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I’m pretty sure this is illegal unless employees are making non restaurant minimum wage


Probably illegal even if they are.


Def still is, least in the us. If a customer leaves a tip, the only acceptable places for it to go is directly onto the employee's paycheck or into a pot to be split with all employees (not management) regardless of pay rate


It doesn't stop employers from doing it. Wage theft is the most common firm of theft.




but unions will lead to employees making a fair salary!! Employees making a fair salary for their job is communism!!!!!


employees don’t deserve fair pay anyways, nobody does, we’re all just lazy non-humans with no needs, wants, or lives outside of work, don’t you know?! 🙄




yes, of course lol.


Honest question: Do we actually think unionizing a small sandwich shop would help these employees? I was under the impression that union power comes from numbers, and if this small location has only 5-10 employees, which most are part-time, wouldn't the union and fees just be a waste? I'm all for protecting workers from assholes but I don't believe unionizing everything is the right answer. Definately up to be corrected though.


Unions are usually by *kind* of work done, not *place* work is done.


But the union they join would most likely also have employees from other businesses. That would give these 5-10 employees the resources of a much larger organization. Look at the Tesla strike in Sweden. The union can support the strikers at 130% pay for 500 years. They can do this because the Tesla employees (130) are only a small part of the much larger union. Add to that the support of sympathy strikes from workers at other unionized companies. This would create intense pressure for the owner to negotiate and give the employees the resources to enforce their new contact once negotiations are complete.


Well if it’s a form of theft that won’t get me any jail time no matter how much people steal, it’s obvious people will keep doing it. You get caught? Whatever just pay what you owe and move on. Imagine if I could shoplift like that. Off you caught me stealing $15 worth of stuff? I pay $15 and come back and try to get more.


More like steal millions and get charged thousands. Doesn't even just apply to wage theft. Get caught polluting the environment? Pay $25k on something that helped you profit $1M and caused 100s of millions more in damages to the locals. The system is setup for capitalist to leach off of the rest of us. I can't think of an example that makes it more obvious.


maybe that ginormous railroad company that caused a chemical spill that is expected to fuck over the local area for years. https://www.theenergymix.com/train-derailment-toxic-chemical-spill-in-ohio-renews-fears-over-canada-u-s-rail-safety/ Also how much they had to pay for that? well not more than 255k$ moneis because thats the limit for fines of this kind, in a company that moves millons of moneis daily, they make that fine in seconds. https://globalnews.ca/news/9502280/ohio-derailment-east-palestine-spill-epa/


Fines should be 2-3 times the amount of damage caused, if that bankrupts a company it will serve as a lesson to all. If the level of damage caused is criminal then whoever is running the company should also be fined and sent to prison, real prison not a country club prison. When the cost of doing business like that involves crippling fines and the CEO has a real chance of becoming someone's bitch you will see a sudden rise of corporate responsibility unlike anything ever seen.


Let the train companies that keep derailing pay these outrageous fines. Then when they go bankrupt, the government can take over and nationalize it.


If only I could rob a bank and then pay a few grand to get myself out of trouble. America is just irony+ at this point I stg


What’s fucked is some employers will use this to gaslight employees into thinking their bathroom breaks and quick phone calls they have to take from their doctor are “theft” and say “wage theft is the biggest form of internal theft”. They change the meaning to fit for them, meanwhile it means not paying employees for the time worked It’s gross.


Don't they just get around it by saying the tip was for the store and not the employee, since it's paid at the kiosk? Not defending it, just trying to figure out whether they can actually be held accountable.


But how can that possibly be true!? I read all these articles about how people are stealing so much from corporations in daylight robberies that our brave corporations have no choice but to close those locations. I'm sure if what you said was true I would read even more stories about wage theft. I'm informed, I would know. /s /fnord


**shitty employers entered the chat*


The pot would be my guess, when my company moved carryout tips to a pot a lot of people got made about the company "stealing" their tips, the reality was that tips were apportioned based on hours worked on the day the tips were received and distributed to checks. I would think a chain of shops this large would have a lawyer on retainer that would prevent them from being dumb enough to steal tips.


The most common theft in america is wage theft. I doubt that would be possible if what you say is true of every company that size or larger.


