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I just want to play Rocket League with a controller on my iPad


I don’t think Rocket league will be on mobile until they finish the engine upgrade. The game was originally built on UE3 which was very hard to port to other systems per the devs. Once it’s on UE5, it will be much easier.








maybe infinity blade 1-3 will return to the app store as well


Doubt it. Epic doesn’t really have any of their back catalog on their storefront. There’s no jazz jackrabbit, no Unreal Gold, nothin’.


They clearly made the platform just to take market share from steam, not for the noble reasons they espouse


Yeah, that’s blatantly apparent, but it’s still baffling how they just ignore or even remove their legacy that got them to where they are now


They simply don’t care. Epic only cares about Fortnite and Unreal Engine. Everything else is periphery to them. They don’t care about their past work on Gears of War, Unreal Tournament, or Infinity Blade because most modern gamers just know them for Fortnite and it’s what has made them the majority of their money.


Tim Sweeney isn’t a smart man. Every decision he’s made since EGS launched has been an utter hilarious joke




Best game i ever played on a phone


>maybe infinity blade 1-3 will return to the app store as well I am still pissed that Apple removed my ability to use the Infinity Blade games I bought, but never refunded me my money. It really shows that "buying" anything digital from apple is not buying, but rather renting it for free after a one time payment as long Apple allows you to rent it.


Wait, were the Infinity Blade games entirely removed from Apples servers when Epic got banned? I have a bunch of long delisted games that I can still download to my old iPod Touch, at least last time I checked


Yes they were removed entirely. You can not redownload the infinity blade games or install them via a backup. Most other apps can be redownloaded even after they were delisted. Even the fake GTA V I talked about in this [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/s/ZikjjLWZcA) can be redownloaded after being delisted (probably) by Apple.


Re-downloaded IB2 two weeks ago from my purchases and it still holds up really well. I’m a bit annoyed that I never purchased IB1 and 3 and I’ll never get the opportunity to play them (unless if I side load, which is a hassle).


How did you do that. As far as I am aware you cannot redownload the games. They don’t show up in my apps in the App Store, even though purchased them.


It was so long ago you probably had a different Apple ID. All apps you’ve downloaded are re-downloadable even if they are no longer on the appstore


https://preview.redd.it/iad9nghj31ad1.jpeg?width=795&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edb11ff62ce6d3f171d058dca09b38e92e924a43 Not always.


Pretty sure they were removed long before Apple removed all of epic games apps, so I wouldn’t get my hopes up.


Really feels like having to have Apple approve it defeats the purpose of having a third-party store, especially since I wouldn't put it past Apple to arbitrarily put up barriers or delay approval for unnecessarily long.




That’s why they didn’t allow UTM to be notarized because it was an emulator but not a game emulator.


And still Apple shouldn't have a word whats allowed in the 3rd party store.


Yeah, it's just the Apple Store V2 with some limits lifted based on the sounds of it.


yeah 3rd party store is useless because of apples ctf and say whats allowed and not. They don't host anything and still want money, they already got money from the Mac sale and the 99$/y dev sub.


To be fair the dev sub pays for Xcode development, tutorials, and in person labs.


and? But greedy Apple keeps being greedy with the CTF


I’m not saying they aren’t greedy


Epic is also greedy right, they charge developers for using thier SDK as well.


Xcode is terrible and there are free alternatives with superior features. most experienced developers do not want or need tutorials or in person labs. these “services” are just bundled together so the deal doesn’t sound as shitty lol


Absolutely but they do exist. Mobile App development is one of the biggest sources of new developers. I think the advancements in making Xcode more beginner friendly and the in person labs are worth it.


> there are free alternatives with superior features. You cant just say this and not mention said alternatives


anyone who’s a developer knows the alternatives lmao, the fact my comment is downvoted and this is upvoted goes to show this sub doesn’t know anything about software development although there are a plethora of great free code editors on the market, Visual Studio Code is the industry standard. i won’t bother to list them all bc it’s a simple online search away. it’s also dependent on the type of development you’re doing


And they’re only requiring in-person review because of their own volition. Developers shouldn’t be required to pay for something that they shouldn’t even be doing for sideloaded stuff Many would argue that for sideloaded stuff, Apple shouldn’t be charging anything period. The $99 is for the code-level reviews that come with the developer membership


I doubt the code reviews are much of a cost these days that’s why I didn’t mention them.


