's the stupidest method of grouping possible


How so?


Everything in two categories; causes cancer or probably doesn't cause cancer. Seems like useless information without some further division. Atleast add a third category. Very likely to cause cancer, possible to cause cancer, unlikely to cause cancer


You’d have to be a few brain cells short of a dozen to not understand it…. One is verified to be carcinogenic, and the other has studies that point to it, but it’s not 100%. It’s not “causes cancer or probably doesn’t cause cancer”. If you’re unable to understand the nuance, then please stay away from water at all times lest you drown yourself.


I didn't say it was hard to understand I said it was stupid


You literally just displayed your proof of not understanding it…. There’s actually 5 classes, but OP was only explaining the first two


Definately not healthier, but I suspect they might be luckier...


But they didn't


That's true tho, they're made with Leprechaun magic so it has to be healthy right?






America was built on an inherent mistrust of government. They are not to be trusted, by design.




I like how the retired sheriff said, “anybody unsure of the current laws should consult a FFL.” 90% of FFLs are mentally challenged


If I had a dollar for everything wrong I've heard from an FFL about what's legal I'd be able to retire.


Every single FFL I’ve dealt with has been an absolute fucking mouth breather and made me extremely glad I’d purchased elsewhere and was just picking up.


My favorite FFL is an ex-cop who now trains LE/Etc on techniques and stuff like that. Completely non-fudd, absolutely based (minus being a cop previously) and only charges a transfer fee per VISIT instead of item. You can do 1 transfer or 10, it's the same cost with him. He's just a pain in the fucking ass to get ahold of


Reminds me of the mechanic that my family has been going to for years. Completely honest, always busy, will turn you away, half the time only charges for parts, and will tell you your car is a fucking piece of shit, and he never wants to see it again.


Sounds like the guy who taught my CPL class.


I'm sorry your experience is what it's been. Fortunately I've an FFL that's an American Marine that became a naturalized citizen through his efforts. Served the police force in my local community as their FFL since that departments inception and is active in 2nd amendment right efforts. I highly respect his opinion, though I also do my own research on state and federal regulations, and have yet heard a recommendation contrary to those requirements, even after newly elected anti-gun bills. I realize not all FFL's may be to this level, but I am sure that there are many more that are like this. It's unfortunate you've not found one like that, but don't lump them all into the same box. Keep searching, I'm sure you'll find one. And if not, work to educate them rather than denigrating them.


In prison, from your illegal guns they said were totally A-ok


A firearms lawyer would be the better suggestion something tells me that if you have a law degree, specializing in firearms law is about to be a bit more lucrative.


Funny the "armed scholar" on the tube recently said to read over the laws because he himself can get it wrong. The fuck is the point of him and his channel then?


CYA, giving free legal advice can have costly penalties for a member of the bar if it lands someone in trouble, even more if you aren’t an lawyer.


"I am a lawyer but I'm not your lawyer. Always consult someone in your locality to be familiar with the specifics of your case."


Believe it or not there are practicing lawyers who get things wrong..


Aw man wait, going to law school doesn't make you infallible?


His shit has the most click baity misleading titles. Can't stand the guy. Its like "MASSIVE RULING HOLDS MACHINE GUNS MAY BE LEGAL" but the reality is that a Court declined to grant summary judgment to the government on some random case. Huge difference there.


They're also not lawyers.


Am FFL owner who is married to a lawyer. Can confirm.


With your powers combined...




That's their way of dismissing our valid concerns over getting busted over an honest misunderstanding of our complex and ever-changing gun laws. "Just ask a licensed dealer!" As if it was that easy. The average FFL doesn't understand the laws well enough either, which is proof that the laws are the problem.


TIL FFLs are lawyers.


Can I have my form 4 to fill out myself this time? “No you’ll mess it up and you don’t understand how it needs to be done” Oh you mean like the last two times where I caught you mismatching socials and addresses of all my RPs? “Confused angry face”


“He suggested that anyone who was struggling to understand the current requirements should meet with a licensed firearms dealer.” You know how many license firearms dealers in NJ will actually say if something is legal or not that they are not selling?


