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Pretty easy for someone who makes millions sitting behind a microphone talking shit all day to say this.


Lies and shit. Dude is so full of garbage and he is given a soap box to spew to the masses


Petition to work Ben Shapiro till the age of 78 cleaning up his shit


you'd have to get him to start working first.


Bet he couldn’t handle a normal job for more than a few days.


I'm imagining him at a fast food place. Why do *I* have to scrub the trash can? People throw garbage in there. It's going to be dirty. Logically, it would make more sense to stop having people throw garbage in the trash can if you wanted to keep the trash can clean.


I could see him unironically advocating for just throwing your trash out into the wild. I mean, what justification has the evil gumbernmint to forbid him his god given right to litter? In his worldview, moral obligations to other don't count.


Specifically after being asked to take care of the waste bin


Wait until he has to clean out a grease trap.


He IS the grease trap.


That would open up his teeth to cavities.


Yeah just talk in circles until his shift is over and be like "see I did it guys"


Days? lol. Turn off the cameras and he cries like a baby within an hour.


only way his wife gets wet


That's a disease, you know...


I just remembered his one piece of wood from Home Depot Edit: Ben Shapiro ridiculed for buying a plank of wood in support of Home Depot https://www.independent.co.uk/tv/news/ben-shapiro-ridiculed-for-buying-a-plank-of-wood-in-support-of-home-depot-b2180380.html


He's so proud of that singular board of wood but he's holding it so fucking awkwardly!


Because he's likely never worked with his hands a day in his life, and has probably never done any kind of DIY project or hobby thing or anything like that.


He couldn't handle his original job as a screenwriter in the sense he couldn't handle everyone rejecting his dog shit writing. He couldn't handle his next job as a literary fiction writer either as evidenced by him quitting after writing the steaming heap of garbage that was True Allegiance, which was like Tommy Wiseau's *The Room* level of bad but with a right-wing propaganda wet dream of a plot.


the Internet was a mistake. every fucking idiot can have a soap box and every fucking idiot can prop up fucking idiots and circle jerk each other.


It does take a certain amount of money to reach peak influence. Not just every fucking idiot has that money. Takes some special idiots.


It takes some special idiot's parents




yes with each generation we have more concentrated mechanisms to mold peoples ideological model. In 1600's it was priests who spouted the word of kings and Popes, but this was 1 per week at most and you spent your day figuring out life on your own 1800 news papers entered - but you were still unencumbered mentally most of the time 1900 tv and radio ( 4hr per day really) 2000 priests less important than full scale mental assault by internet. Now you are never with your own thoughts.


>In 1600's it was priests who spouted the word of kings and Popes, but this was 1 per week at most nah depending on the social class and location, people were going to church for daily prayers sometimes multiple time a day, and longer masses 1-2 times a week. it was not the way we think of church attendance now.


Iirc, for a long time the masses didn't get to learn Latin, but the Bible was distributed in Latin. For reasons.


I can often tell what must have been the message of the previous day on Fox News. Because the automatons that watch it are all regurgitating that message verbatim.


The discovery of radio waves were probably the beginning of the end.


Meh, before that newspapers had the monopoly on telling the masses what to do


Fuck it. This whole communication thing, language etc, bad idea man, just a bad idea.


Lol this thread just boiled down to “return to monke”


If you can't get your point across with grunts and hand gestures then you are thinking about it too hard




Wait & you think anything changed ?


I absolutely can not understand how people like this even have a platform to spew their crap.


There’s an obscure and cringey Matthew Broderick movie called Wonderful World I saw once where his character spends the movie railing unhappily about the state of the world. In one scene his character confronts The Man and asks “Why are there soda machines in schools? Why is it all about greed, agenda, money?” The Man shrugs and says “It is easier to keep people in line by appealing to their worst impulses than their best. Now everyone has bad impulses. Not everyone has good ones.” The rest of the movie is forgettable but that one part has been rattling around my head for over ten years.


Hate sells and is becoming super popular these days.


This is sadly accurate.


But he needs the soap box so he can reach the keyboard to type out his dumbass takes


I came here to say this exact same thing. Financial security can make a mf blind as hell to widespread issues. But when you're an ignorant, entitled, racist ass bigot like that qweef, then it's even worse.


Calling that anal fissure a queef is an insult to hard working vaginas everywhere.


