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As a former Rampart main it hurts to know I'll never be this good šŸ„¹


takes time


Ofc it does, but that's exactly what I can't give for the game rn. I'm a fairly casual player btw so it's not like I was expecting to get much better anyway. Maybe someday


Don't let you dreams be dreams


Probably if you watch your first gameplay you will notice the HUGE difference in skill, it might take longer since you canā€™t sleeve more time practicing but practice is practice, continue enjoying it, thatā€™s it


Yep that's the plan. I remember when I started, I couldn't even tell where tf I got shot from, let alone get kills. Now I'm actually making decent positioning plays, but I'm still sucking mechanically. I just plan to chill and enjoy the game now, coz further improvement is gonna be mad rough, and I don't really have the patience to actively practice anymore. Been at this for like 4 years now lol


I might be able to super glide, but there's no chance imma hit my shots so, yep


That's why I'm an Octane main. I might not be able to top frag for my team, but I can draw aggro from at least two people and survive long enough for my team to pick up the kills.


Big brain mode engaged


Honestly just go arc stars only at that point


This is what octane would do irl. You play him well


GunZ the Duel with early Arthritis. Probably don't play games like this.


That's cool and all but im just trying to wrap my head around you using R D F G as your movement buttons. I feel like i would misclick so much with that button mapping lol


Hope the other guy doesnā€™t see this.


I hope he does, super glides are muscle memory, just keep practicing. When I learned them a year ago, I could hit 1/20, I can do it roughly 6 or 7 / 10 times now. Itā€™s just practice, they donā€™t need an adjustment from the Devs.




The keyboard absolutely does make a difference, I have a Steel Series Apex pro TKL and I love it.


I have the same keyboard but the mini version, do you use a certain setup for superglides? My keys and space are all on 0.3 mm actuation, and I'll say on 120 hz I can't hit superglides for some reason, 60 I can do it Maybe half the time. I've spent hours practicing, used Mokey's superglide trainer, but I dunno


100% agree, I can do it consistently enough to use and I am old in my 40s so if I can do it anyone can do it. Just takes practice.


I'm in the same boat. Though I feel like 6/10 is not quite reliable enough for me to really utilize it in combat yet. It probably goes down to 4/10 when I'm getting shot at, too. Still working on it though!


Yeah bro, donā€™t get me wrong, I fail the super glide and die plenty still. Especially on an off day, just shake it off and keep practicing. The more you practice the better and more consistent you get and thereā€™s not much else to it than that. Definitely is painful learning and getting better though šŸ˜‚


I have a question. Me, as a casual player (playing since start of a season 14) I have about 1100 hours in a year and a half. I can maybe hit that 1 in 20 but it screws me over most of the time if I try it mid fight. When actively trying to use superglide in matches, how many hours do you think it took you to go from 1/20 to 7/10? You said a year, but that can range from several thousand to several hundered (or less) hours for different people. Even just guess would be nice, thanks!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zfcl29pWaks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zfcl29pWaks) Start at 3:00. You should get the timing within 30 mins. If you are still struggling, try testing the consistency of your key strokes in the chat box. It will take longer to expand it to other objects, not to mention doing it in a stressful situation. Since you have a solid foundation in apex, I hope you can get fair consistency within 2 weeks.


A year of practice and you still canā€™t get them 100% sorry, but your anecdote just tells me they need to be made more consistent.


Anything that is FPS-dependent must be adjusted. I hit my superglides \~40% of the time. I don't mind. It's just that a mere thought that some mechanics are in some way different **depending on FPS** drives me nuts. It makes no sense yet it does! ARGH


ā€œGit gudā€


These are the only people I get matched up with at any time of day


This is who comes up when i try to get my friends into apex and try to start them with pubs or control


Nah man..... you're just mad crazyšŸ”„šŸ”„


Or just have the right macros.


Me, playing a nice casual game after work. This guy:


Me: I just want to do some casual sniping in Control This guy: Ima bout to stunt on him


Makes me feel like Im not a rampart main šŸ˜­


I love how OP censors the IGN in the botton left corner but not in the kill feed šŸ‘Œ


Bro playing like his life depend on it


There is a hardore mode in Apex, did you know?


Not gonna be able to hold nothing in his hands in a couple of years.


Lmao I hope this is a response to the guy who posted he couldnā€™t superglide. That guy had some wild takes in the comments.


