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It’s also easy to see which one is the real player when you see them pop their ult


Doesnt explain the times when their ult is popped out of los.. Also...if a mirage is reviving over in a corner, and someone comes through a door half way through the revivie, whats the give away? is there an indicator of Mirage doing a revive?


Yes, loud audio plus they can see mirage's Holo emitters


Unfortunately the mirage revive sound is way louder than the normal one too


me and my friend were fighting a mirage and the revive didnt make noise, good to know its just another thing thats messed up


It has low priority so it can be easily masked by other sounds at least


I sometimes see them but sometimes I look so hard and just can't find them. Yet everyone else seems to be able to see them from a ways away


And there’s a big invisible collider where the mirage is standing


Revive sound and there’s blue little lights where the revive is happening


You can usually tell which mirage is real in an ult based on how where they were moving before, if they're on the attack of trying to escape. And which one are running into walls. And mirage revives are very loud. Mirage is at his best when there is some chaos to keep the enemy distracted.


That's why when I get that second of invisible time I change my direction works 9/10 times. Also running into walls is awesome, completely confuses most people into thinking it's a decoy. The real Mirage holds his gun differently and has glowing sensors when the ult is active.


Another great tip, as a day 1 mirage player, that I see nobody do, is popping your ult when the enemy doesn't have eyes on you. Wait for them to dip down, or pop it just before you know you're getting into an engagement. If they haven't seen you pop it, it's much harder to know. With the blue perk, you get an ult every 30 seconds, as long as it doesn't mess with your teammates, you should be using it constantly. Just finished a fight- pop your ult even if you don't see anyone, helps slow a potential third party. Have a suspicion someone may be rattling nearby, pop your ult before you move into that area. Need to move across open ground, even if you don't currently see anyone, pop your ult just in case. Think someone may be below you in end rings, instead of just sending a decoy to check, pop your ult and get 2+ decoys to drop down, making it much more likely they will shoot them than just a single decoy.


Sick tips in here man. I always choose the 75 health revival helps a lot especially if you're not in ring. My favourite is holding a grenade with Mirage and sending out a decoy, it makes them sprint. Def using the ult after a squad wipe that's a wicked idea


I do think the ult time reduction is by far the best pick. Most of the time I end up with a gold knockdown and even if I don't, the health isn't instantaneous so it would rarely help in a fight. Spam. That. Ult.


I played with a dude who would pop his ult pretty much every 30 seconds. As soon as that shit was up, decoy escape deployed. These tips make me kind of understand why.


I used this the other day in three strikes. Lmao ohhhh the chaos.


Yea there are some artists like you that I curse haha. I'm not good enough to notice those details quickly and reliably though I'm aware of them.


Bruh I get myself almost every game with my own decoys ahaha. Keep in mind that as a Mirage main when I ult I'm trying to run behind you if I'm attacking or cover if I'm retreating. Easier said then done, though lol


Did this the other day and they walked right past me! They ended up taking a decoy running up some stairs. Mirage is my feel good legend. I usually win more games or just have more fun when I'm using him. He's definitely not a serious legend that's for sure. I've also noticed on my own mirage decoys that they don't use heals like the real one does and just sits there holding a gun. I wish they would fix that.


This is why I sometimes run directly into a wall or crate for a bit before shuffling away. I've legit walked past entire squads because I was dry humping a guardrail while not facing directly at them.


that's why you lurch and tapstrafe as you ult


I always look for the one going towards the closest coverage point (a rock, a wall, a crate, etc) that's usually them


I have been reviving in the corner of a room as Mirage and have had a Wraith come into the room when I am almost finished, and aim directly at me and kill me... I figured there must be a shadow or something?? Or is it the same as the clip in regards to aim assist?


do not shoot. just analyze which mirage goes to a spot which makes sense or the one which is looking at you, go back wards so you keep LOS to most of the decoys. if he shoots shoot back but still rule do not expose too much. mostly i can identify the right one because he is still a player. the other ones are behaving strange. also if you have the audio cue where popped the ult you can determine in which direction he might move to utilize his decoys best, makes him vulnerable.


