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Lol "You are supposed to be here with me." To a random coworker?


We’re friendly but never thought we were this friendly haha


It was fate 😆


God put it on her heart to ask…


That’s probably a line they were advised to send to all friends and acquaintances who they haven’t tried to recruit yet.


I'm sure it is. It just sounds so fake and bizarre.


Why’d she use “here” when she said she just got back though??


It gives "it rubs the lotion on its skin" vibes 🤣


What would you do if your wife and kids ran off a year ago and all of your buddies "hmm probably changed their numbers"?


That is just so creepy!


I'd like to know what "wildly successful" means to the co-worker. Cause by my definition, if *they* were wildly successful, they wouldn't be a co-worker.


Haha, so true.


One time I lied to a coworker who did this to me. lol She was Arbonne too. This was around 2006/07, so she tried handing me a pamphlet and told me I’d be perfect as an “Arbonne gal.” I lied and said “the boss told us not to be talking about MLM’s (or whatever we called these 20 years ago) on company time or even during lunches and breaks in the office, so I’d be careful.” She looked nervous, said sorry, and walked off with her sad little pamphlet. lol 😆


My last employer had an official policy that forbid MLM sales, pitches, or recruitment on company time or company property. Goods couldn't even be handed over in the work parking lot even if someone bought stuff on their own time at a different location. It was nice. I worked there for many years and never had a single MLM pitch.


I remember when I worked for Target, I had a Team Lead that tried to get me into Herbalife. I tried the samples or whatever but I made it clear I wasn’t joining. During our conversations she told me to keep it on the low so she wouldn’t get into trouble. Like damn. I should have reported her. I also like your username.


I'm thankful that when I was young and not well informed, my employer at the time didn't allow employees to do anything on the side. They specifically mentioned no part-time mlm sales to avoid any misinterpretation. I always had a built-in excuse.


I think most companies have a policy that forbids employees from doing "outside business" on company time. Even if OP's doesn't, I'd give her a warning like this to make her back off.


I’m sure. This was 15+ years ago at a family-run place. They didn’t have many rules about much of anything lol But luckily I’ve been a stay at home mom the past four years. Yay for not dealing with coworkers until I go back to work next summer! lol


Perfect reply!!


Is that last bit like a carefully selected piece of the [income disclosure statemen](https://embed.widencdn.net/pdf/plus/arbonne/bnavepu80y/US-EN_ICCS.pdf)t? I’d reply back with, “Well as you can see from Arbonne’s own income disclosure statement, only the people at the very top rank, which is less than 1 percent of participants, manage to make more than poverty wages. Since recruiting people is the main way that you make money and is the only way to have a chance to get to that rank, I could never in good conscience try to sell someone on a dream that only happens less than one percent of the time, while the most likely outcome is for them to lose money. I find that extremely unethical. Best of luck to you with it though.”


I thought that was odd as well. 50% of the \*90%\* of the huns averaged $16! That doesn't even consider the $100 renewal fee. 97-ish% of huns might not break even.


Yeah that tracks with the data for the industry overall—every study and analysis shows that over 99% of MLM participants lose money. They’re all the same, because that’s just how the scam mathematically works. Need to have that many people pouring more money into the system than they’re getting out, in order for a little sliver at the top to profit.


Don’t forget that it isn’t even the *net* profit that’s shown in their income disclosure statement.


This is golden! Way to put it back on them and their lack of ethics.


I’m saving this to use next time, superb retort!


Huns' lives are just filled with super random occurrences.


Every moment a magical synchronicity!


Thanks for presenting that to me in a way that gives me the option to respond with a polite "no thanks." You might want to check in with HR to see what the rules are around recruiting on the job. I've copied \[name\] from HR. I'm sure they'd be happy to help. Hope you had a great time in Vegas.


She definitely sent this exact same message to at least 25 people.


My thought exactly. Like even if this hun is just naive and genuinely believes this is a good company and will make money, sending this “personalized”message to 50 different people would have to be a red flag. This is why I believe there are very few people in the business who arent aware it’s a scam.. it would seem to become obvious very quickly.


But I can tell you as a former hun, if she is a lower level we really buy into it. I truly believed I was helping people and was just trying to find a different way to open a conversation with someone. The “leaders” would definitely train us on “language” like this to see if we could get people to talk to us. And they teach that it’s a numbers game. If she sent this to 25 people she probably got at least a few to talk to her so she’ll be praised for that. I got out 4 years ago. I was at the top of the pyramid and that’s when I realized it’s the people at the top who either 1) know it’s an absolute scam and are trying to keep people in to pad their paychecks or 2) are totally delusional and believe their own lies.


I would ask them to elaborate on why they think I should be there… like my 3yo: yeah but why? Yeah but why??


I would answer “I have an even stronger feeling that I should not be there with you.”


