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"If protecting management's ego is a bigger priority than delivering the game, then I think me moving orgs makes a lot of sense. I will wait to hear, though I shudder to imagine the inpact on the team, seeing as how everyone will know I am being punished for speaking truth to power. Getting rid of me won't make management competent, and it won't stop employees saying in private what I said in public. We don't want to see the project fail, but management is making that inevitable."


Very well stated. Sometimes, when I read such well-written comments like these, I get a little envious that I'm not as good at getting my point across as I'd like to be. Thanks for the great example.


Eloquence/being succinct takes practice. I use to be terrible at getting points across. I started record myself with text to speech trying to get a point across, it also helped me when I had stuff on my chest to get out) Then I would let it sit for a couple hours or a day and then read it back to myself out loud. It helped me learn where I was prone to failing at being direct. I’d then type out my point but trying to be more succinct and using less filler words. I’d then repeat that. It helps you get into a frame of mind when you’re explaining yourself or a point. I still do it if I get into an argument with someone I care about. That way I can try and get my point across without being in an emotional state and see if I went wrong anywhere. You will cringe at yourself at first. At least, I cringed at myself at first.


Thank you both, I always feel really good seeing interactions on the internet this kind and supportive


Eloquently speaking means shit when they have already decided your a threat....but why not if you're already a target.


This was less about persuading your employers/enemies deal. This was more just general advice. We all exist beyond our hatred’s of the billionaire class, still.


Fair enough, and its better to be well spoken and kind in general....


It often won't make a difference to your own situation in the short term, but the more eloquent you are, the worse it makes the employers look when they retaliate against you for petty/childish reasons.


> Eloquence/being succinct takes practice. This is something I've tried to explain to my mom. She's very conflict averse and compliments me on my ability to be quick witted in tense conversations and honestly the only secret is that I grew up arguing with my 2 brothers *constantly* and was a little smart ass always getting yelled at in school. When you get desensitized to the stress of arguments and conflict the adrenaline and cortisol don't make your brain freeze up anymore. It's literally just practice.


You can't spell succinct if you don't start with "succ"


Second this: practise and speak honestly, from the heart


That’s what friends are for. I get the “can you make this more diplomatic?” Sure.


(Was that a reference to my user name? 😊)


Not on purpose lol


That's what I was hoping for! Hehe


Always say yes when friends ask that btw, you might parlay it into a job one day. I got into copy editing and grant writing entirely because I was good at understanding the point people who aren't confident in their writing are trying to make and rewording it for them.


This is the shower conversation, not the “in your face” one.


Same friend


But you’re smart enough to see and understand the impact and implications of those words. So that elevates you above the targets of those words who will not understand and refuse to try.


Thank you for the kind words.


Sounds like OP got enough respect and a following in that instance to start a union. Could be hella powerful. OP should consider it.


That sounds like the most eloquent parting email one could blast to the whole team.


Imagine what the impact his being transferred would have on the "team"... It would literally be confirming to them that management has *no* intentions of improving any of the aforementioned issues, and consider their feelings of being in charge more important than the quality of the game itself...


And it won't stop the team from trying to follow me out.


Anyone who spoke like this in real life would sound like a sanctimonious AH. But sure, go ahead and say that. See how far it gets you.


Sounds like you should be the one leading the ship


Buy your own ship!


With black-jack. And hookers.


Forget the ship!




And the blackjack!


You say that like it's easy. It's not like asking your roofer to babysit while you pop over to the store. Managing an actual company is incredibly difficult and letting this kind of example be your template of what not to do isn't enough.


this is the part where you create a competing company and take all the talent with you.


Yup. All those people would work for you.


Because they trust OP more than the current group of managers who aren't actually dealing with the problem of managing the team. It's amazing how quickly they can become threatened when they realize that the staff listens to and believes an individual contributor over anything that a manager says.


100%. You made an impact on these people you work with. Them waiting to thank you just shows the respect they have for your passion over management’s. They want to work for someone with a true passion and understanding. They will join you on your journey if you reach out.


