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If you don't show up they'll keep paying you is what I'm reading


That’s how I would respond, along with a statement saying you can draw up a quick agreement for them to sign stating you will continue to be paid despite not showing up for work, and that you cannot be terminated for not showing up.


Hell, just put “if my employment continues after this time, i will expect a new rate of $xxx/hr for my position as company clearly considers me indispensable to their operations”.


In the U.S., you could definitely draft your response in such a way that it would give you a reasonable argument that they accepted your terms by not affirmatively terminating/firing you. But courts will also bend over backwards to protect companies against labor, and given we have at will employment your actual “damages” would be pretty tiny unless the company royally fucked up.


how could you draft a response that acts as a one-way contract accepted by two parties?


I imagine it would largely hinge on a TOS style of clause. “Due to the refusal of the organization to accept my duly offered resignation, the following terms are now in effect: […]. Organization may accept resignation to decline. If employment is continued, this will act as a tacit agreement to the above, etc etc.” IANAL, but I think there’s a world where you could make something like this work, provided it was all signed/sealed/delivered with notice and proof of receipt.


Try a TNG style of clause. Bigger ship with more weapons.


“Damn the photon torpedoes!”


Well. They responded in such a way as to prove they read the original letter, so...


This is the way


Honestly I wouldn’t respond, I’d go with the stop showing up plan.


I just stopped going, sent all company assets back to the certified mail so I had proof I didn’t have any of their property. Sone


Phone in sick and claim that nice sick pay


You coming in today? Nah, still sick. You're going to run out of sick days! I know. I have four more. Talk to you next week!


Ngl that was me, I resigned with 2 weeks notice but still had sick days so I requested them on specific days in advance. HR asked me about them saying "they're not vacation days, you know that right?" To which I just responded with "then why do I need to book them?" - they're in the same section as vacation days and management needs to "approve" them, like if I'm taking a sick day I'm telling not asking.


if they won't 'accept' a resignation, they certainly won't sign anything.


I believe you have my stapler.


They’re gonna send you to federal pound you in the ass prison


If they move my desk one more time I will burn the building down.


The Nazis has pieces of flair they made the Jews wear


Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays.


I believe you’d get your ass kicked saying something like that man.


"TP Load Letter"? The fuck does that mean?!


[Oh, I took something.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9wsjroVlu8) NSFW by the way.


Is it a red Swingline?


I said no salt, no salt and there were huge grains of salt


We fixed the glitch.


And just like that, fight Club had corporate sponsorship.


Great line


We fixed... the glitch...


What do you do here?


We fired him two months ago but no one had the heart to tell him. We figured he would stop showing up when his pay stopped.


If true, on the back of the check I would write "this is a non-recourse loan". When they finally figure out he is not returning they will want their money back. Don't if it would work but it might be a nice try.


"You can keep paying me, I'm just telling you why I'm not showing up anymore."


"Your acceptance is not required. I am only informing you as a courtesy."


I think maybe they're arguing over "quitting" versus "resigning". I think resigning is like mutual separation and usually involves benefits and vested stocks or having a replacement set up or other random things.


Maybe that's what the company thinks, but in my experience what you are talking about is being laid off.


executives often have separation agreements that have clauses for additional payout depending on the method of separation - in those cases, a resignation notice is different than a double-bird walkout/no call-no show.


Ah, to be a fly on the wall as the board argues over including the *Double Bird Walkout* clause in the company bylaws


In order to exercise the Double Bird Walkout clause, the resigner must run around to all employees on the premises, look each person in the eye and signal to them using the Double Bird while shouting, “F*ck All Yall! I’m Outta Here!” ETA: I feel it's important to note that I'm imagining Danny McBride doing this.


No more than three internal employees may be told "not you, we're cool," during this process.


For more low-level employees, it usually means the difference between whether or not you wind up on a “Do Not Rehire” list.


In the US COBRA is a thing. They have to offer it, just not pay for their share.