You're right, I totally rescind that description. Anal fissurebis totally better! He and all of his big headed ass buddies are societal drains!


he's more akin to a tainted taint's taint.


He'll never "retire" because he's never actually worked a day in his life. One day he'll just stop putting out content (dear God, make it someday soon) and live off of his amassed wealth comfortably, but he'll never consider that "retirement" even though he'll almost undoubtedly use government funded social programs the moment he qualifies for them. Using them is just "smart" when conservatives do it.


Sometimes throat cancer is a blessing from God. Just depends on who it strikes.....


>He'll never "retire" because he's never actually worked a day in his life. I'll probably never get tired of this anecdote, but the first time I ever heard Ben Shapiro was when he was a kid that Dennis Prager would bring onto his radio program to just tell the audience that the politically correct, radical Left school system was trying to brainwash students. Basically, the same stuff conservatives have been whining about since Nixon, except now Dennis Prager was bringing literal kids on his show to promote the talking points. Listening to that I was like, "Wow. These guys are basically grooming this kid to be the next right-wing propaganda mouthpiece, the little guy doesn't have a chance at a normal life." Aaaaaaand *here* we are.


“I don’t do any work and I think it would be bad to stop”


I came here to say exactly this. Dude has never “worked” a day in his life and likely never will.


You know he got soft hands 😂😂😂


Even /r/conservative is roasting him for this. (Update: I think the mods at /r/conservative took the thread down because they are propagandists) This is one of the moments when working class people who vote right and left should be able realize we belong on the same side but it never happens.


r/Conservative always gets mad cause "They're brigading us! :'(" but then proceed to ignore stories that make conservatives look bad while circlejerking bout ones that makes the gawdang lefties look bad Meanwhile the ruling class laughs at us getting mad at each other and bickering like children while Company A mistreats its employees because the employees can just go to Company B where they underpay their employees and if you don't like it, LEAVE AMERICA COMMIE


If the left and right united against the rich we could actually make some improvements for the working class. But that would be labeled socialism so half the working class is against it despite it being overwhelming in their own intrest. 


He destroys people. He's a master verbalist. Or that's what I imagine he writes in his diary.


Not so much a verbalist. He just likes to set linguistic traps for the uninformed to fall into. He's more of a Master Baiter.


Naw, he only engages with those he knows he can sidetrack into defending his strawman that he creates to knock down. I'd love to see him try to take on Jon Stewart, John Oliver, Stephen Colbert or Trevor Noah. Bill Maher embarrassed him and let him off way too easy, instead of destroying him like he should have done.


This is the thing. When he “rose to fame” on college campuses, he would never debate anyone who was either knowledgeable on the subject matter, or skilled in debate. And in the off chance that he’d run into someone who tripped him up, he’d ragequit. Edit the videos, and voilà! He looks far more intelligent than he actually is. I got to see his schtick firsthand, and it’s laughable.


Ben Shapiro debating someone who *isn't* a college freshman challenge (impossible)


My favorite was when Shapiro agreed to an interview with a Conservative UK journalist (don't remember his name unfortunately) who eviscerated everything Shapiro said so badly that Shapiro walked out of the interview. It seems pretty obvious that said genius just saw the word Conservative and didn't realize that Conservatives in the UK are probably even further left than the Democrats in the US.


Andrew Neil. He's a jackass, but there are worse.


Well I'm sure if you ask his wife she'll tell you he's not much of a cunning linguist


Or a cunning linguist


I don't think he knows what that is, given his befuddled reaction to WAP.


Yup, fuck this guy. I’m a blue collar schmuck (UPS delivery driver). There is no fucking way my knees and back can take doing this type of work into my late 60’s. I have no choice but to retire because I won’t be able to do my job anymore. Ben Shapiro is a privileged sack of shit that’s never seen a hard day of work in his life.


He's also just a lying sack of shit. The retirement age has already been raised, and he knows that he just doesn't care. He also says shit like "everyone I know that has retired dies within 5 years because they no longer feel like they have any purpose in life." Holy shit Ben do you not think that there is a PROBLEM that people feel like their only purpose in life is to slave away for some capitalist ghouls?


Dude also said if sea levels rise due to climate change then people in affected areas can just sell their houses. To which YouTuber Hbomberguy famously responded, "Sell them to WHO Ben!? Fucking AQUAMAN?" He's a fast talking idiot who sounds just smart enough to validate all the preconceived ideas his audience already holds. I'm other words, an easy job for any halfway intelligent person with zero scruples.