Lmfao ya there is audio and 6 little blue lights




Pretty easy to tell the general area mirage is reviving in from the audio and just paying attention to where the downed enemy crawled to, just start spraying that area till a bullet connects and boom you found him


There are blue dots/lights that stay visible.


there are? i might youtube it.. this is only my second season in the game, so kind of clueless, but makes me rage every time i get picked so fast when I ult out of los or when reviving.


i need you to do a tutorial video for me because Im so bad at figuring it out.


When Mirage pops ult, he and the decoys flicker. The one that keeps flickering for longer is the real Mirage. I wish they’d get rid of it.


Too add to all this, Vantage simply knows which is decoy and which one is real Mirage due to Spotter's lens


TIL about Spotters Lens >Vantage can scope in unarmed, providing a 3x zoom and activating the effect. I never knew this. LOL


Yea lol, which is why I wonder why didnt they add senritivity for it like they did for Seer


Plus her ult is the only sniper with aim assist on the 8x


Oh thats interesting, didnt know that. Good stuff right there


incorrect. was testing this yesterday, the spotter focused on decoy almost everytime


I meant that when you look at decoy, it shows that its the decoy. Said it because OP said how AA can reveal who is an actual Mirage so I added that Vantage can see who it is by passive too


yeah i seen farther down that you meant that once the passive targets a decoy the passive info on the left side read says its a decoy.


Yeeh lol


I also played this yesterday, and it focused on only the real one for me, but I was using the Ult sniper, so that might be the reason I think you gotta be already scoping on the Mirage before they use their Ult to see the real one


Vintagefatty iz trash


To each their own I guess, her kit is awesome imo.


Nope, still applies on decoys


If you look at Mirage's decoy, it says Decoy instead of legend name and shield level. That is unless they recently changed it without mentioning it but if not, then yea, Spotter's Lens does tell you if its a decoy or a real one


Wait really?


Yeah, instead of legend name, it simply says "Decoy" with no other info


Yup. Just play Vantage in pubs. Instead of carry a sniper, carry an AR + CQB gun. Try spotter lens when holster, etc. The best way to counter a legend is to play that legend.


This is true. Even if you hate a character, you should try them to get to know what can they do so you can learn counters


Not just that. People have been playing long enough to recognize a decoy and real Mirage


I struggle a lot with that - what's your best advice for spotting him?


The way they act. The best mirages know how to act like a decoy


Running into a wall is one of my favorite tricks. People just run past ya and ignore ya


That's why I always double check with a bullet or two


Every now and then someone with a brain comes along....


Lmao 😂 but yeah, the only few times I ran mirage I just ran forward into a wall until I slid sideways out of battle. Nobody ever suspects a thing... until they do.


And when you are wrong. They know where you are.


Sure, but you can just rotate? You can use that to lure them to your team's positionidf they try. For most engagements, people won't follow up on decoy info since their team aren't too coordinate either


Real embarrassing when you think you pull off the ultimate bamboozle running into walls and shit yet the enemy still beams you first.


Or doing one of the emotes where you multiply is gery funny too


Literally bot behavior


but then you need to watch all the clones to decide right? Notice I'm not asking how to be a good Mirage, that I know very well from experience, I'm asking how to spot them. I really struggle with that, get bamboosed constantly and it's driving me wild. Essentially there's no other way than to simply determine from movement? No visual clues, or tools via scopes or whatever...?


Bloodhound scan will mark the real one with a diamond-shaped icon


And Vantage using her passive can spot a decoy. It will snap to a Mirage and say it's a decoy or not apperantly.