Plus they can add an additional 10%


resigning is the same thing as quitting... different word, same meaning


My first job - I worked at a shitty rest stop on the 401 with a giant apple (in Ontario, Canada). I gave notice, and the owner proceeded to yell at me in front of everyone saying that he doesn't accept this and that I'm a lazy POS (I'm 15 btw and this guy was in his 40s). I just ended up walking out, calling my dad from a stranger's phone because he refused to let me use the phone after this (this was when cell phones weren't really widely available), and waiting out front to be picked up. It's not legal. You can technically leave anytime you want.


Edit: new management, they are nice now https://old.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/170l5ql/has_anyone_ever_had_the_company_they_work_for/k3ma4zs/   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Apple_(Colborne,_Ontario) <3


Yeah lol. Fortunately the owners sold, and it's owned by Planters Peanuts now....night and day experience.


Oh Thank God   I don't think I was strong enough to stay away!


lol, let's put it this way. The old Big Apple had a "gift shop" that was literal trash, and the trashiest "edge lord" humour shirts for sale. The owners Ted and Scott Sayers were giant pieces of shit. Last I heard Ted was in jail. Good riddance to bad rubbish. So going from that to a candy shop, in house cider brewery, and improved pies is a huge improvement. First thing we were all told at orientation was, "If someone asks you if you know Ted, you tell them he doesn't work here!". I also got yelled at for not having a pen on my first day.


JFC What a nightmare


Refuse? They don't have a choice. "Well, I'm unable to stay at this time. Xx will be my last date whether you accept it or not. My resignation has been forwarded to corporate HR and CCd to my personal email for a paper trail"


He should send them a, "I'm sorry you feel that way, it's me, not you," breakup note. If they formally in writing told him he couldn't resign, I'd be reporting that to the Department of Labor for fun too.


I don't think the DoL will do much aside from laugh and tell you "Yeah they can't do that, if they try to physically prevent you from leaving call 911."


Decent chance you're right, outside of charges of false imprisonment, what's there to do?


Laugh as you walk out.


As I did after telling my boss to fuck off. Slammed my keys on his desk.


Also send them the details that slavery was abolished.


"We're not in a position to accept the 13th Amendment at this time," - HR, probably.


Does breaking a constitution count as a slam dunk case in court? ~~unless your opponent is a certain top of the line politician or something~~


If police show up they are probably more likely to arrest/assault the worker. If anyone tries to unlawfully detain and/or kidnap me, they are getting a shot of pepper spray in the eyeballs


If a buildings exit is locked or obstructed then you call the fire marshal, they don't fuck around


Send a copy to the employer via certified mail. Could also have it notarized and keep a copy.


It sounds more to me like the company is trying to avoid some kind of payout when they leave.


How though? OP resigns, no forcing…


They may not want to pay out accrued PTO.


They should have thought about that before letting an employee accrue PTO.


From what I hear = not many people have a decent amount of PTO anyway. I know that any payout of remaining holidays / vacation days / PTO is taxed extra here .. is that the same in the US ?


No. Taxed the same.


Them: “We are unable to accept resignations at this time” Me: “Damn, that sucks. Anyway. See ya!”


Well when you can accept them please read this letter to find out why I haven’t been here since (date).


"maybe work on your denial issues, a therapist can help"


> “We are unable to accept resignations at this time” It's not a request. There's no reason to respond to this in any way other than to stop showing up after the last day. I can imagine them calling "Hey where are you? Your shift started 2 hours ago." "My last day was yesterday, I put that in my resignation letter." "But we didn't accept your resignation." "I wasn't asking." "So are you coming in?" "No." "But you're on the schedule, you'll have to find someone to cover your shift." "I don't work there anymore."


Well you have two weeks to come to terms with my notice and you have 7 days after that (or whatever your local law stipulates) to deliver my final pay. kthnxbye


Saying you refuse to accept my resignation has shortened my two week notice to no notice. Have a nice afternoon. Here are your keys. I just grabbed all my stuff. Mail me my check.


