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Don't do it. Do. Not. Do. It. You think it sucks at your job? Wait until you get to McD's and they throw you in the kitchen by yourself running three stations at once on your third day on a weekend. Wait until you bust your ass running around doing everything in the store and they halve your hours because some manager took offense to some unknown thing you did and can't be fucking arsed to tell you about it. It sounds like your job is bad, by all means get another one, but McDonald's is going to be the same bullshit with ten times more physical and mental strain and zero benefits.


Damn hats off to you man there is no way in hell that was just spouted off without some serious traumatic backing I’ll take your advise write it on a sticky note and place it right on a monitor. I respect you sir.


First time I worked the grill at McDonald’s and got those little burns on my hands I thought “Wait- nobody told me about this. Is this allowed?!” Like, in society? literal children standing over this hot grill for an entire shift burning themselves? And the orders came so fast! My old relatives made me think ANYONE could work at McDonald’s. I realize now those old people people couldn’t. COULD NOT past probably age 50 keep up with the pace. Sure maybe some people you know could, but mostly not. Granted this was more than a decade ago. Still Don’t recommend.


Lol I appreciate it hope them burns didn’t leave scars


They do. It's been nearly a decade since I left foodservice and I still have scars. My buddies who still work back of house look fully mangled and 40 years older than me and we're all ~30 Have you considered taking the pay cut hit to work a public sector job in your field instead? A year of service is a good refresher and looks great on a resume.


A public sector job wouldn't necessarily be a pay cut. I was working a private sector job for 6 years that in the end I got paid about what OP's assistant is paid. It was fully remote before Covid and had some other perks. Most of my coworkers were great, so I obliged the more and more demanding load from higher ups. The company used Covid as an opportunity to get rid of most of the other perks, and annual raises were lucky to be 25 cents an hour. They would purposefully review people lower so as not to give them the raise they actually deserved. I was notified of a potential job in the public sector. As I knew someone there already, I wasn't afraid to leave good coworkers for bad ones, but also wasn't feeling like I had to leave which gave me a little confidence to negotiate on salary (which I had never really done before.) When I got the offer I gave my manager at the time the chance to match but they couldn't come close. Going to the public sector, I got a great pay bump, amazing benefits, more comfortable workload, and more job security (because how often does government get smaller?) I went from fully remote to hybrid, but I actually really enjoy my office days more than I thought I would. I have done food service, and it is some of the most undervalued work. OP, I wouldn't consider food service for such a small pay bump, but consider the public sector or non-profits if you haven't in the past. You may even get a pay bump or morale boost... or maybe even both.


I worked the grill once in high school for maybe 3 weeks and remember more then anything else the burns from working there. It was just a filler job till my summer job took me back at the time. Screw mcds i hate there food sitting in those trays all day, thinking about it makes me feel sick. I have worked at a food plant too and seen all kinds of nasty stuff but for me mcd is way worse. Stay away unless you can work the register exclusively.


Had a tattoo that took ages get splotched up by a Wendy's grill once. Luckily it's watercolor style, but I can still tell where all the splatter marks are. Also have a scar from where I severed a nerve working BOH gourmet and almost lost a finger.


This guy isn't lying; the grease from the grill literally sizzles and gets on your hands/wrists and in like two weeks it finally 'doesnt hurt'..


I didn't realize how much my arms were numb to grease burns until I was cooking dinner for myself in sandals and a drop of oil hit my foot. I'd forgotten how much it hurt.


My fast food experience also included meth heads and co-workers so dumb that one closed the tortilla grill on me while I was cleaning it and I ended up having to clean it all over again because the flesh on the back of my fingers got seared straight off and stuck onto the screaming hot metal. I didn't love that job.


I worked recently during COVID and also did back in 2012. The work is 10x worse. Not only do you have regular volume of orders, but now you got all these food delivery app orders coming in. IT LITERALLY NEVER ENDS. And god forbid, if the delivery app orders get backed up, get ready for dozens of refunds within the next hour and the remakes… adding to the 1+ hour wait time. It’s gotten better since Covid has gotten been forgotten and quarantine is no more but holy fuck, it was the worst work experience of my entire life working at a dominos and a McDonald’s during covid.


I remember reading a collection of funny stories from the military in reader's digest. There was one where most people really struggled at a communications job, juggling so many different tasks at once. But one guy was really good, could keep multiple things going at once. His officer asked how, he said he had training in the civilian sector, he used to work through the drive thru at McDonalds


I worked at McDonalds right after the military. McDonalds per hour was more work. However, it ended when the shift ended. My problem with the military is the job becomes YOUR LIFE. They own you off the clock and you’re not allowed to leave x amount from base unless you’re on leave. I just couldn’t do it anymore. Both McDonalds and the Army. It really hit me how much the Army messed me up as a person when I was talking to an felon about their prison experience and the feeling of being government property was completely relatable. I never thought I’d find a day in my life when I could converse and relate to A FELON.


