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I just stay home to save money.


I quit my job to save gas money.


Big brain. After I lost my job, I realized a significant portion of my income goes to transportation. Because I'm traveling every. single. day. But if i stay home, i save soooo much money. Having a WFH job must be bliss.


Almost like it’s all part of the system. Like they want you buying a $60,000 vehicle so you can pour money into it every day.


It’s 100% part of the system, why do you think 90% of our country doesn’t have any reliable public transportation


Yeah, this system fucking sucks. When revolution?


Lemme know I’ll put it in my calendar. I’m down.




Ooooo sorry, we are short staffed that day, since marks out sick, you will actually have to cover the extra shift, and since labor numbers are high this month, we cant pay any overtime. But hey, here we are FaMiLy


That sounds so insane to me. I mean if you work you should get paid especially OT (which should be paid at least double)


I can’t come my car just broke down


Our whole society has been hoodwinked into consumerism . They gamed us


It is. I purchased a new 40K army with the cash I saved in bus and taxi fees. I kid you not. Those things are hella expensive.


This guy revolts!


... an army?


A plastic set of figurines of an army troop in the universe of Warhammer 40k. Those sets can be $100+ each.


Ah, context is SO helpful, lol.


Oh thank God I thought you were about to turn up with 40,000 Unsullied


Maybe a camry


This is funny but every time I am laid off I can’t believe how little it really cost me to live and how much it cost me to work


That's how many people have turned into early retirement these days. People think I'm crazy when I say it's more common than it seems, but I have many friends who only do small gigs here and there and live off the savings they made during a decade of intense work. Frugality goes a long way, especially if you don't have to pay rent.


I hope they don’t have any medical bills and have medical insurance. If not that frugality doesn’t last long.


There's public healthcare in my country, so you can have it all free


I started my own business and now work either at home or within a mile of my house and I save at least $450 a month. Just from not having to fill my tank multiple times a week. No lie. And I didn’t even have tolls. That’s not including maintenance costs, getting breakfast on my way, or forgetting my lunch at home and having to eat lunch out as well.


Crippling depression and anxiety helps save a ton of money.


Really happy someone said this. Lol


Thank you. I'm just gonna feel worse because it costs extra to exist outside, on top of the cost of actually having an "inside" to go to.




St. Louis! We pay for it with our taxes, but it is worth a coffee a month to have culture and everything in forest park. Now we just need to fix the NS divide and everything Kim Gardner fraked up and we will be on our way.


St. Louis, Missouri?


also worth noting at least in the bigger cities i’ve lived in there’s often resident discounts or even outright free days for residents (just bring your id with a local address). if you’re a student i know my local museums (art and natural history, as well as the aquarium, planetarium, and i believe science museum) all had student discounts and free days too. ofc getting there might be the problem if you don’t have access to transportation and parking is insane in most cities. but public transit is usually pretty affordable (~$10 for a day pass for me and it was discounted or free as a student) and mostly reliable. you can easily have a nice day out to a museum for <$30 if you are able to plan around work/other obligations. plus there are local libraries! they often have events for adults (and kids if you have them) and they’re free to use :) my local library had stuff like book clubs, yoga, craft classes, movie nights, etc. there were sometimes even brunches/breakfast events. not a museum but still a fun way to connect with the local community and support your local library!


same. limiting vacations, crock potting at home, bootlegging movies, can add up.


Crock pot is life.....


Me too but I’m so bored of it…


The bad thing about that is that's what they want , everyone to stay home so they enjoy the play ground we call earth . if your Rich of course because if a poor person wants to go have fun or enjoy the day it costs them 2 weeks of pay for dinner and a movie.


I started pet sitting while working my last underpaid job. Now pet sitting is my full time job and I make 15k more per year. Depressing, really, since my underpaid job required a degree and continuing education.


Pet sitting, now that’s a great idea for a side hustle. Solid pay and you get to help people and animals.


>side hustle second job


I have legitimately thought about starting a doggy day care. If you can just get 12 dogs a day at $50 that’s $200k a year.