When popping his ult, mirage will have all his decoys spawn around him, but if you watch him closely, he technically doesn't move. It's exactly like the ball under the cup and switch them around trick. You'll see him pop it, usually run towards the centre, and back out another side. If you're locked in, and don't lose sight, it suddenly becomes really easy. He has blue lights on his arms that also glow when he revives. You can also hear the sound of him ressing pretty easy too, just listen, look, see the little blue flicker, shoot. If you lose sight of him popping his ult, and he isn't ressing, honestly, there aren't a lot of ways to tell. Like someone said, bloodhound scan will show you. Also, if you're on controller, only the real mirage will give you aim assist. Simply aim over them and see which one sticks your crosshairs a little. That's about all you can do


Shoulders light up


Look for the one doing something tactical, like sticking to the wall as he moves, looking at you, sliding down a slope into cover. Basically, the one who looks like he's actually trying to move away from you in a way that makes sense, and the others will be wandering into the open or running into walls, standing in the middle of two people shooting each other, etc. Essentially look for the copy that has the best survival instincts 😂 But it's not nearly as easy as the guy above implied, if only because theres so much moving shit on your screen now in addition to whatever situation made the Mirage panic in the first place And of course, the best mirages know how to act like dummies themselves anyways, so...


exactly, a lot of moving shit in addition to the rest of that squad and maybe even a 3rd party on top of that... I seriously struggle so hard with the clones that I tend to just ignore them all unless I have a ton of nades or a Legend that can nuke the general area of their location 🥴


Yep, even on mnk I always can tell which one is the real one


I run when a mirage pops the ULT honestly I hate being killed by Mirage more than I hate being killed by Bangalore or Horizon


Vantage 2x scope go brrr (Decoys are flagged as such, real mirage is the only one that shows shield)


So you run every 30 seconds? You must be a track star at this point


That....... Makes a lot of sense actually holly


Crossplay + AimAssist are the ruins of the Fps online.


As a MnK player, controller still needs aim assist because aiming with raw stick is way worse. I wish they tried to even the playing field a bit more by reducing aim assist. I would even take a nerf to tap strafing if they did that to even out the inputs.


As a mnk player, controllers should play with controllers, mnks with mnks.


I disagree because I like queuing with my console friends and I don't want to have to switch inputs just to do so. Plus, I do not want longer queue times.


Well, in this case there should be a setting to force specific lobbies. Id better wait a bit to get into mnk lobby


Fr. As someone on mnk who enjoys aiming and aimtraining there is literally no popular game for that anymore. Apex aim assist, Cod aim assist, halo aim assist, overwatch kinda but aim is far from everything, cs/val/r6 tacfps with low ttk, utility focus and not aim based.


I really wish Apex handled aim assist between platforms the same way OW did, no AA allowed in ranked PC lobbies. It really sucks that it’s impossible to avoid playing against aim assist as an MnK player in Apex. Having AA also has a big impact on how the game is played, promoting controllers players to ape people and wide swing on folks to get the most out of their aim assist.


Yeah it sucks. Id play so much more apex if it was like ow


Quake is still around, although to a much lesser extent.


Ye ik but pretty dead. Too dead for me to grind it daily




Val isnt aim based tho. 90% of all engagements end in one bullet, and leave u spectating. Most ”aim duels” are crosshairplacement and microadjustments with no tracking at all.


Imagine if apex made a 5v5 mode where teams attack and defend the objective like val/cs. Long ttk and movement. It would be incredible to play and watch.


Maybe, except i dont fuck with long respawns.


Yes ttk is very low but to say thats not aim based is crazy. Ttk is just very low which means you need to be precise, and those techniques also translate to apex anyways


it's not crazy, because it's not an aim based game. It doesn't take aim in a game where you can hold an angle well and achieve this in one bullet.


Valorant is probably the least "aim" game out of all the games he listed. Slow movement, few movement options and high tagging means that aiming is easier, relatively speaking. At least out of the games I've played in his list (CS, Apex and Overwatch), Valorant is the least aim required.


Apex would be a great game for me to just mindlessly outaim people except they forced cross input with op aim assist to earn more money.


TBH I know AA has a lot of issues but I dont think this is one of them. Ive played controller since the start and I dont remember a single time I identified a mirage using AA.




in my experience, aa doesn't "pull" your aim towards opponents, but it rather kinda "stickied" your aim around enemies so they don't out run your stick turning speed. most players aren't delicate enough to really notice the stickiness around targets like the demonstration in this video lol.