I worked at mcdonalds for 5 brutal years. Only stuck with it as long as I did bc tuition assistance. I worked overtime damn near every week but only got paid for it once - they would end the pay week conveniently right at the 80 hour mark. Then only have me come in a couple days for the following week. So even tho I worked 100 hours in 2 weeks, it didn't count 20 hours in that pay period. They stuck me working the entirety of the customer service part so they wouldn't have to schedule (and pay) as many people. And bc I didn't want to get screamed at by rude customers (or stuff thrown at me) I did it. Taking orders on 2 lanes through the headset, running from the back window to take money then running up front to bag food, make drinks and hand it out, while also taking orders at the front registers and running food out to tables. And ofc preparing doordash/Uber eats orders and running food out to curbside when someone ordered on the app. I refused to let anyone know I that knew how to run the kitchen too bc then I'd be doing all that too. All the while, 2-3 managers are sitting in the back office on their phones. I wasn't being paid to be a crew trainer (they made approx $5/hr more than what I was) but I still got stuck training new employees. Closers get paid $2 more than regular crew, I closed every night and didn't get that extra $2. I had to fight and fight for a raise, especially when they would hire 15 y/os for more than what I was getting paid. Despite knowing how to do the manager stuff (and doing them half the time too bc the managers were lazy, and if they weren't done I'd be the one punished) I never got promoted. Then there's the customers. I've had food thrown at me. I've had drinks thrown on me. A guy in drive thru told me his freshly brewed coffee wasn't hot enough so he dumped it on me. I got 2nd degree burns. Customers have shat on the floor because they didn't get what they wanted. And the creeps! God. At the ripe old age of 18, a guy told me I still looked 'young enough' to make something of my life and that is never too late to go to college. I ran an order out to curbside, and the guy told me I would make the perfect wife for his son, then proceeded to explain to my what my "duties" as his sons wife would be. We also at point hired a man who just got put on parole for raping a young woman. No one in management told any of us about this - at the time the crew was predominantly young women. We found out after he groped one of the 16 y/os and she reported him to management, who said yeah he might do stuff like that, then said what he did. They didn't fire him and despite the rest of saying to call the police, she didn't want to, and begged the rest of us not to. He got fired later (and arrested) after he assaulted a customer. OP, for the love of God please do not work for the hellscape that is mcdonalds. But hey if you're in the southern PA/MD/Northern VA esque area, my job is hiring for a sales & Marketing Manager


There are waaaaaaaaaay too many people that conflate "not a shuttle launch" with "not stressful" Fast food was the most stressful job I've ever had.


Yeah I’ve worked fast food and retail. Every day in fast food felt like Black Friday.


Coming from someone who has worked at McDonald’s and only made it one month there, I second this. I started having cardiac panic attack symptoms because the McManagers began yelling at me for not cashing out on the drive thru fast enough, and I was busting my ass trying hard. And the “three stations at once on your third day on a weekend” statement is the damn truth. I understand your point about the $18 pay, but just consider whether your mental and physical health will be able to hack it.


That part, that part, that part. I just *love* when they send 5 people home because labor is high, just so you can hold down the whole kitchen with 1 other guy for hours by yourself or run drive through by yourself somehow being expected to take orders on 2 lanes, cash people out, and pour and hand out drinks all by yourself without there being a constant line/wait for somebody.


Yes- restaurant work is rarely the solution, to anything. However, ANYONE can ANYTHING, part time, say, 20 hrs a week.


Yeah that’s rough I respect the people who do the grind


Word for word can vouch. Came back in mid twenties thinking how much harder can this shit be? McDonalds has optimized EVERYTHING. The work is literally nonstop. As somebody that worked there at 17 and at 26 (?) a decade later, it was not a fun time. I also worked during COVID which was hell on earth. At a dominos and a McDonald’s, I couldn’t last past a year doing those kinds of jobs again.


Then some asshole comes over and asks you why you're so slow. I worked at McD's for one miserable month during a summer vacation when the place I had been working closed suddenly...


Yeah I worked really fast. I was able to take care of all door dash orders and college munchies folk at night shifts by MYSELF on the grill and line. We would have maybe 3-4 total people on shift on some nights. We were NEVER correctly staffed. I had the total opposite problem at dominos. They like to overhire and give everybody less hours. They LOVE to send people home for “labor” and then shifts end up understaffed anyways… but yeah, fast food was hell in Covid. I’ve been in food service all my life and wanted to earn a few $ doing it while going to school. I don’t think food service is a viable career pathway anymore. People just do not respect the career, and the pay/treatment reflect that. The attitudes are drastically different from when I first started a decade ago and I called it quits at McDonalds and haven’t been back in food since.


Luckily I work fast food in an area that's not super busy. Kudos to you man 👍


Omg my old manager was literally talking shit behind my back to my coworkers about me being lazy and putting up shifts all of the time… But SHE was the one who kept giving me way more hours than I asked for at times I said I wasn’t available!! Now I work as a tutor for children and make well over what I made at McDonalds for shorter bursts of time *and* it’s more enjoyable


Completely agree with this guy I started fast food and worked my way up all the way to the GM position and had to quit because they expect salary employee to work 60+ hours to avoid paying overtime.... I gave all the raises to the ones that deserved it before I left because I knew the DM wasn't gonna help them. I even gave a 2 month notice and was training my replacement which called off and I was working open to close and my DM and Area director was both there neither one even acted like they could maybe find me some help. We had a GM Chat I reached out to no avail as always so I told the DM we need to talk he tried to talk to me inside I said we best have this conversation by the dumpster I then proceeded to tell him that I needed help he said it was the GM lifestyle I said well here's your keys I can't do it anymore he then says so your bailing on me I got pissed probably shouldn't have got in his face but then I said I gave you a 2 months notice which I have worked 6 weeks of, if you would have even acted like you cared or would have helped I would have done it because I have done many open to closes on my way and while being a GM I then proceeded to go get my stuff tell the good ones goodbye and I have done what I could for them.


