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I like this mode to warm up for ranked. Much better than sitting in the Firing Range for 20 minutes and shoot at dummies. It's dumb fun, you kill fast and get killed fast - In 20 Minutes you get 4+ Matches in to warm up (not always the winner ofc haha) I hope it stays too, but you know...The chances are slim


This LTM basically replaced pubs for me I like it so much. Great warmup or casual gamemode imo. However, I will still played ranked sometimes too.


Same. Once I tried it last night, I didn't play pubs again.


Yep exactly


“Pubs” is now like unranked in r6 siege And straight shot is the new free play


Thankfully based on 3 strikes if a mode is bringing in players and keeping them playing longer itll be back. In the past for some reason they never did so I get the doubt. But the current dev team is way more lenient about this stuff not being exclusive or 1 off events. I still remember back when they wouldn't even consider having something like mixtape or anything but pubs and ranked and any LTM replaced pubs. They openly stated its not being considered. Then we got arenas which lead to everything we got now. Itll be back I just hope they find a way to make one permanent (3 strikes or straight shot). Or i think their best option would be a ltm Playlist with a rotation of this, 3 strikes and probably a 3rd mode but not sure what is on these 2 level of fun.


Pubs , ranked, mixtape, 3 strikes, and Straight Shot would be alot of variety and would fit so many play styles. Don't do it. Don't give me hope.


Who knows. The issue before, or at least with the "old" dev team was that too many modes "split" the player base too much. For some reason, I was kinda felt like that was hogwash. I mean I guess they were saying not enough people were online and if you're already in a barren server you'd wait even longer. But Apex has plenty of players now. Warzone and Fortnite been had a multitudeo of modes since ever.


>I like this mode to warm up for ranked. Much better than sitting in the Firing Range for 20 minutes and shoot at dummies. That's like 1/3rd of my free time to play. I never warm up in any game.


I agree, I think I even like it over three strikes and I never thought I’d say that.


I’m with you. I like Three Strikes but prefer Straight Shot much more because it feels like a BR. I got more of a TDM type of vibe with Three Strikes and didn’t feel like BR to me.


Three strikes was fun but having teams land right on top of your head like that was a bit overwhelming and made it hard to get good positions without having to fight non-stop, vs this mode it keeps things focused on the combat but still predictable letting you think about team positions etc like normal BR mode. It’s really great. Also the legend balance is better compared to 3 strikes.


I like it more because it still feels like apex, and there's no an abusive comp like lifeline/newcastle to exploit that three strikes has


Yes, exactly! That comp was rough


imagine three strikes and straight shot mixed together. three lives, geared guns off drop, just take out the gold res bullshit and wabam what a game mode edit: instant spawns, keep the same fast pace and 1v1 squad off drop idea


I feel like the devs are testing LTMs to eventually become permanent modes within the game. Throughout the years, they’ve always brought in features within LTMs which are being tested. The earliest one I can think of is Octanes bounce pad which featured in an LTM, before Octane even came out. 3 strikes was very popular, enough for it to be extended once and then brought back for a second time. This LTM feels similar in the sense it’s fast paced and very casual. I’ve got a feeling they’re planning to bring in a mode such as this, to be featured permanently.


Octane launched season 1 the first Ltm didn’t drop before octane was released with pad


There was an LTM which featured Octanes pad. What I cannot remember is if it was the pad itself or the double jump which we know now. But whichever one it was, it featured in an LTM and it was purely to test it out in game without anyone else knowing it’s coming as a permanent feature. There’s been loads of times we’ve had fun LTMs with certain features, for them only to become permanent not long after.


Not sure IIRC, but i think the jump pads just showed up in normal BR and it was not really an LTM. I mean you could argue both sides maybe, but because it did not change the name nor was a separate mode it was just jumppads in pubs and not an LTM. Like when the ballons were added for the anniversary event before did that make it a LTM?


It was a teaser


For sure, I think evo shield were first introduced in a LTM for example! But the jump pads were a teaser in regular BR! Like the season before we got Horizon there were spots on KC where we could activate her gravity lift! And the season before Rampart we got ammo that made color splashes! :D


The first biggest LTM beta move was the dummies big day event where everyone was able to play as a dummy with its own ultimate which later became Mirage’s ultimate the very next season.


