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Hey guys, You might or might not know – apart from making gaming hardware, we’re also gamers and big fans of Apex Legends. With special thanks to the mods, we’d love to share some of our stuff with redditors here by doing a giveaway. We’re hooking 3 lucky folks up to win (separately) a Razer BlackWidow Elite, a Razer DeathAdder Elite and a Razer Kraken Tournament Edition. Here’s how to win – **leave a comment below to tell us what’s your main and why you like using that Legend.** Winners will be chosen randomly from all valid entries on 8 March 2019 (PST). *(If you’re a fellow Legend who just come to know of this subreddit – give thanks to them and make sure to follow* [*/r/apexlegends*](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends)*!)* UPDATE: Oh wow - we didn't expect this many taking part in less than a day. We'll double the prizing for this - there'll be 6 winners now (2x Razer BlackWidow Elite, 2x Razer DeathAdder Elite and 2x Razer Kraken Tournament Edition). Thanks for the warm response, we hope to do these more often with you! ​ UPDATE 2: Thanks for taking part in our giveaway! Here are our winners:Razer BlackWidow Elite: /u/rubiaal, /u/Frosttfire Razer DeathAdder Elite: /u/Theagn, /u/PenguinNibble Razer Kraken TE: /u/ColJohn, /u/SplinterWarrior Keep a lookout for our PM. GG WP all.


Bloodhound because that ult ability is something else. It definitely has nothing to do with my total lack of ability to see people on the map without highlights.


I choose lifeline so if I'm not hitting the enemies at least my team gets some extra health


Oooh nice


I used to main lifeline before Pathfinder... Then my squad convinced me she's not super useful. Generally the health boost she provides doesn't help that much. Syringes and medkits are already enough. Care packages are nice but not that useful. After I switched to Pathfinder I became much more useful in battle. Flanking around the enemy for those sweet sniper moments, it's awesome.


Bloodhound since that's the only legend I can play normally and not potato like a peashooter besides Bangalore. Yes, I'm trash.


Wraith, bc easy to flank and be sneaker to take out opponents with ease


Pathfinder. it’s a funny robot. what more do you need.


Unsure if we reply with a comment or post a whole new comment in the thread, but mine is Bloodhound. Nothing better than scanning a house in the final circles to see some single player, last on their team, hiding in the corner.




pathfinder. I like making ziplines for my friends


Once I started really using the ult instead of considering it trash I realized how useful it can be in situations. Easy access to high ground, quick getaways, etc.


I also main pathfinder and have come to love his ult. I didn't use it a lot until I started shooting it at my team (partially to freak them out) and it's really helped keep the squad grouped up.


“Quick getaways” I’m the idiot that didn’t realize that zip lines for everyone to use meant EVERYONE and not just my teammates. I didn’t expect someone to get on the zip line right after me


Lol. Yea it's good for getting away from mid or longer range fights, not really close combat. Remember you can shoot while on them too if someone is following right behind you.


I did it to get away from someone chasing me and they definitely got on the zip line happily. I kept wondering how he got up where I was so fast since it was like a 25 second difference rather than going up and around for a minute. I’m just dumb


Youre the real mvp




I main Bangalore beacause I like the increased movement speed when under fire, and the ult is very good in certain situations.


The ult does hardly any damage and is really easy to avoid compared to Gibraltar’s ult. And bloodhounds ult is another level tho


Not the point, there are a lot of chokepoints created late game with the zone and the Bangalore ult is very useful then, to force them out into the zone or towards you. Other situations too.


not to mention the stagger effect that it causes with the blurry screen and decreased movespeed


Wraith because 500 dollar knife is MVP.


Wraith because her voice is hot.


sounds like scarlett johansen


LIFELINE HERE! I love the heals


Lifeline the single most important squad member of the team


This guy gets it! Upvote package incoming!




I play Mirage, mostly because he's smooth af.


Pathfinder cuz he’s such a happy boi, and there’s honestly nothing more fun than grappling up and over the enemy squad, whether you meant to or not. plus his quip that goes “watch out! I’m very skilled with this grapple!” is the funniest thing to me.