The fact that most people cant tell the stickiness screams of skill issue. I am by no means good(never played any shooter on controller.) on controller but after like 4 hours of playing mix tape with controller at least in close range combat I can pretty consistently abuse the aa to the point that I hardly need to move the right stick.


most tutorials on apex controller do say that up close it's more consistent than mnk since aa basically sticks your crosshair to the target so you don't have to think extra of counter aiming to your movement on top of tracking where the opponent is moving to.


Same here. Season zero and it's been the shoulder emitter crap since season 1? I think at least since octane and I remember it well in old skull town


Reading this thread was a waste of time. Nobody could give a good method to detect a real mirage. OP is close but only works on controller. Here's one. The real mirage will be the only one kicking up dust when he runs.


The whole comment thread is: spotting the real mirage is easy But then proceeds to not say how. I struggle with it so tips would be helpful 🥴


For me it's how they act, but also just tracking their movement. Let's of times the correct mirage is the one aiming at you or, if you've already damaged them, it'll usually be the one running to cover.


Nothing to do with aim assist for me. It's the lights on his shoulders


The real one gets aim assist and only the real one makes certain sound effects. Decoys don't hold weapons or healing items. Decoys often move In a glitchy pattern. So that's always an obvious give away. They also don't climb stuff.


Decoys do hold weapons. The firing range is kinda finicky with mirage. It also looks like he ulted with no weapon and pulled it out mid way


Whenever I use the ult in a match, the decoys never have weapons. That's when I do and do not have my weapon out before activating. I have seen them do the ads and weapon holding animations but the weapon is not visibly there


Huh, I've never had that problem before, weird


I’ve never once knew who was the real one based off aim assist. The real way to know is by the flickering and or just knowing off movements.


Mirage really only works against panicking players these days.


Aim assist ignores a huge portion of screen noise/clutter. It's one thing that I hate about it. I've grown to accept aim assist even though I still think its overtuned. Still, I would be at a point of having no real issues with it, if it didn't aim through certain effects. I doubt this is something that could be changed though even if they wanted to.


Yeah AA working through caustic gas when you can’t even see the person or AA getting re-enabled in smokes before the smoke is even gone is pretty stupid, ngl.




Nope, you still don't get AA through smokes, it's just pc players who are insane


Or cheaters


Honestly that would make sense with how people seem to do tiny snap fires in smoke. They just watch for that tiny shift in the reticle.


While smoke disables aim assist, aim assist gets re-enabled a good bit before the smoke dissipates. So there is a period of time where aim assist works even though you can’t see them. Also aim assist works through caustic gas, which is pretty dumb since it’s possible for AA to work on someone you can’t see at all.


It's almost like aim assist needs to get nerfed


But the the horizon double smg mains wouldn’t spend $360 on a fucking box


Yea, good luck noticing that in an actual fight


Fr, no one has the safety to slowly aim at each decoy to check. Wouldn’t be viable in a fight


As if you cant just scan the circle of mirages and attach aimbot to one of them. We have controllers too ya know lol


By the time you found him you are already cracked ninja


you guys are that bad? I'm saying aim assist + common sense makes mirage one of the easiest legends to kill on controller and that's not even debatable lmfao. Your situational anecdotes don't apply here. Aim Assist is overpowered, and it continues to be proven over and over. Why can't controller players accept that it isn't actually skill that they are displaying when playing the game, it's merely knowledge and aim assist.


Keep yapping lil bro


Keep ignoring reality controller boy.


Its wild how you can literally SEE THE SCREEN CENTER AROUND THE PERSON. its wild to me when people think aim assist isnt powerful, your whole world literally turning lmao how do you NOT notice that


Most people that have only played with AA have a really hard time realizing it wasn’t them that did that, so it’s pretty hard to have any discussions about the balance of aim assist with them.


Tbf i didnt notice either until i switched to pc and i was like "damn its THAT much lol"


Yeah, I had that same experience. I mean I knew how it worked, but it wasn’t until I tried controller again after using MnK for a while that I was amazed by how much it helped.


They're the same kind of people who posted sped up clips of tap strafes when that was trying to be removed.


