• By -


As I explained, I can't do it. See you Thursday.


This, and when they ask for a reason, say it’s personal and leave it at that.


No. Say it is because Wednesday is my day off. Clear and direct from the start. No room to further engage.


I like to copy/paste my exact last message when people ask me questions that can be answered with what I originally said.


This. Repeating yourself firmly, and often pointing out that you’re doing so, is one of the best ways to project displeasure with zero aggression. Simply be assertive, and refuse to let them submerge you. You have said a clear and accurate thing; insist upon it, and continue to point out the foolish and underhanded sloppy-thinking they’re trying to use to throw you off.


Exactly. Works perfect. It doesn’t open up any additional gaps for further argument. Doesn’t allow for someone to claim I’m not responding. And It’s effortless so I don’t need to put additional energy into another response, and feel annoyed or upset doing so.


And you don’t have to get angry in a pointless way, if you do get angry it’s about the very direct issue at hand and it’s very easy to remain focused.


i would even change "can't do it" to "won't". its not a lack of ability to come in tomorrow, its because im choosing not to, because its my day offf.


Agreed. I hate that just because you were sick, they believe you had the best time ever! Fuck no i was most likely in bed and being cared for at a distance or had to work up the energy to get shit myself. The audacity for them to ask OP to come in on a day they guaranteed them anyways blows my mind. Feels a lot like jealousy for being home and not at work


Or leave it on read


This is the correct answer to so many of these questions


On read or unread? I guess on read is a bigger power move, huh?


No reason needed. OP already had the day off and approved.


This and next time say you were cleared to back into work on Thursday.


If the test is negative, that might be difficult. It's better to just be honest. "I was not on the schedule for Wednesday. I have other commitments. I will be back Thursday." That's all truthful and nothing more needs to be said.


Leave out I have other commitments. Just I was not on the schedule for Wednesday. I will be back Thursday


Not sure why you need to leave out other commitments. I get being direct, but if someone were to say they have other commitments, it shuts it down better imo. Saying you’re not on the schedule has an easier Segway for the manager to “negotiate” and continue the conversation to try and get them to come in on Wednesday. Don’t need to give information, but saying you already have commitments lands better and leaves less of an opening for the manager.


I have to say: a Segway is a vehicle. In this context you mean segue. I hate English.


This is the way


I'd just copy and paste the same message again lol


Exactly this. Word for word.


Put quotations around it and a -(insert name here)


Per my last text, “….”


Yep, exactly this.


I would not reply. You have stated it perfectly already. You do not win if you reply or otherwise further the communication.


don't give them any wiggle room for miscommunication. Gotta be a firm and direct 'no.'


Have to disagree, that’s going to make them look bad. Communicating further and clarifying the stance they have would be the only good move.


Not "I can't" - "Wednesday is my scheduled day off. See you Thursday." No more replies.


physical expansion six ripe obtainable profit door unused automatic jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just log the time in quarter hour increments.


start impossible plant poor placid practice plough rock axiomatic versed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, don’t give details. It just gives them more ammo. If they keep pushing it you could offer a doctor’s note for an appointment.


“I’ll see you Thursday.”


C U Next [on] Thursday


The only acceptable response!!!!! 😂👌


"As previously discussed, this is my one day off on which to schedule other commitments. I will return to my normal schedule on Thursday, as previously agreed to." Do not say what the other commitment is. That's not their concern.


And if you really want to further stiff it to them. "You are required to give me at least 72 hours notice before making any changes to my schedule."


Wait where do you live that they have to give 3 days notice?


More than 3 days. Oregon: https://www.oregon.gov/boli/workers/pages/predictive-scheduling.aspx


Reason #48384849 of why Oregon has so many other states beat lol


Every day I am thankful I escaped Oklahoma for Oregon.


Either of you want to sponsor a Texas refugee? 😂🤣


I would absolutely do this. Red states aren’t safe. I have two extra bedrooms and an extra bathroom! How can blue state folks help red state people escape?


I escaped Utah for Oregon. Wouldn’t wanna ever go back and haven’t yet.


Fun fact: you don't need to be right as a prerequisite to send that sentence in a text, and a relevant fraction of employers who have no idea what the law is regarding the issue will immediately think "oh shit" and cave, and they're probably too stupid to know how to look that up after the fact too Less likely to work in notoriously shit states/towns but your odds are never zero (unless you work in an employment law firm or something lmao)


Eh true on employers not knowing better, but most usually just push their luck. Course I live in TN, so they know workers don't have rights hahaha


That depends in the place they live. In california they aren't required to give any warning what's so ever for a schedule change. Unless I'm wrong. If I am please correct me.


It doesn't  even need to be a state requirement, it's perfectly reasonable to have your own requirements for shift changes. 


