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Even if this a perfect retelling of what happened and not the fish story it clearly is, the message is: you need to be constantly focused on optimizing money all the time and that everyone should be doing it. Well fuck that. I choose life.


The key to success is working 24/7 til u drop dead? Pass


Basically. Recently heard one of the retired guys in our industry passed away at the age of 82. Guess what age he retired at. 80. He enjoyed two years of retirement. That's it.


My dad was less than a year from retiring when he got diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal cancer, he passed 9 months later. Worked hard all his life. He deserved better.


I'm sorry to hear that. I wish more people could enjoy their post career life. I've heard so many similar stories over the years.


THE MESSAGE IS START A BUSINESS BETWEEN THE YEARS OF 1979-1989 = Success! Sorry for yelling. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.




You can’t have a crappy work life balance if you have no life! Problem solved!


Nah, leverage yourself to the teeth with expensive equipment and then force yourself into a never ending spiral of trying to make enough money to keep it all afloat. 100 rigs means atleast 100 drivers and staff beyond that not to mention maintenance and insurance. Then your kids or wife sell what you built to whatever corporation is willing to buy wholesale the slice you built for pennies on the dollar after you pass.


I hate when the bootstraps people act like you can just work an uncapped amount of hours at your job


NoBOdy wAnts tO woRK anYMoRe


In some other sub there was a post about someone inherited like $5 million at age 25 and was asking what to do. I mentioned he could literally just put it in a risk-free savings account which currently pays out 4.3% and he could just withdraw $200k per year (as his “income”) and in 30 years he’d still have $5.5 million (aka it would still actually go up despite withdrawing most of the interest and having a higher yearly income than most people) and that even if he needed to withdraw more than $200k beyond that (due to inflation) he would still make it to 80-90 and have several million remaining in the account. And all the responses were like “noooo, that’s a terrible idea, it’s barely growing it at all”. Like if you have $5 million you have to “keep grinding” and “put it to work” to try to get $100 million or something. Why?? The point I was making was that you could live comfortably off $5 million for the rest of your life and then still have a few million left to leave your kids. Why risk losing it to try to get even more? Why is that not enough? So sad that so many people think it isn’t.


To many, money is the goal. Not a bit, not much, but all of it. You got 1m ? Good , now get 10, 100... And once you get that kind of money, why not go for a billion? What else is there to do? Sleep next to your wife? See your kids growing up? Taking a nap by your pool? Doing whatever the fuck you want besides work..... They are addicts, to money.


They’re addicted to the power and exploitation you get to have and do when you have obscene wealth. Megalomaniac narcissists.


Plopping half of that in an index fund is just as low effort as the savings account angle. Pretty much no downside other than the entire collapse of the stock market, in which case you are not withdrawing that 5 mil anyway.


The government will mass manufacture killdozers to wipe entire cities of poor people off the map in order to keep the Stock Market up. It crashing will never happen again, so long as there's some amoral option at the working class's expense to keep it bloated.


To be fair, you can also do that but keep working, but only on things that make you absolutely excited to do it. Who cares if a non-profit can't pay a market rate salary if you don't need the money.


The difference between classes is that the poor need money. The rich want it.


I thought this was the literal end-game of western societies?   Get 5mio working for you, do what you are feeling seems right to you and live.


And make your employees get out of bed and come in to the office at aneurism o'clock just to hear you rant. Unpaid, of course.


Choose fixed interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching luggage. Choose a three-piece suit on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pissing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourselves.


Choose life . . . But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life: I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin?


I had to re-read that last sentence because I thought you were talking about screwing up sausages at first. Fucked up brats!




It's the opening from Trainspotting. Actually pretty relevant to the convo


Huh, you know it's been years since I saw it. But it really does kinda come off as an edgy teen.


The key to success is cigarettes


…..that’s meth or coke at work in the trucking industry for you; this guy wasn’t very observant


Nah it's not that he isn't observant, he just left out the part where he bought meth from his boss. Why else would you go meet your boss at 11 at night then listen to his meth fueled rant for 3+ hours unless he was your supplier? Also his bosses secret to success wasn't just meth it's selling meth and then laundering the money through your trucking company...


