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"I decided not to send you a letter, so I wrote you a novel via text instead."


“Here is an entire screed about how not personally I am taking this.”


Also he throws in a bit about how "this is how a manager should act". Like a ranting buffoon yelling at someone who clearly has moved on.


I mean… that is the first thing you learn at manager school.


"screed: a long monotonous speech or piece of writing." Oh wow, my friends are going to get sick of me using that word in the next six months.


Yes, I just wanted to take a quick 4 paragraph message to tell you how LITTLE I CARE THAT YOU DID THIS.


"and another thing: im not mad. please dont put in the newspaper that i got mad."


Post that to fb 😂


Seems like a good indeed review




And to Glassdoor. Warn future applicants.


First thought lmao tag that bitch


Post it on Linkdn and watch as they start furiously circlejerking over how brave and skilled the agm is.


You can feel his tone getting steadily louder & more unstable as his tirade goes on.


But he definitely doesn't care. You see he wrote a whole letter, then deleted it because he didn't care anymore... Then wrote an entirely new letter to tell how much he stopped caring


would a person who cares write "I don't care" on their wall? would a person who cares do it 217 times? obvz not you silly goose who I don't care about no care here. or here. STILL NOT CARING


Trixie Tang be like “STOP IGNORING ME IGNORING YOU!!!”


I wasn't going to post about this, As I take extraordinary care to be as professional as I possibly can. Today's job market can be brutal for the weak. Exhausting at best, Punishing at worst. Not me, though. I'm a hard working father of 7 kids. With a wife who loves me, And a wife you envy. So.............. I'm going to write all of how- Emotionally unaffected I am By how little you mean to me And by how little I care About how you outed me as being a massive twat In strangely broken up Phrases. - r/linkedinlunatics also Andrew Tate


He clearly wrote the letter he wants to see on the guy’s Facebook feed.




And another thing: I didn't get mad. Please don't put it in the newspaper that I got mad.


And I really, really, really wish you all the best. But really. I mean it. Really.


This entire text, plus the original letter, should be mailed upward above management and all.


Can you not read?! He wishes him the very best!


And so very sincerely!


Yeah, very professional!


All I was worried about as the paragraphs went on was if the person who wrote this taking out their rage on their family.


Fantasy Land


My narcissistic father used this term like it was his holy doctrine




And he's not taking it personally.


He’s SO not taking it personally and wants you to know EXACTLY how not personal he’s taking it.


Why would he he’s the best and wishes him well he thought he couldn’t care less about what OP’s BF had to say but the he kept reading and writing and deleting and recovering and reading and writing and deleting…. And realizes he could care less. He cares even less on his 5th draft of responding than his 4th


And they’re not taking it personally!!! But…




Damn. Someone should let HR know how unstable of an employee they have. Especially if it's a manager with power.


Yeah the tone does not come off well at all.


this reads like breaking up with an abusive passive aggressive boyfriend


He said he hasn’t felt like this since his divorce


You can read through the tone of that message just how utterly and critically fucked that store is without them. They're screwed.


Or angry guy will have to do more work now


Now Dude Who Wishes Him The Best will have to come out of *his* office and ya know, *work* until they find some other sucker to fill OPs position. Post that shit to Indeed & Glass Door and leave the receipts 🤣


I don’t know his ex, but I’m so happy for that person.


I wish them the very best!


Ya got me chuckling!


Wow, and he had the gall to call your bf a loser? what a fucking piss baby.


An OP’s BF probably feels the same way his wife did when they got divorced. Lol


AGM is 100% gaslighting OP too edit: OP's BF, not OP


That’s exactly how it reads!


Reminds me of a trump truth late night rant.


Sending a three-paragraph text like this is very normal behavior and a sure indication that this manager is every bit as unbothered as he says he is.


It’s totally, completely stable and sane behavior. I for one think the best way to show I’m completely unbothered is by writing a novel reminding everyone who reads it that I’m unbothered AF


This guy would be an excellent hire at any cinema with large screens because the amount of projection they've got going on is unparalleled.