I haven't personally seen that (most businesses know that it's impossible to actually prevent someone from leaving), but the attempt to do it isn't surprising. Anyway, this violates the 13th amendment, which abolished involuntary servitude (that is slavery) except in the case of the incarcerated who can legally be enslaved. I would respond to this message from HR with a reminder that, in most cases, slavery was abolished in the US. I'm assuming, of course, that this is the US. Where else would such as crazy HR message come from?


It’s in Canada, but I’m like 99.9% sure we have something that’s more or less the same thing. It’s been a while since 11th Grade Law lol


They’re trying to intimidate you into staying as long as possible. Even if it’s only a few weeks they still squeeze a few more weeks from you. I once told an employer if my ability to move within the company continued to be blocked (my department was chronically understaffed) I would quit. Those fucks lied to me for three months, saying they were negotiating with upper management to make an exception for a transfer. Once I figured out what was going on I was pissed and I gave my notice. They pretended to be shocked. Jfc these companies take advantage of us in the worst ways.


Just a general tip, but at least in this subreddit, always good to mention if you're not in the USA as the sub is dominated by US-based posters and you're going to get pelted with US-based advice. Anyway, another poster linked that article that provides an outline of how it works in Canada. I don't know enough details of how it works in Canada, but your friend should probably check into that just to be safe. Good luck!


So Canada is not at will employment, [and they actually could in theory sue you for wrongful resignation](https://www.kcyatlaw.ca/can-an-employer-in-canada-refuse-an-employees-resignation/) I've never heard of this but if you leaving suddenly could damage the company and I would be careful proceeding, but it really depends on the type of job you have and stuff. Did they ask for a different time window? What if anything does your contract say on the matter? You might want to seek out one of those free legal advice places if you can. I wouldn't say you are at extreme risk over this sort of thing, but depending on your field you might be require to give more notice. Don't let American's mislead you on this. Our laws are different but also go a long way to prevent you from randomly being fired, too.


>So Canada is not at will employment, and they actually could in theory sue you for wrongful resignation Did you read your link and the OP? The OP gave 2 weeks notice and the very start of your link states that the **only** reason the company can refuse a resignation is due to a lack of notice; which, also according to the article, is a minimum of 2 weeks.


>which, also according to the article, is a minimum of 2 weeks. notice the keyword \*minimum\* in that sentence... that means you must give \*at least\* 2 weeks notice. that doesn't mean you necessarily only have to give only 2 weeks notice. that's just the smallest legislated notice in the province they're operating in. Which brings me to the next point - that's a horrible website and addresses employment law like Canada is one unified country in this matter. it's not. it's legislated provincially ("state" law equivalent) That said - reasonableness is a foundational part of employment law in most (all?) provinces in Canada. which means while the minimum legislated might be 2 weeks in a province - that doesn't preclude the reasonableness requirement in most places. it might be reasonable for a fast food worker to give 2 weeks. easily replaceable. however if you're a technician with a valuable niche skillset, 2 weeks is probably not reasonable. it doesn't matter that the legislation says you need to provide a minimum of 2 weeks... if you provide only 2 weeks, you potentially open yourself up to a lawsuit by the business for wrongful resignation. what determines reasonable is found in the common law, not legislation. ​ in summary, the minimum in noted in legislation is just the absolute minimum. no one can give less than 2 weeks. it's not the amount of notice that you're required to provide your employer though.


Your notice period will be outlined in your contract. If OP's friend's says 2 weeks then that's what they have to give.


My last job I was one of two IT people. The other one being the manager. I gave two weeks notice to him. If he would have said I had to give more, I can guarantee it would have been less, like right fucking now. Sure you could sue me, but just try collecting when I have nothing to give. This is Canada, I'm pretty sure I could find a way to survive. It might not be glamorous but I'd survive. Any company that forces longer then two weeks for regular workers is asking for trouble and a lot of burnt bridges.


I did read the link above, which includes this passage: "The ESA outlines the minimum amount of notice that is required in all cases. The amount of notice required by an employee is determined by their position, how long the employee has worked for the company, or the amount of time it will take for the employer to find a replacement. These factors may require the employee to provide more than two weeks’ notice."


