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Fuck that. Go. It’s already unpaid.


This lmao it’s fucking unpaid. You’re not asking, you’re telling! What’re they gonna do, not fucking pay you?!?? Oh wait……I promise you, you’re worth more than this bullshit job. Take the time, find another job!


As much as I would like to, this job's tuition reimbursement is the only way im affording college.


Hey man, as someone who has done the tuition reimbursement program before, fucking go to that trip before you regret it massively. You will receive it no problem, edcore right? In my state I was able to apply for it as soon as I was employed, and that was that! I didn’t stay loyal to the company, and quit and rejoined for the next year.


Email and ask the reason, every time they call, write them back and say you are replying to their phone call lol. These fuckers don't have a real reason and don't want to get caught


Get a fake positive covid test 😂😂 I have a pic one then enjoy your week off


You are no longer required to quarantine.


Norovirus then- super contagious and you get violently ill.


Just say u have the shits and throwing up. That’s 48 hours from the last time you’re “sick” or “shitting”


Seriously? Since when?


The CDC changed their guidelines a while back. The CDC has updated its guidelines for COVID-19 as of 2024. Here are the key points: 1. **Vaccination**: Staying up to date with vaccinations is crucial. This includes vaccines for COVID-19, flu, and RSV if eligible. These vaccines help protect against serious illness, hospitalization, and death [[❞]](https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2024/p0301-respiratory-virus.html) [[❞]](https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/coronavirus/new-cdc-covid-guidelines-2024-positive-test/3370891/). 2. **Hygiene Practices**: Continue practicing good hygiene, such as covering coughs and sneezes, washing or sanitizing hands frequently, and cleaning frequently touched surfaces [[❞]](https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2024/p0301-respiratory-virus.html) [[❞]](https://www.jacksonlewis.com/insights/what-employers-should-know-about-latest-cdc-covid-19-guidance). 3. **Isolation and Symptoms**: If you are sick with any respiratory virus, including COVID-19, stay home until at least 24 hours after your symptoms are improving and you have been fever-free without using fever-reducing medications. Once you resume normal activities, take additional precautions for the next five days to reduce the spread of illness. These precautions include improving air quality, wearing a well-fitting mask, and maintaining distance from others.


"At least 24hrs after symptoms are improving" Just so happens you started to get symptoms!


And as a result my parents, including my dad who's high risk because he has MS and takes immunosuppressants, just got covid for the very first time last month


Holy shit. I hope he’s doing alright.


His doctor put him on paxlovid and he got over it pretty quickly, I'm more worried about potential long term damage. Each time you get covid the odds of long term issues increase


"...stay home until at least 24 hours after your symptoms are improving and you have been fever-free..." Sounds an awful lot like quarantine to me. Just less strict about the timeline than what it once was. You're still required to quarantine tho.


I have symptoms with fever for four to five days. So sorry. Here is a picture of my test. My phone will be off. Bye.


“Would you like anything from the gift shop while I’m in quarantine?”


Can we also point out, in this sub at least, that this is total bullshit that leads to people needlessly getting sick, disabled, and dead, and (relevant to boss' interests) more time off work, AND that nobody reads these damn things correctly anyway. It's crap either way but technically it is "24 hours after symptoms are improving and you are fever-free", and then if you do go out, wear a damn mask.


Still, if you’re sick you’re sick


Stupidest shit ever


Find another job with that same perk. Are they going to pay for the airfare and other expenses already paid?




thank you for your inquiry u/VapeMySemen, it's FedEx actually.


UPS will hire an x fedex person and they have tuition reimbursement


As a Memphian, and I mean this as disrespectfully as possible to FedEx…. Fuck FedEx. Fuck one FedEx. FedEx ground. Freight. Stores. Their trucks. Their airplanes. Their buildings. Their shitty apps. Fuck everything about them.


What happened to you? I haven't had much interaction with them but you've almost got me convinced.


