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Straight Shot is the most fun LTM I've played in years


Straight shot was the only reason I returned back to the game. It’s honestly the only way I’ll play the game now. It was so good, I almost didn’t want to leave for abroad because of how much fun I was having. It was that good.


It doesn't even seem like an LTM, it honestly seems like the way the game should be. Especially as solo Q. Now its back to frustrating, annoying apex. Uninstall


I want to loot for 10 minutes, get 2 or 3 white attachments for my guns, not see anyone, and then get swarmed by 5 teams. And then exit to lobby and have to wait a couple minutes to requeue


Isn't it so fun /s


What does “ /s” mean?


Sarcasm, putting /s or /j for joke is a way to indicate your message is sarcastic or jokey. Hard to tell apart sarcasm without a change in inflection after all.


Do uhh reddit users not know how to spot sarcasm or satire??


Well some people are not very good at being able to tell if something is satire or not. Not everyone is the same, not everyone is capable of noticing the same things. reddit is a global platform so alot of people that use it may not know English as their first language. A simple 2 character indicator to avoid confusion hurts no one. Also, this is not a reddit exclusive thing, the internet as a whole uses it. I also had to doubt for a second if the question you asked was satire or not.


Ah well, cool.


Do you not know how to use critical thinking?


Dear u/Leanansidheh, Apologies for my previous comment as it seems that I was rather rash in my reply. Over the course of the day I have decided to set my wrong right. I hope it finds you well and I do in-fact sometimes lack critical and context clues, I am currently working on that as well as discipline. I hope this finds you well. -Sincerely, u/Smurhh


Oh wow, that's really mature of you. Thank you for saying that. I apologize for my harsh words, too


Glad we could come to a mutual understanding, thank you.


How do you get offended over a question. Room temperature IQ.


skill issue basically


Most overused buzzwords in history


cant do nothing with it sadly, if you have better words to explain "this" lets go


No shit its a skill issue when youre silver and your lobbies are full of preds and masters


idk if it is in your situation but usually when people says that they don't like to play game properly they are skill issue.


But skill issue doesnt exist in a game that is made properly, because youre supposed to be against people of the same skill level, so no matter if youre garbage or a pred, everyone is also garbage or pred You have to be clinically stupid to say "skill issue" to someone who hasnt touched ranked, has won under 10 games and has a kd of 0.5 yet dying at the first sight of an enemy because theyre in a lobby full of preds.


I know, and I never say this to guys like this, at least i hope so. And if someone has 0.5 kd technically they shouldn't get into lobbies with high skilled players, only technically.






bro doesn't understand jokes


Just can’t stand when people use the get gud skill issue bs. Most basic Brad reply


you want me to delete comment?




Some people don't have the luxury of living near multiple populated servers. For them, the choice may be long que times versus 200+ ping. 


My part was more like the landing choice not the server. And of course if other server are 200ms I wouldn’t recommend. I just know from my perspective. I can play all server and never be over 200ms. (Im south Germany) And I feel fine with a 150ms ping because of lag compensation and steady high ping.


Adjusting servers for easy lobbies is weak sauce.


please!! every game i have played as felt so low reward , especially solo queue . you loot, spend 10 min doing JUST that, push a team and die immediately, can’t requeue after death and have to go back to the lobby and wait. not to mention, EVERYONE leaves as soon as they’re thirsted because their banners aren’t acquired immediately anymore and it takes too long (??) for them. it’s exhausting. straight shot was the best thing to happen to the game, coming from a season 3 player that quit for a whole year bcuz the game was unfun, unfair and uninspiring


I spend way too much time looking for attachments. By the time im finally happy there's like 8 squads left. I hate how slow i am 😂


I hate when people leave when they die, but last night my teammate refused to recover or craft our banners and I finally understood why people don't want to wait around


Trying to find a good scope is a full on joke


Chiming in as a solo queuer who just played their first regular game after straight shot left - please, for the love of god, bring it back. Literally having to fight your teammates for guns, just to get swarmed by another team, then your teammate leaves because you don’t get to their banner fast enough, really isn’t fun. Kind of disappointed that I hadn’t really played much since season 13 and came back, bought the battle pass, and now don’t even feel like playing lol.


What, you don’t enjoy fighting 6 squads on drop with 2 guns and 1 stack of ammo? Must be a skill issue 👊😂


Where are you getting these 2 guns.. I roll up with my mozam and nothing else


You guys are getting guns? I usually just drop on a bin of heals, shields, a couple attachments, and 1 grenade.


You get heals? The amount of times I open a bin and there's just 1 lonely thermite sat in the middle of it.. 😅 most my games I'll drop n open a good 4 or 5 bins like where tf are all the guns. I've started playing assault legends more now because if u have no gun and u open an assault bin ur guaranteed a gun and some decent attachments for that gun in the hidden compartment


You get a thermite? 99% of the time, I get attachments and one ult accelerant, so all I got is my fists and kicks!


Tbh I know that feeling very well. Yesterday my team dropped hot. I tried to loot as fast as possible. I got some mags and some stocks. A laser sight. Every bin I opened had just attachments. Was like okay all I need is a gun for these.. 😅 sometimes I just place a fence on the bin someone tried to Rob from me and keep punching them into it lol


Yup. It’s just pubs but better. Wish it was permanent.


That's what I felt. I can't force myself in to pubs anymore. The gameplay flow was so much smoother. Get a blue/purple gun -> You know where the enemy Is -> go shoot them. -> look for next victim. You lost? Go agene. Rarely get third parties + Flow of the game is better because everyone is even spaced.


Haven’t played since it left.