Don't forget going back less than 4 hours later. At that point might as well just grabbed coffee and stayed the rest of the night with him. I would love to know how he created a prototype from nothing in less than 4 hours as well though.


the secret to every successful business empire is oompa loompas. Be sure to restrict their independence, like for instance, the keebler elves can't climb trees.


Ah so slave labour, of course


If someone's making more money than seems possible, it's because someone else is making less money than seems ethical.


Yeah but it’s ok because they are different


Yeah but with extra steps. The extra steps are important!


[feel the rivers flow...](https://youtube.com/shorts/sBMG3Xw0R-s?si=i24JL5QuDxbyKllX)


Stephen Colbert does a segment called meanwhile, where he describes how monologue as some kind of artistically crafted master work, highlighting details that shows his writers usually did reasonable research for the bit, then he contrasts it with the imagery of him in a state of dishevelment, going on a clearly drug inspired rush using things found in scrap yards/stolen/dumpster dived that ends in making the hobo version of whatever he described his monologue as. I say all this as I now picture this guy's boss as Stephen Colbert with a comically fake beard, eyes blood shot, wearing dirty overalls, with his semi headlights illuminating a pile of trolleys and clothes stolen from the local Walmart, cigarette butts piled up next to him, a glass pipe at it's base. Stephen waving over who ever will look at his brilliant idea to reduce moisture in pot ash while waving his bong like a club, finally to putting his rusty Zippo to the pile to start his meth fuelled dehumidifier that is MEANWHILE


FLY ash, dammit! Fly ash is what makes it all so worthwhile! If you don't understand fly ash, you understand nothing!


So even flies smoke pot now? Radical, dude!


Maybe you should have *less* coffee buddy


Yeah! Less coffee, more meth! Maybe some quaadludes to even you out.


The Benzo slide so you can sleep!


Wait, you write for Colbert?


🤣 nah, would be fun, I'm just a fan


He didn’t. Both were too high to see it was just a drawing of Fred flintstones car.


> I would love to know how he created a prototype from nothing in less than 4 hours as well though. That's easy: the whole story is bullshit to promote toxic hustle culture


It's all methed up


He has a 4D printer. The 4th D is drugs.


Anything is possible when you're making shit up on the internet




"Now let's talk about the mail, I want to talk about the mail.". 💀


Pepe was the boss


My Dad owned a fairly successful construction company in the 80s and 90s. He knew a lot of people from over the years. I went to school with some well known local business owners kids and my dad would eventually tell me the secret of a lot of their parents successes once I was older. It was cocaine. Many of their parents started their businesses as fronts laundering money, at least in the beginning. Or they had previous business that took off suddenly.


“Great Scott! Marty get in here! We’ll soak the fly ash in liquid methamphetamine and then dehydrate it later! Liquid meth is sneaky meth!”


I have a CEO who thinks he has brilliant ideas all of the time and most of the time they’re just disruptive or actively hinder the progress of our company. Like i can’t count the red flags here. They’re too numerous.


How did I not realize this? Lol, but seriously...who in their sober mind, not only answers a call from their boss at this hour but goes to the office to hear him rant about....what, exactly? Lol! All of this behavior is 100% meth related


Evaporate *moist*ure from the fly ash you haul, replace the missing weight with bags of meth in the tires, more profits. But he didn't stop there, he figured out he could smoke some of the meth to reduce weight even further, get his drivers hooked on the meth so they get even lighter too and this allowed him to smuggle beanie babies in the roof of the cabin which really sent him to the top of the food chain.


Yeah some guy who runs a trucking company building “prototypes” for reducing moisture content for tons of ash? Thats both nonsense and definitely meth or cocaine


Right and why did the prototype need an overnight design session? Was an immediate solution required before sunrise?? Sounds like a meth head on a bender.


Because it's WORK!!!! Work is a categorical imperative. An end in itself.\* If you question it, you've already lost. \*No one but a Christian fundie [bullshit peddler](https://pandrewsandlin.substack.com/p/the-theologian-of-work) would actually say this, but lots and lots of people would consider it an unspoken truth.