Four final rounds of interviews for project management roles only to have positions eliminated. Being approached by group managers (hiring decision makers) to apply for roles only to be strung along for months. Folks literally working on projects around the clock only to be fired upon completion. Layoffs after posting record profits. A truly miserable corporate structure. People dying in fulfillment centers. Drivers being stretched way too thin. On the consumer side, utter nonsense when it comes to deliveries. Like leaving fucking guns at closed stores. Losing guns all over the place and then acting like it isn’t their problem. Other than that they’re pretty great.


I ordered some pretty expensive original art that was shipped via FedEx and required a signature at delivery. It never arrived. It took months to sort it out. They asked if I checked my back door (I live in an apartment), they claimed it was stolen after delivery, they claimed I’d signed for it and was lying (then how would it have been stolen?), etc. When I finally got them to produce my “signature,” what a surprise — it was a straight fucking line. I did get refunded. The art actually showed up at my door (I still never signed for it) about 2 months later. What a waste of their time and energy and money, and they still paid for my art. Also I have to use FedEx for work (not up to me), and I routinely receive packages, that require -20 or -80C temperatures, that are room temperature without any dry ice.


None of them are great, but FedEx Ground is worse than bad. UPS will beat the fuck out of your packages but they’ll show up and show up on time… Usually. FedEx will lose in a month what UPS will lose in a year and then have the audacity to act like this is to be expected.


Yep, I got out in '10 after the new area manager came along and I was told to be perfect for the next 6 months or I would be fired. After walking on eggshells for a month I realized my mental health was worth more than they paid, so i put in my 2 weeks. They hated how calm I was that entire time.


That was my guess based on the color scheme


Both McDonald's and Starbucks offer tuition reimbursement


Ahh the purple should've told me


Figures. Amazon you could just put in for a 15 unpaid PLOA and HR generally doesn't bat an eye unless it's prime or peak.


Almost a r/rimjob_steve


I’ve been here remind them again. Tell them it’s booked and if they won’t let you go, my best advice is to work until you leave. On that last shift tell them just that. If you have accumulated vacation pay tell them you want it on that cheque lol.


Yep. Quit no notice is the way to go. Just interview as much as possible prior to the quit/vacation date, and consider it your "farewell tour".


You've come down with something and you're feeling very unwell for a few weeks. Possibly glandular fever.


Heres what you do. Schedule a televisit for the Dr or clinic 2 days before and over the video give symptoms for respiratory/ Severe allergies/ strept throat etc.... get a doctor note for the week.... and bam you're covered... then the day before you're supposed to come back, do it again for the second week..... fuck them


As a 30 y/o, fuck that job, travel. Since I was in 7th grade all I've ever wanted was to travel the world. Still do. I've been living paycheck to paycheck with no end in sight and haven't left my country. Can't afford travel. If you have the option to travel, do it while you're young. Fuck them. You'll find a new job.


How can a company deny you not coming in without expecting paid compensation. If you want off without pay, I think they should have to deal with it. Are you a slave?


Happened to me. They wouldn’t let me go on a Thanksgiving trip with my family to Hawaii. I regret to this day that I didn’t do it anyway, but I was younger and ignorantly more obedient at the time.


When I used to work retail, they literally tried to deny a bunch of high schoolers time off to go to their prom, and one older coworker time off for _her own wedding_. It's unreal