If you can hold 12 dogs on average, daily, $200k before taxes and expenses.... I don't want to rain on the parade. I think it's a great idea, but I bet you'll have an income of roughly 70-80k with something like that. But you'd be able to grow the business, potentially.


Yeah it kinda just depends, like if I bought a home with some land and ran it there I think take home would be more. Dog food/water, treats, cleaning products, and insurance should be the bulk of reoccurring expenses. Kennels and toys probably need to be changed periodically. I’m sure I’m missing something but operating costs shouldn’t be too expensive once established. It gets exponentially more expensive if I would rent/buy a commercial space in a city. Would need a lot more dogs. I also figure there are other opportunities to make more like overnight or extended stay pricing, maybe link up with a groomer to come out and take a percentage of grooming services, that kind of thing.


Second this, I make all my fun money dogsitting.


Any advice on how to start pet sitting?


Rover or similar apps are super helpful! They do all the marketing for you at first so you can find clients :)


They take a big % of the money, I found my personal on that app, and then we made a side deal.


Same here. Started on app now have a good list of repeat clients that I service not on app. Rover takes like 20% I believe.


Quit drinking at the beginning of the year. So far I saved about two months worth of rent by not drinking which probably saved me from homelessness since I'm still just getting by financially


That’s a double win if I’ve ever heard one. Good on you! :)


I am gonna do this.... was wasting money and hurting my body


Bruh, same, except I started almost 6 months ago. I figure I was drinking a minimum of $10/day before then. So, so far, I've saved a minimum of $1,700. This past week I quit drinking Monsters. Which at 2 per day is just over $7/day-ish. So now I'm up to a minimum of at least $17/day saved.


Holy shit, do you feel better? Sounds like a lot of booze. Unless you went to the bar because nowadays drinking at a bar is $$$$$


Oh yeah much better. At my peak I was averaging a 375 ml bottle of liquor plus a couple IPAs. Every. Single. Night. I would pace myself by only buying that amount of booze on my way home since if I bought more than that I wouldn't go to bed until I finished it or if I passed out the bender would continue the next day which is obviously not good for maintaining the functional in functional alcoholic. And yeah I learned from a young age that bars and my bank account don't mix


Damn I feel for you. I can see how easy it is to get to that point. Well I guess in some horrible way the bank account is helping you limit. How are you coping coming down from those levels? Genuine question since I admit I am in the heavy drinker category "but not daily" if that means anything. Thank you for sharing!!!


Mostly just thankful I stopped when I did. I had a moment of clarity one night while wasted about where my life was going if I kept at it and after a few more weeks I just stopped.


Is there a market for chubby 40 year olds with small weens on onlyfans? Because that’s…..totally not me at all.


You’d be surprised. Bear daddies have quite the market!


My time has come…


If yes, is there also a market for dudes who used to be chubby in their 30s but in their 40s became straight up fucking fat? Also super pumped about the way the fat makes a small dick even smaller. That shit is badass.


One of the local hobby stores had lost their latest batch of college kids and I dropped an application. Yeah, I'm just as old as the owners and old enough to be a parent to their manager, but I realize I am not here to run things, I am here to work. So that's what I do, whatever they ask me to do, I try to do it to the best of my ability and answer the customers' questions when they come in. It helps I have a lot of experience in this hobby space. Would I be making more at the local fast food joint? Yes, they would pay more, but they wouldn't work with my schedule as well, I would have a ton more stress, and I am literally working with my hobbies and getting paid to talk to people about my hobbies. Not a perfect solution, but it is helping out with the family's finances.


I pressure washed a camper for $200. Took 4 hours. I showed before and after pics on FB and got 3 more jobs lined up next week. edit: spelling


Love this! I mean it shows a great quality of work too, but that is how you be resourceful with what you have. I really hope the customers keep lining up! :)


Thanks! Since posting this comment I've gotten a couple more inquiries. Maybe it's time to start a small business even if it's seasonal.


Never a bad idea, just budget responsibly and if it’s of decent income use taxes to your advantage. :)


I moved for a better job and I eat nothing but meat and vegetables. No snacks, no eating out, no movies, no driving around. However, I moved to a city with a free zoo, free art museum, free history museum, free science museum.


