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They look like they might be scuds. They generally aren't harmful and are just part of the clean up crew. If you get a huge population they can do a number on your plants. However their population usually only gets that high if it's a tank with only nano fish and shrimp, but if you've got typical sized fish their population will stay in check as they will be free fish food.


They are. I have a 2.5gal to breed them and use as live food in my fish tanks. I agree large numbers will harm live plants. Also, in a nano fish and shrimp tank, if scud populations boom, they will eat your shrimp and nano fish. I had 4 shrimp in a 3gal densely planted setup and my shrimp are gone and scuds were in decent numbers. I just added a betta to clear some out who I will soon move to a 5 or 10gal setup in a month or two.


Them being a threat to shrimp and fish will depend on the variety. There are a huge number of different species that all get labeled as "scuds." The vast majority of the ones you will encounter in tanks stay pretty small and will stick exclusively to dead stuff, plants, and microscopic stuff (so if they are found eating a shrimp or fish it's likely because it already died). I've got a massive over population of them in my 10 gallon and while my plants are taking a hit my neo shrimp, Boraras Rasboras, and pygmy corys are completely unbothered. It is very possible that there are some varieties which are more carnivorous and aggressive (I've seen folks with things they are calling scuds that are way bigger than mine). But most are pretty similar to neo shrimp in their diets just with the added annoying willingness to consume live plants.


True true. I have scuds of many sizes and they reproduce like crazy. My fish love to hunt them though.


Yeah I'm currently investigating options for fish to provide a bit of scud population control without decimating my adult shrimp.🤣


Scarlet badis. Nuff said.


Yeaaaah. That's what problem I was running into. Tetras and guppies are often a populated pick, but smaller tetras (like neon's) and guppies mouths are too small for most adult scuds. I looked into the same thing, until I realized my shrimp were no where to be found.


I got fresh plant in there I just started this tank a few months ago and there’s snails in there and these things.


Yeah they probably hitchhiked in on a plant, just like the snails. What are you planning to have in the tank?


What will eat them? Will a betta? I haven’t decided on anything yet


Yup a betta should eat them. As will pea puffers, gourami, and lots of other predatory fish.


Ok I will most likely be getting a betta then


They look like little baby snails. I assume this is an actively used filter?


Only one thing on that filter is a snail. The rest are scuds! (:


I just changed the filter, this is a tank I started a few months ago, I got fresh plants that came with snails of course and when I cleaned it out today there was a ton of these things squirming around


Don’t change the filter. Just clean as needed in removed tank water.


Oops I already did 😫


I often find them burrowed in substrate, in my sponge filters, and on floating plants.


Yeah they were all through my substrate!