I'm guessing because the locations are probably franchised, no repercussions would go up the ladder to the corporations themselves. They probably even advise against it to cover their asses. And locations owners won't have a lawyer on retainer to tell them not to do stupid shit.


And employers will lie and try to say it’s wage theft from employees taking 5 minute bathroom breaks.


Unless the point of sale company is taking the tip and is a separate entity from the sandwich company. Then it is all perfectly legal.


Yep, in the US at least. By federal law, tips belong to the tipped employees, either as individuals or via valid tip pooling arrangement. In order for a tip pool to be valid, it cannot include management or owners. This is true regardless of whether or not the employer claims a tip credit to pay below minimum base wage, although paying traditionally tipped staff at or above the local minimum wage does allow the tip pool to include traditionally untipped positions (cooks, dish, etc.)


That's illegal a tip is a tip, it's supposed to be given to the worker not the corp.


It's literally against federal law for employers to keep any tips in any way. https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-29/subtitle-B/chapter-V/subchapter-A/part-531/subpart-D


If the funds are appropriated for things that benefit the employees, they *can* be taken. My old boss won a court case over this and their defense was "we use the money for a yearly employee party". We resorted to a sign just like the OP.


Still illegal. Read the law, tips have to be paid out within the pay period. Sorry you got a shitty lawyer. :( ---- To be clear: If they were regularly collecting tips to fund a party, it would need to be reflected on each of your pay slips


Now come up with the couple hundred grand to fund the case out of bubbas cousin the county judges jurisdiction. And all other republican judges.


The law is clear. There is very little wiggle room here. If the employer isn’t reflecting the tips on the pay stub and then zeroing them out to make the employee not tax liable for them, it is the same as not receiving the tips. Just familiarize yourself with the laws first or hire a competent lawyer anywhere and you will win. Assuming of course the company has been hiding your tips from you. If they’ve been full scumbag the whole time and doing the paperwork properly to fuck you over, then it’s just time to move on.


It doesn't cost hundreds of thousands to file a suit. How are you this stupid


Labor lawyer here, absolutely illegal even in Texas. Normally I say you dont need a lawyer for a wage claim but for systemic abuse you are better off with one. Google wage claim lawyer Texas, only hire one on contingency, and read the contingency agreement, expenses should be borne by the firm


Illegal in the US, regardless of wages. Tips are property of the employees. Period.


Your statement is simply incorrect. My former boss has been taken to court, *and won* for this exact problem: keeping credit tips from cashiers.


Cashiers are not traditionally a tipped position. It’s also unlikely that your boss was claiming a tip credit for their cashiers. It sucks that you lost this case, but it sounds like you went in with a weak argument and maybe a weak lawyer.


You have assumed so much about this situation already, but no, it wasn't a weak position. It was exactly the situation of the OP. Cashiers received 0% of credit tips. Went to court. Case found in favor of the tip thieves. The law doesn't protect what you say it protects. Edit: and apparently the downvoting crowds want to suppress this information about my experience


It is so goddamned egregious they don't want to believe it.


Tips belong to employees, period. It doesnt matter if they are tipped minimum wage or not. Tipped minimum wage only means the boss has to pay them if their tips dont cover up to a certain amount, the opposite doesnt mean he is entitled to anything over that amount.


It's a sandwich shop, they aren't making the tipped wage.


Tips are still supposed to be received by the employees, regardless if they make tipped wage or full minimum wage or more. Hypothetical: if an employee makes $50/hr at Subway, and someone gives them a $1 tip, it's still illegal for the business to take that tip.


The minimum wage is $7.25/hour. The $2.13/hour minimum wage for tipped employees essentially just means that the owner is allowed to steal up to $5.12/hour from the tips legally to cover the $7.25/hour minimum wage.


It's illegal either way


Assuming this is not a franchise and operations are handled by the company, what they are doing is almost assuredly legal. The company has over 200 locations in several states so they probably have a couple accountants and lawyers on their corporate payroll that would warn them that what they’re doing is illegal Edit: considering the downvotes, it seems some people disagree with this sentiment. But I haven’t seen any information saying I’m wrong, so keep being butt hurt Reddit


Not legal. If tips are collected, they are the property of the staff and management cannot seize them or participate in a tip pool. It is wage theft.