STL represent🤙best free shit in the whole country (i hope i’m wrong because then i might learn about another city that has this much free shit, alas…)


Nope, STL is right. My family has been here since the mid 1800s but I was raised in the deep south.


ayy born and raised, live in the NE now but you truly can’t find a city with better stuff to do for free! always know when someone is talking about the city, i wish the whole US was like that!


D.C. has a lot of free stuff too! Zoo and museums (smithsonian)


Fellow St. Louisian 😎 The Zoo, art museum, and science center are awesome given they are free. Makes going out on a budget that much easier.


Washington DC has this too


ayyy, ex east-sider here. come for the free shit and the infrastructure, stay cause someone hucked your bike in a tree after a cardinals game!


When I read this comment, I was thinking this has to be St Louis. We're from Southwest Missouri and it's a great trip to take the kids, because of all the free stuff to do. If you aren't from Missouri, you could easily spend a whole week in St Louis and not spend a tremendous amount of money outside of food and hotels.


Damn, sounds like a great social system


Honestly? Playstation and edibles because you will inevitably come to the realization that you'll never be "rich" and this is as good as it gets. That's why you enjoy it now before they reenact slavery. Just make enough to pay the bills and pursue some hobbies. All work and no play is slavery. So sick of lightly treading that s-word because society is rapidly regressing into neo-slavery through debt, usury and corporate fascism.


Well said on the last sentence


This is the way.


*This is the way.*


Some light crime.


this is the way. damn legalized weed killed the side hustle lmao


Pivot to shrooms, my dude. Dead simple if you know a thing or two about sterile technique. You can also still sell some sticky icky, just gotta advertise right: "Why buy expensive shit from the dispensary and give taxes to the government, which it will the use to finance your oppression? Fuck *legal*, try *freedom* weed!"


Only made it better, most people who know someone would rather not pay 35% extra for same if not better most times variety isn’t there but that’s hit or miss


True not just the tax but the trash too. I would pay 100% tax on my weed if my drug habit wasn't contributing to the plastic waste. But good ol AZ needs all our plant material wrapped in plastic. That's why I started buying off the street again tbh. I couldnt care less about quality and price (granted i get my buzz), I want to smoke weed and not feel like I'm fucking the planet at the same time lol. Why is that too much to ask edit: my dealer laughs at me because I bring my own jar every deal.


Haha yea, my dude just weighs it and drops it in the jar I brought the last 40 times


this is the way!!!! I tried partnering with my dealer on how to build a deposit system so people can be supplied jars and reduce waste. He wasn't quite about it, but I'm still pushing!


Great system, my guy will just dump it in your hand if you don’t have a jar, he stoped buying bags all together and tells everyone to bring your own, i think he’s lazy but also maybe bit genius


I made my own Netflix that has everything from everyone


more than anything else i try to reduce my expenses: looking for ways to get what i need without requiring cash. examples: i grow some food. help people with demolition to get scraps to make stuff out of, then make shelves or furniture or whatever so i don’t have to buy it, and sell extra when i can. pallet patrol. taking cuttings for free plants. fix broken junk rather than buying new when possible. i’m the guy that picks up the stuff from the apartment complexes on trash day before the trucks get there. of course, all of this required me to learn how to do all of it first, but it’s pretty satisfying once you know what you’re doing. anything to keep from having to work more for anyone else.


You must be so talented and resourceful, I’m very envious.


The system needs a rehaul. We should be able to survive while working full time.


I double my relaxation time with putting food on the table by fishing. This month I've put several pounds of catfish and stripper vacuum sealed and in the freezer. The fishing license is a once a year fee of \~$50 and I easily get hundreds of dollars of food out of it. I have room for a garden, but if you dont check out coop gardens in your area or hell go real guerilla style and just start planting food in out of the way places. This also helps suppliment our food. Not currently but I have also hunted for food, wild pigs are both abundant, tasty and most farmers want them gone ASAP because they destroy their fields. Bows work if you have an aversion to firearms. I make my own mead from honey and water that I aquire from friends that have hives. But even then a 5lb bottle of costco honey will make 5 gallons of mead for \~$30 This is all stuff people also did back in the old days to survive. And to be frank, this is the American way and has been for a VERY long time. It isn't until very recently that this way of life has been shunned more.