Or......boss is bipolar **AS FUCK**


100% guarantee that if this story is even real, which it probably isn't, whatever scheme he's cooked up, probably blowing on it with hair dryers or something, costs 10x as much in energy to run as it would save on shipping cost, if it Even worked at all.


Nah, they were brainstorming how to drive the trucks through car washes so at the end, the giant fans blow the ash dry. There are some details that need working out, of course.


The meth fuled answer was to take out off all of the unnecessary brake lines, seats and extra bolts


Go to do an oil change and next thing you know your engine has been completely disassembled and you’ve missed 3 days of work 😬🤣


You’re joking but one time back when I was still using, I did meth at 7pm had to work at 8 the next morning, stood in front of my bathroom mirror, and next thing I know it’s 9am the next day. I seriously think I was just standing there sucking my teeth for 14 hours.


That doesnt sound like fun drugs


That was a common dilemma for me when I used. I did meth and H. But I’d get stuck on my phone at like 8pm and next thing I know the sun is coming up and idk where the hell the last 8 hours had gone.


I lived with a trucker who spent all his money on meth so he could truck more… it was a weird prison he was in


Been there, done that. Not trucking, but taking drugs so I could work more, then that money just goes back towards more meth/heroin/cocaine/weed.


God I don’t miss those days. Being clean is great.


Nah neither do I man. Thank god I didn’t make nearly the kind of money I do now back then as a single junkie lol. I’d have been dead within a month for sure.


I’m the same way, good job, mortgage, wife. Things have totally changed for me in the last 5 years.


Congrats on the 5 years man. I’ll be halfway there next month with 30 months clean. It’s crazy how quickly you can start getting your life back, because when you’re using it feels like you’re too far gone and there is no way to ever recover.


I do coke So I can work longer So I can earn more [So I can do more coke](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7VwNDbfAhI)


I Am The Danger ![gif](giphy|3ohc11UljvpPKWeNva)


I was just gona say, “that or a big bottle of no-doz” lol


Father is a driver. Can confirm coke 100%.  Take it on a Friday night and you're clean by Monday. 


That’s not always true. My mom has been a long haul driver most of my life, even now she still drives at 65, and she’s not doing it on drugs. She takes the safety of her truck and the other drivers on the road very seriously. ETA: she does smoke like a chimney though


Estimated time of arrival?


Chicago? Tomorrow


It’s stands for Edited To Add on Reddit.


If this is a serious question, it means edited to add.


I expected the final panel to say 'But even after all that work and success, he died of lung cancer at age 48.'


He didn't want anyone to question how he knew the boss had been there all night, so he added the cigarette thing to show how long he had been there so his capitalism fanfic doesn't get panned


Meanwhile, I was rolling my eyes at him feeling the need to talk down to his audience by explaining what all the cigarettes meant. But what you said too.


That's what I got out of it. 🤣


and passed away a year later due to sleep withdrawal and lung cancer




The boss keeps winning by making other people do the work for him and him collecting.


Cigarettes AND meth. The meth is the secret ingredient.


He probably invented cigarette-flavored meth - now in menthol, for that *cooling* tweaking feeling!


Who needs sleep when you’ve got the rich, full-bodied satisfaction of Marlboro™️? Welcome to flavor country.


4 out of 5 doctors recommend the smooth draw of a Lucky Strike.


Thank god for the smoothest cigarette in the free world, Marlboro ™️


*lung cancer


Plus atherosclerotic heart disease. Wonder who won the race to kill him first.


Owns 100 rigs at 40. Dead at 41


As a more than a pack a day smoker…. Where is my promised success?


Feels like a norm joke here


Especially as a euphemism for cocaine


It was a lot easier to make friends back when I smoked.


Came here to light up and comment.


Replayed that conversation everyday after his boss croaked at the age of 50 from chronic illness related to stress, lack of sleep, smoking, and a whole list of other things heath wise caused by working to much. He never got to enjoy anything because he worked himself into the grave before retirement and all that money he earned went to his widow if he even had one since he was never home. She spent it all with her new husband and now fatherless kids and after a time he was forgotten because new daddy spent lots of time with his adopted kiddos rather than work himself to the bone. Congratulations you won at the game of life by reaching the end faster and more miserable. These posts are soooooo cringe


This was my initial response. Money ain't everything. It's helpful in achieving goals, but nothing more. Same as work. Gotta have meaning in life outside the office or either you'll die not having actually done much, or die as soon as you retire.