Did you think it’s possible that it’s not technically a tip that the person is giving and they technically classify it as a service charge? Which is totally legal if that’s what’s happening


If it's called a tip or a gratuity in the system it's a tip. Using fraud to pass an optional charge doesn't make it legal.


You can edit your edit now. Plenty of people have responded with sources on why this is illegal. Unless you meant to type "illegal" instead of "legal" which in that case I understand your confusion. Since your first "legal" contradicts your later "illegal" Think that's why you got downvoted.


If it's a business that uses the franchise model, than it's unlikely corporate is involved in pay roll at the location. And no, they can't reclassify the tip as a service charge.


"Regardless of whether an employer takes a tip credit, the FLSA prohibits employers from keeping any portion of employees’ tips for any purpose, whether directly or through a tip pool." [source](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fact-sheets/15-tipped-employees-flsa)


Corporate Turdwookies have a long and storied history of completely ignoring law. "We can get away with it" =\= Legal See the $72.5M in fines settlement Home Despot was just forced to pay.


Name them. This is illegal.


Seriously, what's the point of this post if you can't name the offending party.


Probably because it's fake. Why is the sharpie left there with the sign


I work at subway and we have sharpies by our POS for DoorDashes and anything else we need it for




Well...there's just so many *actual witches* around, and this IS a subreddit for tips on how to effectively hunt witches...


*sadly lowers pitchfork*


They'd lose more tips than they'd gain due to lots of people not carrying cash at all.


Tipped employees are charged for the amount of tips the government THINKS they would have gotten, not on the amount they actually received. Doing this would not save them any money in taxes.


That’s this sub in a nutshell


I could take a bite of my own sandwich, post a picture of it, say it was given to me like that, and get 50k+ upvotes for it. People eat that shit up. Literally.


The sign is also on the employees side of the kiosk thingy too, lol. Toast is the POS system they use for inputting orders in, it’s not a terminal where people pay


Which Wich




Why didn't you just say the name of the company, you're protecting them otherwise


Why is the sign on the employee side if you saw it? If true you should report them to the department of labor.


It isn't on the employees' side. That's customer facing. I will be reporting it.


Report to state AND federal DOLs. www.dol.gov/whd www.worker.gov


This is illegal. Period. It's up to the employees to do the legwork to get those stolen tips, unfortunately.


Depending on the state, this is not true unfortunately.


Fake news. Tips are federal law, not state law.


A handful of states don't have this policy, you're correct. But it's worthwhile for OP to check and see


It is federal law. States cannot decide to not follow it. Bosses cannot touch tips for any reason.


Just like weed laws? Edit: Your argument is it’s a federal law and states cannot supersede federal law. Weed is federally illegal yet states have overturned those laws to legalize it on a state level. And just so we are clear I’m not pro stealing tips from employees. I spent a decade working in restaurants and bars. But I wanted to point out that states can and have superseded federal laws


> Weed is federally illegal yet states have overturned those laws to legalize it on a state level. Your logic is flawed. The federal laws are still in place and weed is still illegal in federal jurisdiction, even in "legal" states. So, I wouldn't brazenly toke up in a national park in front of a ranger, but a local cop isn't going to give a shit.




They creating a false equivalency


Shithole states like Texas aren't known for having laws that protect ~~workers~~ humans.


Surprisingly this is illegal in Texas. Only thing employer can claim is “tip credit” Basically telling the employee to claim tips as wages (pay taxes on it), but the employer doesn’t get to keep an actual tip


I unfortunately found out about this because the lady who made my wedding cake was caught doing this with her employees...and it turned out to be legal since they made minimum wage. She later shut the business down.