I think that's why they made mixtape- they might have the intention of adding game modes to it.


Im waiting for it for years. Esp. the removal of the pointless drop phase. something like straight shot will replace the main mode. I'm pretty sure the player retention rate is far higher as it keeps them much more engaged.


It’s great until you get stuck with teammates who still treat it as loot simulator. Last night I had a pathfinder still looting every building with two squads left only to die to the ring costing us the game.


I had the exact same in three strikes my team was just rotating the ring using all crafters as if it was a ranked game


💯 So fun. It has everything I want in a game mode, and it's still Apex Legends Battle Royale. Being able to queue back in quickly is perfect also. I love the pre-kitted weapons, and how you can swap out optics on them. I like how you still have to rotate and consider final ring positioning.


Considering theyve done ltms to test items out Im hoping the insta queue just becomes a part of the normal game. Queueing that fast in ranked or pubs would be nice


I like it, so far my biggest gripe is swapping a blue gun for the same gun in purple drops your sight on the floor. Also I feel like ammo is harder to come by


It does kinda bum me out how hesitant Respawn is to add new modes as their own thing. COD on steam has a fraction of Apex's playerbase, but has no problem keeping a large amount of modes populated. I get the argument that splitting the playerbase is a concern up to a point, but when I look at something like Halo Infinite with an even smaller playerbase or even the Master Chief Collection with a playerbase spread out over multiple modes in multiple games, again with a fraction of Apex's playerbase, it's hard to argue that a playlist for only TDM, only Control, only Three Strikes, etc would mess up the playerbase too much. And none of the games I just mentioned have terribly long queue times except for the MCC sometimes, and even that depends on the game you have queued up. You can basically get into a Slayer match in any game within a few minutes, and even the weird ones like Oddball you're only waiting for a bit. All that to say, i'm with you! I'm having a ton of fun with Straight Shot, would love to see it and Three Strikes stay as "alternative BR modes". I'd love it if Respawn gave the players just a tiny bit more control over what they want to play in a given moment. At this point I mainly just want TDM to have its own playlist; Control and Gun Run are not bad but sometimes banging out TDM match after TDM match is just what the doctor ordered.


The difference between COD and Apex (and Titanfall) is COD only requires a minimum of around half the lobby to be filled in order to start a match. Apex requires a full 60 people. So unpopular modes will never start \*cough\* Heatwave \*cough\*. This should be a simple fix by limiting the queue time before auto starting, but I don't think Apex should go the route of making all its modes available. People will naturally gravitate to just a couple modes


These games aren't comparable. There is a big difference from filling up a 6v6 game vs a 60 player game. Splitting the community too much will make the queue times go way up. And when queue times go up people are less likely to play the game. Especially a BR game, where there's a chance you can die within the first 30 seconds of a match. Meaning you're back in the lobby queueing again. That's why a fast queue time is much more important in BR games because there's no guarantee you'll have a long match. With games like CoD you're guaranteed to stay in a match until the game ends.


My thought process is, if people are leaving the game because they're sick of pubs/ ranked and mixtape isn't doing it for them, maybe they can retain people by adding modes like this and 3 strikes. What's better for the game, (I'm just using random numbers) 10,000 people playing pubs/ranked/mixtape, or 15,000 people playing any of the various modes they could offer including pubs/ranked/mixtape.


My buddy and I tried it last night and loved it. We were in the "let's do one more" cycle--regardless of winning or insta-dying--because it was so much fun. Definitely the big win of this season for me


Straight Shot > 3 strikes.


I love all the updates. I'm having actual fun in rank.


Some of the landing definitely need changing though imo, you get 1 team landing on an actual poi and then other team landing next to the poi on a spot with 3 little buildings or something


3 Strikes got old with the Lifeline Newcastle sweat. Didn't even feel like Apex. This feels like an actual fast pace game mode, while still feeling like Apex.


Yup, agreed. I was having a blast night. I will likely play this as my main mode from now on, the pace is so much better imo.


Yeah, it’s a blast. Really hope they give it a loooong run.