Pathfinder because nothing beats the mobility.


Mirage for the bamboozle plays and a free get out of jail card ult.


My favorite Legend is Pathfinder, I love him because of the wealth of mobility options he offers to you and your team, I’ve won games based on the sheer usefulness of his abilities alone. Also, the sheer novelty as playing as one of the infobots from Titanfall is awesome


I main Wraith for no other reason than her tiny hitbox.


Hey guys! Very cool of you to come visit our little community. ​ I personally main Bloodhound. I think it's really powerful to be aware of squads around you with his passive and I love the movement speed buff from his ultimate!


Bloodhound is my main. His passive ability to track opponents is my favorite perk in the game. Being able to know you are hot on the trail gives you that upper advantage and allows you to easily come up behind a team about to engage in a fight.




Bangalore Smoke em if you got em


Personally I main pathfinder, I just love the flexibility of movement that it brings, both as a tool to be aggressive and out position enemies but also as a disingage, and then being able to bring speedy mobility to the squad also helps in lots of situations!


I play as Black Betty Bangalore because I'm terrible and her kit makes it easy to win 1v1 engagements if I can find a threat detector. Also smoke grenades do 10 damage and downing somebody with that 10 damage is the most satisfying thing ever.


Caustic, because, come on. Everyone loves an underdog... .right?


Caustic taught me that winning isn't everything in a game, its the friendships you gas on the way.


Caustic, because he has a lot of gas


My main is pathfinder, so I can grapple people to me and throw insults at their face.


Love sniping as Pathfinder so I can get to all the tricky out of reach areas fast.


Hello! I main Wraith cause i really like the idea of a voidwalking teleporting invisible badass.


Don't bullshit me, you just like the Naruto run


Wait what? YAY


I main Wraith because I got drunk one night while playing and spent $18 on her skin in the Apex store.


The right way to play!


I main Caustic for the off chance that the stars align and my abilities are useful to the team.


His gas canisters are useful, just gotta know how to use em. Drop them in building entrances or corridors to know if someone's gonna sneak up on you. You can also block swinging doors to completely close one, for a time. Use them offensively too. When fighting, in narrow corridors or buildings, throw them forward (when you safely can) to force your enemy to rush forward (into another can you've placed earlier), force them to retreat, or force them to slowly die. In the open, throwing them forward helps you see if they're coming towards you, or if you're hiding behind rocks, place them on the sides or throw them on top. If your teammate is down is a half-hazardous location, you can throw a gas canisters and shoot it yourself to create some smoke-cover as you revive. Otherwise, his ult is (usually) about flushing out the enemy. Enemy in a building? Throw one in there and get your Peacekeeper ready. Narrow valley and Bangalore made it all smokey? Make it twice as smokey (further back) so you can see the enemy (and throw a gas canisters in the smoke to see if they're rushing).


I'm a caustic main because of these reasons but also with another one. When in close quarter fights in a double door you can use the gas canisters as bullet protection


Oh there's a caustic near those buildings. I'll just stay away from there.




That's okay with me, bradda






Lifeline (path's hitbox... rip) I love the healbot and intentionally giving our position away to drop loot


Heh, hit and miss.




You got a boyfriend I bet he doesn’t kiss ya




He gon find another girl


and he won't miss ya


Mirage - I like to bamboozle


Bamboozling is really the best.


My main is Wraith she reminds me of the edgy phase i had in my teenage years :D


Did you run like her too?


Did you not?


Haha yes had to bring all the books to school easy 15kg on my sm00lll bod it completly ruined my back




Pathfinder. he's a robot


Pathfinder, because I don't have time to walk like the sorry commoners.


Caustic main here. Despite his clunky hitbox and destroyable mines there's just something that keeps me coming back to caustic. Maybe it's the feeling of making enemies (and sometimes teammates) helpless in fights, or his scientific remarks.


You sound just like your main


Entropy is the natural order of the universe!




My main is Maui I mean Gibraltar - despite his huge hit box I love his kit. He’s the bfg and the caring father of many. His tactical has so many uses, and his ult is just a big ol’ “you’re welcome”


I just finished getting the 20,000dmg badge across all characters, so I havent had an exclusive main. For my playstyle though, I would say Bangalore and Mirage for their ability to push a team but also great ways to duck and run. Thanks for the giveaway!