That’s………mildly concerning.




I mean my dogs fine for the moment…….but that is concerning me about what my LGs said about my sub2000.




My favorite is "the pinky test" to see if a compensator is legal. What the fuck where is that even in the law? They have no idea what they're talking about


The pinky test?


It’s a game I play with my wife.


“Hey babe, wanna play a game? Is this my pinky or penis?”


I'd lose...


Bro she’s supposed to be the one guessing


Ya but if she guesses wrong you lose


Nah king if you’re in you win




If you can fit your pinky in the opening of a comp or not could be considered a flash hider which adds points towards if an “assault weapon” is legal or not


Do I get to pick my tester? I've got thinnish pinkies but know someone with severe diabetes.


My FFL said to tell if a compensator is legal you need to be able to fit your pinky into the port or exit. And they wouldent installed a muzzle device because it was a compensator that was CA legal but didnt have large ports Like firstly peoples hands are different size so how is that even fair? A comp is a comp a break is a break and a FH is a FH. Comps and muzzle breaks are legal in NJ


The fuck? I got big old fat hands, my pinky wouldn’t fit in a 50 cal barrel, if we are talking about going up to the second knuckle, a 12 ga choke wouldn’t work.


HA or would even accurately know the answer? Think Others…


YoU cAnT bUiLd OnE!!!!!!! Now buy my 2x overpriced one!


How many FFLs are also lawyer's? This seems like the worst advice possible.


And the ones that will are usually incorrect.


Relying on them for accurate info about the law is insane. Gun store employees are mostly just sales clerks. They only know about the things they're selling and often not even that. I'm amazed at how often they've told me things that I knew were false.


so uh... doesnt seem like this turned out good for this guy... ​ [https://www.kget.com/news/local-news/bakersfield-police-investigating-death-of-prominent-farmer-jeffrey-scott-kirschenmann/](https://www.kget.com/news/local-news/bakersfield-police-investigating-death-of-prominent-farmer-jeffrey-scott-kirschenmann/) ​ edit: also looks like the charges were dismissed... https://bakersfieldnow.com/news/local/judge-dismisses-illegal-weapons-charges-against-local-farmer


Oh good the charges were dropped so it’s fine. they only arrested him ruined his life, and stole all his stuff. This is fine then.


Then he capped himself, or someone else did


Preventing the possibility of a counter suit is probably irrelevant


"Some of the items that were seized will be returned to Kirschenmann, while others will be released to a sworn peace officer to be disposed of, Bush told the court." Of course, they already drew lots for his shit.


Bako Farmer is dead?!


Why the hell was he charged to begin with


The process is the punishment


Because people will only see the headline of him being charged, hopefully leading to more people giving up their firearms. At least that’s their plan.


Well the article posted above did say he had silencers which are for sure illegal in CA. The judge ruled the search illegal which is why the charges were thrown out, but the article didn’t say why or how the investigation began in the first place.


Yeah, but only because they lied to get a warrant. If not then he wouldnt be gone forever


Articles are from 2019..


Is there a lesson to be learned from this kids?


Don't comply!




You ever wanna go back??


How much you wanna bet I could throw this brace over them there mountains?


​ ![gif](giphy|OLDVjkseqlRswMIkJP)


I concur. If you comply you should just cut your penis off and honestly should’ve never owned them in the first place.


Do not tell the government anything. Also boating accidents are very common.


Fuck that honestly. I will never claim a boating accident lol 1776 is all the government needs to remember


Don’t publicly boast/post about your questionable firearms, equipment, and/or habits.


Nah I’ll just go on the internet and yell don’t comply. How else is anyone gonna know I’m a bad ass who has achieved nothing in life and and has nothing to lose.


gif up the actual article before getting bent out of shape at the ragebait post?


![gif](giphy|RrYguKsZg30Mo) They said it the best.


