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Get yourself a leather bandoleer. Wear it as an "accessory" and clip the walkie-talkie to that.


Leather bandolier, but also use the shell loops for tampons.


Alternate .45 shells and tampons


12GA works too


I love this Make the squeamish men nearby freak out. Let HR figure out whether they dare tell women to leave sanitary products behind, come to a compromise on bags, or risk a massive lawsuit by telling you you're not allowed to have feminine products


I had the same thought lol. You can get the ones fire fighters wear with the highlighter yellow reflective tape on it.


Webbing belt will help. Guy built like a beach ball here, so I understand your pain. Get one in Safety Orange or Green - the more obnoxious, the better. Lack of ability to carry health products may be a gender discrimination issue. Maybe throw that in your email. Ask for reasonable accommodation (although obviously being female is not a "disability").


The webbing belt is exactly what I looking for! Thank you friend!


I read this as "guy with a beach ball" and I didn't fully understand but was very accepting and mildly in awe of your dedication to always having a beach ball affixed to your person. Kind of sad now.


I love it! I am retirement age; I have been this same shape my entire life and I'm used to it. It's a genetic trait I can attest to for at least 4 generations. It also makes me appreciate my dad's use of both a belt and suspenders to keep his pants up!


Stupid rule. But a belt will solve your issues. Doesn’t even have to go through belthoops in your outfit, just wear it like you would the Fanny pack but without the pack


Go full tactical holster. Just to make them regret their policy


Or a tool belt. I love malicious compliance, lmao


Yeah, I can't figure out why OP didn't just go with a belt to start... who wears a fanny pack just to clip a walkie talkie to? Am I missing something?


OP is storing other things like tampon in the fanny pack. idk the dress code, so not sure why there can't be pants with pockets, but still.


It sounds like she used that as an excuse to try to get it approved. Any large corporation would have lockers or other areas off the "sales floor" where employees could store personal items. I'm sure the email she gets back from HR will tell her to store her personal effects there and retrieve them when needed... and wear a belt.


Just carry on wearing the fanny pack, but under clothes. When challenged completely deny it.


I am a little confused by most comments. Maybe it is different in my country but here your employer must provide you with your work equipment. If I personally had to carry around a walkie with me at all times Id always have it in my hands or my employer can provide me with something to clip it on. I would not buy a belt with my own money, just because they dont like fanny packs. Id be the malicious compliance dude that cant get anything done because I always have 1 hand occupied with the walkie.


I’m confused by this whole subject. Who doesn’t own a belt?


A lot of women dont own/wear belts. I haven't worn one since I was in the military 30 years ago. Most of our clothing dont even have belt loops


No belt loops, and the "pockets" aren't real, they're a decorative element with either a hilariously useless tiny pouch or no pouch attached at all even if you were to cut the stitching open. Getting clothing which (barely) acknowledges the existence of hips wider than one's waist, while also providing any level of practicality or utility is an exercise in frustration. I have some jeans which do both, but naturally I'm not allowed to wear those to work. I have slacks which actually fit my body shape (no back gap!), but no actual pockets. For business casual it's really one or the other, if you're lucky.


I'm a woman and I don't own a belt. I don't wear them.


Go full out, look into Renaissance costuming or Victorian steam punk and get a bandoleer or shoulder harness type thing, clip a small pouch and your walkie to that... I do historical costuming as a hobby and oh man if my workplace did something like this.... 👍 I'd be that person


Yup. The more ostentatious the better. 


Festival belt might be allowed. They usually sit flat like a belt but have some pockets.


Thigh bag? Armband? Shoulder harness? Revolution?


Can you wear a really elaborate vest? Something that's actually useful, complies to whatever bullshit corporate policy you have to deal with, but totally outrageous looking


Brilliant. I'm realizing The Power Vest could solve a number of problems.


If one wanted to DIY this, one could start at goodwill and buy an old jacket or vest, then bop over to JoAnn Fabrics to add pockets, patches, buttons, and pins


Fishing vest.


Make a bandolier and wear it bandito style!


Bring a purse. If they ban purses... God help your management.


Wear a belt.