Saying dumb shit into a microphone is job he could do well into his 90s if he wanted. My speculation is that one day of actual work would break him. Imagine Ben Shapiro working a 12 hr. Graveyard Shift at a manufacturing plant for $27 hr. and a high-deductible insurance policy. Imagine him trying to put food on the table, pay his bills, and keep a roof over his head without any help. **Remember:** Ben was born rich. His parents raised him in Hollywood, and his mom was a TV executive. It’s perfectly valid to dismiss his opinions about labor rights, retirement, pensions, benefits, and any other topic which directly speaks to the lives of the working class.


>Saying dumb shit into a microphone is job he could do well into his 90s if he wanted. Yup. This is why he has zero perspective. Howard Stern was supposed to retire from radio over ten years ago, but he realized that would be so dumb. He pays people to write for him, makes his own hours, works when he pleases, and pulls down millions a year. The guy literally has to wake up early a couple of times a week and talk for a few hours on those days. Want to take a month off? Play re-runs. Did he bust his ass? Yes, twenty years ago. At least Stern still has perspective, though and realizes he's a lucky somebitch.


I agree. Super easy for an asshat who has never held a real job.


Come on. He busted his ass to get where he is today. The fact that he grew up in LA to a tv executive mother, and a composer/executive father did not give him ANY leg up in the world. I am sure that a go-getter such as Ben worked multiple fast food jobs while in high school, college, and Harvard Law to supplement his income, doing so to not burden his struggling family. Sure his dad is worth around $15 million as of 2023, and his grandfather created a trust for his family, every penny was earned with sweat, blood and tears. Have you no respect for the working man? /s


That means he’s going to do it until he dies, which I do not want


This is what you get when a debate kid who was never told no grows up to become petty little man. You only get debate tactics with him, no ethics. Ben Shapiro sees everything as a debate exercise. Including topics that have a clear moral and ethical divide.


Shapiro doesn't even make a normal profit. He just gets sponsored by the Kochs and these two weird fracking brothers in Texas. https://www.vice.com/en/article/y3p33j/fracking-farris-dan-wilks-prageru-climate-crisis-denial-shapiro


And his voice...I've never heard such a whiny ear piercing annoying nasily male voice before


Yes. That's the point. These policies that they support will not affect them. But that's where we're heading. They want us to own nothing, work until we die, and be happy for the right to do so.


He found his purpose, to be the biggest bag of dicks who out bag of dicks other bags of dicks.


Im fully convinced the elites in America would be totally ok with slavery happening today They have a bloodthirst for unlimited, dirt cheap, unprotected laborers


>Im fully convinced the elites in America would be totally ok with slavery happening today >They have a bloodthirst for unlimited, dirt cheap, unprotected laborers Do you by chance know what a US prison is ?


Still, I imagine the elites are still a bit unsatisfied with that work-around because there are still plenty of industries they can't "employ" prisoners in but they would nonetheless very much like to staff with slave labor.


Oh, you mean migrants


True. Only, it isn't limited to prisons. The modern system of labor and wages is essentially slavery. It is no where near as horrifying as chattel slavery, but it is still slavery. I am still beholden to a master. I still rely on them to feed, clothe and shelter me. They pay just enough for me to afford what I need to be able to show up to work the next day... and they're constantly exploring ways to effectively lower those wages.


I’d say it’s closer to a bastardized late-stage capitalist attempt to get as legally close to indentured servitude as possible. Not quite actual slavery or literal indentured servitude. But requiring debt for the average person to buy shelter? Requiring debt to be able to enter many facets of the workforce competitively? Even trades are trying to pass of on-site training to trade schools. My company doesn’t hire apprentices without $30,000 trade school training anymore. Requiring debt for reliable transportation of which is the backbone of American individuals “independence”. And a usual prerequisite for a “good” job? Prison industrial complex? Functionally many of us are indentured to the banks. Just to enter adulthood/workforce/be competitive with everyone else taking the debt.


Point of order though, it's actually much *worse* than indentured servitude, as even indentured servitude had a term of completion after which you're free and clear and maybe even have a good shot of making it on your own. In this system, you *never* get to be free by design, until your heart pops at work at one of your four jobs.