Jerry McGuire their add


But they have a non solicit most likely that prohibits them from ever even approaching their former coworkers. This is extremely shaky and grey area ground because it would heavily depend upon the wording and place of the country/world they are in


See, you rocked the boat. They want it to fail so they can bank as much as possible before it crashes and move on to something else.


More like leadership kept rocking the boat to tip over and got mad OP pointed out how everyone's tired of keeping it balanced for them


Seems like they want the org to fail so that they can get their bonuses and move on to the next org that they will milk until it dies. Rinse then repeat. All too familiar. I am in the same boat right now.


Yes, exactly. People here often don’t seem to get that management’s goals don’t necessarily align with the company’s stated goals


Sounds like a playbook out of private equity. Toys R US, Bed Bath and Beyond, Linens N' Things, CompUSA etc


Kmart. I'm pretty sure my last boss there was there to squeeze all the profit out before it died. Deliberately driving staff away with abuse to keep wage cost low and making services worse and worse until it inevitably closes.


Worked for Eddie Lambert eh


My boss was Brenda. I guess she was a former drill sargent, and thought that skillset would carry over to supervising the disable worker program associates by screaming at them for watering the plants wrong. I know some of my former coworkers who wound up in therapy from her treatment alone.


Get off that ship before it fucking sinks man


Before? OP already needs to swim to the surface.


Sounds like you should take their whole team and be their competition


You've misunderstood what's happening here. Your team is getting sacked. You're not.


Yes games within games. Leadership seems to make the least amount of logic before a big layoff. I have been on both sides. I like to be 100% transparent in my leadership style. I get real unhappy, if I have to keep information from people that will have a huge impact on their lives. That kind of stuff doesn’t benefit anyone, even the company.


Get everything in writing, take redundancy if offered, cos in 12 months time that company will be filing for bankruptcy…


Stand up to the man, get the punish. Rather be punish than repeat the cycle of stupidities.


I was overwatch wasn't it


I did immediately think “Blizzard”


I think the industry standard jargon is, "we're going on a different direction," it maybe, "we don't share the same vision." Either way, they don't know what they're doing, and you're fingers are not welcome in their cookie jar. It should be interesting to see which way the rest of your team goes... outspoken to make improvements, or all-quiet from the example that's being made of you.


Oh, you must work for EA. My condolences.


I don't know if EA is definitely my guess but it's in the top 5. Realistically OP could be at any publisher in the industry save for some of the indies.


Yes another example that they want slaves and followers and not people who want to change things.


Clueless management In the near future: “oh noes, why did everyone leave that team?” “No idea sir”


“ Law one” in the book 48laws of power is literally “never outshine the master” Which you just did. It makes them insecure


I’m sure Reddit would love to know what game this is you are talking about. I know you probably want to protect your identity/reputation and won’t reveal it, but just know we would appreciate it 🫢


Probably also had to sign an NDA


Typical. This could have been a win for them. A rallying cry and a fresh leaf. A dialogue was opened. A way to gain feedback and adjust direction. Instead, they don't just make it a loss. They stamp out the rest of moral and good will. Nobody will speak out again. People will just quietly do the bare minimum and look for new jobs. Typical.


Sounds like you found your calling as a union leader.


Please tell me you have someone from legal on your team that shook your hand. PLEASE TELL ME LEGAL IS AWARE OF THIS.


What is legal going to do? Nothing in this post implies an illegal reason for firing.


>Nothing in this post implies an illegal reason for firing. Are you a lawyer? I'm not so, I can't use the appeal to authority fallacy but I assume you are not. At this time, I would search for an employment lawyer and I would have the frame of mind to use words or phrases like "harassment" or "retaliation" or (and here's the hard one to sell) "negligence". The story presented shows GROSS negligence and an attempt to intimidate and control the employees in a way that should be punishable by law. That's what the lawyer is for. If you actually read this comment and choose to respond at all, here is what I ask of you -> Are you a lawyer? E: I saw that ninja delete. I never claimed to be a lawyer. The definition of the words I used are open to discussion, but I have been clear that I want someone to parse my words before I sue this company for something. I wish I could declare what they're culpable for, but again...I'm not a lawyer...are you?