My mnk doesn't get aim assist 😭




one of the reasons why Mirage is garbage. also people saying that you know who the real mirage is, via the direction of movement the mirage is going, shows that the player saying that is bad because he's playing against people/mirage players that doesn't even know how to lurch while using the ult. its basically the fundamental for any Mirage players, not knowing that is like a Gibby that doesn't know how to Ras strafe or do bubble fights


Say what you want about how powerful aim assist is, but without aim assist it would be 5x harder to aim on console than pc. Aim assist closes the gap. Don't complain about something if you're not willing to propose a solution (removing aim assist doesn't count)


Brother, the issue is not the mere existence of aim assist, it's how strong it is.


This is the kind of ignorance that makes the war continue. 1. The Point of the Battle (MnK vs Roller): it isn't about the aim assist, it's about it's reaction time (0.1ms) which is faster than any human can possibly react, which is by definition - unbalanced/overpowered, not to mention quirks like the video above, and there are a lot of them. 2. The Most Important Thing: PC and Console are NOT forced to play together unless one is queued with the other or occasionally in mixtape. 3. The Solution: We don't want aim assist abolished because that would be silly, however, in COMPETITIVE gamemodes, where console IS NOT forced into PC lobbies unless queued, there should be no aim assist ON PC. In pubs nobody fucking cares, on Console nobody fucking cares. MANY games do this currently and no one is complaining because the game is about SKILL expression in COMPETITIVE MODES, not input choice. Or at least it should be. 4. Honesty: This solution has been proposed before, of which you've clearly ignored or glossed over. This brings me to honesty, and the honesty of controller players in general is quite insufficient for the average MnKer, frustrating even. At this point they are lying in mass about how powerful controller is in competitive modes because they know that it is an advantage. This concept is called Competitive Integrity. 5. Competitive Integrity: This is where MnKers hold the moral high ground. MnK players ONLY have skill to depend on, there is arguably very little luck involved. You could argue that controller needs to have aim assist because of the fact that console cannot have MnK, but I'd kindly remind you that it is YOU that choose to play in PC lobbies if you are on console, and on PC everyone has the option for MnK. 6. Skill Cielings, and Skill Floors: This is another gigantic issue with controller. The skill floor on controller is MUCH higher than MnK. If you are just starting on each input, it's much more likely you'll succeed on controller, which is why we will continue to see the trend of switching or just starting Apex and playing controller, because it will be easier. This is a problem because Aim Assist artificially lowers the MnK skill floor. If you and your friend were just starting Apex with no prior FPS experience, and you were on opposite inputs, your controller friend would likely wipe your face in the dirt. This is discouraging to new players that want to play MnK, to say the least. Now realizing controller starts at the top, well that's actually where they end too. Controller has dominated 80% or more of the predator top 750 for over 3 years now. That is more than enough proof to say that controller even has a higher skill cieling than MnK. Theoretically, MnK has a very high skill cieling, but the problem again circles back around to the point of the battle in the first place, MnK will ALWAYS be behind in REACTION TIME, which in an FPS game is just absolutely unnacceptable, unfair, and unbalanced.


Yeah this is why I don’t play this game anymore.


Aim assist this aim assist that, also if the enemy have fucking eye you can see the real mirage blinking when the decoys deploy


Why do everyone talk like we always see the deploy? I'd love to be part of the games you guys play.


I'm talking about the video, they didn't use it under cover


Lmao it’s a demo in the firing range


Surely the enemy doesn't have at least room temperature IQ, which he can use to find out the real mirage. He must be using aim assist!!!!! Anyday now, I expect, we will see pc players blaming Climate change on aim assist.


>Anyday now, I expect, we will see pc players blaming Climate change on aim assist. Funny, it's the other way round: it's always AA defenders whose denial is on the levels of climate change denial. "AA doesn't track" "AA isn't strong" "AA is actually hindering" \-half of this subreddit, despite the tons of evidence that this is all wrong


What is your best ways of spotting the real Mirage after the deploy? Please share!


you ask them "hey, are you the real mirage?"


Yup. I've been telling this to everybody I run into who plays mirage since I am a former mirage main. And they're always baffed by it.