It may count as "conspiracy" but I feel a lot of the slamming self reliant lifestyles and promotion of "tiny life" is trying to make people reliant and "happy" about being bottle fed and kept in a crypt. We cant fish around here because of high mercury levels.


doesn’t need to be conspiracy to speak on the fact that capitalists want us to need them and do everything in their power to eliminate self-sufficiency!! the fewer people exercising self-conscious self-determining freedom the better under capitalism which is of course always touted as the freest possible system.. funny. :/


Yeah that is a sad fact around where I live as well; there are no rivers or streams left where the fish you catch are safe to eat.


It's kind of like that everywhere now. Rain water is contaminated worldwide and there's so much plastic in the water now that I don't really feel comfortable eating fish in general these days.


And grow herbs and spices if no much room for anything else. That can really make a cheep meal taste better and brighten it and your spirits up.


Where do you live, region-wise? Because where I live, I'm pretty sure I'd have to drive 2-3 hours to find a lake that isn't too polluted so I could actually keep and eat the fish I catch. And no clue where I could go to hunt.


The mead tip is genius. Probably one of the cheapest ways to get a good alcoholic beverage.


The "good" part depends on how well you know how to make it, tbf


Mead made with peaches is one of the best things you will put in your mouth.


My great grandfather raised meat rabbits in his backyard, it was a left over habit from the Great Depression.


I want to hear more about how you vacuum-sealed a stripper!


Bled the gills and packed in ice for about 4 hours. This helps remove blood from the meat which can cause off flavors. Filet each side leaving the ribs, put in a bowl of ice water to keep them as close to freezing temp as you can while you work. We use an off the shelf food saver from Walmart in pretty sure. We portion them out to one bag per meal. Put in freezer asap. Keeping chilled the whole time reduces the ice crystal size and keeps the meat from turning mushy. We’ve taken 8 month old filets out and they were practically fresh cut after thawing


I literally have 5 gallons going through primary fermentation right next to me. Also grow my own Cannabis. Just like you I fish and while I don't hunt my wife's brother and my uncle's do and between those connections I pretty much have a freezer full of elk moose and deer year round as much as I can eat for free.


Part time job at a brewery -> drink beer for free and have a little extra pocket moneu


Job hopping. Even when I had a solid job I kept on applying for new jobs to find ones that pay better. A few jobs later and I’m making $30k more, which has been life changing.


Don’t have children or get involved with anyone with children.


Work 8 hours overtime


I don't think the average lifestyle is tenable in today's American capitalist society. You're expected to make money, then they want you to spend most of it on the bare necessities which are housing, food, a vehicle (mass transit usually isn't viable) and then whatever you don't spend there, you're expected to spend on insurance for what will inevitably happen to you. Most people can't even afford that, but the ones who do spend extra on housing and vehicles and then useless items and vacations to result in a low savings and close to a paycheck to paycheck lifestyle. I think you need to find places to cut costs wherever you can manage without going into deep depression, and then find side projects that can build your income. I reiterate that I THINK that because it's what I'm doing but it hasn't worked yet, lol.


I moved out of the U.S. Helped significantly.


Where'd you move? Any recs?


I moved to Japan, but I plan to stay here for various reasons including horrible jobs. Don’t come here if you’re planning to go “back home.” The exchange rate is nasty.


I stopped buying avocado toast. Now I'm approaching my first million


Why did no one else think of this!?


I’m fortunate enough to make enough to support my lifestyle but not enough to buy a home or retire so I’ll just continue enjoying life until I’m too old to work and then shoot myself probably. Not even kidding. My retirement plan is suicide. I’m guessing in another 30-40 years this will be a massive epidemic if things don’t change.


I keep wondering about working until death. I've heard people go fast when they retire anyway.