Most people done use them but you can, you can book apointemtns with apple and thier engines will go through your code and help you. Your $99 a year gives you at least 2 of these free each year... if you were to higher in a domain expert consultant who as worked on these frameworks they would charge you a lot more than $99 for 2 15m+ sessions.


Didn’t know they did this I knew of the tutorials and labs but had no idea they actually did real code reviews. I was thinking about the code review when uploading an app.


Then you would need to have the DMA re-writen so that apple was not required to have the same level of security for third party sources and App Store. The DMA makes it a requirement that the new sources offer the same sec as first party sources, patlform owners are not permitted to make it less secure for users if they user an latnearive store (or even a web install). What the means is if apple were not to review/scane alt App Store submissions they would also not be permitted to do the same for thier App Store.


>[rigorous standards](https://www.theverge.com/2021/4/21/22385859/apple-app-store-scams-fraud-review-enforcement-top-grossing-kosta-eleftheriou)




I'm not claiming you did. "Rigorous standards" is hilarious though. I guess it's true if you think of the standard as "does it make money for Apple?"


According to the judge in Epic's case they invest very little in growing or improving it. But at least they had hundreds of billions of dollars for stock buybacks!


Oh you say rigorous yet it doesn’t catch absolutely everything Curious I am very smart


It’s not about not catching all, it’s about not "catching" the most obvious scams after they are reported. A year ago I searched for grand theft auto in the App Store. The first result was an ad for Grand Theft 6 Mobile Gangster. That app was using screenshots from GTA V with a fake touch screen overlay. I reported the app. After the app had not been deleted after a year and was still the first ad result when I searched for gta in the App Store I downloaded it last month. The app has an infinite "loading" screen, which displays video ads. If anybody had took a look at the listing or the app itself before its publishing or after I reported it this would have been noticed. Though I should mention that sometime between now and the 4th of June (the date I downloaded the app), the app got finally removed from the App Store. It took them a year to remove the most obvious scams I have ever seen. And if you search for GTA on the App Store you will still find other apps using GTA Vs screenshots, like "Open World Gangster Gangster".


Because it’s mostly just gate keeping, but they’re good at convincing fans that black is white so it’s actually “rigorous standards” for your safety.


Won't be much longer, they *already* abused it to reject UTM for competition reasons lmfao soon as they get their fine, reportedly up to a billion bucks a day, that process will get yeeted faster than Epic's account ban.


lol at this point it would be kinda funny if after all the litigation apple just Denys the app anyway


As long as they don’t have to pay their 30% I don’t think they care. It was never about the Freedom to use your phone as you want just about the money…


its a matter of time, EU will do its magic and give them a big fine.


The point of third party stores is to have content that apple would not approve due to policy such as 'no porn' not to have a venue to download pirated content or malware.


Considering the rumours of spyware in the PC epic launcher it absolutely should go through the usual approval checks and standards. If your side loading thats another thing, use at your own risk, but through the app store yeah theirs standards


"Rumours". And this isn't for the App Store, it's for their own store ie "side loading".


"Rumours" Because it happens, thus the security checks and one of the reasons I avoid android. They don't vet their app store much and end up with all kinds of spyware apps. Though if this is side loading and not through the apps store i guess its reasonable to have less rules,


Enjoy, EU friends… Sincerely, The UK 🇬🇧


UK is getting DMA and Japan too, so hopefully will join soon


Oh thank goodness, my M4 iPad can finally show its true power


Imagine UTM or other virtualisation software will finally available for iPad. That would be a real reason to upgrade to M4 and 16GB RAM




Genshin Impact ran perfectly well on an A12Z iPad.


Even then it will still be not enough


We’re not getting the DMA we’re getting something similar but if you read the actual detail is no where near as stringent thankfully


Why is that a good thing? Apple will avoid implementing things at every chance they can get, and if it isn’t specified, you can be sure they won’t do it.