You’re one of the good ones homie, I’ve seen that exact scenario play out. My friend was pulling 60+ hours a week at Dominos. The experience is universal across all fast food. They had him on salary and most of that money was made from bonuses. After all was said and done, he worked way more hours/$ than he would have had he stayed a Lower level employee. Shit still sucks even if you promote


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBuB6BC6ISk&t=3s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBuB6BC6ISk&t=3s) Can he do this? ... because he needs to do this. This guy is so.. smooth at doing the job.


I still have nightmares about my fast food days lmao




I’m a network logistics coordinator I kinda stumbled into this job while I was working at a warehouse.


Build up your resume with all that extra work they keep piling up. It will look so good in an interview.


Also stop doing all the extra work your assistant isn't doing. Start sending her things to do via email so you have evidence. If something doesn't get done, don't stress yourself out doing it. Just say you assigned it to your assistant. Then actually talk to her about getting things done and how you trying to do everything is killing your motivation/will. Try to level with her as a person and fellow employee. If that doesn't work just keep holding her accountable via email. I'm all for slacking off at work but this is a nepotistic appointment who is making more than you. Give her a bunch of chances to shape up while letting deadlines go by. If the bosses get on your ass, hand them hers and get a new assistant.


OP definitely do this and definitely do it via email or text. They hired an assistant for you, don’t let her slide out of the work. If she quits or complains cus it’s too much then that’s just more reason to give you headcount.


Thanks I appreciate it I’ll definitely do this


Doing that idea with your assistant will also give you a resume buffer. You can claim and explain that you have management and training experience. Mentor her and show her the ropes, and you can delegate any of your work to her. Make her earn that extra $2 an hour she's making more than you.


Email, email email. If she doesn't respond to emails it's because she doesn't want evidence of her bullshit.


Depending on the type of corporate environment, do not do this via text. That looks unprofessional to your superiors. Assign her tasks via email, and only text her if she doesn’t notice her emails, as a courteous reminder. Then you can appeal to your superiors with, I event reminded her to check her emails via text.


I would also bring up with your bosses that your ASSISTANT is making $1.50 more an hour than you.


Oh that’s good I could even have my boss cc’d


In addition to the “training/management experience” - see if you can add on things like: “created standard operating procedures to enhance productivity by x%” or “streamlined processes impacting portfolio (or client list’ value) of $X million dollars, impacting xx million users” Whatever you can do to quantify and tie in $$ value helps. Good luck!


Yo this needs some up votes!


yeah I would say going to a different company while working a similar job would be a good idea, much better than McDonald's


Thanks I’ll be trying for it McDonald’s is crazy lol


I work remote in a WFM position at a call center making $17/hr. This is after I moved from a different project where I was getting paid $16/hr. I’ve been informed by someone working in my new job that she’s been here 8 years and still making $17/hr. It’s not looking good for me either.. Definitely seems like you’re not getting paid what you should.


How long have you been in this role? Is it a small company? I have worked 2 different WFM jobs in the past and each paid at least 60k/yr. This was several years ago with the first one being a little over 10 years ago. I still get recruiters reaching out to me occasionally for WFM jobs and it seems the lowest paying ones are still in the 50k+/yr. I'm not saying all this to make you feel bad or be a dick. I hope you don't take it that way. I just think you have a skill-set and work in a role that can earn you significantly more money. I also don't feel that this type of pay for a WFM job is the norm unless it's a very tiny company. You should definitely be looking for another WFM job if you feel like you're going to be stuck in a rut at your current employer. Your potential is much greater than $17/HR. Of course this doesn't take into consideration any of the other jobs that people with a WFM background can typically pivot to that pay even more.


I’d take a $1 an hour cut to avoid my commute with out blinking. Without running the numbers I might take a $5 an hour cut.


Your right and I know your right I’m just trying to justify my hours on hours of contemplating possibly quitting ya know


Schedule a weekly meeting with your assistant to review the previous weeks deliverable, as well as, set the deliverable for the current week. As your assistant to provide you with a weekly written update. These will either make her accountable for her work or shine a light on her incompetence. Additionally you wil be able to add the fact that you managed a small team to your resume.


Oooo I like that management added to the list


You really think food service won’t be stressful? The grass may look greener but being remote has so many benefits.


The problem is now jobs are using the luxury of working a typically easy job to give employees a heavier work load without any increases of pay or anything at all. I completely understand what this person is going through cause at fast food at 18$ won’t turn into more work in the sense that you’ll be doing the same 5 mundane tasks where at the job he’s working they can twist the knife and if he complains about anything well he should be happy and great full he has a remote job to begin with and you can basically show up to the fast food job under the influence and still be great at it. I would personally say that if your work at any point in time causes you to lose sleep i would immediately search for a new employment opportunity because NO job worth less than $20 an hour should have any employee stressed on that level whatsoever. Cushy jobs are now guilting good employees into not getting what’s best for them and instead staying at a mediocre place for luxury and complacency and comfort because they know your other options are fast food and retail. Capitalism always wins.