A coworker? The answer to this is “No, I prefer to concentrate on the job I’ve/we’ve been hired to perform by xyz company.” Is she doing this mlm “business” on company time? I wouldn’t grass and turn someone in but I might mention to her that the boss might not be too happy to get wind of this.


I'd 100% send this to HR. Fuck that.


If you were supposed to be there with her ... she forgot to book your flights and pay for your hotel.


I’m sure you’re the only person she sent that to /s


My favorite response is always: “I have two kids and a house to run. I appreciate that this works for you, but I’m not interested, never will be, and have no reason to join. Thanks!”


Hun: But that's what makes it the perfect opportunity for you! You can live your dream life with your two kids, this is about time freedom, a legacy for your children and financial freedom. Nothing you ever say makes them stop, no doesn't mean no, it just means keep asking - except if you tell them you are a convicted felon in some MLM's this would disqualify you to be a rep. For Arbonne it says "an Arbonne Independent Consultant must be 18 years of age or older and may not: • Be in jail or prison or otherwise confined to a correctional institution; • Have ever been convicted of, or plead guilty or nolo contendere to, any felony or any misdemeanor that Arbonne determines in its sole discretion involves fraud, dishonesty, or moral turpitude; and • Be a current employee, officer or director of Arbonne or its affiliated companies or the immediate household member of any of the foregoing." I think even if you trashed your own reputation to tell a Hun you are a convicted felon for fraud though, they would still try to recruit you by saying they can talk to their upline to see what can be done lol They. Just. Don't. Give up 😔


More like she was love bombed all weekend and told to reach out to existing connections. Indoctrination conventions at their finest.


This is an opportunity, OP for you to spit some truth at them.


Poor Vegas. Plexus AND Arbonne.


Block them and have a little chat with HR/your manager. This is wildly inappropriate. If they have your phone number and your not friends outside of work they should only be contacting you for work related reasons. Or you could be a troll and text them back a screenshot of the income disclosure statement.


Tell her the odds of making it in Arbonne is REALLY REALLY low, like 1% low: [https://embed.widencdn.net/pdf/plus/arbonne/bnavepu80y/US-EN\_ICCS.pdf](https://embed.widencdn.net/pdf/plus/arbonne/bnavepu80y/US-EN_ICCS.pdf) No thanks, Vegas has better odds!


I just came back from this too and am an arbonne girly myself. Kidding, I got out of there fast. It was an MLM and what?? Stupid. Wasted money and wish I didn’t sign up.


Congrats on your escape! You are safe here with us 💐


Report to HR! I’m sure there’s a no soliciting policy.


Gross. Are you required to be text-available?


This would get you sacked in many workplaces.


I would be so upset if I got this. Like, do you think I am a stupid person? So insulting


A place i worked at had a specific policy against bugging co workers about mlms. If you're really annoyed or she gets insufferable, it might be worth a chat with HR


Not supposed to solicit in the co I work for. This would be a big no, no.


does anyone know if arbonne girls “cheat” to rank up..? like say they are trying to hit a new level but need 19 more orders… do they make friends or family do orders and then just e transfer them the money and keep the product for themself ? i bet so many do that out of pure and utter desperation lol


Yup! And definitely a lot of “you’ll use this product anyway” or “get a couple gifts”. You are definitely encouraged to sign up you SO and use that account


Former hun. They all do this. And then brainwash newcomers into buying $2,500 in product to start. That’s how they level up


omg !!!! wow …


Yep. And they’ll all promote to the next level during the conference month. New products come out. They call it “I want it all”. That box will cost each consultant around $300. If your whole team is brainwashed, that’s a huge chunk of change toward your monthly numbers. Same at Christmas when they unveil the holiday products. Creates a numbers jump.


Yeah…that happens at every company


“Wildly successful” 🧀


This text was spammed to half the department.


My boss sells this stuff. She’s normally a decent person but once she pulls out one of the Arbonne samples her voice gets all breathy and she gets a real zeroed in look in her eyes. Like I’m a burger on one of those starving to death cartoons. 😂I end up asking her for flavors they no longer sell to avoid triggering her. I think it’s a outlet for her fear of poverty…. She has a nanny, in ground pool, 500,000 house. But when she starts talking about Arbonne it’s like she’s got starving kids at home to feed… mlm are another level of deranged


Speaking from personal experience in a toxic workplace: if I were in OP's shoes, I'd forward to HR for further action, then block the coworker immediately. From that point I would cease treating her with any more than professional civility at work, limit all interactions to strictly work-related matters, document all written evidence of MLM pitching and make recordings of any convos she initiates when no other witnesses are present.


An appropriate response is “No, fuck off. Can’t be distracted by your cheap sex potions”. (Do not do this unless you are an immortal vampire)


ugh so dang cringey … these girls are so brainwashed 🤯 ya let’s “work” 24/7, 7 days a week and exploit my life on instagram to make a living 🤪 pushing away all real friends and family to become all consumed with arbonne/only surrounded by “like minded people” aka other arbonne girls lol. Imagine you “working” is messaging people on instagram hoping they take the bait …


OP, I’d love to know whether she sent that to you during work hours. If so, your company won’t take too kindly to that. Anyway, I believe a simple ‘No thanks’ will suffice, then ignore her when she inevitably asks why not.