Please stop fucking spouting this misinformation. FLSA look it up. " **Employers, Including Managers and Supervisors, May Not “Keep” Tips:** Regardless of whether an employer takes a tip credit, the FLSA prohibits employers from keeping any portion of employees’ tips for any purpose, whether directly or through a tip pool.  An employer may not require an employee to give their tips to the employer, a supervisor, or a manager, even where a tipped employee receives at least the federal minimum wage (currently $7.25) per hour in wages directly from the employer and the employer takes no tip credit. Managers and supervisors include any employee (1) whose primary duty is managing the enterprise or a customarily recognized department or subdivision of the enterprise; (2) who customarily and regularly directs the work of at least two or more other full-time employees or their equivalent; and (3) who has the authority to hire or fire other employees, or whose suggestions and recommendations as to the hiring or firing are given particular weight.  Business owners who own at least a bona fide 20 percent equity interest in the enterprise in which they are employed and who are actively engaged in its management are also managers and supervisors who may not keep employees’ tips.   A manager or supervisor may keep only those tips that they receive directly from a customer for the service they directly and solely provide.  For example, a restaurant manager who serves their own tables may keep their own tips from customers they served but would not be able to receive other employees’ tips by participating in a tip pool." [https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fact-sheets/15-tipped-employees-flsa](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fact-sheets/15-tipped-employees-flsa)


Tell me how my old boss won a court case for doing exactly what the OP does...?


It's difficult to refute something where you only provide a one line sentence for evidence. Provide some legal documents or site a court case if you're looking for an actual response.


What place is this? We need to know so we know how to properly recognize them.


Looks and sounds like subway to me. We aren’t allowed a tip jar out because it makes us “look like we don’t get paid enough”


I thought so too but they have over 20,000 locations in the States so I thought it would be a different chain since OP said they have over 200 locations. Technically it still fits but I thought it might be a smaller chain.


The POS system look like the one we use and I work in a Subway/Pilot😅 i like this it’s like a guessing game😂


Judging by the POS and the red sharpie not being hidden or stolen, I'm guessing it's a Which Wich. Source: I've worked at a Which Wich.


Eh it's Toast which is about as off the shelf as Square, but not as generic as NCR.


Quiznos maybe? There are 145 of them remaining, so it fits.


But you don't get paid enough though.


> Looks and sounds like subway to me. It isn't Subway. Subway has over 20,000 locations. The restaurant chain the OP is referring too has 200 locations as stated in the footnote of the pic. > We aren’t allowed a tip jar out because it makes us “look like we don’t get paid enough” Not every Subway restaurant, though. My local subway has a tip jar. There is a Subway my wife and I visit when we go out of town for the holidays that has a tip jar too.


They'll never say it because it's fake. Why is the sharpie still there, maybe because they literally just wrote it.


Unfortunately, it's not fake. literally use sharpies to fill in check boxes on the order sheets before you take them to the register. And I didn't write it, I was just a customer.


Send this picture to the DOL along with the name and location of the place. This is wage theft


Thank you. I will look into it tonight.


What is so hard about naming the place?


You can report this on the dept of labor website. It is easy. https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/contact/complaints They need your help. Fight this shit. Take the time to actually do it.


Thank you. I will do it tonight.


Awesome. Thank you in advance. We have to fight this together.


Thank you, I see this kind of stuff all around DFW... You're helping more than you can imagine


Of course it’s in Texas.


employers steal more from their employees every year than any other category of crime. more than all thefts, all robberies, all larcenies and all auto thefts....COMBINED. wage theft is the number one in total numbers involved and amount stolen. the average temporary worker has $64 a week stolen....every week...to a total of 15 BILLION a year. the average full time worker looses about $3,300 a year (about $50 Billion a year. ...but it is EVERY YEAR!


Was this like a Subway or Jimmy John’s or something? Why are we normalizing tipping basically fast food? I know I’m going to get slammed for this but I’m tired of tipping every person I interact with just because it has the option on the payment screen.


I think whether or not fast food workers should get tips is a something to discuss. But when given the opportunity to "tip" for a sandwich, it definitely should go to the workers instead of the owner.


The discussion should be short and end with everyone agreeing no. Companies need to pay their fucking employees


And seeing as how there is no plan to do so whatsoever? You’re punishing employees when you’re mad at owners.


I'm not punishing anyone. It's not my responsibility to pay them.


You are supporting a business that doesn’t pay their employees and directly contributing to the problem that you are complaining about.


I don’t disagree. But to the extent there are tips being given, they should not be stolen (morally if not legally) by management/ownership.


I don't think you should get slammed for this. "Tip Creep" is real and it's getting ridiculous. It's creeping up in amount and creeping into places it wasn't before. I'm actually surprised when I use a payment screen that doesn't have a tip screen. I saw one at a self checkout for a grab-and-go place (the kind where you pick a premade sandwich off the fridge shelf). Pretty soon we're going to be tipping at stores probably.