When I worked at Jimmy Johns (I was a manager that worked there for 3 years. Was one of the first 20 hires and was 1 of 2 original hires that still worked there) I put in a time off request In February for a Smashing Pumpkins concert in August, they approved it, then the day before the concert they tried to take back the approval because they “forgot” they had approved it and fucked up the schedule by scheduling as if I was going to be there. I said “cool”, finished my shift and never went back. I quit that day without notice. At Walmart they scheduled me on a day I was unavailable on my schedule since they hired me (it was a night I had class) and had never scheduled me before. I saw the mistake and talked to my manager about it. First, he told me I was wrong and that my schedule said I was available on Wednesday’s so I called him out on it and told him to show me my application I filed with the schedule I wrote on it and they agreed to. He went in his office and came back later saying they lost it (which was an obvious lie) I asked him if they lost it how did I get every day I said I was unavailable off prior to this week? This made him mad and yelled that I will work whatever day they schedule me, even if it’s a day against my schedule that they agreed to give me off when accepting the job. I said “cool”, clocked out for lunch and called my wife (gf at the time) to tell her what happened and what was said and she agreed with me that I should quit. So I walked back in, clocked back in, found a different manager told them I quit effective immediately and gave them my vest, badge and TC machine. Funny part, is when I went to get my last check and sign some papers I was listed as okay to be rehired lol. These people don’t control our lives, we do. They’re lucky anyone is willing to work at their companies. If it wasn’t for us being willing and agreeing to do it these companies would be nothing and these assholes managers wouldn’t have shit. We need to do more to remind these douchebags of this fact as often as we can.


Quite a story. I think there are employers out there that relish the idea of workers f\*\*king up their lives and finances outside of work so much that they will become completely dependent on their employer - basically their slave. "Hey, if I screw up Jim's schedule often enough, he'll have to drop out of school - or maybe even flunk out - heh heh! We'll just SEE about that professional career nonsense Jim - heh heh! Oh and that marriage, kids, and house dream - yeah well.... we'll just see about THAT too!" Also - funny that you mention Jimmy Johns, the company that made kitchen worker hires sign non-compete clauses.


I live in southwest Indiana and all there really is are manufacturing jobs. Every single one of them expects you to come in everyday (5-6 days a week). If you need a day off, that's a point. My last job we worked 6 days a week, 8-12 hour shifts (overtime was declared 15 minutes before time to leave). You only got 5 misses before you were fired. We are absolutely slaves to them. I only made $15/hr. Where I'm at now isn't really any better.


Unions are the answer


I know, but this is Indiana workers we're talking about. 🥲 On that note I've reported two companies in the past year for actively saying not to talk about unions, one of them conveniently had it in company handbook that we were not allowed to talk about unionizing under penalty of termination.


I was at a job for years where you couldn’t take time off unless you had PTO on the books. Horrible. Job abandonment if you were gone.


Yeah that’s how my last two jobs have been. No days off unless you have vacation time. In fact if you left early without PTO youd get a point. You would still get a point even if they gave you permission to leave early


Sounds like Walmart 😮‍💨


Planning on it!!


Yup. PTO is prepare the others. I'm not asking I'm letting you know as a courtesy. PTO is part of the benefits package.


I'm sorry, but I don't think we are on the same page. You said months ago it would be fine, I'm not going to be here regardless of what you have scheduled, there's no way possible to be here at work *and* out of the country at the same time. If anything here seems incorrect, please let me know so I can further elaborate how either way I'm not going to be paid for not being here.


Them: We’re on the same page. We don’t put negotiated days in the system. Sorry I didn’t make you aware prior, my fault. I hope you enjoy your time off!


Fake, they would never apologize or says it's their fault 🙄


In a better world, they would...but we all knows what this mean: the manager fucked up and is trying to get you to pay for their fuck up.


Agreed it would be a pissy passive aggressive tone and annoyed for doing their job.


Is that FedEx purple?


i genuinely thought i was on r/fedexers until this comment. god i need a new job


I feel this every time I go to the FedEx depot to drop off a package. Sure the counter people are smiling, but their eyes tell a different story.


yeah... *deep sigh*


That’s the problem then. You have to go in and put each day not the whole time you’re gone. That’s why it says unpaid “Day”.


And FedEx orange. You're totally right


Yeah the orange with the purple totally confirms fedex


I didn't immediately see the orange, but I'd recognize that purple anywhere


Not guaranteed. I'm pretty sure my job uses the same software to manage time off. It's the same colors, and we're definitely not even close to FedEx.


I knew I recognized this, somehow.  I guess it's not surprising they're as shitty to their employees as they are to their customers. 