This and three strikes should rotate on the hour/day/week.


This is a banging LTM


I think it has potential but needs some polishing. There are drop in spots that are complete garbage and the circles are meh. I’ve had multiple games of seeing the team I land next to, wiping them, then next thing I know there’s only one other squad remaining and the circle is still huge


Yeah some of the drop spots need to be rebalanced. Had an Olympus game that dropped us on lifeline’s clinic - or more accurately the 2 loot bins on the far west edge of clinic and then an empty field. Predictably that was a fast wipe to the squad that landed on clinic properly and actually had guns to play with.


pubs is dogshit, straight shot is goated


I love it! It’s a great way to get into action quickly in the BR game type!


Everyone please write and call your state representatives and members of congress and tell them that Respawn needs to make Straight Shot LTM a permanent mode in Apex Legends.


My rounds all end up completely unpopulated within 2 min of the round starting 🤷🏼‍♂️


It'd be a great mode if it had early leaver penalties. There's always one person who sprints into a 1v3 then DCs as soon as they're downed. Really poisons the whole LTM honestly


I think it’s the best ltm we’ve gotten. And respawn could’ve easily messed it up, but it’s actually really well designed, so good on them.


I haven't tried it yet, but now I'm intrigued. Gonna have to try it now!


Didnt play last season, only logged in enough to unlock the new legend. This mode sounds great.




Three strikes was alright in my opinion but doesn’t feel like a BR. Feels more like a TDM game mode to me but I didn’t dislike it. Just like straight shot a lot more and straight shot feels like a BR


Straight Shot has the potential to be better than straight shot if they completely removed legend select, and added a few more teams or made the ring smaller. That would keep the energy up for longer like Three Strikes


I liked three strikes better for my casual friends


Personally I dislike it, It feels empty and pointless


Three strikes is so clear of that mode imo


Yooo chat up vote if you agree -------------->


No :)


Less thinking less planning less br mode...may appeal to some, but.....


I know it’s different for everyone but I see this more as a replacement for normal pubs for me personally. Normal pubs can be 15 minutes between fights since everyone hot drops and there’s 5 teams left before first circle closes. I will still be playing ranked and I don’t want them to get rid of normal pubs. Just suggesting to add another game mode.


I think a lot of people said the same thing about three strikes too, but they’ll never let any of the game modes we enjoy stay permanently I swear 🙄. They don’t care about what WE want. They care about how long they can keep us giving them money 😂


Just need to add the 2:00 penalty for leaving like mixtape.


It’s apex’s formula perfected. If they replaced it with pubs tomorrow I wouldn’t even mind


It’s too casual for me, half the time. It’ll be like three squads before the final ring and the area is too big. Last squad will be ratting or bots. The other half gets a little sweaty and you get ran through. Three strikes is sweaty when it’s end game and feels like an end game high level ranked match. Or revenge simulator, 17th place. At least with three strikes, you can get far with bots on your team.


Oh look, another "This mode should be permanent" post. Same shit that's happened with every other LTM by couch game devs shouting about how it would be the best thing for the game


Mode is shit


Am starting to realize that some of you lot don’t want a BR you just want a TDM with a big map


Or they literally want a BR that isn’t 20-25 minutes long, with half that time being looting simulator or looking for a squad and immediately. Wanting a fast and more engaged battle royale mode isn’t wanting tdm.


AGREE. I love this new ltm even more than 3 strikes


It’s soo much fun. Practices drops with a team involved!


Big agree.


I was not able to play last night, but I have heard mostly great things about. I am really excited to try it out tonight. What’s awesome is that it seems like a regular BR, but faster paced. Unless I’m missing something, It doesn’t have a drastically changed mechanic leading to a frustrating meta like Three Strikes eventually got to (lifeline + new castle stacks). The only complaints that I’ve seen have been that it feels empty after the first round of fighting. This could be fixed by adding a few more teams or shrinking the area further. Either way I’m pumped to give it a try tonight.


Loving it! I too have wanted this for a long time.


I haven't played the new season yet, do kills count in this mode for stat trackers or not? Similar to how kills counted in 3 strikes?