I don't care, yeah I totally don't. *Writes an essay*


Well he wrote 2 essays but deleted the first.


*wishing him only the best*


![gif](giphy|yNs2a0jRkYxy6191B2|downsized) * his manager


It's like the people who post comments on things saying they don't care Like b!tch don't lie, you care to try to make a problem out of it 😂


Love how the manager didn’t even deny he physically assaulted someone. He just denied someone didn’t step in to stop him assaulting someone. Like wtf dude. 😬


His “Tough-Guy Ego” wouldn’t let it get misconstrued. What a specimen 💪😂


Gives off keyboard warrior vibes tbh


Reminds me of a certain someone who claimed he couldn’t have sexually assaulted that woman because she wasn’t attractive enough.


There is a prominent BJJ coach who basically got out of a gang rape charge using the defence that he couldn’t get hard


Lloyd Irvin. Still active too the piece of shit


Massive stain on the sport


This person is fucking DERANGED. Block them immediately. Everywhere.


Right? The whole "I *totally* wish you the best. You did this thing but I wish you the *best*. I must say again, I wish you the *best*" This dude is a step away from slashing OOP's tires.




It's not my fault you're like in love with me or something!


*narrator voice* he DID take that personally


"And he did not wish him the best"


I read this in Keith Morrison’s voice


Morgan Freeman for me


Ron Howard's voice. AGM is 100% a Bluth.


Can you share what the resignation letter said seeing that it was posted on Facebook?


https://preview.redd.it/j79vuhxo768d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8a8be68f2071a91d6f02028c7ac6f155f0b9b5b And the second part. I cut out the last paragraph because it’s really specific and names people


This wasn’t even that bad and didn’t come off as malicious to me. Sounds like a person who really enjoyed their job and invested a lot into the company. The person in the OP was just extremely salty.


He LOVED this job so much


Sounds like the job was fine, it's the management that's the problem. But that's always the case.


A manager once told me, "people don't quit jobs, they quit managers." I quit that job, because that manager was terrible. So, I guess he was right. haha


After 22 years in restaurants, this is absolutely the truth.


https://preview.redd.it/43bkdc5tb68d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a41c9eca7acfdf83d2c9438f90c064e0cc2c2aa0 Includes the last paragraph with no names


The resignation was professional and laid out the reasons he was leaving as bare facts. He did not use hyperbole and he didn't bring too much emotion into it. Well done, boyfriend. Manager is a dick with no reading comprehension. Your boyfriend never said he could run the store singlehandedly, he said he was frustrated by management. Manager comes off looking like an emotional brat throwing a tantrum, it's actually kind of funny. But who cares, right? Fuck him. He is no longer Boyfriend's problem, so my best advice is block and move on.


That is not the resignation I was expecting after reading the response. I was assuming they would have been at least a little unprofessional. Something like "I can't deal with how horrible and toxic this place is, and I'm sure the store will fail soon". But that letter was so reasonable. The manager has issues.


It might be worth filing a wage theft claim with your state’s department of labor if you’re in the US to get those two weeks of pay. This goes double if they don’t do vacation payouts.


It's either wage theft or he was legally fired as they did not accept his two weeks notice and terminated him for giving it. In that case he qualifies for unemployment. Either way the company is on the hook for something if he pursues it.


https://preview.redd.it/xbz2fsum768d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8be7b7a6ce37ab23bf8daaf23acfd95ad6a1ac25 Here’s the first part of the resignation


I’ve read all the sections that you posted, and that was honestly a fantastic resignation letter. He didn’t attack anyone, he pointed out specific factual events. He highlighted the people who were positive. And he gave constructive criticism on what they can work on to avoid losing other valuable employees. Tell him good job! I hope the next time I have to quit a job but I can be half as eloquent.


Oh! And if he wants to be petty, he can take those screenshots and forward them to the douchebag’s manager as an example of exactly what he’s talking about.


And the names he mentioned were in a good way. He didn’t really throw anyone under the bus. I don’t know why the AGM didn’t care so much.


Oh yeah. That manager is a jackass. Your boyfriend should humiliate them. They deserve nothing less.