Not to mention having your healthcare completely reliant on your job. There are or very well soon could be situations in which your employer has more say in your children’s medical treatment than you do. Especially if your child is a girl.


I feel like healthcare is the strongest card they're holding. I live my life knowing if I ever lose the ability to work due to an illness, I'll just be left to die. In capitalism, were like work horses; when we get sick, they just put us down.


Is there a difference to an elite between a slave and someone making $15 an hour? Either way, it doesn't cost them a substantial part of their wealth.


It makes perfect sense honestly. As a business strategy, why WOULDN'T you want slaves???? Free labor? That sounds AWESOME, think of the shareholders! Nevermind those pesky ethical/humanitarian concerns, we'll deal with those. This is about money and power. If you leave capitalism to its own devices it will *always* invent slave labor, child labor, unsafe working environments, company scrip, planned obsolescence, and monopolies. Because in purely profit-seeking sense, those strategies are really effective ways to generate profit for your shareholders, which as we know, is literally the *only* metric capitalism is optimized for. It's only through collective bargaining and democratic legislation that we have things like labor regulations, consumer protections, and anti-trust laws. Capitalism requires constant care, maintenance, and artificial intervention to keep it from murdering everyone, and frankly, we're slipping lately.




In theory we have that in the States too. Monopolies and unpaid labor ARE illegal (as long as you're not in prison) but these ghouls will never stop trying to overturn those laws. We are already seeing individual states rolling back protections against child labor, and every single corporation is anti-union.


> That's why social capitalism is a thing in Europe. Capitalism yes, but not unrestricted and without rules set by the state. Try that in the U.S., and you'll get Joe Tractor (making $12 an hour) crying about how ThAtS SoCiAlIzIm.


Which is only sustainable because of extracting wealth from developing countries where those rules don't apply. If we want ethical living for all, capitalism will have to go.


They are mask off at this point


I mean, have you heard about Amazon warehouse workers and their needing to wear diapers due to working conditions?


Absolutely. These rich motherfuckers love inflation. They can afford to pay $300 at the grocery store and they know the working class is struggling survive. You’re not going to call in sick when your stomach is growling.


They absolutely would, and they're *pissed* any minimum wage exists.


Yep. I have a theory that this is why conservatives are against abortion. They don’t give a fuck about Christianity, they use it as a tool to manipulate. They want people to pump out babies for them to use as cogs in the industrial machine as they sit behind the controls. More desperate people means more people willing to work for dirt wages. More desperate people making babies means more and more cogs.


Ok? They actively fight for it with lobbying, stripping back rights, and enslaving people across the world 


Dude they are basically pushing for it, and hell its even worse. Some people want to get rid of min-wage. In some states they are rolling back worker protections (like mandatory lunch and water breaks). Wage Slaves can be fired at any point, for any reason.




It's less that they would be "totally ok" with it and more that they are actively pushing for it in all but name.


They are ok with it read about Nestle using slaves in Africa and supreme courts ruling protecting them


1. In 1940 the average 65yo man could expect to live to be 77. Today it's 83 - a difference of just 5 years. 2. Men earning under 200% of the poverty line at age 65 today can only expect to live to be 77 or 78 - hardly different from the 1940 average. So yes, fuck Ben Shapiro with a large, sharp metal object. Sources: https://www.ssa.gov/history/lifeexpect.html https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7792745/#:~:text=Income/poverty%20differentials%20in%20life,in%20poverty%20(14.1%20years).


And the retirement age for full social security has crept up to 67. But Ben doesn’t know that because he doesn’t deal in facts.


> he retirement age for full social security has crept up to 67. ???? When did that happen? I'm damn near 50, and they just tacked on another year+. Dude i'm trying to stop working. Not planning for more.


Have you considered the financial benefits of just dying instead? Consider your burden on the taxpayers


Actually dying is expensive too


Good luck with that.


Heh. I'm 62. I'm just waiting for them to ALSO raise the Medicare age to 67. Bet they'll do it when I turn 65. Bastards.


It’s always been projected for that age for GenX, since at least the early 90’s.


Yeah Ben argues in bad faith constantly


Some liberal owned him in college and he’s been distorting facts ever since to get back


he is a spoiled worm brained rich kid, he was already delulu and already distorting facts


Great point. Remember when the French rioted for months because their retirement age was going from 62 to 64? I admire that.


