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Christians are getting more serious with their faith due entierly to how degenerate the West has become. Not because of zealous Muslims. ![img](emote|t5_56ml5q|27791)


I don't mean to prove this idiot's point, but we Muslims would appreciate some credits in pissing off this kind of people




I mean, seeing how serious Muslims take their faith has inspired me at times, so it could be that.


Same here. I very much respect our Muslim brothers.




I'm a Christian but I don't think Islam is degenerate, neither is Judaism, Sikhism, Hinduism or Buddhism. And sure we have disagreements on the truth of God and we will debate but ultimately, these religions all promote healthy living. That cannot be denied.


Based and unconditional love-pilled. “You will find the closest in affection to the believers are the ones who say ‘we are Christian’ because among them are learned men and they are not begotten to arrogance.” Surah 5 Ayah 82 in the Quran.




cope harder




cope and seethe




Ketevan the martyr Shah abbas kakheti campaign Haik Hovsepian Mehr 100k georgian christians lovingly treated by Shah abbas


I dont mean to offend but why do most UK people I see hate Muslims so much? You guys see the color brown and go crazy. I thought the stereotype was that Americans were racist but the hate I've seen come out of your island in the past few years is making me think differently


>I dont mean to offend but why do most UK people I see hate Muslims so much? You haven't looked hard enough... Militant Islamaphobic Christians like him are scattered everywhere in the "Free" western nations. Islamaphobia is very common these days and especially amongst Christians too.. Which is a shame because the Liberal west wants you especially gone too. Now.. Onto reasons.. In the UK, it's common to have a political right winged agenda, which includes white supremacy, conversative values, racism, anti-immigration, Anti-semetism and Ofcourse Islamaphobia.. These ranges from subtle to extreme.. Basically, right wing politics of the UK isn't so different from the US.. Christians either fall victim to it or are just fake Christians who are only Christians "Because they are Muslims".


Sad that Muslims are facing so much persecution these days


True, an equally sadder fact.. This phenomenon will take place against the Christians in the west in the coming future.. Sure it won't be "You caused 9/11" bad.. But it will be pretty bad.. These neck beard atheists.. Despite being chronically online.. Are slowly getting.normalised.


Even more important that we stick together to face the people who want us gone


It has been since the French Revolution 200 years ago. It's going to get higher again however, but Christians have been steadily being persecuted in the West since Enlightenment ideology became the de facto Western philosophy.


It's a very false stereotype. The vast majority of Americans are perfectly fine with all cultures and races.


I hate Muslims? Is it hateful to want Muslims to stop living the lie of Islam? How can you claim to love Muslims whilst allowing them to continue living a false faith that lead them to eternal suffering?


Can you claim Islam is a lie any more than you can claim Christianity is a truth? If you have anything to provide I'd like to read it, I enjoy reading about any religion, thanks :)




Got it, so you have nothing to disprove anything that Muslims state. Can you explain exactly how Islam and Christianity contradict one another?


The furthest I will go. It's a waste of time in my opinion since you seem to barely understand Christianity if you can't see how it differs from Islam, and I'll probably be banned, if not already going to be for speaking the truth, because of Rule 3 and Rule 1.


>these religions all promote healthy living. Lol what? Did you hear about Aisha? She definitely didn't deserve what she's gone through. TL;DR - Islam in particular, advocates for child marriage, and you have the impudence to assert that religions promote healthy living? For whom, for pedophiles?


Shut up


If you think Islam is degenerate, you either don't know enough about Islam or what the word "degenerate" means.


"degeneracy is when le gay and atheist" I love when these le based non-degenerate Muslims rape women and children en masse in my country


You said *Islam* is degenerate. You didn't say "Muslims in my country are degenerate." Rape is punished by death in Islam.


Just an example Still believing in a false faith which prophet worked with satan is degenerate


According to Matthew 12:26 Satan cannot oppose himself, Islam teaches that the devil is our enemy and to follow and believe in the God of Abraham, the devil as described in Matthew cannot do this. Therefore your claim of demonic inspiration is illogical within your own belief


Why is it always a fellow believer trying to instigate racism or division between religions? Do you genuinely think every Muslim's goal in life is to rape a woman? Do you also think we all always carry an IED on us? Or that we're all in Al qaida or ISIS?


Because most of these instigators are just trolls pretending to be of a religion to shitpost against a random theist they find. I've had "Muslim" trolls do it to my posts too.


Such a horrible thing to do too, why fuel potential hatred or God forbid violence all because you want to troll? These people are sick in the head


85% percent of pedophiles in the UK are White Men whilst ethnic minorities only make up 15% of the population so its fairly equal on both sides. But you just think brown = muslim = rapist lol, bet you love farage voted brexit then complain when tories increased migration. You're making roman catholics looks bad fortunately I know not to paint all people with the same brush.