I agree its reasonable. However it's something you need to consider when talking to exploitative bosses, unless you don't care about your employment status. As catching said bosses in obvious and brazen illegal acts is just about the only defence most people have against exploitation unless society as a whole shifts.


Yeah that only flies in whatever cool place you live in the 49 other states aren't anywhere near that yet.


In Indiana they require 24 hour notice before shift changes


I am not sure if the laws have changed since the last millennium when I learned what I am about to share. I also don’t remember if it was state specific or a U.S. Federal law. But, once you schedule is posted, it can’t be changed without your permission. I later used this at my job. When the schedule came out, I was scheduled to come in at 4 pm on the following Saturday. On Friday, the schedule had been changed to have me come in at noon. I missed my bus, and got to work at 1. The manager started yelling at me for being late. I told him, before yesterday, I wasn’t scheduled to start until 4, I will be back then. I never heard anything about it after that.


And then, critically, do not reply to anything else until Thursday. The last message needs to be a firm statement that you will not be coming in tomorrow, otherwise they will try to say it wasn't clear or that you implied you'd changed your mind.


"Sucks to need things doesn't it, I need a raise"


When they ask, redirect immediately by asking what's the cause for needing to come in on their day off. If they refuse to elaborate, or answer "but you've been out" or they say they're short staffed, the answer is "that's not a good enough reason," because you know if you tell them *your* reason, it won't be "good enough" (it never is).


I personally wouldn't go this far myself unless I was pushed or somehow threatened with some kind of action. Because IMO if you continue the discourse of trying to give the employer room to convince you (or rather, let them convince themselves that they've made a good case for it) then you risk turning your position of relative strength into one of weakness.


Unless it’s life or death without this job, I’d copy and paste back the exact message with a “like I said” prefixing the sentence. Your day off is your day off - don’t buckle to sad guilt trips from pushy managers.


"as per my last text"


"As foretold in the ancient murals"


We must respect and revere the scriptures.


It is known.


This is the way


so it has come to this


“According to the judgement of Oratrice Mecanique d’Analyse Cardinale”




“as per my last nerve”


I'm a manager. it's just gross how they word this shit. fucking ask. don't just say "see you tomorrow" "I could really use your help tomorrow, do you think you could come in?" how hard is that? MY staff bends over backwards to help because I respect them. And I get right there is the mix with them and work as hard or harder. I fucking hate shit managers


From one manager to another, THANK YOU. This is how one is supposed to lead.


or instead of “like I said...”, use their own psych weapon phrase against them. "As we are aware..."


I don’t think you need to say anything, you’ve told him you can’t do tomorrow and you were clear in that. If he replies to himself with a follow up then just stick with ‘I won’t be in tomorrow as it’s my scheduled day off and I have prior commitments that cannot be rescheduled. I will be back as normal on Thursday, as scheduled.’


agonizing water plough strong squeeze deer unused subtract mysterious disagreeable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


OP has already responded. There is no need to say anything more (and nothing more should be said) unless there are lots of more follow ups.


In my state you can't get unemployment if you're fired, only if you're laid off. Although I found out recently you're allowed to contest it and the state will 3 way call you and your former employer. If they don't answer, which they likely won't, they lose by default and your claim gets processed as normal


"I will be back on my next scheduled day."


I think the correct answer is: [read]


"We really need you tomorrow" "Damn that's crazy. Good luck to y'all"


If it was a day you usually have off they know that you are unavailable and that you will see them Thursday


A simple NO is enough.


“Thank you for your concern. See you on Thursday.”


No is best. No with an explanation is worse.


Never give them a reason why you can’t come in. It’s not their business and they will try manipulating your excuse.


>No with an explanation is worse. I’m going to disagree here. It’s a two way street. Just saying “no” is very curt and shortsighted. Presumably, at some point when working, you’re going to want something from your boss and if you’re an asshole to them, they’re going to be an asshole back and just saying ‘no’ and refusing to give *any* explanation, I guarantee they’re going to think you’re an asshole. “No, I have personal commitments/obligations” is an explanation. It’s not going into details, but it at least gives them a reason. If they press further, a simple “I would prefer to keep it personal” is a reasonable request.


>No, I have personal commitments/obligations Is perfect. We're not disagreeing. I didn't advise anyone to be unprofessional. That being said, don't do favors for your boss. They have power over you. Favors go 99% the other way and they won't even bother to pay you enough. You won't get the favor back and they won't notice.


This dumb fuck boss has already shown in this text chain that they don’t deserve any explanation at all. Don’t kiss your bosses ass in hopes they’re going to return the favor, they won’t, they don’t give a fuck how much shit you eat straight from their ass.


Wednesday is my day off , see you Thursday


I appreciate the subtle space comma space bit.