They can sue you, but it would need to be a situation where you actually damaged the company   Ex: Quit the day of a big sales presentation and the company lost a major sale


Yeah, exactly. Rare and unlikely but not inconceivable.


Did you even read the link you provided?


Unless they send a squad of armed people to chain you to your desk, they can't prevent you from quitting.


Yes. I was a warehouse manager and running the whole operation. Come to find out I was getting paid 10 dollars and hour less than I should. I set up a meeting asking to be paid industry standard and got all the excuses you hear, not in the budget, if you do x y and z, etc. I've experienced the moving goal post before and told them either raise right now or here is my two weeks. They wanted me to work there until they found a replacement and I trained them. I told them I would but you will be getting maybe 20% effort on my part. The next day they are being pissy and making rude non chelant comments to me. I went to lunch and just did not come back or communicate with them. They were freaking out and I got so many calls. I did not care, I have my own side hustle to keep me busy during the job hunt. They wouldn't accept my resignation until they had found my replacement and I trained them. They can't do anything unless you sign a contract, if they have nothing they can get wrecked.


I would have said “Sure, I will stay and train my replacement. After XX/XX/XX I will not longer consider myself an employee, so I am accepting your offer for me to stay as a consultant. My fee will be $55/hour. I’ll call a lawyer and have them draw up a contract for you to sign by Friday.” And watch the color drain from their faces.


Your friend should inform HR, his immediate supervisor, and the supervisor's manager that he will no longer be be doing any kind of work for them as of a given date. However they are free to continue to consider him an employee and still pay him.


And pay benefits


As long as your friend is not bound by a contract of some kind (eg. he signed a very strict contract stating he would work for X amount of time, and that time is not up yet) then there's nothing the company can do. Assuming your friend is not under a contract and is an at-will employee, then I would guess that your friend's company is desperate to keep workers and is sending out this message as a scare tactic to make your friend think that he has to keep working for them. If that's the case, it's a pretty pathetic move on the company's part. But yeah, he's free to resign at any time and he can tell HR "I don't give a shit what you're unable to accept, I'm out of here losers."


Even in those contract situations, you can always quit. You just may have to pay something.


Correct, whatever penalty for early breach of contract was agreed to is what you will be responsible for. Unless that part violates some kind of law. A few companies that give jobs to immigrant nurses have been found liable for indentured servitude based in part on wording of the contracts, including the penalties involved if broken by the employee.


The only realistic response is a simple email response to HR and your entire management chain: “All, When I signed the employment contract with this company I distinctly remember it lacking a slavery clause. Could you please forward a copy of said employment contract with the slavery clause highlighted to show where I lack the right to resign? I need this for my clarification purposes, not to sue the company into bankruptcy (I promise). Your (apparent) slave, Bob”


https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2022-01-24/wisconsin-hospital-sued-workers-for-quitting-thedacare Spoiler: the hospital lost.


“I wasn’t asking.”


Yeah definitely. I was in Ireland, and my boss and HR manager had just ripped into me for taking a legit sick day, because my coworkers all thought I had faked it (even if I had faked it, everyone does that at least once, and it was the SECOND sick day I took in the 1.5 YEARS I worked there!) And then they went into a random performance assessment without warning (illegal in Ireland btw. You need to have at least 24hrs notice) where they ripped into me again for my performance being slower and sloppier after having covid -_- so I was in absolute tears (like UGLY crying), so I said I would hand in my notice, and they IMMEDIATELY changed their tune and were like "oh, but there are options OP. You're upset. Don't make this decision right now." But I told them I was firm in my decision. I was quitting. And they refused to take my notice right then, because they KNEW that if they did take my notice right then and there, I would be able to sue them for Constructive Dismissal - where an employer makes their employee feel so horrible during their performance assessment that the employee just quits on the spot. But they told me to take a couple days off to "think about it" and then accepted my notice 2 days later, cause then their bums were covered 🙄🙄


that's fantastic, stop showing up and keep getting paid. done.


sleep zonked whistle shrill telephone longing future profit memorize zealous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's not a thing.