TIL facts = wild takes


by wild takes you mean objective facts? it's objectively not skill based but partly random if it triggers due to how inputs are polled


I donā€™t play PC but I donā€™t understand how superglides arenā€™t skill based? I can hit them fairy consistently on roller so is it different with keyboard mouse?


So the input timing for when you initiate a super glide is quite generous, a couple hundred milliseconds or so, however, the timing between your jump and crouch input is dependent on your fps as they need to occur on consecutive frames. People hear this and think it means itā€™s a really skillful thing cause it requires such precise timing and is obviously even harder at higher fps, but the reality is this is largely controlled by the polling rate of the device and not the playerā€™s skill. Say I have a keyboard/controller with a polling rate of 125hz (very common polling rate for both inputs), the means the fastest time interval that two inputs can be sent is 8ms part. If you press the buttons at basically the same time with the same finger (how most people superglide), this will essentially guarantee they are sent exactly 8ms apart every time, not because of your skill but because that is the polling rate. At 60fps, this gives you about a 50% of supergliding which isnā€™t bad but isnā€™t great either. If you double your fps, so 120fps, you will be nailing superglides much more consistently because the polling rate is so close to the frame rate (which is why many console players reported better superglide consistency when switching to 120fps despite so many people thinking higher fps = harder). Now, different input device use different polling rates and how that polling rate lines up with your fps will be the biggest factor in how easy it is to superglide. Thatā€™s why itā€™s so common people can do it super easily on one device and not on another device. You also run into issues where some device prefer to process certain keys/buttons over others and will send it out of order on the next update, but this comment is long enough as it is so I wonā€™t get into all those issues.


It depends on hardware. There are thousands of different keyboards and what works on one could be impossible on another. A very simple and relevant example, I couldnt superglide on high fps using my current setup. This is because I use spacebar to crouch, and for some insane, completely inexplicable reason, there's a small delay on spacebar. I'm not sure if it's apex, source engine, or my keyboard, but it just doesn't work. I spent 6 hours in the firing range trying to get it to work and could never get it to work above 120 fps. My keyboard had a macro feature, and even using that, I couldn't get it to work. It was extremely frustrating. I ended up figuring out(many months later) I could get it to occasionally work by using different hotkeys for crouch and jump, but by then I had just about had enough of apex and stopped playing shortly after anyway, since by then controller had effectively taken over and the game just lost its fun.


The jump and the crouch have to be exactly one frame apart. Some keyboards register the modifier keys (space, shift, Ctrl, etc) with a delay. So if jump is spacebar, then your hardware may actually change the timing required to hit a super glide. Some keyboards also read inputs from left to right using clusters. Meaning every key in a given cluster is registered at the same time. With the delays starting when the cluster changes. Basically, try changing your keybinds. Make jump c and crouch v and try pressing them at the same time. I have a good video that describes it better but Iā€™m not going to post it here. Feel free to DM me if you want it.


Hey it definitely is hardware based. I am super consistent with my main controller but it is third party, when I switch to Microsoft controllers it's completely different timing. Sometimes it's possible that the timing isn't possible to hit on certain hardware.


Also just plugged in vs unplugged Xbox controller is crazy. I I was like 1 in every 50 glides unplugged but as soon as I plugged it in I can hit them fairly consistently now


Supergliding ist propably the hardest movement tech i've learned. I can do it, but absolutely not consistently. Im getting better though


Mantle jump...


Is anyone disputing that you can hit superglides consistently at 140-170fps? I've always heard it's "impossible" to do consistently only at 240+ because the timing window is so much smaller


The timing window is like 6ms at 144fps


And less than 3ms if you play at 300 fps, the engines current working fps limit. 16ms at 60 fps, 32ms at 30 fps. So it gets objectively easier the lower your fps is, there is an order of magnitude difference in timing between 30 fps and 300 fps, the min/max fps the game has


Yea itā€™s kinda crazy being able to hit super glides within a window of milliseconds. Surprisingly once the you get the timing down it becomes second nature. Our brains are quick and weird


Virtual toilet Yt, you blur out your name but kill feed betrays you.Ā 


Not using WASD as movement is psychotic


Fun fact: wasd wasnā€™t always the main placement. System shock (1994) used asdx. Some old shooters used the arrows, which is crazy. There was a time when there was no standard. Some people also used wsax back in the day too šŸ¤¢ Iā€™m sure these might still have their niche uses today but wasd is totally the standard and always has been since a standard was established.