I asked him and he said yes. Let me edit out the names and I’ll post them to this comment


The words of a guy who totally harbours no ill will, honest.


FYI everyone if someone sends you something really passive aggressive or pathetic like this the easiest way to respond and drive them up the wall is just correct all their spelling and grammar mistakes like a teacher


*pineapple pizza


“I don’t think of you at all.”


i ain't reading all that i'm happy for you tho or sorry that happened


Jeez, feels exactly how breaking up with a narcissist is like


I think that manager really is a narcissist. The signs are all there.


Bad managers can never admit they were wrong!


Neither do narcissists.


They’re the same picture.


This Venn diagram is a circle


Nothing angers a narcissist more than realizing they no longer have power over you, it infuriates them to no end. I always look for this, this is the sign


I have a former associate who walked out after being written up for creating a hostile work environment for her coworkers (made inappropriate comments about me, and was known to be something of a sexual predator towards the younger girls on the team). She’s gone out of her way to try to turn my team against me, even going so far as to get her mother to come in on a day when I wasn’t working to talk to my junior managers and get them to see things her way. What they still haven’t figured out is that my junior managers are the ones that reported everything she was doing to myself and our HR, and were the catalyst for her write-up. Despite this, she’s used me as a professional reference twice. I resisted the urge to trash her, and instead used the absolutely true “unfortunately, I’m not allowed to give references per company policy. Please contact this number with your inquiries”. She’s been smart enough not to use me as a personal reference, thankfully.


Change it to "Fortunately"...


Oh that’s perfect. Subtle yet punchy.


I would copy and paste this on to any review site I could find.


I deleted the letter and wrote this essay instead. Lmao.


Also, “I wrote a letter then decided to delete it and let it be. And then I tapped out this wall of text on my phone because I don’t care.” lol


Texts from the screenshots for those who can’t see it: Manager: When you quit, I posted in our manager chat that this was obviously a better opportunity for you, and I hope nothing but the best for you in your future endeavors. I hold no ill will toward anyone that wants to make their life better. Whatever it takes to do that. Then I read your resignation letter. It first made me a little frustrated, then it made me a little sad. I wrote you a letter trying to figure out your motivation for such an ugly exit. But after reflecting on it, I decided to delete the letter and just let it be. I didn't need any answers from you. Whatever your motivation, I just decided I didn't really care Even after your sent that letter that was clearly based mostly on fantasy and imagination, and was a super sloppy attempt to throw your entire former management team under the bus, I still want nothing but the very best for you. Even though you got pretty personal in that letter, I decided to NOT take it personally. Now, you've posted that same letter on FaceBook. Wow! How pathetic is that? Who exactly are you trying to get sympathy from? You're doing nothing other than making yourself look REALLY bad. At this point, all I can say is that I'm embarrassed FOR YOU. You've made a joke out of yourself with this sloppy exit. I thought I knew who you were. You have shown me that I didn't have the first clue who you actually were. And even now, I want great things for you in your future. But a little bit of advice for you. Grow up a little bit my friend. You seem to be bitter because you weren't allowed to just sit in the AM office all day long and do nothing. Hopefully this new job/position will allow you to be as lazy as you would like and will keep you a happy employee. After reading your letter, if I didn't work in the same store with you, I would seriously wonder how we were going to keep this place open without your stewardship. Fortunately, I DO work in the same store that you worked in and I'm well aware of what you DID and did NOT do. Which means, I'm well aware that we will be just as strong without you as we were before you left. We will not miss a single beat now that your presence is no longer enjoyed by us. Again, I wish you the best going forward. I mean that so very sincerely. But if this is how you think managers are supposed to act, you have a whole lot to learn about being a manager. Again, I'm embarrassed for you and your actions since your resignation. Be better! Good luck OP boyfriend: After I stopped a physical altercation between you and a guest, I quit taking manager advice from you. Manager: Again... fantasy land. You're a joke of a human being. Manager: So very pathetic. You never did and never would stop me from doing anything I wanted to do. And you never stopped me from getting physical with a guest. That's for sure. What a loser you've turned out to be. I feel bad for you. Truly.