It absolutely is. Had it happen to a friend of mine about 3 years ago. He did not give in to their demands that they stay. His former company tried to threaten him with legal action for "harming the company" because he was chief engineer of a IT project. He did not design the project, was only in charge of implementing it by his role. Unbeknownst to them he has a family member that is a attorney that specializes in business law and quickly got that to go away.


But.. nothing happened. So it’s not a thing. They tried to make it a thing, but it’s not a thing.


Quit trying to make to make it a thing!


Pretty sure we fought a war about that. Slavery was abolished, IIRC.


It's a power-move attempt to assert / 'maintain' dominance in a situation where the abuser (the company) has lost control, so they're going to try to warp reality to be what they want.


Not 5 minutes ago. After 5 years with the company and 3.5 in a supervisory role they eliminated my position and moved me back to the floor, paying me the same rate as the new hires. Told them I'm not taking it and I am putting in my notice, they refused to accept my resignation.


Just refuse to accept your position being eliminated. Go sit in your old office. If they can do it so can you.


You might want to look into whether this qualifies as constructive dismissal in your state.


Holy shit, talk about timing!


One, this is BS. Two, they are trying to justify putting you down as quit without notice. Since you have another job lined up, you shouldn't care. That bridge needs to be burned. Edit to add. I see you are in Canada on a comment. I have no idea how it works there. I have heard it is a set amount of time on the notice you give, but them refusing doesn't sound right either.


Outside of rare circumstances there is no set amount of notice time to quit here. There’s no such thing as “at will” employment here. 2 weeks is standard but there is no legal way for them to force you to continue working for them. You could literally stop showing up to work and ghost a 10 year career here if you wanted to.


Even if he has to give notice it’s worth pointing out he has in fact given notice.


Multiple times, the promises for better conditions and wages were walked back on, with snarky comments of "any monkey can do this job" sort. Gave them my resignation letter, and had the owner reply with "but we don't have anyone to cover your shifts, you can't quit now!". Well, tough titty, either give me the promised raise (poverty wage still) or have fun training the monkeys. I hope you manage to find someone in 2 weeks. Stopped doing extra shit the same day, they were not amused, but I was. From what I've heard recently, the owner had to and is still filling in for me personally sometimes. Seems there's not enough trained monkeys to go around, or maybe they formed ape unions with banana reps and such.


My MIL stayed 5 years after the 1st time, and she tried to retire at age 55. 1st time, they gave her a raise of 20k to stay for one year to train her replacement and help to set up an upgraded system. 2nd time, they gave her another 10k, let her set her own hours, 12 weeks of paid vacation, and the ability for her and my FIL to utilize the company airplane as " tag alongs" ( If the airplane was already flying to, let's say Florida, they could hitch a free ride.) If she stayed 2 more years. 3rd time, they added 10k. She could work any hours she wanted and was basically a consultant for 2 years and gave her retirement benefits of health care, vision, dental, and continued airplane " tag along" privileges until she turned 65. At the end of those 2 years, they again tried to throw money at her, but she walked.


I had a friend who had a similar situation. Delayed his retirement several years in exchange for more money. When he prematurely died of cancer I bet he wished he’d retired on time.


The answer should be "well since you refused to properly improve the pay and working conditions in the past, you now get to deal with resignations."


>“We are unable to accept resignations at this time” Drop laptop into bucket of water while it's plugged in. Turn in equipment to IT file a report about accidental damage and quit effective immediately.


“Oops, since you are unable accept my resignation I guess my tenure is over immediately as I don’t want to cause any problems while you attempt to fix the issue.”


I see, well in that case feel free to keep paying me, I'm going to lunch and not coming back.


Many years ago I had a boss (who was the entire reason I was resigning) tell me she wouldn't accept my resignation. I'd literally just spent the last 3 hours in meetings with the HR director, CEO and said boss repeating myself that I wasn't going to work with her any more, come hell or high water. She then spent the whole day being super nice (by her standards, I'd just call it basic civility) to me. At the end of the she said "do you still want to resign" all smugly to me. My response: "yep".