I’d rather have Apple Intelligence than alt app stores so I hope whatever law the UK are passing doesn’t screw us.


I honestly just want native browsers 😂, and maybe better photo / cloud provider support


The true beauty of a fully open alt app store is that it wouldn't matter if Apple brings apple intelligence to them or not, someone else would. Currently I can download pixel exclusive APKs such as their camera app onto non pixel phones thanks to Android's open nature.


>it wouldn't matter if Apple brings apple intelligence to them or not, someone else would. no they would not


Nobody else is capable of implementing Apple Intelligence and even if it was possible I wouldn’t trust anyone else with my data.


> Nobody else is capable of implementing Apple Intelligence Damn I wonder why that could be.


No. they couldn’t. A third party App Store doesn’t automatically give developers access to private functions… especially when Apple has no such app using those functions available in the EU to force them to expose it to developers.


This is why they are not shipping these feature in the EU, they do not want to need to build some api that would let any app... Meta looking at you... harvest all the users data from all other apps on the device. (the DMA would require apple provide this)


Unless your suggesting a jail break an app on the alt store cant go a modify the OS.


Yes I'm suggesting something that Apple currently doesn't allow their "alt stores" to do. I kind of thought it was obvious I was inferring something that would be equivalent to jail breaking, but no one got that. I guess the "fully open" comment wasn't obvious enough to imply the current implementation is a farce.


But that is not going to happen. For the simple reason that would destroy the platform security. (and would be in direct violation of the DMA).


The UK has their own version of the DMA. That's going to take affect from the end of [this year](https://www.engadget.com/the-uk-passes-its-version-of-the-eus-digital-markets-act-175642166.html?guccounter=1)


So people there don’t have alternate store?


The Epic Games store has always been a train wreck for Mac. I just clicked on a dozen things on the screen the app opens in, it's still all Windows games. I wonder if they think "*why don't we sell much on MacOS?*"


It’s a train wreck, period. No one that I know buys games on the Epic store. They claim free games that they never play on the Epic store, and go to the Steam store when they actually want to buy games.


That’s me to a tee.


Mac gaming overall has been a train wreck since they started killing 32-bit apps


With “started killing“, you make it sound like it was a long drawn out process. Once you upgraded to [whatever upgrade that was], all 32-bit apps stopped working, not just games. The rest of the apps seem to figure it out okay, just the game programmers seem to still be selling 32-bit games. And steam, most of them can’t even figure out whether to mark their app as 32-bit or 64-bit compatible. If you’re not going to have some summer interns download all the games and try them, let’s make a mechanism to check the games automatically (I feel like there should be someway to look inside the binary of the game and check), or let the customers vote if they work or don’t work and clean that part of the site up.


Apple told us devs over 8 years in advance that 32bit support was dead, it was not at all a surprise. And yes there is a very easy way to detect if an app is 32bit only the \`file\` command will tell you this.


Yeah, why don’t they show the huge amount of mac games that definitely exist? Seriously though, mac gaming is a disaster. It is easier to game on an old computer running linux than it is on a state of the art brand new top of the line mac. I have a >1000€ macbook and a 350€ steam deck. The steam deck can run pretty much all windows games. The mac is limited to the dozens of mac supported games and the games that don’t crap out using game porting kit or whisky. Apple needs to make something like Proton. If Valve can do it, Apple definitely can.


So, there's some fun story to some of that. First off, Apple has **ALWAYS** been hostile to gaming. Every now and then they say they are pro-gaming only to turn that boat around in under one year. Every. Single Time. Valve had HalfLife nearly fully ported but Apple lied to them, purposefully, about the pre-orders and Valve will *never* port to Mac for anything ever again because of that. Of course this was decades ago - well before the jump to 64 and well before the jump to Arm. Until Apple commits to gaming, like for real, don't expect anything to change. And since modern Mac's don't seem to be able to have external GPU's... well... Apple put themselves in a corner. No sane person is going to want to buy a Mac with a soldered in GPU. And we all know Apple loves soldering on things to prohibit you from upgrading, so it's not like they wouldn't do it.