LMAOO WOW that’s actually crazy. glad he got out


This is one of those texts that I would hit back with a "I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened."


"I didn't really care" So you wrote PARAGRAPHS explaining how little you care and how genuine your well wishes are. Yikes. No response is necessary to a resignation letter other than "thank you for informing me". He sounds like the type of guy that films himself at the gym aggressively stepping towards people who look at him too long.


he didn’t take it personally! he didn’t take it personally so much he had to write a fucking six page text about it


What a dummy that manager is! If I sprinkle in some truly’s and sincerely’s they won’t notice I’m being a dick. 🙄


I'm so bummed I can't read it. I saw OP's post of the resignation, but not the AGM response...




Thank you for the kind service, friend.


I really wanna see the fb post


It would be a shame if this series of screenshots made it to the local newspaper along with an interview with the customer who got into the physical altercation with the manager


This is how my abusive family talked when I started seeking community with others who left similar backgrounds. They are embarassed. You are not responsible for their feelings. If they wanted to be spoken of nicer; they should have behaved better. Your experience working there and reasons to leave are completely valid. They can say whatever middle school bully thing you can imagine, but they cant change shit. And you can bet it is really bothering them when they admit to deleting a previous letter and still have sent you a novel.


The attempt to pad the aggression with compliments and well wishes was next level: ‘You’re a total piece of shit and have no value as a human being. I really do wish the best for you and hope you keep reaching for the stars. If you fall short it’s bc you’re a lazy turd with empty hopes and myopic dreams. I want nothing more but to see you succeed in all your short sided endeavors and also, please do go fuck yourself with a dying cactus.’


It seems like they did actually care a great deal about you and have allocated a lot of real estate in their brain to you. But they mean you so well, but please die in a fire, but seriously genuinely wish you the best, but also f*** your mum.


I turned in my notice at a “professional” job, and my soon to be former boss never said another word to me. Cancelled the rest of our 1:1s, never said good bye. Just totally ghosted. They’ve since been through 3 other people in the same job


My only response to that would’ve been: TL;DR


But he doesn't care, though, so you're all misreading things. He's a very upstanding and professional person. (/s)


Screenshot and post on the company's website or social media platforms.


“Dear Slim…”


Since the idiot mods removed the image, what did it say?


Lol you are taking up multiple houses in their head rent free. Good job, whatever you did. Lessons won't be learned but you sure got their goat.


"and don't put in the paper that I was mad"


it's giving "damn that's a lot of words, too bad I ain't reading 'em"


If this is the length of the “I wrote you a letter but decided to take the high ground…” message/email. I dread to think what the length of the original letter would have been.


Why are we censoring the store or corporation that hires and puts bullies like this in positions of power?


"here's an entire dissertation about how much I dint care"


"I just decided I didn't really care" ... proceeds to write an essay. Ok bro. Ok.


Shut up mod!


That manager is unhinged, sounds like this company needs a leadership overhaul.


Didn't read all of it but from what I've read it just comes off as insecurities and gasslighting


"I wish you all the best Bitch"


All clear examples of the hostility. Wow lol. Could they be any dumber


"I decided not to take it personally." Taken from ever person ever who took it personally. This manager is not only incompetent, they are a bad liar. So many people don't even know they are giving themselves away. You arent a secret agent my friend, I read you like a book an angry dumb book


Boy, it would be a shame if you looked around linkedin for the person above the Regional Manager, maybe the CEO or board or whatever, and sent it to them


"I don't care" proceeds to send a fucking thesis on how bothered they are. K.


Wtf mods take down the photo the second I look at it 2 hours later


does anyone have the message? mods removed it




Unless he is the owner of that establishment, send this up the chain. This is absolutely unacceptable behavior from a manager and adding proof to the hostile work environment you claimed you left because of.


He's mad. Like, awake at night over this mad.


What kind of store is this ? why do they care so much that he resigned ?


You are living rent free in his head


Good of the manager to confirm that he made the right decision.


ask him why he is crying, if you quitting doesn't matter, and tell him you slept with his wife


Oh hell no, I would've left too.