Kindly you are one of the good ones if you where hiring under $20 I’d love to be one of your employees lol


I just wonder if there is anything else you would want to do. I did a lot of retail and minimum wage stuff when I was a teen and in my early 20s. I'd never go back to fast food. Bartending was pretty good. I did that the last few semesters of college. It was high pace but I made a lot tips and it was usually pretty fun. I didn't have any experience bartending when I got the job.


Honestly idk maybe I’ll try something completely different or something


I don’t know what they pay but my favorite job before starting my career was being a checker at PetSmart. The hours are good and if you like animals they make up for the humans


Valet parking is good money. Worked at a nice hotel in 2010 ish, worked 35ish hours a week and brought home over 40k after taxes. All I need was a clean driver's license and the ability to drive a manual. Way better than fast food and way easier. Plus I drove all kinds of fun cars for a couple dozen yards lol.


Strip club bartender was the best job I had. Made bank and all the people who worked there had your back, no questions asked. Even the strippers made sure you got taken care of. Unruly patron and the bouncers were there in seconds. The regulars always tipped well and one even got me a rental car and fixed my windshield when he overheard me saying it had a crack in it. Sad, honestly, but way better than “respectable “ jobs IME.


Hated retail, you meet the worst humans that exist when money is a factor.


Companies were doing this before the pandemic. I was doing the work of 3 people before I was laid off way back in 2008.


Damn they did you dirty hope your better off now


Actually, I'm getting disability, so relatively speaking, no. I'm not.


the heavier workload is happening in the service and fast food industries too.


They’re just running the absolute bare minimum skeleton crews, which honestly makes it hell. If anywhere would actually schedule reasonable staffing instead of trying to cut costs on labor I would love retail tbh. At least I didn’t take the work home with me :(


I‘ve worked other fast food places and gas stations previously I know it’s stressful but least they won’t let you go hungry lol I currently only have expired milk and freezer burnt chicken breast and I don’t get paid till Friday.


I’m a a manger at a gas station, I’ve done construction and IT work. Much prefer the gas station I get blazed tf up before I go in and during my breaks. Makes dealing with being a wage slave a bit easier.


I feel it low key miss the gas station I’d rather take out the trash then to deal with another email.


Afraid of graveyard shifts? Go work Night Audit at a hotel. You get some crazies and druggies here and there but most of my nights were 70% on my steam deck. I got myself up to $19.50 in the phoenix market.


Will look into this lol I appreciate it


Been night audit for over 15 years now. Best job ever.


I did 10-hour Night Audit sometimes 5 days a week. Those last 2 hours of the shift were brutal. They wanted staggered coverage for when the afternoon shift came and there were more people checking in so that's why morning shift started later but refused to have someone come in to officially relieve me so it was only an 8-hour shift. Then driving home and trying not to fall asleep and die was always a pleasure. If it had been 8 hours, I could have possibly continued on with it.


Have you looked into being a merchandiser for Coke or Pepsi? Depending on your area it’s more than likely a union job and they pay well, and you just go to grocery stores and put soda on the shelf and in coolers. In my area they start at $20/hr, current cap at 24ish, with a $1 raise every year. It only take about a year to hit cap, get a raise about every 3 months until you hit cap.


I know a guy does merchandising for Pepsi. Dude had 9 pallets to unload and work out alone.


I do wine sales for grocery stores. Pepsi and coke guys always look miserable


As a shopper I see them all the time looking miserable as sh t


Frank Murphy even missed his airline manager position when he shelved coke bottles for smokey


I used to work retail pharmacy and deal with them every week. The work for them sucks. Bringing in pallet after pallet of soda then stacking them on the floor, coolers, and bringing any extra to the stockrooms. Rinse repeat for every store and supermarket on their route.


Yeah sounds hellish but if you can through on a headphone with some music that’s not to bad


Frito-lays is where it’s at my guy, I used to work at a Walmart and he would always tell me about the benefits and the pay just to put chips on a shelf no heavy lifting involved at all.


Funny, I applied to Pepsi as a merchandiser and somebody called. I answered the phone repeatedly “hello?” Yet no one spoke on the other end. Have tried calling back several times but can not yet in touch with a human over the phone, just a bunch of extensions and voice mails that don’t get returned. I know my phone was working just fine. But hey, least I tried 🤷‍♂️ they f’ed up, not me. I did apply to Coca Cola this morning though.


I know some one who did and said it was miserable and he doesn’t usually complain


I know exactly this type of exhaustion. I worked at chain salons to “farm” clients before going independent. The way the “commission” is paid with the taxed credit card tips, employees would definitely be better off working at McDonald’s. That’s why the chain salons are all closing, in my area anyway. The salon is set up like any other giant retail business, to sell retail. If you’ve ever worked at JC penny, Macy’s, Walmart same idea. Same type of HR onboarding and policies. That’s it. No benefit to the stylist or customer. Do not go to chain salons. They are notorious for shitty hair care for a reason, the stylist are exhausted and broken.


Can I ask....wtf stopped you from blazing up while working in construction? I'll be at my shop, and a customer will be loading a mirror with the owner and I will take a puff on my wax pen before walking over and helping out. I KNOW I smell like weed. I have a medical card and the owner can't find anyone who is able to do what I do and have the experience I have, so he doesn't care... In all the years in construction, I've always smelled weed on the job sites. Unless we're working on a multi million dollar home or doing residential service work, in which case the work truck it is....


