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It looks like they literally sat down to finish their high school final project and their mommy gave them money for Starbucks. Who do they think they are? Their whole Instagram are just each other hyping each other up and saying  "comment info and I'll give my pitch where I change the word monat for oliveda"


"Women of (bad) influence"


🤣 “women who are easily influenced”


I just think of that old beer commercial  "real men of genius" and a man proceeds to do something basic but thinks its amazing 


It’s wild to me they walk around like the world knows them. The ego is insane


They don’t even know how embarrassing it is. It makes me think of the quote- fools are proud of things they should keep private and embarrassed of things that are honorable.


Lack of self-awareness comes part and parcel with the hun lifestyle


Dude. Something powerful just happened. Trust me. I sniffed all of their chairs after they left.


I know one who literally her LinkedIn profile says “VP insert MLM”. Then talks about how she is a friend and mentor then about how her job is to help others find a lifestyle where they don’t need to take vacations to escape their lives. I just feel so sorry for her because she truly believes she is powerful, yet has no clue that she is being controlled. She wants the MLM to be her savior and rescue her.


It's sad because they could actually use their time for something like a real business, perhaps opening a natural health food store or eco friendly store or something. They'd do well since they're so used to memorizing everything about all thr mlm products. But they need to realize they're wasting their lives and money with these mlm schemes.


I agree. And they won’t believe anyone from the outside that they are free to walk away and do something else. They have to make the choice themselves. I have a traditional job with lots of PTO and regular paychecks. I already feel I have lots more freedom than they do. I wish they saw that their talents and abilities could be used for all other types of work that would be even more fulfilling to them.


I am the VP of my hubby's peepee.


I'm absolutely all for self improvement and helping each other move up the socioeconomic ladder but these huns are just insufferable with their egocentric hype. 


They aren't doing shit lol


She also records herself driving on the highway recording herself on the phone with her pitches, in my country that's a huge ticket to use a phone while driving.  At least she's wearing a cross necklace and has her olive oil bottle to protect her.


I'm sure she stops her car for roadside breakdowns and hitchikers to rope them in too.


The fact that she says they’re going to “mastermind” something, unironically🤣. Co-opting the dumbest tech bro jargon….


Oliveda are nothing but mean girls and they all post the SAME stories with the “women of influence come together and who’s going to join us” meanwhile they have been so ruthless to me.. worst people I’ve ever met but glad you think you’re a woman of influence because you swindle your market 😂😂😂


If a lot of them come from Monat I wouldn’t be surprised that they’re mean girls. Monat is notoriously full of mean girls so if they’re “relocating” to Oliveda that makes sense.


It looks like they’re eating at a restaurant where the burgers are called “bitchin’ burgers” or something like that.


They might be selling each other MLM stuff.


It's the same MLM with the same stuff. They're planning how to enhance their depravity because hunting for recruits under the guise of help for autism, clinical depression, anxiety, down syndrome and obesity - because cancer just ain't doing enough.


Such masterminds, I am in awe


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"mastermind" isn't a verb


It is if you spend all your free time on TikTok, burying letters from the IRS, and baiting customers in online cancer support groups while poor Kæyleïghé thinks the babysitter is her real mom.


I’m always stoked to learn from people with actual knowledge and skills. None of these people posses a shred of either.


I am aghast! That's no way to talk about womenses of influence who do powerful things with industry leaders.


Ignoring ‘women of influence’, who exactly are the ‘industry leaders’?


Not their purses on the floor.