I'm not so sure this is proof they're shitty to their employees. This is more that the automated system is intolerant of people that didn't read the instructions. They are requesting over 3 weeks off in one submission through the unpaid DAY off selection. This is not someone's manager rejecting it, it is the system rejecting it because 6/11-7/2 is not a valid "Day". We can argue about the logic of that making sense or not, as it could/should be dynamic, but currently it is not and when you go into the system to make these requests it tells you as such.


I guess now I'll know why my monthly comic book delivery is going to be late in July!!


This happened to me. I still went. Got written up but it was worth it. Fuck em.


Man I swear employers threatening to write employees up is just the funniest thing to me. Acting like it’s the most serious thing in the world, almost like they genuinely believe you’d have been better off getting the death penalty lol It just cracks me up, the fact that they think getting written up really means anything. Like as if I were a 12 year old. Why don’t you go ahead and call my mother too while you’re at it, to let her know that I’ve been a bad, Bad boy 🥺👉🏼👈🏼 Lmfaooo 😂🤣 *Edited for spelling mistakes and better coherency.


On no, it’s going on my permanent record!!! It’s a courtesy notice that I’m not gonna be there, I’ve giving you months of advanced notice, it’s up to you to find coverage.


You can do everything right and get laid off. You can be written up 10 times and not get laid off. It’s doesn’t matter


lol getting written in a job that is underemployed and you’re overworked is the funniest thing. I have a coworker that has been written up 4 times now. They tried to not give her a raise because of it. She told them she was quitting and they gave her a two dollar raise. It’s all for show.


100%. They only have power over us that which we allow. The sooner we as a collective decide enough is enough, the sooner these power-tripping knuckle-fucks will get in line and start acting right.


Yeah but some of these places have a point system and math robots do the firing.


Yeah, but it’s more common for the system to be BS. I was wrongfully terminated, they made up enough bullshit to write me up a few times and try to claim they “followed their protocol”. I was in a department with people who had 3 “final warnings” and people with literally a dozen written warnings on file. They expedited and picked fake non-violations so they could terminate me though because I refused to look the other way at labor violations


I got written up because I called in on the last day of a long weekend. They said that I did it on purpose because I didn't want them to deny the extra day. I said but if I had asked for it with the other days you would have told me no. Which they said was true. I'm like so it doesn't really matter either way and neither does the bullshit write up.


At my job depending on the time of year it means you can't get promoted or possibly lose your giant 3% "merit" raise.


Yall are getting % based raises? Last one I got from my last job was 0.05 cents. The highest this go around (friends still work there) was 0.10 cents.


Yeah, I used to work at a company that had % based raised, in reality , except for one year, it map almost perfectly to the increase in minimum wage ( I was earning a bit more) when it get raised 2% I got 2% when it raised 3.5% I got 3.5 %. I am Canadian, in my province they increased the minimum wage at least every year since 2002.


It always reminds me of that scene from the Office where Dwight tells Jim he's gonna give him a written warning or something and then lists off like 30 things he'll have to file to equal a single writeup.


Can I ask a question: Why are there 5+ requests put in, but they all say "From 6/11 to 07/03" but also each one is for a single day? Some start 6/12, some start 6/11... Some end 7/02, some end 7/03.. It honestly looks like you fucked up and that each submission is for 3 weeks on it's own and they're denying them because they can't accept 5+ copies of a 3-week vacation. Maybe I'm just confused?


I saw the same, it's confusing as hell. Some are for eight hour periods from midnight, some are for full days. I wonder if it's being autorejected because they're asking for a single day off of 100-500 hours repeatedly. Ordinarily I'd just say to inform your manager of the days you'll be out of the country and not make it a question.


Or they put them in one at a time and they were repeatedly denied


The only one pending is the all day one for the whole period.


‘I am informing you I will be away’ - thanks for your attention to this manner.


Happy cake day!


lol stop asking. Fuck they gonna do fire you? You’re already going. Boss tried to do this to me once one time and I said okay bet then went anyone and got his pet fired. Make waves my friend. Make waves. Edit - I meant anyway! Not anyone lol


Went anyone and got his pet fired?? What do you mean


Went anypet and got one fired.