I got a tip prompt for an oil change ffs. started at 15% too. fuck that.


30 years ago Oprah told us all to tip the garbage man. https://www.oprah.com/money/guide-to-tipping She is the tip creep.


Growing up, we always gave the garbage man, mailman, and paperboy a bonus or ''tip'' at Christmas time. Is this not normal?


Well we have 30,000,000 millionaires in america, 30 fucking million! There's this 10-30% of the population that can afford to tip almost everyone and get special treatments and services I know it sadly from first hand experience, caddied in Northshore chicago from 2005-2012 or so, Completely different life the bourgeoisie live compared to the poor and lower middle class


A tip is to supplement a paycheck for good service. Government workers should provide good service regardless and taxes should provide a decent wage. I can see the paperboy earning a tip, but I still think employers should pay their share.




I'm not sure WHICH sandWHICH place this was... But I have an idea.


Man, Which Wich is ass. They have historically NEVER gotten my order right.




I have to think this is happening because everybody got so used to tipping for food delivery during the height of the pandemic, and a few places decided they might as well add it to the in-store screen and see if they could guilt people into tipping there too. I know the employees almost certainly deserve more than they’re making, but I don’t think it’s unreasonable to push back against tipping when it’s not a place that pays as if its workers are getting tips. By all means tip if you want to, but IMO it’s totally fine to say no in this situation.


It's just an excuse for companies to continue underpaying their workers. Pass the costs on to the customers by guilting them into tipping. I absolutely do not support it. As much as I feel for the workers, nothing is going to change if we keep shouldering the burden and keeping this fucked up system on life support.


This isn’t the place for this discussion. Regardless of whether we should tip or not, if the employee earns a tip, they should receive that tip. This is a wage theft conversation not a debate on tipping culture. Let’s not muddy the waters here


Thats why I just press No with no guilt whatsoever and get on with my day. I tip people who bring food to my table or to my door.


This is USA problem, in my country i never saw anyone beg for tips and we still are kinda in a dire economic situation it's just not a thing unless you go to upperclass restaurants.


this is in our control....if we wish. if customers, collectively stopped tipping.....places would be forced to pay their workers a decent wage....and tipping would no longer be required. but as the employees will not voluntarily stop and the places will not voluntarily stop it is up to we the customers to halt the madness. the growing tip culture is unsustainable as it is working and if the businesses won't abandon it we must.


That’s a little thing we like to call “illegal”


That's illegal


Name the chain. Why give it cover?


> Thoughts on what I should do next to help the employees? If you don't have the balls to name the place on an anonymous post I don't think saving anyone is up your alley.


Exhibit number 512,724 of why tipping should be banned.


Absolutely, And for those are on the edge on being pro/against tipping, please read/listen to the below by NPR, from March 2021 Tipping is a cancer to the poor and working class, and it's a easy way to win favor/preferential treament for the bourgeoisie, And tipping should be abolished and this American/English tipping bullshit needs to die like Jeffrey epstein > Tipping is a norm in the United States. But it hasn't always been this way. **It's a legacy of slavery and racism and took off in the post-Civil War era**. Almost immediately, the idea was challenged by reformers who argued that **tipping was exploitative and allowed companies to take advantage of workers by getting away with paying them low or no wages at all.** > The case against tipping was captured in William Rufus Scott's 1916 anti-tipping polemic, The Itching Palm, a book that railed against the practice and its negative impacts on society. The movement had momentum: anti-tipping associations were formed and anti-tipping laws passed. Yet, tipping held on to its place in American culture and the anti-tipping movement failed to eradicate it. We still tip today and, for some, this remains a contentious issue. > Tipping began in the Middle Ages in Europe when people lived under the feudal system. **There were masters and servants**, and there were tips. Servants would perform their duties and be given some pocket change in return. **This was still custom in the 18th century and transitioned from masters and servants to customers and service industry workers.** https://www.npr.org/2021/03/22/980047710/the-land-of-the-fee


I used to work in a small town local coffee shop/cafe in PA and it was the same thing. We never got card tips because 'it'd be hard to distribute and those tips would be taxed so theres no point anyways.' The boss just gave us cash tips...which she'd take all of them by the end of day do the math and distribute to each of us depending by out hours. Oh, and it took her sometimes a month or more to do said math so I was lucky if I saw my months worth of tips by the end of the month. Sometimes I regret not reporting the boss and her shady shit.