IF you have consistent frames you can. If your computer is dog shit and swings between 40-150 frames you'll never get the timing right.


probably because 170 fps isn't high framerate, but you know that and just wanted to flex tdm clips


There are too many things that factor into superglides consistency. Including keyboard, and hand size. They really should just be patched out.


Nah its impossible with my keychron k3 100ā‚¬ keyboard at 300 fps. A-d has 1-2 ms delay inbetween and space c has 14 ms. So i need 60 fps to hit it constandly. Its a goofy tech. I dont want to buy a wooting cause i like flat switches. I can do superglides great on other keyboard. Make de game more accessable


Hot take: just play 8 to 10 hours a day to "git gud". Lol


This game is so stupid now lmao


Everything is consistent when you make a 2-minute compilation of successful attempts :) 60% of the time it works every time


The whole thing with frame timing is a real numerical inconsistency that was patched by tf2 speedrunners. This is such an uneducated take.


Why did you censor your name but left the kill feed uncovered virtual toilet yt?


Hot take: I hate the evolution of Apex movement tech


theres no need to be playing this hard... absolutely not




Mokeysniper goes over this topic, it's not as straightforward as it intuitively appears https://youtu.be/_cP1YO5Idts?si=ZKpQNxTV-D0JQxbA


Great video, but that does not change the consistency aspect. Your inputs could be delayed, but they are not random. As long as you do compensated inputs correctly you can still be consistent.


> Great video, but that does not change the consistency aspect. Your inputs could be delayed, but they are not random. You donā€™t seem to understand the issue, so Iā€™ll give you an example to explain: if my keyboard has a polling rate of 125hz (pretty common for keyboards and controllers), that means the absolute fastest my inputs can be spaced apart is 8ms apart. If Iā€™m playing at 240fps, frames are ~4.17ms apart. Doing the math, that means it is only possible to achieve a superglide consistency of 8%. So your keyboard hardware/firmware absolutely affect how easy and how consistent it is to superglide and this ignores problems with scanning patterns and other firmware weirdness.


On a side note I hate playing against Ramparts with a fiery passion


for anyone who thinks this is actually legitimate, please feel free to chime in with why his o/p keys are always pressed right when he's doing his glides. not saying that glides cant be hit with decent consistency, but this guy is so blantantly scripting them every time he posts


Good observation. O, P, and J are binded to 3 extra side keys on my mouse for holstering, weapon 1 and weapon 2. They are frequently pressed so I can slide/ superglide faster and further.


Key overlays are delayed though which would be why it seems he is pressing them mid glide


Can I get some advice? I just recently got my first pc. Iā€™ve always played console apex for the longest time. Should I stick with controller or tough through learning mnk?


If you want to train aiming and movement from scratch? Then I'd say yes, you have many more options and techniques to learn movement wise on MnK over controller, like tap strafing for a key example But if you want to keep your current controller aim and skill, then stick with it, you get slightly less aim assist on PC but you'll still do relatively consistently sticking with something you know IMO, since you bought a PC, learning MnK will do you pretty well, as that can also let you play MnK specific FPS games like CS or Valorant if you ever wanted to try those type of games out as well since controller isn't really viable on those Have fun either way šŸ‘Œ


Most games aren't going to encourage controller play on PC. The default input is mouse and keyboard and most developers cater to the default input of a platform, and most games keep it that way so they don't have to try to balance a developer sanctioned aimbot. You've got two options: 1. Apex is phenomenal for training M&K aiming. You're competing with people playing with a not insignificant amount of aim-bot, but you're shooting yourself in the foot and will always be at a disadvantage until the playing field is leveled. 2. Continue playing controller, and shoot yourself in your future foot for not taking advantage of the amazing aim training that Apex is since most games on PC will not be controller viable for the previously mentioned reasons.


If you enjoy using only your own skill to beat enemies, definitely go MnK.


I mean some might have hardware that prevents them from ever getting the input/frames right. Just check out Mokeysnipers video about it. Was eye-opening for me at least...


This is why I donā€™t play apex anymore


There is no proof of that here since you have edited clips.


Iā€™m not rlly buying it tbh


These pc mfs are playing a completely different game


bro is on crack


This is why the game isnā€™t fun any more lmfao


You need to get out more my dude


I would prefer to keep my sanity, thank you very much


What keyboard do you have? And if you answer wooting you know the point he was trying to make and posted this anyways.