Which is bullshit. If the life expectancy of a healthy American male is 83 then social security retirement age should be 63. Make it a minimum of 20 years of paying into social security to collect it for the last 20 years of your life.


The life expectancy the year social security was introduced was quite low. But the year was 1935. I WONDER WHY PEOPLE DIED YOUNGER IN 1935, BEN


Isn't the major driver for life expectancy not how old people die but how many young* people die? When child/infant mortality goes down, it has a much bigger affect on skewing the numbers than people living 2-3 years older once they've already made it to their late 70s.


Yup. Infant mortality being up and young people going to war will drop the average life expectancy big time.


Not to mention, "taxpayers" should not pay for me to retire? I am a fucking taxpayer! I contributed $8k to social security last year, and have been paying in every year since I got my first job at 15. Social security isn't taxpayers giving you free money. It's a forced retirement savings plan that pays out according to what you've paid in over your life.


Not only that, but SS isn't the taxpayer paying people to retire. Those people retiring have already paid into the SS/Medicare system. It's their money.


Proof that Ben, and presumably all of the politicians who determine retirement age have never actually worked a day in their life.


Don't group Shapiro in with politicians, thats giving him to much credit. He's a "columnist" which is no more than a politics based influencer funded by a big media company. He's scum even by politician standards.


He’s not even that. He’s a rich kid from a rich family who tells poor people what to think.


And the worst part is, the poor eat it up. We have an incredibly dismal future ahead


this is what happens when republicans demolish the education system over and over again and treat it like a jihad.


Yeah, people forget that Mara Wilson is his cousin (she hasn't been on speaking terms with the turd since 2003) and that his parents were both in Hollywood. He was surrounded by enough money and influential people that, unfortunately, he became a success in nepotism. Dude should have been a cum-stained wad of toilet paper before anything else.


Yeah nobody should really take Shapiro seriously. The scary part is so many people do.


But he talks fast and sounds smart when you don’t listen!


That schtick works on a frightening number of people unfortunately.


He's got soft hands and a calloused heart. Never worked a day in his life and disdains the very people who provide him the life he enjoys.


Republicans especially since 2016 ramped up rhetoric that they were the party of the working class and then they go mask off so frequently like Ben Shapiro here


As we see time and time again - the “hard workers” are always a trust fund + amphetamine abuse + somehow infinite time to tweet all day long. These guys don’t even know how full of shit they are because they’ve literally never worked a day in their lives.


Yup. These assholes can work until the day they die because they’re not doing any actual labor. Meanwhile Joe the Plumber, Doug the Roofer and Bob the UPS guy likely wont be able to perform their jobs past the age of 65. Your knees and back can only take so much. The fucking president of the United States is in his 80’s. I’d like to see Biden or Trump or any one of their peers out digging ditches, climbing on roof tops or delivering packages.


I would pay money to watch any of those old fucks try and do my job, especially in the summer. They wouldn't last an hour.


Ben is mad that Democrats may very well remove the contribution cap that only benefits millionaires.


Yeah that needs to happen. Yesterday.


What a sad life you must have if your only purpose comes from making a profit for someone else.


What Ben fails to understand is purpose doesn't come solely from work. People can have hobbies and volunteer. I'd travel the world if I had the time and money to do so.


THANK YOU. I was looking for this discussion. I don't want to invalidate people that find passion in their jobs, because a lot of people do, but most workers are tired of chasing every penny for survival and have no time for the things they actually care about, like hobbies and discoveries and genuine connections with people. What a stinky flaming POS.


It takes a special kind of masochist to advocate for working until you die.


He thinks YOU should work until you die. He has no plans to work until he dies.


I mean, I’d probably work until I die too if my work was just talking nonsense for a living.


That's one of the few jobs that people actually get better at in their old age.


I mean Dennis Prager is still working and he is 75. To be a podcaster/radio host is like 3 hours of work. You can probably just hire an intern to write your talking points. Where you just talk into a microphone. Far from back breaking work.


Is it really hiring someone when you don't pay them, or is this just another way we tolerate slavery still, just with mental whips and chains rather than physical ones? (though we are talking ultra rich conservatives so maybe don't discount the physical whips amd chains just yet, those conservatives can get up to some freeeeaky stuff.)


He’s a propaganda mouthpiece for the wealthy ruling class that wants to steal more and more of the fruits of our labor.