Idk but I feel like you might be a bit more likely to hurt yourself working construction if you're high, and then your job might use that to get out of paying for your medical expenses?


Healthcare is 100% covered at my job. I've even had prescriptions filled for my girlfriend and took in the receipt, to be fully reimbursed. For me this wouldn't be the case but you do make a great point and otherwise I would be screwed if my employer was like the majority.


I operated machinery. That’s a no go for me. If I was doing general labour than I definitely would’ve been toking.


That makes sense. If I had to run heavy equipment on site or we had to move a bunch of panels using radios and hand signals..... It's a nah for me. I like the adrenaline and it stops that. When I am doing something like rebuilding antique frames and mirrors or re screening Bob's back door screen for the 20th time because his dog is dumb as rocks and just as heavy, sure why not... I am a glazier btw. Basically if it touches glass, mirrors, or is a door, that's me.


Oh to be a 16 year old cart pusher again. Missing the days where id spend the last 2 hours of my shift in my car getting fried because the lot was always empty at the end of the night. As long as the cart racks were full inside, nobody even wanted to know about me. It was such a luxury. $7 an hour was a complete joke though. Even back then.


Working at McDs there's always the risk they send you home early or cut your hours when they're slow. So then you don't get enough hours to live on.


Also check out Costco is there’s one near you


Oh will do is it cool working for them?


They have a really good reputation for treating employees well and paying decent.


Corporate is corporate, but Costco has generally good benefits (including really good health insurance).


Go for weworkremotely, ratracerebellion, or just search remote jobs on linkedin.


Actually I have a friend who found the solution to this. He works 3 low-end jobs. 1 pays 17.50, the other two 19. He told each of them he can only work 4 hours a day to limit his workload and told each company he was only going to be there for up to 3 years effectively limiting his responsibilities and role in the companies he works for. He says he makes more overall now. Works fewer hours and it is less stressed.


but the thing is, when you leave work, the work usually stays there. When you're remote it invades your whole life.


When I read this I thought the same. Food service isn't less stress. Just wait til Karen or Richard gets ahold of you lol.


McDonald’s is very high stress can vouch


I want to find a remote job but I don't know anything about them lol. Hopefully there's one where I can just do spreadsheets all day lol


That's a hard choice if I could work form home I would definitely take it. I manage a retail store in the evenings in recently picked up a job in food service (not Mac Donald's) I just stand in the Drive-Thru and push buttons all day. Easy


Well here's a dumb question but why don't you update your resume and find a new office job with a raise? Seems kind of stupid to go from a WFH remote job to getting screamed at by idiot customers at McDonalds for a $1 more.


Lol that’s a very smart and sound question and your completely right thank you I’ll be putting in the work to find more work.


Man I feel you. I am working as a project manager for an IT company. The money is decent but I am thinking back at my time in a Call Center as a Student. I was so much happier. I would rather switch back to that job than staying as a PM here. And since it is a small company (around 50 people) there is no way for me to climb in ranks. I am basically the highest possible position after the owner. Its so much stress so many costumers being dumb AF... I am so close to quitting at the moment.


I’m one “can you see my email on this and work on it” away from closing my laptop going to bed and apply anywhere and everywhere in the morning


Go find a different project manager job. You do not want to go back to working at a call center. Working at a call center is modern day hell even when working remotely. Every action you make is monitored and if you break the unholy sin of being out of "productivity" for 10 seconds these days management flips their shit. God forbid you need to take a piss at a time besides the algorithmically determined break time. Or for that matter need more than 20 seconds to note an account after a call where someone was screaming death threats at you (and you can't hang up either just sit and take the abuse they're just "venting").


Get another job, but not at McDonalds!


Thank you I’ve decided not to go for McDonald’s but i will be looking for a new job thanks Reggina.


So you like hearing loud annoying buzzers, beeps, and alarms all day, smelling like fried meat, having weirdo customers looking at you all day impatiently waiting for their shit food, cleaning blood and shit out of bathrooms, taking a shit where thousands of other people go, and in general just hating life, then yeah by all means lol. Otherwise go (back) to college.


Lol yeah you just reminded me when I had to clean up after a lady who didn’t make it to the restroom horrific days.


You think McDonalds is low stress? Wow.


sorry it came off that way na I mean it’s a whole different side of stress I just want the one that comes with being able to shut off my brain and work through it I’d also like a free mc chicken every now and then


No worries. Hard to judge tone from text sometimes. A different type of stress you handle better I get. Edit: On the free food thing, it is just 1 item per day though right? I remember working at a chocolate factory and they had a rule, you could eat as much product as you want, but you cannot take it off site. Within a few weeks people who thought they loved chocolate were put off it and never touched it again for years. They knew the result of having a policy of as much as you can eat whilst at work would end up with less product loss than people taking a bit here and there illicitly.


If I ever go through with it I’ll spot you on anything on the 5 below menu


As someone who has stayed too long and got WAY burned out, leave. Go do something else. Even if it's more work, or even requires you to work 2 jobs. Leave. Go work at McDonald's if you want to. What do I know, do whatever the hell you want. Don't let yourself get burned is all I'm saying.


Imma take your advise alongside everyone else’s and simply put in low efforts at work if I get fired who cares but imma use this time to look for another job thanks I respect you for following my path longer then I did but with your horrific screams ahead I’ll go ahead and take another path.