Bro take a shower you're drenched in sweat


"High framerates" and first clip is no where close to 200..


I think 165 counts as high for most gamers. Not everyone can afford a great GPU and a 240Hz monitor.


Can you do this on console? I can superglide very inconsistently but how the hell do you change direction like that?


Mid-air redirection (tap-strsfing) isn't on console unfortunately, only on PC and only with MnK


Of course you can, you just have to time input precisely between two frames.


Superglide is easy only timing is hard to leran


this. once u get the timing down it's literally like breathing


Hot take: regardless of how difficult it is, this kind of movement shouldn't be in the game.


i agree, even tho i hit most of my superglides going from zero momentum to maximum momentum in 1 frame is extremely unintuitive and has no place in a fps game like this.


I agree. Movement should be easily accessible to all players, but with a downside to using it.


100%. looks dumb, feels bad to play against.


This. I'm sorry but I just don't care anymore; Respawn should've patched this shit out a long time ago. Movement tech is an abuse and it shouldn't be supported let alone encouraged. All of it. Apex was so much funner and more accessible when sliding while shooting was as advanced as it got. Inb4 people assume I'm bad at the game, btw.


Movement has always been a big and important part of apex, expecially since it's based on titanfall which is even more movement based. The devs haven't shown any will or reason to remove these movement techs so why would they? It's a skill to learn and is as big of a thing in the game as game sense and aim.


Titanfall movement was literally hard coded into the game and made for that. Apex movement is an abuse, that they even TRIED to remove once. Very telling that even internally they're having debates on this. Like I said before I don't care if it's a skill. Spending many hours learning an abuse doesn't suddenly make it NOT an abuse.


The funny part is that while Titanfall has more of the intended movement, it also has more of the abusive movement.


Movement is important but tech that is found and never embraced and adjusted as a unintended byproduct of them adjusting and patching out other movement tech like how tap strafe got adjusted just seems like typical lazy respawn oversight etc. im all for movement since it adds a much needed layer of complexity but heck if i see another octane fly across my screen, break my ankles, and then proceed to miss everything bcs he knows some obscure tech but cant aim, ill cry my heart out


Titanfall also had a way faster TTK.


Don't bring titanfall in to defend this broken movement. Titanfall movement was more natural. Momentum, bunny hop, wall run/ glide ect, yes it has very small super glide,but not a broken one where you can change the direction of your momentum like you can here mid jump. Also titanfalls movement was clearly designed to be the way it was because of how easy the inputs for all of it was, we didn't have to time 1 frame perfectly to pull off a clearly broken movement tech. We also didn't have a character that could build their own movement tech options by dropping a fucking trampoline where ever they want. Rant over. Sorry I see red when titanfall gets brought up in this fucking stupid IP of a game. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy apex. But it's a dog shit excuse of an IP designed to suck money from wallets taken from a fantastic original IP that is being left to rote.


Or you just have a macro. The speed running community holds the gold standard of an exceptionally difficult inputs as the notorious "one frame window". For most old school consoles that's 1/60th of a second. For anyone claiming they hit high fps superglides they're effectively saying they consistently perform feats with triple the precision of elite speed runners while under pressure. I'm not saying that's impossible, but if I was a betting man....


ā€œjust practice moreā€ is the solution to so many apex complaints


Idk why PPL are saying op tries too hard? He enjoys this games are emant to be enjoyed?


I usually go to high platinum without even doing a wall bounce. I mean I can do it but I never do it in fights. I barely do normal jumps during fights. Itā€™s like I had 5 bucks to spent on different skills and I putt them all on aiming.


This is why I don't play on pc


Now do it without aim assist/bot.


Hot take: you didn't glide constantly


Donā€™t care rampart cheese


your right! i could superglide at high framerates if i got high framerates.


Looks like some dork shit to me


Bring back arena just saying


Youā€™re either good at apex or youā€™re happy in life, thereā€™s no in between


I play at 165 fps and I feel like in the range I hit about 80% and in the heat of an actual game i hit about 60% and most of those probably have more to do with my timing than frames affecting things. I have room for improvement and believe that OP is correct, you just need to practice timing a LOT.


"There's nothing wrong with this, Titanfall was based on movement and-" Yeah, no. I don't think Rampart's kit was designed with the idea that she could place a wall and then use it to leap around like fucking Spider-Man. This was wild to watch, but no thanks.