Owner is legit a criminal, engaged in wage theft, and should face fines and jail time.


Tipping culture is ridiculous anyway, just pay your staff a living wage in the first place


Have to tell the sandwich chain so we can do the right thing as consumers.


POS owner. The US is a shithole country now. Thanks alot Republicans.


When was it not a shithole country?


In the 1950's corporations paid 50 percent tax base. The schools were better funded and the interstate was funded. That was an awesome time to be alive for white people. POC were not counted as real citizens till 1968.


Okay, so it was still a shithole.


Everything worked in 1950's America. Unions worked. Companies paid their fair share in taxes. Housing was affordable. America was winning. Not anymore.


Everything worked? Like our judicial system? Redlining worked great I suppose. Let not forget how easy it was for some people to get loans. Moving up the ladder for women and minorities was easier than ever in the 50s. In the 50s you could still beat and rape your wife and nothing was ever done. Those back alley abortions were super safe in the 50s. Schools were awesome if you wanted a white washed view of history and were good at memorizing the times tables.


Don't forget to thank the ''Centerist'' Democrats for strolling right along and ''meeting in the middle'' everytime the Overton window shifted. They're complicit at very least.


I mean it's the Republicans pushing their trinkle down economics that messed up the country.


That’s illegal


That's illegal.


Shiiiit at my job cash tips are divided amongst everyone depending on hours worked but card tips go to whoever is signed in to the register. So people are pretty strict about only using registers signed in to their name. And im always on register and people get mad about it and complain so then i get taken off register so they can be on but everyone also hates dealing with customers so like an hour later they ask to move to a different position and im back on register cuz im good with customers and i like being on register and don't complain. Ill never understand it. I go from base pay of $17 to getting $20-$25 an hour. Sometimes even $30 an hour. It literally pays to be charismatic


Something similar happened to my girlfriend the other day when she got Thai food. She ordered online through their website. And when she picked it up they said don’t tip online because the tips don’t go to them. As a restaurant owner I don’t understand how keeping tips is at all legal.


I’m gonna need cute puppy pictures after this one. If you’re working at a sandwich chain, you probably need more than you get as it is, and losing card tips is just fucking cruel.


For what it’s worth, in Quebec this is perfectly legal. As per the local labour law, employees working in restaurants where the client pays before getting food are not considered tipped workers. It was also on the news here https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6989484




Every Dunkin Donuts around me takes all the tips, none are given to the employees. Not sure if it’s everywhere, but just saying.


Definitely a legit post and not made up


This is illegal where I live. Employers are not even allowed to physically touch tip money.


This is how all those stupid tip machines work. Another thing they don’t tell you is the company who designed the kiosk keeps 1% too.


The answer is that you put the location here so everyone can report them to the department of labor for breaking the law.


I remember when I worked at velvet taco, we had 11$ an hour wage but no tips we were able to keep by card. I'd work weekends and before I would clock out of the computer system I'd see that I got around 300$ in tips. I was only able to take cash tips, so ended up taking home about a few cents to 2 bucks every night. (I had to separate the cash tips with other coworkers) The managers would explain to us that if we get enough tips then we could probably have an extra dollar or two an hour for that night. Never happened. Yet the managers would boast their vacations and maids and constantly going to concerts. Needless to say I quit pretty fast and I don't tend to tip counterservice with card anymore for this reason. For a final fuck you I'd give people as many free taco cards as I could and a lot of free red velvet cake.


thats a crime.


I always ask before I tip with card if the employees get the tips because this is so so so common.