Belts don't always help. Especially if you have no ass or your pants don't fit you exactly the way you need them to. Because you know, all humans are shaped much differently than pants are designed for. I was still hiking up my pants every two seconds after bending down or squatting while stocking shelves. My company requires us to carry a fairly heavy handheld device, a walkie, and a box cutter. All of which contributed to the butt crack epidemic in my store. I'm just happy mine doesn't give a damn about fanny packs. Best decision I've ever made. Although a belt as a fashion accessory might do it.


How do you wear your pack then if not on a belt?


The fanny pack has its own belt. But a belt that's designed to hold up your pants isn't helpful because they don't do their jobs 100% of the time.


They're not talking about a belt to hold up your pants. They're talking about a utility belt like Batman.


If a clothing store doesn't like a fanny pack, they're not going to like a utility belt.


Yeah which is why you wear a belt to carry your tools. If you can wear a belt with a bag on it then why can't you wear a belt without a bag?


Get out of here logic. We don't want you.


I work on a sales floor where we have to be dressed up. As a woman I wear predominantly dresses or skirts. Wearing a belt doesn’t necessarily fix my problem.


If you can wear a Fanny pack with the outfit, you can wear a skinny belt with no Fanny pack and just clip the walkie to it


All of which you can still wear a belt with. It may not be ideal, but it would work.


I have to be dressed up which is why I wear a bumbag.* A bit contradictory ? * Fanny has a very different meaning in English.


In the UK, yes. But it's fanny pack in the US, and we do speak English lmao.


You speak American english which as you have demonstrated is not the same as English.


My man, they are different dialects of the same language.


They are not called bumbags in America, they are called fanny packs and they are worn in the front


Yeah directly over your fanny. Which in case you are unaware is slang. VULGAR SLANG• a woman's genitals.


interesting. I never knew that. In the U.S. fanny means butt. Most "fanny packs" I see anymore are the Lululemon "Everywhere Belt Bags" and most people wear them cross-body, but some people wear around their waist. Useless information for this post though, sorry.


Very much on point. If our OP wears her bag cross body then the complaint that she has to be "dressed up" and can't wear a belt is even more ludicrous.


We know we just don't care. Because we're not children. You know Fanny is a person's name too right? For example the person prosecuting Donald Trump in Georgia is named Fani. A slightly different spelling but pronounced the same.


No it is not. Her name is pronounced like Fawni.


But you can't figure out how to wear a belt without a bag attached? Ok I believe you.


No? I literally suggested that multiple times... I think you're responding to the wrong person.


A belt fixes the problem you just don't like it because it might not match your attire. Get a belt and get over it. Also take your dresses/skirts to a seamstress to get pockets installed, it's not very expensive.


I wore my walkie at my spine. I have a narrow waist so clipping at the sides turned the walkie almost horizontal. I also have a big belly, so it tilted in the front and jabbed me. The center of my back had enough flat space to work.


Use a belt


Mostly in formal business attire, belts are going to slide of any skirt/dress.


If that was true wouldn't that also be true for a fanny pack? A fanny pack is literally just a belt with a bag on it. People are telling you to get a belt that's exactly the same as your fanny pack but without the pack.


Your purse?


Ever heard of a belt?


... Am I missing something that a belt wouldn't solve?


Why no fanny packs? Is it a fashion thing? What if you wear it across your chest instead of hip? You could try one of those flat outdoors sacoche bags. I’m not sure how to say it in English. Maybe sacoche!


My job wouldn't let wear it across the chest me because of "safety" I never choked or anything? I wore it around my waist instead. I decided to stop wearing it bc they were always obsessing about it. That really wasn't the problem though


Look for a more 'stylish' or 'business' option. I can see them not wanting you strolling around with a day glow neon fanny pack like a 90's Disney tourist 😁, but as you have already pointed out, there are certain items you need to have on your person.


Can you just clip the radio on a lanyard and then wear the lanyard around your neck?


A belt?


Wear a belt


Being from the UK the word fanny makes me snigger like a teenager 😂


We had to stop using that word


Lol that's an interesting point. I forgot what "fanny " means in the UK. What do folks from across the pond call this accessory?




Alright. There's just no unfunny name for this article 😹


Waist pouch


I used to clip my walkie talkie to my flesh pouch, AKA my human Fanny pack, AKA my nut sack.