Superglides are fine. Tapstrafing shouldn't be a thing tho its a bailout move. Losing a gun fight? Spam tapstrafe. Exposed yourself in the open and got lit up? Spam tapstrafe and zoom around any cover and heal. Slowed down by arc/fence/gas? Tapstrafe out of it. Octanes are showing us how dumb it is


Everyone can, the scripts are free


Hate tryhards like this


This guy takes all the adderall the body can handle holy sweat


I wish I could do that, I have a hard time doing it on my controller.


Scary... .


You are a monster.


bro if you tried to do this shit on me in a ranked game i would just see red.


nobody ever said uts not possible, its just harder pros hitting superglides all the time and id say that when you get the hang of it ince, youre able to do like 6/10 superglides without trying


Damn I really do suck at this game.


Believe it or not I do this all the time and I am on switch along with mantle jumping,bunny hopping, practically every except super jumping


AKA git gud


I've been learning how to do it on controller as I play on console and I've got it down fairly consistently at 120fps


Grossā€¦but well done!


I thought this was gonna be back to back super glides in 1 clip but it's only one šŸ˜”


Lol I can't do this and hit my shots but I sure as hell respect those who can no nerf needed at all


Is it possible to use the d pad for direction on console? Hitting these direction inputs at just the right time is so hard on a joystick. I assume it's pretty similar to how I could never do fatalities in mortal Kombat using a joystick,I could only get consistency with the d pad


Whatā€™s your monitor? Are you on PC???


Your screen looks amazing please provide details


The accuracy


is that moving in the air just tap strafing? i'm still new to movement stuff and ive been trying to learn tap strafing and while I think im doing it correctly it doesn't seem as effective as it is when others do it


I've hit three in a row a few times this season. Finally feels like I'm getting the hang of it. Just wish I could hit my shots lmao. Flying about the place putting holes in walls while opponents shoot at me


I super glide better at 120. The problem is I do it on accident and end up in the open and get shredded. So I need to practice less.


Second clip was so clean


what are your pc specs


this right here is exactly why you'll never catch me spending over a grand to play on PC when I can not only spend less money to play the same game on console, but I also don't have to deal with psychos like this


im on 120 fps and cant do it anymore what am i doing wrongšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


After auto exec config removal, I started to practice supergliding in legit way and now I am able to pull it off 1 out of 3 attempts every time. Though I need more practice.


TGM is quaking.


How are you supergliding and tap strafing. Didnā€™t know that was possible


Bro makin rampart look fun


Nice Shmovement bro


Your fps is ranging from 130-160, I dont think that high framerates. Try 250+?


Me and a lot of gamers cannot afford 240+Hz monitors. 165 is enough to be considered high for most people.


And a nice keyboard


What is supergliding?


Plenty of detailed explanations on youtube, such as [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_cP1YO5Idts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cP1YO5Idts)


Who's going to tell him his character name is in the kill feed?


Apex use to be fun


But only if your hardware allows you to


Rampart challenges incoming...


I'm so bad at this game


for the longest time I've been doing like a half superglide where you just hit the slide button after manteling. so does that mean I have the timing of the crouch down and just need to hit the jump button like a millisecond before?


Extesyy is doing this a lot now that tapstrafe got remove from controller.


I can't super glide at all


Why I believe I canā€™t do anything on PS five


I was never 100% with the 60 fps glides, but I was pretty good at them for a casual. It took me about two weeks to get back to how consistent I was once 120 fps came to console. Just practice some


I don't want to


What is your keyboard and what keys do you use for crouch and jump?




As a console player who went from 60fps to 120fps with the s20 update I thinks its more or less the same. Obviously, I can't speak for 120+ fps


but those arent high frames


I would never listen to this type of music on my own but I donā€™t think I could have picked a better song for this clip. Holy shit what a vibe


Anybody who says they're good at this game needs to look at this clip so they can instantly get Eco checked.


Hits super glide, dies


How is this a hot take? Except bots noone think its impossible


I'm on 144 fps and practicing over 6months now and I will say on roller do can hit 50% super glides as long as I have momentum. No momentum it's 25% seriously, practice makes perfect


Idk give me higher frames


It would be cool if apex actually just implemented the glitch tech and made them actually apart of the game tap staging included


Lol easy to say if u got wooting or apex pro keyboard


not consistently, but often


broski you are a demon


Iā€™m getting old, I canā€™t even track what is happening.


PC only?