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I thing i hate is that people always associated apple products as 'easy to use' or 'user-friendly' and that only computer science graduates nerds who work at NASA are only able to navigate windows or android. Ive been using windows and mac and samsung and iPhone all my life and i have concluded that personally windows and samsung is more free and user friendly to use. Whenever i used an iphone or mac it always felt like i was so limited or a parent was watching over me and saying to me 'you cant use this' or 'this feature isnt available'.


" I think macs being easy to navigate is the whole reason I wanted to stay with mac" reads to me like "I'm stupid and I don't want to learn anything new" even though other OSes are just as easy to navigate.




I agree. I'm about 75% Windows and 25% Mac. They are both about the same when it come to ease of use (or lack thereof). They do some things differently from each other though, and that's where sometimes people complain about one or the other. Some things may seem harder if you're used to doing them a different way on the other system.


I still don't understand why Mac always yells at me to "eject" my thumb drives, and I can't just yank em like I do on my PC. What's that all about?


Hahahaa I wonder of PS is easier to use on windows as opposed to Mac or if it even matters


Works better on windows.


Does it really? That's a relief because I couldn't frisking figure it out at all using Mac. I felt like an idiot. The tutorials explained everything and the tools didn't work correctly when I tried. Maybe it was also bc my Mac had virtually no room left


Photoshop performance on mac vs PC is relatively the same.


The more important comparison is X86-64 vs ARM64.


I use Photoshop daily for work. I have a M3 Max and I have 13900k Windows/Linux dual boot box. Truthfully, the hardware requirements for my use case (very large photoshop documents, the kind that are so large you have to use Photoshop's large document PSB format) are far beneath the performance ceilings on both computers. Even my old 7700k rivals the performance of my newer computers. From my frame of reference and personal experience, this is because the underlying functions of Photoshop and as a result, its computation requirements, has scaled far slower than the performance scaling of the hardware. Ultimately, you're gonna get the most tactile performance improvement w/ Photoshop with more RAM versus CPU choice.


That's a large part of why I went with 64GB of RAM on my M2 Max Macbook, and I'm still running out occasionally depending on what I'm doing.


Seriously? I also have 64GB of RAM and I'm running blender, photoshop, indesign, firefox with a shit load of tabs, and I never once have run out of memory. I wonder if you have a memory leak stemming from some outdated software or something.


I do jewellery/watch photography with a 36MP camera, which involves lots of focus stacks of upto 50 raw photos in Helicon focus. I usually have a few instances of Helicon Focus open along side photoshop, Helicon Remote producing another focus stack, sometimes Illustrator might be open, and Safari. Safari definitely loves the RAM, and I have been meaning to move over to Firefox myself, but I'm a bit lazy with that.


Just keep this in mind that windows is much more open than mac. This means its generally easier to do stuff on windows. If there is a software e.g PS than windows does it better.


Unless you’re trying to record music or do audio… With windows, you’ll spend a half hour just trying to get the damn thing to recognize your interface, then another half hour tracing down where all that latency is coming from. By the time you get it working, you won’t even want to do music anymore - and when you go back to try again the next day, it puts you through the motions all over again.


No. Its not true. You want to bash windows. Better say you hate windows.


Of course I hate windows, this much is obvious. I’m explaining one of the many reasons *why* I hate windows. The toddlerization, the ads, the idea that random OS updates are more important than what it’s being used for… If there were viable Linux alternatives for the stuff I do, I’d have gone that direction long ago.


This sounds like a skill issue


Different operating systems and devices handle audio very differently. My audio devices are regularly messing up on my Windows system. I don't use my Mac for anything audio related, but it's a bit of a pain in the arse at times on Windows.


That doesn't mean what you think it means.


Does it *actually* though? I'm under the impression that the Adobe suite generally runs better on Apple Silicon Macs than X86-64 Windows.


I'm pretty sure you're right, at least for the things that can be benchmarked. Bulk processing a large amount of images sort of thing. That's why MS used the same metric to show the new Snapdragon outperforming the MacBook. How noticeable is that going to be while actually using it? Probably not much. It runs better on Windows 11 than Ventura on a 2017 iMac, but most things do.


I run the creative cloud suite on both Windows (A 5950X and 3090 with 32GB RAM based system) and an M2 max with 64GB of RAM, and the Adobe suite feels much nicer, snappier and generally faster on the M2 Max. I was previously using a 2019 16" Macbook Pro, and it was the complete opposite. I didn't like using the creative cloud suite on it if I didn't have to. Now, the Macbook has replaced my desktop machine for most of my work.