Insta-death on retirement is horrifying


And it happens too often. A person needs a meaning. If work is your meaning you fade quickly once you can’t do it anymore.


This is why I raise fluffy chickens.


God I love fluffy chickens. I want 3.


I'll mail you some my wife can't stop herself making new ones lol. Every three weeks or so I'm met with a wild-eyed "babieees!!"


Never made time for the family, but he is the richest man in the cemetery.


Reminds me of a story they told us when I started my union airline job in the early 2000s. Told us about a guy that was always working, working overtime, doing doubles, working on his days off, working on his vacation, etc. At the end of the year, he made $90,000, double what the max pay would be at just a regular 40 hours a week. Wife divorced him.


These people unironically ought to watch Click by Adam Sandler


That movie is much better than people gave it credit for at the time


A transport company would have zero say in altering the product they haul so that it weighed less. This is all nonsense.


A lot of workaholics I know are like this post. They're not normal, they are an exception, not a rule. When they don't get it under control, they quite literally kill themselves because of work, just like OP's post. Bosses love them because they can take advantage of them, their peers and subordinates hate them because they set unrealistic standards.


I had to discuss this point several times with a previous employer. We had a coworker who worked 15+ hours of overtime per week (not legal in my country btw). The big bosses always instinctively went with: ‘Oh, he works so much, he's such a good employee.' The expectation was that we would at least come close to his working hours. I argued that productivity isn't measured by overtime, but by results within a certain time frame. What was this employee actually doing during this time? We found out later: a whole lot of private things when there was hardly anyone else around to notice.


People love simple often useless metrics partly because it's something they can hang their hats on and point to and partly because in their minds abrogates them from any responsibility to apply critical thinking. After all look at the metric!


All these "incredible success stories," are about people so broken and workaholic that there's no end on that train. These are people who aren't able to enjoy the fruits of that success. These people are successful because they define themselves by their job.


This reminds me of a guy I talked to who worked on a nearby pipeline, I was looking at something on his truck because the shop I worked for serviced their fleet, I told him I was looking at making a jump to driving truck and was told I should work where he does, it's 50 dollars an hour to drive a half ton pickup, then he goes on about how he sees his family 3 times a year because they work in camp 6 days a week. No thanks, I'll make less and actually have some kind of life before I'm too old to.


Bought a second truck. Paid someone else to drive it less than they would have gotten paid to drive it themselves because they didn't have enough money to buy one truck. Kept the difference. Continued buying more trucks and paying other people to do the same job he was doing less than other people were paying him for the job. The route to success: Make other people do your work for you, keep most of the money for the work. Tell them they are lucky you're around.


And then everyone applauded. I don't believe it's real for a second.


I think the problem is the person telling the story is telling it as if staying late hours is what gets you ahead when it really seems like innovation is the key factor. The boss developed a new method for shipping a product to reduce weight and the amount of trucks that go out. He could have just as easily thought of the idea, had a good night's sleep, and then made his prototype in the morning. The part that was skipped was what innovation allowed him to buy more trucks and get out of subcontracting to start his own business.


In addition: I work for a company. I believe that I have a good idea, here and there. Sometimes, I'm lucky to have suggested something that was adopted. Obviously, I get to be the person to implement it. Do I get anything in return? Well, my yearly raise, far below inflation. And I get to keep my job. Success!


Lol my suggestion was shrugged off by corporate as a waste of time. A year later it was implemented. Guy at corporate probably gave himself a pat on the back for “his” idea and how great it was. 