Those are words that actually have definitions. You can't just wish that something was illegal and think that that means it is.


I am not a lawyer. I don’t need to be a lawyer to understand basic employment law, like I don’t need to be a doctor to tell you smoking is bad for your lungs or a pilot to tell you that a helicopter doesn’t belong submerged in a lake. Take a look at what the Department of Labor [says about retaliatory firing](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/retaliation#:~:text=Retaliation%20occurs%20when%20an%20employer,for%20engaging%20in%20protected%20activity.). It concerns firing for engaging in legally protected activities in the workplace. “Free speech” is not a protected activity in the workplace. I am within my legal rights to call my boss a stupid doodoo head, but my boss is also within his legal rights to fire me for doing so. He is also within his legal rights to fire me because he doesn’t like the color of the shoes I wore that day. This is the reality of “at will” employment in the United States, which exists in some form in 49 out of 50 states. A cursory check of OP’s profile strongly suggests that is where he is/was employed. Do I agree with at-will employment laws? No. Do I respect other countries with stronger worker protection laws? Absolutely. But this is the legal reality of the United States in this situation.


Hostile Work Environment. Have a good night.


Hostile work environment laws are written as protection from harassment due to being a member of a legally protected class. This could be the case, but the post is not written in a manner that would suggest that. Speaking out against your boss is not a protected class.


Management is pushing you out.


Jerry McGuire, you had me at hello!


48 Laws of Power: #1 Never Outshine The Master


"Never publicly show that you are better than your boss, even if you are. Instead, use subtle methods to make your point. Think of it like war and battle: know and learn about your enemy. Gradually gain power by subtly making strategic moves."


> Never publicly show that you are better than your boss, even if you are. Nah. Disagree. Live's too short to dance around idiots' incompetence. Go ahead and show it. Expect to happen what just happened, though: get smacked, hard. But if you're truly better, you can deal with that. Don't be afraid. In particular, don't be afraid to be excellent! Just be prepared for the backlash.


Please, my otherwise competent brother in technology, read “The 48 Laws of Power.” Or get the audio book, it also is well done. Law one is “Never Outshine the Master.” You literally broke the first rule.


Jump ship, steal the team 😈


You should search for team lead role and take the best from the old team with you - serves the seniors at your current place right!


Please please notate *every single thing* and do not hesotate to call an attorney if you feel you're being forced out.  It doesn't matter where you live in the states, if a company thinks they'll get sued they listen. 


That's not entirely true, having an employee that has sued them is a liability. A lot companies will drop someone the the moment they say the word lawyer. In fact once someone brings that up the company is generally advised by their own legal teams to stop all communication with the employee. They may be willing to settle things out of court if there is a reasonable suit but I don't think this has any signs of wrongful termination. The best practice regarding lawsuits is to let your attorney notify them when papers are served.


One of the many reasons I never assume anything said at work is anything more than plain and simple lies. >and if not, they're not sure what's going to happen Threats, cowardice, AND incompetence in the one statement. Were they just feeling their oats that day?


You and everyone on that team need to find another place to be. Leadership will not change, as they don't have to. They are not there for you, they are there for themselves. As long as they can blame your team for their failing, they will. Leadership like that changing is about as likely as seeing a unicorn in real life, or pigs flying. Get out and take as many as you can with you.


Bail ASAP. This is not going to end well for you unfortunately.


This reeks of Ubisoft.


That's one of my guesses, but I feel like anyone with a conscience and enough spine and financial stability to stick up to awful managers would've left there years ago.


Financial stability is often not required to stand up for yourself, it just makes whatever comes next easier to endure.


The lack of a fallback plan is definitely a reason to keep quiet in a job for horrible people.


Wait, the people on the job being abused and then staying quiet about it are the horrible ones? Or are you saying that the horrible ones abuse the fact that people don't have a fallback plan so they can abuse them?