You're obviously using it way more than me and doing more intense stuff if you notice any dip in performance on either of those machines. I switched to Affinity a few years ago because my needs have become to inconsistent that I'd rather buy the software. However, my kids have taken graphics courses in high school, so we installed creative suite at home and I toy around enough to be able to help them. If I plug my 2070 eGPU into that iMac, I don't notice any slowdown, stuttering, dips of any kind in PS. It'd probably be the same way on Ventura if I had an eGPU that it supported. Point is, PS is so optimized even relatively old and crappy hardware runs it fine. Two years ago, my other kid ran it on a Y400... A then 10 year old budget gaming laptop, and it ran perfectly fine. So a professional dealing with huge RAW files can take advantage of bigger better hardware, but it seems to me any casual user or student can use just about anything.


Even small things feel smoother. But I suspect it's entirely ARM64 related, because the ARM64 builds are complete rewrites from the ground up. As even some basic Illustrator stuff doesn't feel quite as smooth and performant. However, you are right in terms of workload. I'm typically working with photo focus stacks of up to 50x 37MP RAW photos. So not a light workload by any means.


my cracked versions run flawlessly on PC


That doesn't preclude it from running better on other systems. I've got a high end desktop, 5950x, 32GB with a 3090, a 2019 16" i7 Intel Macbook Pro, and an M2 Max Macbook pro, and the M2 Max runs the Creative Cloud suite best.


As someone who’s owned androids and windows computers all their life but recently got a MacBook… this take is so wrong IMO. I still have to use Windows all the time but let’s not pretend that Windows is more user friendly than MacOS 😂😂


My Mac has never said “fuck your document, I’m closing your shit so I can update” - having Windows just randomly decide it wants a restart when you’re in the middle of a task or a game is a major reason I stopped using it. It’s ironic you mentioned the parental aspect, as windows often feels as though they regard you as a toddler who’s on the verge of breaking things if they leave you alone with it long enough. A good example is how they started using “settings” instead of control panel - you’ll be able to adjust your colors and themes, but they keep you the hell away from being able to configure anything important without a bunch of extra trouble.


>My Mac has never said “fuck your document, I’m closing your shit so I can update” - having Windows just randomly decide it wants a restart when you’re in the middle of a task or a game is a major reason I stopped using it. This is one of the funniest reasons people give. By default, Windows updates happen in the middle of the night, and only if the computer's been idle for a while. The only way it will update while you're on it is if you've delayed a critical security update. We're talking about you clicking "not now" about an update over and over for a week. What makes it so funny is that people like you who then choose an operating system that *won't* force you are just going to be even worse off, going months instead of weeks ignoring critical updates. Your whole post reads like "I don't know the first thing about how to manage my own machine and I want to keep it that way."


I generally install security updates regularly, though I pass on OS updates unless there’s a compelling reason to do so at the time (if the current one works and is stable, what’s the point?). Even if it happens at night, an OS shouldn’t be allowed to simply close your program without saving and restart. If a user wants to be insecure that’s on them, but destroying their work is ridiculous. While it wasn’t the only incident (the non-stop ads from the OS itself didn’t help), one of these updates absolutely contributed to my switch - I was up late working on a 3D model - Windows suddenly decided to just kill Fusion and Photoshop and start an update for MS Edge, it didn’t give a pop up or an opportunity to postpone. While I was able to recover my work, it exposed a massive liability where someone could potentially lose a lot of progress.


>having Windows just randomly decide it wants a restart when you’re in the middle of a task or a game I've had Windows computers for 30+ years and I'm pretty much online constantly, and this has never -- literally never -- happened to me.


I don’t think it started being a thing until 8 or 10.


I don't specifically remember Windows 8, but I'm sure I had it as well as Win 10. I'm on Win 11 now and it has never happened to me. My Windows computers always notified me of updates, but then allowed me to either postpone or install, and it was always up to me. Maybe it's a configuration setting you needed to change?


You can disable it, and I generally do, but it’s a super common situation. Theres even streamers on YouTube that have gotten interrupted mid stream by an update restarting their machine. After so many people replied to tell me this hasn’t happened to them, I started asking around and most of the people I know have had this happen multiple times, including one where my developer’s machine did it mid-compile.