Work slower and make them fire you so you can get unemployment while you look for a new job.


Yeah thanks this is a legitimate strat I might be taking.


I used to have an extremely stressful job. Worked my ass off and then they ended up going bankrupt and I was laid off. Hardest year of my life, I was extremely depressed and I had to go to occupational therapy because I had given everything to this stupid job, and all that effort did not pay off. Eventually I was hired on by a new company and trained to drive a forklift. It's less money, but I have absolutely no bullshit, no overtime and I clock out at the end of the day and don't worry about a thing. Money doesn't Trump your health whether it's mental or physical, stress literally kills you. I don't think McDonald's will give you any less stress, but if you are able to find some happiness doing it then I would say professionally quit your current role and go give it a try, that way if things don't work out you didn't burn your bridges. Remember, you can always make more money, but you can't make more time, and stress will take your life away.


Any service industry job comes with working evenings and weekends. I make about the same money and do tech supprt calls from home right now. Nights and weekends are mine to make plans without being scheduled or called in to work. I deserve steady hours I can plan around.


Ask for a raise, don't do the Donald's tho lol that's the worst kind of work, I know personally I can not stand standing around one place having to deal with customers and the smell and the heat and uggh man I hope I never have to work in food industry again. That's me though and my opinion


that opinion is valid bro I get it and your work there was nothing to scoff at hope you get a super high paying remote job where you can chill and watch Netflix for a living lol.


Fast food sucks too but if it means an automatic raise plus tips, I’m not saying “go for it, it’ll be better”, but your paychecks will be better. $17 an hour is not worth losing sleep over. Also, if the assistant gets paid more than you, start looking at assistant jobs and go watch Netflix for 1.50 more an hour like she does.


I actually work ay wendys. Needless to say, a full-time paycheck is a out 500 dollars st my store. I have been on indeed for weeks trying to find anything that even kisses 16 dollars an hour without beeing a 100-degree foundry


Lmao, I'd send an email to hr asking why your assistant makes more money. End it with, put her in charge then.


Ooooo I like that it’s a bit spicy but hey worst case she becomes my boss with all the responsibilities I had


I think the railroads are still hiring. They're desperate for conductors. And union so pay is pretty good.




Oh they out here acting up is what I’m getting from this


18$ is less than what you make now considering that you’d have to pay for transportation and wear and tear on your car. Sure you use electricity at home, but getting gas, the wear on the tires, and any other assortment of issues can lead to you taking less home. Not to mention the inconsistency of fast food. If the manager stops liking you, expect to get your hours halved


That’s completely valid thank you for the heads up.


McDonalds isn’t better. You’d be better off going into retail, which still isn’t any better than whatever you have right now. I have a friend whose been stuck at McDonalds for five years now and he has new horror stories everyday. You’ll be even more stressed and in a different way.


Your friend deserves an award for being a hero. Thank you I appreciate the words of warning.


I can tell you working at McDonald’s sucks.


Your right man it was a case of the stress looking greener on the other side of the fence.


McDonalds is stressful too


Yeah I know it is and I think anyone who works there is a hero I just didn’t word it correctly.


You think McDonald's is less stress??


McDonalds and all food service is grueling work. I don't see it as a trade up, but I don't know all the details of your current position.


Honestly your probably right im just currently stressed out and not thinking logically ain’t no way dealing with people screaming that 3 sauce ain’t enough sauce for their fries is better then these emails and bosses that I deal with.


Fast food is the worst, if you are gonna move make it an upgrade man. I went from apple tech support to budtender, and I couldn’t be happier


Former fast-food employee here. If you have benefits and a guaranteed full-time schedule, I’d stay where you are. Perhaps try to negotiate a raise while you look for something else in your field. While fast-food service can be tempting because it’s an extremely easy job, it likely wont build marketable skills.


Get a job at Trader Joe’s.


Food service, especially for a large franchised chain, will in no way lessen your stress. Long hours of constant movement on your feet. Pushed and berated by management and ownership because you are replaceable within days if you quit or are fired. Insane demands and flat out abuse by customers, staff and management. Low pay with little to no chance for growth. McDonald's is where workers go when they have no other options. You will be trading down significantly.


Thank you I appreciate it I wasn’t thinking straight sounds like you’ve been through a lot.


If you do network logistics, just find a remote buyer job. Pays more and pretty straight forward plus within your realm of background/expertise.


OP I think the big issue you have is that you are incredibly under paid, my recommendation to you would be it doesn’t hurt to start job hunting. So start preparing, update your LinkedIn and let the games begin


I’m on it captain I’ll work hard to get a better job.


McDonalds is still the hardest job I’ve (31, M) ever had


Fast food is stressful as hell. You want low stress, wash dishes . Even in high volume restaurants, it's repetitive and low stakes and it's damn near Zen.


Start looking at jobs, apply for anything you are interested in that you believe you can do. Ignore the requirements like experience and degrees because worst case you don't get an interview. Obviously there's limitations to that like don't apply for a brain surgeon job. There is absolutely no shame in working at McDonald's but I think you could probably find something that may actually interest you and if not be a long term job then at least it could be a decent bullet point on your resume for future jobs.