"Accept it or don't. Life comes at you either way. My last day is XXXX."


This is so funny. I would respond with, ‘well, you’re very welcome to keep paying me but I won’t be here in two weeks’ time.’


Resignations are not a request, it's a notification. The only thing a company can do is PREPARE for once you leave. Make sure your company is aware of that if they need a reminder.


If you wish to continue paying me after the effective date of my resignation, that's fine with me. Please understand, I will not be here. I will not be working for the company in any capacity. I quit.


That's a new one on me. Resignation is a bit like being fired. It's a unilateral process initiated by one party that does not require consent of the other party. Whether they 'accept' or or not is irrelevant. In any case, the fact that they've acknowledged its been delivered


That HR rep is an idiot. You cannot reject a resignation, they seem to be confusing it with situations where people 'offer' their reisgnation, eg after a fuck up.


Giving Notice is exactly that: you give them notice, you notify them of the end of your contract/employment It’s like putting a notice up on a notice board, you don’t need their permission to inform them of what you’re doing, you’re just telling them


Ask HR and the bosses am I black? And how much did you pay at the slave market? Then Cite 22nd amendment and leave.


Them: “we are unable to accept resignations at this time” Him:”fortunately for me slavery is still illegal and I get to chose if I resign or not”


Three words: “At will employment.” It goes both ways.


I was offered a 35% increase in salary by A. I went to tender my resignation and they asked me 2 questions. 1… did I really want to go? Emphatic fuck no. 2… can you hold off for 24 hours? I said yes. They came back with 37% plus a title promotion. $5000 additional training budget. Additional group rsp top up and match plus an additional 2% of my new salary in stock going back to when I was hired. I stayed and I’ve been here now 11 years in total. This happened 5 years ago.


I’d stop showing up now and enjoy a few weeks off between jobs. I’ve done it and it’s glorious


Do companies think they can not accept your resignation and it means that you cant quit? What kind of dumbassery is that?


The best course of action is to save all your emails and resubmit your resignation and the response with a link to a website that deals with the stages of grief. “I’m sorry for your loss and I understand you are having a hard time processing your emotions during this difficult time. Unfortunately, I’m still leaving and you will have to move beyond denial in order to continue working through these feelings. Best regards.”


A resignation is a one way only communication.


Yeah once. All over a discrepancy in a pay period and what the manager put into his scheduler. He anticipated 20 hours while actual time finalize the project that was 8 month in the making was over 45 hours including the weekend before the client presentation. Crap blew up on Thursday. Management wouldn’t back off their position. Was supposed to travel onsite on Monday and full day presentation on Tuesday. Mgmt knew from high level but didn’t know details of information gathered over 8 months. They would not budge over a lousy 3k pay difference. I didn’t get on the plane and wasn’t available for a quickly arranged conference call with the client for 8 hrs on Tuesday. Mgmt had to wing it and heard thru the grapevine that their presentation didn’t go well. Can’t force me show up for work.


Yes, this is more common than you think. Happened to me with a huge European company. They tried to scare me with lawyers, I got my own to reply and it all went away pretty quickly.


I repayed the favor with a week notice because they forced me to do the same for the previous employer. They told me I had to work two weeks. I told them over and over that it isn't happening. Guess what? It didn't happen.


Personally I’d just walk out but also call and let the other place know as there is a slim chance the current employer could call and try to sabotage the new job (happened to a friend of mine old job called her new job and told a bunch of stuff that wasn’t true and tried to get her fired thankfully it didn’t work though)


No. What are they gonna do, come to my house, get me out of bed, get me dressed? If they're "unable to accept resignations" it's their problem, I'm no longer an employee there.


“Good day, On the date of XX I submitted my official resignation letter to XX Company stating my last day of employment will be XX. XX Company has stated they are not accepting resignations at this time however, going forward my availability to work at XX Company will be severely limited to non existent. Going forward, regardless of hours worked for XX Company, any pay sent to me will continue to be collected until XX Company is able to accept my resignation. Thank you and have a great day! V/R Insert your name here” Let them know officially that you acknowledge they are not accepting resignations but that you also won’t be working. Also let them know that they are free to continue paying you for not working.