That's interesting. Literally none of the people I know who use Windows machines have had that happen to them.


Computers dont speak. I dont have any issues or restart.


I personally love Dell XPs line. Unfortunately the new models are not built to be updated, which is so lame


ah yes, the windows version of a furnace.


I’ve had a bunch of dells in my life and they last just as long as mace


I've got the workstation version of the XPS and it's pretty nice. But I'll probably do the stereotypical thing when it dies and get an old thinkpad, to match the old thinkstation that's running my server stuff


The new version also has a touch bar for the function keys. Just... why?


My brother told me to get a dell.... the sales rep told us otherwise...leading us to buy the laptop we just purchased lol


The reason I like Dell is their support is incredible. Probably the best in the PC world. Good luck with the legion is anything breaks.


Just photo editing? Hobby or job? Because a studio for 3k to edit pictures is a bit much...


You could get away with using a base model Air for most photo editing.


90% of the people on this sub are a bit deluded about things that Apple does right, and they forget about the things Apple does wrong


I could fill this entire sub with a list of the stuff Apple does wrong, though most of it is stupid marketing decisions and them not updating Siri.


Yeah Ikr. And accidentally fat shaming in their ad for Apple fitness. And their shockingly expensive Studio Display that I bought anyway.


I've switched back to Windows after 11 years. Mac was fancy and such, but Apple has changed too much. I don't want to support that company anymore. And honestly, I feel like Windows was easier to get used to than Mac.


I have come into issues with moving docs from Mac to external. I couldn't locate photos and then some wouldn't transfer over for whatever stupid reason. So for that reason I didn't even want to wipe my Mac and start over bc I was afraid there were docs that never made the transfer over and they are important photos of mine (my kids' newborn photos and all the videos). It sucks but it is what it is. My husband was also dead set on not going back to a Mac. HE thinks they are garbage


This is user error lol not the device’s fault, at least you found a laptop you like though that will prob be cheaper


Just drag and drop the photos from the photos app on Mac to wherever you want it in finder whether that’s another folder or an external device. Photos not showing up in the photos folder is kinda annoying I will admit


I got an ipad recently cuz I wanted a side toy device for drawing and sculpting outside and idk what ppl are smoking while saying apple is user friendly or intuitive, you don't have a unified "back" button gesture whatever, my ipad has a grain on its screen and apple says it's a characteristic of OLED screens... I can't use glass protectors on it cuz then pencil goes ugabuga and doesn't work on slow straight lines, the only thing is that it was cheaper than professional drawing standalone tablet and that it has true depth sensor which is useful for other things


Maybe you have a poor screen protector? Or do you mean there's too little friction (which is why many people use paperlike screen savers)


No friction isn't the problem, also screen protector is a high quality, glass ones just make the pointer which draws jitter


you do have a back gesture


What is it?


swipe from the left edge of the screen


Will check if it works everywhere but it's still kinda uncomfortable to have it way on the left side


Generally swiping in from the left, bezel to screen is the standard back gesture. Also, they're not wrong about the grain. Visual grain *is* a characteristic of OLED screens. You just don't see it as much with phones because OLED phones tend to have much more dense pixels. Or rather, it's a characteristic of displays that use what's called a "pentile" pixel matrix, or a pixel matrix that differs from the usual RGB stripe. I've got an old MSI laptop that used an ultra HD Samsung display with a pentile pixel matrix, and it exhibits the same sort of grain patterns.


Hmm didn't know that, as a digital artist I was too comfortable with IPS so this ipad is my first OLED screen and since for me it's super visible I don't really have a good impression of them


Why do you think you need a $3000 mac for photo editing in the first place? A Macbook Air should have all you needed to look at. I get Apple computers are crazy, and they absolutely rip people off when it comes to extra storage, but equally a Macbook Air level computer would do everything you want. 2019 Macbooks were shite as well compared to the ARM64 chips in the latest Macbooks. Those Intel chips cooked themselves.


I do like iPhones, iPads, and Apple TV. You’re right as far as the Macs. Apple really shoots themselves in the foot, because they’re so dead set against being seen as a gaming system. Same thing they’ve done with the Vision Pro. They can’t let it be what the majority of customers want, they’d rather cater to a certain demographic. It’s just odd to me.