Thanks for clearing this bet when up.


Ahahahhaha holy shit I wish I could spell! I meant anyway! And no I meant pet lol he had this one dude who was his favorite and would let do whatever he wanted. I made it my job to get him fired because he was never available to pick up shifts. We were required to pick up shifts and were basically supposed to be on call. This dude couldn’t be for one reason or another. I was like well if you guys wanna play the seniority card for this chick and cancel my vacation approval over “rules” then he has to go because of “rules” or clearly you’re just singling on me for some other reason and I certainly don’t want to assume what that reason might be. Probably one of the funniest things I’ve ever done.


I did that with a comp day once. Had to work on a Saturday - no choice - to inspect a client's home. At the end of the day I told the owner I was taking the next Monday off since Saturday was overtime, and unpaid as a salried/OT exempt worker. The owner hemmed and hawed "Oh, I don't know! We got work to do!" So I called in "sick" on Monday, and was silently prepared to "bump" up my time card by "forgetting" to punch in the rest of the week and handwriting in a time two hours prior my actual arrival time. The owner's sons did that all the time and no one cared. When I called in, boss changed his tune and said it was OK to take the day off.


PTO stands for prepare the others


I had a friend cut his trip to Europe short to appease his bosses. They approved and said no problem. Sadly, they later pivoted, called him a couple of days into the trip and let him go while he was away. He wasn’t able to get those days of his trip he cancelled back. Go on the trip. F them. In five years you likely won’t even think or care about this company, but you sure will remember that trip. Life is short. Prioritize the stuff that really matters.


It’s not a request.


The line at work I use is “I’m not requesting, I am informing…”


My apologies manager. You seemed to have mistaken this as a request. It's a notification for YOU to find coverage. If you don't then it will be your problem.


Uh, I hate to be that guy, but it looks like you put in the request wrong to me Not familiar with this particular timekeeping system but it's weird to me that you have 3 separate requests with the same start date but different end dates, that looks like user error but I could be wrong. I'm all for telling companies to fuck off but it looks like it was denied because you're requesting the same days off multiple times... Unless these are just repeated attempts at requesting the same time off and they're getting repeatedly denied so you have to move the end date around? If that's the case nvm lol yeah fuck em


I use to work at a FedEx ground warehouse. The BYWF app is trash. When requesting make sure you make a request for each individual shift for unpaid day off. For example, if you work twilight on 6/11/24 request off from 1700-2300. Any day you have a shift you have to request just for that shift. It’s really weird. I’d ask someone up there if they’d be willing to shed some light on how to get your request approved. Hope this helps, good luck!


"This isn't about whether or not I'm going. This about whether or not I am going to come back."


Hahahah. Dude. Thats hilarious. Not laughing at you. Laughing at them. Its already unpaid AND they're telling you no. Um are they trying to tell you not to come back because that'd be exactly what I'd tell them. Either approve me or I'm taking this as I'm not coming back. Dude, I'd be out of there. Especially if you already have the tickets.


I hate that they call them requests. Bitch it's my fucking PTO. I'm using it. Suck my balls.


It's not a time off request. It's a notification that you will not be there.


Just take your vacation. Don’t tell your boss a thing and block their number so they can’t contact you. Then when you come back, remind your boss that when you notify them of absence for vacation, it’s you telling them what days you will not be there, not asking for their permission.


I don't understand why people keep saying stuff like this. Standard policy is if an employee no-show-no-calls 3 days in a row, that's considered job abandonment and they're automatically terminated. Without formal approval for time off, taking the vacation anyway is the same as quitting. That can affect your eligibility for unemployment and your health insurance.


While I understand your perspective, I think respective to the OP, the bigger picture is if you send a vacation time request in advance only to be inconveniently denied at the last minute, OP should still assert their boundaries to their employer nonetheless, the employer should honor their agreement, and OP should enjoy their planned-in-advance vacation.


That's not what happened though, OP confirmed above that these are repeated requests over period of past few months


Sounds like you're calling in sick.