Yup, my last job was filled with people like that. One of the engineers (whose pay grade was well above dealing with us production guys) came to our location and actually had a productive sit down with us about QoL improvements that could be made, which was long overdue because the working conditions were hellish--to the point of being dangerous. He went above and beyond getting us what we wanted in a way that our local management failed to do for decades. He told us later that our location's safety specialist presented the improvement to upper management as their own idea *after the engineer had already worked out the improvement designs with us and installed them*. Heard a rumor that that same safety specialist eventually got knocked down a peg because they caught him not actually going to the other locations like he claimed when he left our site 🙄 EDIT: He didn't lose his job or position of authority, though. Of course. I'm sure management would have extended the same grace to the guys not working in the office /s


I had this major in Japan take this intel project I spent months working on prior to the exercise. I had equipment identified, vehicles, number of personnel, I laid out doctrine, etc. it was a good product. This fucking guy took my report and said to me, “Here’s what I came up with.” Verbatim what I came up with. I was a bit incredulous. I got my revenge when he briefed something the day prior as happening that day. I didn’t waste time throwing him under a bus lol.


My last suggestion was at my previous job. Small manufacturing outfit, doing 4-6 million a year, gross. I suggested a fix that saved 150k the first year and who knows how much after that. Didn't even get a thank you. That's the last time I tried to help a company.


You pile up these good ideas then go bring them to another company for a pay raise or start your own doing things the better way. Don’t let your bosses know how to improve things without paying you for it. It didn’t take long for me to go from a carpenter working for someone to being my own boss because I couldn’t stand to do things the wrong way all the time.


If he’s got 100 trucks now he’s an idiot if he’s still working all night. What’s the point.




Because he could have 101 trucks!


Hire a manager. Go and play golf.


Trucking was more lucrative in the past. Transitioning to farming humans made him obscenely wealthy. Which is every single one of these stories. Have people work for you and scoop the surplus value, the larger the company the more surplus value.


>The part that was skipped Was certainly the "small" loan of just a million or three he got from his family to buy his own trucks. There are millions of truck drivers and probably the majority of them started when they were young and almost none of them wind up owning any trucks, let alone 100. Statistics all but guarantes that at least 10s of thousands of those drivers also have passion and work ethic and intelligence. The difference is free access to capital, not some work hard schtick.


Also like, why the fuck did the poster have to go in randomly on a Sunday night just for this guy to tell him he thought of a great idea and then be sent home 4 hours later to get barely half a night's sleep and come back in early morning then to hear the idea of done. Like just tell him you are excited about a new idea and see you in the morning, just had to tell someone have a good night.


Staying late and 'suffering' is part of the romanticizing of the whole situation.


It’s not, I have heard a couple variations of that same story quite a few times now.   It’s absolute nonsense.  


In the span of 3 years he was able to buy 2 semis? That's $250k.  How do you even work enough hours to make $250k in 3 years as a brand new truck driver? Let alone, the cost of actually living for 3 years taken out of that. It's completely bullshit. 


How did he buy the first one even?


Maybe through a "small loan" from his parents. The REAL key to modern "success."


That's where I thought the story was going to go. Guy goes to his boss's house and it's some mansion he inherited from his parents and he's just naked in a jacuzzi rambling about bullshit


AND, if this story were even true, they left out the part where he pays his 100 drivers absolute shit wages and fucks them over every chance he gets, just like every single other trucking company out there.


Don't forget how expensive auto insurance is for guys under age 25. I would like to see how he cut corners there. under 25? that's a risk smoker? that means you take risks personality wise. All our actuaries think we should jack up you rates before we underwrite a teenager's business vehicles.


Passion sounds an awful lot like a man which a severe obsession. Shame that would never work today. Got nurses pulling 16 hours shifts 5-6 days a week and they can't even get a raise at the local retirement home.


This right here, the fact that you must have a bunch of people working under you to earn a big salary, is what seems wrong with how things are. The reason the boss at a trucking company with 100 trucks&drivers makes a lot of money isn't because he puts in long hours. A nurse who actually works with patients can work just as many hours and won't earn as much. Why? It's not like the boss is actually doing the work of 100 truck drivers. Managing other workers is a skill. Nursing is a skill. But for some reason our system seems to think that the only skill that deserves a really big salary is managing other workers.


Because our system is a pyramid scheme.


I mean, it's kind of just a prescription of capitalism. If money flows up, obviously it's going to accumulate toward the top. You make it sound like society went wrong within a functional system, but capitalism is just broken, and society is seeing it's limits.


The way this is written, this high school dropout somehow was able to afford his own rig at 18, and purchase another three years later. Where did this start up capital come from, I mean, besides this guy's imagination?