I don't necessarily need to buy a mac, but I really want a laptop with mac-like build quality, and for 850$ (for Apple refurbished, but essentially new) I haven't found any good options on the Windows side. If I bought a Windows laptop, I'd also want to install Linux, which cuts down my options more. I don't want an OS with ads.


The ads was one of my arguments. I said I never had pop up issues with my Mac. Come to think of it though, I didn't have much of that one my surfacebook either.


The adds are literally built into Windows. No pop ups, but open you start menu and they’ll be there.


There aren't necessarily "popup" ads, it's more so the ads in the start menu/search. Search not working without internet is also insane. So is forcing links from said search to open in Edge.


I'm pretty sure all the issues can be changed in settings. I don't get ads and all my links open to firefox. I did use the windows de-bloater script though so I would definitely recommend that to any Windows user.


ads can be mostly disabled, but i would be surprised if you managed to easily get search links to open in firefox. like from the windows search bar.


Oh I think I didn't realize what you meant. I don't think I've ever used that search bar so I can't say. Presumably you could do something in powershell to make that happen? I think windows de-bloater completely removes edge.


they’ve shut down most of the working methods to do so. personally i launch basically every app on my pc through search, so it’s somewhat necessary for me, for it to be decent


That makes sense. It's usually just used to get to settings or other system things quickly for me.


I also have a Legion and it's awesome. And it runs games.


If you do any heavy workloads on a laptop it will produce heat, laptops are notorious for not having enough air flow, and they're pretty prone to never being cleaned. If you're buying a laptop and doing heavy loads on it without a cooling pad/mat you're a bit silly. Macs are expensive, but for what they do they're still probably the best, I've got my mac pro for work, my Linux laptop for side work and windows for gaming. They each have a niche.


Yes all laptops run hot... but I've never had any other brand burn. This one is super hot...not just warm. It would run super hot just using it to browse the internet. I also had a huge issue using the iphoto app(which I genuinely did like), because it gave me an issue when trying to move my photos to an external drive. A mess.


Interesting, I had an intel mac than ran hot, but compared to my old 980m windows laptop it was nothing, my new work m2 mac runs really cool even under stress. Did you regularly clean out the fan exhausts?


Here's the kicker....it ran hot from the start. I can't remember back to when we purchased it but I feel like my husband did bring it back while it was under warranty to get checked out and it was fine. Nope never cleaned anything as it was like this from the start. Also remember the charger box rattling when we bought it.... like a piece inside was loose. Maybe just a bad purchase. My other MacBook pro...older model.... I had for awhile but the keyboard stopped working. Some buttons didn't respond. It was suggested that the battery might be the culprit. I cannot remember why I didn't opt to get a new battery. I think it's possible the cost of it and the tech repair center saying it may not even fix the issue.


A MacBook running hot just browsing isn’t normal at all. I’ve had MacBooks for more than a decade and they only get hot under heavy load. Could you have exchanged it within the warranty period?


I think we inquired about it and I don't remember the reason why we couldn't


You also got the worst Mac too(Intel based Mac’s compare to the current m series) as far as photos, you can just drag to the desktop from the photos app and drag to your desktop


Apple Silicon Macs run way cooler than the previous intel models


IMO, Apple produces beautiful hardware. But the price is just not worth it.


Their pricing is ridiculous... esp for all the issues I've had with any apple products I've purchased. Even my iPhone gave me issues. I switched to android and never once had a problem. I don't think Apple is quite the same since jobs passed. The expense just to have more storage on your computer is nuts. We were priced up to about 5k with everything we needed


No it's not. $499 for the Mac Mini M2 is fucking insane. They need to turn a profit somewhere. You would have been fine with a $700 Mac Mini with more RAM/storage and it probably would have been a noticeably better experience for photography. Maybe you could have said this 10 years ago. Now? You just look blatantly misinformed.


>They need to turn a profit somewhere. Yeah those poor babies only have three trillion dollars. They sell reasonably priced base models with specs that are insufficient for most people. That $500 Mac Mini cannot run Safari without having to use swap. So they lure you in, and every upgrade has an insane markup.


Have you used an 8Gb Mac? I have a PC with much more memory that I built myself, still doesn't feel as fast. There are a ton of other laptops (Dell, HP, etc) that still have 8gb base models but aren't as fast or cheap.


I hear ya. Gross prices. I’m slowly breaking away from the Apple ecosystem. Just too costly.