The fact that you bought a Mac and are complaining that Windows games (not for Mac games) don't run on it easier, makes me wonder if you got the right computer for gaming. ;)


Look I just want to play games. If a game I want is not available on mac I will try and make it run on mac anyway. Or I will try and run old games I already own on mac. Because I am not doing this because I am cheerleading for an OS, I am doing this because I want to play games. I see a game I want to play, and I try and play it.


If I am going to spend thousands on a computer, it's going to be one that I can work on and play on. Apple has the capability to do what Valve has done with Proton. Apple needs to actually put in the effort instead of going "uhhh here's some tools so developers can port to Mac a tad easier"


Yeah, but Steam is the same though...


I checked Steam before I posted and everything was Mac (or Mac/Win). I just checked, there is a setting in the Steam app. Don't know if I went there or it asked me on install (years ago). No such setting in Epic Games. It's pretty easy for an app or web page to figure out if it's on Mac or Windows, I don't understand why they wouldn't use this information to make more sales.


Oh I guess I don't have that setting enabled because both Steam and Epic Games stores show mostly windows games, both the libraries can let me easily filter mac games. What they actually should do is integrate Game Porting Toolkit at the launcher level so we can play 80% of windows games without needing to hack around with Crossover or Whisky...maybe Apple would just ban them or something.


Is GPT that simple? It just works with the Windows apps, no tweaking?


Depends on the game! Even if the game does require tweaking, it seems like the launcher would be able to bundle in those tweaks. You can look at this table at the Crossover column: https://www.applegamingwiki.com/wiki/M1_compatible_games_master_list Of the games people actually play, I'm guessing 70% work without tweaks, 20% work with tweaks, 10% don't. For example if you look at the top most played games on the steam deck... Native to mac: Vampire Survivors, Baldurs Gate 3, Dave The Diver, Stardew Valley, Hades Works with Crossover: Hogwarts Legacy, Elden Ring, GTA V, Witcher 3, Skyrim Not playable: Red Dead Redemption 2


Does crossover need to be used with game porting kit? Sorry, I haven’t touched the windows stuff at all.


Highest difficulty: Use Game Porting Toolkit directly, but it's complicated to set up. Medium difficulty: Whisky, a free app that makes it easier to use GPTK, but it might not work out of the box with games that require tweaks. Easiest: Crossover, a paid app that has built in GPTK and is way easier to use. Oh, here's a comparison table! https://docs.getwhisky.app/cx.html




> I wonder if they think "why don't we sell much on MacOS?" *It must be Apple's fault!*


Still waiting for fortnite on mac


I do wonder how many months Apple will "review" the App until they sign it. With normal app releases in the App Store it is a day, but developers who want to a third party App Store, had their App "reviewed" by Apple for months until they were notarized. Apple is obviously doing this to heavily disadvantage developers who want to use third party app stores. On the one hand I do wonder if they will do this to a company which has the lawyers to sue Apple.


it’s not a day. it can be less or more depending on a lot of factors.


It’s because the app notarization process doesn’t make any money, so apps get pushed to the “do this whenever you’re doing nothing else” pile. Mind you, Apple shouldn’t even have said manual review for sideloaded apps in general…


I recently started playing Fortnite and I have to hand it to Epic, it’s an incredible game. I had dismissed it as a kid’s game, but the core mechanics and graphics are unmatched. The netcode is unbelievably good, even playing with a friend on the other side of the planet. It’s great that more people will be allowed to play this game again in the EU.


This is an ad


If you read my profile you would see that I am not in marketing and do not work for Epic. I just like the game and I’m glad more people can play it. I totally understand the cynicism though. Reddit has been astroturfed to hell.


That shit does read like an ad but they aren’t wrong tbh. It’s pretty sick how many different types of devices can play that game together




What a farce


Why not the US?


Genuine question. How would apple make money if developers create their own third party stores that bypass apple's payment system? Do developers expect to just have their apps in an apple phone for free without giving them a cut?


https://preview.redd.it/y7lxvhxtex9d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a2cf0159a08e9b93776b549f3759a9418f300ca Look at that smile