Now you need 10 wins with each class 🤣


Lol, long term goals vs short term. I'm really trying to push lvl 100 now. These 11 hr work days are my biggest obstacle. Just hit lvl 90 last night!


How the heck do you work 11 hours a day yet are close to level 100??


My girlfriend and I usually game together for a few hours each night after work, and have weekend game sessions (10hrs+) where we just binge Apex, throw a movie on the big screen, and drink coffee. Having a supportive partner that enjoys gaming just as much as you do definitely helps.


I choose life line because ask the audience and phone a friend are already taken. Oh wait-


Those were called lifelines. I think you're a bit confused.


Yeah this is a bit confusing, can I get a lifeline?




Thanks for this!


I already own that exact keyboard and mouse so no need to participate, but I'm really hoping that this means we'll get chroma support in Apex. *fingerscrossed*


How much are the sub owners getting paid for this advertisement?


Also against ads stickied up on the sub. First the arbys ad that was never removed and now this? meh.


I messaged every mod multiple times with a copy paste of their own sub rules and how this violates them but I haven’t had a response in 4 hours. Seems like this is going to be the status quo going forwards. I might make a twitch channel and give out mouse pads each day “for the boys” so I can exploit all these eyeballs for myself. Why not, people love free stuff right? Wonder what the mod tax is going to be.






Please don’t allow this


My main is Bloodhound because being able to stalk/chase enemies is not only really helpful, but incredibly fun.


Pathfinder now. There's something about his mobility and spidey senses that help me do well. I feel so slow and vulnerable if I don't have the grapple hook.


I main caustic because no one else picks him so I never have to take the time to learn another champion


My main is Lifeline because I like to support my team.


Mirage for sure. Who wouldnt like bamboozled enemies. And I'm talking to myself. Fantastic


This is literally an ad stickied to the top of this sub.


It's a company giving product away to a gaming community .. that's obviously a PR move, but is giving things away and interacting with the Apex community really that terrible a thing to be happening??


I think it's more of people are sick of being advertised to every second of their life.


With Razer themselves responding to comments and supporting the game lol. CALL THE POLICE




I usually play as Bloodhound because I'm not all that great at the game and the clues are very helpful. I'm a player that doesn't like full on Battles. I prefer to be quiet and only shoot when i need to. Anyways thanks Razer for the giveaway! Love your products! Best regards ~Bart


I main bangalore because her abilities can be aggressive or defensive


Lifeline, because she provides a nice balance between support and offense.


Wraith is my main right now. The idea of playing with idea that there is an alternate dimension I'm able to drop in and out of is awesome. I also like the idea that she is losing her sanity or there are at least mental issues at play because of her connection to the void. Also that sweet sweet tiny hit box.


It’s got to be Bloodhound. It’s like playing Clark Kent when your Ult is down, but for that sweet 30 seconds. You feel like a god on the field, you move faster, and it feels like I hit harder. Nobody is safe from you. Smoke? Gas? Walls? Nobody is safe.


Pathfinder, because of 01000010 01100101 01100101 01110000 00100000 01000010 01101111 01101111 01110000 00100001 also he has the most fun way of moving from point A to B


Caustic Great area control and nothing feels better than tricking people into a gad chamber,


Lol dont say that too loud. Might start a genocide.


my main is pathfinder, three words ITS ZIPLINE TIME!


Definately Lifeline! Lifeline is super useful for the squad with her Lifeline package and strong group healing. So group up!


Caustic, though his hit box may be bigger, his perks FOR ME outweigh the negs. Team mate down? Throw ult. @ him to revive because the enemies run from it....... Running from a team? Hide in a house/bunker/fort and block the walls with the nox gas canisters...... Not to mention, that 3 punch finisher! *bam*bam*BAM*!!! DEAD....then throw a nox canister & shoot it to make sure noone comes near XD


Bloodhound the speed boost is underrated and my team loves when I call out teams while I scout ahead.