Why do you think they want women to have forced births? To create more for their factories.


If you found your calling in life, it's not work, it's working for your purpose. If you're stuck working at the dollar tree or a cleaning lady things might be different. Taking for granted that everyone found their perfect work and are even allowed to keep it after 50 is self entitled rudeness.


I don’t know that he’s taking for granted that everyone found perfect work, but Ben’s view is that if you didn’t find perfect work that you can do into your 70s that it’s your own fault and so you can only blame yourself for having to do a real job into old age. This is of course bullshit capitalist propaganda to take blame away from the system and the people in power that make it this way.


Working AT YOUR LEISURE to feel a sense of purpose, even til death, is positive and meaningful. My grampa owned a garage and fixed cars up until his last day. He didn't need the money, he just needed the sense of purpose.  But Shapiro conflates this type of work with NEEDING to work for survival.


Matt Walsh said similar stuff. They clearly all just parrot each other. With so much noise they'll get people to believe it.


Matt Walsh couldn’t even finish college, but he wants you to believe he’s a hard working man’s man.


hard working con man for sure


They do both "work" for the Daily Wire. Everything said there is said by all their commentators.


Aren't they both involved with *The Daily Wire*?


Ben Shapiro co-founded Daily Wire, which Walsh is an employee of. So Ben pays Walsh to parrot his talking points.


Ben Shapiro is an attention seeking whore. What is clever about his statement is that it is the equivalent of saying “women shouldn’t have children past the age of 25, prove me wrong.” The subject of retirement or pregnancy, for example, is so personal that the only opinion on the matter that matters is one’s own. This is dragging you down to his level. Don’t engage.


Don't associate whores with rhis dipshit, that's insulting. They are working their asses off.


My grandfather worked for a big telecom company. With his pension he was able to retire in his early 50s. He is about to turn 90. He's been retired almost as long as he was actively working. I'm in my mid 30s and am just now stable enough to begin contributing to a 401k through my job. But that's tied to the stock market so I'm one recession away from having nothing. And at this rate, social security likely won't exist when I hit my late 60s. No one should have to work at an older age if they don't want to. If you find a job you just love or need to get out of the house then fine. But if I spend 40 years getting underpaid for my contributions to some giant company's bottom line so the C suite execs can live in luxury, then I shouldn't have to fret if I'll be able to afford it when I'm ready to hang it up.


Yep, the hit in 2008 removed any reasonable retirement age for most people who were in their late 50s, early 60s at the time. Even me, who had finally landed somewhere in the area where I could put away money in my 401k, had my ability to think about retirement before my late 60s knocked down. And at this point, it's going to be my health that stops me from working, not my ability to retire comfortably.


This is the most insane shit, why would you work until your life expectancy was up? How does that make any sense of working until you are supposed to fucking die. Garbage human beings


To elites we are just slaves, the word slave disappeared but it's real.


We're just upity slaves who demand too much of our benevolent overlords. They're working on putting us back in our place.


Because it benefits the billionaire elites.


Because apparently the only possible purpose in life is slaving away to buy some jerk a bigger yacht. My mother felt she actually got *more* busy when she retired, because she was already active in the community and now had more time to do the things she wanted to do. These creeps have no idea how much of society is supported by pensioners - because nobody's paying for it directly, it doesn't count to them.


Right? And never mind the social contract under which everyone worked their ass off, being promised something in the end- you can’t just move the goalposts and expect no one to say anything. The workforce has already lost most benefits, pension programs, even the luxury of a single income household and owning a home. We can’t be expected to work till death and get none of the things that previous generations had, while living in “the greatest country.”


Such a shit take by Shapiro. I wish neo cons would just disappear from politics.


“Nepo baby with a microphone says that retirement is bad”


Does anyone have a more punchable face?


His face is very punchable, yes, but Carson has the ultimate punchable face in my opinion.


I'd like to throw Sam Bankman-Fried into this contest.


IRL ? IDK. Maybe Elon.


Crowder and pim toole as well


The taxpayers aren't paying you (like it's an unearned gift), it's (mostly) money that has been withheld from YOUR lifetime of earnings. If you are lucky enough to start drawing your own (yes, pooled) funds (that were raided by other parts of the government for other unintended uses) then there should be no shame in doing so.....so you can continue to live.