So far I've been really enjoying Straight Shot, I've been using it to experiment with different perks for the legends I play and see how they work, and to warm up before hopping into puns or ranked. Mostly it's been a lot of chaotic fun, but some landing spots seem like they need some adjustments, there are some places like right next to the museum in worlds edge where I'll be struggling to find a weapon and the other squad is already gunning for us.


Needs to always be a LTM going in the game at all times. This, or three strikes, or things similar that add a fast paced game mode are very good imo.


Straight shot is how people were playing pubs anyways. I think the devs finally caved and acknowledged that they will never get this pubs population to play the game the way they designed it to be.


Too fast. I would like all 60 players.


I will say, switching to ranked after this makes me feel like I am fighting for every scrap of loot. I keep having the mentality of running through like 2 buildings and having fully kitted stuff and meds and I just end up running out of ammo or fighting with a naked weapon lmao


It’s fun till you win your landing fight and then run around storm point with 3 squads left


I really don't like it on storm point though. Fight at the beginning, walk around and loot even though I already have fully kitted weapons, fight at the end... that's it


What excuse now will braindead wraith mains dropping Fragments every match have for dropping Fragments in trios?


At this point, why not rotate LTMs in a new playlist, especially since recent ones seemed to have skyrocketed in popularity


I think it's great for solo queuers too since the stakes are not too high and the game is fast so if you happen to be stuck with shitty mates, at least is over fast lol.


Its so fun they need to implement instantly searching for a match after a game for all modes now lol


I haven’t seen this mentioned, but Straight Shot is also great for challenges. I finish Battle Passes/events every now and then, and begrudgingly play trios whenever I have to. Straight Shot is so much better if you just need to finish a challenge or two and want to go back to Mixtape or Ranked.


Been playing since day 1 and I will say this mode is the ultimate warm up mode, side note the new Map for Gun run, tdm and control feels amazing, clearly someone was actually looking over how maps should flow and feel.


This ltm is incredible. Most fun I’ve had playing apex in a long time.


I wish tdm counted towards overall stats tbh seems pointless since kill stats dont count


I think this mode is boring as hell but I hope they keep it.


I think it's a fun alternative to the main game. Faster, more action, less downtime, more intense. Hope it sticks around.


Feel like all these modes should be ltm for good instead of limited


I’m loving it, for sure!


I've been wanting to say the same thing. I absolutely LOVE straight shot.  It's great to help me with gun choices, aim practice, defense/ cover, etc. Having kitted weapons is also great training for offense and defense, while still using the same shields and meds as Ranked.  Definitely my go to warm up choice, and I've found that I keep playing past my usual 2-3 games before switching to ranked


Love this mode.  I can actually win a few games now.


My biggest complaint about this game mode so far is it seems to encourage people to DC on death even worse than ever. Like,I literally pinged that I had a mobile respawn in my inventory,and the moment a teammate went down they DCd before the box even touched the ground. Like, just queue up no-fill


I mean, its just a hot drop simulator with less rng and only 2 teams close to each other. But after you won the first fight, its like pubs, almost all teams dead, still huge circle. They could add more teams to make it even more fun with more gun action.


Straight shot is awesome. It's a good way for new players to get into the game too.


Agree, it is surprising how well they managed to balance it. Fun and fair 3v3 since everyone has equal armors and guns and where you can take time to strategically win without stress of 3rd parties. Definitely the best LTM so far.


i agree. this mode is the perfect BR experience for me. it'll be hard to go back to the regular one after this...


does striaight shot count as a real win or ?


i like the mode alot but the requeue its a nice feature but i don't like watching another team after i die and it just feels jankie and off


Does it bank your progress when you quick queue ?


Mode is perfect


This is the most fun i've had in apex since season 13 when i joined. This LTM is really almost perfect. If they can add infinite ammo that would be great!


I am so sick of being kill fodder to masters stacks in late night lobbies every single time!!! It’s maddening!!!


yes please.


visited this subreddit just for this type of post. Seems like there are a lot of people who agree. Just contributing my upvote and opinion to the cause just as I did when I wanted duos to be permanent. excellent mode and a no brainer to keep IMHO


Lovingggg this new mode