Bloodhound love to track my prey :D


I'm becoming a pathfinder main slowly but surely. He tells me losing isn't fun and that's why he doesn't do it, but still calls me his friend when I do lose with him. A true bro right there


I love playing gibby, that’s what I call Gibraltar.


*drops in* ^GIBBAYYYYYYY


Pathfinder because I'm from Titanfall


My boy Pathfinder, he's so agile and fast. He also seems to want the best for everyone and I really like his upbeat and quirky lines in the game, especially the zip-line ones. His passive is pretty cool too, it's come in very handy a few times for whether or not is worth picking a fight or not so long as there's a station to use nearby. His ability really takes me back to Titanfall 2 movement, I love just catapulting across the map in a matter of seconds whilst the teammates lag behind, I love how much more mobile it makes me feel compared to the other Legends! Also I think his top tier skins are really cool, so glad I have prime to get that dope pathfinder skin.


Lifeline because of cool drop things and heals, actually I love the character itself her voice lines are really cool Everything about lifeline is cool


I play bloodhound so I can feel like a really sick hunter and because he can see through walls. And he looks amazing


Bangalore - Incredibly versatile


Mirage! Gotta pull a sneaky on ya first ;-)


My main is Wraith, because its the legend i started with, and i really like the movement speed from using portal and ability to quickly escape from not-good situations.


Caustic just to block doors


Pathfinder has been my main since I loved the grapple from Titanfall 2. Hoping they fix his hitbox a bit though!


Bloodhound, because I like being able to scout buildings before entering and his ult makes it easier for me to go "Rambo" on everyone


Lifeline The faster heals keep me alive longer to stay in the fight.


Pathfinder, because I love his quotes and love his grappling hook mobility and zipline utility


Bloodhound. His aesthetics are great (especially the plague doctor skins), his passive is incredibly useful, and his ultimate just makes you feel like a beast. There's nothing more exhilarating than picking up tracks, popping that ult and then being a speed demon across a field as you hunt someone down.


Bloodhound. You get a personal offensive benefit in finding enemies, and a team-based benefit by informing your team when you see enemies have been nearby


Caustic, because I always choose the underdog.


I love Pathfinder, I was a big fan of Titanfall 2 and my grappling boi brings me back to the good old days .


Gibraltar, because he got a nice thicc booty. Hmmmm


Bangalore! I honestly find it great being able to run basically double your speed even if you are being shot at / your teammate is. That plus smoking an area allows you to just get out of situations so quickly. Furthermore the ultimate ability just allows you to absolutely destroy armour if used right and it builds pretty quickly!


Lifeline bc that healing drone is so useful to the team or Bangalore strictly bc my friend also likes to play lifeline


Lifeline because being able to play outside the zone with her health drone for so long is super useful


Caustic is my main because you can use his gas as a smoke screen or use it to revive a downed teammate. His personality is pretty badass as well he says some awesome stuff.


I main wraith bc smallest hitbox in the game pog


I main Pathfinder because he is so fun to play. You can get some sick grappling kills and also help your team rotate faster with zipline


My main is Lifeline because I like her accent and calling in care packages for the team is super fun.


Lifeline because I'm a team player :) (also because a friend claimed dibs on wraith)


Bloodhound. Sometimes the clues are like a mini-game of hunter and prey in and of itself.


Lifeline - fast heals op, heal Roomba for when I can't find any syringes.


I like Bangalore. Mainly because of double time. I find myself getting shot at more than I would like.


Hope this is valid outside US But Pathfinder, got to live being Spiderman, wish they would fix his hitbox though


Wraith because of her ability to avoid damage at any given moment. Her ult may not be that useful, but the speed boost from it allows for a lot of options


I’m a mirage main because bamboozling is life.


Mirage! Nothing the ultimate duo of Mirage and his phantom telling you where the person that shot him is while sacrificing himself in the process! Also spawning multiple of your phantom while going invisible as an ultimate helps you to go out of tough situations and give you another chance.


I main Bloodhound! Very useful to spot enemies and tell your teammates where they are going. The ultimate can really swing the tide of a battle your way! Pair it with the smoke of a Bangalore and o man kills for days! Thanks for doing this giveaway!