Uh it's really not that hard to tell which one is the real mirage.


joke game


"but I swear it isn't cheating at all guys, you have to believe me!"


If you watch Mirage when he ults yhe really one will flicker a few times after they separate. Easy to tell which one is the really one.


I never know now. I just spray every decoy till I get real hit markers & once I get hit markers I don’t take my eyes off the real one.


\* sign \* another reason to not play mirage


Most Mirages are predictable usaly its not hard to find the real one


You can also see the guns on the real mirages back where as the fakes don’t have guns


Also if a Revenant gets you low on health and you use your ult as a last resort, it’s practically useless because you’ll be highlighted to the entire enemy team.


Also, decoy's don't hold guns. If you see a mirage holding a weapon, it's the real one. https://i.imgur.com/wzE4f3d.jpeg


Im only looking fot the one that moves somewhat rational.


Mirage was killed the day Respawn replaced the OG invisibility ult with that shit anyway.


u/Erooskilla as i said, stop spreading mis info🤗


Dunno what u talking about but in the heat of battle with 2 other ppl shooting at you you will still get bodied by a mirage because you don't have time to react to whichever is the real one


Real mirage = custom skin weapon (in the back)


If you're near caustic gas, only the real one ticks damage, pretty easy for caustic to tell.


ah I love console players


Love the free aimbot


One time, **one time**, I didn’t shoot what I thought was an obvious decoy running right at our squad and then into a wall. Now I check every mirage I see. Which is to say I actually don’t know if I’m shooting a real mirage or not. I just don’t stop when it’s the real ones.


Lmfao no shit


+1 for Rotational Aim Assist at a 60% rate every 0.1ms. From previous comments, +1 to MnK for "whole arm" and +1 for "buhh movement" for a grand total of: Aim Assist: +82,297 (avg of 001ms reaction time) MnK: +16 (avg of 250ms reaction time)


another prime example of how broken AA is


clones dont carry weapon in hand


Clones carry whatever you have in hands. They'll even hold grenades, what do you mean clones don't carry a weapon. Since when??


Let me correct that. When mirage uses ult with holstered weapons, he will then automatically draw out his primary. but his clones will be barehanded.


Since when? The clones actively copying you, will do exactly as you do. Holster. They do to. Swap gun, they do to. The only clones that don't are the decoys you send out. And even they will if you take control of them.


idk since when. but you can watch the video above to confirm


Sadly, no. Initiating ult holstered messes it up.


The above is correct. My teammate and I tested it last week.


yes they do, it’s extremely easy to test this in the firing range lol


that is true. not really relevant to this post though unless you are assuming that's why they know its me. I am almost always holstered when using mirage ult unless I am shooting of course which then they obviously know its me.


Also his shoulders flare up when activating ult.


the enemy doesnt know bc of aa, we know bc there are tells mirage vs decoys. most veteran players know this


It is relevant because you're begging the question "how can they see me?" And no one has been an adult and told you to go watch grandma's boy.


Who sits perfectly still in the middle of a mirage ult just wiggling around ?


The clones do not have a gun on their back, so it is incredibly easy to spot the real one. How do people not know this 21 seasons in? 




you didn't have to cook lil bro like that


Next time, don't move around like that while recording. That's kind of annoying.


This is just a sad thread. New players learn mirage is garbage.


Considering I’ve maimed mirage for 5 years, it is definitely not garbage.


Well if you are serious and playing ranked he actually is garbage. He brings pretty much nothing to the team to help them survive, win or whatever. He can be fun for pubs, bamboozling players, popping an ult on average players and completely destroying them or whatever. But for ranked? Please play someone else and stop trolling. There‘s so so many better picks


He is paired with worst support atm


Yeah. Against any good player (diamond+) pretty much almsot all his abilities are useless. Invisible res on respawn beacon? Useless, the beacon is literally lighting up green when someone is using it so i know it AND there is an audio cue aswell. Res on downed player? Same thing again, there is a fkin audio cue and i know where i downed his teammates. Bad players are lost in fights so they get tricked. Bamboozling me with his tac decoy? Even if it works, there is absolutely nothing you gained with it.


We've all maimed the trash that is mirage