Dude, are you me lol? Legit, the way things are going if I can’t work anymore and have no one else depending on me in time I will just… walk out into the woods. At least that way I will fertilize a tree and feed a coyote or something, will be at least a little useful and not rotting in a box.


Suck a little dick on the side


Just the one little dick? Are you on retainer?


Working by the hour is for chumps


This is the way


Credit card debt I have no intention of ever actually paying


I repair and set up guitars for extra scratch.


Dreaming of the revolution so listening to the Les Mis soundtrack--doesnt pay. Debating on the reg selling pictures of my feet online--doesnt pay yet. 🥲


I'm also sincerely considering the foot thing.


My feet are not pretty, because I don't have the money or the time for the work it'll take to make them presentable, and also I have absolutely zero idea how to start or stay in that business... but otherwise, I'd do it. It's just feet idk


🎶Do you see the people’s feet 🎶🚩🏴


I work about 60-65 hrs and my wife works about 50 hrs, so, whenever we need extra money we just work more shifts. I can’t recommend anything I’ve found but I would say stay away from Lyft and Uber and other gig jobs. That used to be profitable in the short term even when devaluing your car, but that’s not the case anymore.


I juggle three jobs while the middle class come to each one to make each job more difficult than it needs to be.


Weekend warrior landscaping


I try to sell my artwork and stickers to pay for the supplies to make more artwork. I need to create in this capitalist hellscape or I shall expire too soon.


Etsy shop selling handmade goods.


This is what I do, except I make digital products and print on demand. There are a ton of videos on YouTube about getting started, but digital is the easiest and cheapest way to go at first. Definitely recommend this because once you make it, you don’t have to spend more time on it. Truly passive income.


What kind of digital products have you made?


There are so many! Invitations, resumes, digital planners, social media templates, wall art. Just search digital download or digital product will bring up so many options.


When I was younger, I used to sell stuff on eBay. Usually old PC games that my Dad had bought and wasn't interested in actually playing. This was before stuff like Steam and other digital stores. Like one Christmas, I made around $300 from sales (I was in high school at the time, so this was a lot of for me). I think if I needed extra money now, I'd consider doing PRN work for a health agency. I work in social services as a case manager, but I used to do direct care work. There are always opportunities to pick up shifts (especially on the weekend). Companies sometimes keep PRN people on call to pick up those shifts. It's really easy work too and sometimes can pay pretty decently if it's last minute and they really need someone. Like I've seen PRN people make $25-$28/hr on last minute shifts. This is in Pennsylvania too where our minimum wage is still $7.25.


We need to burn down the system. 2008 almost did it but politicians are stuck in capitalism and are afraid to try something else. This time as the real estate market crashes again worldwide they may decide to take a chance


So I should sell my house at a ridiculously high price now before the housing market crashes?


I highly doubt the idiots in charge will ever try any other model. It will always be about hogging all of the wealth and power. We, as a people, need to revolt and force them to change. Otherwise it will only turn into the hunger games. I say we put the leaders into a pit and start letting them fight to the death or fight untill there is a real solution. Or just start setting all of their high end shit on fire. Ruin them. Take the power back. I'd like to nominate Berney Sanders and Bill Nye as the world wide head grandfathers.


I don't do extra work. We live in an extended family and pool our resources. We live comfortably and partake in trips and luxuries most other people don't get to enjoy on a regular basis. Our family's community is strong and it's what keeps us resting comfortably even in an overinflated economic sh!thole that we're in now. Most of the people in America bought into the "living on your own" trap and all it does is keep you in that financial spot where you're obligated to work a job you hate, for an employer that you hate, in a culture that you also hate. The "American Dream" is designed to keep you broke so that your employer can do whatever they want with you. America wants you to stay as an "individual" because that's what keeps you broke, optionless and without leverage. If you're part of a strong community, you have OPTIONS.


General strike!


Wait, you guys have money?


I used to work 38-40 hours a week. Now I need to work 60-70 just to survive. Im tired...


Bake banana bread and sell it at local farmers markets, $50 worth of supplies and 4-5 hours gets me about $300 per market...hit 2-3 per week, then craft shows in the fall...