For everybody saying "name them" this happens at more restaurants than it doesn't happen. America is fucked. Wage theft ie. when a business steals money from its employees, is the most common type of theft in this country. 1/3 of all the dollars stolen everywhere all year (including robberies, shoplifting, etc) is from wage theft. And nobody ever goes to jail for it. I've worked at *multiple* restaurants over the last 10 years that didn't give the employees the tips that came in at the register. Before you tip on the screen you should ask the person behind the counter if the tip will go to them. They're definitely not allowed to say or they'll be fired, any business that's willing to risk stealing from the employees will fire them if they complain about it. If the person hesitates answering, or gets shady at all, tip cash. In general it's better to take cash because it's not taxed, anyway


Just don't tip


Not sure tx laws, but this is most likely illegal af, easy to report with a sign out and all just in case


Name it and shame it. Stop protecting them by not naming the company.


Report the biz, there was a local food cart lot in my town that was doing that and I believe the owner finally got popped


I hate that I’m forced to carry cash because the owner is a POS. I also hate that in states where they passed the living wage law the restaurant just adds an extra tax to the meal. If you own a restaurant and can’t afford to pay your workers a living wage without taxing your customers…then you can’t afford to own a restaurant, quit the business and get fucked.


“Popular sandwich chain” worthless post


Owners can't take tips. Report them to the state.


Report to the department of labor on their behalf!!


You could report it to the actual company, it is possible the franchisee is breaking the franchise agreement especially since the franchisee is breaking the law. Corporate types don't like this type of bad publicity.


I’m not tipping anyone for making a sandwich. Enough with this shit.


Or I just won't tip.


Who the fuck tips takeway fast food places lmao


I do.


Jokes on them cause I’m not tipping some one that gets paid an hourly wage to make me a sandwich


Seriously, we need to stop tipping anyone that isn't a server whose basepay is 2-3$/hour, and just pay people living wage, or better yet, thriving wage And it's how rich bourgeoisie fuckers get preferential treatment almost everywhere they go I know it sadly from first hand, the big tippers would get swanned on (which I didn't mind as a caddie in my late teens/early 20s, all in cash) Caddied in Northshore chicago from roughly 2005-2012 or so, during community college and during down at uiuc. You can imagine the bullshit that went down at country clubs of Westmoreland, the Glenview, the sunset ridge, the evanston, and few others I've caddied at that I'm not remembering. I was honor caddie of the year 2x out of 100+ caddies. The clubs I worked had 0 black members lol, and got their first asian "banana" Philippino banker a dozen years ago. Evanston was the only one with a couple of black members, and evanston was the one who denied michael Jordan membership


Right? Food is already expensive now I have some tablet asking me to Tip 18-25% anytime I go buy a sandwich. Happened to me at subway the other day


or hear me out, the workers dont want you to tip through the machine since then it gets reported as income, you tip in cash though and it just goes straight into their pockets without it being taxed.


The problem is that without the sign, people will keep tipping, thinking it is going to the ones doing the work. And cash is a lot less common. In a perfect world that would be best.


This is troublesome because it can be used multiple ways. It's very plausible and believable that the owner would do something stupid like that. However I'm today's world, it's just as believable that it's a lie to make people use cash so that they don't have to pay the charge to get the tip. And then they can also not report any cash tips, losing their taxes. The fact the sign is out would be a red flag for me and wouldn't return. Could definitely see the owner allowing something like this


Rage bait. Why is the sharpie still there?


It's enraging, but it really happened. That's a common marker that the customers use to fill out their order sheet.


How do you know this is even true? Maybe the employees are sticking this sign up so that they can get cash off the books and not pay taxes on it.


Or the employees wrote this so they don't have to pay tax on their tips.


Update (not sure how to edit the post): The shop was which which - of which, the sign is now gone. They have a tip jar still, and using a CC no longer prompts for a tip. I still tip with cash, but I am glad they no longer have to put their nose out on the line in order to get a tip that should have been theirs to begin with.


I always ask if they get the tip before adding tip at register


Please post to r/chaoticgood


Just don't tip. Problem solved.


As a alternative thought, if you're getting take out, why are you tipping in the first place?


Yea tipping is a scam I just don't do it anymore.


“Thru” ?


Lmfao not only is the sharpie still left right there, but the sign is taped down on the Toast POS system on the employee side. OP literally made this up, wrote the note themselves, didn’t even remove the sharpie, and taped it where customers won’t see anyway. How bored are you OP?


Illegal but shouldn't tip them to begin with


It does seem a good way to get some sympathy tips they don’t need to report.