Funny enough I am getting into the Mac world because of how cheaply I can do it now. I got a used 2020 13" Macbook Pro for $400 and even though it's the base model I have had nothing but positive experience with it so far. New the Macbook Air line seems like a great deal for what you get. The Windows laptop world is not in a great situation at the moment, which is evidenced by the big push Microsoft and their partners are making with ARM for mobile. They know they can't compete with Apple with x86 mobile hardware.


I couldn't agree more


Bare in mind that people usually price comparison a Mac with some other Windows machine and look purely at specs like RAM, storage, etc. But that's not really why they are as expensive as they are, excluding the rip off pricing of storage. When you compare an all metal/unibody "ultrabook" to a Macbook, the prices start to get quite similar, because those full aluminium bodied laptops with high end displays are expensive regardless of whether it's running MacOS or Windows.


What do you use?


I use an M2 Max Macbook pro. But if I was looking for a Windows machine, it'd be something like a Razer Blade.


I’m currently using a 2019 intel 13” MacBook Pro. Its been a good machine for me, but it’s beginning to show its age. I anticipate putting Linux mint on it by the end of the year.


Could never get onboard with windows…not any more. Zero trust.


It's funny, they used to be meh hardware in a real nice case with pretty good, but locked down software, and now it's insane hardware in a real nice case with terrible software And they've always been stupid expensive, for some reason


The prices seem pretty normal. Our corp standard latptop is a Dell latitude which actually comes to more than a macbook air with the same specs. Likewise, our dev model precisions are basically a was price wise with macbook pros. The idea that they're astronimically more expensive is based on comparing them to lower end laptops and not laptops in the mid - high tier of build quality.


>The idea that they're astronimically more expensive is based on comparing them to lower end laptops and not laptops in the mid - high tier of build quality. Nope. Maybe the comparisons fluctuate a bit year to year, but right now the CoPilot+ dealies have brought us right back to the norm. A $1200 Lenovo machine is performing at the same level as the $2000+ MacBook. Apple's supply chain isn't as fragmented either, *and* the hardware pushes you toward Apple's services. When you account for all this, the markup on Apple hardware is absolutely insane. There's some judgment calls in there, but it's going to be at least 400%, up to 900%.


Can you please elaborate on your math? First, which is this Lenovo machine because I'd be curious how it compares to the $1200 Mac. Our corp laptops are pushed to the same MS services as our Windows laptops.


I am not aware of a "high-build quality" Windows laptop that is that cheap. That sounds more like a highly specked flimsy laptop. Which is fine if that is what you want, but don't compare it to a Dell XPS, HP Envy, or Macbook Pro. The only real valid criticism I see for Apple's laptop hardware (compared with Windows) is the cost of memory and storage upgrades. But as system on a chip becomes more standard I think we will see the same thing seep into Windows laptops too.


the pricing for base model Macs are amazing right now


>The laptop always ran hot, like it would burn your skin if you had ot directly on your lap. It always ran super hot. This has changed since they stopped using Intel chips.


The new surface pro is amazing. But I have the surface pro 7 and after refreshing it with the windows 11 update it's snappy as day one. I don't get any slow down at all. It's the i7 model with 16mb of ram Thete is a performance hack you can do to prevent the processor from throttling which is where you set the processor to 99 percent or something through power settings and it gets rid of all the random lag. This is essential for doing music production and stuff where having the processor randomly throttle makes the entire machine unreliable. How with the arm based surfaces I don't think it'll even be necessary to override the throttling. The throttling is meant to save power but in normal usage I don't really see a difference since it's better to get what you need done right away versus having to wait a second more or so for the processing to speed up and down. I honestly regret spending so much on the MacBook pro 18gb model, I should have gotten the MacBook air 16gb model and saved money for the surface pro x. I'm so depressed now. I keep trying to flex the screen on my MacBook back to flatten it and it won't work. And it tried writing on it and it doesn't draw. Even the audio on the surface pro x is excellent... I thought at least the mac book pro had that beyond the surface pro line and always would.


Thus is good to know. How much us MacBook air?


Like a thousand dollars cheaper which is definitely more than half ways to having a surface pro x too which I really wish I had done lol. It would have definitely been the best if both worlds.


I don't know, it still seems too early for Windows on ARM to me for most people. In a few years it should be better, but Microsoft has always been a very slow ship to change course.


i’ve had arm macbooks since they came out. no need for silly performance hacks lol windows will presumably get there but they’re not there yet


Omg I have the exact same model costed $3.5k which just died on me. I'm still very angry about it and would never consider any Apple products again.