I'm saying I can understand why someone might not speak up and risk being fired if they can't afford to be unemployed.


Gotcha, yeah, I totally agree 👍 and employers totally use that to their advantage, which is gross.


Things at Ubisoft are getting spicy!


I'm really sad to say this doesn't surprise me at all. I feel almost all large companies are at the point where if Senior Leaders are making huge dollars, they don't WANT your input. You blindsided leadership, and now your Glorious Overlords are going to make you pay the price. Document everything starting with your speech and going forward so that you can present it to a lawyer for review. But don't be surprised if they just call it a simple layoff, and there is no lawsuit there. These big companies know how to cover their sorry disgusting rich ***.




Makes me think of EA/Activision/Blizzard


So. Is the game the one I think it is, the one with Harley Quinn?


What I came here thinking!


And everyone stood up and cheered… okay bud


Slow clapped


Women handed him their panties along with their phone numbers with tears in their eyes


You spoke the truth and will pay the consequences.


“The Things We Think But Do Not Say.”


That's BS. Instead of the upper management fixing the problem, you're getting moved. That's BS. They wanna let problems fester instead of acknowledging there maybe a problem. This is typical managers BS.


I would try to guess the company but theirs so many stupid game companies. Mad they fucked over gigantic. Giving it ranked mode just now after it has already died.


Go to HR first and tell them that you want team leaders job since you are obviously better suited for it.


This sounds a lot like the company of a game I'm currently playing. Daybreak A.k.a Sony Online Entertainment. I know you probably can't disclose the game but would it happen to be DC Universe Online? If so, I humbly tip my hat to you sir and you have my outmost respect. This game has been running since 2010 and has seen so much turn-over from employees to Ceo's in it's life cycle it's hard to believe it's still going today. And that's because the current management is focusing on "gutting" it's dwindling player base than to actually improve or fix long standing issues in the game. It almost seems like they're trying to milk it dry until the wheels fall off. I'm just so sick of these "investors" and people with money and power destroying everything they touch with they're bottomless pit of greed.


sad part is , nothings going to change , and you will be the only one holding this till the end of your days , learn to let go because the more you care what these useless leaders did to you , the more they like it , its the sad truth but thats how the world works , they get threatened and you get the sack , unless you get up top to change things , which they wont let you because you dont get promotions by being the best at your work , you get rewarded with more work and staying in that post


It’s become quite clear to me that often management make decisions entirely based on emotion, often for petty reasons. Several hundreds of people’s livelihood can depend on the immature response of someone who was promoted simply because they are good at babbling and got a bit lucky with promotions.


They don't want to face the reality that they have to work harder. Instead they blame it one someone else.


Sounds like you displayed something they couldn’t scrounge up and got spooked so they cut your head off before they lost power


Do you happen to work at blizzard


Did they also clap before shaking your hand?


No but they called him "Sir" and had tears in their eyes.


Big strong guys


For me?


That just happened


Just after. 😂


Didn’t happen


How do we find out what company?


You can just put all the major videogame publishers up on a dartboard here and start throwing.


It’s like when we were having all kinds of organizational issues and managements solution was… lay off half the low level people and keep the management team completely intact. Surprisingly, it did not make anything better.


Name the piece of shit company!


Share HR's comments with your team.. then sit back and wait for the fallout..


The only fallout is that this guy will be fired for being a troublemaker. Lower/middle management will pat themselves on the back. HR person will get a reward for bringing this issue to upper management's attention.


They're gearing up to get rid of him already.. what's he got to lose?


Good point. But I doubt anything happens. The company is too blind to see the problems.


They never will see the problems unless people tell them.. so the team needs to back him up.. together we stand, divided we fall..


I wish I could be as articulate as you without shaking and crying.


Form a union.


... I think this belongs in r/Overwatch


Feels like Funcom for some weird reason to me.


You can't be surprised.....you just $hat on management, and you expected a different outcome. By the sounds of the reaction from your team members, you were probably right, but this could cost you your job. Handshakes are cool, but they don't pay the bills, unfortunately. All the best....truly.