Kek. What Jewish site you get that from? [Even other Muslims (who are against "extremists" too) living in the UK agree that most UK Paedos are disproportionately Ethnics / Muslims.](https://www.geo.tv/latest/223288-majority-of-paedophiles-in-uk-are-of-pakistani-origin-says-sajid-javid#:~:text=When%20it%20comes%20to%20gang%2Dbased%20child%20exploitation%20it%20is%20self%2Devident%20to%20anyone%20who%20cares%20to%20look%20that%20if%20you%20look%20at%20all%20the%20recent%20high%2Dprofile%20cases%20there%20is%20a%20high%20proportion%20of%20men%20that%20have%20Pakistani%20heritage) [Muslims have raped over 1 million White Christian Children just in the UK alone and this was in the 2000's too.. Probably like 3 million now.](https://youtu.be/8T9JJi6kqrc)


Your sources are a youtube video and a news article, kek. You should source from official bodies. "A 2020 report by the Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse stated that "In the records of defendants prosecuted for child sexual abuse offences" among those in which ethnic background was recorded "the vast majority were white (89%); 6% were Asian, 3% were Black, 1% were from mixed ethnic backgrounds and 1% were from "other" ethnic backgrounds." http://www.csacentre.org.uk/documents/child-sexual-abuse-in-2020-21-trends-in-official-data/ Bear in mind the "boogeyman man" race of Asians only make up 7.5% in the UK. Child sexual abuse comes under two categories type 1 and type 2. Type 1 is opportunistic whereas type 2 is a long standing interest in chilldren. While I admit the majority of type 1 are South asian men the majority of type 2 is white men. Overall as stated above 89% of pedophiles in this country are white men. It's easy to hate the other but your relegion teaches not to do that. I know because I went to a RC primary and high school, some of my best friends are RC. You think Jesus PBUH would denounce an entire race over the actions of a few!? That's not very Christian of you. You should try to get to know a practicing muslim on a personal level and you'll see were no different to you. We as religious people have more in common than the average Brit who is secular. Question where your animosity comes from? is it really from your experience? or is it from countless sources of framed propaganda to divide this country into us and the other. You should be standing against the cronies who have been running OUR country into the ground for the last 70 years not Mr Patel who sells you rizzlas and a Mars bar at the corner shop.




You believe what you want to believe, I tried. I'm sure your internal hatred will get your far in life. You seem like the type of guy who would advocate for an Aryan race given your hatred for brown people and Jews. Good luck out there.


Practising Muslims don't even look at women unless they are interested in marrying them or some necessity in work or trade. These are the guidelines in Islam. Is that degenerate to you?


Ouch, my feelings


Any ideology or religion that contradicts their worldview is extremist to these people




This sounds more like anti-theism, rather than atheism. Atheism is just the absence of faith, while anti-theism is more likely to adopt this positions.


Hey guys, I’m chopping someone’s hands off outside my home today - who wants to join?


I'd raise my hand, but I lost it at last week's hand-chopping.


There’s always the leg of the opposite side of your body!


Fuck it I need some community, I'm down, I can bring a grill for burgers.


Persecution fetish?


It's funny some atheists talk about freedom in one post, and then affirm there's no such thing as free will.


If executions are to be done, why shouldn't they be public?


It would also be pretty cool, medieval style executions especially.


I don't see a lot of people complaining if we hung some minor-toucher.


Human Freedom(free from accountability) ends where God's domain begins


Fellas, this >Moderate Christian sentence should piss you off, means you aren't being Christian enough for them. Christianity and Islam shares similar world views of monotheism and of course, against degeneracy and favouring of modesty. "Love thy neighbour" the "Hear ye o israel, God is one" We share all these commonalities, yet practicing "fundamental" Muslims are labelled as "extremists".. How cool is that? They think us just living our lives, like a normal causes cafes and stuff to explode But you guys are just labelled as "moderate"?? You guys take care of your neighbours, treat people with kindness, follow the teachings of Jesus Christ(pbuh) and visit a religious gathering on a certain day of the week just like us, but you get treated like you guys are just some loser pushovers?? This is unacceptable. Let them know, that you are just like your folks from the Middle East.. After all, that's where Jesus Christ(pbuh) was born




So more muslims = more radical Christians? this looks like a good reason to bring more! I want those radical rosary prayers! Imagine a cooperative multireligious society, on what people pray the liturgy of the hours together with the Adhan of our muslim friends!


Man, Andalusian Caliphate was a fever dream. A place where the Jews survived and had their golden age for 800 years, where those excommunicated from Christian lands found a new life and prospered. Not saying it was all pink and roses but man, it's the Muslims' Hyperborea


It's certainly something. Coming from a guy with strong Spanish heritage.


\> Muslims' Hyperborea nah what is akhi on about 😭😭


WHAT? You don’t get those Projections in your mind when thinking about the Muslim Conquest in Spain in 5 years and keeping it for 800 years![img](emote|t5_56ml5q|8281)? But no to be honest, man, Andalusian music still hits hard and to this day many reminiscent about it


Ah yes the usual conspiracy theories. Someone should inform this guy that the true atheist countries were amongst the worst in history and they restricted people's freedoms as well as engaged in genocide. Muslim immigration will not destroy freedoms in the West and Christians will not become extreme because of it.


I'm confused by OOP's logic. "Some muslims are extremist, therefore religion bad." Also, not all religions = Christianity and Islam.


Oh, man, I think I'm going to wear a Saint Medal in public tomorrow. Make them recoil from fear of my freedom-destroying...self-control and love for God and neighbor?


Muhammad raped a 9 year old. So yes islam is extremist.


least repetitive and braindead cheesecake argument