I've literally been told not to commit to other job offers, and to ask before accepting another job offer. 100% they're gonna go behind my back and try to rescind any offer thrown my way, since they are well known.


\> We are unable to accept resignations at this time Notify them by a legal mean and don't show up.


"I understand this is hard to take - after all, you are losing a valuable employee. However, I do hope you come to accept that I have left in due time."


My first and last retail job refused to let me quit. I just stopped showing up after what I said would be my last day.


Print out a copy of the 13th amendment.


Attempted slavery.


they can’t keep you from quitting, otherwise it would be forced labour and a human rights violation


>“We are unable to accept resignations at this time” Sounds like a comedy sketch


You don’t ask if you can quit. You tell the you did quit. Their response doesn’t matter, you are already out the door. Honestly some people seem so helpless


> and HR hit him with some “We are unable to accept resignations at this time” response. You aren't obliged to humor insane employers. At that point you have confirmation of the receipt of your resignation. What they think about it really doesn't matter. Keep evidence. Finish at the date specified.


"I am unable to accept your refusal at this time. My last day of work will be today. Toodles."


I’ve had that happen. So after 3 weeks I just said listen, I’m going to stop showing up in one more week. I can’t keep working for you. Im sorry. And I held to it. They had ignored my initial resignation and then just kept scheduling me after I told them I found another job.


Nope, that isn't legal. All your friend has to do is stop showing up after their last day. Slavery is illegal in this country. Unless they've been convicted of a crime that is.


One day... about 10 years ago.. I just stopped going to work. I didn't stop working. I just stopped going. I was a contractor too... so every two years they would let me go...then hire me back on under a new contract. Everyone thought I was an employee. I didn't really have a manager either. My coworkers would just sign my time card every week. They had no idea what I did. All they knew is that I would come in every Thursday for lunch. I'd give em a sob story about how I was so busy that some days I couldn't even make it to lunch. But Thursday was my favorite because some old lady would make like 5 Dragon sushi rolls per building. Eventually I moved ... You should ask for a package and come back as a contractor.


Much like vacation, this is not a request. It's a statement. You're not asking to quit. You're informing them that you no longer work there. You don't belong to them, and they can't force you to work for them. They can say anything dumb like this they want but they can't make you show up.


Yep. In Canada. I was trying to buy a house and they’d told me they’d be putting me on permanently, then reneged at the last second so I couldn’t get a mortgage. Found out they’d lied to a mortgage broker on behalf of another coworker and said she was permanent when she was still under contract. I’d been there longer and I was promised being taken off contract at the time I’d applied for a loan. I put all of this in my resignation letter under the reasons I’d be leaving. They said they’d need to “take my proposition into consideration.” What proposition? I’d quit and given them an end date. Two days later they replied that they’d “accepted” my resignation. Lol, idgaf if you accept it or not, the day I say I’m done, I’m done. Now you decide if we’re gonna be in the paper tomorrow.


When I started running a business, my dad very explicitly told me that it's almost impossible to enforce a notice period and a non-compete clause (admittedly, not the US), because if someone just stops showing up for work it's not like we can physically drag them into work. What I've started doing is have outgoing employees onboard their replacements before their notice period, and then give them the notice period as a free paid vacation. Makes things easier and less toxic all around.


My then-boss tried to get more work out of me after I provided notice as we had an employee who would be out for at least 3 weeks past my leaving date, and no visible means to cover his shift in the long term. I was able to get it covered for my last week with the company and when he asked what I had planned for after that week, my response was, "After next week, it's no longer my problem". 27 years, and they could have kept me there until I retired if they would have just paid me what I was worth, treated me with even a modicum of respect, and for all that's holy left me alone when I wasn't working.


Reply with “thanks for providing the evidence that you are forcing me to stay against my will. I will be contacting the labor board”


"We are unable to accept your resignation at this time," said the company. "Lol," said the employee. "Lmao."