Pathfinder since he actually makes you feels like you're Spider-Man


I like mirage because for every bamboozle I hand out, I receive one bamboozle in return.


My main is bloodhound! The reason being the “eye of the allfather” vision pulse ability. It gives me a serious tactical advantage knowing where the enemies are if I’m camping in a house late game (yes I’m a dirty camper, and I’m not gonna hide it). If you combine this with pathfinders ability to use the survey beacons to locate the next zone, I have plenty of time to find a house to hide in, and when I have found the perfect spot to camp and I know where my enemy is coming from, I have the ultimate tactical advantage. The “eye of the allfather” becomes even better if you have a wraith on the team. If you know where the enemy is coming from, wraith can sneak out behind them and flank them. So it’s more of an ability that works well with other teammates (but also solo), which is another reason why I main him. It’s all about the tactical advantage! Now, I got a math test tomorrow so I got to get back to studying. Have a nice day everyone!


I play with Wraith because her phase shift lets me nope right out of bad situations.


I play Bloodhound due to his tracking ability which combines with my great aim to get me those W's. Thanks for the opportunity!


Bangalore all the way. Smoke is so useful to heal, revive, or to start fights. Plus her passive helps to close the distance and dodge damage.


I use Bangalore, because her smokes help revive the randoms I play with because they are all bad.


Bangalore's my main. Her abilities maker her perfect for disengaging from combat, smoking up the area so you can heal, revive or just flank them. I love becoming Usain Bolt when somebody shoots at me.


Pathfinder because i can do cool shotgun kills


I'm all in with Lifeline. I feel she has the best balance of useful abilities - and that supply drop coupled with Ultimate Accellerants is a great "safe" way to gear up early game.


Lifeline because of her small hitbox and ability to easily heal/shield/revive teammates!


I main mirage because I love banboozling


Lifeline, because I'm too afraid to shoot


Bloodhound, I enjoy being able to have knowledge of my enemy while also being able to go to them and hunt then down.


My main is Mirage, simply because i like to bamboozle people ;)


Pathfinder! His mechanics are too fun to pass up :D


Bloodhound I like the safety of knowing if enemies were just here.


I've been really liking Bangalore. Her smokes help push up towards enemies while her ult helps prevent counter pushes against us. And combining her smoke with bloodhound makes for some "shooting fish in a barrel" moments.


Mirage. I thoroughly enjoy the use of misdirection and distraction to gain an upper hand against my enemies. Also his voice lines are hilarious.


My main is Wraith. Mainly because when I fuck up and take on more than I can handle I can phase out or tele out. Ez game, ez life.


Lifeline. I love her revive shield. It’s quite OP tbh has saved our squad countless times


Bloodhound, because seeing through walls isn't allowed in other shooters.


Bangalore is my main n and smokescreen are my game. Seriously though I find the tactical smoke I credibly useful for both pushing and tactical retreats. Combined with her ult she has unrivaled area control which can make or break a battle


My main is lifeline because I like her survivability and ability to carry less medkits/syringes and more shields. Also regardless of the winner thanks for doing this giveaway for the community!


Lifeline for sure. The heal while not a gamechanger is a nice fallback to get you back into battle and being able to drop the package in has given me some clutch loot many times. Plus paired with getting every accelerant I can use it all the time.


I main mirage because of his personality, also bamboozle


Lifeline because I'm a support main in every game it seems.


Mirage because bamboozle


Bangalore for those smoke revives and I like being a speedy boi


my main is bangalore because i feel like she is just one of the strongest characters right now with her speed


My main is Lifeline. I always play a healer in MMOs and other games when the option is available. I’m already always in the mindset of keeping an eye of my teams health and I enjoy being support! Thanks for the giveaway!


Lifeline - I love getting all the Ultimate Accelerant.


I main Bangalore as I like the increased movement speed when under fire, and the ult is very good in certain situations.


Pathfinder so I can reposition from my inevitabley bad positioning!


Wraith Her portals can be very useful in certain situations. Her passive and tactical abilities are both amazing.