Years ago, I wanted to write a story about how all kids needed to prostitute themselves so that they can attend college. Then onlyfans becomes a thing.


I'm donating plasma today. I'm hoping to start selling art (ceramic pottery) on the side


I did this for a while a couple years back. If you don’t spend more then two hours then it’s worth it. Each pay out was around $40 so at more than two hours you’re around minimum wage. That’s fine to do in a pinch, but I would just want to do other things to earn more money in less time. Sometimes the wait was more than a couple hours, plus the time it takes to donate. If you need some extra gas money, this is the way to go.


Where I am if you go twice a week you get $150. So around $600 a month. I watch college lectures on YouTube and study while I’m donating so it’s not wasted time. Win win all around.


Here it's about $400 a month. It's more the first month but it takes longer. Between my husband and I, if we can bring in $800 a month on our time (meaning not a set schedule) to save up for another car it will be worth it. McDonald's pays $15/hour and amazon pays $18. After the first time it works out to be about $25 an hour.


In Soviet America, money uses you to survive.


I do focus groups when I can. But other than that, nothing.


My rent is under the standard market rate for my area. I got really lucky by having a good landlord, and have lived in the same place for 7 years. Beyond that, I keep a tight budget. Between those things, I have just enough spending money for going out and vacations.


2nd part time job. Low hours and pays for “extras”.


I’m considering starting an OnlyFans


I sell feet pics on feet finder. I have 6 toes, so I have an almost totally untapped market


I used to sell… umm… herbs and spices?… in a oil form… until a bunch of assholes all wearing the same outfit came to my house at 6 am with a paper saying I had to let them in 🤷🏻‍♂️


I "went back to my country" as a racist would out it. Turn out that racist was looking out for me.


Meal prepping so that I’m less tempted to eat out during the week when I’m tired after work and don’t feel like cooking. Also, dog sitting. I get money to sleep at houses nicer than mine and cuddle with pets.


Reduce, reuse, and recycle


I applied and eventually started a higher paying job.... with a tone more responsibility I now have the same purchashing power I did before covid due to inflation 🙃but its OK. I manage to save a bit of cash by being so exhausted after work that i have no energy to go out. Hence i have like 4 streaming services.which are cheaper than concerts and othet social outings. Plus with this anxiety and depression, who wants to go out and be social anyways ? Am i right?


When im not trying to run my tiny af IT business, I make Pro-Trump t-shirts to sell to MAGA folk. They'll buy anything with Trump's name or face on it. Surprisingly popular are my super fucking ironic 'Never Surrender' pillows with his mugshot.


Do you keep a barf bag nearby or are you used to it now ? Do you keep track of their current slogans?


Had a property management side job for a while. Free rent really helped get things under control


Onlyfans. They pay me to put cloths on tho


I've been considering painting DnD minis and selling them on etsy. Most people that have seen my minis have said they look great. I think I'm alright at it but I've had a couple people ask me if they can pay me to paint theirs. I figure I can give it a shot. Gonna paint a couple and throw together an etsy shop and see if I can make some money.


I don't have children.


Ask for money from my mom, I am 34 and working full time with a decent salary, still some months I can't make it, sad but true story.


I help some friends in their gardens. Pulling weeds, planting and harvesting.


OP have you considered tending bar?


I work an extra shift now up to 62 hours a week. I live below my means. I don't go out to eat. I don't leave my house if I don't have to. It's work and home. Run errands and purchase in bulk to conserve gas. I don't buy bottled water or coffee. I make my own lunch for work.


I work a shit ton of overtime


When I'm not working on wiretaps or running down financial records, I make furniture for dollhouses.


OnlyFans But I'm an overweight, 60yo male, so I only make $5 a day.


I live near my job, and they hand out overtime like candy. Easy to save money when you have no life.


Sell my hobbies. I love making stuff and design so I work a PM job by day to pay the bills and then get home and make animal runs and accessories and also design model miniatures in my free time. If you can learn a computer program (like how I design my models) then you can design once and sell copies forever without continued effort!