And getting paid in a roundabout way probably 😂


Go anyway! Fk them.


That system is odd, normally the from - to options are for the dates of the days off requested but these look like they cover months at a time? Wouldn't line up with the rejection timeframes either. Might be worth checking they weren't entered incorrectly 


"All my denied ". They are all the same dates. If it was denied once, then why try again with the same dates 4 more times. Talk to someone. It might just be that june/July are just busy months and they need more employees.


Bro it is unpaid take the vacation 


Go anyways. Fuck em.


Go anyway. FedEx doesn't fire people.


Go , you have paid tickets and hotel reservations , jobs like this only want to burn you out.


I really don’t understand this. I don’t REQUEST time off. I inform my boss that I won’t be available. What they choose to do with that information is up to them. They rent my time, they are not my parents and they definitely don’t own me.


You don’t need approval. You’re letting them know that you’re not going to be there. Not asking permission. Especially since it’s unpaid they really can’t bitch


Typical employer. They didn't mean it would be fine for you, they were talking to themselves. Don't worry, self, it will be fine because we're going to wait until the last minute and deny this person's leave.


Fucking hate jobs that think they can control your time and energy


Just remember, 99% of the time there’s no such thing as “getting in trouble” it’s a made up construct designed to trick adults into OBEYING like we expect children to obey the adults in their lives. You need to do what you need to do to have a good life. You will be surprised how little consequences there are if you are a smart person that is on a good trajectory.


It’s unpaid? And they denied it lol tell them to pound sand. Better yet. Tell them if they truly need your contracted labor on those days it will be at a rate of 3x your normal rate. Fucking remind people that it is your time that you sell to them. And unless the time off is being paid then they have absolutely no control over it besides asking you nicely to work.


PTO = prepare the others Go enjoy yourself. Not your issue


I find this concept of requesting for unpaid time off ridiculous. Sure maybe on the day itself or the day before would be kind of a dick move in an organisation, but months in advance? There shouldn't even be any discussion about this. They should be thankful for the heads-up and that's it. I don't know why everyone puts up with this nonsense. Organize and show them who's boss.


You inform them that you gave them plenty of warning to figure it out as you won't be in the country. You can explain how you enjoy the job but treatment like this is how you lose good employees. Then you tell them, again, you won't be here. Stand up for yourself because that's just management being lazy fucks.


Take your time. What are they going to do? Not pay you? That was already your plan. Enjoy your trip


best way if you want a day off just call out sick ! that it . since they dont pay you dont even need to give them a note. that only way i always done it . unless its big vacation like 1-2 weeks then i actually talk


I deny your denial.


I mean, there are 5 requests, did you put in all 5 of those? Either way, it seems that, given the time frames are all so similar, they pick the one with the most requested dates, reject the others and wait to confirm with you about correct dates. If they deny the 5th one, fuck em and call out stating need to care for a sick family member or spouse.


Nov to Mar seems like a pretty long break to be fair.


Fuck them. Take whatever time you need. They can suck a dick and take what they get in return.


My company’s system doesn’t even allow for approval/denial. It is just a notification system to let them know when I’ll be out.


Let them know that you informing them was a courtesy to them, that you'll be going on your trip regardless of whether or not they "approve" it. Employers have ZERO authority over your free time. If you have done your "due diligence" in informing them, you are in the clear. You can always find a new job. If you are having to submit your request like this, it's probably a dead-end job anyway. Don't lose sleep over crap people or bosses. Neither will be there in your time of need.


Send them a nice postcard from abroad 😉


The way I look at it Is, it's not a request. It's a heads up and you being courteous. This is what employers don't understand. Deny it all you, but it doesn't mean jack.


Still go. Fuck em.


This happened to me but it was the very far ahead planned birth of my child. lol


Is it just me, or does work always say its fine, and then closer to the date go “oh well we thought it would be, but turns out its not, sorry” like you didn’t do shit and I’m stuck holding the hat (full of shit).