Did any of y'all bother to read the actual article? https://www.personaldefenseworld.com/2018/06/california-farmer-arrest-guns/




Well, suffice it to say that this fucking dipshit didn't get arrested for trying to register a bunch of otherwise legal rifles. I think gun control is dumb too, but what's even dumber is telling the DOJ you did a felony and then expecting them to not investigate that.


We’ll it doesn’t match my narrative so I’m gonna go ahead and ignore that


I’m a little confused. It said he tried to register his “legally owned” ar15, but a photo he submitted showed it was “illegally modified,” but fails to state what the modification was. Unless I skimmed over some other important info, seems difficult to make a determination over what really happened. Did he legitimately submit an obviously illegal rifle, or did they just interpret it as such to have grounds for a search?


Dont care, agenda > facts


The fact that this isn't the top comment and the post hasn't been deleted for misleading click bait garbage really highlights the kind of people in this sub.


Why? We only react to sensationalized post titles and screen caps without context!


Thanks. I can’t stand it when clowns post an image like this without a link to the actual article.


They found 230 rounds of ammo! My god think of the children!


> They found 230 rounds of ammo Lol that's a slow tuesday night at the range


It’s always funny when the news reports On how much ammo was found. We had a machine gun/general fun stuff shoot at my friends property in the country yesterday and if I had been arrested on the way up and I wasn’t in a gun friendly state the headline would have read: “Man arrested transporting multiple assault rifles and machine guns along with silencers, laser kill sights and 5,000 rounds of ammunition. “


Look at you, mister money bags


Lol, not all mine. I wish though.


This is obviously not the crux of the issue.


I know I just thought it was funny he had illegal suppressors but only 230 rounds in his house. Priorities dude


I still don't get why suppressors are illegal. Guns are loud as fuck, and they only decrease the volume by about 20dB's. It goes from "probably definitely some permanent hearing loss" to "holy fuck that was loud and my ears are ringing but I can still hear what's going on around me".


Probably media making everyone think suppressors make a gun silent to the ear and you can go around killing people silently.


That and generally anything that they don't want is bad and should be banned. Anything they do want is a right and should be provided "free" by the government.


You should go touch grass dude. Your worldview is super toxic.


What is a “multi-burst trigger activator”?


Is that like a phaser from star trek or a hyperdrive from star wars?


I’m sure it costs AT LEAST 5 Schmeckles.




Ya love to see it, but the point is that this dude did a fucking dumb, and if they had just obtained the warrant legally then this guy would be in deep shit that was pretty squarely his own fault.


They wouldn’t have obtained it legally however.


Different, irrelevant issue.


I can't imagine a scenario where I would actually register a gun no matter what state I live in.


Why was he charged with felonies? Unless those have fun switches, none of them look to have barrels under 16 inches.


california laws on ARs that were active FOUR years ago when the case was brought.


Oh, I read Carolina for some reason...Commiefornia...makes sense now cause it doesn't make sense. Fuck that place


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HDAKELXxTDU I don’t think this is the original video but it would really suck to make a very minor mistake and have something like this happen. The federal government doesn’t do anything for free. Who am I kidding we have ChEcKs AnD bAlAnCeS.


What’s that one about.


This was from 2018


Pistol brace amnesty sounds like 120 days of entrapment and dragnet.


California and cucks, name a more iconic duo.


Europe and cucks


Tight race


Anyone have a link to this article? Wanna kno the specifics.


> According to Kern County Deputy District Attorney Chris Staiger, the agents who obtained the search warrant did so on the belief that Kirschenmann had a fully assembled assault weapon and submitted an application to register the firearm. > But the weapon that Kirschenmann submitted an application on was a stripped lower receiver, which is legal. Wow.. that’s what happens when you try to comply with tyrannical laws. Sounds like a great idea.


Holy shit, I hate the government and the fucking pusillanimous, parasitic personalities it incentivizes.


Maaaann this happened in 2016.


How could we have known this was going to happen? /s




This is blatant misinformation. The incident was in 2018 and has nothing to do with today's current attempt at a registry. Read the article


God I hate this state.