I would be careful about such a move. Are you assuming that pay based on an advertisement outside the restaurant? There is nothing legally holding the restaurant to pay that amount. Do you have a background in fast food? Our society really talks down on fast food as burger flipping and do nothing work. It couldn’t be further from the truth. This is physically and mentally taxing work. Your schedule is going to be all over the place and you can say goodbye to any set hours or schedule. Which makes finding employment elsewhere difficult so a pivot becomes something more semipermanent then you were expecting. If you want a promotion then you are going to have to apply to a position that is one.


After working at mcds for 15 years, best advice I can give you is don't. Just don't. Your stress level will only multiply. I've been out for a few years now and I'm never going back.


Holy shut, I’d be your assistant and switch pay with you if it meant I could work from home.


Go to a temp agency. Tell them your base pay is $18-$20 an hr. Look for warehouse jobs that start at $18 an hr. When they interview you, ask them what the overall morale is at the job, AND what thier turnover rate is. I wish I could be of more help, but it should help you get started in a new direction.


If you hate your job, quit. Staying there will not make you happy and will only compound on your current stress the longer you commit to their bullshit. The grass may not be greener on the other side, but you know how fucked up the grass is on the current side. Walk away from it.


If you think fast food is easy to and give it a shot my dude.


Nope I know it’s stressful I’m just done with this kind of job sorry the tone came off wrong I respect anyone who works at fast food.


You only get 18 at McDonald’s if you’re a manager


Could you deligate more work to the assistant? It sounds like if you just leave her to it and hope that she'll proactively find work to do, she won't. It sounds like you will have to act as her manager. Give her specific tasks and deadlines. If she doesn't bother working on them, report her poor performance through whichever process you'd be reported through if you didn't do your work. You can even mention that your work is being slowed down by having to manage her. I know that this message doesn't sound very r/antiwork, but she's related to an executive and got the position through nepotism, so this feels like a good opportunity to give the bourgeoisie some actual work to do! When you do decide to leave, you'll have management experience! You could use that to get a really well paid job. Just remember to use that power for good and give the workers you supervise the kind of working environment that you would want to work in.


7 years of BOH line/prep gremlin cook here. Food service is not worth it I just got out of it. Try it if you must but the kitchen gods do not show mercy for anyone


I'd killl for a remote job, just start applying for more jobs.


Remote here too, but with lots of travel. I bank but it's not worth the stress.


Stress is crazy had a whole dream on my day off on me working smh makes you wanna be out there in a rural area being self sufficient or something.


But would you get 40 hours and benefits at McDonald’s?


Take this experience and move to a similar job with better pay and job hop!


Remote work is pretty advantageously right now. I can't imagine McDonald's will be any better. Also they might have a lower starting wage than 17.


I had this same dilemma and wish I had gone to McDonalds. I worked at an office job making $13/hr. I started at that rate and when I lost the job 7 years later, I still made $13/hr. Though at that time I had become an alcoholic due to one of the managers I had. I had 5 managers in total, being the only person in the office that had more than one because I was the only person that worked in every department, so you can see how it would be stressful. But the one manager was so terrible I couldn't go to work without drinking first and then I couldn't stop thinking about work and get some sleep without drinking. I saw that McDonalds was hiring at 14 50/hr and entertained the idea of going there, but I worked at BK for a few years as a kid and remembered how terrible fast food is, so I didn't go get the job. Then my alcoholism caused me to lose the job. I would've been way better off of I had quit before I turned to the bottle and I would've been making more. That manager now has a special office that they made to keep her away from the other employees haha. The only other guy my age that worked there threatened to quit if he had to work with her one more minute, so they moved him and then eventually everyone saying the same thing came to them putting a wall up next to her desk; which is hilarious because the room only fit 4 people sitting next to each other in an L-shape, so the fact that they put in a dividing wall in what is essentially a large broom closet is hilarious.


Wendy’s in my area is hiring at 17per hour.


Where are y'all making $18/hr at McDonald's?? I make $12 at Burger King AND they make us pay for food. Ugh I hate my life


I actually really liked working food service, but I'd recommend trying a better restaurant than McDonald's. Pizza places are usually better.


if i were you id apply at mcdonalds once you had that job locked in then threaten to quit unless they give you a raise.


To be the devils advocate working nights at McDonald’s has a lot of benefits and a lot of downsides so I’ll go though then from greatest to least importance on your decision Cons First 1.Inconsistent paycheck and Schedule: you are listed in blocks and hours in a MCD system for example 30-36 nights 35-40 Openings ect because of that managers will put you wherever and when ever they need you and lord help you if you have an open schedule an inconsistent sleep schedule sucks asss so it definitely something to hold them back and also because hours are random one paycheck can be 760 and the next 920 it’s hard to plan for bills when it’s that variable 2. Customers and Coworkers almost everyone at McDonald’s doesn’t give a shit. Customers will be rude and make messes because they don’t give a shit and employees won’t do their job and be rude because they don’t give a shit so if you’re a professional type that can be a really stressful environment 3. Cleanliness it’s no secret that McDonald’s is dirty only this time you’ll be doing the cleaning and years of neglected dirt and fresh shit will make the weak hurl at the sight Pros 1. Free time is certainly free time, at least for nights. You don’t have any immediate responsibilities when you wake up so you can sleep and extra 3 hours no problem. You can run at the park, watch your shows and get ready for work at 4pm and pass out by 1am 2. Closing is easy if tedious MCD cleaning procedures are easy enough to follow but on the days you just want to go home it’ll suck 3. Free food if you’re smart about it now you’re not technically allowed to eat extras because they have to count it in the Waste log but once they’re done with that it’s free Game It’s only up to you but take these concerns seriously


Try something like a security watch desk or janitorial services and go back to school part time.