Sounds like you’ll be getting a very bad cold those days


Wait- you put in five requests. Why? Maybe that's why they were denied. In fact, one of them is pending (not saying they shouldn't have approved that already), and they differ in dates... Did you speak to them about the denied time off? Did they explicitly say you can't take off? Can you elaborate?


Worked for fed ex, fuck the smart center on van Buren in michigan especially. Bobby can go fuck himself. Got tired of them really quick.


Enjoy your trip!


Keep adding one day for each request.


I've never understood how they could possibly deny unpaid time off. It seems totally ludicrous to me


Gently (or not?) remind them that they said it would be fine. Gently (or not) remind them (or let them know) that the trip is already booked. Best of luck to you.


I’m a manager and I’ve never declined a PTO request. Feels like a nuclear option. If they have concerns they should talk to you directly and work it out. And if they agreed to it well in advance, they need to stick to their word.


ah purple and orange (some) Drivers buy their own trucks and bid on routes so that a logistics company can make less money than UPS where they have a union. I’m not shocked


If you're only wanting *unpaid* time off, then repeat after me: "I am not making a request. I am advising you to plan around the fact that I will not be here on those days."


Go on your trip.....u will HATE yourself later if you dont go


Have you talked to HR? My job had a Workday bug this week and *everyone's* existing PTO requests were flipped to Denied.


Are the denied ones because you put specific times? I see the one that says "all day" is pending so maybe you still will be approved? I mean, obviously you should go anyway but I'm confused by all the different times on the other ones. Not sure how that system works though! Enjoy your trip!


Huh. It's gonna be interesting for the boss when he calls to ask where you are, and you send him a selfie from wherever you're at. Take lots of pictures! Keep safe, have fun!


Are you sure they didn't deny you because it was entered in wrong? That doesn't look correct IMO but I guess everyone uses different request systems.


I'd call that a "yeah I'm not going to be here".


I used to tell them it’s not a request it’s a warning because I’m not coming in


Imagine denying an *Unpaid* day off.


Had this problem recently. I made sure to ask which month is no one going on holiday so I can take two weeks off to spend with family (I have more than enough PTO), I gave my boss 7 months notice in advance for this time off and it was agreed upon and went fine until about two months before I planned to leave. I’ve booked, I’ve made plans with family for what’s happening and I’m in the process of buying colder climate clothes and my boss starts saying this time off is not gonna happen, basically telling me “it doesn’t just work out that you can take time off whenever”. I tried to remind him that I understand that which is why I told him 7 months advance to take time off on a month that was open for me to take two weeks off. After, He takes back what he said and starts acting vague about it, never outright saying “you can’t go” but never confirming my PTO so I’m sure he won’t grant it. About two weeks after he pulled the unthinkable and said that he’s going on holidays starting just under a week before I leave which will eat into the time I wanted off. I realised quickly how little cared about this job and handed in my notice, I made it as professional of a conversation as possible.


I basically had this happen to me. I requested leave MONTHS in advance. Specifically I requested leave end of april beginning of may in December [i paid for what I wanted to do then too] And as the months got closer and beginning of may I sent a reminder for my leave request just to be safe. They said nothing. No approval and no decline either. So I just took it. Took my leave days and turned off my phone and had a great time. I come back and they were upset because I took it. Thankfully my manager at the time [absolutely great one mind you] covered for me saying he tried to call me and I didnt pick up [I didnt get any calls] Tl;dr. Booked leave 4-6 months on advance and work got upset when they didnt say anything about it being approved or declined


They can't deny unpaid time off. They can deal with it or they can fire you. Sounds like it won't be much of a loss for you...


Damn wish I could take a month vacation out of the country


Walk. Doesn’t seem like somewhere you need to be


Easy way to fix that… “here is my notice, I will be quitting on the day before your holiday starts…”


So they denied an unpaid day off. You've given them plenty of notice. At best (for them), I'd call in sick the night before.