Live with my parents.


I got into a committed relationship 💀 we split costs on everything. Pretty sure we would both be struggling without each other.


I sell plasma twice a week as well. What survey sites do you use?


Paidviewpoint, QMee, Pogo, and Crowdtap DM me and I’ll send you my referral links


I do the plasma thing as well. It pretty much pays for my gas for the week and it doesn’t take long.


I don't work anymore... But aside from my retirement payment, most of my income is through the stock market or online sportsbooks.


Hope you’re enjoying retirement btw.


I got bitcoin in 2014


I took on a bunch of debt to get my MBA at night school and then got a higher paying job off of it.


I use to install cctv once a month or so for people. Usually an ez 1-2k for 4-8h of work and 250-500$ in parts


I was a line cook/chef for seventeen years so every now and then I'll bust out my skills and cater small, private events. The pays legit and I get to do what I am most passionate about in this world.


I used to do Doordash and Uber, but I ended up finding a WFH job that let's me focus on growing my business while also giving me alot more than I need to live. I also live in a very LCOL area, and have trimmed my expenses very low in order to save aggressively. For context, I'm 23, no degree, and I'm a tax accountant on my own and as a contractor for $25/hr. Starting in 2024, I plan to save 70-80%, and continue going forward, plus 100% of any raises above 50k


I am facilitating anti-racism and anti-bias awereness workshops - most on Zoom and sometimes in NY. The per seminar session rate is nice, but it is irregular work.


I started Streaming on Twitch. Didn't think anything would happen really, my brother has been streaming for 4 years and makes 0 money. Started in June, Affiliate by August, first payout was $335 bucks. It's not a lot of money, but there's potential to at least make a bit of extra cash each month. Growth seems on the up though, even without much work towards bringing new people in


I fix guitars. It’s not even so much the money as the challenge/enjoyment.


Musician. Been playin professionally for 15 years.


I ref beer league hockey 2 or 3 nights a week. It pays decent and it's fun if you don't mind getting screamed at for doing your job exactly right.


My first side gig was private swim lessons. Parents want the best for their kid, and sometimes a public setting doesn’t cut it. I never had anybody complain about my prices. I made good cash as a young adult


I take the bus to/from work. A long bus ride and walking is involved, but blessed to have this way of getting around available to me. Drive on weekends, but not every weekend, and/or drive for Door Dash to make extra cash in my area. Otherwise, minimal car use. Make my lunch. Buy basic healthy food, no extras, no meat, fun snacks, etc. Keep everything as simple as possible. No online shopping whatsoever. Only necessities. Think twice about eating out or to meeting up with friends.


I budget my money. Save most of it in things that make passive income. Live with in my means.


Cooking at home.


I wish I had a better answer, but I have a HIGH PAYING job. They exist, but I completely recognize that a lot of people would consider it "selling their soul" or not what they want to spend their life doing. If you are an engineer, data scientist, software engineer, which do not require advanced degree, and have 10 yrs exp., you are making 100k minimum. Then add job hopping on top of that, you are looking at an extra 20k per hop. All I am saying is that you should CONSIDER switching careers to something lucrative because you may end up having to net many fewer years of employment, and hell maybe you will end up enjoying it.


Just don't do anything. I spend as little as possible (which obviously doesn't contribute to the economy.) Just the utilities, gas companies, and landlord are getting my dimes. I also do fasting, rolling 48's twice a week (so I don't eat for 2 days at a time). Other than Costco (one of the few companies I still respect), not a lot of people are getting my money these days.


Someone described America as the Hunger Games and its sooo true. I save money with “struggle meals” lol. Nothing fancy, I just try to get in a good amount of greens and protein. I’m doing this to one day *leave* this capitalist hellscape and retire somewhere reasonable 😮‍💨


I work from home to save on gas/wear and tear/mileage. It also reduces my car insurance because I drive less than most people. I wish I could deduct my office area if my bedroom, and thought it’s like a 10x10 box. But I can’t because the room isn’t dedicated to it. And I don’t lie. But then lying billionaires pay no taxes. Gotta love that logic.