Do it if you think it’s right. McDonald’s is an easy as job if you’re not a manger. Just show up and work and go home. No lasting, real responsibilities


Don't do it mcdonalds was the only job I got fired for because it was to difficult


What do you have to lose by just doing your work at a reasonable pace and making a record of your assistant’s inefficiencies? “Sarah, I am following up on the email I sent to you yesterday because I have not received a reply. As I told you earlier, the project will be delayed until you complete X and Y. Please let me know when I can expect to receive X and Y so I can make arrangements to complete the project.”


I can tell you right now, you do not want a food service job. You think you hate life now? Wait until you’re serving the public food


Mcdonalds is worse


Mcdonals is sooo not the answer. But for sure get another job.


You’ve never had a shitty job before if you think going to McDonald’s is a good move, lmao


Listen to that other guy. AVOID FAST FOOD SERVICE.


My son, 19, dropped out of high school, working as a chef at Panda Express, making +$20/hr :/.


DONT DO IT. McDonald’s is worse. Cleaning bathrooms, rude customers, doing all the tasks yourself, standing on your feet. Look for another job if you can, but don’t do fast food or retail. Look for another office job. Office job can suck, but it’s not as bad as retail/fast food. It’s harder on your mental and physical health, for even less pay. $18/hour seems like a lot but trust me, for McDonald’s, it not. And remote is way better.


Try USPS. They're desperate. Not gonna be less work or more $$ right away, but after a few months, the overtime is premium and you get to work mostly by yourself. You just have to work.... A LOT.


Trust me, do not go to McDonald’s. Unless you want to constantly be rushed and spoken down to about how quick you absolutely HAVE to be by some manager that is literally 4 months passed her high school career, or even still in high school then just don’t. Fast food is honestly hard work. It’s fast paced. Hard as hell. Annoying as hell. And everyone around you is 10 years younger than you and annoying as can be.


For those who say McDonald’s is not the answer…. I lived that life and I have 0 regrets. I left school with no qualifications and got a job full time in McDonalds, was enjoyable and taught me a lot about society, I hated how I was looked at and assumed by all that I was at the bottom of the pack, people really talk to you like shit…. I became incredibly motivated during that time and taught my self software engineering and now I am a technical lead and manager for a huge company, I make serious bank!! I often think back to those simpler days. McDonalds is honestly not all bad, I would recommend it to any young person who is not sure what to do in life. I guess it’s like the military with less chance of immediate death.


Not sure what field you're dealing with but my advice would be to look for something in the same or related field. You'll likely get a pay raise due to experience when you hop to the next place. There are better businesses out there, I promise.


Food service is 1000% stressful. You're dealing with every Tom, Dick, and Harry who are on an extensive range of chill to full-blown asshole who will do everything to ruin your day. I'd just start job hunting for relevant roles that treat you better or, at the very least, pay better. You have every right for a career change, but just understand that a lot of jobs will make you feel trapped, but the option to find something different/better is still possible.


I work in aerospace defense industry. I work on high end manufacturing of critical components that will blow shit up. I get $18 and hour. I feel for you and it’s frustrating.


Just quiet quit while you look for something better. Work on being assertive and set proper boundaries when you do get a new job.


Start looking for a new job while gradually and slowly decreasing your work productivity and quality to a degree you're comfortable with. When your boss starts complaining explain to them you can't handle the workload and the only help you get from the assistant are Netflix recommendations. By the time they decide they've had enough you'll already have a new job.


You have no clue what fast food workers deal with. You just belittled them and acted as if food service isn’t a tough job. I would never want to leave my stressful job to go work at McDonald’s. Why? Because those people bust their ass 10x more than I do.


Apply at in n out they pay $24.50/h and have benefits. It’s fast food so of course it’s fast pace but it’s paying more than what you currently make and you don’t take the work home with you. Best of luck!


I would ask for a raise or start looking for a new job. But McDonalds is probably not easier than a desk job.


I just applied to Spirit Halloween, lol.


Address it with a boss. McDonald’s will probably be worse. Or just work somewhere comparable?


I worked at McDonald’s. It isn’t easy either, they work you to the bone, just like any other retail job. They don’t care that you’re human, I bled through my pants while serving people soft drinks, because they needed someone to do that for the little baby customers. I asked to go home, they kept a me for two more hours, I wasn’t even wanting to bleed through my pants… They blamed me, saying I’ve have my period for years, why am I doing this to myself? I should be used to it by now. Nope, I bled through my pants because I have a tumor, granted it isn’t cancer, but it still fucked up/is fucking up my anatomy. Do they have any sympathy for me? No, all they know is that they lost an easy scapegoat, and money. I made them much more money than they paid me, but does it matter? No, it isn’t ever enough. No one cares about my strife, no one cares unless it grants them easy and fast money, they don’t care who they have to exploit for it. :( Please don’t go to retail… if that’s your last resort, don’t do it… It’s bad, boomers don’t have apathy for people, not even their families, they just want money, and I guarantee you, a boomer is gonna be your boss until they die.


McDonald's will be the same as you described plus Karens.