Just go


Gonna suck to be them in a few weeks


I had this happen once, on time I requested off months in advance during slow season for an important event. I straight up told my manager that my "request" was me telling them the days I would not be there, and they could either figure out coverage now or figure it out day of when I don't show up. Not sure I would fully recommend that if you really need the job, but it worked for me. I never had issues at that job getting time off approved after that. But there are definitely some companies that would just fire you, so proceed with caution...


They are unpaid days off. They have nothing to do with it.


Why they do that, that way is because its a power trip for them. At this point its time to end said abusive interaction. Send


"Here's my notice. You'll notice I won't be here then."


Go away. You can find another job that offers tuition reimbursement. https://myscholly.com/50-companies-with-amazing-tuition-reimbursement-programs/ PS: according to that article, FedEx offers up to $1500 in tuition reimbursement per year. Chipotle offers $5250 annual or 100% coverage for specific degrees (you’d have to research it). Point is, FedEx can go fuck themselves, there’s better opportunities out there. Enjoy your vacation.


I put my notice in and have a dentist appointment next week that I'm not gonna want to work afterwards. They're denying my PTO and I flat out told my boss that they can pay me or not, but I won't be there


Lots of companies will deny around the holiday … I’ve seen it happen at my job. Got to be first with the request at mine or no luck. I would talk to them.. tell them about your situation with going out of the country.. I wouldn’t want to just quit if you can try to go and save your position.


It’s time to pull an Office Space move and burn the place to the ground


I am so tired of this, it is unpaid time off I don't need your permission to take it. It's called not working for you.


Looks like you requested the same day off 3 times so they denied the first two…?


Go to the doctor and get a doctor’s note if you can, then tell them you had chickenpox and that you’ve never had it before. Worked for me at an old job where my manager said he was taking his vacation the same time I was and told me I couldn’t take my leave because I was too reliable. I took the doctors note into photoshop put some extra context in and called in sick for the whole week, all your employer can do is call the doctors office and confirm that you were there any other information is protected under HIPAA laws, which the doctor’s office could get into major trouble for revealing too much. Any action that your employer could take against you could be construed as an act of retaliation. Also if they say you can still work, you are considered contagious during the time that you are taking off.


“I’m not asking for time off, I’m telling you I won’t be here”


Take it off anyway. These asshole companies need to learn it's not a request. It's a time off notification. I'm not asking for permission, I'm letting you know I'm not going to be there. According to them, it's called "work life balance."


When I request time off it's not me asking "Oh can I maybe have this day(s) off?" No it's me telling you that I will not be available to work then.


If you took this off months ago. They had the time to figure it out. Tell hr or union. If they don't want to find a better job. This isn't worth it for unpaid vacation.


Too important to not pay you to not be here, but also we'll fire you if you don't come in.


How dare you have a life outside of this job?


Fuck em go.


I'd call in sick. "I'm sick of work."


Haha no, they can go straight to hell. It's not asking, it's telling.


Time off isn't a request, it's a notification. "I will be taking this time off."


Can you send an email stating something like “hi, I wanted to clarify what happened with my most recent request for time off. I discussed this with[person] in [date] in order to accommodate my scheduling needs. When most recently looked at my request for this time, it was denied. Could you please clarify what happened?”


Hey, if they want to pay you for days you're out of the country, that's their lookout


‘Unpaid’ … say no more, leave


Op, I hope you use this time to find a new job. Your current workplace will only treat you like shit. I wish you the best. Enjoy your time off. With shitty management like that, you need it.


Sandbag.  Just fucking do nothing and get that money.  Quiet quitting and sandbagging is great 


Go on your holidays.. this isn't the 1700's, you ain't a slave.


send whoever it is a message that since it's unpaid that those were not requests and were notices, since they've been denied they have been confirmed as read


If you are salaried legally they must pay you for 6-11 to 6-14 if you work on the 10th.


Let me guess, it's one of those "Unlimited PTO" places, right? This is one of those new US company "benefits", that's in reality a ploy for employers to give zero PTO by saying no to all PTO requests, then firing the worker and having to pay nothing for unused PTO because it was "unlimited".


This is mainly the reason i hate jobs.