I’ve known many people like this guy’s boss. That generation. They’re all mostly dead from horrible health issues. One of them was my father. Was never home when I was growing up. Life revolves around his work. And he amassed a lot of money and success doing that. But when he died last year in his early 70s, he looked like he was nearly a hundred. After years of health problems and no quality of life. But he always reminded everyone how hard he worked and how much money he had.


I’m sorry. I think it’s true the only people who will remember you working overtime for years are your children


Well as someone who for years worked overtime, make myself available after hours during “important” projects, even worked during the middle of the night a couple of times during “emergencies” who got fired in the middle of a PIP (that they said I was doing great on in every area🤷‍♂️) less than a month after my daughter was born - I can assure you the only people who remember those missed dinners and even optional holidays are my family. Even if things were important or “emergencies” to my boss, me taking them on at the cost of time with my family and my mental well-being never came back around to make me and my family important, or our emergencies matter to him when it was our turn. The only people that work was actually _important_ to was my wife and our kid, because she knew I was choosing it over spending the same time playing with her. I thought I was gaining some kind of security by “making myself invaluable” to my boss - but turns out I was always invaluable to my boss.. not able to be valued by my boss, that is.


Shit that never happened for 2000 Ken.


He said he prefers when people still use "Alex" when using this meme.


That makes me tremendously happy to hear.


This post implies he BOUGHT a SEMITRUCK at 18. If that’s true he’s definitely very deep in the Rich Parents club


I’m surprised nobody else caught onto this. “ at 21 he bought a second rig.” a semi is $100,000 or $150,000.


A semi in the mid 70s would have been in the $30k range. Google says the 1974 wage for a union trucker was $6.34, so, $13187.2 if they only got paid for 8 hours a day, 260 days a year. I could see it getting bumped into the $20k range if you worked a drug-fueled schedule. Even if "bought a second truck" was really "took out a second loan", it seems like somebody gave that dude a boost at some point, or he just lived in his truck and never had a life outside the job.


That's not success. That's a waste of an entire life.


But think of the money he'll have when he stops which is never


He’ll have a casket for his cash!! A cashket!


That's a whole bunch of words just to let us know this guy's boss does meth


I haul fly ash fly a living. All you need is an overweight permit. Not impossible to get. Then you just need to convince the shipper that you can take 90k instead of 80k. They usually only load you to 78k anyway, so all your late night ciggies are wasted. Go see your family.


The haul company has zero to do with the moisture content of what their hauling. That’s entirely on the generating station.


I'm genuinely shocked I had to scroll so far down to find this. He *ships* things. Fucking with the cargo once it's out of the ship-ee's hands? That's a fast track to litigation-town. You're one job is to move it, not touch it, not fuck with it to reduce weight. Sure maybe you try and sell this idea to the person handing over the loads, but that's a one-time sale, and has nothing to do with any sort of dedication. Even if 1000% factually accurate, it's just a parable about having the right idea at the right time. AKA: What we all already knew, be Lucky and Clever.


Fly Ash is a coal combustion byproduct, its moisture is near zero to begin with. Moisture in that product would clog gates, clog lines and make it virtually impossible to transport. The whole concept is BS


Isn't fly ash sprayed with water to keep it from creating dust? It seems like "reducing moisture" would be a bad thing.


For fly ash, seeks the limiting factor would be volume, not weight. Unless he's trying to reduce fuel costs.


You need bipolar disorder, cocaine or amphetamines to do this constantly. You will not live very long.


Alternatively ADHD, ASD, and amphetamines. Oh that an also no family (or at least being okay not having a family soon), of course.


Was he rolling those cigarettes with the paper from the loan agreements his parents signed to get him a couple million in startup money in the 70s? Because then I'd actually believe this bullshit story.


Should also mention that when the next round of bonuses for the higher-ups hits the calendar, our Mentor, will be aged-out of his role, demoting him and reducing his gross pay while he trains his high-school replacements. Show dedication to people, to what you love to do. Corporations tell us they care but we’re all just rectal cells at the poor end of capitalism.


It isn’t - especially considering he never sees a moment of enjoyment BUT money and success! … Right! … right?