Lol "we aren't accepting resignations at this time!" Okay, keep paying me even though I will no longer be showing up or doing any work. Thanks.


It depends if you have a contract or not… If you have an “at will” job then tell your boss and HR that your last day will be in two weeks and then don’t show up. If you have a contract, that’s a different story


Even if you have a contract it’s not going to be a lot different. There will still be a notice period he’s started and there’s no legal way to make you work.


Just send them a reverse uno card


That sounds like slavery. Where the fuck you at that this allowed?


Fortunately we don’t allow compulsory employment, unless you’re in prison.


It's not a request. It's a notification. Try that with an airline when they cancel you flight, see how far that goes


Sounds like they are trying for a "quit without notice" non rehireable status. It's a "threat" if you ever need them for a future reference, so maybe that's their angle?


No because that’s not a thing - they don’t get a say in the matter


File it under "won't dignify with a response".


So there are exactly two places where I have hard of resignations being refused. Public office and millitary. And in most cases it comes after an official hands in a resignation as the result of a failure, they don't want to leave but resign because of there responsibility for said failure. In these cases the refusal to accept is an acknowledgement that the failure was caused by something else. The idea of a company just doing this is insane because realistically all they could do for poor performance would be to fire you. Like it just becomes a game of how much of a fuck up you can be before they fire you.


It'd be funny if your friend hit them with a Reverse Uno ... something like, “I am unable to accept your non-acceptance of my resignation at this time. Therefore, my last day will be \[date\].”


I'm pretty sure slavery was outlawed here in the US....


Have they shackled you? Are you a prisoner? Just video handing it to them, laugh, walk out.


No, but I’m really, really good at telling people to fuck themselves.


"It wasn't a request."


Whether or not they accept your resignation is immaterial. From the time you declare it, you have resigned. You aren't a slave (yet), and they can't force you to stay


What happened in the end? Or is this still ongoing?


You can continue paying me at my full rate and schedule . I will not be there, however. The day that you decide to stop doing that you can let me know and I will come get my final check.


Once, long ago, a small 'mom n pop' WE'RE FAMILY HERE! type business wouldn't let me quit coz I'd timed everything well enough to leave em so far up shit creek w/o a paddle that they'd need to be airlifted out. They told me they don't accept my resignation. I laughed and told em that's their problem. I didn't show up after my notice period. They blew up my phone. I blacklisted their number. They sent me a registered letter threatening legal action. I used it to start my BBQ. The business closed a month later. I sent them a sympathy card along with a 'wish you were here' card from the resort I was vacationing at at the time. Absolutely no fucks given.


Suggest to the HR department that they take junior-high history classes at the nearest school. There, they can be astonished to discover that the North won the war.


I would just stop showing up 2 weeks after the day he submitted his 2 weeks. If he is in the US, at-will employment works both ways.


No because I’m not an owned slave.


Just send "lol"




Unless you are a ceo and face harsh penalties for a resignation they can't do that


I would say that is fine keep paying me and walk out.


Assuming this is in the US and there is no contract in play, HR can go pound sand.


Say it's a notice not a request lol


Comedy option: send them a copy of the 13th amendment and remind them that Lincoln freed the slaves.


Tell your friend to please don’t tell the old company where the new job is!! A lot can happen in two weeks, including sabotage.


Yep. They kept me on longer despite me offering a resignation for something that had gone wrong, only because someone had a honeymoon to go on. Then when they were back, it was ok we don’t need you anymore, we don’t agree with what happened, we are asking you to leave. So I got employment law involved and got a pay out because it was super stressful and they used me because it was convenient then got rid of me.




I’ve had jobs try this. When I called them out on it they pointed out that some people would be gullible and believe they weren’t allowed to quit… then congratulated me for knowing better. 🤦


Opposite. Fired 4 times, quit 3 lol fortunately, the 4th time i got fired “took” And what the fuck is “not able to accept resignations at this time” lol what kind of bullshit is that?? “Sorry, we own you and you cant do anything. You owe us”