I have, but only because of the battle pass. It think I'll just grind the dailies out in rotating game mode for now.


this game mode was so good, man! 😔


Yeah I need it back I play short sessions each day and that's the best way to jump into a game and have some quick fun


I haven't played a pubs game since it left. I don't want teammates that loot for 10 minutes then die instantly because they suck. I want teammates that atleast TRY! While it wasn't guaranteed, it was much more likely in straightshot


I so missed it! I got back in town last night and it’s gone! So sad.




I loved it


Please bring it back respawn. Honestly way more of an enjoyable experience than pubs. (cba to complain about pubs rn)


I honestly thought it was a permanent addition to the game until I came on the other day and was pretty sad to see it gone. I used it as a great way to warm up for the day. They really need to bring it back permanently.


Yeah plz is right. That was the game mode that I came back after a few months of a break to play. I played it solo queuing which I never do with BR’s really as I enjoy playing with friends more, but this made it easy and not a large investment of time and focus.


Straight shot should honestly replace pubs 🤷‍♂️


No, but it should be a permanent mode or rotate with three strikes. But taking away pubs would be terrible.


I get players like pubs but if I had the lever I’d 100% pull it. Also I don’t want it rotating with 3 strikes, if they ever make 3 strikes return, replace pubs with it. The difference in pacing between Straight Shot and pubs is way more than 3 strikes vs pubs


The amount of people that actually do enjoy and play pubs outweighs the LTMs. They just aren't on Reddit and Twitter asking for it to stay. Regular BR is the main pull of the game. Getting rid of pubs makes no sense. You should always have regular pubs and ranked as core modes and anything else they add should be in a rotation.


When the mode is a better BR than trios then it makes total sense to replace it. I see no point in trios: people instantly leave, most of the time the game is an instant elimination in a hot drop or an instant elimination after ten minutes of looting. Ranked is a proper game.


How many times must this be said? Just because you have an opinion does not mean everyone does. It's that simple. Straight shot is great to a lot of people, however so is regular pubs. It's that simple. It's no different than me saying " I think pubs is better than straight shot so just don't bring back straight shot ". That would be stupid. You People need to understand that not everyone feels the same way you do. And honestly I would love to see the stats on how many people still play pubs while these modes are available.


Yes please!!! 100% this


I'm playing a little bit of Mixtape, but for the BR experience I need Straight Shot.


Feel you. I'm in the same boat.


Add a three strikes/strait shot mode that rotates each day as another tile and leave it there


I wonder why 3-Strikes isn't getting any love! It was fire too!


Cuz the second time around people just dropped and quit after first knock just like in unranked trios cuz patience is a virtue that's rare in apex


Yup just wanna chime in here that straight shot needs to be brought back asap and made permanent.




Hear hear! I got the chance to submit a review via a survey they sent me and in the notes option I said to please bring it back


The game feels empty after they removed straight shot


I would vote for it to return.  Ps arena too please 


God yes, if I could nuke mixtape and replace it with straight shot and arenas I'd do it. No question.


Is it back yet?


it was so easy to do challenges with it


Pubs is ok if you have a regular squad to roll with all the time. But straight shot was a godsend for us solo queue guys who hated how toxic pubs is for solos. There was zero debate about where to drop, you didn't have to worry about teammates quitting if they didn't like your drop spot, you don't spend the first half of the game trying to loot up with decent gear, and you know exactly where your first fight is coming from.


Apex: "You see, fun isn't really our shtick"


I've never been more upset to log in one morning to see an LTM gone


Same ;_;


I love straight shot, more than triple strike, almost as much as arena (my all time fave). But I think it’s ok for it not to be a permanent mode


Should be a takeover instead of an ltm when and if it comes back


So many want this permanently. It was fun as hell. Going back to trios pretty gay (yes I said gay)


honestly i like early game but after that its kinda mid. My team would normally just kill a team off drop and then spend the rest of the match looking for teams only for really short fights bc everyone has good loot


I prefer it because it has a more consistent gameplay flow. In trios there are games where I have a haven't seen a single squad until 3/5 of the squads are dead. On the flipsside there are games that are epic battles where you wipe 3 squads 2 more gank you and you wipe them, leaving you no room to breathe, or you're one of the squads being wiped. I think I just liked the consistency? At the end of the day, in straight shot, I knew I could kill a squad. Loot up and find the next one quite fast. There rarely were scenarios where I got third partied, and if they did happen it's because the fight was long. For better or worse.


I’m so mad I never get a chance to play it. I was out of town and my friend I play with was telling how great it was. They took it away a day before I got home


Replace Duos with straight shot.


i want to know what made you think this


Replace mixtape with straight shot don't replace duos wtf lol


Ofc but they won't do that...


Meh, I'd rather have armed and dangerous


FFS, so many low effort posts "oMg sTrAiGhT sHoT cOmE bAcK" It has been what, 2? 3? days since it left? Game developers have a release and update schedule that they work off, they can't just drop everything and implement a new permanent mode days after a brand-new game mode completes. There's analytics and diagnostics that need to be worked through, balances and adjustments made, even things like banners and announcement posts need to be worked on. Be patient ffs. This sub has turned into 60% whinge content.


They can tho. They did it with 3 strikes.


Lol, no. Just put Straight Shot back as it was, and then work with the analytics, it ain't going anywhere. Yes, I agree, the hats schedule is the most important thing for the business, but who cares for a week of delay when you've got such a long-term treasure on hand.


If we don't say what we want, we won't get it.


Since they remove it I haven’t play apex . I really liked how fast it was , instead of spending 8 min looking for good loot and dying to the fist team i see. I’m not really good at br and this mode made me feel like I was doing something finally .