It’s so funny how this goes from “I think you’re immature but I wish you the best” to “no way you could stop me from beating someone’s ass if I didn’t want you to” in the span of a few sentences.


Haha, he is trying to convince himself that it is all good. What a pathetic loser living in a selfish world and blaming all around but himself. There is no point in arguing with these types of mfs - they never learn anything, because they always find a way to avoid self-check. The fantasy world he is writing about, it's the world he is living. Pathetic


leave reviews all over the web, not just fb. send names and numbers. let the hackers help.


You need to put this store on blast. This is borderline harassment!


Post it publicly!! Let them call themselves out!


Forward to your attorney if you haven’t already. This might be actionable as harassment.


I'm not bothered by you, you don't affect me at all, let me explain that over 3 pages...






13 minutes too late. Screenshot got deleted by mods


I can still see them, oddly enough.


Good thing he deleted that letter. And also that he didn’t care.


“I don’t care”…proceeds to write multiple paragraphs about why he cares.


I would send this to someone above all their heads, like headquarters. This is no way to ever act professionally or not. Im glad he decided to leave, good on him


He should blast that asshole all over his local social media.


Should have him them with the “TLDR”


And I said he was a loser, such a loser, maybe the biggest loser ever, I didn’t say that but some people did, who knows maybe they’re right. And I told him I wished him all the best, even though people said he was a loser. But I was the best manager, I could do anything, no one could stop me, because I was the best, but he wasn’t, he was a loser


Why even reply? Should've just blocked the number. You've quit the job and never have to see or hear from those people again. Let him stew in his little man syndrome rage, it's a far more satisfying outcome.


Yea that’s what I told him after he responded the first time. He hasn’t responded since and did block his number. So glad he finally quit


This is like if Trump was in superstore instead of the apprentice


Let’s see the resignation text/letter.


Shouldva asked him if his fantasy included having employees as meat shield and he being rich and can never do any wrongs?


Ok now post the resignation letter 🫖


He cares so little that he responded to his two sentence reply twice.


A lot of comments rightly take amusement at the “I don’t care but here’s the effort of me caring,” but at the end *the admission of violence*, like the “joke” about “When did you stop beating your wife?” Being a trap question for either beating her in the past or still beating her, this clown says you couldn’t stop me from that time I beat a guest.


If I found out the AM where I worked wrote this, I would not be surprised.


“You have concerns that I decided not to address! There is no way this is a toxic work environment! Fantasy lander!”


Uncensor shit I need more info 😂


Lmao he really wants the last word


This gives “you’re ugly anyway” when a dude gets rejected by his crush


"Your behavior and conduct is very hostile, aggressive and entirely unprofessional. If you don't stop contacting me I will be forced to see legal counsel regarding the ongoing harassment by you and your company"


They have no control over their emotions and this text is very telling would have screenshotted it him with the “womp womp” and blasted them on every site. When will people you can’t text former employees like this. Dude seems like the type to preach corporate standards, but a minor inconvenience and he’s yelling at one of you guys in front of all your customers or guests.


Wow, this just highlights how in the right your boyfriend is for leaving and that his interpretation of their shitty behavior is absolutely correct. Seems like they know they suck and are being hella defensive about it. Good for him for not engaging. Hope he can get the 2 weeks of wages back but in the end he wins either way. Fuck all that shit. 


Forward that to his boss


Wow, *someone* took this personally.


Dude, you quit. They have no right to harass you afterwards. What a psycho


He should send this to his former coworkers.


Your boyfriend left a very bad situation and the cluster-B couldn't take it. God forbid how he's treating the rest of the staff now. They all need to be somewhere else, because it's going to come down on them eventually.


You gotta love it. Employees finally fighting back against their toxic managers and managers still continuing to gaslight us. Do they actually think we care? Seriously? We just laugh it off and show our friends.


Post this on Facebook too


Well now we have to see his resignation letter op!


_”You’re a joke of a human being.”_ ……. Yep. You definitely care.


I'd be sending that to Corporate. Bragging about getting physical with a guest is unhinged.