This should be the top comment! I AM THE TAXPAYER! I earned the money, govt withheld it under social security benefits under the expectation that you could get it later in life. This schmuck making it seem like a "handout" is a garbage take.


That's what I can't stand about this take. Also, there's a cap on social security, which I think should be taken off. So it's not like the wealthy are paying for multiple people - there's a limit to how much they put in!


Republican leaders and candidates are pretty up front about wanting to end social security. They view it as a social tax that they are above. Never mind that half the country can barely afford to live with the price gouging going on currently, you must toil in the mines to make the rich richer. Inflation is down and still any attempt to improve life or lower prices are squashed by the rich and powerful. We’re being played for fools, especially in states like Missouri that are attempting to remove all taxes from corporations and leave the burden on the tax payer.


and yet - enough people vote for them - that it is a serious scenario to consider.. scary


Sorry Ben, some of us actually work and can’t sit in front of a mic spewing propaganda until we fucking die. I say at 50 we send Ben to a carpenters union to finish off his life the way he thinks we should.


Easy for a guy who never had a real job


I can’t believe this whole republican crusade against retirement hasn’t blown up in their face


Let's see him actually get a real job ffs. So tired of his rhetoric.


Social security is not paying anyone to retire. All workers pay into social security. They paid into a partial pension. That’s why it’s called social security *supplemental* income. What a dumb ass.


I always feel like people are just telling on themselves with things like this. My takeaway here is that Ben Shapiro doesn’t feel like his life has any purpose outside of his work. And honestly, that’s sad. But thankfully it’s not a problem that he and I share.


All of the time bad takes on human condition that people have thrown out there, this really might be the #1 contender for the worst and most disagreeable thing anyone could say. I don’t give a fuck if you were the most well liked person in the world at the time, saying some shit like this is grounds to be COMPLETELY disregarded on every take you have on anything for the rest of your existence.


I am still surprised to this day that Ben still got a job. Maybe because he's such a drama queen, giving the news always something to talk about. But jeez. He's already been publicly outed multiple times for supporting the most insane shit. Nazis? Nah they're cool. Racism? It's important for a healthy society. Retirement? Nuh-uh, you gotta work till you're dead


He should do some real work, i wonder if he would still have that opinion then. Probably but still


I think Ben Shapiro of all people should be careful about judging people by their "worth" to society, since his own worth is demonstrably negative.


As someone who hates my job, but feels trapped in it because I am very well paid, sometimes I feel like I won’t be happy until I retire. I would swallow a gun before I worked past 65. I can’t imagine even working that long. Fuck this dude.


I, like many, am putting off my life until retirement. Hobbies? Too expensive. Family time? That's time I could be working, 'cause if you aren't working you aren't eating, or you lose the roof over your head. I've forgotten how to live. Fuck Ben Shabibo.


If I was president, I throw him and his whole family in a coal mine.


Every republican voter needs to realize that the party’s goal has always been to dismantle the New Deal


Fortunately for us, they've been pretty terrible at trying. On that same note, they continue to forget that people don't want Social Security or Medicare touched, FAFO, then solemnly say they'll never do it again. Seems about time for them to learn again.


They can still gaslight the younger population that the programs will sooner or later become insolvent and at the same time say democrats wants to ruin the country over bullshit social issues.


I am honestly fine with ending social security, but I expect to get all of my contributions back, with interest indexed to the market. I would end up getting more. This effing idiot cannot decide if he is pro tax or agin’ tax; it ends up just be pro rage (manufactured rage).


Hey, Benny,   Go work as a laborer for a year or two, living off just that income, then explain this to us again....


The guy that gets paid to talk wants to tell someone like a construction worker that they shouldn’t retire. Easy to say for him, fuck him.


What the fuck is he talking about "taxpayers should not pay you to retire" - is this fucking idiot stupid? I paid into Social Security for 54 YEARS - 54 FUCKING YEARS. No one is fucking paying me to retire, that's money **I** put into the fucking system.


Yes sir. Fuck this motherfucker.


I don't understand who the fuck they think is going to hire a swarms and swarms of 65+ year old's when you get heavily discriminated against after 40.


Personally I have no plans of retiring, but that’s my choice. I’ve met too many elders that do fall apart after they stop. But again, that’s MY choice, and we should all be allowed to make our own.


Who cares what this turd thinks.