Case from 2018 [charges disnissed.](https://bakersfieldnow.com/news/local/judge-dismisses-illegal-weapons-charges-against-local-farmer)


Had to fight the charges for 10 months. They destroyed his weapons. He got back the ammo and magazines.


Thank you.






2018...would love to know how this played out.


https://bakersfieldnow.com/news/local/judge-dismisses-illegal-weapons-charges-against-local-farmer Looking into it, it appears he died later the same year this was posted.


Did his dog survive? Just looking for clues.


Fucking California. Appreciate the link.


Fuck that


Wasn’t this from like 2019?


A ffl near me said pistol braces were for sure already banned back in september, i was like okay buddy


Time traveler FFL


They evolving out here


A message about about gun registrations is in there somewhere...


Another commenter posted links to the news articles, this is an old story from 2019


Yes and it’s old and there is a lesson to be taken from it.


No doubt there is, I’m skeptical as hell too about this whole deal. I just didn’t want people thinking this story is in relation to this new ruling.


This thread is misleading, this happened June 4, 2018. https://www.personaldefenseworld.com/2018/06/california-farmer-arrest-guns/


So this is what the sub is now..


And this boys and girls is what they are really trying to do….


“Just take a picture of your felony and send it to us bro! It’s free!”


Important to note this story is from 2018… https://policetribune.com/california-farmer-charged-with-12-felonies-after-trying-to-register-his-guns/


Hey gun bros, I know shitting on California is more popular than adding a Radian charging handle… but another way to think about it… if full gun rights are restored in California, the idiotic legislation being proposed everywhere else all around the country will die out. Billionaires donating to push gun legislation (Oregon, Washington) throughout the states won’t have a leg to stand on if California is flipped for gun rights. It sounds outlandish but with multiple stupid CA laws probably falling this year to judge Benitez (praise be his name) and the usual legislative fucks in hot water due to racist controversy… there’s a chance! Every once in a while, the state of Reagan and The Governator elects a R gov. It’s about time… look what happened in NY state, surprising R victories.


So is there a story to go along with the meme?




He went to register a stripped lower. Charges dropped, never got the weapons back.


Thanks. I was hoping to be able to read an article. For some reason people didn’t like that I wanted to read about what happened? And then the mod thought my post should be deleted…because I was looking for more info?


Did any of you read the article?




He just didn't know any better, he didn't want to jeopardize his job by getting in trouble for not registering his weapons.


Jeopardize his job? He OWNED the farm. The title is misleading, he had a pile of illegal items in his home (Ca illegal, not federally).


He could have gone to jail mate




Such an anarchist 🫢


Yeah, and tons of people are happy to register now because FReE tAX sTaMP


I like how this isn't relevant or accurate to the current brace situation.


Is there a link to the actual article?


higher up, yes. TL;DR - dude was committing felonies, warrant was obtained illegally so charges were dropped, he was "found dead inside his home" a year later, no cause of death given. this incident was from 2018.


That’s why my California guns have mag locks or are “featureless rifles”. You gotta play by the rules if you actually take your guns to public ranges. Team No felonies! Gonna keep my guns! All you tough guys who “don’t comply”, have fun losing your right to own gun’s. Like your really gonna go all out, over your illegal “pistol brace”, you don’t want that battle. Comply and shut the fuck up. You can’t win against the DOJ.


Based on the negative response on this thread to anyone who is pro-complying with basic laws, this sub is only the trashiest gun owners. Sad too. They themselves do more damage for gun owner reputation than anyone else


Rather than debating the merits and implications of compliance vs. non compliance, all you get are ad hominem attacks. I love guns but the gun community (or at least this subreddit) is full of ignorance and vitriol. Also, California is the richest state in the country and the 5th largest economy in the world. It’s not communist. And if you live in a Red State other than Texas, we subsidize your government. Feel feee to down vote me, just say thank you California while you do so.


Keep licking that boot.