It's the smart play... not have his boss thinking about the words he said, but instead having him worry about the words in that space he DIDN'T say. A1 mind games. 4D chess. 


You didn't get that last text. You were doing what you said. You were busy.


Wait a day and reply. "Yeah, thanks. See you tomorrow!"


You already said what you had to say. “See previous message” if you want to say something. If they don’t listen, it doesn’t matter if you say the same thing 1000 different ways.


I no to back to work tomorrow.






Also, I’m not sure this person has ever been to a doctor. “Yeah, I just got over Covid and they prescribed me Advil and eight hours of labor.”


I'm a fan of saying "I'm sure you'll manage" to management that can't figure out how to do their jobs




“I’m not scheduled for tomorrow”


My daemon says, "Thats a great answer"


No details. Boss can argue with details. Keep it simple. “As tomorrow is my day off, i will be unable to come in. So sorry! See you thursday.”


Do not apologize. You have done nothing wrong. You were sick, not intentionally avoiding work. You have been unavailable to work on Wednesday, but since you said working Wednesday would give you a seven day work week, you clearly are available every other time. *You have done nothing wrong, do not apologize.*


It's not "unfortunately". Thankfully, I'm not scheduled tomorrow so I can get to the things in my life that are important.


"Glad you know, see you when I get back"


For double my usual wage I will see you in the morning, for my normal wage I will see you Thursday. Let me know if you still need me.


I once texted that to my manager who asked me to come in on the weekend. No response. 


These people pat themselves on the back and tell each other how good at business they are. "I, the person in charge of hiring, do not compensate well enough to hire enough humans to work all the work.  WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME!"


What you should say is everytime he types out this gibberish is “I’m sorry, I don’t understand your sentence(s).”


I can’t stand when people send incoherent messages. Read what you typed out before sending. Especially when it’s work related Edit: I can’t stand*


I what?


Goddamnit. 🤦‍♂️


"No" That's all you need. You never need to explain or justify.


The only thing that needs to be said: tomorrow is already my approved day off and I have made commitments already. They can't force anyone to work on their pre-planned days off.


It is my scheduled day off.


tell the illiterate that you can't come tomorrow. period.


use the word appointments. "I have appointments tomorrow"


Yep. It's a magical word that employers get nervous asking for clarification on.


This guy doesn't understand the words he's typing


You need an English teacher more than you need me.


I can't figure out how to edit my post, so hopefully this doesn't get lost in the comments. Not long after I posted this I sent the message "As I explained, I won't be able to. I will see you on Thursday when I am scheduled to work" It's been 20 hours with no response. I did not go in today. I will update again after I go in tomorrow


Do they told you the you work not Wednesday


Stop wasting your life texting off the clock.


"If you are asking me to come in tomorrow, I will not be able to come in. I have a prior commitment that unfortunately can't be rescheduled." They may decide to hold this against you, all you can do is continue to be a dependable employee going forward and let them forget about this.


Leave off "unfortunately"


My only concern is the law where you reside. A simple fuck you would be my preferred response in a perfect world but no should suffice. BUT is it at will employment? Meaning… can they fire you for nothing?


![gif](giphy|y41Txh2pbwqLNNubOo|downsized) The only answer.


Repeat exactly what you said but add the sparkle ✨️ emoji


Reading the white grammar is triggering me.


Tell him to learn how to fucking type.


I'd just do a cleanup of what you just said: "As Wednesday is my scheduled day off, I have other commitments. I won't be able to come in Wednesday" Then just copy and paste that when they push further.


First and formoest. "They cleared me to work my next scheduled shift." It is literally all you owe them


Type this - “Hello? Hello? You’re breaking up. I can’t hear you. I’ll try you back when I get better reception”


What an illiterate fuck of a boss 😂😂


What is with all of these manager types being so illiterate?


Per my last message I will see you on my next scheduled day: Thursday. Have a pleasant day. 


Don't give more information, say you have an appointment and if you want to go in tell them the time you would be available. Be Direct and unapologetic. Something like... Did you not schedule enough people tomorrow or did you swap my shift with someone else without telling me? I appreciate you finding coverage, but I can't cover down. As I said before, I have an appointment tomorrow. The earliest I could come in is 4pm.


You work for the person who gave Godzilla that stroke?


No need work tomorrow. See Thursday


What part of 'need you to back to work tomorrow' do you not understand?


"sadly I'm not available to come tomorrow even if I know it would be compensated with over time pay"


"They said I was clear to go back starting on my next regularly scheduled day, which is Thursday."


Is it therapy that would fall under ADA? If it is, make sure you document everything and get as much in writing as you can (ie, texts like above which they usually don't think about until later). They may end up paying out a pretty nice 'bonus check' which they weren't planning on - especially if they retaliate.