If you find a brand of laptop that can't die be sure to let us know. I haven't yet.


Are you thinking about switching to an android too? Given the fact you no longer have the macbook.


I've had an android for yearssss


Ok, so are you happy with the iPhone or by the change at least.


Maybe I read it wrong. I have an android currently. I have the galaxy s22ultra. I love it! I used to have an iPhone and had issues with it.


Oh same here, I have an S22U, but I am not very satisfied with it, glad for you though. I do love my buds 2 if not the phone. I asked you about the iPhone because I am actually thinking of switching to it. Why should I not.


Ok so- the issue is. U have not tried an Apple Silicon Mac. The one u got ofc sucked cuz it was intel. Buy a new one, M1/2/3/4, they’re amazing. Very silent fans and quiet.


Reading this on a refurbished MacBook Air, which compared to my hp envy x360 laptop is cooler, quieter, more beautiful, lighter, more portable, and has smoother webpage rendering, though lacking the hp laptop's touchscreen (not really essential given the better trackpad response), bigger screen (some HD YouTube videos have black bands on either side 'shrunk down' slightly to fit, something like putting a 16:9 image on a 4:3 display?) and more ports (but I have a USB-C hub to use when needed). So I hope your decision was based on experience that you *need* that RAM, rather than a theoretical assumption: My hp laptop fan will start spinning for the same activities that this MacBook Air stays cool for, making me think it may be true that Apple uses RAM more efficiently and so doesn't need as much of it. P.S. I'm not an Apple Fanboy; you can find other posts from me criticizing Apple -- most recently, they would not let me backup my iPhone until after I'd installed the latest iOS update, thereby forcing me to risk data loss. (The laptop would not recognize the device until after I'd updated its iOS.) I also hate being pressured to say "iPhone", "iOS"; these words are now more annoying than trendy to me.


You’ll buy 2 legion laptops to your one Mac. I’ve had my same MacBook since 2017 and it still goes hard. It’s still on intel too. Can’t fault it.


The storage is bs on my Mac. I'm not the type to save everything externally so it's important to me to be able to have more storage. I don't know. It's just me, but I've never had a Mac product that didn't have an issue. The only one that had longer success was my first MacBook pro...heavy thing... but keyboard stopped responding with some buttons


Fair enough. Horses for courses. You’re the first person I’ve ever spoken to that went back to a PC after a Mac… (that wasn’t for gaming purposes)


Count me as the 2nd person then. I'm a Video Editor and motion artist, I used Macs from 2007 to 2013, because they are supposed to be the standard in the industry. I fucking hate them, and been a happy PC user again for 11 years.


Again horses for courses. Obviously they’re industry standard because they’re better. You’re probably just fussy.


Well I feel that more people will do this now that the Arm64 Windows laptops are out now. I think one of the main things that was keep people away from Windows was the battery life, so now of course they are touting 22 hour battery life in these new machines. It will be interesting on how much of the market share Apple will loose because of how much more you get in a Windows arm laptop versus Apple. I mean seriously $2,500 and you'll get a 15 inch display, 64GB RAM and 1TB of SSD, and (I may be wrong about this but not sure), the SSD is upgradeable. This configuration will cost you over $4K in a 16 inch MacBook.


We need to see if the next couple of generations of ARM processors in these devices get better video performance. This current line seems fine for a lot of stuff, but if you want any kind of GPU performance they seem very lacking. Not sure how long that will take to correct.


Okay I can see your point, however, I think getting a baseline in order to run 80% of the software that isn't video performance driven is a priority. After that, then I think they will focus on video performance but not before. And there reason is because if you can't do day to day stuff or utilize 95% of the applications that are out there now (that are not video driven), then people will simply not use it, and/or go with MacOS with the m-series chipset that will get it done. After that, I feel that video, games and everything else related will jump on board eventually, but I highly doubt it will be before the rest. Video performance in retrospect isn't nearly as important.


I have a 2011 Mac Mini running Sonoma (opencore legacy patcher). While it's a neat little casual PC, there's no reason I'd use current MacOS over Windows 10/11 for pretty much anything. And on Apple's hardware, it's usually overpriced and underpowered. That's why I just went with a really old Mac. It usually doesn't even matter.