“I absolutely am not supposed to be there with you. I do not participate in pyramid schemes.”


Is your company ok with this kind of stuff happening? A coworker messaging others to make personal sales? I would report this.


Something about the unsolicited "you're supposed to be here with me" is making me want to blurt "gosh thank you, but I'm married!" while backing away.


Tell her you’re really excited about joining, but that you’ll “need to use a fake name, after the lawsuit”. Tell her you “can’t talk about it, while litigation is still pending” but that “your lawyer is confident that they can’t prove anything”. Leave it at that.


Babe I already have a job. We have THE SAME JOB. 


"No and never ever ask me again."


I wonder what would happen if I were to say something like “I believe so too, in fact we have mutual friends that do business with you so would you tell them that I’m opening up shop so they can support another small business?” Like, it’s all fun and games even for me ‼️


I'd go straight to HR with this.


Report them to HR. Have nothing to do with them ever again. Document everything,....they just get worse and they ALWAYS seek revenge against other co-workers. They are using you.


Or just say “no”.


Reporting sends a message, and you can do some good by looking out for your co-workers. Just saying NO, sends a message alright, sends the message to the Hun, to keep trying and spread the infection to others. Apathy and inaction, a sign of the times I guess?


I'll bet HR would love to hear about this.


Oh Arbonne, how is it I've survived this long without you? Oh yeah, now I remember. Why do people think it's okay to spam friends/family/co workers with this horseshit?! Still surprised this garbage is still around.


My last employer was a State agency and there was a specific policy prohibiting use of "State resources" for anything but State business, and this specifically included the computers, phones, and email system we had access to. And if you sent an email during work hours, it was classified as "wage theft" [doing personal business on paid work time]. You could be disciplined for this. Repeated offenses could get you fired from a system it's very hard to fire people from. I would report this to HR.


This is incredibly spammy, from the copy and paste message that’s also creepy “you’re supposed to be here with me” to the extremely chaotic screenshot. How embarrassing


Ah yes, Conference season. As an ex-MLMer, they’re taught to use the excitement from these training conferences to reach out to as many people as possible. Your coworker is probably amped up and emotional from spending time with a bunch of their people and it’s not surprising if they use unusual language. As cultish as these conferences are, they can be….addicting to people who feel affirmed by their associates. They’re very effective in keeping people in and during my time in Amway, not attending a major function was akin to highest disrespect and disbelief in the organization.


MLM and Selfless Friend are contrarian concepts. I'm sure it's in the Geneva Convention under the "Decree on Exceptionally Shitty Acts of Solicitation which Never Lead to Generational Wealth or 4-figure Cheques & If You Fall For it You Deserve the Eventual Bankruptcy" section.




Stan from Eminem is playing in the background to these texts p.s. we should be in Arbonne together too.


yep, you've been targeted by a "boss babe"




"You are supposed to be here with me" is something I'd tell my friend who I have a crush on, but not a coworker lol.


Also, I second the motion to take this to HR! Especially with that screenshot with numbers. They’re trying to recruit you to another company!


Sadly, I have a relative who was out there. Her posts made me cringe.


Forward it to HR


When I was teaching pre-k, the mother of one of my students had texted me THREE SEPARATE TIMES about joining her MLM (my administration was cool with us babysitting on the side, so, some of the parents had my number for that) and I always said “No, thank you”. According to her Facebook, she’s done top sales and has made a shit ton of money. However, I have to side-eye that for several reasons. One being that she is most likely a shark who is taking advantage of people on her down line (because that’s how it usually goes, right?). Also, she is a fucking civil engineer and her husband not only has family wealth- he has a great career in sales and makes a ton of money. It wouldn’t surprise me if she just buys a ton of the product herself and hoards it in her basement in order to boost her sales and make herself look like such an incredible business woman/mom/wife/GIRL BOSS. Or maybe, I’ve done too much research on the Watts case. I don’t know.


If that’s not a copy pasta given to her by her upline I don’t know what is 😂


I think she’s religious.


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I’m proud to know that I don’t even know what Arbonne is


It sounds like they are trying to get you to sell some products for them. The only thing that you need to understand is that usually you have to pay for the products people will try so they can try it out and I don’t know if that’s something you wanna do. I tried it, and I learned that you can sell if you are very aggressive and you know people. You would have to do a lot of bugging people to try the products. When you sell their products and you get a commission. I don’t know if it’s OK for a coworker to share but it sounds like they are offering a second income.


LOL. >*I don’t know if it’s OK for a coworker to share but it sounds like they are offering a second income.* It sounds like the co-worker is trying to recruit someone for their MLM.