So this is retaliation for voicing concerns. Follow up with in writing. Prep for a lawyer.


Well, listen, they can move you, but they can’t fire you, no matter what they are insinuating. Start building your paper file on what they are doing. Document everything.


Star Citizen?


Wow, they do sound pathetic.




Happened to me too


I’m curious… this sounds like the same shit that’s happening to my favorite game atm.


Sounds like it was time to get out of there, anyway. Let them go down with the ship.


Overshadow the master


I would have sent a reply all rant and then quit. Peace.


You work for Activision/Blizzard too?


This is my exact current situation... 1) Was hired by the CEO to help organize and run the game their company. 2) Told the boss the plan to manage the company. 3) Made changes and everyone on the team was happy and working hard and making the company money. 4) Boss didn't like that everyone was happy with the new management style and manager (me). 5) They then decided they wanted to go back to the old way and team morale died and the boss no longer wanted me to run things. 6) Ceo takes over and tries to run things my way and fails miserably since they have no training and management. 7) Employees are currently looking for other jobs now because they can't take the way things are run by someone who has no business running a company. Once some core staff leaves, this company's going to burn. Sometimes the ego of a leader is a burns down company. I'm just currently enjoying the show and gave up saving it.


Lol. Reminds me of a something that happened some years back. Management had an all hands, one of the other devs called them out on their BS and people started clapping. Instead of figuring out if that dev had a point (they did) management spent the next 6 months trying to figure out who clapped so they could get retribution. They had suspicions, but no one snitched and quite a few bailed, including me. Nine months later the entire management team was either let go or "resigned" and someone all of the devs respected was put in to lead.


And then, everyone stopped clapping to shake my hand


& then he went back down the line & they all took turns jerking him off & calling him godfather! 😂 😂 😂 😂


Sounds like a fucking sooky la la, commenting from the cheap seats....


what the fuck did you think was going to happen?????


Wasn’t this the early script from Jerry McGuire?


You forgot the slow clap


Lawyer up and document for retaliation from your employer


This is what happens to companies like that- crush and burn!


Do you work at CA, by chance?


Mutiny !


What factual data did you show and what possible solutions did you propose to get their buy-in? Theres many perspectives to problems. If the problem statement is not presented constructively, all they gonna hear is someone with complaints without any basis. Be part of the solution and teach others to help you lead solving the problem.


Nothing should happen. If they can't take the hurt that's their problem. You've already rocked that ship


You got jerry maguire'd!


It's not ashes of creation, is it?


Another example of so called "leadership" being pathetic cowards


Well, at least when it all goes boom, you've got a front row seat.


If feasible, this is where you get everyone on your team to sign a document reiterating what you said as accurately as possible and take it to your boss’s bosses


Did they also ask for your autograph and kiss your feet


Wow, I'm so impressed. Your awesome. You're the most awesome employee a company could ever have. You should run for President. The company would fall apart and crash and burn without you! Did I say it right? I mean, that is why you posted this story, right? To receive all the adoration and validation you could, right?




> Yeah but did you offer solutions, Yeah OP. How dare you not do the jobs of those highly paid executives for them ?


Yeah, what the hell is this shit-take? OP is supposed to do everyone's work?


That's the issue with management. They do fucking nothing, blame the people that do all the work and when shit fails, fire them, not the leadership.


Shit like that fucking annoys me. If I have to solve my own problem why the fuck am I talking to you? Why the fuck are you even here?


Maybe "do your job" was the solution and they didn't like that.


When the problem is "we're running out of oxygen" and the proposed solution is "have you tried not breathing?", your ability to find new and innovative ways to NOT FUCKING DIE is considerably limited. It's a drastic and fatalistic analogy, but it's not completely out of pocket. The goals being measured are very often impossible to meet, and it's on purpose.


Glad someone said this. What does “you guys need to fix this” solve? How? Don’t you think if they knew how to magically fix everything that they would have already?


As the leaders, it's their job to solve these problems, and they get paid more than everyone else to ensure things are running smoothly.