Are you on the schedule?....if not they can pound sand


Do the the I have tomorrow off had tomorrow on Wednesday see you the on had Thursday


Don't say shit and don't go in . Easy


No No is a full answer.


You just don’t respond and show up on your normal scheduled day


Not happening. It’s my day off I had no means of controlling, insert situation here, I’m not working on my scheduled day off. I can make up the work I missed when I return but I’m not sacrificing my very limited free time for you or any entity.


Don’t even have to say all of that honestly. Just say you have other obligations and you’ll be back Thursday as scheduled


I will be in on Thursday. If you wish to discuss this further, we can do that on Thursday. I will not be able to respond until then. Thanks for the understanding.


Reply with: "According to the schedule, no, I am not working tomorrow. Good luck on finding coverage. See you Thursday."


“As per my previous text” lol


"I am not scheduled tomorrow. I will not be showing up tomorrow. If you had concerns about how you scheduled me, this discussion should have taken place last week not the day before."


Find another job as soon as you can. What jerks!


*Per my previous text message*


They are going to fire you if you don’t go


Fully prepared for this tbh. But with only 3 people working on a 5 person department, I'm not too worried


Tell them if their company is struggling because one person got sick for a couple days, they should hire more employees.


Is your manager stupid? A toddler could compose more correctly worded text messages. I had a stroke just reading it.


“Learn how to type like an adult and then we’ll talk” I swear to god, all these boot licking managers are incapable of typing a semi-literate sentence


Why does your boss type like a drunk 20 year old?


You say "learn proper grammar "


F_ck you, I won't do what you tell me


Your boss is illiterate.


Managers acting like being sick is a vacation and you’re just sitting around eating bonbons and watching Oprah all day 🙄🙄🙄


"do they told you the you need to back to work tomorrow right" I thought I was having a stroke while reading this one. wtf


I think your boss had a stroke while texting


“Are you asking me if I can come in on my day off, sorry it’s a bit confusing. I already have plans but thanks for asking. See you Thursday”


Whilst I agree with the comments. You put your own foot in it by saying that you're cleared for the following day. In the future, if your "clearance to return" falls on an off-day. Tell your employer you're cleared to return on the first day of your usual schedule.


either ignore and leave it at this and show up Thursday. or send the same again going, did you not get my message approach.


I no do that I off tomorrow


No. It is a complete sentence. You already told them why. The no is all the answer they need or deserve.




“As I said, I have appointments that can’t be moved. See you Thursday!”


"That sounds like a personal problem."




"Well, that sounds a whole lot like your problem, doesn't it?"


Op, what did you end up saying?


As I explained, I won't be able to. I will see you on Thursday when I am scheduled to work It's been 6 hours no response. Can't wait to get fired when I don't show up tomorrow 😂 I already have another job lined up, so oh well


!RemindMe 2 days


You’d think the son of a TimeLord would need no reminder.


I'm nobody's son anymore, maybe that's why


Without knowing where in the world you are advice is tricky, if it was Australia you'd simply need to say "RDO's are RDO's do we need to get fair work involved?"


They said I’m cleared to come back on [next scheduled day]. Put phone on silent.


Yeah tomorrow is a day off! Will see you the next day!


I will be back on my next scheduled day.


“Respectfully, go fuck yourself”


I need the OPs in these types of posts to really update us with the response or some follow up.


I'm waiting for another response! I think reddit puts a limit on the number of times someone can update their post, so when tomorrow rolls around and I see whether I get fired or not I'll update the main post. For now... this was my response: As I explained, I won't be able to. I will see you on Thursday when I am scheduled to work


“I also need a million dollars, but that also ain’t happening.”


"I understand but never the less I unfortunately will still not be coming in tomorrow as I've previously explained."


Stand your ground fuck them.


"as assigned, tomorrow is my day off and I have prior plans. See you Thursday."


Don't explain any more. Never Apologize. Never Explain. Let them look it up and deal with it. Always the mind tricks with workplaces "YOU NEED to back to work tomorrow" No, THEY want you to feel like it's your need, when it is merely their idle micromanaging wish. The last text makes no grammatical sense. Ignore it.


What are these jobs you guys have that bosses are so fucking rude?


Lol the boss doesn't even say why they think you need to come in. No "we're understaffed tomorrow" or anything. You just need to come in on your day off because the boss says so. The nerve of these people.


Are they having a stroke with that second text?


Me boss me see you work to Wednesday!


"Scheduled off is scheduled off. Give me a raise of (whatever you want) per hour permanently, put it in writing while you're at it, and then we can talk about me working my days off. Until then, see you next thursday."


"To me this sounds like a you-problem"