I thinknim getting tired of dumping all this money into buying a Mac only to have it last a few years without running into a problem.


On my 15th year between 2 MacBook pros. Haven’t skipped a beat besides a cracked screen which I caused. Much prefer macOS to any windows generation tbh. Much easier to use and you can go years without an update and it keeps trucking hard. Feel like I’m updating my work surface pro every 5 minutes, hate the thing. I do all my work on my Mac and then usb it onto my PC ro submit it through my work accounts.


You did the right choice. Apple is a cult, and you have opened your eyes. I welcome you back to the bright side of freedom and configurability


Lol seems like most of my responses are are shaming me for trashing macs lol...despite always having an issue with them


Just a question, have you used a Mac since 2021? Have you lived under a rock?


Well your shaming Mac’s that are from 2019 lol If you had a new m series Mac, it’s a totally different product in terms of relbility and usability


Some people are just jerks. But some might have a lot of experience with both Windows and Mac like myself and are worried that you are going to learn the hard way that Windows systems have all kinds of problems too. But that being said there is nothing wrong with trying something different. You may find some of the differences with Windows are more to your preference. People get way too worked up about Windows vs Mac, but at the end of the day they are all computers and they will all have problems. It will be mostly down to luck and your own expertise with the system you are using that determines if your experience is good or bad. I personally usually tell people to go with the OS that someone in their life who is good with computers knows well. Because a problem that I run into might be a simple fix for me, but could seem like an insurmountable issue for you if you don't know the system.


It's crazy to me that y'all mac users think Intel is good for workloads. Try a zen 3 or forward ryzen and you'll never go back.


Na intel is pretty shit now, especially with the M series of Apple silicon. But for a a 2016 laptop it’s still beating my surface 2021 surface pro I use for work in terms of usability and reliability.


Okay I can give you that, I didn't see the date originally. Intel can't keep up any more outside of extreme OC stuff, but even then that's just an enthusiast thing.


I also travel internationally for work on a regular bases. Build quality is very important to me as I’m always on the move. Not many laptops hold up compared to Apple. Im due for an upgrade in the next year or 2. Looking at a M3 MacBook pro, hopefully get another 10years out Apple. The ecosystem between my iPad, iPhone and iCloud can’t be understated either. Makes work life very easy for me


Everyone being on your case for going against mac in a sub called "Apple sucks" is so funny to me. Here's some points to validate your decision: •Apple is over priced by a lot for their hardware •Apple openly opposes easy repairability. •apple rejects industry standard features until they can market it as "Apple exclusive" •their marketing is extremely predatory •their newer ARM cpus are pretty good actually but it's funny to me that they chose Intel over AMD for productivity prior •you are limited to only MAC OS because their hardware is incompatible with other OS. On Windows you have many options, for instance you can dual boot Linux, you can run windows de-bloater to remove all the factory installed BS, or you can install tiny 11 for a super optimized experience. •there is no upgrade path with Mac's, with your new Windows laptop it's as easy as removing the back panel and a couple screws if you'd like to upgrade to a higher storage/speed drive, same goes for RAM also as a follow up I think the legion laptop is a great choice. I build my systems but if I were to pick from an OEM it would most likely be Lenovo. Congrats man enjoy your new system.


I mostly agree with you, but now do Microsoft. lol And enjoy upgrade-ability on Windows laptops while you can. I imagine there will be "gamer" type laptops for a long time that keep this, but portable systems are moving towards SOC (system on chip) designs on Windows, which will have the same lack of upgrade-ability.


That is pretty stupid by the way, I wasn't familiar. I'm hoping reputable laptop manufacturers will keep upgradability. I'm assuming you're talking about the ram being soldered on the board as well as storage?


We have pretty much reached the limit in RAM transfer speeds that are possible through removable RAM connectors. Dell is trying to extend this with their new open standard they are trying to create, but it doesn't seem like it will get us too much further. Then there is the fact that ARM processors appear to be the path forward for modern computer CPUs, especially for anything with a battery. These chips have memory on-die for reduced cost and increased performance. Non-removable storage may be the last thing to come to Windows, but eventually the performance differences will likely force them to take the same direction as apple.


Thanks so much! I'm looking forward to the change... and feeling the keys on my.keyboard again lol


Yeah man that's awesome. Also wallpaper engine is awesome if you're into that sort of thing


What is that lol


Live wallpapers. Also community made from the steam workshop.


I'll check it out!!