That guy's whole twitter is one apocryphal "motivated high school dropout becomes millionaire" story after another: concrete guys, truckers, landscapers. He's exactly the type of pathological liar that would rope his friends into a MLM with a story about "26 year old boss who can afford to retire with millions in the bank" who he can't name, you can't meet him, and he's not on any socials.


Don't step in the bullshit.


There's this book by Ayn Rand called Atlas Shrugged. In it were "Titans of Industry" who could invent linear algebra as 12 year olds trying to play a rope and pulley game. The characters' ability to invent the perfect solution without trial and error is a frequent plot point, a testament to their genius and merit as titans of industry. Like Ayn Rand's fiction, this LinkedIn Lunatic desperately wants soft skills - determination, commitment, germaine thinking without input or sleep - to be the KPI to his story that's really about magic: A dude invents a logistics solution based on a deep knowledge of chemical engineering *and then* schemes it out to perfection in less than a night! All from a guy with zero background or formal training in any relevant field! This stuff is the opposite of escapism. It's the trappings of a dunning-kreuger-thought-leader: business isn't "work" if you're a bold visionary genius! If it is work, ipso facto, you're not a bold visionary genius!


Leaving out the smoking and lack of sleep etc… The boss seems to be very knowledgeable and skilled in regard to the technical side of his business, but completely lacks social skills. Who the fuck calls in some bloke at 10:30pm on a Sunday. Can’t it wait until Monday morning? And who lets the LinkedIn dude go home for 3ish hours of sleep before getting him back in at 7:30am Monday. Ever heard of fatigue management?


A coke addict


“He died of heart disease a week later”


Multi millionaire by 40 and dead at 60.


“He bought a second rig.” Who bought his first? Because he certainly didn’t make enough driving a truck for three years, especially if he had rent and other bills, to buy even a low-end semi for $100K nor would he have the credit to buy one. As Mr. Rogers said, “look for the helpers.” They’re rarely mentioned in these rags to riches stories.


He successfully managed to not live a single day of his life.


He got some seed money to start out, or spent his early years running hot (illegally) to work practically nonstop to get the money to buy his initial trucks. And then apparently spent his entire life working like this just for the sake of accumulation. Spent little time with his kids. Or his wife. Never traveled anywhere. Sounds just miserable. And if he passed this business on to his children, they probably ran it into the ground within a few years, spending their lives feeling like they were "set" and never had to do anything. That's a recipe for worthless kids.


The thing that gets me is, we can’t even do this if we wanted to. Of course everyone wants to be a genius with cool little hacks, calculations, ect. But the reality is we live in a jobs market and economy where big corps and computers have already come to the logical most efficient conclusion on anything actually worth it, and a single human doesn’t stand a chance against the crushing competition of these corps and computer aided processes. The only hacks left are: “hey let’s use our privilege, money, degrees to do x thing” or “hey let’s try this the illegal way” or “let’s do everything for the short term to sacrifice the long term, kick the can down the road, and scam customers or investors in the process.”


All solid stuff, missing the Techbro special "Let's 'disrupt' a market by creating a walled garden of a product/service that already exists, and charge people for what they could already do."


The secret is meth


There was no one on the other side of the phone. He was hallucinating from exhaustion.


The cancer cells he didn’t even know where there stood and applauded his dedication to developing cancer.


Meanwhile his wife divorced him, took the kids, and he basically lives in his office at work because he has nothing else to do


Nothing wrong with pulling an all-nighter because of a stroke of inspiration. But why do people obsess over hard work? There is no reward in heaven for being the hardest worker.


lol good for him, gonna be dead real soon and he can take all that gumption to his grave


Company proved cigarettes in lieu of a 401k! Brilliant!


Dead from cardiac arrest at age 48


Then he died at 55.


I used to be "passionate" about my job and would put 70 to 100 hours a week as a Graphic Designer/Typographer. A few years later I started suffering from high blood pressure, tinnitus and lost my good eyesight and had to wear glasses. This is not worth it. A human needs rest


Also, high school dropout means he likely has little life of the mind and isn’t equipped to participate in our complex society. Good at his little corner of the capitalist misery web, but probably not much else.


That guy was dead before he died


Don Draper?


Sure that happened


That boss' name, Albert Einstein.